Skaneateles Conservation Area/Invasive species/Potamogeton crispus

Potamogeton crispus (curly-leaf pondweed) edit

Curly-leaf pondweed (Potamogeton crispus) is a submerged perennial aquatic weed from Europe, Africa, and Australia that invades both shallow and deep water, including ponds at the conservation area. It is one of the first pond weeds observed each season but often dies off early, depleting oxygen levels in the ponds.[1]

Description edit

Leaves are about a half inch wide and 1 to 3 inches long, arranged spirally around the stem. Stems may reach up to about 30 inches in length.[1]

Observations of Potamogeton crispus at the SCA edit

The following photographs and corresponding iNaturalist observations of Potamogeton crispus were made at or very near the Skaneateles Conservation Area. Click on images to enlarge and read details on Wikimedia Commons or on the "iNat obs" links to view the corresponding observations at iNaturalist.