Signetics 2650 & 2636 programming/Tutorial code - programming colours

Tutorial code - Programming colours


This is the code for the tutorial Programming colours

; Tutorial  Colours
        org     0
reset_vector:                   ; the microprocessor starts here when the reset button is pressed
        bcta,un reset
        org     3
interrupt_vector:               ; interrupts shouldn't happen, but we set this just in case
                                ;initialise program status word, just to be sure!
        ppsu    intinhibit      ;inhibit interrupts
        cpsu    stackpointer    ;stack pointer=%000
        cpsl    registerselect  ;register bank 0
        cpsl    withcarry       ;without carry
        cpsl    compare         ;arithmetic compare

        eorz    r0
        stra,r0 effects         ;initialise the 74LS378
        stra,r0 objectsize      ;all objects size 0
        bsta,un DefineObjects   ;define all objects 
        bsta,un DefineGrid      ;define the grid
        lodi,r0 $67
        stra,r0 score12
        lodi,r0 $89
        stra,r0 score34
        lodi,r0 %00001110       ;  X / 000              /   1     / 110
        stra,r0 backgnd         ;    / black background / enabled / yellow screen
        bsta,un Vsync0          ; make sure VRST hasn't started
        bsta,un Vsync1          ; wait for VRST to start
        eorz    r0
        stra,r0 effects         ; !invert = 0  
        stra,r0 scoreformat     ; 2 + 2 score digits at top  (see Tutorial......)
        lodi,r0 %00010101       ; XX  /  010        /   101
        stra,r0 colours12       ;     / obj1 magenta / obj2 green
        lodi,r0 %00111000       ; XX  /  111        /   000
        stra,r0 colours34               ;     / obj 3 black / 4 white
        bsta,un Vsync0          ; wait for VRST to end 
        lodi,r1 1
        bsta,un WaitObj         ; wait for object 4 to complete  (see Tutorial......)
        lodi,r0 $20
        stra,r0 effects         ; !invert = 1
        lodi,r0 3
        stra,r0 scoreformat     ; 4 score digits at bottom
        bctr,un endless

; subroutine  -  define shapes and position of all objects
                        ; (see Tutorial......)
        lodi,r3 $0A
        lodi,r0 $FF
        stra,r0 shape1,r3-      ; create rectangular shapes
        stra,r0 shape2,r3
        stra,r0 shape3,r3
        stra,r0 shape4,r3
        brnr,r3 loopDS
        lodi,r0 40              ; set their positions
        stra,r0 hc1
        stra,r0 hcd1
        lodi,r0 60
        stra,r0 hc2
        stra,r0 hcd2
        lodi,r0 80              
        stra,r0 hc3
        stra,r0 hcd3
        lodi,r0 100
        stra,r0 hc4
        stra,r0 hcd4
        lodi,r0 88
        stra,r0 vc1
        stra,r0 voff1
        stra,r0 vc2
        stra,r0 voff2
        stra,r0 vc3
        stra,r0 voff3
        stra,r0 vc4
        stra,r0 voff4
; subroutine  -  define background grid
                        ; (see Tutorial......)
        lodi,r0 $FF
        stra,r0 $1f80
        stra,r0 $1fa4
        lodi,r0 $FE
        stra,r0 $1f81
        stra,r0 $1fa5

        lodi,r3 $81
    lodi,r0     $80
        stra,r0 $1f00,r3+
        lodi,r0 $01
        stra,r0 $1f00,r3+
        comi,r3 $a3
        bcfr,eq loopDG
        lodi,r0 $01
        stra,r0 $1fa8
        lodi,r0 $08
        stra,r0 $1fac
        lodi,r0 $00
        stra,r0 $1fa9
        stra,r0 $1faa
        stra,r0 $1fab
        stra,r0 $1fa6
        stra,r0 $1fa7
; subroutine - wait for vertical reset to clear
                        ; (see Tutorial......)
        tpsu    sense
        bctr,eq Vsync0          ; wait for Sense bit to clear
; subroutine - wait for vertical reset to set
        tpsu    sense           ; wait for Sense bit to be set
        bctr,lt Vsync1
;subroutine - wait for object to finish
                        ; (see Tutorial......)
;  enter with r1=mask for bit to be tested:
;       obj1=$08, obj2=$04, obj3=$02, obj4=$01
        loda,r0 objectstatus
        andz    r1
        bctr,eq waitobj