Signetics 2650 & 2636 programming/Bibliography


  • Signetics 2650 Microprocessor. Hardware Specifications - Assembler Language - Software Simulator - Appendixes. [1]
  • Phillips 2650 Series Datasheet. [2]
  • Signetics 2650 User Manual. [3]
  • Signetics 2650 Overview. [4]
  • Signetics Programmable Video Interface 2636. [5]

Commentary on 2650

  • An introduction to microcomputers, vol 2, chap 11, The Signetics 2650A. Adam Osborne. [6]
  • Signetics 2650: An IBM on a Chip, The CPUshack museum. [7]

Other resources

  • Emerson Arcadia 2001 Central, supporting all Signetics 2650-based machines, (Interton VC 4000, Elektor TV Games Computer, et al.) [8]
  • Work on the Central Data board [9]