Science: An Elementary Teacher’s Guide/Chemistry Quiz

<quiz display=simple> {What are the three states of matter? |type="()"} + solid, liquid, gas - matter, mass, volume - crust, mantle, core - liquid, air, solid

{The nucleus of an atom consists of what? |type="()"} + Protons and Neutrons - Electrons and Neutrons - Electrons and Protons - Protons, Neutrons and Electrons

{What is mass? |type="()"} - It is the weight of an object - It is the shape of an object - It is the chemical make up of an object + It is the quantity or property of matter

{The law of conservation of energy states that... |type="()"} - Energy cannot be transferred - Energy only comes from the sun + Energy can neither be created nor destroyed - Neither of the above

{Inertia can be defined as the tendency to remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by some external force. |type="()"} - False. + True.

{Inertia is not the same as the First Law of Motion. |type="()"} + False. - True.

{What is the smallest particle of a substance that has all the properties of a substance? |type="()"} - Gas - Matter + Molecule - Compound

{When two or more different kinds of atoms chemically combine to form a new substance, it is called what? |type="()"} - Solution + Compound - Mixture - Element

{Matter composed of a single type of atom is known as a |type="()"} - Element + Mineral - Molecule - Compound

{Which of the following is a particle found in the nucleus of an atom and that has no electrical charge? |type="()"} - Electron + Neutron - Element - Proton

{What is the symbol for carbon? |type="()"} - CA - CN + C - Ar

{A cubed ice would be considered a |type="()"} - Liquid + Solid - Gas - Plasma

{The gravitational force on an object is |type="()"} - Mass - Inertia - Compound + Weight

{How many elements does the periodic table contain? |type="()"} - 120 elements - 115 elements + 118 elements - 110 elements

{How is the arrangement different between periods and groups? |type="()"} - Periods are in vertical rows and groups in horizontal rows. + Periods are in horizontal rows and groups in vertical rows. - Periods are in the left side and groups are in the right side. - Periods are in the right side and groups are in the left side.

{Milk turns sour. This is a ________________ |type="()"} + Chemical Change - Physical Change - Chemical Property - Physical Property - None of the above

{HCl being a strong acid is a __________, Wood sawed in two is ___________ |type="()"} - Chemical Change, Physical Change - Physical Change, Chemical Change + Chemical Property, Physical Change - Physical Property, Chemical Change - None of the above

{CuSO4 is dissolved in water but does not react with it |type="()"} - Chemical Change + Physical Change - Chemical Property - Physical Property - None of the above

{Aluminum Phosphate has a density of 2.566 g/cm3 |type="()"} - Chemical Change - Physical Change - Chemical Property + Physical Property - None of the above

{Which of the following are examples of matter? |type="()"} - A Dog - Carbon Dioxide - Ice Cubes - copper (II) nitrate - A Moving Car + All of the above

{The formation of gas bubbles when vinegar is combined with baking soda is a sign of what type of change? |type="()"} + Chemical Change - Physical Change

{True or False: Bread rising is a physical property. |type="()"} - True + False

{True or False: Dicing potatoes is a physical change. |type="()"} + True - False

{True or False: Sunlight is matter |type="()"} - True - False + Light has some but not all properties of the definition of matter. See this question {The mass of lead is a _____________property. |type="()"} - Chemical + Physical 26 True/False: Energy is the ability to do work