SPM/SPM12 MEX Compilation on Windows


Compilation of SPM12 on Windows 10 edit

This page describes the compilation of SPM12 MEX files on Windows 10 with MATLAB R2018b (9.5) and MSYS2 MinGW-w64 GCC.

If you use other versions of MATLAB and/or compiler, make sure that they are compatible: Supported compilers

Installation of MSYS2/MinGW-w64 edit

Download and install MSYS2 from:


in directory C:\msys64. Then, from MSYS2, type:

pacman -Syu
pacman -Su
pacman -S --needed base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain

Configuration of MATLAB compilation environment edit

Start MATLAB and type:

>> setenv('MW_MINGW64_LOC', 'C:\msys64\mingw64')
>> mex -setup
MEX configured to use 'MinGW64 Compiler (C)' for C language compilation.

Do not worry if there is a warning:

 Warning: The MATLAB C and Fortran API has changed to support MATLAB ...

Compilation edit

In MSYS2, move to the SPM12 source directory with

$ cd  /c/Documents and Settings/login/Documents/MATLAB/spm12/src

then set the PATH appropriately

$ PATH=/c/Program\ Files/MATLAB/R2018b/bin/win64:${PATH}
$ export MW_MINGW64_LOC=/c/msys64/mingw64/
$ PATH=/c/msys64/mingw64/bin/:${PATH}

and then type the following to start the compilation process

$ make distclean
$ make && make install
$ make external-distclean
$ make external && make external-install

Notes for compilation with MSYS2 for Octave edit

Install mingw-w64-octave

$ pacman -S mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-octave

then start Octave with:

$ /mingw64/bin/octave --gui

and compile with:

$ cd('/c/Documents and Settings/<login>/Documents/MATLAB/spm12/src');
$ system('make distclean PLATFORM=octave');
$ system('make PLATFORM=octave && make install PLATFORM=octave');
$ system('make external-distclean PLATFORM=octave');
$ system('make external PLATFORM=octave && make external-install PLATFORM=octave');