SPM/Installation on SunOS




There are no plans to provide SPM8 or SPM12 MEX files for Solaris SPARC (32 or 64 bit) as these platforms are not supported by MathWorks any more, see MATLAB Roadmap.



Precompiled MEX files for Solaris SPARC (*.mexsol and *.mexs64) are available in the latest update.



Download spm5.zip in your home directory then type the following in a Terminal:

cd /home/login
unzip spm5.zip

Start MATLAB and add SPM into your path, either using File > Set Path > Add Folder... or typing

addpath /home/login/spm5

in MATLAB's workspace.



In a Terminal, from the src folder of your SPM5 installation, type:

cd /home/login/spm5/src
make distclean
make && make install



The following is a description of how to compile SPM2 to run nicely with MATLAB 7 (service pack 1) on a SUN running Solaris 9 with the gcc compiler installed. The standard Makefile that came with SPM2 didn't quite work; partly because it was expecting you to use the cc compiler that comes with Solaris.

Setting up compiling for MATLAB7


Copy the "gccopts.sh" file from $MATLAB_HOME_DIR/bin to the SPM2 directory and call it "mexopts.sh". This enables you to easily enter options for mex to use ONLY for compiling SPM2. Lower down you make the changes to the Makefile to tell it to use this mexopts.sh file instead of the default. Make sure this file sets variables like CC='gcc'. You may also need to edit the line for MLIBS to:

 MLIBS="-L/opt/sfw/gcc-3/lib -L/opt/sfw/gcc-3/lib/gcc-lib -L$TMW_ROOT/bin/$Arch -lg2c -lmx -lmex -lmat -lm"

(everything between the quotes should be on one line) Note the extra directories to search for libraries and the "-lg2c" option are new. To be on the safe side also try adding:


Also changing the optimization flags may boost performance. For an UltraSPARCIII cpu you could try the following:

 COPTIMFLAGS='-O3 -funroll-loops -mcpu=v9 -DNDEBUG -DBIGENDIAN'

Getting the linker set up properly needed some searching; try adding the following in the mexopts.sh file

 LDFLAGS="-shared -Wl,-M,$TMW_ROOT/extern/lib/$Arch/$MAPFILE,-R,$GCC_LIBDIR,-R,$EXTRA_LIBDIR"

Editing the Makefile


Try changing the Makefile from:

       make all SUF=mexsol  CC="cc -xO5" MEX="mex COPTIMFLAGS=-xO5"


       make all SUF=mexsol  CC="cc -xO5 -DBIGENDIAN" MEX="mex COPTIMFLAGS=-xO5 -DBIGENDIAN"
# Assumes that gccopts.sh has been copied to mexopts.sh in the current directory
       make all SUF=mexsol  CC="gcc -O3 -funroll-loops -DBIGENDIAN -fPIC"\
               MEX="mex -f ./mexopts.sh"

Again you could also try adding "-mcpu=v9" as an option in the CC variable for UltraSPARCIII cpu You may also need to edit the line

all: verb.$(SUF) $(SPMMEX)


all: verb.$(SUF) archive $(SPMMEX)

As this recompiles the spm_vol_utils.a archive that may otherwise not be compatible with your newly compiled mexsol routines.

and then compiling using:

   make SunOS.gcc

You may have to do:

   make very_clean

first to get this to work. Without doing this you may get a long list of errors when linking.

In order to find out where things might be going wrong you can edit the line above from:

MEX="mex -f ./mexopts.sh"


MEX="mex -n -f ./mexopts.sh"

This will not compile the SPM routines but will tell you want commands mex was going to issue to gcc.