Ruby on Rails/Getting Started/Install on Linux

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Install on Linux


Install or update Ruby


It is important that you get the right version of the language. Versions 1.8.2 and 1.8.4 are recommended. 1.8.3 has problems, and 1.8.5 (the current stable version) runs fine, but you will not be able to use breakpointer for debugging (a very handy tool). So I recommend 1.8.4.

Get it from the official Ruby website

Get it from the SVN repository



For Debian-based systems (Debian, Ubuntu, etc.), your best bet is to type:

sudo apt-get install ruby -t '1.8.4'
sudo apt-get install irb rdoc

This should install the Ruby language interpreter, the RDoc documentation generator, and irb command-line interpreter.

Install RubyGems


You should be able to obtain RubyGems by going to the Gems Website and clicking the "download" link. Choose the proper archive and install.

Install Rails


Get to the command-line and type:

sudo gem install rails --include-dependencies