Reaktor/Tutorials/Reaktor as effects processor/Turning Macros to instruments

Turning Macros to instruments


You can save a macro as an instrument by pasting it or its contents into an empty instrument, as shown below. It will then have its own snapshots and its own panel in panel view.


Your new instrument will appear in a new panel within the ensemble panel window, as shown above. Looks like the panel layout needs some work... Unlock the panel, fix it, lock it again, then save the instrument to a new location. You can repeat the process for any other macros in the same ensemble, or just close it without saving to leave the original unchanged.

You can also convert instruments to macros, by copying and pasting the contents of an instrument into an empty macro, which can be inserted into any instrument. The converted instrument's controls will then show up on any instrument panel that contains that macro, within an outline if desired, as in R4's Banaan Electrique, shown in the previous example, or in GeekFX from the R3 Premium Library, shown here. The converted instrument won't have its own snapshots or snapshot window, but its settings will be stored and recalled by the snapshots of the instrument that contains it.


I almost always prefer to build multi-effect structures from combined instruments instead of assembled macros, as shown below, so that each device in the structure has its own snapshots, controllable with ensemble-level “master” snapshots, and can open a saved snapshot bank from the same device used and tweeked in some other ensemble. This also allows me to take maximum advantage of snapshot morphing and linking, all of which I'll describe in the Snapshot-panel portion of this tutorial. If necessary, I deal with the screen sizes of large, multiple panels by collapsing the instruments as soon as I have a set of snaps I like for each one.


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