Reaktor/Tutorials/Reaktor as effects processor/Acknowledgements...

Acknowledgements... and a reminder


Many thanks, once again, to all those generous and creative souls who contributed to this tutorial effort, and to the many I haven't named who continue to help me see Reaktor's power and possibilities via the several Reaktor on-line forums (there are some good ones at Yahoo and K-V-R, as well as the ones at the NI site). Reaktor users have created an amazing community, and I urge all readers to join in.

Finally, please remember that because Reaktor is such a flexible, open-ended environment, there are certainly many alternative ways to do anything described in this tutorial, and many additional options I haven't even dreamed of. I've simply included here what I thought were the easiest ideas to implement, based on what I could imagine.

So, go boldly forth and invent new stuff... and I hope you'll share your discoveries with the rest of us!