ROSE Compiler Framework/Users

We are aware of the following ROSE users (people who write their own ROSE-based tools). They are the reason of the ROSE's existence. Feel free to add your name if you are using ROSE.


  • University of California, San Diego, CUDA code generator link
  • University of Utah, compiler-based parameterized code transformation for autotuning
  • University of Oregon, performance tool TAU
  • University of Wyoming, OpenMP error checking
  • Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • RENCI (RENaissance Computing Institute)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham iProgress
  • Tohoku University, XML-based AST transformation Xevolver
  • University of Central Florida, Autonomous Transformation of Lock-Free Data Structures

DOE national laboratories

  • Argonne National Laboratory, performance modeling


  • Samsung: its research center at San Jose uses ROSE for multicore research and development.