Text Settings


This section allows you to use HTML or a variety of embedded fonts (selected from a drop down box) and to select a different font or font size for your title or body text to replace the default fonts set up within the theme used.


Use HTML To Format Text


When this option is switched on, you can change the way text is displayed by using HTML formatting.


This will make the text inside the tags bold.


This will make the text inside the tags italic.

<font face="Arial" size="24" color="red">Arial Red at point size 24</font>

This will make the text inside the tags point size 24, color red, font face Arial. Relative sizes can be used - eg -2,-1,+1,+2 to make the text relatively larger or smaller. Absolute sizes can be used also - eg 36. Absolute sizes smaller than 8 are treated as HTML sizes (1 is very small, 7 is very large). Font colors can be HTML colors(red, yellow, white etc) or RGB style colors (color="#FFCCFF")


<p align="center">Center Alignment</p>

This causes a new paragraph to be created and any text in that paragraph to be aligned in the center.


This creates a new line.

E = MC<sup>2</sup> 

This will make the enclosed text appear as a superscript.

The chemical symbol for Oxygen is 0<sub>2</sub>

This will make the enclosed text appear as a subscript

HTML formatting can be used in all text fields with one exception - it cannot be applied to the text that appears on next and back buttons.

Accept Newlines in HTML


If you are using HTML tags in text fields you will need to tick this box so that a new line is started when you use return when entering the text.

Optimize Text for Small Screens


Tick this box if you are creating quizzes for use on portable devices.

Embed Font


When the quiz taker enters text at the keyboard, the quiz can either use a system font or (with this option checked) an embedded font. Using an embedded font guarantees that the font will be used and the chosen characters will be available. You can ensure that all the letters and accents that a user might want to enter are embedded by choosing the right character set for the quiz taker's language.

The embedded font is used in the Fill in the Blank and Essay style questions. It is also used when the user is prompted for Name/UserID at the start of the quiz.

For text entry in Japanese and other languages with large character sets, it is usually better to switch off this option as the number of characters is very large and leads to a very large file size.

Override Title Text Font


Each theme can define a different font to use in the quiz for titles - you can override that selection by choosing your own font here.

Override Title Text Font Size


As well as changing the font used you can also change the default font size for the titles. This could be useful eg if you want to display your quiz using an OHP and need to make sure everyone in the room can read the text.

Override Body Text Font


Each theme can define a different font to use in the quiz for body text - you can override that selection by choosing your own font here.

The body text font is also used for text entry, next and back button text, and generally any text that isn't Title text.

Override Body Text Font Size


You can override the default font size used in the body text. This might be useful eg if you have particularly long questions and have trouble fitting them on to a single page.