Public Digital Backbone/Chapter 5. Building a Public Digital Backbone

5. Building a Public Digital Backbone



“The Digital Infrastructure is not just a network of wires and servers, but a network of minds and ideas.” -Sundar Pichai


In the intricate process of building a national-level Public Digital Backbone, the intellectual capital and research prowess of academia emerge as invaluable assets. This chapter delves into the pivotal role of academic institutions in informing and shaping policy design, underpinned by rigorous research and evidence-based insights. It is necessary to uncover the synergy between academic findings and practical implementations, underscoring how scholarly endeavors can lead to innovative solutions, ensuring seamless flows of people, money, and information within the Public Digital Backbone framework.


Stakeholder collaboration


Stakeholder collaboration is imperative when building Public Digital Backbone, especially in a diverse nation like India. For instance, the Aadhaar project, India's biometric identification system was developed by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) in collaboration with the state governments, technology firms, and grassroots organizations. Another example is the Unified Payments Interface (UPI), a real-time payment system, developed by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) with the support of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Indian Banks' Association (IBA). These initiatives thrived because of the synergy between policymakers, technology providers, and end-users, ensuring widespread adoption and seamless integration into the daily lives of Indian citizens.

Role of government and regulators


The role of the government and regulators in India while building Public Digital Backbone has been instrumental in setting the vision, providing direction, and creating an enabling environment. For instance, the Indian government initiated the Digital India campaign in 2015, aiming to transform India into a digitally empowered society. Another example is the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) developed by the National Payments Corporation of India, a pivotal move by regulators to simplify peer-to-peer money transfers and boost the nation's digital economy. These initiatives demonstrate the proactive role of government and regulators in shaping and fostering Public Digital Backbone in India.

The private sector's contribution


While the provided content focuses on the role of academic institutions in shaping the Public Digital Backbone, it doesn't directly mention the private sector's contribution. However, drawing from broader knowledge, in India, the private sector played a significant role in building the nation's Public Digital Backbone. For instance, the development and rollout of the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) involved collaboration between the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) and several private sector banks and technology companies. Tech startups like PhonePe, Google Pay, and Paytm leveraged UPI to offer seamless digital payment solutions. Additionally, Reliance's Jio initiative significantly expanded internet accessibility, enabling a broader segment of the population to engage with digital public services. This kind of collaboration exemplifies the symbiotic relationship between the private sector's innovation capabilities and the government's vision for digital infrastructure.

Civil society and public participation


Civil society and public participation played a significant role in shaping the Public Digital Backbone in India. For instance, during the development and rollout of Aadhaar, India's unique identification project, several consultations were held with civil society organizations, activists, and experts to address concerns related to privacy, data protection, and potential misuse. Similarly, when the government launched the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) to simplify electronic money transfer, feedback from end-users, fintech startups, and the broader public was instrumental in refining its design and enhancing its security features. Such active participation ensured that India's digital infrastructure was not only technologically robust but also aligned with the needs and aspirations of its citizens.

Engaging academia for research and policy design


Engaging academia in the development of India's Public Digital Backbone has played a paramount role in ensuring informed and effective policy design. For instance, the evolution of the Aadhaar system, India's unique identity project, benefited from insights of researchers from institutions like the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), who provided technical expertise and recommendations for secure data handling. Similarly, the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) collaborated with academic experts to design the Unified Payments Interface (UPI), ensuring a robust and scalable digital payments system. These engagements ensured that policies and systems were underpinned by cutting-edge research and best practices, leading to infrastructures that could be efficiently integrated and widely adopted across the nation.

Design principles and components


In India, the design principles and components for building Public Digital Backbone have been driven by inclusivity, scalability, interoperability, and security. A hallmark example is the Aadhaar system, which aimed at providing a unique identification number to every resident, ensuring inclusivity. Designed for massive scale, Aadhaar can serve a population of over a billion people. Interoperability has been at the core of platforms like the Unified Payments Interface (UPI), which seamlessly connects different banking systems, enabling instant money transfers across a plethora of service providers. Moreover, the DigiLocker system showcases an emphasis on security and privacy, offering citizens a platform to store and share digital copies of their official documents securely. Together, these components have laid a robust foundation for India's Public Digital Backbone.

Implementation challenges and solutions


While building the Public Digital Backbone in India, various challenges emerged. One prominent challenge was the vast diversity in languages, cultures, and digital literacy levels across regions, making a uniform interface daunting. This was addressed by creating multilingual platforms and user-friendly UPI (Unified Payments Interface) systems to cater to users from various backgrounds. Another challenge was ensuring data security and privacy. The Aadhaar system, India's biometric ID, faced scrutiny over potential misuse of personal data. To mitigate this, the government strengthened data protection laws and implemented robust encryption standards. Additionally, issues of connectivity in remote areas were addressed by expanding digital infrastructure like BharatNet, aiming to provide high-speed internet in villages. These solutions were informed by academic research and practical feedback, creating a resilient Public Digital Backbone.

Good architecture