MATLAB Programming/Psychtoolbox/ptb ind screen setup.m
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% ptb_ind_screen_setup.m % % This script is used to set up the psychtoolbox screen function in a % universal way to allow the same program to be run on windows, OS X, % and classic mac. % % Revision History: % RobKohr - April 7, 2005 - First draft % If there are multiple displays guess that one without the menu bar is the % best choice. Dislay 0 has the menu bar. screens=Screen('Screens'); %if screenNumber is set prior to running this %we will keep that value if not(exist('screenNumber','var')) screenNumber=max(screens); end v = version; v = str2num(v(1)); osx = 0; oldmac = 0; win = 0; if(strcmp(computer, 'MAC')|strcmp(computer, 'MAC2')) if(v<6) %classic mode comp_type = 'oldmac'; oldmac=1; else comp_type = 'osx'; osx =1; end else comp_type = 'win'; win=1; end if(oldmac|win) [window_ptr, window_rect]= Screen(screenNumber, 'OpenWindow', [0, 0, 0]); window = Screen(window_ptr, 'OpenOffscreenWindow', [0,0,0], window_rect); blank = Screen(window_ptr, 'OpenOffscreenWindow', [0,0,0], window_rect); else [window, window_rect]= Screen(screenNumber,'OpenWindow', 0, [], 32, 2); end