Psychiatric Disorders/Delirium, Dementia, and other Cognitive Disorders

Although most psychiatric disorders are presumed to have an underlying alteration in function, this group are separated off by having a suspected cause in another area of medical specialty. For example, delirium (wikipedia:Delirium), is commonly caused by alterations in brain oxygenation and would be better assessed by a physician to determine possible treatable causes. The organic disorders may have an underlying basis that is treatable or untreatable and treatment may or may not improve symptoms. This group includes Delirium, Dementia and other disorders listed below where they are proved to be secondary to a physical cause (e.g. a mood disorder secondary to changed thyroid function). Disorders which are caused by intoxication or withdrawal may also be consider ed under organic disorders, although we will consider substance use and misuse disorders separately

Dementia Definition: usually permanent disorder of memory, other cognitive functions and overall level of functioning. Major types of Dementia

Alzheimer's Disease Vascular Dementia Lewy Body Dementia