WebObjects/Web Applications/Development/Custom Templates

(Redirected from Programming:WebObjects/Web Applications/Development/Custom Templates)

Petite Abeille


[The following solution is more involved than what is strictly needed. It may avoid the debug message, he is using some quasi-private stuff.

It can be quite easy

 protected WOElement myTemplate = null;
 public WOElement template() {
   if ( myTemplate == null ) {
       myTemplate = WOComponent.templateWithHTMLString( html, wod, null );        
   return myTemplate;

A More Involved Solution:

Here is a little example on how to overwrite WOComponent.template() so you can load the html template and wod from wherever you want )eg a jar file):

  • First you will need to overwrite WOComponent.template()
 public WOElement template() {
   return Component.templateForComponent( this );
  • Now, templateForComponent could look like this:
 public static WOElement templateForComponent(WOComponent aComponent) {
   String aName = aComponent.name();
   WOElement anElement = (WOElement) _elementCache.get( aName );
   if ( anElement == null ) {
     String anHTMLString = Component.componentTemplateWithExtension( aComponent, ".html" );
     String aDescriptionString = Component.componentTemplateWithExtension( aComponent, ".wod" );
     anElement = WOComponent.templateWithHTMLString ( anHTMLString, aDescriptionString, null );
     if ( aComponent.isCachingEnabled() == true ) {
       _elementCache.put( aName, anElement );
   return anElement;
 throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Component.templateForComponent: null component." );


  • The componentTemplateWithExtension method could look like the following:
 private static String componentTemplateWithExtension(WOComponent aComponent, String anExtension) {
 if ( anExtension != null ) {
   String aResource = aComponent.name() + anExtension;
   InputStream anInputStream = Component.componentStreamForResource( aComponent, aResource );
   if ( anInputStream != null ) {
     StringBuffer aBuffer = new StringBuffer();
     try {
       BufferedInputStream  aBufferedStream = new BufferedInputStream( anInputStream );
       InputStreamReader  aStreamReader = new InputStreamReader( aBufferedStream );
       int aChar = -1;
       while ( ( aChar = aStreamReader.read() ) != -1 ) {
         aBuffer.append( (char) aChar );
       } catch(Exception anException) {
         Log.warning( anException );
       return aBuffer.toString();
     throw new RuntimeException ( "Component.componentTemplateWithExtension: resource not found: '" +  aResource + "'." );
   throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Component.componentTemplateWithExtension: null extension." );
  • And finally componentStreamForResource could be something along these


 private static InputStream componentStreamForResource(WOComponent aComponent, String aResource) {
 if ( aResource != null ) {
   File aDirectory = new File( System.getProperty( "user.dir" ) );
   File aFile = new File( aDirectory, aResource );    
   if ( aFile.exists() == true ) {
     try {
       return new FileInputStream( aFile );
     } catch(Exception anException) {
       Log.warning( anException);
   return aComponent.getClass().getResourceAsStream( aResource );
 throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Component.componentStreamForResource: null resource." );