J2ME Programming/MIDP Device Databases

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Becoming aware of the capabilities of MIDP devices is always an adventure. The following information should help you on your quest for this information.

Non Membership, Free Access


The following device databases can be viewed and downloaded without signing up for a developer membership:test

Membership, Free


The following developer sites require free membership to view their device database listing of device capabilities:



The WURFL project, which compiles a device database of enabled WAP devices, also includes most J2ME MIDP details. The WURFL XML configuration file can be found at:

Be careful, the database is a large download in XML format with a DTD you can use to write scripts to pull the information you need from the devices you are targeting in your development. To view and query this large XML configuration file with the device capabilities, use the legacy MyWURFL desktop swing application:

Performance, Benchmark


The best performance database of the graphical capabilities is:



By viewing the above device databases and developer sites, you will be able to determine the J2ME device characteristics of the devices.

See Also




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