
The Powhatan Alphabet

All Consonants are in the "A" Form
English Final Powhatan Script IPA American
S s is pronounced like s in sierra
Z ʒ is pronounced like z in zulu
SK sk is pronounced like sk in skate
SHK ʃk is pronounced with the sh in show but with a k in kite before the ow
TS ʈs is pronounced like ts in lots
SH ʃ is pronounced like sh in shoe
CH ʧ is pronounced like ch in charlie
ZH ʤ is pronounced like j in juliet
P p is pronounced like p in papa
B b is pronounced like b in bravo
F f is pronounced like f in fox
V v is pronounced like v in victor
K k is pronounced like k in kilo
G ɡ is pronounced like g in golf
N n is pronounced like n in november
M m is pronounced like m in mike
T ʈ is pronounced like t in tango
D ᒄᖮ d is pronounced like d in delta
R ɹ is pronounced like r in romeo
L l is pronounced like l in lima
H h is pronounced like h in hotel
TH ð is pronounced like th in thought
NG Ŋ is pronounced like ng in longest
SP sp is pronounced like sp in space
Y j is pronounced like y in yankee


(basically, all vowels are pronounced like in the English words "spaghetti" & "uno")
English Reduced Powhatan Script IPA American
A ɑː is pronounced like a in father
E ɛ is pronounced like e in bet
I is pronounced like ee in see
O əʊ is pronounced like ow in show


English Powhatan Script IPA American
U ᐅᐦ is pronounced like oo in boot
UH ᐁᐦ ʌ is pronounced like u in shut
AH ᐊᐦ æ is pronounced like a in fat
IH ᐃᐦ ɪ is pronounced like i in lit
AI ᐊᑊ ʌɪ is pronounced like i in kite
EI ᐁᑊ is pronounced like a in fate
AO is pronounced like ow in cow
OI ᐅᑊ ɔɪ is pronounced like oy in toy


English Powhatan Script IPA American
wi wiː is pronounced like whee in wheel
ihᐤ iːh is pronounced with an aspirated ending sound
ii {iː} is pronounced with an elongated vowel sound