Pokémon Red and Blue/Version Differences

Pokémon not available


Some Pokémon are exclusive to either Pokémon Red or Pokémon Blue, and must be traded from another game if you have the other version.

Pokémon exclusive to Pokémon Red

  • 023 - Ekans
  • 024 - Arbok
  • 043 - Oddish
  • 044 - Gloom
  • 045 - Vileplume
  • 056 - Mankey
  • 057 - Primeape
  • 058 - Growlithe
  • 059 - Arcanine
  • 123 - Scyther
  • 125 - Electabuzz

Pokémon exclusive to Pokémon Blue

  • 027 - Sandshrew
  • 028 - Sandslash
  • 037 - Vulpix
  • 038 - Ninetales
  • 052 - Meowth
  • 053 - Persian
  • 069 - Bellsprout
  • 070 - Weepinbell
  • 071 - Victreebel
  • 126 - Magmar
  • 127 - Pinsir