Pixilang/Printable version


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Definitions edit

The basic thing in Pixilang is the pixi-container. A Pixi-container can contain a text-string, image, link to another pixi-container with alpha-channel, or a numeric array. You can use different pixi-containers as simple arrays. Remember: In Pixilang "image", "text-string", "numeric array" are ID-numbers: image - ID-number of pixi-container with image; text-string - ID-number of pixi-container with text-string; numeric array - ID-number of pixi-container with numeric array.


//How to access a second pixel in some image? 
pixel_value = some_image[ 2 ]

The Pixilang window looks like this:



Configuration edit

Pixilang can use a configuration file - config.ini. In the configuration file you can set the size of the window, the length (in samples) of the sound buffer, name of the window and other window properties. Example:

width       320
height      240
windowname  "Alternative name of the window"
buffer      4096

Elements of the language

Elements of the language edit

Comments edit

// - comments. Example: //blah blah blah

/* */ - Multiline comments. Example:

/* blah blah blah
blah blah blah */

Text strings edit


a = "text string"

You can put the numerical values of a variable to any string, when this string is used as a parameter for some command (except make_pixi). Example:

blahblah = 34
video_export_gif( "VIDEO$blahblah.gif" )
//Save video to the VIDEO34.gif

ASCII codes edit

ASCII codes (max 4 symbols): 'A','B','ABC'... Example:

ascii_code = 'E'

Variables edit

a,b,c,d... and other alphabet symbols - used for creating your own variables. Example myvar = 4 //put 4 to variable "myvar"

Math operations edit

-,+,*,/,% - math operations. Example: a = b + 4

Conditional operations edit

  • < - less
  • > - greater
  • <= - less or equal
  • >= - greater or equal
  • = - equal (after if operator)
  • != - not equal

Binary logic operations edit

  • ^ - xor
  • & - and
  • | - or

Numbers edit

Numbers (for example: -1234) - decimal numbers :)

Some commands (transformations, for example) need numbers in the fixed point format 24.8. Fixed point numbers are decimal numbers, multiplied by 256. Examples:

1   will be 256 (1*256) in the fixed point format;
2   will be 512 (2*256) in the fixed point format;
0.5 will be 128 (0.5*256) in the fixed point format;

Numbers in the form #XXXXXXXX (for example: #80EFB434) can be used as color values for some graphics commands in standard HTML color format: #RRGGBB, where RR - red, GG - greed, BB - blue. For example: #FF0000 - it's a red; #00FF00 - green; #0000FF - blue.


User defined commands edit

You can define your own commands (subprogramms). Let's see an example:

//here our main program starts
print("Hello world!",0,0)
myfunc1 //here we execute our own command, which is defined at the end of our main program
stop //stop main program
  //here is the body of our command (named "myfunc1")
ret //Return from subprogram. Don't forget this word!

So user defined commands look like this: COMMAND_NAME: BODY OF YOUR COMMAND (SOME PIECE OF PROGRAM) ret.

Also you can create your commands on the fly:

//Create user defined command:
user_command = { print("hello1") print("hello2") }
//And run it:
//user_command - it's address of created subprogram.

"goto" command edit

You can jump from one part of a program to another part. Here is an example:

  blah blah
  goto marker1 #here you go to the marker1, that was declared above.


  go my_cool_marker

"while" command edit

"while" command is for conditional loops: while( condition ) { actions }. Example:

a = 0
while( a < 8 )
  print( "$a", a * 8, 0, WHITE ) 
  a + 1
} //Show "a" variable eight times

Commands edit

Commands have the following syntax: COMMAND_NAME (PARAMETER1, PARAMETER2,...) For example, let's execute the "dot" command: dot(1,1,#FF0000) If there are no parameters, then you must write the command name only. For example: frame. Some commands can return a value. Example: x = get_dot( 10, 10 )

Detailed list of commands

Detailed list of commands edit

(parameters are in a brackets)

Graphics edit

dot (x,y,color) - draw a dot. Example: dot(10,20,#FFFF00)

get_dot (x,y) - get the color of the pixel at coordinates x,y

fps - get the current number of frames per second

frame (delay,clip_x,clip_y,clip_xsize,clip_ysize) - redraw the screen and pause, especially for frame changing. 1000 - one second, 500 - half of second, 0 - no pause. Note that nothing shows on the screen before the first call to frame(). Examples:

frame(500) //Full screen redraw after 0.5 seconds
frame(500,10,10,32,32) //Redraw region with coordinates x=10,y=10,xsize=32,ysize=32

clear (color) - clear screen. Example: clear(#FFFF00)

print (text,x,y,color) - print text on x, y coordinates. Example: print("HELLO!",10,10,#ffffff) You can print the values of variables also. Just write a $X in your string, where X is a variable's name. For example: print("VALUE OF b=$b",10,10,#ffffff)

line (x1,y1,x2,y2,color) - draw a line. Example: line(0,0,10,10,#FFFF00)

box (x1,y1,xsize,ysize,color) - draw a rectangle. Example: box(0,0,10,10,#FFFF00)

fbox (x1,y1,xsize,ysize,color) - draw a filled rectangle. Example: box(0,0,10,10,#FFFF00)

triangle (x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,color) - draw a filled triangle

pixi_triangle (x1,y1,tx1,ty1,x2,y2,tx2,ty2,x3,y3,tx3,ty3,image,frame) - draw a textured triangle. Texture coordinates: tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2, tx3, ty3. Texture source is the "image" parameter.

triangles3d (vertexes,triangles), pixi_triangles3d (vertexes,triangles,pixi,frame) - draw color or pixi-textured triangles from numeric arrays vertexes and triangles.

//structure of array "vertexes":
X, Y, Z, texture_X, texture_Y, 0, 0, 0,
X, Y, Z, texture_X, texture_Y, 0, 0, 0,
//structure of array "triangles":
//V1..V3 - numbers of vertexes. ORDER - number of triangle (use sort_triangles for automatic fill this value)
//X,Y,Z - fixed point integers

sort_triangles (vertexes,triangles) - sort triangles (fill ORDER values in triangles array) by Z coordinate.

save_screen(filename,x,y,xsize,ysize) - save part of the screen to a text file

set_screen (some_image) - set screen buffer to selected image. 0 - default screen

make_pixi (text_source,alpha_pixi,transparent_color) - convert text string to the color image with the selected transparent color and alpha-channel.

Warning: this command converts black pixels to dark-dark-blue (we see it as black).

Symbols of the input text string:

0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 - grayscale;

. (dot) - transparent color;

other symbols - names of a variables with colors

make_ascii_pixi (text_source,color_pixi) - same as the previous command, but the image will be shown in ASCII text mode. Colors of each symbol are in the color_pixi. Example:

text =       "Hello World!"
text_color = "123456789123"
make_ascii_pixi( text, text_color )

new_pixi (xsize,ysize,frames) - create a new image with the selected size and number of frames. Example: bird = new_pixi( 32, 32, 4 )

load_pixi (filename) - load image from GIF or JPG file

remove_pixi (pixi) - remove pixi-container

resize_pixi (pixi,xsize,ysize,mode) - resize graphics pixi-container; xsize,ysize - new size in pixels. mode: 0 - clear pixi after resizing.

clone_pixi (pixi,clone_alpha) - clone pixi-container. clone_alpha values: 0 - don't clone alpha-channel image; 1 - clone alpha channel image. Example: new_image = clone_pixi( dog, 1 )

get_pixi_xsize (image) - get width of image (in pixels). Example: xsize = get_pixi_xsize( dog )

get_pixi_ysize (image) - get height of image (in pixels). Example: ysize = get_pixi_ysize( dog )

get_pixi_frames (image) - get number of frames in image. Example: frames = get_pixi_frames( dog )

get_pixi_alpha (image) - get image that used as alpha-channel of selected image. Example: alpha = get_pixi_alpha( dog ) pixi( alpha, 10, 10, 1 )

pixi_alpha (image,new_alpha) - set alpha-channel (new_alpha) image for selected image

pixi_transp (image,transp,transp_color) - set transparent color of selected image. transp - transparency ON/OFF (1/0). transp_color - transparent color

pixi (image,x,y,pixel_size,pixel_size_correction), fpixi (image,x,y,pixel_size,pixel_size_correction,frame) - draw an image. frame - frame number (0 is the first frame). in the "pixi" command frame number calculating automatically. pixels - it's text string, that will be recognized as array of pixels. pixel_size - size of the pixel (1,2,3,4,5...). pixel_size_correction - fixed point (1=256) addition to pixel_size. Warning: text string with array of pixels will be converted to special format, that more convenient for the pixi/fpixi command. Lets see the example:

B = #FF0000
t = "
make_pixi( t )
go loop_marker

get_window_xsize - get user window width (in pixels)

get_window_ysize - get user window height (in pixels)

get_color (r,g,b) - return color value converted from r,g,b (red,green,blue) values

get_red (color) - get red component (0..255) of selected color

get_green (color) - get green component (0..255) of selected color

get_blue (color) - get blue component (0..255) of selected color

get_blend (color1,color2,val) - get a new color, that is between color1 and color2. val - proximity to color1 and color2: 0 - max proximity to color1; 256 - max proximity to color2

transp (value) - set transparency of a next following commands. Value can be from 0 to 255; 0 - invisible ... 255 - visible

effector (color,power,type,x,y,xsize,ysize,xadd) - command for using standard graphics effects. color - color of effect. power - power of effect (from 0 o 256). type: 0 - noise; 1 - horizontal blur; 2 - vertical blur. x,y,xsize,ysize - working region. xadd - distance between a points.

pixel_shader (pixel_shader_subprogram) - enable software pixel-shader (version PS1) for all pixi and textured triangles. pixel_shader_subprogram - used-defined subprogram. Input parameters for pixel_shader_subprogram: PS_T - number of pixi container with texture; PS_TX - current X coordinate on texture (fixed point); PS_TY - current Y coordinate on texture (fixed point); PS_TP - current pointer in texture; PS_P - current pointer on screen. Output parameters: PS_R - resulted color.


pixel_shader( GLASS_PIXEL_SHADER ) //Enable glass pixel shader
pixel_shader( -1 ) //Disable pixel shaders 
v = get_red( PS_T[ PS_TP - 1 ] ) - get_red( PS_T[ PS_TP + 1 ] )
PS_R = get_blend( scr0[ PS_P + get_red( PS_T[ PS_TP ] ) / 8 ], WHITE, v )

Fonts edit

pixi_font (image) - set new font-image (animated pixi-container). Font is monospaced. Each symbol in font - frame in animated pixi-container.

get_pixi_font - get current font-image

Transformations edit

t_reset - reset transformation

t_rotate_x (angle,x,y,z), t_rotate_y (angle,x,y,z), t_rotate_z (angle,x,y,z) - add rotate transformation (around the X, Y or Z axis). Angle is integer: 512 = 2*PI. Rotation center is x,y,z

t_translate (x,y,z) - add translate transformation. x,y,z are fixed point integers.

t_scale (x,y,z) - add scale transformation. x,y,z are fixed-point integers: 256 = 1.0 (normal scale); 512 = 2.0 (2x zoom)

t_get_matrix (m), t_set_matrix (m), t_mul_matrix (m) - actions with transformation matrix (4x4 cells - array of 16 integers). t_get_matrix - get matrix to array m. t_set_matrix - set matrix from array m. t_mul_matrix - multiple current matrix with matrix in array m.

t_get_x (x,y,z), t_get_y (x,y,z), t_get_z (x,y,z) - transform point with coordinates x,y,z (fixed point integers) and return new coordinate x, y or z.

Strings edit

new_string (size) - create empty string. size - number of symbols in this string. Example: str = new_string( 10 )

get_string_size (string) - get size of a string (in chars). Example: strsize = get_string_size( "nothing but here" )

Arrays edit

An array is any data-storage (pixi-container). Examples of arrays:

  • image - storage of pixels;
  • string - storage of symbols;
  • numbers - storage of numbers.

new_array (len) - create new array of 32-bit numbers (numeric pixi-container). len - amount of numbers. Note that if you try to use an array before creating it first with new_array pixilang will not complain, but you will get garbage. Example: array = new_array( 256 )

get_array_size (array) - get numeric array size (amount of numbers)

Time edit

start_timer (t) - start timer t. Example: start_timer(3)

get_timer (t) - get value of timer t. Example: get_timer(3) Example values: 1000 - one second, 500 - half of second.

get_seconds - get current seconds

get_minutes - get current minutes

get_hours - get current hours

Interaction with the user edit

handle_pen_keys (button_down_handler,pen_move_handler,button_up_handler), handle_keys (...) - handle all mouse (stylus) events that happen in a current frame. Parameters of these commands are user-defined programs (subprograms) - handlers.

Example: handle_pen_keys( {x=get_pen_x}, 0, 0 )

get_pen_x, gpx - get current x-coordinate of mouse (or stylus)

get_pen_y, gpy - get current y-coordinate of mouse (or stylus)

get_pen_region (x,y,xsize,ysize), gpr (x,y,xsize,ysize) - return 1 if mouse (or stylus) pointer is inside of selected region

get_pen_key, gpk - get current key status of mouse (or stylus); 1 - key was pressed, or 0 - key not pressed

handle_hard_keys (button_down_handler,button_up_handler) - handle all keyboard events that happens in a current frame. Working like the handle_pen_keys. Use get_hard_key (or ghk) to get current button code.

Example: handle_hard_keys( {key_code=get_hard_key}, 0, 0 )

get_hard_key, ghk - get current key code. Key code is a standard ASCII code or one of the following:

256: F1
257: F2
258: F3
259: F4
260: F5
261: F6
262: F7
263: F8
264: UP
265: DOWN
266: LEFT
267: RIGHT
270: HOME
271: END
274: CAPS

If SHIFT is pressed, then 512 is added to the key code. If CTRL is pressed, then 1024 is added to the key code.

Video export edit

video_export_gif (filename,x,y,xsize,ysize), video_export_avi (filename,x,y,xsize,ysize) - turn on the export of all frames to selected anim. GIF-file or AVI-file (at the moment AVI working on the Windows only).


//Save full screen:
//Save selected region:

Frame will be saved to GIF-file after each "frame" command.

pause_video_export - make pause of video export.

resume_video_export - resume video export.

stop_video_export - stop video export and save it to file.

video_export_fps (fps) - set number of frames per second during export to AVI file (default FPS is 30).

video_export_realtime (rt) - set realtime AVI export mode.


video_export_realtime( 1 ) //Set realtime export mode. AVI file will be without sound
video_export_realtime( 0 ) //Set non-realtime export mode. AVI file will be with sound

video_export_dither (dither) - turn on/off dithering during video export. Example of turn on: video_export_dither(1) Example of turn off: video_export_dither(0)

video_export_hq (highquality) - turn on/off high quality video export to GIF. Example of turn on: video_export_hq(1) Example of turn off: video_export_hq(0)

Music edit

load_music (filenamem,slot) - load music in XM or MOD format. slot - slot number (from 0 to 15) for simultaneous music playing.

play_music (slot)

stop_music (slot)

music_volume (volume,slot) - set music volume (from 0 to 255)

get_music_pattern (slot)

get_music_position (slot)

Sound edit

send_sound (sound_pixi,freq,channels,loop) - send sound_pixi (pixi-container with some piece of sound) to global sound buffer. freq - sampling frequency of selected piece of sound. channels - number of channels (1 - mono, 2 - stereo). loop - remove selected piece of sound from global sound buffer after playing or not? If loop = 1, then selected piece of sound will be playing infinitely. Return value of this command is the ID of selected piece of sound in the glabal sound buffer. send_sound_to (sound_id, sound_pixi, freq, channels, loop) - the same as previous command, but position (buffer_id) in the global sound buffer setting manually.


sound_id = send_sound( some_sound, 44100, 2, 0 )
send_sound_to( sound_id, new_sound, 44100, 2, 0 ) //Overwrite some_sound with new_sound

get_sound_status (sound_id) - get current playing position in selected sound.


sound_id = send_sound(sound,44100,2,0)
position = get_sound_status( sound_id )

sound_volume (volume) - set sound volume (from 0 to 256)

Examples. Creation of 8-bit sound:

snd = new_string( 256 ) //Sound size is 256 samples
//Amplitude in 8bit sound is a value from -127 to 127
send_sound( snd, 44100, 1, 1 )

Creation of 32-bit sound:

snd = new_array( 256 )
//Amplitude in 32bit sound is a value from -32767 to 32767
send_sound( snd, 44100, 1, 1 )

Files edit

fopen, fclose, fgetc, fputc, fseek, ftell, feof - Standart POSIX functions for working with files. See any C/C++ manual for more info.

set_disk0 (TAR_file_name) - set name of the TAR-archive, that will be loaded as virtual disk 0.


set_disk0( "archive.tar" ) //archive.tar contains some files and PIC.JPG
img = load_pixi( "0:/PIC.JPG" ); //Load PIC.JPG from the virtual disk 0

file_dialog (filename,dialogname,mask,id) - open file selection dialog. filename - destination container for selected file name. dialogname - dialog name. mask - file type mask (example: "gif/jpg"). id - name of the file for saving the current dialog state. Return values: 1 - file selected successful; 0 - file not selected.


filename = "................................"
if( file_dialog( filename, "Select graphics file", "jpg/gif", "gfx_files_dialog" ) )
{ /* file selected. Name in the filename variable now*/ }
{ /* file not selected */ }

Math edit

sin (angle) - get integer sine value. Value for angle: 512 = 2*PI. Return values: -256...0...256

cos (angle) - get integer cosine value. Value for angle: 512 = 2*PI. Return values: -256...0...256

csin (angle), ccos (angle) - same as sin and cos, but with less precision. Value for angle: 256 = 2*PI. Return values: -128...0...128

rand - get random number (from 0 to 32768)

rand_seed (seed) - set random seed

System edit

stop - stop program execution :(

halt - the same as stop.

exit (exit_code) - exit to OS; exit(1) - exit to OS with exit-code 1.

noesc (no) - enable/disable exit on ESC; noesc(0) - exit on ESC; noesc(1) - no exit on ESC.

Programming techniques

Programming techniques edit

Getting started edit

Create file (f.e. MY_PROGRAM.TXT) with following text inside:

a = 2 * 2
print("HELLO PIXEL! $a",-20,10,#FFFFFF)
a = a + 1
goto marker1

And now you must execute this file with the pixilang enterpreter. After starting you will get simple animation with a text string "HELLO PIXEL" and incrementing number.

Math operations edit

In Pixilang all numbers are signed 32-bit integers.

It's possible to use operations without the "=" symbol. Examples:

a+1 //increment variable a

a+1*2 //add (1*2) to a

Conditional operations edit

Conditional operations have the following format: if SOME CONDITION { PIECE OF PROGRAM, THAT WILL BE EXECUTED IF CONDITION IS TRUE }


//If a > 4, then save 2 to variable b
if a > 4  { b = 2 } 
//If a equal to 4, then save 1 to variable b 
if a = 1  { b = 1 } 
//If b not equal to 1, then put "HELLO" string to the screen
if b != 1  { print("HELLO",1,1) } 
//If b not equal to 1, then put "HELLO" string to the screen, else draw a dot
if b != 1  { print("HELLO",1,1) } else { dot(10,10) }

Including external files edit

You can include external TXT files (user libraries for example). Example:

INCLUDE "external filename"

External files will be included during compilation.

Program optimization edit

Pixilang has great methods for optimization. Lets see an example.

This is the program:

pixi( t, 44, 44 )
pixi( a, 44, 44 )
pixi( b, 44, 44 )

As you can see, there is a recurring command name (pixi) and recurring parameters (44,44). In this case you can use following optimization:

pixi( t, 44, 44 )
.( a )
.( b )

WTF? :) It's simple. If the command name is ".", then the last executed command will be executed. If some parameters are missing, then they will be taken from the last executed command too.


Links edit