See also

Plague is a bacterial disease, caused by Yersinia pestis, which primarily affects wild rodents. It is spread from one rodent to another by fleas. Humans bitten by an infected flea usually develop a bubonic form of plague, which is characterized by a bubo, i.e. a swelling of the lymph node draining the flea bite site.

If the bacteria reach the lungs, the patient develops pneumonia (pneumonic plague), which is then transmissible from person to person through infected droplets spread by coughing. Initial symptoms of bubonic plague appear 7–10 days after infection.

If diagnosed early, bubonic plague can be successfully treated with antibiotics. Pneumonic plague, on the other hand, is one of the most deadly infectious diseases; patients can die 24 hours after infection. The mortality rate depends on how soon treatment is started, but is always very high.

Shǔyì shì yīzhǒng chuánrǎnbìng, yóu shǔyì Yersinia xìjūn yǐnqǐ, zhè shì yīzhǒng dòngwùyuánxìng xìjūn, tōngcháng kě zài xiǎodòngwù jíqí tiàozǎo shàng fāxiàn. Tā tōngguò rǎnbìng tiàozǎo dīngyǎo, zhíjiē jiēchù hé xīrù de fāngshì zài dòngwù yǔ rén zhījiān chuánbō, jíshǎoshù qíngkuàng xià yě tōngguò shèrù chuánrǎnwù chuánbō.

Shǔyì gǎnrǎn kě àn gǎnrǎn tújìng fēnwéi 3 zhǒng: xiànshǔyì, bàixuèxìng shǔyì hé fèishǔyì. Xiànshǔyì de tèdiǎn shì línbājié téngtòng zhǒngdà huò “fùgǔgōu línbājiéyán”, shì zuì chángjiàn de yīzhǒng shǔyì.

Bù jiā zhìliáo de shǔyì kěnéng xùnsù zhìsǐ, yīncǐ jízǎo zhěnduàn hé zhìliáo duìyú cúnhuó hé jiǎnshǎo bìngfāzhèng zhìguān zhòngyào. Rúguǒ zhěnduàn jíshí, shǐyòng kàngshēngsù hé zhīchíxìng liáofǎ kěyǐ yǒuxiào duìkàng shǔyì. Zhèxiē fāngfǎ bāokuò shǐyòng kàngshēngsù hé zhīchíxìng liáofǎ.