Pinyin#Pinyin tone marking

Nauru is a small island in the Pacific Ocean. It is situated at 42km south of the equator. It has an area of 21km2 with a population of about 9,300. Nauru is an independent country. It is the smallest republic in the world. English and Nauruan are the official languages of Nauru.

Nauru shih Taihpirng Yarng d 1'g xiaaodaao, weihyur chihdaoh yiinarn 42km. miahnji 21km2, rernkoou yue 9,300. Nauru shih durlih guorjia, shihjieh shahng zuihxiaao d gohngherguor. Yingyuu her Nauru-yuu shih Nauru d guanfang yuuyarn.