Pinyin/If I were other animals

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Pinyin#Pinyin tone marking

If I were other animals

If I were a butterfly,
I will fly amongst the flowers,
displaying my beauty to people.

If I were a bird,
I will fly to the treetop,
chirping gently.

If I were an eagle,
I will be in the broad sky,
flying freely.

If I were other animals,
I will let my life
to be colorful.

Jiǎrú wǒ shì qítā dòngwù

Jiǎrú wǒ shì húdié,
wǒ huì zài huācóng zhōng fēiwǔ,
xiàng rénmen zhǎnshì wǒ de měilì.

Jiǎrú wǒ shì xiǎoniǎo,
wǒ huì fēi dào shùshāo,
qīngqīng gēchàng.

Jiǎrú wǒ shì yī zhī lǎoyīng,
wǒ huì zài liáokuò de tiānkōng lǐ,
zìyóu fēixiáng.

Jiǎrú wǒ shì qítā dòngwù,
wǒ huì ràng wǒ de shēnghuó
chōngmǎn sècǎi.