Pinyin/Black tea

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See also: English-Hanzi/Black tea

Pinyin#Pinyin tone marking

Black tea is a kind of tea made from leaves of tea tree. Usually, its taste is stronger than other teas, such as green tea or wulong tea. It also has more caffeine. In some parts of the world, like China, it is called red tea, a description of the color of the liquid. The Western term "black tea" comes from the color of the tea leaf.

Hēichá shì cháshù yèzi zhìchéng de 1-zhǒng chá. Wèidào tōngcháng bǐ qítā de chá (rú lǜchá huò wūlóngchá) gèng qiáng. Yě yǒu gèng duō caffeine. Yóuyú hēichá chōng chūlái de yánsè shì hóngsè, shìjièshàng yīxiē dìqū (rú Zhōngguó) yě chēng tā wéi hóngchá. Xīfāng jiàozuò hēichá shì yīnwèi cháyè de yánsè shì hēisè.

Black tea without milk or sugar contains no calories. Black tea also contains tannin and caffeine. There is a connection between blood-cholesterol-lowering (BCL) and drinking black tea. According to a 2001 Boston University study, there is a relationship between a more drinking black tea and a decrease in a kind of cardiovascular disease.

Bù jiā niúnǎi huò táng de hēichá bù hán calorie. Hēichá yě hányǒu tannin hé caffeine. Yǐnyòng hēichá yǔ jiàngdī xuèyè zhōng dǎngùchún yǒuguān. 2001 nián Boston Dàxué de yánjiū xiǎnshì, duō yǐn hēichá kě jiǎnshǎo mǒuzhǒng xīnxuèguǎnbìng.