Perspectives of Aquatic Toxicology/Chapter Four: Analytical Methodology for Detecting & Monitoring Synthetic Organic Contaminants in the Aquatic Environment



Synthetic Organic contaminants are man-made carbon-based chemicals which often enter aquatic environments through drainage from agricultural land and through discharge from industrial areas (1). The United States Environmental Protection Agency has put legal limits on the concentration that can be present in drinking water of 56 organic contaminates due to their potential adverse effects to humans (1).  However, this does not stop these contaminants from entering aquatic ecosystems. Aquatic biomes encompass the largest portion of Earth’s surface (~75%) and are often divided into freshwater and saltwater biomes. Aquatic biomes are home to more than a million different plant and animal species and provide many ecosystem services. Examples of these services include fish harvest (food), wild plant and animal resources, water, recreation, flood control, carbon sequestration and storm protection which make aquatic ecosystems and their protection vital for human success (2). Therefore, we must address issues of pollution and work to understand the potential risk associated with it.