Permaculture Teacher's Guide. Edited by Andy Goldring. Permaculture Association / Permanent Publications / WWF, UK. 2000. 379pp.
The Earth Care Manual: A Permaculture Handbook For Britain & Other Temperate Climates. Patrick Whitefield. Permanent Publications, UK, 2004, 480pp Seven years in the making, this is the long awaited study of permaculture specifically for cooler climates. It takes a detailed view of designing sustainable systems both large and small, urban and rural.
Introduction to Permaculture. Bill Mollison and Reny Mia Slay. Tagari Publishers, Tyalgum, Australia.1991. 198pp.
The Woodland Way: A Permaculture Approach To Sustainable Woodland Management. Ben Law. Permanent Publications. UK. 2001. 256pp.
Permaculture One: A Perennial Agriculture for Human Settlements, 3rd Edition. Bill Mollison and David Holmgren. Tagari Publishers, Tyalgum, New South Wales, Australia. 1987.127pp.
Permaculture Two: A Practical Design for Town and Country in Permanent Agriculture. Bill Mollison. Tagari Press, Stanley, Australia. 1979. 150pp.
Permaculture: A Designer's Manual. Bill Mollison. Tagari Publications, Tyalgum, Australia. 1988. 576pp.
Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture. Toby Hemenway. Chelsea Green Pub. Co., White River Junction, VT. 2001. 222pp.
The Best of Permaculture. Max O. Lindegger and Robert Tap. Nascimanere Publishers, Nambour, Australia. 1986. 136pp.
The Permaculture Way: Practical Ways to Create a Self-Sustaining World. By Graham Bell. Permanent Publications, UK. 2004 (2nd ed.). 239pp.
The Permaculture Garden. Graham Bell. Thorsons, London. 1994. 170pp.
Permaculture: A Beginner's Guide. Graham Burnett (2nd ed). Spiralseed, Westcliff On Sea, Essex, England. 2008. 76pp. ISBN 978-0-9553492-1-8
Urban Permaculture. David Watkins. Permanent Publications, U.K. 1993. 152pp.
Permaculture in a Nutshell. Patrick Whitefield. Permanent Publications, U.K. 1993. 75pp.
Earth User's Guide to Permaculture. Rosemary Morrow and Rob Allsop. Kangaroo Press, NSW Australia. 2006 (2nd ed.). 164pp.
Getting Started in Permaculture. Ross and Jennifer Mars. Candlelight Trust, Hovea, Western Australia. 1998. 96pp.
Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability. David Holmgren, Holmgren Design Services, Australia, 2003, 320pp.
How To Make A Forest Garden. Patrick Whitefield. Permanent Publications, UK. 2002. 160pp.