Peak Oil: High Tide for an Oil Addicted World/Resources
Where can I learn more about preparing myself?
editYou could start by learning how to become more self-sufficient in all aspects of your life. Teach yourself some essential skills that will useful to yourself and others. Here are some resources to get your started.
- Books
- Save Cash and Save the Planet ISBN 000719420X
- The New Complete Book of Self-sufficiency ISBN 0751364428
- The Earth Care Manual: A Permaculture Handbook for Britain and Other Temperate Countries ISBN 185623021X
- Organisations
- Centre for Alternative Technology
- Green Energy Centre
- General self-sufficiency
- Case studies
Where can I learn more?
editThere are many resources available both online and in hard copy form. There are also a number of good organisations that work within areas that are of interests such organic farming, permaculture or seed for planting.
- On-line resources
- PowerSwitch
- Books
- Hubbert's Peak: The Impending World Oil Shortage - Kenneth S. Deffeyes
- The Earth Care Manual: A Permaculture Handbook for Britain and Other Temperate Countries - Patrick Whitefield
- Beyond Oil: The View from Hubbert's Peak - Kenneth S. Deffeyes
- Oil, Jihad And Destiny: Will Declining Oil Production Plunge Our Planet Into A Depression? - Ronald R. Cooke
- Oil As a Finite Resource: When Is Global Production Likely to Peak - James J. MacKenzie