Parkour/Aesthetic Moves/360 Frontflip

This move is derived from gymnastics but it is widely used in freerunning.These are the instructions on how to do it:

Remember:This is a running frontflip.

1. Take a 3 or 4 running steps.

2. Do your last hopping step because this is the takeoff

3. Prepare yourself for the takeoff.Synchronize the following instructions below before the takeoff:

a.Hands up above your head.
b.Look slightly on the ground.
c.Always remember:
  Keep your both feet in front of your face.Don't lean because leaning makes your frontflip low and when you landed, it may cause damage to your

4. After doing the previous set of instructions:

First, throw your hands forward, jump high but straight and not in leaning position.Then, bring your knees to your chest quickly and grab it with
your hands.

5. Always think the proper timing.Release your legs if your rotation is about 3/4 or 7/8.

6. Prepare for landing.Always land on the balls of your feet and not on your heels.Otherwise, it can injure your heels.