Palliative Pharmacotherapy/Style Manual
Basics of Palliative Pharmacotherapy Style:
- More organization is better: Use a deep structure as opposed to flat. This means there will be nested pages. For example, to learn about the buprenorphine buccal film, the reader will be directed to Drug Specific Information > Opioids > Specific Opioids > Buprenorphine > Buccal Film
- Naming of titles and sections should use title case.
- There are no arbitrary page length restrictions.
- Eventually a template will be designed for condition-specific and drug-specific chapters. Condition-specific chapters will include background, presentation, pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, prognosis, and pearls sections at a minimum. Drug-specific chapters will include background, mechanism of action, indications, formulations, dosing, contraindications / warnings / precautions, adverse effects & monitoring, and pearls at a minimum.
- Each chapter should contain references if appropriate.
- Links to outside content or websites is OK.
- Navigation: Still undecided on the exact approach to this, however, ideally each page will have a miniature ToC at the bottom of each page so users can easily navigate through the book to any place without being restricted to navigating linearly.
- Images: TBD
- Categories: TBD
- Citing sources: Please use AMA citation format. If you need help, ZoteroBib is a nice citation generator by Zotero, which is a reference manager.