Open Source Church/Install

To install ChurchCRM on your PC, proceed as follows:

1) Install Veracrypt and Tor Browser, as ChurchCRM stores sensitive data for which it is necessary to encrypt them and use a browser that guarantees anonymity and prevents unwanted transmission of data (possibly contact an IT security expert). ..
2) Download XAMPP from here: and install it for example in the Documents folder, while on Ubuntu it will install in the /opt folder after making the file executable and run it from terminal with sudo ./
3) Start XAMPP on Windows by clicking on xampp-control in its installation folder and pressing the Start buttons for Apache and MySql, while on Ubuntu type in the terminal: sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start
4) Modify the php.ini file which on Windows is located in the XAMPP php folder, while on Ubuntu it is located in the /opt/lampp/etc folder. Inside this file, find the `post_max_size` and `upload_max_filesize` variables and change them like this: post_max_size=128M and upload_max_filesize=128M.
5) Connect with phpmyadmin by typing in the browser http://localhost/phpmyadmin and click on User Accounts, select the root@localhost user and click on Change Password, entering a password for the root user that we suppose may be my_password . Edit the file inside the XAMPP phpmyadmin folder, inserting the root user password like this: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'my_password'; . Open phpmyadmin again from your browser and see if everything works, creating a new MySQL database after selecting New
6) Download the latest version of ChurchCRM from here : and unzip the file in XAMPP htdocs folder
7) Modify ChurchCRM file and folder permissions on files in 644 mode (rw-r--r--) and on folders in 755 mode (rwxr-xr-x) (operation to be done only on Ubuntu, while on Windows it is not necessary).
8) Restart XAMPP again from xampp-control
9) Install ChurchCRM typing in the browser http://localhost/churchcrm and inserting as user: root with the previously created password and name of the previously created Mysql database.
10) Start ChurchCRM by typing in the browser http://localhost/churchcrm with username: admin and password: changeme to be changed immediately.