ChurchCRM allows you to create events that will appear in your church calendar. Events can be recurring (like a weekly church service) or one-time (like a community awareness day). To establish the recurrence or non-recurrence of an event, an event type must be defined.

Creating an event type


Event types act like templates that define parameters for events you'll create in the future. Event types allow you to set details such as recurrence and the default start time an event can have.

You can also identify the type of people you want to count towards participation in the optional "Frequency Count" field. This field is arbitrary, it has no relation to the ChurchCRM database itself.

To create an event type:

1. Choose from the top menu Events –-> List event types

2. Choose Add event type.

3. Make your entries and choose Save Changes.



You want to create some type of event to support the "Newcomer Luncheon" that you host from time to time at your church. The luncheon does not take place regularly and you want to be able to know the number of regular faithful (whether they are members or not), as well as the newcomers who attended this luncheon.

To do this, you will add a new event type and define the following settings:

- **Event Type Name**: Newcomers Lunch
- **Recurrence pattern**: none
- **Default start time**: 12:30
- **Count of attendance**: regular believers, newcomers

Creating an event


Events inherit some properties from event types. You can also define the event title, description, date range, event sermon (if any), and status.

To create an event:

1. Choose Events --> Add Church Event .

2. Select an event type.

3. Make your entries and choose *Save Changes*.

Joining an event


During an event, you can keep track of people's attendance.

=To add an existing person to an event:


1. Choose People --> View all people*.

2. In the **Filter and cart** area, enter a name in the search field and choose *Apply filter*.

3. In the **List** area, click on the *Add to cart* icon corresponding to the people to add.

4. Continue adding people to your cart as described in the previous steps.

5. Choose the shopping cart icon in the header bar at the top of the screen.

6. Choose *Empty cart for event*.

7. Select your event and choose *Add Cart to Event*.

Generating attendance reports for an event


You can generate reports based on the attendance history for an event. The types of people monitored are defined in the event type.

    • To generate a report:**

1. Choose *Data/Reports -> Reports menu*.

2. Choose an event type from the *Event Attendance Reports* area.

3. Choose a person type corresponding to the event you want to generate a report for.