Open Source Church/Data and Reports

From the top menu, selecting Data/Report --> Query Menu, you can run the following Queries:

    Advanced Search:
    Search anywhere in the Name, City, State, Zip, Home Phone, Email, or Work Email string.
    Birthdays of Persons in a given month
    Find people with a custom field value
    Households to be surveyed:
    People in households that are good for taking surveys.
    Count of family members:
    Returns each household and the total number of people assigned to it.
    Family Pledge by Fiscal Year:
    Commitment summary by family name for each fund for the selected fiscal year
    Membership anniversaries:
    Members who joined in a particular month
    Missing people:
    Find people who didn't attend an event
    Missing tasks:
    Find people who have pledged a commitment in one year but not another
    People by age:
    Returns any person record with ages between two dates.
    Persons per property:
    Returns records of people who have been given the specified property.
    People by role and gender:
    Select the records of people with the specified family role and gender.
    Commitment Comparison:
    Compare commitments between two fiscal years
    Recent friends:
    Friends who signed up in the previous months
    Registered students:
    Find registered students
    Select all members:
    People who are members
    Select database users:
    Persons registered as database users
    Total by gender:
    Total records matching a given gender.
    Find volunteers for a particular opportunity
    Find volunteers who match two specific opportunity codes