Open Metadata Handbook/Appendix
Additional information
General resources
edit- Digital Libraries: Metadata Resources (IFLA) - metadata.htm
- A Framework of Guidance for Building Good Digital Collections - forumframework.html
- Introduction to Metadata: Pathways to Digital Information by Martha Baca - conducting_research/standards/ intrometadata/index.html
- Metadata: Cataloging by Any Other Name by Jessica Milstead and Susan Feldman - OL1999/milstead1.html
- Metadata and Its Application by Brad Eden - Library Technology Reports (September-October 2002)
- Metadata Demystified: A Guide for Publishers by Amy Brand, Frank Daly, Barbara Meyers - NISO Press & The Sheridan Press, 2003, ISBN 1-880125-49-9 Invalid ISBN resources/ Metadata_Demystified.pdf
- Metadata Fundamentals for All Librarians by Priscilla Caplan - ALA, 2003, ISBN: 0-8389-0847-0
- Metadata Information Clearinghouse Interactive (MICI) - http://www.metadata
- Metadata Portals and Multi- standard Projects by Candy Schwartz - ~schwartz/meta.html
- Metadata Primer – A “How To” Guide on Metadata Implementation [for digital spatial data] by David Hart and Hugh Phillips - metaprim.htm
- Metadata Principles and Practicalities by Duval, Erik, Wayne Hodgins, Stuart Sutton, and Stuart L. Weibel - D-Lib Magazine 8(4) (April 2002) weibel/04weibel.html
- Metadata Resources (UKOLN) - resources
- Metadata Standards - Standards/metadata_intro.html
- Metadata Standards, Crosswalks, and Standards Organizations - toolbox/standards.htm
- – Projects, Tools & Services, and Schema Registry (Australia) -
- Preservation Metadata for Digital Objects: A Review of the State of the Art - A White Paper by the OCLC/RLG Working Group on Preservation Metadata, January 31, 2001 pmwg/presmeta_wp.pdf
Schemes, Initiatives, and Related Sites
edit- Application profiles: mixing and matching metadata schemas Rachel Heery and Manjula Patel, Ariadne, Issue 25, September 2000 - app-profiles/intro.html
- The Cedars Project (CURL exemplars in digital archives) - metadata.html
- CDWA (Categories for the Description of Works of Art) - conducting_research/standards/ cdwa/
- DDI (Data Documentation Initiative) -
- DOI (Digital Object Identifier) -
- Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) -
- EAD (Encoded Archival Description) -
- Environmental Data Registry (EPA) -
- FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM) -
- Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM) -
- IFLA Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records frbr.htm
- IMS Global Learning Consortium
- <indecs> interoperability of data in ecommerce systems
- LOM (Learning Object Metadata)
- MARC 21 (Machine-Readable Cataloging)
- MetaWeb Project - Projects/metaweb/
- METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard) mets/
- MIX (Metadata for Images in XML Schema)
- MODS (Metadata Object Description Schema) mods/
- MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group)
- NBII (National Biological Information Infrastructure)
- Nordic Metadata Projects -
- NSDI (National Spatial Data Infrastructure)
- OAI (Open Archives Initiative) -
- OAIS (Open Archival Information System) 650x0b1.pdf
- ONIX (Online Information Exchange)
- Open GIS Consortium -
- PADI (Preserving Access to Digital Information) 32.html
- PREMIS (PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies) projects/pmwg
- PURL (Persistent Uniform Resource Locator)
- RDF (Resource Description Framework)
- SCHEMAS: Forum for Metadata Schema Implementors (UKOLN) schemas/
- TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) -
- VRA (Visual Resources Association) Core Categories vracore3.htm
- XML (Extensible Markup Language)
- Z39.50 -
- ZING (Z39.50 Next Generation) - zing/zing-home.html
edit- All about Crosswalks - projects/mswitch/ 1_crosswalks.htm
- Dublin Core / MARC / GILS Crosswalk dccross.html
- FGDC to MARC - public-documents/metadata/ fgdc2marc.html
- Issues in Crosswalking Content Metadata Standards by Margaret St. Pierre and William P. LaPlant, Jr. whitepapers/crsswalk.html
- MARC 21 to Dublin Core - marc2dc.html
- Metadata: Mapping between Metadata Formats (UKOLN) interoperability/
- Metadata Mappings (Crosswalks) subjects/metadata/mappings.html
- Metadata Standards Crosswalk (Getty) conducting_research/standards/ intrometadata/3_crosswalks/ crosswalk1.html
- Metadata Standards Crosswalks (Canadian Heritage Information Network) Standards/ metadata_crosswalks.html
Metadata Registries & Clearinghouses
edit- DCMI Registry Working Group - registry/
- DESIRE Metadata Registry -
- Environmental Data Registry -
- FGDC Clearinghouse Registry -
- MICI (Metadata Information Clearinghouse Interactive) http://
- NBII Metadata Clearinghouse -
- The SCHEMAS Registry - registry/
Tools for Metadata Creation
edit- DDI Tools - users/tools.html#a01
- Dublin Core tools -
- FGDC Metadata Tools - metadata/tools/
- Metadata Software Tools - software-tools/
- OAI-Specific Tools - tools.html
- RDF Editors and Tools - discovery/rdf/resources/#sec-tools
- TEI Software - index.html
edit- AACR2 (Anglo-American Cataloging Rules) – A standard set of rules for cataloging library materials. The “2” refers to the second edition.
- administrative metadata – metadata related to the use, management, and encoding processes of digital objects over a period of time. Includes the subsets of technical metadata, rights management metadata, and preservation metadata.
- ANSI (American National Standards Institute) – administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and conformity assessment system.
- CDWA (Categories for the Descriptions of Works of Art) – a metadata element set for describing artworks.
- crosswalk – a mapping of the elements, semantics, and syntax from one metadata scheme to another.
- CSDGM (Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata) – a metadata standard developed by the FGDC. Officially known as FGDC-STD-001.
- dataset – a collection of computer- readable data records.
- DC (Dublin Core) – a general metadata element set for describing all types of resources.
- DDI (Data Documentation Initiative) - a specification for describing social science datasets.
- descriptive metadata – metadata that describes a work for purposes of discovery and identification, such as creator, title, and subject.
- DLF (Digital Library Federation) – a membership organization dedicated to making digital information widely accessible.
- DOI (Digital Object Identifier) – a unique identifier assigned to electronic objects of intellectual property which can be resolved to the object’s location on the Internet.
- DTD (Document Type Definition) – a formal description in SGML or XML syntax of the structure (elements, attributes, and entities) to be used for describing the specified document type.
- EAD (Encoded Archival Description) – a metadata scheme for collection finding aids.
- element set – information segments of the metadata record, often called semantics or content.
- encoding rules – the syntax or prescribed order for the elements contained in the metadata description.
- extension – an element that is not officially part of a metadata scheme, which is defined for use with that scheme for a particular application.
- FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) – a U.S. Federal government interagency committee responsible for developing the National Spatial Data Infrastructure.
- GEM (Gateway to Educational Materials) – a U.S. Department of Education initiative that has defined an extension to the Dublin Core element set to accommodate educational resources.
- GIS (Geographic Information System) – a computer system for capturing, managing, and displaying data related to positions on the Earth’s surface.
- HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language) – a set of tags and rules derived from SGML used to create hypertext documents for the World Wide Web. Officially, a W3C Recommendation.
- <indecs> (Interoperability of Data in ECommerce Systems) – a framework for metadata to support commerce in intellectual property.
- interoperability – the ability of multiple systems, using different hardware and software platforms, data structures, and interfaces, to exchange and share data.
- ISO (International Organization for Standardization) – the primary international standards develop- ment organization.
- IEC (International Electro- technical Commission) – an international standards develop- ment organization for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. Co-sponsors with ISO the Joint Technical Committee 1 on Infor- mation Technology.
- LOM (Learning Object Metadata) – a metadata scheme for technology-supported learning resources.
- MARC 21 (MAchine Readable Cataloging) -- a formatting, record structure, and encoding standard for electronic bibliographic cataloging records developed by the Library of Congress. The “21” refers to the version of MARC issued in 1998 that integrated the U.S. and Canadian versions of MARC.
- MARCXML – a metadata scheme for working with MARC data in a XML environment
- metadata – structured information that describes, explains, locates, and otherwise makes it easier to retrieve and use an information resource.
- metadata harvesting – a technique for extracting metadata from individual repositories and collecting it in a central catalog
- METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard) – a metadata scheme for complex digital library objects.
- MODS (Metadata Object Description Schema) – a metadata scheme for rich description of electronic resources.
- MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group) – Standards Committee 29, Working Group 11 of ISO/IEC JTC1, which develops standards for digital audio and video. Also refers to a suite of standards developed by the group.
- namespace – in RDF, a way to tie a specific use of a metadata element to the scheme where the intended definition is to be found.
- NISO (National Information Standards Organization) – a standards development organ- ization, accredited by the American National Standards Institute, that develops library and information- related standards.
- ONIX (Online Information Exchange) – a metadata scheme for book bibliographic, trade, and promotional data.
- preservation metadata – a form of administrative metadata dealing with the provenance of a resource and its archival management.
- profile – a subset of a scheme defined and used by a particular interest group to customize the scheme for its purposes.
- PURL (Persistent URL) – a naming and resolution system developed by OCLC utilizing an intermediate redirection service to locate a resource’s URL.
- qualifier – an optional sub-element to a Dublin Core element that is used to further refine the element or support a specific encoding scheme.
- RDF (Resource Description Framework) – a language for representing metadata about Web resources so it can be exchanged between applications without loss of meaning. Officially, a suite of W3C specifications.
- registry – a formal system for the documentation of the element sets, descriptions, semantics, and syntax of one or more metadata schemes.
- rights management metadata – a form of administrative metadata dealing with the intellectual property rights of a resource.
- scheme (schema)– a metadata element set and rules for using it.
- semantics – the names and meanings of metadata elements.
- SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) – a language used to mark-up electronic documents with tags that define the relationship between the content and the structure. Officially, international standard ISO 8879, Information processing—Text and office systems—Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML).
- structural metadata – metadata that indicates how compound objects are structured, provided to support use of the objects.
- syntax – rules for how metadata elements and their content are encoded.
- technical metadata – a form of administrative metadata dealing with the creation or storage encoding processes or formats of the resource.
- TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) – a metadata scheme for electronic text
- URL (Uniform Resource Locator) – A unique address for identifying and locating a resource on the Internet.
- VRA (Visual Resources Association ) Core – a metadata scheme for describing a visual work and its representations
- W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) – an international consortium that develops consensus protocols and specifications to ensure the interoperability of the World Wide Web.
- XML (Extensible Mark-up Language) – an application profile of SGML designed for use in Web applications. Officially, a W3C Recommendation.
- Z39.50 – a NISO and ISO standard protocol for cross-system search and retrieval. Officially, international standard, ISO 23950, Information Retrieval (Z39.50): Application Service Definition and Protocol Specification, and ANSI/NISO standard Z39.50.