OpenGL Programming/Installation/Mac

OpenGL was deprecated in macOS 10.14, but at least in macOS 10.15, OpenGL and GLUT are still available

Use GLUT and OpenGL from within Xcode:

  • Open Xcode located in "/Developer/Applications/"
  • Choose "New Project" from the file menu
  • Choose "Command Line Tool" under the Application template for Mac OS X
  • Choose type "C++"
  • Enter your desired project name and directory and click create
  • In the "Linked Frameworks and Libraries" area click the "+" button, and select "OpenGL.framework"
  • Repeat for "GLUT.framework"

When #including OpenGL & GLUT header files (but not the regular ones like iostream) within Xcode, make sure to do so like this:

#include <OpenGL/gl.h>
#include <OpenGL/glu.h>
#include <GLUT/glut.h>

in other words:

#include <name_of_framework/name_of_header_file.h>