
A general feature in Odia is the adding of 2 prefixes to names of animals to signify their biological sex - ଅଣ୍ଡିରା (Anḍira) is used for male counterparts, while ମାଈ (Māi) is used for the female counterparts.

Another popular way is to add a suffix -ଣୀ (-ṇi) after the names of general animal names to signify their female counterparts. Here, the biologically male counterparts are understood to have the same name as that of the animal itself.

A succint list of wild and domestic animals is given below in both English and Odia :

camel ଓଟ oṭa
otter ଓଧ odha
panther କଲରାପତ୍ରିଆ/ପିତଡ଼ାପତ୍ରିଆ kalarāpatriā/pitaṛāpatriā
musk deer କସ୍ତୁରୀ ମୃଗ kasturi mruga
wild cat କଟାସ katāsa
dog କୁକୁର kukura
bitch କୁକୁରୀ kukuri
antelope କୃଷ୍ଣସାର krusnasāra
fox କୋକିଶିଆଳ kokisiāḷa
vixen କୋକିଶିଆଳୀ kokisiaḷi
mule ଖଚର khachara
ass ଗଧ gadha
bison,wild buffalo ଗୟଳ gayaḷa
rhinoceros ଗଣ୍ଡା ganḍa
cow ଗାଈ gāi
squirrel ଗୁଣ୍ଡୁଚି ମୂଷା gunḍuchi musā
wolf ଗଧିଆ gadhiā
hog ଘୁଷୁରି ghusuri
sow ମାଈ ଘୁଷୁରି /


māi ghusuri/


horse, stallion ଘୋଡା / ଘୁଡ଼ା ghoṛa / ghuṛa
mare ଘୋଡଣୀ/ଘୋଡ଼ୀ


ghoṛaṇi / ghoṛi

ghuṛaṇi / ghuṛi

leopard ଚିତା ବାଘ chitā bagha
spotted deer ଚିତା ମୃଗ chitā mruga
mole ଚୁଚୁନ୍ଦ୍ରା chuchundrā
mouse ଚୁଟିଆ ମୂଷା chuṭiā musā
heifer ଛଡ଼ା / ଛୁଡ଼ା chhaṛā / chhuṛa
goat ଛେଳି chheḷi
hedgehog, porcupine ଝିଙ୍କ jhinka
hare,rabbit ଠେକୁଆ ṭhekuā
pony ତଟୁ ଘୋଡ଼ା taṭu ghoṛa / ṭatu ghuṛa
dry cow ଅଣ ଦୁହାଁଳିଆ ଗାଈ /

ଦୁଧ ନ ଦିଆ ଗାଈ/

ଦୁଧ ଦେଉ ନଥିବା ଗାଈ

aṇa duhãḷiā gāi /

dudha na diā gāi /

dudha deu nathibā gāi

milch cow ଦୁହାଁଳିଆ ଗାଈ duhãḷia gāi
tusker ଦନ୍ତା ହାତୀ dantā hāti
mangoose ନେଉଳ neuḷa
bullock ବଳଦ baḷada
reindeer ବଳଗା ହରିଣ baḷagā hariṇa
boar ବରାହ / ବାରା barāha / bārā
rat ବଡ଼ ମୂଷା baṛa musā
muskrat ଗନ୍ଧ ମୂଷା gandha musā
wild dog ବଳିଆ କୁକୁର baḷiā kukura
monkey ମାଙ୍କଡ଼ mānkaṛa
black-faced monkey ହନୁ ମାଙ୍କଡ଼ hanu mānkaṛa
red-faced monkey ପାତି ମାଙ୍କଡ଼ pāti mānkaṛa
wild cat ବଣଭୂଆ baṇabhuā
orang-outang ବଣ ମଣିଷ baṇa maṇisa
tiger ବାଘ bāgha
tigress ବାଘୁଣୀ bāghuṇi
jackal ବିଲୁଆ biluā
bear ଭାଲୁ bhālu
tom cat ଭୁଆବିରାଡ଼ି bhuābirāṛi
sheep ମେଣ୍ଢା menḍhā
ewe ମେଣ୍ଡୁଣୀ / ମେଣ୍ଢୀ mendhuṇi, mendhi
buffalo ମଇଁଷି mãisi
Royal  Tiger ମହାବଳ ବାଘ mahābaḷa bāgha
man-eater tiger ମଣିଷଖିଆ ବାଘ maṇisakhiā bāgha






female deer ,female stag ମୃଗୀ,




hound ଶିକାରୀ କୁକୁର sikāri kukura
elk ସମ୍ୱର sambara
lion ସିଂହ sinha
lioness ସିଂହଣୀ / ସିଂହୀ sinhaṇi/sinhi
sea cow ଦଧି ଗାଈ /

ସମୁଦ୍ର ଗାଈ

dadhi gāi/

samudra gāi

sea horse ଦଧି ଘୋଟକ/ସମୁଦ୍ରଘୋଟକ dadhi ghoṭaka /

samudra ghoṭaka

civet cat ଶାଳିଆପତନି shāḷiāpatani
bull ଷଣ୍ଢ sanḍha
elephant ହାତୀ hāti
hyena ହେଟା ବାଘ heṭa bāgha
Cat ବିଲେଇ / ବିରାଡ଼ି bilei / biraṛi