Nuclear Energy/Nuclear technology

Nuclear technology refers to the ability to convert naturally occurring uranium into enriched uranium, which is obtained through the fission of atoms, which has a lot of energy. By fissioning the nucleus or the uranium atom, nuclear energy is released in the form of heat and thermal energy, which can be used to generate water vapor and turn electricity generating turbines. Uranium is one of the dense radioactive metals that exist in nature. This metal exists in most areas such as: rocks, soil, deep sea and oceans, so that its presence and distribution is more than gold, silver or mercury. This metal exists in the form of oxide or mixed salts in minerals such as uranite or caronite, and in terms of color; It is silvery white and flexible.

History of nuclear technology About three centuries BC, Democritus, a Greek scientist, after studying things, realized that things are composed of very small and decomposable particles in addition to their appearance. He named these particles "atom" which means "unbreakable". Centuries after this discovery, in 1700 AD, John Dalton, an English scientist, also discovered that atoms can be broken down. But this result remained at the limit of theory. Until in 1927, Albert Einstein, a German American scientist, proved the theory of atomic disintegration in a practical way. After this discovery, the first nuclear test was carried out in the Nevada desert by the United States, and at the end of World War II, it was used to rain bombs on Japanese cities. After the United States, in 1949, the Soviet Union was able to acquire nuclear weapons and put them into action. With the increase in the demand for the production of nuclear weapons by powerful countries such as France and China, the leaders of the countries thought of controlling the production of this destructive weapon and suggested the use of destructive energy for peace. For this purpose, in 1954, US President Eisenhower proposed the "Atoms for Peace" program. Following this proposal, from 1954 to 1956, the organization's statutes were drafted and after that the "Nuclear Energy Agency" was formed. In 1968, the Nuclear Energy Agency approved the "Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty" (Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty) by the United Nations General Assembly and it became effective in 1970. Currently, 189 countries are members of this treaty.