Verbs in Niw Englisch are much simpler than Latin and other Romance languages, and Old English and German, but slightly more complicated than in modern English. There are two types of verbs: strong and weak. Weak verbs add -te or -de to form the past tense; strong verbs are strong enough to change their vowels to indicate time.



Present Indicative


Just about every verb follows the same declension in the present:

Present Indicative
Singular Endings Plural Endings
ic -e wiȝ -eþ
þu -(e)st ȝiȝ -eþ
he/schie/it -(e)þ hje -eþ

The second and third person singular add an 'e' back when there's a consonant cluster that would render the ending unintelligible.


  • þu findest - you find
  • he buþ naȝh miȝ - he lives near me.

The indicative is a mood describing facts or what you believe is true.



The command form is the imperative mood. Simply take the stem of the verb for the singular, or add -eþ in the plural. Verbs with consonant clusters at the end add -e for intelligibility:


  • finde hin! - find him!
  • dæl þie Karten! - distribute/deal the cards!
  • gaaþ haam! - y'all go home!



This is the mood of reported speech where you are unsure of the veracity of it, or to express wishes or desires or other contrary to fact statements.

Present Subjunctive
Singular Endings Plural Endings
ic -e wiȝ -en
þu -est ȝiȝ -en
he/schie/it -e hje -en

For example:

  • he sæȝde, þat he it nu sœke - he said that he's looking for it now (but I don't know for certain)
  • if he it finde, kann ic mid þiȝ gaan - if he finds it (but he may not), I can go with you.