Niw Englisc/Adjectives

Adjectives are the words that describe nouns. A Book becomes a red book or an old book. In Niw Englisch, adjectives agree with their noun in number, gender, and case.

Strong Declension

Strong Declension
Case Masculine Neuter Feminine Plural
Nominative - - -e -e
Genitive -es -es -er -er
Dative -em -em -er -en
Accusative -en - -e -e


  • blind girl - blind Mæȝden (nominative singular)
  • old woman - alde Frowe (nominative/accusative singular)
  • young boy's book - Bok ȝunges Kniȝhtes (genitive singular)

Weak Declension


The weak declension is found after the articles a/an and the

Weak Declension
Case Masculine Neuter Feminine Plural
Nominative -e -e -e -en
Genitive -en -en -en -en
Dative -en -en -en -en
Accusative -en -e -e -en
  • the blind boy - þat blinde Kniȝht
  • with the green book - mid þer grœnen Bok



All adjectives, regardless of word length or origin, add -er and -est in the comparative and superlative forms. Some umlaut, and some have irregular stems, though.

Umlauting Adjectives

  • ald, ælder, ældest - old
  • arm, ærmer, ærmst - poor
  • brad, bræder, brædest - broad
  • ferr, fierrer, fierrst - far
  • great, grietter, griettst - great
  • ȝung, ȝynger, ȝyngst - young
  • hard, hærder, hærdst - hard
  • heaȝh, hierr-, hieȝhst - high
  • lang, længer, længst - long, tall
  • naȝh, nierr, nieȝhst - near/nigh
  • schort, schœrter, schœrtst - short
  • soft, sœfter, sœftest - soft
  • strang, strænger, strængst - strong
  • swot, swœter, swœtst - sweet
  • sur, syrer, syrst - sour
  • wak, wæker, wækst - weak