Nets, Webs and the Information Infrastructure/Notes



1 ITU, “Key Global Telecom Indicators for the World Telecommunication Service Sector,” ITU [home page online]; available from; accessed 18 August 2002. Other estimates peg the number of Internet users at 445.9 million (eMarketer), 533 million (Computer Industry Almanac) and 544.2 (NUA Internet Surveys). The Internet user population for 2004 is projected to be 709.1 million (eMarketer) or 945 million (Computer Industry Almanac).

2 Encyclopedia of Networking and Telecommunications, 2001 ed., s.v. “Point of Presence.”

3 Southwestern Bell, “What is ISDN?,” Southwestern Bell Internet Services [home page online]; available from; accessed 18 September 2002.

4 Southwestern Bell, “What is ISDN?,” Southwestern Bell Internet Services [home page online]; available from; accessed 18 September 2002.

5 Hewlett-Packard Mobility Solutions - White Papers, “Wi-Fi and Bluetooth - Interference Issues,” Hewlett-Packard Mobility Solutions - White Papers [home page online]; available from; published on January 2002; accessed 18 September 2002.

6 Wiz’n’, “What is WAP?” Wiz’n’ [home page online]; available from; accessed 18 September 2002.

7 Lance Concannon, “WAP & GPRS,” Internet Magazine [home page online]; available from; accessed 18 September 2002.

8 DOTC, An Infocomms Policy for the Information Economy (Philippines, 2000), 31.

9 Chet Dembeck, “Report Labels Internet Privacy Policies ‘A Joke’,” E-Commerce Times [home page online]; available from 1243.html; published 16 September 1999; accessed 18 September 2002.

10 Seung Taik Yang, “Welcoming Address - ITU New Initiatives Workshop On Creating Trust in Critical Network Infrastructures,” ITU [document online]; available from; delivered on 20 May 2002; accessed 18 September 2002.

11 White & Case News, “White & Case Privacy Law Survey Shows Rising Tide of Legal/ Regulatory Controls in Major Countries Worldwide,” White & Case News [home page online]; available from; published on 1 May 2002; accessed 18 September 2002.

12 CERT Coordination Center, “Overview of Attack Trends,” Internet Security Alliance [home page online]; available from attack_trends.pdf; released 19 February 2002; accessed 18 September 2002.

13 Robert O’Harrow Jr., “In Terror War, Privacy vs. Security,” [journal online]; available from; published 3 June 2002; accessed 29 August 2002.

14 Ibid.

15 New Zealand e-Government Programme, “Removing the digital divide in Korea,” New Zealand e-Government Programme [home page online]; available from; published October 2001; accessed 22 August 2002.

16 Kim Deok-hyun, “KT Kicks Off Campaign Against ‘Digital divide’,” Korea Times [journal online]; available from; published 23 June 2002; accessed on 22 August 2002.

17 Global Reach, “Global Internet Statistics (by Language),” Global Reach [home page online]; available from; accessed 18 September 2002.

18 Unicode Consortium, “The Unicode Standard,” Unicode Consortium [home page online]; available from; accessed 18 September 2002.

19 Michael Minges, Vanessa Gray, Lucy Firth, “Khmer Internet: Cambodia Case Study,” International Telecommunication Union [home page online]; available from; accessed 18 September 2002.

20 Steve Dolan, 27 May 2002, online chat interview.

21 Open Source Initiative, “The Open Source Definition,” Open Source Initiative [home page online]; available from; accessed 29 August 2002.

22 David Sims, “OSCON Keynotes: What’s Open Source Good For?” O’Reilly Network [home page online]; available from 26/baker.html; published 26 July 2001; accessed 18 September 2002.

23 WTO Telecommunications Services, “Reference Paper: Negotiating Group On Basic Telecommunications,” WTO Telecommunications Services [home page online]; available from; accessed 29 August 2002.

24 The list of WTO principles is taken from this reference: E. Wolfstetter, Volksw. V. Grimm, Universal Service After Liberalisation (Humboldt Universität Berlin, 29 June 2001), page 5 [document online]; available from; accessed 18 September 2002. The list found in does not include the last item documented in this primer: “5. affordable rates”.

25 A natural monopoly is one that arises without the intervention of government. Paul M. Johnson, “A Glossary of Political Economy Terms,” A Glossary of Political Economy Terms [home page online]; available from; accessed 29 August 2002

26 Infocomms Development Authority, “Singapore’s Telecom Liberalisation Draws ATT. MCI WorldCom And Other Global Players,” IDA Online [home page online]; Available from; published 3 April 2000; accessed 26 August 2002.

27 National Telecommunications Commission, “Growth in Wireline Telephone Service and Telephone Density Index,” NTC Online [home page online]; available from http://; accessed 26 August 2002

28 e-Japan 2002 Program, “e-Japan 2002 Program,” e-Japan 2002 Program [home page online]; available from; accessed 29 August 2002.

29 Pichet Durongkaveroj, “National Information Infrastructure in Thailand,” Thailand National Information Superhighway Testbed Project [home page online]; available from; accessed 27 August 2002.

30 National Information Technology Committee, “IT2000 Thailand National IT Policy,” National Information Technology Committee [home page online]; available from; accessed 27 August 2002.

31 James Savage, “International Public Programs to Provide Broadband Access to the Internet,” National Broadband Task Force [home page online]; available from; published 05 January 2001; accessed 29 August 2002

32 Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, “Communications And Multimedia Act 1998” Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission [home page online]; available from _pg3.htm; accessed 18 September 2002.

33 Syed Hussein Mohamed, New Regulatoy Framework For Communications And Multimedia Sector: Subsidiary Legislation (Malaysia), page 4 [document online]; available from; accessed 18 September 2002.

34 E-APEC Task Force, “e-APEC Strategy,” E-APEC Task Force [home page online]; available from; accessed 29 August 2002

35 QUALCOMM Europe “3G & Wireless Glossary,” QUALCOMM CDMA Technologies Europe [home page online]; available from glossary.html; accessed 18 September 2002.

36 Dan Koenig, “Investigation of Cybercrime and Technology-related Crime,” National Executive Institute Associates [home page online]; available from; published March 2002; accessed 18 September 2002.

37 “TCP/IP was widely used in information technology systems at universities and government agencies. But its commercial usage paled in comparison to competing approaches, like Novell Inc.’s SPX/IPX, Microsoft Corp.’s NetBEUI protocol suite or IBM’s SNA. Until the Web, which also set TCP/IP as its protocol of choice, grew in popularity, a debate raged over which communications protocol would dominate network communications.” Lee Copeland, “TCP/IP,” Computerworld [home page online]; available from 0,10801,42984,00.html; published 17 January 2000; accessed 18 September 2002.

38 Robert Zakon, “Hobbes’ Internet Timeline v5.6,” Hobbes’ Internet Timeline [home page online]; available from; accessed 18 August 2002.

39 Tim Berners-Lee, Weaving the Web (New York: Harper San Francisco, 1999), 4.

40 Ibid., 69.

41 Richard Lowe and Claudia Arevalo-Lowe, “History of Browsers,” Internet Tips [home page online]; available from; accessed 18 September 2002.

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