Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Thorfinn Rowle

Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter - Character
Thorfinn Rowle
Gender Male
Hair color Blond
Eye color Unknown
Related Family Unknown
Loyalty Lord Voldemort



Thorfinn Rowle is a large, blond man. He is a Death Eater.

Role in the Books

Beginner warning: Details follow which you may not wish to read at your current level.

When Harry follows Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy, Amycus and Alecto Carrow, and Fenrir Greyback down from the Astronomy Tower after the death of Albus Dumbledore, he finds a large, blond Death Eater in the hallway firing off curses indiscriminately. It seems that one of his curses was the cause of one of the two Death Eater casualties; he had tried to curse Remus Lupin and missed. At the word from Snape, he breaks off the fight and runs, along with the others; apparently he follows Snape, who is using various short cuts, because he is ahead of Harry when they reach the front door of the school, while the Carrows are behind Harry. As he escapes, the large blond Death Eater casts multiple curses at Hagrid, but they are apparently ineffective, he then resorts to setting Hagrid's hut on fire. He was then ordered by Snape to flee before the Ministry wizards arrived.

When the two Death Eaters attack Ron and Hermione in the cafe on the Tottenham Court Road, Harry recalls that the "large blond" Death Eater was one of the ones at Hogwarts, and recognizes the other is Antonin Dolohov. Ron tells Harry that he thinks the large one's name is Thorfinn Rowle.

After the Trio have returned to Grimmauld Place, Harry has an episode where he sees into Lord Voldemort's mind. Thorfinn Rowle is being tortured for having let Ron and Hermione escape. Harry is sickened to find that Voldemort is ordering Draco Malfoy to do the actual torturing.

Rowle is one of the Death Eaters gathered around Voldemort in the clearing in the forest when Harry goes to meet Voldemort. When Hagrid tells Harry to run for it, Rowle is the Death Eater who silences him.



Rowle appears to be a reasonably powerful wizard. When Death Eaters invaded Hogwarts at the end of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, he was shown causing fairly major damage, though admittedly it was rather random, often aimed at building features rather than defending wizards. He is described as being the "huge, blonde death eater" indicating that his well built and muscular. He has the Dark Mark on his inner forearm and is around 6ft3 tall.



He is known to be careless, firing curses all over the place without consideration. This makes him dangerous to even his fellow Death Eaters.

Relationships with Other Characters




Out of the many Death Eaters we encounter during the course of the series, Rowle appears to be among the most dangerous. He has very little consideration for where his curses are going, firing them indiscriminately during battle; even being in his vicinity must be risky.

He also kills one of his own side - fellow Death Eater Gibbon - by mistake. He appears to show very little remorse for this, if indeed he was aware.



Study questions are meant to be left for each student to answer; please don't answer them here.

Greater Picture

Intermediate warning: Details follow which you may not wish to read at your current level.