Moving objects in retarded gravitational potentials of an expanding spherical shell/Gravitational redshift

Retarded gravitational potentials · Conclusion

Gravitational redshift


Schwarzschild radius

Relation between the Schwarzschild radius   and a redshift of an emitted photon   in a distance   caused by the gravitation of the massive sphere in the centre.

The Schwarzschild radius   of any mass   in a Schwarzschild sphere (typically a black hole) is given by:


Apart from its mass, the Schwarzschild radius is only depending on two natural constants:

  • Gravitational constant:  
  • Speed of light:  

The gravitational redshift z of photons emitted to the opposite direction of the Schwarzschild sphere and with a distance to the centre of the sphere  can be computed by the following formula:


The redshift of very far objects such as the galaxy JADES.GS.z14-0 has a value of more than 14, and this is much larger than expected. The possible high speed of such a galaxy is not sufficient for such a high value. The distance of this galaxy is given by 13.5 billion light-years, and its age is assumed to be 290 million years after Big Bang.

The cosmic microwave background even has a redshift value of 1089, which is extremely high. It is associated with the first hydrogen atoms that occurred some 380,000 years after the Big Bang.

In a shell

The sum of all gravitational forces between the mass   and a spherical arc (blue) with the line density   that represents a hollow spherical cap. It has the same effect as the gravitational force between the mass   and an effective spherical mass   (black).

However, a gravitational redshift can not only occur outside of spheres, but also within in a hollow spherical cap. To estimate its gravitational redshift, the effective mass of such a cap can be integrated for any point within the cap. The corresponding effect can be described by a Schwarzschild sphere with the Schwarzschild radius.

For very fast-moving objects we can assume that they only experience the retarded gravitational potentials of the mass elements in front of them, since the backward potentials are even much more retarded, and therefore, contribute only weakly to the net gravity. In the following section only the arc of the shell cap is considered. The gravitational forces rectangular to the direction of movement are very small and can be neglected. This also holds for the gravitational forces behind the moving mass  . If the distance   between the mass   and the shell is given, we can estimate the fraction of the retarded forces from the opposite part of the shell in the distance  , where   is radius of the visible universe (cf. previous section "Retarded gravitational potentials"):


If we assume that the distance is a fraction of the radius


then the ratio of the two forces has the following relation:


This means if the distance   is a tenth of the radius   of the universe, the error by neglecting the left force would be less than 0.3 percent,.


Diagram for integrating the effective mass of an outer shell   acting on a fast moving mass   by varying the centre angle   from   to  .
  = radius of the visible universe
  = distance of mass   to the outer shell
  = line mass density of the outer shell

The bold arc on the right-hand side of the diagram is representing all mass elements of the outer shell of the universe in front of the mass that is moving to the right with high velocity. The outer shell is consisting of dark matter (mainly hydrogen), and in the central area of the universe this dark matter is only visible due to the cosmic microwave background.

We use the following constant values for the estimates derived from these premises:

  • Light-year:  
  • Hubble length:   (equals 14,4 billion light-years)
  • Mass of the universe:  :

The mass of this arc can be computed by integrating the arc between the angles   and   with its line mass density  :


The mass of the whole shell   is given by integrating a complete circle:


The vertical components of the gravitational forces are symetrical, and therefore, their net effect is zero.

Detail for integrating the infinitesimal mass element   acting on a mass   by varying the angle  .
  = angle as seen from origin  
  = radius of the universe (Hubble length)
  = height og the mass element  
  = distance of mass   to the outer shell
  = distance between mass   and mass element  
  = auxiliary sagitta
  = angle as seen from  

The distance   between the mass   and the outer shell is given, and we can compute the distances of the mass   to any infinitesimal mass element   on the arc depending on the angle  :


The angle   as seen from the moving mass m to the infinitesimal mass element   on the arc is given by the following expression:


With the auxiliary sagitta   we get:


The horizontal force of this arc   that is accelerating the mass   in horizontal direction can be achieved by integrating the arc with the correction factor  :


With the effective gravitational force   that acts on the mass   by the gravitational force of the virtual effective mass   that is located in the intersection point of the trajectory of the mass   with the outer shell, we have to consider the varying distances   between   and the infinitesimal mass elements   along the arc:


We finally get the effective mass   in the distance   from  :


Schwarzschild distance


The Schwarzschild distance   of this effective mass is equal to the radius of a sphere with the effective mass:


The gravitational redshift   of photons emitted to the centre of the universe that is caused by the effective mass in the distance   of the outer shell is:


The equations above can be solved for the Schwarzschild distance of every shell with the mass  . With the following condition we can get the solutions with  , where  :


The overall mass of the invisible outer spherical shell   can be expressed in relation to the mass of the visible universe  :




It is assumed that the outer shell is expanding, spherical and consists of dark matter. The effective mass of the outer shell is computed only considering the geometrical region in front of the object. This assumption is based on the fact that the retarded gravitational potentials from the opposite border of the black shell can be neglected. The following two diagrams show the solution in two different representations over the relation of the mass of the invisible universe surrounding the visible universe in a spherical shell in units of the mass of the visible universe :

  • The Schwarzschild distance   between the visible border of the universe and the invisible outer shell of the universe.
  • The radius of the visible universe  .
Linear mass density   in black shell in kilogram per metre Mass   of black shell in kilograms Ratio   of mass of black shell to mass of universe Schwarzschild distance   in metres Effective mass   of sphere at any point of black shell in kilograms Ratio   of Schwarzschild distance to radius of universe Schwarzschild distance   in light-years Ratio   of radius of the visible universe to radius of the universe
1,000E+26 8,545E+52 0,288 2,7E+19 1,8E+46 2,0E-07 2,89E+03 0,9999998
1,500E+26 1,282E+53 0,432 1,0E+20 6,7E+46 7,3E-07 1,06E+04 0,9999993
1,600E+26 1,367E+53 0,460 1,5E+20 1,0E+47 1,1E-06 1,63E+04 0,9999989
1,650E+26 1,410E+53 0,475 2,3E+20 1,5E+47 1,7E-06 2,42E+04 0,999998
1,675E+26 1,431E+53 0,482 3,6E+20 2,5E+47 2,7E-06 3,85E+04 0,999997
1,680E+26 1,436E+53 0,483 4,7E+20 3,2E+47 3,5E-06 5,02E+04 0,999997
1,683E+26 1,438E+53 0,484 3,6E+21 2,4E+48 2,6E-05 3,80E+05 0,99997
1,685E+26 1,440E+53 0,485 6,9E+22 4,6E+49 5,1E-04 7,29E+06 0,9995
1,690E+26 1,444E+53 0,486 3,3E+23 2,2E+50 2,4E-03 3,49E+07 0,998
1,700E+26 1,453E+53 0,489 9,5E+23 6,4E+50 7,0E-03 1,00E+08 0,993
1,710E+26 1,461E+53 0,492 1,7E+24 1,1E+51 1,3E-02 1,80E+08 0,988
1,720E+26 1,470E+53 0,495 2,5E+24 1,7E+51 1,8E-02 2,64E+08 0,982
1,724E+26 1,473E+53 0,496 2,7E+24 1,8E+51 2,0E-02 2,90E+08 0,980
1,727E+26 1,476E+53 0,497 3,0E+24 2,0E+51 2,2E-02 3,19E+08 0,978
1,729E+26 1,477E+53 0,497 3,2E+24 2,1E+51 2,3E-02 3,35E+08 0,977
1,730E+26 1,478E+53 0,498 3,3E+24 2,2E+51 2,4E-02 3,49E+08 0,976
1,792E+26 1,532E+53 0,516 9,5E+24 6,4E+51 7,0E-02 1,00E+09 0,930

In this model the mass of the invisible outer shell is increasing continuosly. This might be due to the fact that more and more matter is moving from the visible universe behind the event horizon, where it becomes invisible and unaccessible.

It is very noteworthy to recapitulate that the age of the cosmic microwave background with its afterglow light pattern is about 380,000 years (shell mass  , Schwarzschild distance  ), exactly where the radius of the visible universe had significantly begun to decrease (see right diagram). The so-called "dark ages" begun, and they lasted for several hundreds of million years.

The age of the oldest known galaxy JADES.GS.z14-0 represents the youngest stars that emit light, and therefore, the end of the dark ages. Its age is about 290 million years (shell mass  , Schwarzschild distance  ), where the size of the visible universe had begun to decelerate (see left diagram).

For comparison: the Schwarzschild radius of the universe can be computed by its mass, too: