Movie Making Manual/Meetings

1st meeting - 10th March 2005



  1. Promoting the MMM
    1. Print (Below The Line? Dazed? DV? Filmmaker? Movie Maker? Showreel Magazine ? Res?
      1. Press release
    2. Web (SP?, UK screen? ,New Producers Alliance?, Talent Circle?, scriptfactory? Netribution?)
      1. Press release
    3. Email (BBC newsletters? Film Society news letters? BBC Film Network? BECTU PACT NPA Equity Panaco NFT NFTS LFS)
      1. Press release
      2. Post card
    4. Events (Short film nights, seminars, workshops etc) Use existing events to promote the wiki.
      1. Let people suggest changes to the wiki and make live updates on a big screen.
      2. Slides
      3. short ads to be shown at screenings animated sequence - call out on SP bulletin
      4. Ask the presenter to mention the MMM
      5. Training events: master classes, apple events,
    5. Get manufacturers to include snapshot sections in products and online (Apple etc)
    6. MMM 15 second advert competition not yet
    7. Posting forum answers which link to the MMM (e.g. "See this MMM page for info on x")
  2. Potential MMM givers - ask for money, ask for employees contribute to experience to MMM
    1. Sponsors
      1. Training organisations (Raindance, Skillset)
      2. Rental Houses (VMI)
      3. Equipment manufacturers (Sony, Apple, Adobe, Avid, DreamTech, Digidesign, Panasonic, Canon)
      4. Networks (Shooting People, UK screen)
      5. Post Production (Pixar, ILM, Framestore)
    2. Funding
      1. Government (Skillset, CNC)
    3. What to do with money?
      1. post all accounts on MMM
      2. 1/3 of income goes to Wikimedia Foundation
      3. Print promotions
      4. Google ads
      5. Worldwide Party
      6. Printing snapshot books
      7. ...
  3. MMM structure
    1. Icons for text boxes
      2. Tips
      3. Examples in films, in scripts etc (eg, tracking shots- with DVD chapter)
    2. Icons for section
    3. associated wikibooks - create a header to link film related wikibooks
      1. directory
      2. community
      3. film history
      4. film theory
  4. MMM Front Page
    1. Like the CookBook? no
    2. A regular updated page like a newsletter (with highlighted articles, summaries, condensed toc etc)? no
  5. making MMM international (finding dedicated editors abroad)
    1. International promotions - pushing for mass
  6. Illustrations, graphics, video and audio yes
    1. (slightly off topic: can we edit video in a "wiki" way? e.g. make access to the original videos free and then upload the most recent EDL... maybe we can have "wiki video tutorials" - tutorials on movie making, shot on video and edited in a wiki fashion)
  7. MMM Logo done