Mirad Thesaurus/Universe

The Universe (Ha Mor)

Ha Mor -- The Universe
  • mor=universe
  • mar=star
  • maar=sun
  • mer=planet
  • meir=earth
  • mir=world
  • mur=satellite
  • muar=moon
  • Mear=Mercury
  • Meer=Venus
  • Meir=Earth
  • Meur=Mars
  • Meyor=Jupiter
  • Meyar=Saturn
  • Meyer=Uranus
  • Meyir=Pluto
  • amer=north
  • omer=south
  • imer=east
  • umer=west


  • mor=universe, cosmos
  • mora=universal, cosmic
  • moray=universally
  • moreb=master of the universe, god
  • morweb=male god
  • moreyb=godess
  • moreba=divine
  • moreban=divinity
  • morebam=heaven
  • morebama=celestial
  • morted=progenitor of the universe, god
  • morsaxut=creator of the universe, god
  • mortun=cosmology
  • mortuna=cosmological
  • mortut=cosmologist
  • moruin=cosmogony
  • moruina=cosmogonic
  • moruit=cosmogonist
  • morij=big bang, beginning of the universe
  • morij tuin=big bang theory
  • byi morij=since forever, since the beginning of time
  • moruj=end of the universe
  • buu moruj=for eternity, until the end of time, forever
  • gwamor=macrocosm
  • gwamor teaxar=telescope
  • gwomor=microcosm
  • gwomor teaxer=microscope
  • geizona mor=parallel universe
  • morxer=universalize
  • morxen=universalization
  • morxwa=universalized
  • hyumor=alternate universe


  • mar=star
  • mara=astral, stellar
  • maraya=starry
  • marika=star-studded
  • maruka=starless
  • marar=astrolabe
  • martyez=astromancy
  • marnagtyen=astrometry
  • mardraf=star chart
  • marmaf=galaxy
  • marmafa=galactic
  • ebmarmafa=intergalactic
  • marman=starlight
  • marmek=stardust
  • marmeg=comet
  • marmeyg=meteorite
  • marsiyn=asterisk
  • martun=astronomy
  • martuna=astonomical
  • martut...astronomist
  • martuin=astrology
  • martuina=astrological
  • martuit=astrologist
  • maruka=starless
  • maryan=constellation
  • maryena=starlike
  • marpaput=astronaut, cosmonaut
  • marpur=star ship
  • marpureb=star ship captain
  • marnaap=star system
  • marman=star light
  • marmanxwa=starlit
  • marnaud=star ray, star beam
  • mar bi David=star of David
  • maar=sun
  • maara=solar
  • maara azon=solar power
  • maaryafon=solar power
  • maaryafon zyevmays=solar power panel
  • maaryafonxwa=solar-powered
  • maaraya=sunny
  • maarika=sunny
  • maarfyifren=heliolatry, sun worshiping
  • maarman=sunlight
  • maarmanx=sunshine
  • marmanxwa=sunlit
  • maarmotozaxer=to suntan
  • maarmoynar=sunshade
  • maarnagar=heliometer
  • maarnaud=sun ray, sunbeam
  • maarovar=parasol
  • maarovyel=sunblock, sunscreen (lotion)
  • maartun=heliology
  • maarubuzpus=heliotrope
  • maaryap=sunrise
  • maaryop=sunset
  • maaryupen=heliotaxis
  • maaryuzem=heliosphere
  • maarzena=heliocentric
  • maar yibnod=solstice


  • mer=planet
  • amera=northern
  • amernod=north pole
  • yibamer=far north, arctic
  • omera=southern
  • omernod=south pole
  • yibomer=far south, antartic
  • imera=eastern
  • Imerem=Orient
  • umera=western
  • Umerem=Occident
  • aomera=north-south
  • aomernad=longitude
  • uimera=east-west
  • uimernad=latitude
  • emernad=meridian, equator
  • emernada=meridional, equatorial
  • zyamera=global
  • zyamerxen=globalization
  • merizon=compass direction
  • merizondar=compass
  • mernod=pole
  • mernoda=polar
  • mernodan=polarity
  • mernodxer=to polarize
  • mernodxen=polarization
  • mernodxwa=polarized
  • merovnod=antipode
  • mersindraf=atlas
  • mersindrafxen=cartography
  • mertun=geology
  • mertuna=geological
  • mertut=geologist
  • merzen=planet core
  • meram=planetarium
  • merzyun=globe, sphere
  • eymerzyun=hemisphere
  • obemera=tropical
  • obemerem=tropics
  • Obemernad=Tropic of Cancer
  • obemera mapil=tropical storm
  • oyebmer=exoplanet
  • yebmer=endoplanet


  • meir=earth
  • meira=terrestrial
  • meirat=earthling
  • yizmeirat=extraterrestrial
  • meir zen=earth core
  • meir absayeb=earth crust
  • meir ebsayeb=earth mantle


  • mir=world, environment, sphere, realm
  • mira=world (adj.)
  • Ha gwa nyaza twob be ha mir.=The richest man in the world.
  • Nas zyube ha mir.=Money makes the world go round.
  • Mirad=World language, Mirad
  • Mirader=to say in Mirad
  • Miradu has!=Say it in Mirad!
  • Miradaler=to speak in Mirad
  • Duven et Miradale?=Do you speak in Mirad?
  • hyamira=worldwide, global
  • hyumir=other world
  • hyumira=other-worldly, exotic
  • fyamir=heaven
  • fyamira=heavenly, celestial
  • fyamirat=celestial creature, heavenly host
  • mira dropek=world war
  • aa mira dropek=first world war
  • ea mira dropek=second world war
  • jomir=afterworld, metasphere, hereafter
  • ebjomir=limbo
  • eyjomir=purgatory
  • obmir=underworld
  • obmirat=underworld creature, demon
  • fyomir=hell
  • fyomira=infernal
  • fyomirat=demon
  • Pu fyomir!=Go to hell!
  • tobmir=world of men, earth
  • tujdin mir=dream-world
  • tutmir=academia, scholastic world
  • tutmira=academic, scholarly, scholastic
  • vyamir=real world
  • vyamira=real-world
  • vyomir=fantasy-land
  • vyomira=fantastic
  • yizmir=world beyond, metasphere, metaworld
  • yizmira=metaspheric, other-worldly, supernatural
  • yizmirat=supernatural being, ghost, spirit
  • totmir=world of the gods, heaven, realm of the gods
  • totmira=celestial, heavenly
  • megmir=lithosphere
  • yeybmegmira=intratelluric
  • dommir=urbane world
  • milmir=hydrosphere
  • mirteasyen=world view, Weltanschau
  • zyamira=world-wide
  • zyamira neaf=world-wide web, WWW, internet
  • oyeybmira=extramundane
  • miruj=end of the world
  • miruja=apocalyptic
  • Ha Mira Nasam=The World Bank
  • Ha Mira Bak Naab=The World Health Organization
  • yuzmir=environment
  • yuzmira=environmental


  • mur=satellite, moon
  • muar=moon, Earth's moon
  • muara=lunar
  • muara pur=lunar vehicle
  • muarman=moonlight
  • muarmanx=moonshine
  • muarmanxwa=moonlit
  • muarpuer=land on the moon
  • muarpuen=moon landing
mur noog=moon phase
eymur=crescent, half moon