

The core words of this theme begin with the letter d for communication and end in t for human or person
  • dot=society
  • dat=friend
  • det=mate, comrade, associate
  • dit=citizen
  • dut=sir/madam
  • dot=society
  • dota=social, societal
  • dotaser=socialize
  • dotasen=socialization
  • dotaxwa=socialized
  • odota=wild
  • odotem=wilderness
  • odotser=to become wild
  • odotxer=to make wild
  • yodota=savage
  • yodotan=savagery
  • yodotat=savage
  • dotsyen=civilization
  • dotsyena=civil
  • dotsyenan=civility
  • dotsyenxer=to civilize
  • dotsyenxwa=civilized
  • dotin=socialism
  • dotina=socialist
  • dotinut=socialist

  • dat=friend
  • datan=friendship, amity
  • datyena=friendly, amicable
  • datyenan=friendliness, amicableness
  • dwat=male friend, boyfriend
  • dayt=female friend, girlfriend
  • daat=buddy
  • dwaat=boyfriend
  • daayt=girlfriend
  • datser=become friends with
  • datxer=befriend, make a friend
  • datxen=making friends
  • datxwa=befriended
  • datyuz=circle of friends
  • odata=inimical
  • yodat=enemy
  • aayodat=arch enemy
  • yodatan=enmity
  • yodatser=become an enemy
  • yodatxer=make an enemy
  • vyodat=fake friend, false friend
  • yubdat=an intimate
  • yubdatan=intimacy
  • ovdata=hostile
  • ovdatan=hostility
  • datib=reception, party
  • datiber=to host
  • datiben=hosting
  • datibut=host
  • datibam=guesthouse, inn, hostel, hotel
  • datibameb=hotelier
  • datibamut=hotel employee
  • datibamutyan=hotel staff
  • datibim=salon, reception area, guestroom
  • datibem=lobby, reception hall
  • datibyea=welcoming
  • datibyen=hospitality
  • datibyena=hospitable
  • datif=buddy, matey
  • datifan=buddyhood, mateship
  • datup=visit
  • datuper=to visit
  • datuput=visitor
  • datuputim=guestroom
  • datyuv=alliance, bond of friendship
  • datyuvser=to bond
  • datyuvan=alliance
  • datyuvser=to ally

  • det=associate, partner, mate, comrade, fellow
  • detan=association, partnership, matehood, comradeship, fellowship
  • detyan=club, fellowship
  • lodetser=disassociate
  • lodetxwa=disassociated
  • memdet=fellow countryman, compatriot
  • nunuiendet=trading partner'
  • aydet=companion
  • aydetan=companionship
  • aydetper=accompany
  • aydetpea=acccompanying
  • dazdet=dance partner
  • pepdet=fellow passenger
  • popdet=traveling companion, fellow traveler
  • purdet=passenger
  • sumdet=bedmate
  • sumtimyandet=dorm mate
  • tafipek det=sports mate
  • tafipek detyan=sports team
  • tejdet=life companion
  • teldet=dining companion
  • tildet=drinking buddy
  • timdet=roommate
  • tistamdet=schoolmate
  • toamesdet=flatmate, roommate
  • toamesdeter=share a flat, roomshare
  • toamesdeten=sharing a flat, roomsharing
  • tujdet=sleeping companion
  • tujdetersleep over
  • tuldet=dinner companion
  • yandet=companion
  • yandetan=companionship
  • yandetyan=company
  • sexen yandetyan=construction company
  • yandetser=partner up
  • yondetser=break up, divorce
  • (yovbyok) tumdet=(prison) cellmate

  • dit=citizen
  • ditan=citizenship
  • dita=civil, civilian
  • dita dovyab=civil law
  • dita doyevam=civil court
  • dita doyiv=civil right
  • dita doyivi pax=civil rights movement
  • dita opyex=civil defense
  • dita oyuvteexen=civil disobedience
  • dita surtyenut=civil engineer
  • dita tadien=civil marriage
  • dita yivan=civil liberty
  • dita yivtexin=civil libertarianism
  • dita yivtexinut=civil libertarian
  • dita yuxlen=civil service
  • dita yuxlut=civil servant
  • ditandref=citizenship papers
  • ditay=civilly
  • ditbyen=civility
  • ditdab=democracy
  • ditdaba=democratic
  • ditdabat=democrat
  • ditdabay=democratically
  • ditdabser=become democratic
  • ditdabxen=democratization
  • ditdabxer=democratize
  • ditdabxwa=democratized
  • oditdaba=undemocratic
  • odityenxwa=uncivilized
  • ovditdaba=antidemocratic
  • ovditdoba=anti-republican
  • tyoda ditdab=people's republic
  • ditdeb=president, president of the republic
  • ditdeba=presidential
  • ditdeban=presidency
  • kexer ha dityandeban=run for president
  • ditdeber=preside, be president
  • ditdebser=become president
  • ditdebxer=make president
  • ditdebyena=presidential in manner, presidential
  • ditdeyb=madame president
  • obditdeb=vice-present
  • obditdeban=vice-presidency
  • eata ditdeb=vice-president
  • ditdob=republic
  • ditdoba=republican
  • ditdobin=republicanism
  • ditdobina=republicanist
  • ditdobinut=republicanist
  • ditdop=militia
  • ditdopat=militiaman
  • ditser=become a citizen
  • ditsen=becoming a citizen
  • ditsoa=about to become a citizen
  • ditsyen=civility
  • ditxer=grant citizenship, naturalize
  • ditxen=granting citizenship, naturalization
  • ditxwa=granted citizenship, naturalized
  • ditxwat=person granted citizenship, naturalized citizen
  • dityan=citizenry, population
  • dityanxen=population
  • dityanxer=populate
  • dityanxwa=populated
  • lodityanxen=depopulation
  • lodityanxer=depopulate
  • lodityanxwa=depopulated
  • dityen=civility
  • dityena=civilian
  • dityenxer=civilize
  • dityenxwa=civilized
  • yegdityenxer=re-civilize
  • ebdita=internecine
  • ebdita doprek=civil war
  • endit=dual citizen
  • enditan=dual citizenship
  • fidit=model citizen, good citizen, loyal citizen
  • fiditan=good citizenship
  • mirdit=cosmopolitan, world citizen
  • mirdita=cosmopolitan, worldly
  • odit=non-citizen
  • yandit=fellow citizen

  • dut=sir/madame
  • dutyan=ladies and gentlemen
  • dwut=sir, gentleman, mister, mr., monsieur, sire
  • duyt=madam, madame, lady, ma'am, ms., mrs.
  • dwutet=young man
  • duytet=young lady, mademoiselle
  • abdut=master, lord, senior
  • abdwut=master, lord, senior
  • abduyt=mistress, lady
  • obdut=subject, underling, inferior
  • dout=bourgeois, socialite, member of the middle class
  • dwout=bourgeois gentleman, middle class man
  • douyt=bourgeoise, middle class lady
  • abdout=aristocrat
  • abdouta=aristocratic
  • abdoutan=aristocracy
  • abdoutyan=aristocracy
  • aybdout=noble, nobleman
  • aybdoutan=nobility
  • aybdoutyan=nobility
  • obdout=member of the lower class
  • obdoutan=lower class status
  • obdoutyan=people of the lower class
  • douta=bourgeois, middle class
  • doutan=bourgeoisie, middle class status
  • doutyan=bourgeoisie, middle class
  • doutser=become bourgeois, become middle class

Pronouns and Nouns Referring to People

at=I/me ata=my atyen=my way atas=mine
aut=myself auta=my own autay=by myself autas=my own
et=you eta=your etyen=your way etas=yours
eut=yourself euta=your own eutay=by yourself eutas=your own
it=he/she ita=his/her ityen=he/her way itas=his/hers
iut=he/she him/herself iuta = his/her own iutay=by his/herself iutas=his/her own
wit=he/him wita=his wityen=his way witas=his
wiut=he/himself wiuta=his own wiutay=by ourselves wiutas=his own
iyt=she/her iyta=her iytyen=her way iytas=hers
iyut=she/herself iyuta=her own iyutay=by herself iyutas=her own
ot=one ota=one's otyen=one's way otas=one's
yat=we/us yata=our yatyen=our way yatas=ours
yaut=ourselves yauta=our own yautay=by ourselves yautas=our own
yet=you (pl.) yeta=your yetyen=your way yetas=yours
yeut=yourself yeuta=your own yeutay=by yourself yeutas=your own
yit=they yita=their yityen=their way yitas=theirs
yiut=themselves yiuta=their own yiutay=by themselves yiutas=their own
yot=people yota=people's yotyen=people's way yotas=people's
aot=person aota=personal aotay=personally aotan=personality, aotxer=to personalize
aotyan=group aotyana=communal aotyanay=communally aotyanser=to group together
aotnyan=crowd aotnyana=massive aotnyanay=en masse aotnyanser=to crowd
yaot=constituent yaota=public yaotay=publicly yaotxer=to make public, yaotan=public
anot=individual anota=lone anotay=individually anotxer=to isolate
yanot=companion yanota=collective anotay=collectively yanotxer=to collectivize
yonot=private person yonota=private yonotay=privately yonotxer=to privatize