Mirad Thesaurus/Religion

The most important roots in this sphere are:
  • fya-....holy, sacred
  • fye-....mythical, mystical, fanciful
  • fyo-....evil, profane, unholy
Here is a table showing the most important words using these roots:
Religous/ Mythical / Diabolical Terms
fyaa....holy, sacred fyea....mythical, mystical, fanciful fyoa....evil, profane, unholy
fyat....saint fyet....ghost, wight, sprite fyot....demon
fyamir....heaven fyemir....fantasy world fyomir....underworld, hell
fyadin....gospel fyedin....fairytale
fyad....blessing fyed....spell fyod....curse
fyadeuz....hymn fyedeuz....skirl, incantation
fyasun....idol fyesun....talisman fyosun....taboo
fyax....holy deed fyox....sin
fyatop....angel fyetop....ghost, phantom fyotop....devil, evil spirit
fyaz....grace fyez....magic, fairy dust fyoz....sorcery

General Wordlist

  • fyaa....holy, sacred
  • fyaan....holiness, sanctity
  • fyaaxer....to sanctify, hallow
  • fyat....saint
  • fyatan....sainthood
  • fyatyena....saintly
  • fyatxer....to beatify
  • fyatxen....beatification
  • fyatxwa....beatified
  • fyaantin....monasticism
  • fyaantina....monastic
  • fyaantinam....abbey, cloister, monastery
  • fyaantinut....monk
  • fyaantinutan....monkhood
  • fyaantinutyena....monkish
  • fyaantineb....abbot
  • fyaantineyb....abbess
  • fyaantineban....abbacy
  • fyaantinab....abbey, monastic hierarchy
  • fyabexler....to enshrine
  • fyabexlen....enshrinement
  • fyabexlawa....enshrined
  • fyabikam....chaplaincy
  • fyabikut....chaplain
  • fyabuer....to offer, sacrifice, devote
  • fyabuen....consecration, devotion, offering, sacrifice
  • fyabuena....devotional, sacrificial
  • fyabuun....oblation, offering, offertory
  • fyabuwat....oblate, sacrificial victim
  • fyabeker....to heal shamanistically
  • fyabekut....shaman
  • fyabyekin....shamanism
  • fyabyekina....shamanistic
  • fyabyen....morality
  • fyabyena....moral
  • fyabyenay....morally
  • fyabyender....to moralize
  • fyabyendut....moralizer
  • fyabyenden....moralizing
  • fyader....to bless
  • fyaden....benediction, blessing
  • fyadab....hierarchy
  • fyadaba....hierchical
  • fyadabay....hierchically
  • fyadeb....religious leader, high priest
  • fyadeyb....high priestess
  • fyadal....homily, sermon
  • fyadaler....to preach, sermonize
  • fyadalut...preacher
  • fyadelyea....preachy
  • fyadel....profession
  • fyadeler....to profess
  • fyadeuz....hymnody
  • fyadeuz dyes....hymnal
  • fyadeuzun....hymn, canticle
  • fyadeuzer....to chant
  • fyadeuzin....hymnology
  • fyadeuzina....hymnological
  • fyadeuzinut....hymnologist
  • fyadrezun....psalm
  • fyadil....prayer, orison
  • fyadil dyes....prayer book, missal, breviary
  • fyadil zyunes....prayer bead
  • fyadil zyunesnyif....rosary
  • fyadilam....chapel
  • fyadileb....chaplain
  • fyadildiut....muezzin
  • fyadilena....precatory
  • fyadilim....oratory
  • fyadilsim'....pew
  • fyadilsuam....hassock
  • fyadilun....prayer, oration
  • fyadilunyan....litany
  • fyadilzabut....precentor
  • fyadim....sacred font, baptismal font
  • fyadima....baptismal
  • fyadimber....to baptize
  • fyadimbwat....person who has been baptized
  • fyadin....evangel, gospel
  • fyadina....evangelic
  • fyadinuer....to evangelize
  • fyadinuut....evangelist
  • fyadinuen....evangelism
  • fyadiyn....parable
  • fyadoyt....religious community, religious order
  • fyadoytwid....brother
  • fyadoytwidan....brotherhood
  • fyadoytiyd....sister, nun
  • fyadoytiydan....sisterhood
  • fyadoytiydam....convent
  • fyadren....scripture
  • fyadrenyan....scriptures
  • fyadrenad....verse of scripture
  • fyadrena....scriptural
  • fyader....to bless
  • fyadun....blessing, benediction
  • fyadwa....blessed
  • fyadresiyn....hieroglyph
  • fyadresiynyan....hieroglyphs
  • fyadresiyna....hieroglyphic
  • fyadresiyntun....hieroglyphology
  • fyadresiyntuna....hieroglyphological
  • fyadresiyntut....hieroglyphologist
  • fyaduzun....oratorio
  • fyadyes....bible
  • fyadyesa....biblical
  • fyadyesflidut....bible-thumper
  • fyaifrer....to worship, adore, venerate
  • fyaifrut....worshipper
  • fyaifren....worshipping
  • fyaifruwa....venerable
  • fyaifram....church, house of worship
  • fyaiframper....to attend church
  • fyaiframput....church-goer
  • fyaiframpea....church-going
  • fyaiframpen....churchgoing
  • fyaifrun....idol
  • fyaifunxer....to idolize
  • fyaifunxen....idolization
  • fyaifunxwa....idolized
  • fyailuer....to libate
  • fyailuen....libation
  • fyailuun....libation
  • fyajad....prophesy
  • fyajader....to prophesy
  • fyajada....prophetica
  • fyajadut....prophet
  • fyajaduyt....prophetess
  • fyajaduta....vatic, vatical
  • fyajadwa....phophesied, prophetical
  • fyajub....feast day, festival, holiday, holy day
  • fyajub ivxelen....holiday celebration
  • fyajuba....festive
  • fyajuben....feasting, festivity
  • fyajuber....to feast
  • fyakoser....to go on a retreat, hide like a hermit
  • fyakosdut....hierophant
  • fyakosem....hermitage, sacred retreat
  • fyakosut....hermit
  • fyakosuta....hermit-related
  • fyakosutam....hermitage, retreat
  • fyakosutan....hermit status
  • fyakosutyena....hermit-like, hermetic
  • fyalobier....to forswear
  • fyam....hallowed ground, hieron, holy place, holy site, sacred ground, sanctuary, temple
  • fyamanzyus....halo, holy ring, nimbus
  • fyameem....glebe
  • fyameluk....sepulcher, sepulchre
  • fyameluka....sepulchral
  • fyamelukben....sepulture
  • fyamelukber....to sepulcher, sepulchre
  • fyameys....lych-gate, lychgate
  • fyamil....baptismal water, holy water
  • fyamil diym....baptismal font
  • fyamilben....baptism, baptizing, christening
  • fyamilbena....baptismal
  • fyamilber....to baptize, christen
  • fyamilbim....baptistery, baptistry
  • Fyamilbut....Baptist
  • fyamilbut....baptist, baptizer
  • Fyamilbuta: Baptist
  • fyamilbwa....baptized, christened
  • fyamilbwen....getting baptized
  • fyamilbwer....to get baptized
  • fyamiluer....to sprinkle holy water on
  • fyamiluar....holy water sprinkler
  • fyamilyeb....stoup
  • fyamilyeben....dipping
  • fyamilyeber....to dip
  • fyamilyebwa....dipped
  • fyamir....heaven
  • Fyamir....Heaven
  • fyamira....celestial
  • fyamirat....heavenly creature, heavenly host
  • fyamiray....celestially
  • fyamirtoyp....houri
  • fyamuf....staff
  • fyanaf....pall
  • fyaojder....to vaticinate
  • fyaojden....vaticination
  • fyaojdena....vaticinal
  • fyaojdud....oracle
  • fyaojduda....oracular
  • fyaojdudibut....oracle
  • fyaojvad....oath, pledge
  • fyaojvaden....swearing, pledging
  • fyaojvader....to swear, pledge
  • fyaojvadier....to take an oath
  • fyaojvaduer....to swear in
  • fyaojvadwa....sworn, pledged
  • fyaojvadun....votary
  • fyaojvadut....votarist
  • fyaojvaduyt....votaress
  • fyapop....crusade, mission, pilgrimage
  • fyapoper....to go on a crusade, go on a mission, make a pilgramage
  • fyapoput....crusader, missionary, pilrim
  • fyasem....altar
  • fyasem abof....baldacchin, baldachin
  • fyasem abtom....baldacchin, baldachin
  • fyasem yuxlut....altar server
  • fyasem yuxut....altar boy
  • fyasem zomays....altarpiece, reredos
  • fyasim masof....chancel
  • fyasim....throne
  • fyasimben....installing on the throne
  • fyasimber....to install on the throne, put on the throne
  • fyasimpen....assumption of the throne
  • fyasimper....to occupy the throne
  • fyasin....icon
  • fyasin yonpyexin....iconoclasm
  • fyasin yonpyexina....iconoclastic, iconoslastic
  • fyasin yonpyexinut....iconoclast
  • fyasina....iconic
  • fyasindren....iconography
  • fyasindrena....iconographic
  • fyasinifren....paganism, idol-worship, heathenism
  • fyasinifrut....pagan, idol-worshipper, heathen
  • fyasinxen....iconification
  • fyasinxer....to iconify
  • fyasinxwa....iconified
  • fyasiyn....emblem, hierogram, holy pictograph, sacred symbol
  • fyasiyna....emblematic, emblematical
  • fyastestuut....hierophant
  • fyasun....idol
  • fyasunam....shrine
  • fyasunbeaxut....sacrist
  • fyasunifrawa....idolized
  • fyasunifren....idol worship, idolatry, idolization
  • fyasunifrer....to idolize
  • fyasunifrut....idol worshiper
  • fyasunnuien....simony
  • fyasunxen....idolization
  • fyasunxer....to idolize
  • fyasunxut....idolater
  • fyasunxuyt....idolatress
  • fyasunxwa....idolized
  • fyasyeb....pyx
  • fyasyeyb: pix
  • fyat....holy being, holy person, sacred being, saint
  • fyatan....sainthood
  • fyatdindren....hagiography
  • fyatdindrut....hagiographer
  • fyatead....gospel, holy witnessing, testament
  • fyateada....testamentary
  • fyasin....icon
  • fyateader....to give holy testimony, preach, spread the gospel
  • fyateadut....holy witness, preacher, spreader of the gospel
  • fyateadyan....gospels, hadith
  • fyateaz....miracle, thaumaturgy
  • fyateaza....miraculous, thaumaturgical
  • fyateazay....miraculously
  • fyateazen....thaumaturgy
  • fyateazena....thaumaturgical
  • fyateazer....to perform a miracle
  • fyateazun....miracle
  • fyateazuna....miraculous
  • fyateazunxer....to work a miracle
  • fyateazunxut....miracle-worker
  • fyateazut....thaumaturge, thaumaturgist
  • fyatef....mitre
  • fyatefwa....mitred
  • fyatez....religion
  • fyateza....religious
  • fyatezat....religious person
  • fyatezam....church, place of worship, temple
  • fyatezama....ecclesiastical, church-related
  • fyatezun....mass, service, cult
  • fyatezut....priest
  • fyatezutan....priesthood
  • fyateyz....cult
  • fyateyza....cultist
  • fyatid....friar
  • fyatidam....friary
  • fyatidyan....friary
  • fyatif....alb
  • fyatifren....hierolatry
  • fyatim....sanctuary, sanctum
  • fyatiydam....priory
  • fyatiydameyb....prioress
  • fyatob....holy person, saint
  • fyatoban....sainthood
  • fyatobyena....saintly
  • fyatoyb....female saint
  • fyatwob....male saint
  • fyatof....frock
  • fyatofober....to unfrock
  • fyatofobwa....unfrocked
  • fyatojben....immolation
  • fyatojber....to immolate
  • fyatop....holy spirit, holy ghost
  • fyatwed....priest, holy father
  • fyatyena....saintly
  • fyatyenan....divinity
  • fyatyez....hieromancy
  • fyatyeza....hieromantic
  • fyatyezan....hieromantics
  • fyatyezer....to perform hieromancy
  • fyatyezut....hieromancer
  • fyaublam....mission headquarters
  • fyaublawat....apostle, missionary
  • fyaublawatan....apostleship
  • fyaublawatana....apostolic
  • fyaublun....mission
  • fyaubluna....mission-related
  • fyaublawat....nuncio
  • fyaut....church elder, cleric, imam, man of the cloth, parson, priest, rabbi, vicar
  • fyauta....clerical, hieratic, priestly
  • fyautam....rectory
  • fyautan....imamhood, parsonage, priesthood, vicarage
  • fyautyan....clergy, priesthood
  • fyautyena....priest-like
  • fyautyenan....priestliness
  • fyauyt....priestess
  • fyavad....homage
  • fyavaden....sanction, sanctioning
  • fyavader....to sanction
  • fyavadut....homager, swearer
  • fyavadwa....sanctioned
  • fyavatex....faith
  • fyavatexea....faithful
  • fyavatexok....loss of faith
  • fyavatexoker....to lose faith
  • fyavatexoya....faithless
  • fyavatexoyan....faithlessness
  • fyavatexuka....faithless
  • fyavatexukan....faithlessness
  • fyavatexukay....faithlessly
  • fyavatexut....believer, person of faith
  • fyavatexutyan....the faithful
  • fyavatexyen....faith, religious belief
  • fyavia....divine, radiant, ungodly beautiful
  • fyaviay....radiantly
  • fyavizyeb....monstrance
  • fyavobier....to foreswear, forswear
  • fyavyad....oath, solemn promise
  • fyavyaden....swearing
  • fyavyader be ha Fyadyes....swear on the Bible
  • fyavyader ha vyan....swear the truth
  • fyavyader vyayux....swear allegiance to, swear loyalty
  • fyavyader....to swear
  • fyavyadwa del....sworn statement
  • fyavyadwa tead....sworn testimony
  • fyavyadwa....loyal, sworn
  • fyavyadwan....loyalty
  • fyavyan....gospel truth, sacred truth
  • fyavyoden....abjuration, abjuring
  • fyavyodena....abjuratory
  • fyavyoder....to abjure, forswear, swear off
  • fyavyodut....abjurer
  • fyavyodwa....abjured, sworn off
  • fyayuv....sacred bond, trust, allegiance, faith, fidelity, loyalty, fealty
  • fyayuva....loyal, bound by faith
  • fyayuvan....loyalty
  • fyayuvat....trustee, person of faith
  • ofyayuva....disloyal
  • ofyayuvat....infidel
  • ofyayuvan....disloyalty, infidelity
  • fyax....good deed
  • fyaxer....to do good
  • fyaxut....do-gooder
  • fyaxen....doing good
  • fyaxel....rite, ritual, liturgy, sacrament
  • fyaxela....liturgical, ritual, sacramental
  • fyaxela Liad....liturgical Latin
  • fyaxelam....church
  • fyaxelamdeym....churchyard
  • fyaxelampen....church-going, churchgoing
  • fyaxelamput....church-goer, churchgoer
  • fyaxelay....liturgically, ritually
  • fyaxeler....to celebrate, perform a holy rite, perform the liturgy, practice, say mass, worship
  • fyaxelea....celebrating
  • fyaxelem....ceremonial ground, worship site
  • fyaxelen....celebrating, celebration, saying mass, worshiping
  • fyaxelim: chapel
  • fyaxelin....ritualism
  • fyaxelina....ritualistic
  • fyaxelinay....ritualistically
  • fyaxelinut....liturgist
  • fyaxelut....celebrant, performer of a holy rite, priest, rabbi, worshiper
  • fyaxelwa....celebrated, worshiped
  • fyaxem....holy ground, holy site, sacred ground, sacred site
  • fyaxer....to do a good deed, perform a sacred function
  • fyaxilyeb....chalice, grail
  • fyaxin....religion
  • fyaxina deuz....chanson
  • fyaxina vatexuen....religious persuasion
  • fyaxina....religious
  • fyaxinab....church hierarchy, clergy, ecclesiastical chain of command, religious hierarchy
  • fyaxinaba....church-related, churchly, clerical, ecclesiastic, ecclesiastical
  • fyaxinaban....ecclesiastically
  • fyaxinabifa....churchly
  • fyaxinan....religiosity, religiousness
  • fyaxinay....religiously
  • fyaxinea....practicing
  • fyaxineb....church elder, churchman, clergyman, cleric, priest, religious leader
  • fyaxineyb....clergywoman, priestess
  • fyaxineba....clerical
  • fyaxinebam....rectory
  • fyaxineban....priesthood
  • fyaxineber....to administer the church, lead the church
  • fyaxinebin....clericalism
  • fyaxinebina....clericalist
  • fyaxinebinut....clericalist
  • fyaxinebyan....church leadership, clergy, religious leaders
  • fyaxiner....to practice religion
  • fyaxines....cult
  • fyaxinesa....cultic
  • fyaxineseb....cult leader
  • fyaxineva....secular
  • fyaxinevan....secularism
  • fyaxinevat....secularist
  • fyaxinkyaxer....to convert
  • fyaxinkyaxsut....convert
  • fyaxinkyaxen....conversion
  • fyaxinkyaxwa....converted
  • fyaxinut....faithful, practitioner of religion, religious person
  • fyaxinvader....to religionize
  • fyaxinxer....to religionize
  • fyaxinyen....piety, religiousness
  • fyaxinyena....pious, religious
  • fyaxinyenan....piousness, religiosity
  • fyaxinyenay....piously, religiously
  • fyaxtin....religious doctrine
  • fyaxtina....relating to religious doctrinal
  • fyaxun....sacred object
  • fyaxunbeaxut....sacristan
  • fyaxunbexlut....church caretaker, sexton
  • fyaxunim....sacristy
  • fyaxunyeb....reliquary
  • fyaxut....holy practitioner
  • fyaxyel....anointment, holy oil, unction
  • fyaxyelen....anointing, anointment, unction, chrism
  • fyaxyeler....to anoint, christen
  • fyaxyelwa....anointed, christened
  • fyaxyen....cult, rite, ritual
  • fyaxyena....cultic, cultish
  • fyayuxer....to devote
  • fyayuxea....devout
  • fyayuxean....devoutness
  • fyayuxeay....devoutly
  • fyayuxen....devoting
  • fyayuxut....devotee
  • fyayuxwa....devoted
  • fyayuxrut hierodule
  • fyayxin....sect
  • fyayxina....sectarian
  • fyayxinan....sectarianism
  • fyayxineb....sect leader
  • fyayxininut....sectarianist
  • fyayxinut....sectary
  • fyaz....charm, grace, karma
  • fyaza....karmic
  • fyazay....gracefully, graciously
  • fyazaya....benignant, charming, full of grace, graceful, gracious
  • fyazayan....gracefulness, graciousness
  • fyazder....to greet, hail, salute, thank, gratiate
  • fyazden....greeting, hailing, salutation, gratiation
  • fyazier....to to ingratiate
  • fyazien....ingratiation
  • fyaziyea....ingratiatory
  • fyaziwa....ingratiated
  • fyazika....benignant, charming, full of grace, graceful, gracious
  • fyazikan....gracefulness, graciousness
  • fyazikay....charmingly, gracefully, graciously
  • fyazober....to disgrace
  • fyazoben....disgracing
  • fyazobena....disgraceful
  • fyazobwa....disgraced
  • fyazok....fall from grace
  • fyazoya....charmless, graceless, void of charm
  • fyazoyan....charmlessness, gracelessness
  • fyaztos....gratitude
  • fyaztoser....to be grateful
  • fyaztosder....to express gratitude
  • fyaztosden....expression of gratitude
  • fyaztosaya....grateful
  • fyaztosayan....gratefulness, gratitude
  • fyaztosika....grateful
  • fyaztosikan....gratefulness, gratitude
  • fyazuer....to beguile, bestow grace upon, charm, enchant, enthrall, grace, gratify, i
  • fyazuea....beguiling, charming, enchanting
  • fyazueay....beguilingly
  • fyazuen....beguilement, charming, enchantment, enthrallment
  • fyazuka....charmless, graceless, void of charm
  • fyazukan....charmlessness, gracelessness
  • fyazukay....charmlessly, gracelessly
  • fyazun....amulet, charm