Mirad Thesaurus/Government

  • dob....state, état
  • doba....of the state
  • dobtun....statecraft
  • dobtuna....political
  • dobtut....statesman
  • dobifa....patriotic
  • dobifan....patriotism
  • dobifut....patriot
  • dobin....etatism
  • dobsoni....affairs of state
  • dobnastun....economy
  • dobnastuna....economic
  • dobnastut....economist
  • dobnix....tax, revenue
  • dobnux....pension
  • dobnad....border, frontier
  • dobnadut....frontiersman
  • dobnadib....customs bureau
  • dobnadibut....customs official
  • dobyena....official
  • dobier....take over
  • dobpyox....coup d'état
  • adob....empire
  • adeb....emperor
  • edob....royalty
  • edeb....monarch
  • idob....principality
  • ideb....prince
  • udob....duchy
  • udeb....duke
  • yodob....marquisate
  • yudeb....marquis
  • yadob....earldom
  • yadeb....earl
  • yedob....fiefdom
  • yedeb....vassal
  • yidob....viscountcy
  • yideb....count
  • yudob....barony
  • yudeb....baron
  • alodob....tribe
  • alodeb....chief
  • dobem....homeland, metropolis
  • dobmem....territory
  • dobmemyan....commonwealth
  • dobamem....province, state, departement (Fr.)
  • dobemem....prefect, county
  • dobimem....canton
  • dobumem....commune
  • dom....city
  • domeb....mayor
  • doym....town, burg, burgh, thorp
  • doymeb....sheriff
  • doam....borough, township
  • doem....village, thorp, dale
  • doemeb....village head
  • doum....estate, manor
  • doumeb....lord
  • doab....fatherland
  • doeb....state, federal entity
  • doebyan....federation
  • doebyayn....confederation
  • doib....country, shire
  • doob....nation
  • dooba....national
  • dooban....nationality
  • doobin....nationalism
  • doof....flag
  • ebdooba....international
  • gladooba....multinational
  • dab....government, rule, -archy, -cracy
  • dabtuna....governmental
  • dabut....government official
  • daba....governmental
  • daber....to govern
  • dabtun....politics
  • dabtuna....political
  • dabtunaxer...to politicize
  • dabtut....politician
  • abdab....dominion, suzerain
  • anadab....dictatorship
  • dopanadab....junta
  • alodab....chiefdom
  • andab....autocracy
  • islamedab....sultanate
  • islamidab....emirate
  • memyuvdab....fiefdom
  • nazdab....meritocracy
  • nyazdab....plutocracy
  • obdab....protectorate
  • teydab....matriarchy
  • twedab....patriarchy
  • totdab....theocracy
  • toybdab....gynocracry
  • tyendab....technocracy
  • ditdab....republic
  • tyodab....democracy
  • utdab....autarchy
  • obdamem....colony
  • deb....leader
  • deber....to lead
  • adeb....emperor
  • aadeb....premier
  • andeb....autocrat, despot
  • anadeb....dictator
  • asondeb....centurion
  • azdeb....strongman
  • dezdeb....star (of stage)
  • ditdeb....president (of a republic)
  • doyovdeb....godfather, mafia boss
  • dyezdeb....star (of screen)
  • edeb....monarch
  • ideb....prince
  • imeradeb....emir
  • islamadeb....sultan
  • islamedeb....emir
  • memyuvdeb....feudal lord
  • nazideb....fuehrer
  • nuxdeb....paymaster
  • nyazdeb....plutocrat
  • obditdeb....vice president
  • obedeb....vice regent
  • posamdeb....stationmaster
  • slavedeb....czar
  • twedeb....patriarch
  • teydeb....matriarch
  • udeb....duke
  • yadeb....earl
  • yedeb....lord, vassal
  • yideb....count
  • yudeb....baron
  • yuydeb....thane
  • dib....administration
  • diber....to administer
  • bakdib....health administration
  • bakdibut....health administrator
  • dobnadib....customs bureau
  • dobnadibut....customs officer
  • donapdib....police department
  • donapdibut....police officer
  • dopvakdib....gendarmerie
  • dopvakdibut....gendarme
  • dosyagdib....census bureau
  • dosyagdibut....census official
  • dotvakdib....social security administration
  • dotvakdibut....social security official
  • dotnuxdib....social welfare administration
  • dotnuxdibut....social welfare official
  • dovakdib....police department, public safety administation
  • dovakdibut....police officer
  • doyevdib....judiciary
  • doyevdibut...judiciary officer
  • kotuunyandib....intelligence service
  • kotuunyandibut....intelligence agent
  • mimvakdib....coast guard
  • mimvakdibut....coast guard officer
  • vyankexdib....bureau of investigation
  • vyankexdibut....investigation official