Mirad Lexicon/Mirad-English-Y
y. -- yabdoublawatyan
y. = y.
ya- = more than one, multi-
yaa = sixth
yaa tisnog = sixth grade
yaa tisnogat = sixth-grader
yaaa = yaaa
yaaber = to heave
yaabwa = heaved
yaanber = to put together
yaaper = to heave
yaas = sixth
yab = aloft, up, upward, upwardly
yab be = up at, up by
yab bi = up from
yab bu = up to
yab- = hyper-, supra-, sur-, up-, upper-
yaba = aloft, high, lofty, tall, upper
Yaba Deud = High German, Hochdeutsch
yaba donab = high rank
yaba doneg = high social status, higher social class
yaba dot = high society
yaba dovyabdrim = senate, upper chamber
yaba dovyabdrut = senator
yaba duzneg = high pitch
yaba duznod = high note
yaba finsiyn = high grade, high mark
yaba fyasem = high altar
yaba mas = high wall
yaba mimuip = high tide
yaba nab = high rank
yaba nax = high price
yaba neg = high level
yaba nog = high grade
yaba pyas = puissance
yaba tez = high culture
yaba tiuyb = epigrastrium, upper abdomen
yaba tofsam = highboy
yaba vyayuvan = hi-fi, high fidelity
yaba yexnix = high wage
yaba yexnixut = high wage-earner
yaba yijteuzun = high vowel
yabaer = to tilt up
yabagan = stature
yabagser = to grow tall
yabagxen = heightening
yabagxer = to heighten
yabagxwa = heightened
yabagyoa = gangling
yabagyoan = lankiness, lanky
yabagza = eminent
yabagzan = eminence
yabagzay = eminently
yabaluer = to overpressure
yaban = height, highness, loftiness
yabanyuf = acrophobia
yabanyufa = acrophobic
yabay = highly, loftily, uphill, upward, upwardly
yabdeuzayt = soprano
yabdeuzayta = soprano
yabdeuzwut = tenor
yabdeuzwuta = tenor
yabdez = acrobatics
yabdeza = acrobatic
yabdezay = acrobatically
yabdezut = acrobat
yabdom = uptown
yabdonaba = of high social status
yabdoneg = higher social class, upper class
yabdonega = classy, high class, high-class, upper class
yabdonegat = high-class person, member of the upper class
yabdosyan = upper class
yabdosyanat = member of the upper class
yabdota = elite, high-society
yabdotin = elitism
yabdotina = elitist
yabdotinut = elitist
yabdoublawat = lord, senator, upper chamber deputy
yabdoublawatim = senate chamber, upper chamber of deputies
yabdoublawatyan = senate, upper house
yabdouta tabifnuut -- yablarer
yabdouta tabifnuut = courtezan
yabdouta tabnunut = courtesan
yabdoutan = nobility, noblesse
yabdoutbyen = courtliness
yabdoutbyena = courtly
yabdoutyan = nobility
yabdouyt = noblewoman
yabduzneg = high pitch, treble
yabduznega = high-pitch, high-pitched, treble
yabeksagea = high-scoring
yabeksager = to score high
yabelea = uplifting
yabeler = to uplift
yabelwa = hauled up
yabem = heights, upper area, upper reaches
yaben = elation, hoisting, putting up, raising, taking up
yaber ha dezof = to raise the curtain
yaber ha nid = to raise the volume, turn the volume up
yaber ha seuxnid = to turn the volume up
yaber = to elate, to hoist, to put up, to raise, to take up
yabeser = to hold oneself up, to stand up, to stay up
yabex = support
yabexar = support, supporter
yabexea = supporting
yabexen = holding up, supporting, sustaining, upholding
yabexer = to hold up, to support, to sustain, to uphold
yabexlawa = embalmed
yabexut = supporter, upholder
yabexwa = held up, supported, sustained, upheld
yabexyafwa = sustainable
yabfina = high-quality
yabfyaxeb = high priest, prelate
yabgimput = steeplejack
yabgin = highpoint, peak, pinnacle, summit
yabgiseux = ting
yabgiseuxer = to ting
yabien = taking up, uptake
yabier = to take up
yabigana bixpur = high-speed train
yabigana = high-speed
yabigpen = running up
yabigper = to run up
yabim = upper room, upstairs
yabiwa = taken up
yabix = pullup
yabixen = hoising, hoisting, raising up
yabixer = to hoise, to pull up, to raise up
yabixlar = dragnet
yabixlawa = dredged
yabixlen = dredging
yabixler = to dredge up
yabixlir = dredger
yabixmap = updraft
yabixur = dredge
yabixuren = dredging
yabixurer = to dredge
yabixurwa = dredged
yabixwa = drawn up, hoist, hoisted, raised up
yabkiem = uphill climb, upward slope
yabkim = rise, upward slope
yabkin = acclivity
yabkinsea = slanting upwards
yabkinsen = sloping upward
yabkinser = to slant upwards
yabkinxwa = sloped upward, sloping upward
yabkis = upside
yabkisea = bending up, bending upright, bending upward, inclining upward, uphill
yabkisen = bending upright, inclining upward
yabkiser = to bend up, to bend upright, to bend upward, to incline upward, to slope upward, to slope upwards
yabkixen = bending upright, bending upward
yabkixer = to bend upright, to bend upward, to incline upward
yabkixwa = bent upright, bent upward
yabkum = upside
yabkyaben = upshifting
yabkyaber = to upshift
yabkyabwa = upshifted
yabla = endwise, erect, standing up straight, upright
yablar = jack
yablaren = hoising, hoisting, jacking up
yablarer = to hoise, to jack up
yablarwa -- yabnazaxwa
yablarwa = hoist, hoisted, jacked up
yablaser = to get upright, to stand up
yablawa = carried up, elevated, lifted
yablaxen = erection
yablaxer = to erect, to set upright, to stand on end, to straighten
yablaxwa = erected, uprighted
yablea = lifting
yablen = elevating, elevation, lifting up
yabler kyisuni = to lift weights
yabler = to elevate, to lift up
yablir = elevator, lift
yablur = crane
yabmalzyun = rainmaker
yabmel = highland
yabmem = highland, highlands, hill country
yabmimkum = cliff
yabmostimyan = penthouse
yabmuf = pylon
yabmusaxen = escalation
yabmusaxer = to escalate
yabmusaxwa = escalated
yabmusben = scaling up
yabmusbwa = scaled up
yabmusnogxen = stepping up
yabmusnogxer = to step up
yabmusnogxwa = stepped up
yabmuspea = scaling up
yabmuspen = climbing up, scaling up
yabmusper = to climb up
yabmusput = climber
yabmuspya = climbed up
yabmuysa = upscale
yabmuysben = escalation
yabmuysber = to escalate, to scale up
yabmuysbwa = escalated
yabmuyspea = graduating, rising
yabmuyspen = climbing up, escalation, graduation
yabmuysper = to climb up, to escalate, to go up the ladder, to graduate
yabna = high, upper
yabnaba = high-ranked, high-ranking, higher-ranking
yabnabat = muckamuck
yabnabi = upper ranks
yabnabser = to rank high
yabnabxen = ranking high
yabnabxer = to rank high
yabnabxwa = high-ranked, high-ranking, ranked high
yabnabxwer = to get promoted
yabnad = vertical
yabnada = vertical
yabnadan = verticality
yabnaday = vertically
yabnag = altitude, height, stature
yabnagar = altimeter
yabnan- = height-, hypso-
yabnan = height, stature
yabnanagar = hypsometer
yabnanagara = hypsometric
yabnanagaren = hypsometry
yabnandren = hypsography
yabnandrena = hypsographic
yabnandrut = hypsographer
yabnaser = to become high
yabnaxa = high-priced, pricy
yabnaxbwa = high-priced
yabnaxden = valorization
yabnaxder = to valorize
yabnaxdwa = valorized
yabnaxen = heightening
yabnaxer = to heighten
yabnaxwa = heightened
yabnayn = altitude
yabnaynagar = altimeter
yabnayxa = high-cost
yabnayxuer = to oversell
yabnaza = high-value, premium
yabnazasea = appreciating
yabnazaser = to appreciate, to become premium
yabnazaxen = appreciation
yabnazaxer = to appreciate
yabnazaxwa = appreciated
yabned = plateau, platform, raised surface
yabnega = high-echelon, high-level, top echelon
yabnegser = to go up a level
yabnegxea = uplifting
yabnegxen = raising the level, ratcheting up
yabnegxer = to raise the level, to ratchet up, to uplift, to upshift
yabnegxwa = ratcheted up
yabnida = high-volume
yabnix = high income
yabnixut = high-earner
yabnod = acme, apogee, climax, highpoint, meridian, peak, summit, tip, top, vertex, zenith
yabnoda = climactic, meridian, peak
yabnodser = to climax, to peak, to top out
yabnodxen = bring to a peak, bringing to a climax
yabnodxer = to bring to a climax, to bring to a peak, to climax, to top out
yabnodxwa = climaxed, peaked
yabnog = upgrade, upper rung
yabnoga = high-grade, upscale
yabnogat = grandee
yabnogpen = climbing, graduating, graduation
yabnogper = to climb, to graduate
yabnogput = climber, graduate
yabnogser = to ascend, to ramp up, to upgrade
yabnogxen = ramping up, upgrade, upgrading, upscaling
yabnogxer = to notch up, to ramp up, to upgrade, to upscale
yabnogxeyn = upgrade
yabnogxwa = ramped up, upgraded, upscaled
yabnogxwer = to get upgraded
yabnogxyafwa = scalable
yabnogyansea = scaling up
yabnogyansen = scaling up
yabnogyanxen = scaling up
yabnogyanxer = to scale up
yabnogyanxwa = scaled up
yabnoog = up phase
yabnoogser = to phase up
yabnoogxen = up-phasing
yabnoogxer = to phase up
yaboga = short in stature
yabogser = to become short in stature
yabolar = kickstand
yabolen = propping up
yaboler = to prop up
yabolwa = propped up
yabom = aerie, eyrie
yabpatam = aerie
yabra = eminent
yabran = eminence
yabrer = to upheave, to uprear
yabseuxnida = forte, high-volume, loud
yabseuxuen = toning up
yabseuxuwa = toned up
yabseuzuer = to tone up
yabsyena = tony
yabtaadxer = to overmatch
yabtaja = high-born, noble
yabtaja tyod = high-born people, nobility
yabtajan = nobleness
yabtajat = noble, nobleman
yabtajatyan = highborn, noble class
yabtajayt = noblewoman
yabteasem = lookout
yabteaxer = to look up
yabteb = brow, forehead
yabteber = to hold ones' head high
yabtebkum = temple
yabtej = high life
yabtem = loft
yabtev = headband
yabteyobufbok = diphtheria
yabteza = highbrow
yabtezat = highbrow
yabtezut = person of high culture
yabtiebukxen = coughing up
yabtiebukxer = to cough up
yabtiebukxwa = coughed up
Yabtom bi Babel = Tower of Babel
Yabtom bi Eiffel Yabtom = Eiffel Tower
Yabtom bi London = Tower of London
yabtom = high-rise building, tower
yabtomea = towering
yabtomer = to tower over
yabtyana = pukka
yabtyanat = elite
yabtyod = gentry, nobility
yabtyoda = noble
yabtyodan = nobleness
yabtyodat = noble, nobleman
yabtyodayt = noblewoman
yabuber = to send up
yabujnad = upper limit
yabun = raise
yabuper = to come up
yabus = riser
yabux = pulse, push up
yabuxen = pushing up, stiimulation
yabuxer = to push up, to run up, to stimulate, to surge
yabuxwa = pushed up, stimulated
yabuzaser = to curve up
yabuzaxer = to curve up
yabuzaxwa = bent upright, bent upward
yabuzber = to curve up
yabuzper = to curve up
yabuzser = to bend up, to curl up
yabuzxer = to bend up, to bend upward
yabwa = elated, hoisted, raised, sharp
yabwa tyoyamep = catwalk
yabwa zyimos = estrade
yabwasinabar = embosser
yabwasinaben = embossing
yabwasinaber = to emboss
yabwasinabun = embossment
yabwasinabwa = embossed
yabxaga = high-frequency
yabxen = heightening
yabxer = to heighten
yabxwa = heightened
yabyaga mimofpar = schooner
yabyaga = tall
yabyaga tef = top hat
yabyagan = height, tallness
yabyagser = to get tall, to grow up
yabyagtam = hi-rise building
yabyagxer = to heighten
yabyagxwa = heightened
yabyank = uplink
yabyankuber = to uplink
yabyanxar = tabulator
yabyas = status quo
yabyaskexut = status-seeker
yabyayga = tallish
yabyex = uppercut, upstroke
yabyezna = supine
yabyiba = far up, way up
yabyiban = height
yabyibser = to get high
yabyibxen = heightening
yabyibxer = to heighten
yabyibxwa = heightened
yabyoga = short in stature, short way up
yabyogan = short stature, shortness in stature
yabyogay = shortly
yabyogser = to get short
yabyogxen = shortening
yabyogxer = to shorten in stature
yabyogxwa = shortened
yabyoxen = hanging up
yabyoxer = to hang up
yabyoxwa = hung up
yabyuba = short way up
yabyuxrer = to kick up
yabzam = level
yabzamser = to level off
yabzamxa = leveled
yabzamxer = to level
yabzedoneg = upper middle class
yabzedonega = upper middle class
yabzesaga = above average
yabzona sim = high-back chair
yabzyim = platform
yabzyined -- yafluen
yabzyined = maintop
yabzyobix = hypertension
yabzyutem = gallery
yaca-alahe-yao = fructose
yaca-yohe-ohe = phenol
yadal = dialogue
yadapat = air force technical sergeant
yadaplat = air force colonel
yadaplatan = colonelcy
yadeb = count, earl
yadeban = county
yadeplat = army second lieutenant
yadepyat = army staff sergeant
yadeyb = countess
yadiepat = marine staff sergeant
yadieplat = marine second lieutenant
yadieprat = general
yadiepratan = generalship
yadipat = navy petty officer 1st class
yadiplat = navy captain
yadob = county, earldom
yadopar = blunderbuss
yadopmimpur = corvette
yadrevdrayefdyes = sexto
yadrevun = sexto
yaduzar = fiddle
yaduzaren = fiddling
yaduzarer = to fiddle
yaduzaruz = fiddlestick
yaduzut = fiddler
yaebmem = upland, uplands
yaf = ability, capability, capacity, faculty, force, power, strength
yafa = able, capable, potent, strong
-yafa = -able to
yafab = peach tree
yafabea = overpowering
yafabeay = overpoweringly
yafaber = to overpower
yafabwa = overpowered
yafaker = to gain power, to gain strength
yafan = ability, capability, forcefulness, potency, powerfulness, puissance, strength
yafat = potentate, strongman
yafatyan = cabal
yafay = ably, capably, potently
yafbexer = to have power, to hold power, to hold sway
yafbir = power grab
yafbirer = to grab power, to seize power, to take power
yafdren = proxy
yafea = being able, being capable
yafeb = peach
yafebyena = peachy
yafeeb = peach stone
yafek = struggle
yafekea = struggling
yafeker = to struggle
yafel = peach juice
yafen = being able, being capable
yafer = to be able, to be capable, to can, to have the power to
yafeyb = nectarine
yafien = assuming power, assumption of power, taking power
yafier = to assume power, to gain power, to get power, to get strength, to take power
yafiksea = efflorescent
yafikser = to effloresce
yafikxea = empowering
yafikxen = efflorescence, empowering
yafilza = peach yellow
yafla = mighty, powerful
yaflan = might, mightiness, powerfulness
yaflasea = gaining power
yaflaser = to become mighty, to come to power, to gain power
yaflat = mighty one, mogul, potentate, powerful person, powerhouse
yaflatyan = powers-that-be
yaflaxer = to give power to
yaflaxwa = powered
yaflay = mightily, powerfully
yaflem = seat of power
yaflen = coercing, coercion, exertion of power
yafler = to exert power, to exhibit might
yaflier = to gain the power
yafluen = coercion, enforcement
yafluer = to coerce, to force
yaflun = force
yaflunayan = powerfulness
yaflunikan = powerfulness
yafluwa = coerced, enforced, forced
yafluyea = coercive, forceful
yafluyean = coerciveness
yafluyeay = forcefully
yafoben = crippling, dis-empowerment, weakening
yafober = to cripple, to dis-empower, to weaken
yafobwa = dis-empowered
yafoga = lightweight
yafokea = losing power, losing strength
yafoken = losing power, losing strength
yafoker = to lose power, to lose strength
yafokxen = deprivation of power
yafokxer = to deprive of power
yafokxwa = deprived of power
yafokya = bereft of power
yafon = capacity, dint, power
yafon dabtunek = power pollitics
yafon dun = authority, last word
yafon nabyan = power grid
yafon niguk = power vacuum
yafon nyif = power cable
yafon nyuar = power supply
yafon nyuen = power production
yafon pyan = power surge
yafon saxem = power plant, utility
yafon sexyen = power structure
yafon syob = power base
yafon uknig = power vacuum
yafon vadiun = claim to power
yafonag = great power, might, prowess
yafonak = power gain
yafonay = forcibly
yafonaya = energetic, forceful, powerful
yafonayan = forcefulness
yafonbeut = power-holder
yafonbexut = potentate, power-holder, ruler
yafonbir = power-grab
yafonbiren = power-grabbing
yafonbirun = power-grab
yafonbirut = power-grabber
yafondopek = power struggle
yafonek = power play
yafoneka = power-hungry
yafonekat = power-hungry person
yafonier = to be driven, to be empowered, to get power, to take on power
yafonika = energetic, forceful, mighty, powerful
yafonikan = forcefulness, mightiness, powerfulness
yafonikat = potentate, powerful person
yafonikay = forcefully, powerfully
yafonkexut = power-seeker
yafonmus = pecking order
yafonok = power loss
yafonoya = impotent, powerless
yafonoyan = impotence, powerlessness
yafonuam = power plant, power station
yafonuar = capacitor
yafonuea = empowering
yafonuen = capacitation, empowering, empowerment, forcing, powering
yafonuer = to capacitate, to empower, to imbue with power, to power, to produce power, to supply power to
yafonuk = lack of power vacuum
yafonuka = impotent, powerless
yafonukan = impotence, powerlessness
yafonukay = powerlessly
yafonukxen = debilitation, draining of power, incapacitation
yafonukxer = to debilitate, to drain of power, to incapacitate
yafonukxwa = debilitated, drained of power, incapacitated, tired, worn out
yafonul = fuel
yafonulien = fueling up
yafonulier = to fuel up, to get fuel
yafonuluam = fuel station
yafonuluar = fuel pump
yafonuluen = fueling
yafonuluer = to fuel
yafonulukxwer = to run out of fuel
yafonuluwa = fueled
yafonur = engine
yafonuwa bey amar -- yagbesen
yafonuwa bey amar = solar-powered
yafonuwa bi map = wind-powered
yafonuwa = capacitated, empowered, powered
yafonyekrun = power struggle
yafonyija = on, powered on
yafonyijben = powering on
yafonyijber = to power on
yafonyijbwa = juiced, powered on
yafonyuj = power outage
yafonyuja = off, powered off
yafonyujben = powering off
yafonyujber = to power off
yafonyujbwa = powered off
yafonzen = powerhouse
yafsea = becoming able, becoming stronger
yafser = to become able, to become strong, to get stronger
yafu = could, would be able to
yafuea = delegating, empowering, potentiating
yafuen = delegating, delegation, empowerment, potentiating
yafuer = to constitute, to delegate, to empower, to imbue with strength, to potentiate
yafuwa = delegated, empowered
yafuwat = delegate, empowered individual
yafuwatan = delegacy
yafuwatyan = delegacy, delegation
yafuwayt = female delegate
-yafwa = -able, possible to
yafwa = possible
yafwan = possibility
yafwaxen = contriving
yafwaxer = to contrive, to make possible
yafwaxwa = made possible
yafway = possibly
yafwer = to be possible
yafxea = empowering, enabling, forceful, fortifying, strengthening
yafxen = empowering, empowerment, enabling, forcing, fortification, fortifying, strengthening
yafxer = to empower, to enable, to fortify, to habilitate, to make capable, to strengthen
yafxut = enabler
yafxwa = empowered, enabled, fortified, strengthened
yafxwam = fortress
yafxwatyan = posse comitatus
yafyatezeb = deacon
yafyatezeba = diaconal
yafyatezebam = deaconate
yafyaxeb = deacon
yafyaxeyb = deaconess
yafyaxob = deaconate
yafyek = ordeal
yafyepyet = quetzalcoatl
yag = at length, long
yag ja his = long time ago
yag jo his = a long time from now
yag jo hus = a long time after that, a long time thereafter
yaga = lengthy, long
yaga untoba sum = California king-size bed
yaga vyidea dras = disquisition
yaga yijteuzun = long vowel
yaga zyomelnad = hogback
yagafjob = sabbatical
yagaja = long-past, way in the past
yagajat = person from long ago
yagajay = a long time ago
yagan bi yiztejen = length of survival
yagan = length, lengthiness
yaganay = lengthwise
yagansiynmeg = milestone
yagapepen = loping
yagapeper = to lope
yagapyexler = to siege
yagapyexlun = siege
yagapyot = sloth bear
yagat bikam = elder care facility
yagavdal = spiel
yagavdaler = to spiel
yagaxea = prolonging
yagaxen = lengthening, prolongation, prolonging
yagaxer = to lengthen, to prolong, to prolongate
yagaxwa = lengthened, prolonged
yagay = at length, lengthily
yagbesea = sticking around
yagbesen = sticking around
yagbeser -- yagigpekut
yagbeser = to stay long, to stick around
yagbesum = repository
yagbexam = conservatory
yagbexen = conservation, conserving, keeping, maintaining, maintenance, preservation
yagbexer = to conserve, to hold for a long time, to keep, to maintain, to preserve
yagbexim = storage room, storeroom
yagbexin = conservationism
yagbexina = conservationist
yagbexinut = conservationist
yagbexlawa = preserved
yagbexlen = preservation, preserving
yagbexler = to embalm, to preserve
yagbexlinut = preservationist
yagbexlus = preservative
yagbexlut = embalmer, preserver
yagbexlyafwa = preservable
yagbexut = conservator
yagbexwa = conserved, kept for a long time, long-held, maintained, preserved
yagbexyea = conservative
yagbexyeay = conservatively
yagbixen = dragging, elaboration, protraction
yagbixer = to drag, to elaborate, to protract
yagbixpet = draft animal
yagbixwa = dragged, elaborate, elaborated, protracted
yagbixwan = elaborateness
yagbixway = elaborately
yagblokea = long-suffering
yagbyekxwa = cured
yagdalea = long-winded, rambling
yagdalen = expatiation, gabbing, rambling
yagdaler = to expatiate, to gab, to ramble on, to speak at length
yagdalyanup = gabfest
yagdalyea = gabby
yagdea = discursive, elaborate
yagden = discourse, elaboration, narration
yagder = to discourse, to elaborate, to hold forth
yagdeuzen = chanting
yagdeuzer = to chant
yagdeuzun = chant
yagdeuzut = chanter
yagdeuzwa = chanted
yagdiden = questioning at length
yagdider = to interrogate at length, to question at length
yagdin = novel
yagdinut = novelist
yagdodal = harangue
yagdodalen = haranguing
yagdodaler = to harangue
yagdodalwa = harangued
yagdopuz = longbow
yagdopyonar = broadsword
yagdras = screed
yagdwa = elaborated
yagdwan = elaborateness
yagdway = elaborately
yagebdal = descant
yagebdaler = to descant
yagekea duzzyiun = LP
yagekunid = cube
yagekunida = cubic
yagekunidxen = cubing, dicing
yagekunnidxen = cubing, dicing
yagekunnidxer = to cube, to dice
yagekunnidxwa = cubed, diced
yagfea = longing, yearning
yagfen = longing, yearning
yagfer = to long for, to yearn
yagfiba = longshafted
yagfwa = longed for
yaggigon = splinter
yaggigonaya = splintery
yaggigonika = splintery
yaggigonsea = splintering
yaggigonser = to splinter
yaggigonxer = to splinter
yaggigonxwa = splintered
yagifser = to welter
yagigonxen = splintering
yagigpek = marathon
yagigpekut = marathoner
yagilamxen -- yagtejea
yagilamxen = braising, simmering
yagilamxer = to braise, to simmer
yagilamxwa = braised, simmered
yagimar = hexagram
yagisan = hexagram
yagja dat = long-time friend
yagja = long-lived, long-time, longstanding, longtime, old
yagja tad = long-time spouse
yagja yekun = long-time goal
yagjan = longevity, oldness
yagjesea = enduring, inveterate, long-lasting, longstanding, perdurable
yagjesean = endurance, inveteracy
yagjeser = to endure, to last long
yagjob = a long time, long time, long while
yagjoba = chronic, longtime
yagjoba dat = long-time friend
yagjoba yekun = long-time goal
yagjoyeba = long-term
yagjut = long-timer
yagkex = quest
yagkexen = questing
yagkexwa = long-sought
yagmagelar = slow cooker
yagmageler = to cook slowly, to simmer
yagmagelwa = cooked slowly, simmered
yagmas = longwall
yagmeluk = ditch, furrow, trench
yagmeluk dopeken = trench warfare
yagmelukxen = ditch-digging
yagmelukxut = ditch-digger
yagmimpar = long boat, longboat
yagmipar = gondola
yagmiparut = gondolier
yagnabyana = long-range
yagniv = lengthwise thread, warp
yagnyan = bank
yagnyan bi mafi = bank of clouds
yagnyef = flasket
yagnyem bi givomuvi = carton of cigarettes
yagnyem = carton, long box
yagol = sextile
yagoyeb = a long way out
yagpen = lounging
yagpen sim = lounge chair
yagper = to lounge
yagpes = long wait
yagpesea = long-waiting, patient
yagpesean = patience
yagpeser = to wait long
yagpip dopek mimpur = cruiser
yagpur = limo, limousine
yagpux = huck
yagpuxer = to huck
yagpyas = broad-jump, long jump
yagpyexegar = blacksnake
yagriduzar = spinet
yagsea = extending, lounging, stretching
yagsen = extension
yagser = to extend, to get long, to stretch out
yagsim = bench, settee
yagsuam = bolster
yagsyena = stodgy
yagsyenan = stodginess
yagsyenay = stodgily
yagtaduwa = long-time married
yagtaf = kaftan
yagtaxoa = momentous
yagtaxoan = momentousness
yagtaxoay = momentously
yagtayebat = longhair
yagtayebyipet = longhair
yagteata = longsighted
yagteax = glare, stare, watch
yagteaxen = gawking, glaring, staring, watching
yagteaxer = to gape, to gawk, to glare, to stare, to stare at, to watch
yagteil = stew
yagteilxer = to stew
yagteilxwa = stewed
yagteja = long-lived
yagtejea = prosperous
yagtejean -- yagyekea
yagtejean = prosperously
yagtejen = living long, prospering, prosperity, thriving
yagtejer = to live long, to prosper, to thrive
Yagteju ha Edweb! = Long live the King!
Yagteju! = Long live!, Viva!, Vive!
yagtejut = prosperous person
yagtem = gallery
yagteubixea = gnawing
yagteubixen = gnawing
yagteubixer = to gnaw
yagteubixwa = gnawed
yagteubyuzen = smooching
yagteubyuzer = to smooch
yagteubyuzut = smoocher
yagtexen = contemplation, meditating, meditation, reflection
yagtexena = contemplative, meditative, reflective
yagtexer = to contemplate, to meditate, to reflect
yagtexut = meditator
yagtexwa = contemplated, meditated, reflected
yagteyub eopet = longhorn
yagtixdras = treatise
yagtixdren = tractate
yagtojwas = fossil
yagtrawa = long-known
yagtrea = experienced, long famiiar, long familiar
yagtrean = experience, long familiarity
yagtreanika = experienced
yagtreanuka = inexperienced
yagtuayf = cape
yagtuayfwa = caped
yagtuj = coma
yagtuja = comatose
yagtuxun = dissertation
yagtuyagoblar = halberd, halbert
yagtuyagoblarut = halberdier, halbertier
yagtwa = long-known
yagtyop = hike, stride
yagtyop tyoyafi = hiking boots
yagtyopen = hiking, striding
yagtyopen meup = hiking trail
yagtyoper = to hike, to stride
yagtyoput = hiker
yagtyoyav = knee sock
yagufdeud = rant
yagufdeudea = ranting
yagufdeuden = ranting
yagufdeuder = to rant
yagufdeudit = ranter
yagugmagelwa = Dutch-oven-cooked
yagugmagelyeb = Dutch oven
yagunmufyeg = kelly
yaguntoba suem = California King mattress
yaguvteud = lament, wail, whine
yaguvteudea = lamenting, moaning, wailing, whining
yaguvteuden = lamentation, lamenting, moaning, wailing, whining
yaguvteuder = to kvetch, to lament, to moan, to wail, to whine, to whinge
yaguvteudut = whiner, whinger
yaguvteudyea = whiny
yaguvteudyefwa = lamentable
yaguvteudyefway = lamentably
yaguzilpan = comber
yagveeyb yivob = long grain rice
yagxar = extender, lengthener
yagxea = extending, lengthening
yagxen = extending, extension, lengthening, stretching, temporization
yagxena = extensional
yagxer = to extend, to lengthen, to stretch, to temporize
yagxul = extender
yagxut = temporizer
yagxwa = extended, lengthened, stretched
yagxwas = extension, lengthening
yagxyafwa = extendible, extensible, extensile, stretchable
yagxyafwan = extensibility
yagxyofwa = nonextensible
yagyab = a long way up, way up
yagyandaler = to converse at length
yagyaz = ridge, ripple
yagyazmuf = ridgepole
yagyeb = a long way in, way in
yagyekea = striven
yagyeken -- yakzaser
yagyeken = striving
yagyeker = to strive
yagyemben = stowage
yagyember = to stow
yagyembwa = stowed
yagyiba = long distance, long-distant, way away
yagyiban = long distance
yagyigsim = bench
yagyijtem = gallery
yagyogyog druzdyib = dactyl
yagyogyoga = dactylic
yagyonbyex = fissure
yagyonbyexer = to fissure
yagyonbyexun = fissure
yagyonbyexwa = fissured
yagyonpea = drifting apart
yagyonper = to drift apart
yagyoz = groove
yagyozzyuk = sheave
yagyugsim = couch, divan, sofa
yagyugsum = sofabed
yagyuxlut = warhorse
yagzom mojtif = tailcoat
yagzotayeb = mullet
yagzye = a long way through
yagzyeg = groove
yagzyeilper = to seep through
yagzyileovol = fettuccine
yagzyogolbun = strip
yagzyomimpar = galley
yagzyonad = stripe
yagzyonadxwa = striped
yagzyosiyn = smear, streak
yagzyosiyner = to smear, to streak
yagzyosiynwa = smeared, streaked
yagzyotim = couloir, hallway, lane, passage, passageway, thoroughfare
yagzyuovol = baguette, wiener roll
yahelkayn = hexane
yahu = yahoo
yak = meter
yakea = awaiting, expectant, expecting, pending
yakea teyd = expectant mother
yakeay = expectantly, expectingly
yaken = awaiting, expectancy, expectation, waiting
yaker = to await, to expect, to wait for
yakfea = longingly
yakfen = longing, yearning
yakfer = to long for, to yearn for
yakfwa = longed for, yearned for
yakim = green room, greenroom
yakjoba = provisional
yakjobay = provisionally
yakkyos = abeyance
yaklawa = hoped for
yaklen = hope, hopefulness, hoping
yakler = to hope
yakluka = hopeless
yaklukan = hopelessness
yakpeser = to tarry
yakun = expectation
yakunid = cube, hexahedron
yakunida = cubic, cubical
yakunidin = cubism
yakunidina = cubist
yakunidinut = cubist
yakunidum = cubicle
yakunidxar = cuber
-yakwa = apt to
yakwa = awaited, expected
yakwa yagan bi tej = life expectancy
yakwan = aptitude
yakway = expectedly
Yakwe van... = It is expected that...
yakyea = edgy
yakyean = edginess
yakza = patient
yakzan = patience
yakzasea = being patient, hanging on
yakzasen = being patient, hanging on
yakzaser = to be patient, to hang on
yakzay -- yanav gonut
yakzay = patiently
yal = juice
yalika = juicy, succulent
yalikan = juiciness, succulence, succulency
yalo = sixty, threescore
yaloa = sixtieth
yaloas = sixtieth
yalojagat = sexagenarian
yalon = group of sixty
yalona = sexadecimal
yalonapa = sixtieth
yaloyn = sixtieth
yaloyna = sixtieth
yalza = purple
yalzan = purpleness
yalzaxer = to empurple
yalzayna = bright purple, violet
yalzmeg = porphyry
yalzmega = porphyritic
yalzoyna = dark purple, indigo
yalzyena = purplish
yamaf = stratocumulus
Yamer = to Saturn
Yamera = Saturnian
Yamera yuzuni = Saturn rings
yamez = lapis lazuli
-yan = aggregate, collection of, grouping
yan bay = together with
yan- = co-, fellow-, mate
yan = ensemble, together
yan van = although, even though
yana sag = collective number
yana sundyun = collective noun
yana = together
yanak = hexameter
yanan = bond, togetherness
yananxea = merging
yananxen = merger, merging
yananxer = to merge
yananxwa = merged
yanapa = quinary, sixth
yanapa tisnog = sixth grade
yanapaxlarer = to raff
yanar = connector, hinge, joint, juncture, link, yoke
yanarea = linking
yanaren = linkage, linking, yoking
yanarer = to link together, to link up
yanaril = synovia
yanarila = synovial
yanarnad bi kyesi = sequence of events
yanarnad = sequence
yanarnada = sequential
yanarnadxen = catenation, sequentialization, sequentializing
yanarnadxer = to catenate, to sequentialize
yanarnadxwa = sequentialized
yanarser = to join
yanarun = linkup
yanarwa = linked, yoked
yanarxer = to join
yanarxwa = joined
yanaryan = linkage
yanas = fund
yanaser = to join up
yanasien = crowd-sourcing, fund-raising
yanasier = to crowd-source, to fund-raise
yanasiut = crowd-sourcer, fund-raiser
yanasiwa = crowd-sourced, fund-raised
yanasuer = to fund
yanasuun = foundation
yanasuut = funder
yanasuuwa = funded
yanat = associate, fellow, mate
yanatan = association, fellowship, mateship
yanatsen = association, mating
yanatser = to associate, to mate
yanatsyea = sociable
yanatsyean = sociability
yanatyan = association, fellowship, society
yanatyana = associational, social, societal
yanav gonut = party member
yanav kyaxut -- yanbexer
yanav kyaxut = floater
yanav = party
yanava = partisan
yanavan = partisanship
yanavat = partisan
yanavpien = defection
yanavpier = to defect
yanavpiut = defector
yanaxen = joining
yanaxer = to conjoin, to join, to join together
yanaxlea = coactive, collusive
yanaxlen = coaction, collusion
yanaxler = to coact, to collude
yanaxlut = co-actor, colluder
yanaxlyea = collusive
yanaxun = conjuncture, joint
yanaxut = joiner
yanaxwa = conjoined, joined
yanay = jointly, together
yanaynxea = merging
yanaynxen = merger, merging
yanaynxer = to merge
yanaynxun = merger
yanaynxwa = merged
yanayswa = owned jointly
yanazon = synergy
yanazona = synergetic
yanazonin = synergism
yanazonina = synergistic
yanbaer = to lean together
yanbalar = clamp
yanbalaren = clamping
yanbalarwa = clamped
yanbalen = compressing, compression, congestion, crowding, jamming together, pressing together
yanbaler = to clamp together, to compress, to congest, to crowd, to jam together, to press together
yanbalur = compressor
yanbalwa = compressed, congested, crowded, jammed together, pressed together
yanbalwa mal apyexrar = jackhammer
yanbalwa mal = compressed air
yanbalwa mal zeygir = pneumatic drill
yanbalxyofwa = incompressible
yanbalyafwa = compressible
yanbalyea = compressive
yanbaoser = to mix
yanbaoxar = mixer
yanbaoxbaoxwa = mixed
yanbaoxen = mixing
yanbaoxer = to mix
yanbaoxun = mixture
yanbaoxwa = mixed
yanbarar = compactor
yanbaren = compacting, compaction, condensing, crunching, crushing together, jam packing
yanbarer = to compact, to condense, to crunch, to crush together, to jam packing
yanbarur = compactor
yanbarwa = compacted, condensed, crunched, crushed together, jam packed
yanbarwan = compactness
yanbarway = compactly
yanbaryea = crushingly
yanbaxar = blender, mixer
yanbaxen = blending
yanbaxer = to blend
yanbaxun = blend, melange, mix
yanbaxwa = blended
yanbem = joint, juncture
yanben = association, composing, composition, joining
yanbena = associational, compositional
yanbenay = compositionally
yanber drez = to compose poetry
yanber = to associate, to compose, to join, to put together
yanbesea = adherent, coherent, conforming, sticking together
yanbesen = adherence, coherence, cohesion, conformance, keeping together, staying together, sticking together
yanbeser = to adhere, to cling, to cohere, to keep together, to stay together, to stick together
yanbesut = adherent, clinger, fellow occupant
yanbesyaf = coherency
yanbesyea = adherent, clingy, cohesive, sticky
yanbesyean = cohesiveness
yanbesyeay = cohesively
yanbexea = adherent, clinging, coherent, holding together, sticking together
yanbexen = adherence, clasping, clinging, co-owernership, coherence, holding together, sticking together, time-sharing
yanbexer = to clasp, to co-own jointly, to cohere, to hold together, to share in
yanbexneyef -- yandeuza
yanbexneyef = ferrule
yanbexun = bunch, share
yanbexut = adherent
yanbexwa = adhered, clasped, co-owned, coherent, communal, held together, owned jointly, stuck
yanbexwa tomaun = condo unit, condominium unit
yanbexwa tomaunyan = condo, condominium
yanbexwam = condo, condominium, timeshare
yanbexway = coherently
yanbexyean = conservativeness
yanbeyn = compound
yanbier = to bring together, to pick
yanbikam = polyclinic
yanbil = emulsion
yanbilxen = emulsification
yanbilxer = to emulsify
yanbilxwa = emulsified
yanbilyena = emulsoid
yanbiwa = brought together
yanbixen = contraction, pulling together
yanbixer = to contract, to muster, to pull together, to raff
yanbixmul = tannin
yanbixmulika = pungent, tannic
yanbixwa = contracted, pulled together
yanbiyofwa = noncollectable
yanbleyn = collection
yanbolutan = solidarity
yanbun = bond, juncture
yanbut = composer
yanbuxen = combination
yanbuxer = to cram, to push together
yanbuxlawa = crammed together, crowded, hustled, shoved together
yanbuxlen = cramming, crowding, hustling, shoving together
yanbuxler = to cram together, to crowd, to hustle, to shove together, to slap together
yanbuxwa = pushed together
yanbwa = composed, composite, compound, joined
yanbwa dun = compound word
yanbway = legato
yanbyen = harmony
yanbyena = congruous, harmonic
yanbyenay = harmoniously
yanbyensea = harmonious
yanbyensean = harmoniousness
yanbyenser = to harmonize
yanbyenxen = harmonization
yanbyenxer = to harmonize
yanbyenxwa = harmonized
yanbyux = contact
yanbyuxa = contagious
yanbyuxbok = contagion
yanbyuxboknig = contagion
yanbyuxea = adjacent to, adjoining, contiguous
yanbyuxean = adjacency, contiguity
yanbyuxeay = adjacently, contiguously
yanbyuxem = point of contact
yanbyuxen = contacting, osculation
yanbyuxer bay = to touch base with
yanbyuxer = to adjoin, to contact, to osculate
yanbyuxwa = adjoined, contacted
yancayinheyanol = ascorbic acid
yancayonheniienhel = aniline
yancayonheohela = carbolic
yandal = conversation, conversion, dialog, discourse, discussion
yandala = conversational
yandalay = conversationally
yandalen = discussion
yandaler = to converse, to discuss
yandalog = powwow
yandalut = discussant, discutant
yandalutyan = commission, convention
yandalwa dun = collocate, collocation
yandalway = discussed
yandalwer = to collocate
yandatser = to become allies
yandatxer = to make allies
yandet = copartner, fellow, homeboy, mate
yandetan = copartnership, fellowship
yandetsen = being buddies, mating
yandetser = to be buddies, to mate
yandeuz = harmony
yandeuza = harmonic
yandeuzen -- yanglalaya
yandeuzen = harmonizing
yandeuzer = to harmonize
yandeuztun = harmonics
yandeuztuna = harmonic
yandeuztut = harmonics expert
yandeuzut = harmonizer
yandeuzutyan = chorus
yandeuzutyana = choral
yandit = fellow citizen
yandopek = melee
yandopeker = to fight alongside, to fight together
yandopekut = fellow fighter
yandoyovxut = accessory
yandrensaxut = coauthor
yandrevyaleaxut = coeditor
yandryundrut = cosigner
yandun = enclitic
yandyuen = convocation
yandyuer = to convoke
yandyundrer = to cosign
yandyundrut = cosignatory
yandyuun = convocation
yaneaten = confusion
yaneater = to confuse
yaneatyeay = confusingly
yaneaxer = to confuse, to flummox
yaneaxwa = confused
yaneaxyea = confusing
yanebyexer = to fight alongside, to fight together
yanebyexut = fellow fighter
yanek = game, match, meet
yaneker ov = to run against
yanem = junction, juncture
yanen = binding, liaison, tying
yanes = liaison
yanesea = coexistent, coexisting
yanesen = coexistence
yaneser = to coexist, to liaise
yanesun = liaison
yanexam = co-operative, coop, cooperative
yanexea = conjunct, cooperating
yanexea tomaun = cooperative apartment
yanexen = cooperation
yanexer = to cooperate
yanexler = to coprocessor
yanexut = cooperator
yanexyea = co-operative, cooperative
yanexyean = cooperativeness
yanexyeay = cooperatively
yanf = fascicle
yanfab = growth, woods
yanfabog = copse, grove, spinney, spinny
yanfaboyg = coppice
yanfaybes = undergrowth
yanfaybesaya = bushy, scrubby, tousled
yanfaybesika = bushy, scrubby, tousled
yanfaybesut = bushman
yanfaybesuti = bushmen
yanfuyexut = cahoot
yanfuyexutyan = cahoot
yanfyaxinut = co-religionist, coreligionist
yanfyaztos = congratulations
yanfyaztosder = to congratulate
yang = yang
yangab = compound
yangaben = compounding
yangaber = to compound
yangabwa = compound, compounded
yangabyafwa = compoundable
yangaxen = accretion
yangaxun = accretion
yangea = coequal
yangeay = coequally
yangela = alike, confusing
yangelxen = assimilation, confusion
yangelxer = to assimilate, to confusion
yangelxwa = assimilated, confused
yanglal bilyig = cottage cheese
yanglal = blob, bunch, clot, clump, coagulation, concretion, conglomeration, curd, glob, lump
yanglalaya = clumpy, curdy
yanglalika -- yaniklaxer
yanglalika = clumpy, curdy
yanglalsea = agglutinating
yanglalsen = bunching, clotting, clumping, coagulation, conglomeration, curdling, globbing, lumping
yanglalser = to bunch up, to clot, to clump, to coagulate, to conglomerate, to curdle, to glob, to lump together
yanglalxen = agglutination, bunching together, clotting, clumping together, coagulation, conglomeration, curdling, lumping together
yanglalxena = agglutinative
yanglalxer = to agglutinate, to bunch together, to clot, to clump together, to coagulate, to conglomerate, to curdle, to lump together
yanglalxus = coagulant
yanglalxwa = agglutinated, bunched together, clotted, clumped together, coacervate, coagulated, conglomerated, curdled, curdy, lumped together
yanglat azaran = gang violence
yanglat dropeken = gang warfare
yanglat = gang
yanglateb = gang leader
yanglatem = gangland
yanglatsen = ganging up
yanglatser ov = to gang up against
yanglatser = to gang up
yanglatut = gangster
yanglatutin = gangsterism
yangon = mix, mixture
yangona = confused, mixed
yangonnyefxen = contexture
yangonxen = confusion, mixing
yangonxer = to confuse, to mix
yangonxwa = confused, mixed
yangounxen = assembling, assembly, piecing together
yangounxer = to assemble, to piece together
yangounxun = assemblage
yangounxut = assembler
yangounxwa = assembled, pieced together
yangronasten = commiseration
yangronaster = to commiserate
yangrun = harness, hitch
yangrunxen = hitching, hooking up
yangrunxer = to hitch, to hook up
yangrunxun = hookup
yangrunxwa = hitched, hooked up
yangyiaxea = consolidating
yangyiaxen = consolidating, consolidation
yangyiaxer = to consolidate
yangyiaxut = consolidator
yangyiaxwa = consolidated
yangyixen = consolidation
yangyixer = to consolidate
yangyixwa = consolidated
yangyonifxen = stringing together
yangyonifxwa = strung together
yanibiawa = collected, gathered
yaniblawa = collected
yaniblen = amassing, collecting, collection, gathering, picking
yanibler = to amass, to collect, to gather
yaniblun = collectible, collection, gathering, mass
yaniblut = collector, gatherer
yaniblyafwa = collectable
yaniblyafwas = collectible item
yaniblyefwa = collectible
yanif = stitch
yanifar = knitting needle, stitching needle
yanifek = match
yanifir = sewing machine
yanifnad = scar, seam
yanifnadaya = seamy
yanifnadika = seamy
yanifnadoya = seamless
yanifnaduka = seamless
yanifnadxen = seaming
yanifnadxer = to seam
yanifnadxwa = seamed
yaniftyen = couture
yanifuka = seamless
yanifukan = seamlessness
yanifukay = seamlessly
yanifun = sewn material
yanifxen = sewing, stitchery, stitching
yanifxer = to seam, to sew, to stitch together
yanifxut = stitcher
yanifxwa = sewed, sewn, stitched
yanigper = to run together
yaniklaxen = cramming
yaniklaxer = to cram together
yaniklaxwa -- yankojadrut
yaniklaxwa = crammed together
yanikxer = to constipate
yanikxwa = saturated
yanikxwn = saturation
yanilp = confluence, conflux, slur
yanilpea = confluent, slurred
yanilpen = confluence, slurring
yaniv = fest, festival, fiesta, fun get-together, party, wingding
yaniva = festal, festive
yanivag = blowout, carousal
yanivan = festiveness
yanivay = festively
yanivem = hangout
yaniven = festivity
yaniver = to socialize
yanivper = to attend a party, to go partying
yanivpoxut = party-pooper
yanivput = party attendee, party-goer
yanivtos = felicity, merriment, merriness, shared joy
yanivtosay = felicitously
yanivtosden = congratulating, congratulation, felicitation
yanivtosdena = congratulatory
yanivtosder = to congratulate, to felicitate
yanivtosdwa = congratulated, felicitated
yanivtosea = jubilant
yanivxen = carousing, feting, partying
yanivxer = to carouse, to fete, to party, to put on a party
yanivxut = party person
yanivxwa = feted
yanivyena = convivial
yanivyenan = conviviality
yanivyenay = convivially
yanizead = symptom
yanizeada = symptomatic
yanizeaday = symptomatically
yanizona mor = parallel universe
yanizona nad = parallel line
yanizona = parallel
yanizona yuzmep = parallel circuit
yanizonad = parallel line
yanizonan = parallelism
yanizonay bi ha domep = parallel with the street
yanizoned = parallelepiped
yanizonsan = parallelogram
yanizonsea = paralleling
yanizonser = to parallel
yanizonxea = parallelizing
yanizonxer = to parallelize
yanizonxwa = parallelized
yanjoba = coeval, contemporary
yanjobay = coevally
yanjobdraf = synchronism
yanjoibut = coheir
yanjoibuyt = co-heiress
yanjonapxen = collating, collation
yanjonapxer = to collate
yanjwob = sync
yanjwoba = synchronic, synchronous
yanjwoban = synchronicity, synchronism, synchrony
yanjwobar = synchronizer
yanjwobay = synchronously
yanjwobir = synchrotron
yanjwobxen = synchronization, synchronizing
yanjwobxer = to synchronize
yanjwobxwa = synchronized
yank = combo, link
yankar = combiner
yankdalzeyn = creole
yanken = combination
yankisea = compliant
yankisen = compliance, complying
yankiser = to comply
yankoaxlea = conspiratorial, conspiring, plotting
yankoaxleay = conspiratorially
yankoaxlen = conspiracy, conspiring, plot
yankoaxler = to conspire, to plot
yankoaxlut = conspirator, plotter
yankober = to disjoint
yankobwa = disjointed
yankojadrut = confederate
yankoyovyexen -- yanmulxen pyuxrar
yankoyovyexen = connivance, conniving
yankoyovyexer = to connive
yankoyovyexut = conniver
yanksea = combining
yankser = to combine, to join, to link up, to link up with
yankuna = collateral
yankunay = collaterally
yankxar = linker
yankxea = combining, linking
yankxen = combining, compiling, joining, linkage, linking
yankxer = to combine, to compile, to join, to link together
yankxun = combination
yankxus = compiler
yankxut = linkman
yankxwa = combined, compiled, joined, linked
yankyasus = covariant
yankyej = coincidence
yankyeja = coincidental
yankyejay = coincidentally
yankyejea = coinciding
yankyejen = coinciding
yankyes = symptom
yankyesa = symptomatic
yankyesan = synchronism
yankyesea = concurrent, concurring
yankyesean = concurrency
yankyeseay = concurrently
yankyeser = to coincide
yankyosen = adhesion
yankyoxen = adherence
yankyoxer = to adhere, to make stick together
yankyoxun = fixture
yankyoxwa = adhered, stuck together
yanlanuen = instilling pride in
yanlawa = attached
yanlaxen = combination, combining
yanlaxer = to combine
yanlaxeyn = combination
yanlaxwa = combine
yanlea = attaching
yanlen = attaching
yanler = to attach
yanlikxer = to saturate
yanlun = attachment
yanlyafwa = attachable
yanlyofwa = unattachable
yanmakmul = coion
yanmampurexut = copilot
yanmardezea = costarring
yanmardezer = to costar
yanmardezut = costar
yanmel = continent
yanmela = continental
yanmelay = continentally
yanmemut = fellow-countryman
yanmestob = tableman
yanmug = alloy
yanmul = bouillon, chemical, cluster, fusion, hodgepodge, melange, mishmash, mix, mixture
yanmula = chemical
yanmulbektun = chemotherapy
yanmulbektuna = chemotherapeutic
yanmulgelxen = consubstantiation
yanmulmaka = galvanic
yanmulmakxen = galvanism, galvanization
yanmulokea = decomposing
yanmuloken = decomposition
yanmuloker = to decompose
yanmulokya = decomposed
yanmulser = to commingle
yanmultun = chemistry
yanmultuna = chemical
yanmultuna sandrun = chemical formula
yanmultuna suan = chemical element
yanmultuna yanbeyn = chemical compound
yanmultut = chemist
yanmultuzun = collage, montage
yanmulx = mixup
yanmulxar = blender, mixer
yanmulxen = blending, confusion, diffusion, fusing, hodgepodge, hybridization, melange, melding, mingling, mixing
yanmulxen pyuxrar = fusion bomb
yanmulxer -- yanotyana fyaantinut
yanmulxer = to blend, to confuse, to diffuse, to fuse, to hybridize, to meld, to mingle, to mix
yanmulxin = hybridism
yanmulxwa = blended, confused, curdled, diffused, fused, hybrid, mingled, mixed
yanmulxwa fil = cocktail, mixed drink
yanmulxwa tadien = mixed marriage
yanmulxwa todnad yepet = mutt
yanmulxyafwa = miscible, mixable
yanmulxyafwan = miscibility
yanmulxyofwa = immiscible
yanmulxyofwan = immiscibility
yanmulyan = medley
yanmulyextun = chemurgy
yannabxen = marshaling, racking
yannabxer = to marshal, to rack
yannabxwa = marshaled
yannaga = symmetric, symmetrical
yannagan = symmetry
yannagay = symmetrically
yannagxer = to symmetrize
yannapnod = coordinate
yannapnoda = coordinate
yannapnoda ned = Cartesian plane, coordinate plan
yannapnoden = plotting
yannapnoder = to plot
yannapnodwa = plotted
yannapxea = coordinating
yannapxen = collocation, coordinating, coordination
yannapxer = to collocate, to coordinate
yannapxut = coordinator
yannapxwa = coordinated
yannas = fund
yannasbuen = funding
yannasbuer = to fund
yannasbuut = funder
yannasbuwa = funded
yannays = money collection, sum of money
yannaz = valence, valency
yannod = junction, juncture, point of convergence
yannodxen = slurred, slurring
yannodxer = to slur
yannoogxen = synchronization
yannoogxer = to synchronize
yannoogxwa = synchronized
yannux = copay
yanof = adhesive, tape
yanojvad = compromise
yanojvader = to compromise
yanojvadut = compromiser
yanot = constituent
yanota = communal
yanotan = constituency
yanotay oytafa igput = streaker
yanotdropekmimpur = privateer
yanoteb = communal leader
yanotin = communism
yanotina = communist, communistic
yanotina yantosut = communist sympathizer
yanotinser = to become communist
yanotinut = communist
yanotinutog = commie
yanotinxen = making communist
yanotinxer = to make communist
yanotinxwa = made communist
yanotpur = bus, coach, omnibus, public vehicle
yanotpur exut = bus driver
yanotpur mepyen = bus route
yanotpur nad = bus line
yanotpur posam = bus station
yanotpur posem = bus stop
yanotpur posum = bus stand
yanotpuren = bussing
yanotpurer = to bus
yanotpurwa = bussed
yanotsen = communion
yanotser = to commune
yanotvyos = gaffe
yanotyan = community
yanotyan zen = community center
yanotyana = communitarian
yanotyana fyaantinut = cenobite
yanotyanan -- yansauna fisen
yanotyanan = communality
yanotyanay = communally
yanotyayn = commune
yanotyayna = communal
yanov = bloc, sect
yanovaden = compromising
yanovadwa = compromised
yanpaper = to fly together
yanpea = accompanying
yanpea siunbok = attendant symptom
yanpem = juncture
yanpen = accompanying, joining, meeting
yanpeper = to ride along, to ride together, to share a ride
yanpepiut = riding companion, riding mate
yanpeput = fellow rider
yanper = to accompany, to associate, to connect up with, to go together, to join, to meet
yanpexwer = to get stuck, to stick together
yanpip = convoy
yanpiputyan = convoy
yanpixar = clip, pin
yanpixer = to clip
yanpoput = companion traveler, fellow traveler, fellow-traveler, travel mate
yanput = accompanist, associate, companion
yanputan = association, companionship
yanpya = accompanied
yanpyeux = clonk
yanpyex = clash
yanpyexea = clashing
yanpyexen = clashing
yanpyexer = to clash
yanpyexpar = dodgem
yanpyexrawa = imploded
yanpyexrea = implosive
yanpyexren = implosion
yanpyexrer = to implode
yanpyexrun = implosion
yanpyexun = collision
yanpyexun zobixpur = tow truck
yanpyexwa = clashed
yanpyexyea = combative
yanpyosea pyaon = collapsing wave
yanpyoser = to collapse
yanpyox = collapse
yanpyoxen = collapsing
yanpyoxer = to collapse
yanpyoxwa = collapsed
yanpyusler = to crash
yanpyuslun = crash
yanpyux = collision, wreck
yanpyuxar = collider
yanpyuxea = colliding, wrecking
yanpyuxen = colliding, wrecking
yanpyuxer = to bump into, to collide with, to run into, to wreck
yanpyuxun = wreckage
yanpyuxwa = collided, wrecked
yans = meeting
yansaga = plural
yansagan = plurality
yansagxen = pluralization
yansagxer = to pluralize
yansagxwa = pluralized
yansana = common
yansanan = commonality
yansanay = commonly
yansanin = conformism
yansanina = conformist
yansaninut = conformist
yansansea = complying, conformant, conforming
yansansean = compliancy
yansanseay = compliantly
yansansen = compliance, complying, conformance, conformation
yansanser = to comply, to conform
yansansyea = compliant, conformant
yansansyean = compliancy
yansanus = constituent
yansanut = constituent
yansaun = common form
yansauna = common, commonplace, ordinary, usual
yansauna dal = common language, lingua franca
yansauna fisen = commonweal
yansauna niv -- yantaxyea
yansauna niv = leitmotif, leitmotiv
yansauna sundyun = common noun
yansauna tyod = common people, ordinary people
yansaunan = commonality, commonness
yansaunat = commoner
yansaunay = commonly, usually
yansaundala = colloquial
yansaundalay = colloquially
yansaundalun = colloquialism
yansaunxen = making common
yansaunxer = to make common
yansaunxwa = made common
yansaxer = to concoct
yansaxun = concoction
yansaxwa = concocted
yansen = gathering, get-together, meeting
yanser = to connect up with, to connect with, to gather, to get together, to join up, to meet
yanseuz = chord, harmonic
yanseuza = harmonic
yanseuzan = consonance, harmony
yanseuzaser = to attune
yanseuzaxea = attuning
yanseuzaxer = to attune, to harmonize
yanseuzaxwa = attuned, harmonized
yanseuzen = harmonization
yanseuzer = to harmonize
yansimbien = synod
yansimbiena = synodical
yansiun = description, symptom
yansiuna = symptomatic
yansiunay = symptomatically
yansom = furnishings
yanson = domain
yansuana maagil = synfuel
yansunan = complexity
yansunay = complexly
yansunes = accessary, accessory
yansunesuen = accessorizing
yansunesuer = to accessorize
yansunesuwa = accessorized
yansunser = to become complex
yansyana = homogeneous
yansyanan = homogeneity
yansyanay = homogeneously
yansyem = corporation, firm
yansyema = corporate
yansyemeay = corporately
yansyemeb = CEO, chief corporate office
yanta = plural
yanta tilam = pub, public house
yantabxea = incorporating
yantabxen = incorporating, incorporation
yantabxer = to incorporate
yantabxwa = incorporated
yantada = conjugal
yantada teap = conjugal visit
yantadan = conjugality
yantaday = conjugally
yantadsen = mating
yantadser = to mate
yantadxen = conjugation, mating
yantadxer = to conjugate, to mate
yantadxwa = conjugated, mated
yantambesea = cohabiting, living together
yantambesen = cohabitation, living together
yantambeser = to cohabit, to live together
yantambesut = cohabiter
yantan = plurality
yantanin = pluralism
yantanina = pluralistic
yantaninut = pluralist
yantaxa = commemorative
yantaxa taz = commemorative statue
yantaxea = commemorating
yantaxem = commemorative site
yantaxen = commemoration
yantaxer = to commemorate, to recall jointly, to remember together
yantaxut = commemorator
yantaxxel = commemorative ceremony
yantaxyea = commemorative
yanteatien -- yantos
yanteatien = confusion, mixup
yanteatier = to confuse
yanteatiwa = confused
yanteatuer = to confound
yanteatuyea = confusing
yantejea = symbiotic
yantejen = concubinage
yantejut = concubine
yanteler = to dine together
yantelut = dinner companion
yantembesut = cohabitant
yantex = accord, accordance, agreement, concord
yantexdea = consentient, consenting
yantexden = agreement, concurrence, concurring, consensus, consent, consenting
yantexdena = consensual
yantexder = to agree, to concur, to consent, to express agreement
yantexdraf = accord, pact, treaty
yantexdras = document of consent, writ of agreement, written agreement
yantexdwa = concurred
yantexea bu = according to
yantexea = congruent, consentient, consenting
yantexean = congruence
yantexeay = congruently
yantexen = agreement, concurring, congruence, consenting, consorting
yantexer = to agree, to concur, to consort
yantexwa = agreed
yantexyafwa = agreeable
yantexyean = congruity
yantexyofa = at loggerheads
yantilen = hobnob
yantiler = to hobnob
yantim = suite
yantip = sympathy
yantipa = sympathetic
yantipan = sympathy
yantipat = sympathizer
yantipay = sympathetically
yantipika = sympathetic
yantipikay = sympathetically
yantipiva = sympathetically happy
yantipoya = heartless
yantipoyan = heartlessness
yantipsea = commiserate, sympathetic
yantipsen = commiseration, sympathizing
yantipser = to commiserate, to sympathize
yantipsyea = agreeable, commiserative, sympathetic
yantipsyeay = agreeably, sympathetically
yantiptoj = euthanasia
yantiptojben = euthanasia, euthanize, mercy killing
yantiptojbwa = euthanized
yantipueay = heartrendingly
yantipuka = heartless
yantipukan = heartlessness
yantipukay = heartlessly
yantipuv = clemency, mercy, misery, pity, sorrow, compassion
yantipuva = sympathetic, merciful, sorry, commiserative
yantipuvan = sorriness, pity, mercy, misery, clemency, sorrowfulness
yantipuvien = commiseration, feeling sorry for, having mercy on, having pity on
yantipuvier = to commiserate, to feel sorry for, to have mercy on, to pity
yantipuviwa = pitied
yantipuviyea = clement, commiserative, merciful, pitiful
yantipuviyeay = clemently
yantipuviyefwa = pitiable, deserving of pity
yantipuviyefway = pitiably
yantipuvsen = commiseration, having mercy on, being sympathetic, pitying
yantipuvser = to pity, to be sympathetic, to have mercy on, to commiserate
yantipuvuer = to arouse compassion, to arouse mercy, to arouse pity
yantipuvuyea = miserable, pitiful
yantipuvuyean = miserableness
yantipuvuyeay = pitifully
yantipxyofwa = irreconcilable
yantipxyofwan = irreconcilability
yantipxyofway = irreconcilably
yantix = synthesis
yantixa = synthetical
yantixay = synthetically
yantixen = synthesis, synthesizing
yantixer = to synthesize
yantixwa = synthesized
yantos = compassion, empathy, pity, sympathy
yantosa -- yanuvanuka
yantosa = empathetic
yantosay = empathetically
yantosden = expression of sympathy
yantosder = to express sympathy
yantosdraf = sympathy card
yantosdres = sympathy note
yantosea = compassionate, sympathetic, tenderhearted
yantosean = tenderheartedness
yantoseay = compassionately, sympathetically, tenderheartedly
yantosen = empathizing, pitying, sympathizing
yantoser bay = to identify with, pity, sympathize with
yantoser = to empathize, to sympathize
yantosuea = heartrending, pitiful
yantosuka = uncompassionate
yantosukan = lack of sympathy
yantosukay = unsympathetically
yantosut = empathizer, sympathizer
yantosuyea = pathetic, pitiful
yantosuyeay = pathetically, pitifully
yantoted = cosponsor
yantubyuzen = snuggling
yantubyuzer = to snuggle
yantujen = sleeping together
yantujer = to sleep together
yantujut = sleep partner
yantuyabexen = clasping hands
yantuyabexer = to clasp hands
yantwid = confrère
yantwidan = confraternity
yantyaler = to dine together
yantyana = co-racial
yantyoper = to walk alongside, to walk together
yantyoput = walking companion
yanubduun = co-reference
yanufek = bout
yanufekut = fellow combatant
yanuja = conterminal
yanujay = conterminously
yanul = adhesive, glue, goo, mortar, paste
yanulben = pasting, sticking
yanulber = to apply glue together, to glue, to paste, to paste together, to stick together
yanulbut = paster
yanulbwa = pasted, stuck
yanulbwas = decal, poster, sticker, sticky
yanulbwer = to become glued, to get stuck
yanulbyea = adhesive, agglutinative, sticky, tacky
yanulikxen = saturation
yanuloben = ungluing
yanulober = to unglue
yanulobwa = unglued
yanulsiyn = sticker
yanultolun = collagen
yanulun = label, sticker
yanulyena = colloid, gluey, glutinous, gooey, sticky, viscous
yanulyenan = gooiness, stickiness, viscosity
yanulyenay = glutinously
yanun = cluster, heap, mass, mix, mixture, pile
yanunser = to cluster, to heap, to pile up
yanunxen = amassing, clustering, compilation, heaping, mixing
yanunxer = to amass, to heap, to mix, to pile up
yanunxwa = amassed, heaped, mixed, piled up
yanup = coming together, get-together, meeting
yanupam = meetinghouse
yanupem = meeting place, meeting venue
yanuper = to come together, to convene, to meet
yanupheyd = meet-and-greet
yanupim = meeting room
yanupjwob = appointment, engagement, meet-up time, rendez-vous
yanupnod = meeting point
yanupseem ebdal = panel discussion
yanupseem = panel
yanupseemut = panelist
yanuptam = lodge
yanuputyan = congregation
yanutosdyea = commiserative
yanuva = mercifully
yanuvan = mercifulness
yanuvanoya = merciless
yanuvanoyan = mercilessness
yanuvanuka = merciless
yanuvanukan -- yanxyafwa
yanuvanukan = mercilessness
yanuvanukay = mercilessly
yanuvtaxden = consoling, expression of condolences
yanuvtaxder = to express condolences
yanuvtaxdyofwa = unconsolable
yanuvtaxdyofway = unconsolably
yanuvtos = compassion, condolence, mercy, rue, ruth
yanuvtos draf = condolence card
yanuvtos nazun = consolation prize
yanuvtosdea = condolent
yanuvtosden = commiseration, consolation, expression of condolences
yanuvtosder = to commiserate, to condole, to console, to express condolences
yanuvtosdut = consoler
yanuvtosdwa = consoled
yanuvtosdyafwa = consolable
yanuvtosdyofwa = disconsolate, inconsolable
yanuvtosdyofwan = inconsolability
yanuvtosdyofway = disconsolately, inconsolably
yanuvtosea = commiserate, compassionate, condolent, merciful, rueful
yanuvtosean = ruefulness
yanuvtoseay = compassionately, ruefully
yanuvtosen = commiseration, condolence
yanuvtoser = to commiserate, to feel compassion, to have mercy
yanuvtosoya = ruthless
yanuvtosoyan = ruthlessness
yanuvtosuka = ruthless
yanuvtosukan = ruthlessness
yanuvtosukay = ruthlessly
yanuzben = folding
yanuzber = to bend, to fold
yanuzbun = bend, fold
yanuzbuwa sim = folded chair
yanuzea = folding
yanuzen = folding
yanuzer = to fold
yanuzpea = convergent
yanuzpem = point of convergence
yanuzpen = convergence
yanuzper = to converge
yanvatex = trust
yanvatexea = trusting
yanvatexeay = trustingly
yanvatexen = trusting
yanvatexer = to trust
yanvatexuer = to gain another's trust
yanvatexwa = trusted
yanvatexwat = trustee
yanvatexwatan = trusteeship
yanvatexyea = trustful
yanvatexyean = trustfulness
yanvatexyeay = trustfully
yanvos = bouquet of flowers
yanvyegexen = collating, collation
yanvyegexer = to collate
yanx = connection, joint, junction, juncture, nexus
yanxalwa = coupled, joined
yanxar = coupler, dongle, hitch, kingpin
yanxaren = coupling, hitching
yanxarer = to couple, to hitch
yanxarwa = coupled, hitched
yanxdun = conjunction, joinder
yanxduna = conjunctive
yanxea = connective
yanxem = connection point
yanxen = association, combination, conjuncture, connecting, connection, coupling, gathering, hitching, joinder, joining, juncture
yanxen muf = hitching post
yanxena = associative, combinative, combinatorial, conjunctive, junctural
yanxenay = associatively, combinatorially
yanxer = to associate, to conjoin, to connect, to couple, to gather, to hitch, to join
yanxmuf = pitman
yanxnad = ligature, vinculum
yanxon = meeting
yanxun = conjunct
yanxus = combinator, ligature
yanxuun = cofactor
yanxwa = associated, conjoined, conjoint, connected, coupled, gathered, hitched, joined
yanxwa bey yanxdun = syndetic
yanxwan = connectedness, connectivity, connexity
yanxway = conjointly, jointly
yanxyafwa = combinable
yanxyea -- yanzexen tomofem
yanxyea = syndetic
yanyaf = bundle, knot, tangle
yanyafxen = bundling, knotting, tangling
yanyafxer = to knot, to tangle
yanyafxwa = bundled, knotted
yanyax = cartel
yanyeb = blend, mix
yanyeben = blending, mixing up, tangling
yanyeber = to blend, to mix, to tangle
yanyebun = blend, melange, mix-up, mixture, mêlé, tangle
yanyebwa = blended, mixed up, tangled
yanyekea = competing
yanyekea ekutyan = competing team
yanyeken = competing, competition
yanyeker = to compete
yanyekler = to fight alongside, to fight together
yanyekut = competitor
yanyekyea = competitive
yanyekyean = competitiveness
yanyekyeay = competitively
yanyel = paste
yanyelben = pasting
yanyelber = to paste
yanyelbwa = pasted
yanyelyena = pasty
yanyeper = to mix in
yanyex = collaboration
yanyexa = collaborative
yanyexen = collaborating, collaboration
yanyexena = collaborative
yanyexer = to collaborate
yanyexinut = collaborationist
yanyexut = co-worker, collaborator, colleague, coworker
yanyexutyan = tandem
yanyexyea = collaborative
yanyexyean = willingness to collaborate
yanyif = clasp, clip, lease, leash, liaison
yanyifber = to clip
yanyifxen = binding, leashing, tying
yanyifxer = to bind, to clasp, to connect, to leash
yanyifxwa = bound, clasped, leashed
yanyiga = tight
yanyigan = tightness
yanyigay = tightly
yanyigxen = puckering, tightening
yanyigxer = to pucker, to tighten
yanyigxwa = puckered, tightened
yanyiven = stringing together
yanyivwa = strung together
yanyivxer = to string together
yanyixlawa = contracted
yanyixlawat = contractor
yanyixler = to contract
yanyuga = lax, loose
yanyugan = laxness, looseness
yanyugay = loosely
yanyugxen = loosening
yanyujaya = full of folds
yanyujber teubobi = to pucker, purse the lips
yanyujber = to fold, to purse
yanyujbwa = crossed, folded, pursed
yanyujer = to fold
yanyujika = full of folds
yanyupea = convergent, converging
yanyupen = convergence, converging
yanyuper = to converge
yanyusben = catenation
yanyuvat = subject
yanyuvlan = codependency
yanyuvlat = co-dependent, codependent
yanzena = concentric
yanzenan = concentricity
yanzenay = concentrically
yanzenser = to concentrate
yanzenzyus = whorl
yanzenzyuser = to whorl
yanzexa = confocal
yanzexea = concentrating
yanzexen = concentrating, concentration, concerting
yanzexen tomofem = concentration camp
yanzexer = to concentrate, to concert
yanzexwa = concentrated, concerted
yanzexwa yek = concerted effort
yanzexway = concertedly
yanzotibaxen = spooning
yanzotibaxer = to spoon
yanzyunser = to agglomerate, to ball up
yanzyunxen = agglomeration, conglomeration, wadding up
yanzyunxer = to wad up
yanzyunxwa = agglomerated, balled up, conglomerated, wadded up
yanzyus = chain
yanzyusben = chaining, concatenation
yanzyusber = to chain, to concatenate, to put chains on
yanzyusbwa = chain together, chained together, concatenated
yanzyuses = small chain
yanzyusoben = unchaining
yanzyusober = to unchain
yanzyusobwa = unchained
yanzyux yaozgoblar = chainsaw, cross-cut saw
yanzyuxen = shackling
yanzyuxer = to shackle
yanzyuxog = little chain
yanzyuxwa = shackled
yao- = up-down
yaob- = up-and-down
yaoba = up-and-down, vertical
yaobaser = to bounce up-and-down
yaobelea = hauling
yaobelen = haulage, hauling up-and-down
yaobeler = to haul up-and-down
yaobelut = hauler, haulier
yaobelwa = hauled up-and-down
yaoben = raising and lowering
yaober = to heave, to raise and lower
yaobigper = to run up-and-down
yaobixwa zeymep = drawbridge
yaoblar = lever
yaoblawa = taken up-and-down
yaoblen = taking up-and-down
yaobler = to take up-and-down
yaoblir = elevator, lift
yaoblir exut = elevator operator, lift operator
yaoblir nyif = elevator cable
yaoblir yobzyeg = elevator shaft
yaobnyif = halliard, halyard
yaobsum = bunk bed
yaobux = push-up, pushup
yaobuxen = pushing up-and-down
yaobuxer = to push up-and-down
yaobuxwa = pushed up-and-down
yaobwa = heaved, raised and lowered
yaobwa misabaun = Venetian blind
yaobyexrer = to jounce
yaobyexryea = jouncy
yaobyomkyupir = bobsled
yaobyomkyupirut = bobsledder
yaobyomkyupur = bobsleigh
yaobyuijar = piston
yaobyuijun = piston
yaodel = proposition
yaon = group of six, sextet, six-fold, sixfold
yaon- = hexa-, sex-
yaona = sextuple, six-fold, sixfold
yaonat = sextet
yaonfel = punch
yaongun = hexagon
yaonguna = hexagonal
yaongunsan = hexagon
yaongunsana = hexagonal
yaongunsay = hexagonally
yaonjib = semester
yaonjiba = semestrial
yaonkunid = cube
yaonnodek = touchdown
yaontajat = sextuplet
yaonzyuk belur = six-wheeler truck
yaonzyuka = six-wheel
yaonzyukas = six-wheeler
yaop = rise and fall
yaop- = up-and-down
yaopasea -- yaozgoblirmek
yaopasea = fluctuating
yaopasen = fluctuation
yaopaser = to fluctuate
yaopea = going up-and-down, heaving
yaopeger = to bobble
yaopen = going up-and-down
yaoper = to go up-and-down, to heave, to hod
yaopet = barrow
yaopsim = seesaw
yaopsimen = seesawing
yaopsimer = to seesaw
yaopus = skip
yaopusea = jumping up-and-down, skipping
yaopusen = jumping up-and-down, skipping
yaopuser = to jump up and down, to skip
yaopuysea = hopping, skipping
yaopuyser = to hop up-and-down, to skip
yaopuyxer = to dribble, to toss up-and-down
yaopyasea = hopping, jumping up-and-down
yaopyasen = hopping, jumping up-and-down
yaopyaser = to jump up and down
yaoseux = trill
yaoseuxer = to trill
yaoseuxwa = trilled
yaot = sextet
yaov- = guilty-or-innocent
yaovden = adjudication, assize, judgment, rendering a verdict, settling
yaovdena = adjudicative, adjudicatory, judicatory
yaovder doyevson = to adjudicate a case
yaovder = to adjudicate, to render a verdict, to settle
yaovder yevson = to settle a case
yaovdud = verdict
yaovduder = to render a verdict
yaovdun = settlement, verdict
yaovdut = adjudicator, juror, juryman
yaovdutyan = jury
yaovdutyaneb = chancellor, jury foreman
yaovdutyanum = jury box
yaovduyt = jurywoman
yaovdwa = adjudicated
yaovdyea = judgmental
yaovdyeay = judgmentally
yaovkad = plea
yaovkaden = pleading
yaovkader = to plead
yaovtexea = deliberating
yaovtexen = deliberating, deliberation
yaovtexer = to deliberate, to judge
yaovtexut = deliberator
yaovyek bey mag = trial by fire
yaovyek dovyabtut = trial lawyer
yaovyek = hearing, trial
yaovyekber = to bring to trial
yaovyeken = hearing, trying
yaovyeker = to hear, to try
yaovyekim = trial chamber
yaovyekper = to go to trial
yaovyekwa = heard, tried
yaoz = bump, crest-and-trough, rise-and-fall
yaoza = concavo-convex, jagged, notched, saw-like, serrated, with hills and valleys, with ups-and-down
yaozan = jaggedness
yaozaxen = serration
yaozaxer = to serrate
yaozaxwa = serrated
yaozay = bumpily, jaggedly
yaozaya = bumpy
yaozgoblar = saw, steak knife
yaozgoblaren = sawing
yaozgoblarer = to saw
yaozgoblarpib = sawtooth, sax
yaozgoblarwa = sawed
yaozgoblawa = sawed
yaozgoblen bolar = saw horse, sawbuck, sawhorse
yaozgoblen mek = sawdust
yaozgoblen saibyan = saw horse, sawbuck, sawhorse
yaozgoblen = sawing
yaozgobler = to saw
yaozgoblir = electric saw, power saw
yaozgobliram = sawmill
yaozgoblirmek = sawdust
yaozgoblun = sawed off section
yaozgoblut = sawyer
yaozika = bumpy
yaozikan = bumpiness
yaozmelyan = sierra
yaoznad = tilde
yaozned = knur, knurl, knurr
yaozpen = bumping along
yaozper = to bump along
yaozyonar = serrated knife
yap = ascent, rise
yapaper = to fly up
yapas = a move up, upward move
yapasea = moving up
yapasen = moving up
yapaser = to move up
yapavol = broccoli
yapaxen = moving up
yapaxer = to move up
yapaxwa = moved up
yapaytam = columbarium
yapea = arising, ascendant, ascending, going up-and-down, rising
yapeal = anion
yaped = grunt, oink, snort, squeal
yapeden = grunting, oinking, snorting, squealing
yapeder = to grunt, to oink, to snort, to squeal
yapeit = dolphin
yapel bay uvebi = pork and beans
yapel = pork
yapel taogoblun = pork chop
yapel taolufyeg = pork sausage
yapelam = pork butchery
yapelat = gnat
yapelpea = crawling up
yapelpen = crawling up
yapelper = to crawl up
yapeltyop = gammon
yapelyena = porky
yapen = ascending, ascension, rising
yapens = sixpence
yaper ha mus = to ascend the staircase, go up the stairs
yaper = to arise, to ascend, to get up, to go up, to go upstairs, to rise
yapet = pig, swine
yapeta = porcine
yapetagxem = pig farm
yapetagxen = pig farming, raising pigs, swine herding
yapetagxer = to herd swine, to raise pigs
yapetam = pigpen, pigsty, sty
yapetaol mufyeg = frankfurter, sausage, wiener, wienie, wurst
yapetaol = salame, salami
yapetayob = pigskin
yapeteeb = pig's ear, pigs ear
yapeteil = swill
yapetel = pigswill
yapetem = piggery
yapetibuj = pigtail
yapetim = pigsty
yapetog = piggy, pigling, porkling
yapetud = piggy, piglet
yapetuil = hogwash
yapetyan = drove of pigs, parcel, passel, sounder, swine
yapetyen = piggery
yapetyena = hoggish, pig-like, piggish, swinish
yapetyenan = piggishness
yapetyenay = piggishly
yapetyob = ham, hog leg
yapetyod = sow
yapetyol ebovol = ham sandwich
yapetyol = ham
yapetyoles = knuckle of ham
yapetyoyab = pig's foot
yapetzol ay patij = bacon and eggs
yapetzol = bacon
yapetzotib = pig's back
yapeyet = earthworm
yapeyt = sow
yapiit = shrimp
yapiiteb = shrimp head
yapiitibuj = shrimp tail
yapit = stud
yaplawa -- yavankexen
yaplawa = climbed, mounted
yaplea = climbing up, mounting, scrambling
yaplen = clambering, climbing up, mounting, scrambling
yaplen muv = piton
yapler = to clamber up, to climb, to mount
yaplyafwa = mountable
yapot = mountain sheep
yaprawa = scaled, soared, surged
yaprea = scaling, soaring, surging
yapren = scaling, scrambling up, soaring, surging
yaprer = to scale, to scramble up, to soar, to surge
yapryafwa = scalable
yapryofwa = unscalable
yapusen = jumping
yapuser = to jump up
yapux = upthrust
yapuxel = yeast
yapuxelen = fermentation
yapuxelika = yeasty
yapuxeluer = to ferment
yapuxeluka = yeast-free
yapuxeluwa = fermented
yapuxer = to make rise, to push up, to shoot, to throw up
yapuxren = shooting upward
yapuxwa = upcast
yapuyser = to hop up
yapuyxer = to toss up
yapwet = boar, hog
yapya = arisen, risen
yapyaga mimofpar = ketch, yawl
yapyas = upsurge
yapyat = falcon
yapyat yuzfaib = cadge
yapyatbelar = cadge
yapyatkexen = falconry
yapyatkexer = to hawk
yapyet = iguana
yapyit = mackerel
yapyot = puma
yarmulke = yarmulke
yasaun = family
yasazul = PS, polystyrene, styrofoam
yaso = six hundred
yasyan = collection
yasyanxen = collecting, collection
yasyanxer = to collect
yasyanxun = collection
yasyanxut = collector
yasyanxwa = collected
yasyanxwas = collectible
Yat = the people...
yat = us, we
yat yaut = we ourselves
Yata oj se veka. = Our future is at stake.
yata = our
yataolmuyf ebovol = hot dog roll
yatas = our thing, ours
yatasi = our things, ours
yatayub = pineal body
yatef = shapka, turban, wimple
yatefabwa = turbaned
yatiuv = dhoti, loincloth
yatyapyot = olive baboon
yaun = constituent
yauna = constituent
yauper = to come up
yaut = ourselves
yauta = our own
yautas = our own, our own thing
yautasi = our own, our own things
yava = blameless, innocent
yavabil = beer foam, head
yavadien = claiming innocence
yavadier = to claim innocence
yavadiun = claim of innocence
yavakexena = defensive
yavan = innocence
yavankexea = defending
yavankexea yevsonut = defense attorney
yavankexen = defense
yavankexer = to defend
yavankexut = defender
yavankexutyan = defense team
yavankexwa = defended
yavankexyea = defensive
yavankexyeay = defensively
yavat = innocent person
yavay = innocently
yavdel = acquittal, warrant of acquittal
yavdelen = acquitting, declaring innocent, exculpation, exoneration
yavdeler = to acquit, to declare innocent, to exculpate, to exonerate
yavdelun = acquittal, exoneration
yavdelwa = acquitted, declared innocent, exculpated, exonerated
yavden = clearing, exculpation, exoneration, forgiveness, pardoning
yavder = to clear, to exculpate, to excuse, to exonerate, to forgive, to pardon
yavdwa = cleared, exculpated, excused, exonerated, forgiven, pardoned
yaveb = lima bean
yavil = beer
yavil bi ilyujar = beer on tap
yavil faosyeb = beer barrel
yavil faosyeyb = beer keg
yavil kyitilsyeb = beer mug, beer stein
yavil oybtim = beer cellar, ratskeller
yavil syeb = beer can
yavil tilyeb = beer glass
yavil zyeb = beer bottle
yavilam = ale house, beer bar, beer house, brasserie, pub, saloon, taproom, tavern
yavilamog = ale joint, beer joint
yavilamuyt = alewife
yavilbixar = beer tap
yavilbixut = tapster
yavilike = beery
yavilteisea = beery
yavilxam = brewerie, brewery
yavilxamog tilam = brewpub
yavilxen = brewing
yavilxer = to brew
yavilxut = brewer
yavilxwa = brewed
yavilyebag = tallboy
yavkad = innocence plea, innocent plea of innocence, plea of innocent
yavkadea = pleading innocent
yavkaden = pleading innocence, pleading innocent
yavkader = to plead innocence, to plead innocent
yavla = prideful, proud
yavladen = boasting
yavlader = to boast
yavladyea = boastful
yavladyean = boastfulness
yavladyeay = boastfully
yavlan = pride, pridefulness
yavlanaya = prideful
yavlanayan = pridefulness
yavlanbukuer = to pique
yavlanien = taking pride in
yavlanier = to take pride in
yavlanika = prideful
yavlanikan = pridefulness
yavlanikay = pridefully
yavlanuer = to instill pride in
yavlanyoben = humilitation
yavlanyober = to humiliate
yavlanyobwa = humiliated
yavlasen = priding
yavlaser bi = to pride oneself on
yavlaser = to become emboldened
yavlat = bold person, proud person
yavlatyopen = strutting
yavlatyoper = to strut
yavlaxea = making proud
yavlaxen = making proud
yavlaxer = to make proud
yavlaxwa = made proud
yavlay = pridefully, proudly
yavlien = taking pride in
yavlier = to pique, to take pride in
yavluen = instilling pride in
yavluer = to instill pride in
yavluwa = instilled with pride
yavob = hop
yavobaya = hoppy
yavobayan = hoppiness
yavobea = dis-empowering
yavobika = hoppy
yavobikan = hoppiness
yavos = iris
yavra = arrogant, conceited, haughty, high-handed, highhanded, swellheaded
yavran = arrogance, conceit, haughtiness, high-handedness, highhandedness
yavraser = to be conceited, to show arrogance
yavrat = swellhead
yavraxler = to act haughty
yavray = arrogantly, haughtily, highhandedly
yavxen = exoneration, vindication
yavxer = to exonerate, to vindicate
yavxwa = exonerated, vindicated
yavxyafwa = vindicable
yavyalza = mauve
Yawa jubi efwe. = It takes five days.
yawa = six
yawasi = six things
yawat deuzun = sextet
yawati = six people
yax = biz, business, industry, occupation
yaxa = business-related
yaxdal = shoptalk
yaxdalen = shoptalk
yaxea = industrious
yaxeay = busily
yaxem = business place of business
yaxer = to be busy, to be industrious, to preoccupy oneself
yaxien = busying oneself, occupation
yaxier = to busy oneself, to occupy oneself
yaxika = busy, hectic
yaxikan = business
yaxikay = busily, hectically
yaxiyea = industrious
yaxiyean = industriousness
yaxiyeay = industriously
yaxmak = yashmak
yaxuea = occupying
yaxuen = occupying
yaxuer = to busy, to keep busy, to keep occupied, to occupy
yaxun = business, industry, occupation
yaxunyan = industry
yaxunyana = industrial
yaxunyana xem = industrial plant
yaxunyana yixluwat = industrial employee
yaxunyanagat = industry magnate
yaxunyanay = industrially
yaxunyaneb = captain of industry leader, magnate, mogul, tycoon
yaxunyanem = industrial site
yaxunyanin = industrialism
yaxunyaninut = industrialist
yaxunyanxen = industrialization
yaxunyanxer = to industrialize
yaxunyanxwa = industrialized
yaxut = businessman, businessperson
yaxutyan = syndicate, trade union
yaxutyana = union-related
yaxutyanin = syndicalism, unionism
yaxutyanina = syndicalist, unionist
yaxutyaninut = syndicalist, unionist
yaxutyanser = to syndicate, to unionize
yaxutyanxea = unionizing
yaxutyanxen = syndication, unionization, unionizing
yaxutyanxer = to syndicate, to unionize
yaxutyanxut = unionizer
yaxutyanxwa = syndicated, unionized
yaxutyanxwat = union member
yaxuwa = busied, occupied, preoccupied
yaxuyt = businesswoman
yaxyenagat = tycoon
yayb- = supra-
yaybdeuzayt = alto, contralto
yaybdeuzayta = alto, contralto
yaybdooba = supra-national, supranational
yaybdooban = supra-nationalism
yayf = potential
yayfan = potency
yayfay = potentially
yayfer = to could, to might
yayfon = potential
yayfu = might
yayfwa = potential
yayfwan = potentiality
yayfway = potentially
yayga = elongated, longish, oblong
yaygxen = elongation
yaygxer = to elongate
yaygxwa = elongated, oblong
yaykea = hesitant
yaykean = hesitancy
yaykeay = hesitantly
yayken = hesitating, hesitation
yayker = to hesitate
yaylza = light purple, purplish
yayn- = quint-, sex-, sixth
yayna = sixth
yaynav = bloc, faction
yaynava = factional
yaynebnig = quint
yaynfaosyeb = tierce
yayon = sixth
yaypet = pig, shoat
yayugsul = EPDM rubber
yayvtojben = manslaughter
yayz = bump, camber, tubercle
yayza = tubercular
yayzaya = bumpy
yayzayan = bumpiness
yayzbok = tuberculosis
yayzika = bumpy
yayzikan = bumpiness
yaz bi mel = mound of dirt
yaz = bulge, convexity, crest, cyme, dome, hump, hunch, lump, mound, outcrop tumor, protrusion, protuberance, rise, swell, swelling
yaza = convex, dome-shaped, humped, protuberant, swollen
yaza kyazyef = convex lens
yazabaun volznyan = corymb
yazabteupib = bucktooth
yazabteupibika = bucktoothed
yazan = convexity, profile, protrusiveness, protuberance
yazasea = bulging, cresting, heaving, outstanding, projecting, protruding, protrusive, standing out, sticking out, swelling
yazasea pyaon = surging wave
yazasen = intumescence
yazaser = to bloat, to bulge, to crest, to project, to protrude, to stand out, to stick out, to swell
yazaxea = projective
yazaxen = causing to protrude, cresting, protrusion, protuberance, swelling
yazaxer = to bloat, to cause to swell, to heave, to make bulge, to make protrude, to swell, to tumefy
yazaxwa = bloated, bouffant, caused to protrude, crested, heaved, hunched, projected, protruded, swollen, varicose
yazaxyafwa = protrusile
yazaxyea = protrusive
yazay = convexly
yazaya = bulgy, humpy
yazben = sticking out
yazber = to stick out, to swell
yazbol = poppet
yazbwa = bulged, stuck out, swollen
yazen = outcropping
yazgon = bilge
yazgrun aybsiyn = circumflex
yazika = bulgy, humpy
yazmel abem = mountaintop
yazmel abnod = mountain summit, mountaintop
yazmel ebuk = mountain gap
yazmel job = mountain time
yazmel meup = mountain trail
yazmel miep = mountain brook
yazmel = mountain, promontory
yazmel naap = mountain system
yazmel yopet = ibex, mountain goat
yazmela meel = mountainous terrain
yazmelaya = mountainous
yazmelbok = mountain sickness
yazmeldeuz = yodel
yazmeldeuzer = to yodel
yazmeldeuzut = yodeler
yazmeles = knob
yazmelgin = mountain peak, summit
yazmelika = mountainous, ridgy
yazmelkim = mountain slope
yazmelkum -- yeb bu hum
yazmelkum = mountainside
yazmelkun = mountainside
yazmelmep = mountain road
yazmelmium = tarn
yazmelnab = mountain range
yazmelnad = fold, ridge line, rimple
yazmelnadag = cordillera
yazmelnadaya = ridgy
yazmelnod = mountain peak
yazmelnyad = mountain chain, mountain range
yazmelnyaunag = massif
yazmelog = hillock, hummock, knob, knoll, little hill
yazmelogaya = hummocky, knobbly, knobby
yazmelogayan = knobbiness
yazmelogem = hilltop
yazmelogika = hummocky, knobbly, knobby
yazmelogikan = knobbiness
yazmelsyob = foot of the mountain base
yazmeltamog = cabin
yazmeltamoyg = hut, mountain chalet
yazmeltyopen = mountain hiking, mountaineering
yazmeltyoper = to mountaineer
yazmeltyoput = mountain hiker, mountaineer
yazmelut = hillbilly, hillyer, mountain man, mountaineer
yazmelyan = mountain chain
yazmelyapren = mountain climbing, mountain-climbing
yazmelyaprut = mountain climber, mountain-climber
yazmelyob = foothill
yazmelzyeg = cavern
yazmelzyegaya = cavernous, full of caverns
yazmelzyegika = cavernous, full of caverns
yazmelzyeyg = cave, grotto
yazmeyl = hill
yazmeylaya = hilly
yazmeylayan = hilliness
yazmeylem = hill site
yazmeylgin = hilltop
yazmeylika = hilly
yazmeylikan = hilliness
yazmeylkim = brae
yazmeylkum = brae, hillside
yazmeylmem = hill country
yazna = erect, standing up straight, upright
yaznaser = to stand erect
yaznaxen = erection
yaznaxer = to erect, to stand
yaznaxwa = erected, stood up
yaznodrezeyn = Braille script
yazog = nub
yazoguka = not bumpy
yazpea = bulging, jutting out, protruding, sticking out, swelling
yazpeas = bas-relief
yazper = to bulge, to jut out, to protrude, to stand, to stand up, to stand upright, to stick out, to swell
Yazpu! = Stand up!
yazpyea = protrusive
yazpyean = protrusiveness
yazsan = convex form, hump, swollen shape
yazsana = hump-shaped
yazteaba = bug-eyed
yaztiub = potbelly
yaztiuba = potbellied
yazun = edema, nodule
yazuna = nodular
yazyena = mound-like
yazyunogdopar = six-gun, sixgun, sixshooter
yazzansam = breakfront
ye- = hept-, hepta-, septi-, seven-
ye = seven
-yea = -ious, apt to", verbal adjective suffix similar to -ive denoting "given to
yea = septenary, seventh
yea tisnog = seventh grade
yea tisnogat = seventh-grader
yeb be ha domep = in the street
yeb be = in, inside
yeb bi = in from, inside of
yeb bi neun = available, in stock
yeb bu ha domep = into the street
yeb bu ha mil = overboard
yeb bu hiis = hereinto
yeb bu hum = thereinto
yeb bu hus -- yebdras
yeb bu hus = thereinto
yeb bu = into
yeb bu mel = aground
-yeb = container, stub for "nyeb"
yeb- = en-, endo-, in-, intra-, intro-
yeb gla yoga job = in a trice
yeb ha mimpar = inboard
yeb hum = therein
yeb hus = therein
yeb teetyafwa yiban = within earshot
yeb ujnad bi = within the confines of, within the limits of
yeb = within
yeba azan = inner strength
yeba bektunut = internist
yeba buixar = innerspring
yeba buxlen = inner compulsion
yeba dom = inner city
yeba = inner, inside, interior, internal, inward
yeba mas = inner wall
yeba muyfyeg = inner tube
yeba ned = inner plane
yeba nig = inner space
yeba teuz = conscience, inner voice
yeba tim = inner room
yeba tyoyof = innersole
yeba yef = inner compulsion
yeba yeftos = inner sense of duty
yeba yonutam = inner sanctum
yeba yuzdom = inner suburb
yeba zetam = inner courtyard
yebabaof = liner
yebabaxrawa = rubbed in
yebabaxren = rubbing in
yebabaxrer = to rub in
yebabnyeber = to recase
yebaea = in-leaning into
yebaen = leaning in, leaning into
yebaer = to lean in, to lean into
yebaf = admittance
yebafen = admission
yebafer = to accept in
yebafxen = admission, admittance, admitting, letting in
yebafxer = to admit, to let in
yebafxut = admitter, doorman
yebafxwa = admitted, let in
yebafxyafwa = admissible
yebafxyofwa = inadmissible
yebaga = deep, in-depth, profound
yebagan = depth, profundity
yebagsea = deepening, ingrowing
yebagxwa = deepened, ingrown
yebal = injection, tuck
yebalar = pliers
yebalen = impression, injection, sticking in, thrusting, tucking in
yebaler = to impress, to inject, to press in, to stick in, to thrust, to tuck in
yebalwa = impressed, injected, stuck in, thrust, tucked in
yebalxwa = impressed, injected, tucked
yebam = indoors, inside, interior
yebamaryana mer = to endoplanet, to planet in our own solar system
yebambixea = endothermic
yeban = inwardness
yebaoxen = melange, mixture
yebaoxer = to mix in
yebaoxwa = mixed in
yebaren = caving in, crumpling
yebarer = to cave in, to crumple
yebarwa = caved in, crumpled
yebasi = entrails
yebay = inwardly
yebaysea = comprising, consisting of, containing, including
yebaysen = containing, inclusion
yebayser = to comprise, to consist of, to contain, to include
yebaysun = content
yebayswa = contained, included
yebaysya = comprised, contained, included
yebbelunuar = reloader
yebdem = court, courtyard
yebdopeken = infighting
yebdopekut = infighter
yebdras = inscription
yebdrawa = inscribed, registered
yebdrawa tuz = intaglio
yebdren = inscribing, inscription, registering, registration
yebdrer = to inscribe, to register
yebdrut = inscriber, registrar
yebdryundras = roster
yebdungab = infix
yebdungaben = infixation
yebdungaber = to infix
yebdungabwa = infixed
yebdyundrawa depat = army enlisted soldier
yebdyundrawa diepat = marine enlisted marine
yebdyundrawat = enlistee
yebdyundren = enlistment, enrollment
yebdyundrer = to enlist, to enroll
yebea = containing, inserting
yebeaf = bag, mesh bag
yebeafyena = baggy
yebear = container
yebebyex = in-fight
yebebyexen = in-fighting
yebekem = infield
yebekemut = infielder
yebelen = importation, importing
yebelen nazyef = imports duty
yebeler = to import
yebelun = import
yebeluni = imports
yebelut = importer
yebelwa = imported
yebelyafwa = importable
yebem = indoors, inside, interior
yebemben = internment, internship
yebember = to intern
yebembesea = immanent
yebembeseay = immanently
yebembesen = immanence, immanency
yebembwa = interned
yebembwat = intern, internee
yebemuba = inward
yeben = inserting, insertion, introduction, putting in
yeber doteuzdref = to cast a ballot, cast a vote, enter a vote
yeber ota dyun = to enter one’s name
yeber = to enter, to input, to insert, to introduce, to put in
yebesea = staying in
yebeser = to indwell, to stay in
yebesut = stay-at-home
yebexar = container, holder, receptacle
yebexea = constraining, containing, encompassing, holding in, including
yebexem = enclosed area, enclosure
yebexen = containing, containment, continence, holding in, inclusion, retaining, retainment, retention
yebexer = to constrain, to contain, to encompass, to hold in, to include, to retain
yebexlawa = included, kept in, retained
yebexlea = including, keeping in, retaining
yebexlen = inclusion, retention
yebexler = to include, to keep in, to retain
yebexun = content, contents, ingredient, retainer
yebexwa = contained, held in, included, retained
yebexwas = retinue
yebexwasdref = manifest
yebexyaf = capacity
yebexyea = retentive
yebexyean = retentiveness
yebexyeay = retentively
yebexyem = containement area
yebexyofa = incontinent
yebexyofan = incontinence
yebexyofwa = uncontainable
yebgixen = impalement
yebgixer = to impale
yebgixut = impaler
yebgixwa = impaled
yebgoblar = incisor
yebgoblawa = incised
yebgobler = to cut into, to incise
yebgoblun = incision
yebhim = herein
yebiea = comprising, including, taking in
yebien = admission, admittance, admitting, inclusion, taking in
yebier = to accept in, to admit, to comprise, to include, to take in
yebigper -- yebmelbwa
yebigper = to run in, to run inside
yebikber = to cram, to stuff
yebikxen = cramming, filling in, stuffing
yebikxer potayob = to stuff an animal hide
yebikxer = to fill in, to stuff
yebikxun = stuffing
yebikxwa = crammed, filled in, stuffed
yebileay = absorbingly
yebiliar = absorber, tampon
yebiliea = absorbing
yebilien = absorbing, absorption, soaking up, sucking, suction, suctioning
yebilier amarnaudi = to soak up sun rays
yebilier pyexrun = to absorb a shock
yebilier tiibil = to suck blood, suction blood
yebilier = to absorb, to soak up, to suck, to suction
yebiliut = sucker
yebiliwa = absorbed, soaked up, sucked, suctioned
yebiliyafwan = absorbency
yebiliyea = absorbent, absorptive
yebiliyean = absorbency
yebilp = influx, inward current, inward flow
yebilpen = influx, inward current, inward flowing
yebilper = to flow in
yebilpux = enema
yebiluar = infuser
yebiluea = infusing
yebiluen = in-pouring, infusing, infusion, steeping
yebiluer = to infuse, to pour in, to soak, to steep
yebiluun = infusion
yebiluut = infuser
yebiluwa = infused, poured in
yebilwa = steeped
yebilzyuben = stirring in
yebilzyubwa = stirred in
yebiun = intake
yebiut = admitter
yebiwa = admitted, comprised, included, including
yebix = contraction, suction
yebixen = contraction, pulling in, suction
yebixer = to contract, to pull in, to reel in, to suck in, to suction
yebixlawa = dragged in
yebixlen = dragging in
yebixler = to drag in
yebixlun = dragnet
yebixwa = pulled in, sucked in, suctioned
yebiyafwa = admissible, possible to include
yebiyea = inclusive
yebiyean = inclusiveness
yebiyeay = inclusively
yebiyofwa = inadmissible
yebiyofwan = inadmissibility
yebkisea = bending in, incline
yebkiser = to bend in, to bow inward, to cave in, to flex, to incline, to inflect, to lean in
yebkixen = bending in, inclination, inclining, incurvation, inflection
yebkixena = inflectional
yebkixer = to bend in, to bow inward, to cave in, to flex, to incline, to inflect
yebkixwa = bent in, bent inward, bowed inward, inclined, incurvate, inflected
yebkum oyebwa = inside out
yebkuma = inside
yebkyoxar = stake
yebkyoxen = implantation, insetting, staking
yebkyoxer = to implant, to inset, to stake, to stick in
yebkyoxun = implant, inset
yebkyoxwa = implanted, staked
yebkyoxyafwa = implantable
yebkyuper = to slide in
yebmagxar = furnace, kiln, oven, stove
yebmagxer = to bake, to cook
yebmagxwa = baked, cooked
yebmalpuxer = to volley
yebmasben = walling in
yebmasber = to wall in
yebmasbwa = walled-in
yebmasob = dado
yebmaysben = fencing in, screening in
yebmaysber = to fence in, to screen in
yebmaysbwa = fenced-in, screened in
yebmelben = entombment
yebmelber = to entomb
yebmelbwa = entombed
yebmem dubam -- yebren
yebmem dubam = department of the interior
yebmem = homeland, inland, interior, native country
yebmema = domestic, in-country, inland, interior, native, onshore
yebmema soni = internal affairs
yebmema vak = domestic security
yebmemat = native countryman, native-born
yebmemay = domestically, natively
yebmembelen = cabotage
yebmemin = nativism
yebmemina = nativistic
yebmeminut = nativist
yebmempea = immigrating
yebmempen = immigration
yebmemper = to immigrate
yebmempop = domestic trip, in-country travel
yebmemput = immigrant
yebmempya = immigrated
yebmemsaxwa = domestically crafted
yebmemut = inlander
yebmep = entrance way, ingress
yebmer = to endoplanet, to planet in our own solar system
yebmeys = gateway
yebmilpur = wherry
yebmimkuma pyaon = inshore wave
yebmipyag = fiord
yebmolay = intrinsically
yebna = inner, interior, internal
yebna pyaon = internal wave
yebna teeb = inner ear
yebnada = inline
yebnan = interiority
yebnaxea = internalizing
yebnaxen = internalization, internalizing
yebnaxer = to internalize
yebnaxwa = internalized
yebnay = internally
yebniar = absorber
yebniea = absorbing
yebnieay = absorbingly
yebnien = absorbing, absorption
yebnier = to absorb
yebnig = court, courtyard, interior
yebniwa = absorbed
yebniyafwan = absorbency
yebniyea = absorbent, absorptive
yebniyean = absorbency
yebnofyanx = inseam
yebnoogsea = phasing in
yebnoogser = to phase in
yebnoogxen = phasing in
yebnoogxer = to phase in
yebnoogxwa = phased in
yebnyanben = incorporating
yebnyanber = to incorporate
yebnyanxea = incorporating
yebnyanxen = incorporating, incorporation
yebnyanxwa = incorporated
yebnyuen = emission, issuance
yebnyuer = to emit, to issue
yebof = bag, sack
yebofben = bagging
yebofber = to bag
yebofbut = bagger
yebofbwa = bagged
yebofen = keeping out
yebofer = to keep out
yebofog = baggie, sachet
yebofwa = kept out
yebofyena = baggy
yebofyujen = infolding
yebofyujer = to infold
yebofyujwa = infolded
yebovol = crumb, soft part of bread
yeboyepen = going in-and-out
yeboyeper = to go in-and-out
yeboysea = excluding
yeboysen = exclusion
yeboyser = to exclude
yeboyswa = excluded
yebren = lock-up, locking up
yebrer = to lock up
yebsaxwa = builtin, inbuilt
yebsexwa = connate, intrinsic
yebtabnyefben = encystment
yebtabnyefber = to encyst
yebtabosyan = offal, viscera
yebtaja = in-born, inborn, innate, native
yebtajan = innateness
yebtajay = innately
yebtajbwa = connate, connatural, endogenous, intrinsic
yebtajbway = intrinsically
yebtajnadxen = inbreeding
yebtajnadxer = to inbreed
yebtajnadxwa = inbred
yebtajya yafan = native ability
yebtama = indoor
yebtaob = medulla
yebtaoba = medullary
yebtayob = endoderm
yebtayoba = endodermal, endodermic
yebteas = cutaway
yebteaxar = endoscope
yebteaxea = introspective, inward-looking
yebteaxeay = introspectively
yebteaxen = endoscopy, inspection, introspection
yebteaxena = endoscopic
yebteaxer = to inspect, to introspect, to look in
yebteaxut = inspector
yebtejen = inhabitation, inhabiting
yebtejer = to inhabit
yebtejut = inhabitant
yebteuboben = sucking
yebteubober = to suck
yebteubobun = suction
yebteubobwa = sucked
yebteupiben = indentation, indenting
yebteupiber = to indent
yebteupibun = dent, indentation
yebteupibwa = indented
yebtiexar = inhaler
yebtiexea = breathing in, inhaling
yebtiexen = breathing in, inhalation
yebtiexer = to inhale
yebtiexul = inhalant
yebtiexwa = inhaled
yebtim = chamber, inner chamber
yebtoda = incestuous
yebtoda tadxen = incest
yebtodan = incestuousness
yebtoday = incestuously
yebtos = inner sense
yebtyoyof = insole
yebuber = to bring in, to send in
yebuk = dent, indentation
yebukxen = denting, indentation
yebukxer = to dent, to indent
yebukxwa = dented, indented
yebumxwa = inbound
yebun = input, insertion
yebupea = coming in, incoming
yebupen = coming in
yebuper = to come in
yebutyan = in-group, insiders
yebutyanut = insider
yebux = drive, injection, insertion, jab, tuck
yebuxen = embedding, imposing, imposition, injection, insertion, installment, introduction, jabbing, pushing in, sticking in, tucking in
yebuxer = to delve, to embed, to impose, to inject, to insert, to install, to introduce, to jab, to push in, to stick in, to tuck in
yebuxlawa = crammed, shoved in, stuffed
yebuxlen = cramming, shoving in
yebuxler = to cram, to drive in, to shove in, to stuff
yebuxlun = stuffing
yebuxrawa = pumped in
yebuxren = pumping in
yebuxrer = to pump in
yebuxwa = driven, embedded, imposed, injected, inserted, installed, introduced, jabbed, pushed in, stuck in, tucked in
yebuzaser = to bend in, to bow inward, to curve inward, to incurvate, to inflect
yebuzaxen = bending in, curving, incurvation, inflecting, turning inward
yebuzaxer = to bend in, to curve inward, to inflect
yebuzaxwa = bent in, bent inward, curved inward, inflected, turned inward
yebuzber = to bend in, to curve inward, to inflect, to turn inward
yebuzbwa -- yebzoytiibufa
yebuzbwa = curved inward, introverted
yebuzbwan = introversion
yebuzbwat = introvert
yebuzbyofwa = noninflected
yebuzpea = bending in, curving inward, inflecting, turning in
yebuzpen = bending in, curving inward, inflection, turning in
yebuzper = to bend in, to curve inward, to inflect, to turn in, to turn inward
yebuzyus = involution
yebvyab = by-law, bylaw
yebvyilxen = giving a bath to
yebvyilxer = to give a bath to
yebwa drev = fold-out, foldout
yebwa = inserted, introduced
yebwas = input, insert
yebyafwa bekul = suppository
yebyaga = deep in, deep inside, profound, way in
yebyagan = deepness, depth, profundity
yebyagay = deep inside, deeply, profoundly, way in
yebyagben = deep penetration
yebyagsen = delving
yebyagser = to deepen, to delve
yebyagxen = deepening, delving
yebyagxer = to deepen, to delve
yebyagxwa = deepened
yebyajya = in-born, innate, native
yebyamxar = furnace, kiln, oven, stove
yebyamxer = to bake, to cook
yebyamxwa = baked, cooked
yebyefier = to be compelled, to be driven, to be motivated
yebyemben = interning, internment
yebyember = to intern
yebyembwa = interned
yebyexwa = inwrought
yebyib = deep, far into, way into
yebyiba = deep in, deep inside, far into, way in
yebyiban = deepness, depth
yebyibar = plunger
yebyibay = deeply
yebyiben = deep penetration
yebyiber = to plunge
yebyibser = to deepen
yebyibxen = deepening
yebyibxer = to deepen
yebyibxwa = deepened
yebyijer = to inosculate
yebyipea = penetrating
yebyipen = penetration
yebyiper = to go deep into, to penetrate
yebyipyea = penetratingly
yebyoba = deep inside
yebyoban = depth
yebyobaser = to bow deeply
yebyoben = dipping, plunging
yebyober = to dip, to plunge deep into
yebyobwa = dipped, plunged
yebyoga = shallow
yebyogan = shallowness
yebyonbyex = break-in
yebyonbyexer = to break in
yebyonpyexyofwa = inviolable
yebyonpyexyofwan = inviolability
yebyonpyexyofway = inviolably
yebyopen = going deep
yebyoper = to go deep
yebyua = in-bound, inward
yebyuay = in-bound, inward
yebyuj = enclosure
yebyujar = bracket, casing
yebyujbea = enclosing, including
yebyujben = bracketing, encasement, enceinte, enclosing, enclosure, inclusion
yebyujber = to encase, to enclose, to include
yebyujbwa be dresyeb = enclosed in an envelope
yebyujbwa = bracketed, encased, enclosed, included
yebyujbyea = inclusive
yebyuxrawa = kicked in
yebyuxren = kicking in
yebyuxrer = to kick in
yebzena = endocentric
yebzetam = courtyard
yebzoytiibufa = intravenous
yebzoytiibufay -- yefwer
yebzoytiibufay = intravenously
yebzukxen = reeling in
yebzukxwa = reeled in
yebzyeg = dent, indentation
yebzyegxen = denting, indentation
yebzyegxer = to dent, to indent
yebzyegxwa = dented, indented
yebzyukxer = to reel in
yebzyuyker = to reel in
yedeban = dominance
yedebea = dominant
yedebeay = dominantly
yedebem = demesne
yedebyen = lordliness
yedep = platoon
yedeplat = army first lieutenant
yedepyat = army platoon sergeant first class
yedeyb = lady
yediepat = marine gunnery sergeant
yedieplat = marine first lieutenant
yedipat = navy chief petty officer
yedob = domain, fiefdom
yeduzar = viol
yeduznega = diatonic
yedweb = lord
Yedweban = Lordship
yedwebea = dominating
yedweben = domination, lording over
yedweber = to dominate, to lord over
yedwebwa = dominated, lorded over
yedwebyena = lordly
yeex = travail
yeexer = to travail
yef = debt, must, obligation
yefa = indebted, liable, obliged
yefab = japonica, quince tree
yefaber = to impose a debt on, to impose a duty
yefabxyofwa = inadmissible
yefay = duly
yefbun nixut = tributary, tribute earner
yefbun nuxut = tribute payer
yefbun = tribute
yefden = dictum, mandate, requirement
yefder = to dictate, to mandate, to require
yefdwa = dictated, mandated, required
yefdyuen = assignation, assigning, tasking
yefdyuer = to assign, to task
yefdyuun = assignment, task
yefdyuut = task-master, taskmaster
yefdyuuyt = taskmistress
yefdyuwa = assigned, tasked
yefdyuyafwa = assignable
yefeb = quince
yefel = quince juice
yefen = being obliged to, having to, owing
yefer = to be compelled to be obliged to have to must, to owe
yefier = to assume a debt, to take on a debt
yefika = full of debt, in debt, indebted
yefobdraf = quittance
yefoben = acquittal, acquittance, quittance
yefober = to acquit, to dis-obligate, to forgive, to pardon, to remove an obligation
yefobiken = truancy
yefobikut = truant
yefobun = acquittal
yefobus = waiver
yefobut = acquitter
yefobwa = acquitted
yefon = liability, obligation
yefuen = debiting
yefuer = to debit, to impose a debt on, to impose a duty
yefuka = debt-free
yefuut = debtor
yefuwa = indebted
yefuwan = indebtedness
yefwa bu = because of, due to, owing to
yefwa = compulsory, due, imperative, obligatory, obliged, owed, required
yefwa naz = money's worth
yefwaxer = to make compulsory, to make obligatory
yefway = compulsorily, imperatively
yefwer = to be compulsory, to be due, to be owed, to be required
yefxea = compelling, constraining, obligating, obliging
yefxeay = compellingly, obligingly
yefxen = coercing, coercion, compulsion, obligating, obligation, requirement
yefxena = coercive, obligational
yefxenan = coerciveness
yefxer = to coerce, to compel, to constrain, to enforce, to obligate, to oblige, to require
yefxer zoynuxbier = to greenmail
yefxwa = bound, coerced, compelled, constrained, indebted, obligated, obliged
Yefxwa! = Obliged!, Thank-you!, Thanks!
yefxwa zoynuxbien = greenmail
yefxwan = indebtedness
yefxwat = indebted person
yefxway = obligatorily
yefxyafwa = enforceable
yefyepyet = knucker
-yeg = aperture, hole, stub for "zyeg"
yegapyot = white bear
yehelkayn = heptane
yejaba = septenary, septennial
yejub ponyef = weekender
yejub = week
yejuba = weekly
yejubay = weekly
yejubbesem = weekender
yejubbesut = weekender
yejubdren = weekly magazine, weekly review
yejubdrurun = review, weekly magazine
yejubmoj = weeknight
yejubuj = weekend
yek = attempt, effort, trial, try
yek bey mag = crucible, trial by fire
yekaduzar = kettledrum
yekaduzarut = kettledrum player
yekaken = courthship, courting
yekaker = to court
yekakwa = courted
yekbien = acquiescence, acquiring, obtaining
yekbier = to acquire, to obtain
yekbiun = acquisition, obtainment
yekbiwa = acquired, obtained
yekbiwa tun = acquired knowledge
yekbiyafwa = obtainable
yekbiyea = acquisitive
yekbiyean = acquisitiveness
yekbiyeay = acquisitively
yekea = attempting, pursuing, trying
yekefxea = strenuous
yekefxean = strenuousness
yekefxeay = strenuously
yeken = attempting, conation, pursuing, trying
yekena = conative
yeker aker job = to stall for time
yeker doyevson = to try a case
yeker ejna tof = to try on a new outfit
yeker jestay = to try hard
yeker = to attempt, to pursue, to try
yeker tolvyayab = to attempt a diet, pursue a diet
yekien = enterprise, undertaking
yekier = to take it upon oneself, to take upon oneself, to undertake
yekiun = attempt, enterprise, undertaking
yekiut = entrepeneur, entrepreneur
yekiutan = entrepreneurship
yekiwa = undertaken
yekiyea = enterprising, entrepreneurial
yekiyean = enterprisingness
yekiyeay = enterprisingly
yeklea = fighting, striving
yeklem = fight arena
yeklen = fighting, striving
yekler = to fight, to fighter, to strive
yeklun = fight
yeklunika = striven
yeklut = fighter, striver
yekon = attempt, effort
yekoya = effortless
yekoyan = effortlessness
yekrea = struggling
yekren = struggling
yekrer = to struggle
yekrut = struggler
yekteex = hearing
yekteexen = audit, audition, auditioning, trying
yekteexer = to audit, to audition, to hear
yekteexim = hearing chamber
yekteexut = auditor
yekteexwa = audited, tried
yektiea = inquiring
yektieay = inquiringly
yektien = finding out, inquiry, investigation
yektier = to find out, to inquire, to investigate
yektiut = inquirer, investigator
yektiwa = found out, inquired, investigated
yekuea = challenging, tempting, testing, trying
yekueay = tryingly
yekuem = testing ground, testing grounds
yekuen = challenge, tantalization, temptation, tempting, test, testing
yekuer kyen = to run a risk, tempt fate, try one's luck
yekuer = to challenge, to put to the test, to tantalize, to tempt, to test, to test out
yekueya = challenging, tantalizing, tempting
yekuka = effortless
yekukan = effortlessness
yekukay = effortlessly
yekun = aim, challenge, goal, purpose, pursuit
yekun bi hihidini = butt of jokes
yekuna = tentative
yekunan = tentativeness
yekunay = tentatively
yekunaya = challenging, purposeful
yekunbuxlawa = goal-driven
yekunier = to aim for, to challenge oneself, to set a goal, to shoot for, to strive for
yekunika = challenging, purposeful
yekunoya = aimless
yekunpop = quest
yekunuer = to challenge, to put to the test
yekunuka = aimless
yekunuut = challenger, tester
yekunuyea = challenging
yekut = pursuer, trier
yekuun = challenge, temptation, test
yekuut = challenger, tantalizer, tempter, tester
yekuuyt = temptress
yekuwa = challenged, driven, tempted, tested
yekuyafwa = testable
yekuyafwan = testability
yekuyea = challenging, tantalizing, tempting
yekuyeay = tantalizingly, temptingly
yekuyeaya = tantalizingly
yekuyefwa = test-worthy
yekwa = attempted, tried
yekwas = something attempted
-yel = gel, goo, oil, viscous substance
yel = gelatin, gelatine, goo, jell, oil
yel sizun = oil painting
yel zobesun = oil slick
yelaya = gelatinous, gooey, oily, viscous
yelayan = oiliness
yelbefwa = needing to be oiled, squeaky
yelben = application of oil, greasing, oiling
yelber = to add oil, to apply oil, to grease, to oil
yelbut = doper
yelbwa = doped, greased, oiled up
yelfua = icky
yelika = gelatinous, gooey, oily, viscous
yelikan = oiliness
yelnof = oilskin
yelo = seventy
yeloa = seventieth
yelojaga = septuagenary
yelon = group of seventy
yelonapa = seventieth
yeloyjaga = septuagenarian
yeloyn = seventieth
yelser = to jell
yelsiz = oil painting
yelsizun = oil painting
yeluen = oiling
yeluer = to oil
yeluus = oiler
yeluwa = oiled up
yelveeb = oilseed
yelxem = oil refinery
yelxer = to jell
yelyeb = cruit, oil and vinegar jar, oil can
yelyena = gloppy, gooey, greasy, oil-like, oily, smeary, unctuous, viscid, viscous
yelyenan = greasiness, oiliness, unctuousness, viscidity, viscosity
yelyenay = unctuously
yelz = pink, the color pink
yelza = pink, rose-colored
yelza vafil = rose wine, rosé wine
yelzan = pinkness
yelzasea = turning pink
yelzaser = to turn pink
yelzayna = bright pink
yelzoyna = dark pink
yelzyebog = cruse
yelzyena = pinkish
yelzyenan = pinkishness
-yem = -ary, enclosed space, stub for "nyem" denoting "box"
yem = container, enclosure, locus, place, seat, unenclosed place
yemabam = depository
yemaben = depositing, deposition
yemaber = to deposit
yemabun = deposit
yemabut = depositor
yemabwa = deposited
yemabwas = deposit
yemabwasyan = deposits
yemaf = altocumulus
yemaybea = consigning
yemayben = consignation, consigning, consignment
yemayber = to consign
yemaybim = consignment room
yemaybut = consignor
yemaybwa = consigned
yemaybwat = consignee
yembea = depositing
yembem = depositary, depository, depot, site
yemben = deployment, depositing, deposition, emplacement, encasement, placement, seating, settlement, siting
yemben nyem = deposit box
yemben syagdrav = deposit account
yember nas = to deposit money
yember nasdref = to deposit a check
yember = to deploy, to deposit, to encase, to place, to seat, to settle
yembesea = resident, residing
yembesema = residentially
yembesen = residence, residing
yembesena = residential
yembeser = to reside in
yembesut = resident
yembesutyan = residency
yembesyofwa = unlivable
yembewyofwa = uninhabitable
yembiar = substitute
yembiara teupibbek = prosthodontics
yembiara teupibbeka = prosthodontic
yembiara teupibbekut = prosthodontist
yembiea = replacing, substituting
yembien = lieutenancy, replacement, replacing, representation, standing in for, substituting, substitution, taking the place of
yembiena = representational
yembier = to replace, to represent, to stand in for, to substitute, to take the place of
yembius gon = replacement part
yembiut = deputy, lieutenant, replacer, representative, stand-in, sub, substitute, surrogate
yembiutan = surrogacy
yembiutyanim = chamber of deputies, house of representatives, the house
yembiwa = replaced, substituted
yembiwas = substitution
yembix = withdrawal
yembixen = taking out, withdrawal
yembixer = to take out, to withdraw
yembixwa = taken out, withdrawn
yembiyafwa = fungible, replaceable, representable, substitutable
yembiyafwan = replaceability, substitutability
yembuen = appointment, assignment, designation, settlement
yembuer = to appoint, to assign, to designate, to offer a seat, to settle
yembuix syagdrav = checking account, current account
yembun = deployment, deposition, emplacement, settlement
yembus = depositary
yembut = depositor
yembuwat = appointee, assignee, designated person
yembuxen = inserting, insertion, sticking in
yembuxer = to insert, to stick in
yembuxun = insertion
yembuxwa = inserted, stuck in
yembuxwas = insertion
yembwa = deployed, deposited, encased, placed, seated, settled, sited
yembwas = deployment, settlement
Yemena = Yemeni
Yemer = to Uranus
Yemera = Uranian
yemez = amethyst
yemika = occupied
yemikan = occupancy
yemikben = assignment, designation, filling a position
yemikber = to assign, to designate, to fill a position
yemikbwa = assigned, designated
yemikser = to become occupied
yemikxen = assignment, designation, filling a position, occupation
yemikxer = to assign, to designate, to fill a position, to occupy
yemikxwa = assigned, designated, occupied
Yemim = Yemen
Yemima = Yemeni
Yemimat = Yemeni, inhabitant of Yemen
yemipea = evacuating
yemipen = evacuation
yemipen mep = evacuation route
yemiper = to evacuate
yemiput = evacuant
yemkuben = displacement
yemkuber = to displace, to move out of the way
yemkubwa = displaced
yemkuper = to be displaced, to get out of the way
yemkyaxen = moving, permutation
yemkyaxer = to move, to permute
yemkyaxut = mover
yemkyaxwa = moved, permuted
yemnod = locus
yemoben = displacement, unseating
yemober = to displace, to unseat
yemobwa = displaced, unseated
yemoj = sennight
yemopen = desisting, quitting, vacating one's seat
yemoper = to desist, to vacate one's seat
yemper = to accede, to install oneself, to seat oneself
yempiat = resignee
yempien = resignation
yempier = to leave one's position, to quit, to resign, to take a spot
yempiwa = resigned
yempuem nod = access point
yempuen = access, accession
yempuer = to accede
yempuwa = acceded
yempuyafwa = accessible
yempuyafwan = accessibility
yempuyofwa = inaccessible
yempuyofwan = inaccessibility
yempuyofway = inaccessibly
yemuk = vacancy
yemuka = vacant
yemukan = vacancy
yemukay = vacantly
yemukser = to go vacant, to vacate
yemukxen = vacating, vacation
yemukxer = to vacate
yemukxwa = vacated
yen- = hept-, septi-, seven
-yen = kind, manner, stub for "byen", style, way
yen = yen
-yena = -ish, -ly, like-, stub for "byena"
yenaba = septenary
yenapa = septenary, seventh
yeon = group of seven, septet
yeona = septuple, sevenfold
yeonat = septet
yeonbea = septenary
yeongunsan = heptagon
yeongunsana = heptagonal
yeontajat = septuplet
yeovdut = umpire
yep = entry
yep- = in-, inner-, intro-
yep mes = ingress
Yep ofxwe! = Entry is prohibited!
yepaf = access, permission to enter
yepaper = to fly in, to fly into
yepar = stile
yepaser = to move in
yepaxer = to move in
yepaxwa = moved in
yepea = ingoing
yeped = arf, bark, bow-wow, woof
yepeden = barking, bow-wowing, woofing
yepeder = to bark, to go arf-arf, to go bow-wow, to woof
yepeit = porpoise
yepelat = moth
yepem = entrance, entry way, entryway, way in
yepen = entering, ingression
yeper ha fyaxineban = to enter the priesthood
yeper ha tam = to enter the house
yeper = to come in, to come into, to enter, to get in, to go in, to go inside
yeper tojbea tepruzan = to go amok
yeper updiwa = to gatecrash
yepet bi yanmulxwa potnyanes = mixed breed dog
yepet = dog, hound
yepet igpeken = dog racing
yepet tajnad = dog breed
yepeta = canine
yepetam = doghouse
yepetbelar = dog car, dogcart
yepetdem = dog park
yepetel = dog food
yepeteupib = cuspid
yepetif = doggy, pet dog, puppy
yepetifyopuen = dog-walking
yepetim = kennel
yepetovek = dogfight
yepetoveken = dogfighting
yepetpar = dog car, dogcart
yepetpek = dogfight
yepetpeken = dogfighting
yepettun = cynology
yepetud = pup
yepetudan = puppydom, puppyhood
yepetudif = puppy
yepetudyan = litter of pups
yepetyan = pack of dogs
yepeyet = centipede
yepeyt = bitch
yepeytyena = bitchy
yepeytyenan = bitchiness
yepeytyenay = bitchily
yepiid = creak
yepiiden = creaking
yepiider = to creak
yepiit = crab
yepiit ebovol = crab sandwich
yepiitpexar = crabber
yepiityena = crablike
yepiityob = crab leg
yepit = stickleback
yeplea = penetrating
yepleay = penetratingly
yeplen = intruding, intrusion, invading, invasion
yepler = to barge in, to be injected, to intrude, to invade, to penetrate
yeplun = injection, intrusion, invasion, penetration
yeplunvaka = invasion-proof
yeplyafwa = penetrable
yeplyafwan = penetrability
yeplyea = invasive
yeplyean = invasiveness
yeplyeay = invasively
yepmep = entry way, entryway
yepmes = door in, entry door, entry way, entryway
yepnod = portal
yepofxen = keeping out
yepofxer = to keep out
yepofxwa = kept out
yepot = wild dog
yeprea = infringing
yepren = breaking in, incursion, infringement, infringing, irruption
yeprer = to break in, to infringe, to irrupt
yeprun = break-in
yepryea = irruptive
yepryofwa = impenetrable, impregnable
yepryofwan = impenetrability, impregnability
yepryofway = impenetrably, impregnably
yepuen = accession, arrival inside
yepuer5 = accede
yepus = dive
yepusen = intrusion, jumping in
yepuser = to dive, to dive into, to intrude, to jump in
yepuslen = delving
yepusler = to delve into, to lunge into
yepusyea = intrusive
yepuwa = acceded
yepux = injection, inward thrust
yepuxa meg = intrusive rock
yepuxar = injection device, injector
yepuxea = injecting, intruding
yepuxen = injection, intrusion, pitching in, throwing in
yepuxer = to inject, to intude, to pitch in, to throw in
yepuxler = to plunge deep into
yepuxwa = injected, intruded
yepuxyafwa = injectible
yepuysen = hopping in
yepuyser = to hop in
yepuyxer = to toss in
yepuyxwa = tossed in
yepwet = dog
yepyad = hoot
yepyadar = hooter
yepyaden = hooting
yepyader = to hoot
yepyaf = ability to get in, access
yepyafwa = accessible
yepyafwan = accessibility
yepyat = owl
yepyatsinzyefek = prank
yepyatsinzyefeker = to jest, to play a prank
yepyatsinzyefekut = jester, prankster
yepyatyan = parliament of owls
yepyet = Komodo dragon
yepyexler = to smash into
yepyexrawa = imploded
yepyexren = imploding, implosion
yepyexrer = to implode
yepyexrun = implosion
yepyexwa = smashed into
yepyit = stingray
yepyod = howl of laughter
yepyoden = howling with laughter, laugh
yepyoder = to howl with laughter, to laugh like a hyena
yepyofwa = inaccessible
yepyofwan = inaccessibility
yepyos = cave-in, collapse
yepyosea = caving in, collapsing, falling in
yepyoser = to cave in, to collapse, to fall in
yepyosya = caved in, collapsed, fallen in
yepyot = hyena
yepyuk = ease of access
yesaun = genus
yesauna = generic
yesazul = bisphenol A plastic
yeso = seven hundred
yet = ye, you all
yet yeut = you yourselves, your yourselves
yeta = your
yetabifek = heptathlon
yetaib = tarsus
yetaiba = tarsal
yetas = yours
yetasi = yours
yetayub = ovaries
yetef = kepi, sombrero, toque
yeti = yeti
yeut = yourselves
yeuta = your own
yeutas = your own, your own thing
yeutasi = your own, your own things
yeva ebkyax = fair deal
yeva = equitable, even-handed, evenhanded, fair, just
yeva kyeuj -- yevsonuyea
yeva kyeuj = comeuppance
yeva nizwasi = just deserts
yevaden = justification
yevader = to justify
yevadwa = justified
yevadyafwa = justifiable
yevadyafway = justifiably
yevadyofwa = unjustifable
yevadyofway = unjustifiably
yevam vakdibut = bailiff
yevan = equity, even-handedness, evenhandedness, fairness, justice, justness
yevana = judicial
yevay = equitably, evenhandedly, fairly, justly
yevbeker = to treat equally
yevbekwa = treated fairly
yevdam = tribunal
yevden = critique, critiquing, decision, judging, judgment, verdict
yevdenjub = doomsday, judgment day
yevdenyaf = prerogative
yevder = to criticize, to critique, to decide, to deciding, to judge
yevder yigray = to fustigate
yevdib = court
yevdibut = magistrate
yevdibutsiim = bench
yevdren = critique
yevdud bi yavan = verdict of innocence
yevdud bi yovan = verdict of guilt
yevdud = verdict
yevduden = rendering a verdict
yevdul = sentence
yevdulen = sentencing
yevduler bu job yuxlawa = to sentence to time served
yevduler bu tej be vyakxam = to sentence to life in prison
yevduler bu toj = to sentence to death
yevduler = to sentence
yevdulut = sentencing judge
yevdulwa = sentenced
yevdun = critique, judgment
yevdut = decider, judge
yevdutseem = bench
yevdutyan = tribunal
yevdwa = judged
yevdyea = critical, judgmental
yevdyeay = judgmentally
yeveb = chickpea, garbanzo
yevebyel = hummus, humus
yevek = fair game, fair play
yeveken = playing fair
yeveker = to play fair
yevekun = fair game
yevekut = fair player
yevekwa = played fairly
yevelyugov = marshmallow
yevkexen = getting even, getting revenge, seeking justice
yevkexer = to get revenge, to seek justice
yevnaxuwa = fair-priced
yevnuxen = remuneration
yevnuxena = remunerative
yevnuxer = to remunerate
yevnuxyea = remunerative
yevob = colza, rape seed, rapeseed
yevos = violet
yevotea = unconscientious, undutiful, unmindful
yevson ajdin = case history
yevson = case, court case, suit
yevson nyadrun = docket
yevson sumben = assize
yevsondeber = to preside over a case
yevsonteex = hearing
yevsonteexer = to hear a case
yevsonteexwa = on trial, tried
yevsonteexwat = person on trial
yevsonuen = litigation, suit
yevsonuer = to bring to trial, to litigate, to sue
yevsonut = lawyer
yevsonutyan = case team
yevsonuut = litigant, litigator, person suing
yevsonuwa = litigated, sued
yevsonuwat = person being sued
yevsonuyea = litigious
yevsonuyean -- yexlapet
yevsonuyean = litigiousness
yevtea = conscientious, dutiful
yevtean = conscientiousness, dutifulness
yevtexen = consideration, deeming, judging
yevtexer = to consider, to deem, to judge
yevtexwa = considered, deemed, judged
yevtos = sense of duty
yevtoxea = irresponsible, neglectful, negligent
yevtoxean = irresponsibility, neglectfulness, negligence
yevxen = justification, justifying
yevxer = to justify
yevxun = payoff
yevxut = justifier
yevxwa = justified
yevxyafwa = justifiable, tenable
yevxyafwan = tenability
yevxyafway = justifiably, tenably
yevxyofwa = unjustifiable, untenable
yevxyofway = unjustifiably
yevyalza = lavender, lilac
yevyalzayna = bright lavender
yevyalzoyna = dark lavender
yevyalzyena = lavenderish, like lilac
yevzeyn = criterion
yewa = seven
yewasi = seven things
yewati = seven people
yex afdras = work permit
yex joib = work shift
yex jwobdraf = work schedule
yex = labor, work
yex ponjob = work break
yexam = shop, workplace, workshop
yexaun = erg
yexber = to put to work
yexbisea = retiring
yexbisen = retirement, retiring
yexbisen tej = retirement life
yexbiser = to retire
yexbisut = retiree
yexbisya = retired
yexbyen = workmanship
yexdet = co-worker, colleague, coworker, work partner, workmate, yokefellow
yexdeta = collegial, collegiate
yexdetan = collegiality
yexdraf = worksheet
yexdyes = workbook
yexea = working
yexeb = boss
yexem = business place, work site, workplace
yexemovdalen = picketing
yexemovdaler = to picket
yexemovdalut = picketer
yexen jestay = working hard
yexen = working
yexer azlay = to work strenuously
yexer eona yoibi = to work double shifts
yexer jestay = to work assiduously, work diligently, work hard, work steadfastly
yexer tepzexway = to work earnestly
yexer = to do business, to labor, to work
yexes = job
yexglan = productivity, work output, yield
yexgraf = workaholism
yexgrafa = workaholic
yexgrafat = workaholic
yexifa = industrious
yexifan = industriousness
yexifay = industriously
yexilp = workflow
yexim = bureau, den, lab, laboratory, office, workroom
yexiunien = taking on a task
yexivah = yeshiva
yexjub = weekday, workday
yexkuper = to skive
yexkuput = skiver
yexkyaxen = reshuffling
yexkyaxer = to reshuffle
yexkyaxwa = reshuffled
yexkyis = caseload, workload
yexlapet = workhorse
yexlawa -- yexpoxyonxut
yexlawa = labored
yexlefa = labor-intensive
yexlem = labor camp
yexlen = hard labor, laboring, moil
yexler = to labor, to moil, to swink
yexluen = forcing to labor
yexluer = to force to labor
yexlut = dogsbody, hard laborer
yexluwa = forced to labor
yexlyea = laborious
yexlyean = laboriousness
yexlyeay = laboriously
yexmep = career, line of work, occupation
yexnad = career, discipline, field of work, line of business, line of work, occupation, profession
yexnada = occupational, professional
yexnaday = occupationally
yexnadij = career's start
yexnadija = career freshman, rookie
yexnadtut = maven
yexnexea = laborsaving
yexnig = work space, workspace
yexnix = wage
yexnixa = wage-related
yexnixer = to be paid, to receive a salary
yexnixut = earner, wage-earner
yexnixutyan = class of wage-earners, proletariat
yexnixutyana = proletarian
yexnixwas = wages
yexnod = post
yexnux = emolument, pay, salary, work pay
yexnux gax = increase in salary, pay raise, salary increase
yexnux gobun = salary decrease
yexnux gox = pay cut, salary cut
yexnux yabun = salary hike
yexnuxa = salary-related
yexnuxdeb = paymaster
yexnuxdib = payroll
yexnuxen = paying
yexnuxer = to pay
yexnuxgan = payroll
yexnuxnyad = payroll
yexnuxut = salary provider
yexnuxwa = paid for work, salaried
yexnuxwat = proletarian, salaried worker
yexnuxwatin = proletarianism
yexnuxwatyan = proletariat
yexnyan = backlog
yexoben = firing, ouster
yexober = to fire, to oust
yexobwa = fired, ousted
yexobwer = to be dismissed, to be fired, to be ousted
yexog = opuscule
yexogut = handyman
yexok = job loss
yexoken = becoming jobless, losing a job
yexoker = to become jobless, to lose a job
yexokya = jobless, out of work
yexokyan = joblessness
yexokyat = jobless person, one who has lost their job
yexoya = idle, jobless, out of work, unemployed
yexoyan dotnux = unemployment benefit
yexoyan = joblessness, unemployment
yexoyat = jobless person, unemployed person
yexoyser = to become jobless
yexpan = cadence
yexper = to get down to work
yexpilen = resignation
yexpiler = to quit work, to resign
yexpilut = resignee
yexpilwa = resigned
yexpop = business travel, work trip
yexpoput = business traveler
yexpox = lockout, strike, work stoppage
yexpox ovxut = strike-breaker, strikebreaker
yexpoxea = striking
yexpoxen = striking
yexpoxer = to strike
yexpoxut = striker
yexpoxwa = strikebound
yexpoxyonxut = blackleg
yexren = drudgery, toiling
yexrer = to drudge, to toil
yexruen = forcing into drudgery, making toil
yexruer = to force into drudgery, to make toil
yexrut = peon, toiler
yexrutan = peonage
yexruwa = forced into drudgery
yexryea = toilsome
yexsar = tool
yexsar yix = tool use
yexsarsaxut = tool manufacturer, toolmaker
yexsaryan = toolkit
yexsaryem = tool box
yexsem = desk, work desk, worktable
yexsimyag = workbench
yextam = workhouse
yextej = career, life work
yextob = workingman
yextof = work attire, work dress
yextojber = to work to death
yextoyb = workingwoman
yextoym = work shed
yextun = engineering
yextuna = engineering-related
yextunsaxer = to engineer
yextunsaxwa = engineered
yextut = engineer
Yexu jest! = Work hard!
Yexu jestay! = Work hard!
yexuf = laziness, sloth, torpor
yexufa = lazy, slothful, torpid, workshy
yexufan = laziness, slothfulness, torpidity, torpitude
yexufat = bum, doldrum, layabout, lazy person, lazybones, slacker, sluggard
yexufay = lazily, slothfully, torpidly
yexufer = to lollygag
yexufgyat = slob
yexuk = idleness
yexuka = idle, jobless, out of work, unemployed
yexukan = joblessness, unemployment
yexukat = jobless
yexukser = to become jobless
yexum = work cubicle, workspace, workstation
yexun = job, oeuvre, unit of work
yexunbexut = jobholder
yexunen = cultivation
yexuner = to cultivate
yexunier = to take on a task
yexunut = jobber
yexunwa = cultivated
yexut = worker, workman
yexuta doneg = working class
yexuta tyan = working class
yexutefa = shorthanded
yexutkexen = headhunting
yexutkexer = to headhunt
yexutkexut = headhunter
yexutyan = company, work group, work team, workforce
yexutyaneb = ganger, work team leader
yexuwa = occupied
yexuyfa = shiftless
yexuyfan = shiftlessness
yexuyfay = shiftily, shiftlessly
yexuyfer = to idle by
yexuyt = workwoman
yexwa = wrought
yexyan = works
yexyejub = workweek
yexyen = calling, line of work, mode of work, profession, trade, vocation
yexyen tistam = vocational school
yexyena = vocational
yexyenat = professional
yexyenay = vocationally
yexyenijer = to intern
yexyenijut = freshman, intern, novice, rookie
yexyenijutan = internship
yexyexyex = razzmatazz
yexyibexea = indolent
yexyibexeay = indolently
yexyibexen = indolence
yexyuj = close of business
yexyuyfa = lazy, workshy
yexyuyfan = laziness
yeyb- = intra-
yeybansauna = intraspecies, intraspecific
yeybaota = intrapersonal
yeybaotyana = internecine, intragroup
yeybdalzeyna = intralingual
yeybdoeba = intrastate
yeybdooba = intranational
yeybdooma = intranational
yeybexyena = intraprocess
yeybgonema = intrazonal
yeybgwomulyana = intramolecular
yeybkuniga = intramarginal
yeybmarmafa = intragalactic
yeybmasa = intramural
yeybmegmira = intratelluric
yeybmepyan = intranet
yeybmira = intramundane
yeybnada = intraline
yeybnyed = intranet
yeybtaeba = intramuscular
yeybtakibnyana = intraspinal
yeybtayoba = intradermal
yeybteiba = intra-nasal
yeybteibay = intra-nasally
yeybtiiba = intracardiac
yeybtiuyba = intra-abdomenal
yeybtobijnyema = intrauterine
yeybtudxeyna = intragenerational
yeybxama = intra-office
yeybzemula = intranuclear
yeybzoytiibufa = intravenous
yeyf = duty
yeyfa = beholden, duty-bound
-yeyfa = worthy of
yeyfaya = dutiful
yeyfayan = dutifulness
yeyfe = should
yeyfer = to be obliged, to have a duty, to ought, to owe, to should, to to be obligated
yeyfika = dutiful
yeyfikan = dutifulness
yeyfikay = dutifully
yeyfon = duty
yeyfwa = due, obligatory, owed
yeyfwas = dues, owed item, what is due
yeyfwaxer = to make obligatory
yeyfwer = to be a duty, to be obligatory
yeyfxer = to oblige
yeyfxwa = duty-bound, indebted, obliged
yeyfyuvxwa = duty-bound
yeylza = blush, light pink, pinkish, roseate
yeylza vafil = rosé
yeyn- = seventh
yeyon = a seventh
yeyugsul = Q rubber, silicone
yeyuzbaxer = to stir in
yeyvnad = line of duty
yeyxun = task
yeyxunab = task force
yeyxuneb = task master, task-master, taskmaster
yeyxuneyb = taskmistress
yeyxunuen = tasking
yeyxunuer = to task
yeyxunuut = task master, tasker
yeyxunuwa = tasked
yez = abreast, along, flush
yez- = alongside, para-
yez bi = along with, alongside, flush with
yez bi ha domep = along the street
yez bi ha mimkum = alongshore
yez bi ha zem bi ha domep = down the middle of the street
yez bi kum bi ha domep = along the side of the street
yez bi kunad = edgewise
yez bi miap = downstream, with the flow
yez bi mimkunad = coastwise
yez zi ay zu = flush right and left
yez zi = flush right
yez zu = flush left
yeza = even, flush
yezan = evenness, flushness
yezasea = procumbent
yezaxwa = laid
yezay = evenly, flushly
yezbaktuna = paramedical
yezbaktut = paramedic
yezber = to lay down, to lay out, to lay out flat
yezbixer = to entrain
yezmel = meadow, plain
yezna = flush, lying out flat, recumbent
yeznasea = lying flat, recumbent
yeznasen = lying down, prostration
yeznaser = to lie down, to prostrate oneself, to stretch out
yeznaxer = to lay down, to stretch out
yeznaxwa = laid, prostrated, stretched out
yezpasea = concurring
yezper = to go along, to lay flat
Yezpu! = Lie down!
yezpuyser = to hop along, to skip along
yezsan = parallelogram
yezsantosea = parasympathetic
yeztef = cap
yeztyoper = to walk alongside
yezyaza = plano-convex
yezyoza = plano-concave
yezyuyfat = lazybones
yi = eight
yi- = oct-
yia = eighth
yia tisnog = eighth grade
yia tisnogat = eighth-grader
yib = afar, away, far away
yib ayb = far above, far over
yib bi = far from
yib bi ha domep = far from the street
yib bi him = far from here
yib bi hum = far from there, not by a long stretch
yib byi = far from the point of
yib byu = far to the point of
yib eb = far between
yib- = far-, tele-
yib ja = long before
yib ja van = long before
yib jo = far after, long after
yib jo van = long after
yib joy = far afterwards, long hence
yib ob = far off
yib oyb = far below, far under
yib oyeb = far out
yib yab = far up, high
yib yeb = far in
yib yiz = far beyond
yib yob yib = far down
yib yon = far apart
yib yuz = far around
yib za = far ahead of, far in front of
yib zay = far ahead, far forward
yib zey = far across
yib zo = far behind, far in back of
yib zoy = far back, far behind
yib zye = far through
yiba = aloof, distal, distant, far, faraway, outlying, remote
yiba izbexar = remote control
yiba kunad = far edge
yiba tuyubaib = distal phalange
yiba yekun = distant goal
yibaer = to lean away
yibaj = ancient past, ancient times, antiquity, distant past, remote past
yibaj- = archaeo-
yibaja ajdin = ancient history
yibaja = archaic, long-past, way in the past
yibaja joeb = ancient era
yibajan = ancientness
yibajaxer = to archaize
yibajay = a long time ago, anciently, archaically, in the distant past
yibajdun = archaism
yibajduna = archaistic
yibajdut = archaist
yibajtob = yore
yibajtun = archeology
yibajtuna -- yibemben
yibajtuna = archaeological
yibajtuna kaxun = archaeological find
yibajtuna kex = archaeological search
yibajtuna kexut = archaeological searcher
yibajtunay = archaeologically
yibajtut = archaeologist, archaeology
yibajun = ancient artifact
yibamarnod = aphelia
yiban = afar, aloofness, distance, remoteness
yiban bi mem = offing
yiban eb elyanadi = gauge
yibanjobnagar = taximeter
yibarmarnod = aphelion
yibaser = to move away
yibay = distally, distantly, hardly, remotely
yibayb = far above
yibayba = far above
yibbelun = long haul
yibdal kyaxarseym = switchboard
yibdaler = to call, to speak by phone
yibdalibar = telephone receiver
yibdalir dyes = phone book
yibdalir ebexut = phone operator, telephone operator
yibdalir emdyundyes = phone book, telephone book
yibdalir izbar = phone directory
yibdalir izbus = telephone directory
yibdalir izebnad = hot line
yibdalir nasyankex = telethon
yibdalir nundetyan = phone company, telephone company
yibdalir = phone, telephone set
yibdalir sagzyiun = phone dial, telephone dial
yibdalir yuijarsyem = telephone switchboard
yibdalira = telephonic
yibdaliren = phoning, telephoning, using the telephone
yibdalirer = to phone, to telephone, to use the telephone
yibdalirexut = telephone operator, telephonist
yibdalirum = phone booth, telephone booth
yibdalirun = phone call, telephone call
yibdalirut = caller, telephoner
yibdalirwa = phone, phoned, telephoned
yibdaltyen = telephony
yibdaluibar = telephone receiver-transmitter, telephone set
yibdomukem = boondocks, outback
yibdrer = to wire
yibdrir dalyen = telegraphese
yibdrir = teletype, teletypewriter
yibdrira = telegraphic
yibdriras = telegram, wire
yibdriray = telegraphically
yibdriren = telegraphing, wiring
yibdrirer = to telegraph, to wire
yibdrirtyen = telegraphy
yibdrirun = telegram, wire
yibdrirut = telegrapher, telegraphist
yibdrirwa = telegraphed, wire
yibdrur = teleprinter
yibdrursiynnadbar = teletypesetter
yibdrurun = teleprint
yibdub = ambassador
yibduba = ambassadorial
yibdubam = embassy
yibduban = ambassadorship
yibdubet = consul
yibdubeta = consular
yibdubetam = consulate
yibdubetan = consulship
yibdubeyn = mission
yibduyb = ambassadress
yibdyez = telefilm
yibea = removing
yibebdras = telemail
yibebtuien = telecommunication, telecoms
yibebtuier = to telecommunicate
yibega = of average distance
yibegan = average distance
yibelen = teleportation, teleporting
yibeler = to teleport
yibelwa = teleported
yibem = exile, remote area
yibemben = exiling
yibember = to exile
yibembesut = homesteader
yibembwa = exiled
yibempen = exile
yibemper = to exile oneself, to go in exile
yibemput = exile
yiben = relegating, relegation, removal, removing, riddance, taking away
yiber = to relegate, to remove, to spirit away, to take away
yibesea = averse, forgoing, shunning
yibesen = absence, avoidance, avoiding
yibeser = to avert, to avoid, to forgo, to shun, to stay away
yibesut = avoider
yibeswa = averted, avoided, forgone, shunned
yibesyafwa = avoidable
yibesyafway = avoidably
yibesyofwa = ineluctable, unavoidable
yibesyofwan = ineluctability, unavoidability
yibexen = aversion, shunning
yibexer = to avert, to keep at a distance, to keep away, to parry, to pilot remotely, to shun
yibexlen = keeping at a distance, teleprocessing
yibexler = to keep at bay, to tele-process
yibexlyofwa = unavoidable
yibexlyofway = unavoidably
yibexwa = averted, kept at a distance, kept away, parried, shunned
yibfyadinzyaben = televangelism
yibfyadinzyabut = televangelist
yibgeldren = faxing, telecopying
yibgeldrur = fax machine, telecopier, telefax
yibgeldrurun = facsimile, fax, telecopy
yibien = disposal
yibier = to dispose of, to take away
yibiser = to pull away, to retract
yibiwa = disposed of, taken away
yibix = detraction, distraction, pullout, retraction
yibixea = detracted, distracting, retracting
yibixen = detraction, distraction, pulling away
yibixer = to detract, to distract, to pull away
yibixlawa = yanked away
yibixlen = yanking away
yibixler = to yank away
yibixwa = detracted, distracted, pulled away
yibixyea = detracting, distracting
yibixyus = detraction, distraction
yibizber = to pilot remotely
yibizbex = tele-control
yibizbexar = remote control device
yibizbexen = remote control, remote piloting
yibizbexwa = remote-controlled, remote-piloted
yibizbwa = remotely-piloted
yibja = a long time ago, long ago, long before
yibja his = long before this
yibja hus = long before that
yibjo = a long time from now, long after
yibjo hij = long time hereafter
yibjo huj = a long time from then
yibjoy = long afterward
yibkunad = fringe
yiblawa = kicked out, ousted, removed
yiblawas = junk
yiblea = removing
yiblen = firing, kicking out, ousting, removal, removing
yibler = to carry away, to carry off, to haul away, to kick out, to oust
yiblun = refuse
yiblus = remover
yibmansin kyazyef = telephoto lens
yibmansin = telephoto
yibmansinar = telephoto camera
yibmansinaren = telephotography
yibmeama = provincial
yibmeami = provinces, remote regions
yibmem = distant land, overseas
yibmema = overseas, peregrine
yibmempen = going abroad
yibmemper = to go abroad
yibmempop = overseas trip abroad
yibmempopen = peregrination
yibmempoper = to peregrinate, to travel abroad, to travel overseas
yibmempoput = overseas traveler, peregrinator
yibmemput = person going abroad
yibmep = long-distance highway, outstreet, trunk
yibmer = to distant planet
yibna = distant, far, remote
yibnad = edge, extremity
yibnan = distance, remoteness
yibnasen = distancing
yibnaser = to become distant, to become remote
yibnaxer = to distance
yibnaxwa = distanced
yibnay = distantly, remotely
yibnod = apogee, extremity, pole
yibnoda = apogeic, polar
yibnodan = polarity
yibnodxar = polarizer
yibnodxen = polarization
yibnodxer = to polarize
yibnodxut = polarizer
yibnodxwa = polarized
yibnundelen = telemarketing
yibnundelut = telemarketer
yibnyux balsiyn = postage stamp, postmark
yibnyux ibut = postal recipient
yibnyux kosag = zip code
yibnyux sag = postcode
yibnyux yuxlam = post office
yibnyux yuxlen = postal service
yibnyuxam = post office
yibnyuxdraf = postcard
yibnyuxeb = postmaster
yibnyuxen = mail delivery, mailing
yibnyuxena emtuun = postal address
yibnyuxena = postal
yibnyuxer = to mail, to post
yibnyuxnyef = mail pouch, mailbag
yibnyuxnyem = mailbox, post box
yibnyuxun belut = mail carrier
yibnyuxun = mailed item
yibnyuxunim = mail room
yibnyuxunyan = mail
yibnyuxut = mailman, postman
yibnyuxwa = mailed
yibob imem = rice paddy
yiboj = distant future, remote future
yibojay = in the distant future
yiboyb = far below
yiboyba = far below
yiboyeb bi = far outside of
yiboyeb bu = far out to
yiboyeb = far outside
yiboyeba = far outer
yiboyebdom = exurb, exurbia
yiboyebdoma = exurban
yiboyebdomat = exurbanite
yiboyebem = outer depths
yibpoxam = outstation
yibsea = distancing, growing distant
yibsen = distancing, growing distant
yibser = to grow distant
yibsin aaggekut = t.v. star
yibsin anyan = t.v. series
yibsin ebtuien = television communications
yibsin jwobdraf = t.v. guide, t.v. schedule
yibsin mays = t.v. screen
yibsin meypyan = t.v. network
yibsin moup = t.v. channel, television channel
yibsin moupyan = t.v. channel lineup
yibsin nundel = t.v. commercial, television commercial
yibsin sinuar = t.v. screen
yibsin siunar = television signal
yibsin teaxutyan = t.v. audience
yibsin teaz = t.v. show, television show
yibsin = t.v., t.v. image, television image, telly
yibsindras = telex
yibsindrirtyen = telex
yibsiniar = t.v. camera, television camera
yibsinibar muyfyeg = television tube
yibsinibar = t.v., t.v. receiver, television receiver, television set, telly
yibsiniben = television reception
yibsinibun = t.v. signal
yibsinien = televising, television
yibsinier = to televise
yibsiniwa -- yibyabem
yibsiniwa = televised
yibsinteaxer = to teleview
yibsinteaxut = televiewer
yibsintyenartun = television technology
yibsinuar fyadinzyaben = televangelism
yibsinuar fyadinzyabut = televangelist
yibsinuar = t.v. screen, telescreen
yibsinuben = television transmission
yibsinubun = t.v. broadcast, t.v. program, t.v. show, telecast, television broadcast, television program
yibsinubut = telecaster, televisor
yibsinvia = telegenic
yibsyaagirtyen = telematic
yibtaxdren = tele-recording
yibtaxdrun = tele-record
yibteasintyenut = veejay
yibteat = remote vision
yibteata = far-sighted, farsighted
yibteatan = far-sightedness, farsightedness
yibteatay = sagely
yibteatea = farseeing, sagacious
yibteatean = sagacity
yibteateay = sagaciously
yibteatut = sage
yibteatyaf = far-sightedness, farsightedness
yibteatyafa = far-sighted, farsighted
yibteaxar = spyglass, telescope
yibteaxara = telescopic
yibteaxaray = telescopically
yibteaxarer = to view through a telescope
yibteaxarwa = telescoped, viewed through a telescope
yibteaxen = distant viewing, telescoping
yibteaxer = to view from afar
yibteaxwa = viewed from afar
yibtos = aloofness
yibtosa = aloof
yibtosan = aloofness
yibtosay = aloofly
yibtosea = feeling aloof
yibtoser = to feel aloof, to feel detached, to feel withdrawn
yibtosier = to be telepathic
yibtrawa = famed, famous, known far and wide
yibtrawan = fame
yibtrawat = famous person
yibtrawatkexut = paparazzi
yibtrawaxer = to make famous
yibtrawaxwa = made famous
yibtraway = famously
yibtuientyen = telemetry
yibtuius = telemeter
yibtuunyan = teledata
yibtuxnad = telecourse
yibuben = expediting, expedition
yibubena = expeditionary
yibuber = to expedite
yibubwa = expedited
yibuiben = tele-transmission
yibuj = far end
yibujem = far ends
yibux = brush-off, snub
yibuxea = deterrent, dissipating, forgoing
yibuxen = brushing off, determent, deterrence, dispelling, dissipation, eschewing, pushing away, rebuffing, rejection, repelling, repulsing, repulsion, shunning, snubbing
yibuxer = to brush off, to deter, to dispel, to dissipate, to eschew, to forgo, to push away, to rebuff, to reject, to repel, to repulse, to shoo away, to shun, to snub
yibuxus = deterrent
yibuxwa = deterred, dispelled, dissipated, eschewed, pushed away, rebuffed, rejected, repelled, repulsed, shunned, snubbed
yibuxyea = obscene, repellent, repulsive
yibuxyean = obscenity, repellency, repulsiveness
yibuxyeay = repulsively
yibvyabar = remote control device
yibvyaben = remote control
yibvyabwa = remote-controlled
yibwa = distanced, relegated, removed, taken away
yibxen = distancing, keeping distant
yibxer = to distance, to keep distant
yibxwa = distanced, kept distant
yibyab = a long way up, high up, way up
yibyab be = way up at
yibyab bi = far up, far up from, high up from, way up from
yibyab bu = far up to, high up to, way up to
yibyaba = high
yibyabem = far reaches, heights, high up
yibyaga = long way up
yibyagan = distance
yibyandal = teleconference
yibyandalen = teleconferencing
yibyeb bi = deep inside of
yibyeb bu = deep into, far into
yibyeb = deep inside, long way in
yibyeba = deep inside, long way in
yibyebem = inner depths
yibyeken = ambition
yibyeker = to aim high
yibyekun = ambition, distant goal
yibyekyea = ambitious
yibyekyeay = ambitiously, ambitiousness
yibyex = fieldwork, telework
yibyexen = teleworking
yibyexer = to telework
yibyexun = telework
yibyexut = fieldworker, teleworker
yibyez bi = far along
yibyiz bi = far beyond
yibyob be = deep at, far down at, way down at
yibyob bu = deep to, far down to, way down to
yibyob = deep down, far down, far down deep, long way down, way down
yibyoba = deep down, long way down, low
yibyobem = depths, lower depths
yibyobi bi = deep from, far down, far down from, way down from
yibyoga = of a short distance
yibyogan = shortness of distance
yibyon = far apart
yibyona = far apart
yibyuxlen = tele-service
yibyuz bi = far around
yibyuza = far around
yibyuzdom = outer suburb
yibyuzem = outer fringes
yibzamer = to arctic, to extreme north, to far north
Yibzamer = to Arctic, to far north
yibzamera = arctic
Yibzamera = Arctic, far northern
Yibzamera Mimag = Arctic Ocean
yibzameram = artic
Yibzamerat = Arctic dweller
yibzay = a long way ahead, far forward
yibzen = outstation
yibzey bi = far across
yibzia = far right
yibzim = far right
yibzin = far right
yibzina = far rightist
yibzinut = far rightist
Yibzomer = to Antarctica, to far south
yibzomer = to extreme south, to far south
Yibzomera = Antarctic
Yibzomera Mimag = Antarctic Ocean
Yibzomerat = Antarctic dweller
yibzoyper = to advance far, to make great strides
yibzoypya = far advanced
yibzua = far left
yibzum = far left
yibzun = far left
yibzuna = far leftist
yibzye = a long way through, far through
Yidad = Yiddish
Yidadaler = to speak Yiddish
Yidadalut = Yiddish speaker
Yidader = to say in Yiddish
yideb = viscount
yideplat = army captain
yidiepat = marine master sergeant
yidieplat = marine captain
yidipat = navy senior chief petty officer
yidob = viscountcy
yidoyb = viscountess
yidrayef = octavo
yif = courage, daring, gall, mettle
yifa = bold, brave, courageous, daring, mettlesome, nervy, plucky
yifa odovyabat = desperado
yifag = bravado, great courage, prowess
yifan = boldness, braveness, bravery, courage, daring, gamesome, nerviness, pluckiness
yifat = bold person
yifay = boldly, bravely, courageously, daringly, pluckily
yifaya = audacious, bold, courageous, full of daring, gutsy
yifayan = audaciousness, audacity, boldness, courageousness
yifea = daring
yifen = daring
yifer = to be brave, to be so bold as to dare
yifga = audacious
yifgan = audacity
yifgay = audaciously
yifgla = brazen
yifglan = brazenness
yifglay = brazenly
yifgra = breakneck, fool-hardy, foolhardy, hair-brained, rash, reckless
yifgran = foolhardiness, rashness, recklessness
yifgrat = daredevil, foolhardy person, reckless person
yifgray = foolhardily, rashly, recklessly
yifiea = braving
yifien = braving, daring
yifier = to brave, to dare, to get up the courage, to take heart
yifik = courage
yifika = audacious, bold, courageous, full of daring, gutsy
yifikan = audaciousness, audacity, boldness, courageousness
yifikay = audaciously, boldly, courageously
yifikxea = heartening
yifikxer = to hearten, to stoke
yifikxwa = stoked
yifiut = dare-devil
yifiutan = daredevilry
yifla = audacious, bold, brash, brazen, froward, stouthearted
yifla drursiyn = boldface
yifla drursiynxer = to boldface
yifla drursiynxwa = boldfaced
yiflan = audaciousness, audacity, boldness, brashness, brass, brassiness, brazenness, frowardness
yiflaser = to become emboldened, to grow bold
yiflat = bold person
yiflaxea = emboldening
yiflaxen = emboldening
yiflaxer = to embolden
yiflaxwa = emboldened
yiflay = audaciously, boldly, brashly, brassily, brazenly, stoutly
yiflien = daring, taking on a challenge
yiflier = to date, to take on a challenge
yifliyea = daring
yifluen = challenge
yifluer = to challenge to a dare
yifluun = challenge
yifluut = challenger
yifluwa = challenged
yifoken = despondence
yifoker = to despond
yifokyea = despondent
yifokyean = despondency
yifokyeay = despondently
yifoya = fainthearted, gutless, timid, timorous, tumid
yifoyan = faintheartedness, gutlessness, timidity, timorousness, tumidity
yifpas = feat
yifpop = adventure, escapade
yifpopa = adventurous
yifpopen = adventuring, venturing
yifpoper = to venture
yifpopeya = adventuresome
yifpoput = adventurer, argonaut
yifpopyea = adventurous
yifpopyean = adventurousness
yifpopyeay = adventurously
yifra = bravado, heroic, valorous
yifran = bravura, heroism, valor
yifrandin = hero story
yifrat = hero
yifraxeyn = act of heroism, exploit, heroic act
yifray = heroically, valiantly, valorously
yifrayt = heroine
yifser = to dare, to get up the courage
yifuen = daring, encouragement, fomentation, fomenting, motivation
yifuena = motivational
yifuenay = motivationally
yifuer = to challenge, to dare, to encourage, to foment, to motivate
yifuk = temerity
yifuka = fainthearted, gutless, timid, timorous, tumid
yifukan = faintheartedness, gutlessness, timidity, timorousness, tumidity
yifukat = fainthearted person, timid person
yifukay = faintheartedly, timidly, timorously
yifut = brave person
yifutan = bravado
yifuut = darer, fomenter, motivator
yifuwa = dared, encouraged, fomented, motivated
yifuyea = daring, encouraging, motivating
yifuyeay = encouragingly
yifvafilat = acetate
yifxea = encouraging
yifxeay = encouragingly
yifxen = encouragement
yifxer = to encourage
yifxus = incentive
yifxwa = encouraged
yifyepyet = amphithere
yifzateber = to outface
yiga = hard, rigid, steely, tough
yiga malpur = zeppelin
yiga mil = hard water
yiga nas = cash
yiga nogsiynuut = tough grader
yiga syagnas = hard cash
yiga teyd = dura
yiga uziun = hard drive
yigabaun dyes = hardbound book, hardcover book
yigabaun = hardbound, hardcover
yigabem = hardtop
yigala azon = brute force
yigala = brutal, brute, violent
yigalan = brutality, violence
yigalat = brute
yigalay = brutally, violently
yigan = hardness, rigidity, steeliness, toughness
yigapyot = kodiak bear
yigavob = hard wheat
yigay = toughly
yigaza = bitter
yigazan = bitterness
yigazaser = to grow bitter
yigazaxen = embitterment
yigazaxer = to embitter
yigazaxwa = embittered
yigazay = bitterly
yigbaler = to steamroll
yigbex = constraint, duress
yigbexar = constraint
yigbexea = constraining
yigbexen = constraining, containment, holding tight
yigbexer = to constrain, to contain, to hold tight
yigbexwa = constrained, held tight, tightly held
yigbirar = gripper
yigbiren = gripping
yigbirer = to grip
yigbirwa = gripped
yigbiryea = gripping, grippingly
yigbyexea = hardhitting
yigdir = diktat
yigem = hard spot, tough spot
yigfa = asperse, chapped, coarse, harsh, inclement, raspy, rough, rugose, scraggly, scraggy
yigfa meel = harsh terrain, rough terrain
yigfa nedvixul = roughcast
yigfa utayefa nof = duffel
yigfa yix tof = knockdown
yigfagoblawa = rough-hewn
yigfagoflawa = lacerated
yigfagoflen = laceration
yigfagofler = to lacerate
yigfagoflun = laceration
yigfamul = roughage
yigfan = asperity, coarseness, harshness, inclemency, roughness, tartness
yigfaob = hardwood
yigfaof = hardboard
yigfasea = rusticating
yigfaxen = roughening, rustication, toughening
yigfaxer = to coarsen, to rough, to roughen, to rusticate, to toughen
yigfaxwa = coarsened, roughed, roughened up, rusticated, toughened
yigfay = coarsely, harshly, roughly, tartly
yigfayef = shag
yigfayefaya -- yigrxut
yigfayefaya = shaggy
yigfayefayan = shagginess
yigfayefika = shaggy
yigfayefikan = shagginess
yigfona = hardcore
yigfuyevden = rebuke
yigfuyevder = to rebuke
yigfuyevdwa = rebuked
yigfuyeven = rebuking
yigfyena = gruff
yigfyenan = gruffness
yigfyenay = gruffly
yigla = brassy, brusk, brusque, crude, discourteous
yigla dud = backtalk
yigla dudi = backchat
yiglan = brusqueness, crudeness
yiglay = bruskly, brusquely, crudely, discourteously
yiglen = discourtesy
yiglevelzyun = jawbreaker
yiglevyelzyun = gumdrop
yigmagilwa = hard-boiled, hardboiled
yigmagilwa patij = hard-boiled egg
yigmul = hard substance
yigna = austere, brusque, drastic, intense, ironclad, rigorous, stanch, strict, taut, tense, tight
yignan = austerity, brusqueness, rigor, rigorousness, strictness, tautness, tenseness, tension, tensity, tightness
yignana = tensile
yignanika = tension-filled
yignanuka = tension-free
yignaser = to constrict, to get tight, to grow tense, to intensify, to tense up, to tighten
yignaxea = intensifying
yignaxen = constriction, intensification, intensifying, making tense, tightening
yignaxer = to astrict, to cinch, to constrict, to intensify, to make tense, to tauten, to tighten
yignaxwa = constricted, intensified, tensed, tightened
yignaxyea = constrictive
yignay = austerely, brusquely, drastically, intensely, rigorously, strictly, tautly, tensely, tightly
yignay ofwa = strictly prohibited
yignifxwa = hard-wired, hardwired
yignyef = basket
yignyefik = basketful
yignyefzyun = basketball
yignyefzyun ekut = cager
yigol = octile
yigpyexen = whapping
yigpyexer = to whap
yigpyexler = to manhandle
yigra = brutal, brute, feral, fierce, harsh, rabid, roughshod, savage, truculent, violent, wild
yigra buk = mayhem
yigra ufek = scrimmage
yigra yafon = brute force
yigra yevden = fustigation
yigra zyaxen = violent expansion
yigran = brutality, ferociousness, ferocity, fierceness, harshness, rabidness, savageness, savagery, truculence, violence, wildness
yigrapot = savage animal
yigrasen = becoming savage, going wild, growing harsh
yigraser = to become savage, to go wild, to grow harsh
yigrat = brute, cutthroat, lout, roughneck, rugged individual, savage, wild person
yigratyena = brutish, loutish
yigratyenan = brutishness
yigratyenay = brutishly
yigraxea = brutalizing
yigraxen = brutalization, brutalizing, roughening up, savaging
yigraxer = to brutalize, to imbrute
yigraxlea doyov = violent crime
yigraxlea = violent acting
yigraxlea yanglat = violent gang
yigraxleay = violently
yigraxlen = acting wild, rampage, roughhouse, savage act, savagery, violation, violence, violent act
yigraxler = to act savagely, to act wild, to do violence, to roughhouse, to run wild, to violate
yigraxlun = brutal act
yigraxlut = violator, violent person
yigraxwa = brutalized, roughened up, savaged, violated
yigray = brutally, ferociously, fiercely, harshly, rabidly, savagely, truculently, violently, wildly
yigray oizbexwa = berserk
yigraza = brath
yigrem = wild area, wilderness
yigrifek = horseplay
yigrivsa = wry
yigrivsan = wryness
yigrivsay = wryly
yigrxut = savager
yigryena -- yigyexer
yigryena = ferocious
yigsa = rigid, rugged, stark, stiff
yigsan = rigidity, rigidness, ruggedness, starkness, stiffness
yigsasea = getting hard, rigidifying, stiffening
yigsaser = to get hard, to grow stiff, to rigidify, to stiffen
yigsaxar = stiffener
yigsaxen = rigidifying, stiffening
yigsaxer = to rigidify, to stiffen
yigsaxul = starch
yigsaxulxer = to starch
yigsaxulxwa = starched
yigsaxulyena = starchy
yigsaxulyenan = starchiness
yigsaxwa = rigidified, stiffened
yigsay = rigidly, ruggedly, starkly, stiffly
yigsea = getting hard, hardening, steeling
yigser = to get hard, to harden, to indurate
yigseusa = husky
yigseusan = huskiness
yigseusay = huskily
yigsim = hard back chair, hard chair, uncushioned chair
yigsula = amyl
yigsulyena = amylaceousoid
yigsunyan = hardware
yigteat = acumen
yigtef = helmet
yigtefxwa = helmeted
yigteupix seux = graunch
yigteupixen = crunching
yigteupixer = to crunch
yigteupixwa = crunched
yigteupixyea = crunchy
yigteupixyean = crunchiness
yigtosuer = to rankle
yigtosuwa = rankled
yigtuyobuz = bangle
yigtuzyuben = winding up
yigtuzyuber jwobar = to wind up a watch
yigtuzyuber = to wind up
yigtuzyubwa = wound up
yigtyakxea = suspenseful
yigtyakxen = suspense
yigtyakxwa = suspensory
yigtyakxyea = suspensive
yigumleovol = hardtack
yigvafil = marinade, vinaigrette, vinegar
yigvafila = acetic
yigvafilaxer = to acetify
yigvafilaya = vinegary
yigvafilayan = vinegariness
yigvafilben = adding vinegar, marination
yigvafilber = to add vinegar, to marinate
yigvafilbwa = vinegar-added
yigvafilika = vinegary
yigvafilikan = vinegariness
yigvafilnam = vinegar store
yigvafilnamut = vinegar merchant
yigvafilsea = going to vinegar, vinegarizing
yigvafilser = to go to vinegar, to vinegarize
yigvafilxem = vinegar factory
yigvafilyel = vinegar and oil
yigvob = durum wheat
yigxar = hardener
yigxen = hardening, rigidifying, steeling, toughening
yigxenbok = sclerosis
yigxenboka = sclerotic
yigxer = to harden, to indurate, to rigidify, to steel, to toughen
yigxul = hardener
yigxus = toughener
yigxwa = hardened, rigidified, steeled, toughened
yigyek = struggle
yigyeken = struggling
yigyeker = to struggle
yigyevduyt = harridan
yigyevdyea = scathing
yigyevdyeay = scathingly
yigyex = hard labor
yigyexefwa = laborious
yigyexefway = laboriously
yigyexer = to labor
yigyexut = laborer
yigza = acidic, acrid, biting, caustic, pungent, sour, tart
yigza biel = sour cream
yigza bil = clabber
yigza pavol = kraut, sauerkraut
yigza yavil = sour beer
yigzan = acidity, acridity, acridness, causticity, pungency, sourness, tartness
yigzasen = acidification, growing pungent, souring
yigzaser = to acidify, to go sour, to grow pungent
yigzaxen = pickling
yigzaxer = to acerbate, to acidify, to clabber, to pickle, to sour
yigzaxwa = acidified, clabbered, pickled, soured
yigzay = acridly, bitingly, caustically, pungently, sourly, tartly
yigzil = acid
yigzila = acidic
yigzilan = acidity
yigzilovul = antacid
yigzilxen = acidification
yigzilxer = to acidify
yigzilxwa = acidified
yigzilyena = acidic, sour
yigzon dyes = hardback book
yigzon = hardback
yigzyun = hardball
yihelkayn = octane
yiija hyitoobifut = flamer
yiix = fatigue
yiixer = to exhaust, to fatigue, to tire out, to wear out
yiixwa = exhausted, fatigued, run down, tired, worn out
yiixwan = exhausting, fatigue, tiredness
yiixway = exhaustedly, tiredly
yiixwer = to exhaust, to fatigue, to run down, to tire out
yiixyea = boring, exhausting, tiresome
yiixyean = tiresomeness
yiixyeay = tiresomely
yij = aperture, hole, opening
yij kyayxar = on switch
yija = aboveboard, barefaced, clear, on, open, outstanding, overt, unobstructed
yija apetbixwa pir = charabanc
yija buk = open wound
yija kyeon = open case
yija mag = open fire
yija mes = open door
yija mipar = open boat
yija nasdref = open check
yija yem = open seat, open spot
yijan = barefacedness, openness, overtness
yijar = key
yijay = barefacedly, openly, outright, overtly
yijbar = opener
yijben = clearing, opening
yijber ha ika zamanari = to turn on the high beams
yijber ha mak = to turn on the electricity
yijber ha yibsinibar = to turn on the television
yijber ha zamanari = to turn on the headlights
yijber man = to turn on a light
yijber sammoys = to clear a shelf
yijber = to clear, to open, to turn on, to unblock
yijber ummagelar = to turn on an oven
yijbeser = to remain open, to stay open
yijbexer = to leave open, to leave undecided
yijbexwa = left open, left undecided
yijbuyk = ulcer
yijbuykser = to ulcerate
yijbuykxen = ulceration
yijbuykxwa = ulcerated
yijbwa = opened, switched on, turned on
yijdalea = blabbering
yijdalen = blabbering, blabbing
yijdaler = to blab
yijdalut = blabbermouth
yijdea = candid, expressing, frank
yijdean = candidness, frankness
yijden = expressing, expression, saying candidly, saying openly
yijder = to express, to say opening
yijdin = expressionism
yijdina = expressionistic
yijdinut = expressionist
yijdwa = expressed
yijdyea = expressive
yijdyean = expressiveness
yijdyeay = expressively
yijea aona ged siyn = opening single quote
yijea eona ged siyni = opening double quotes
yijea ged siyn = left quote, opening quotation mark, opening quote
yijebea = occlusive
yijeben = occlusion
yijeber = to occlude
yijebtim = dogtrot
yijebun = occlusion
yijebwa = occluded
yijem = clearing, open area, open space, public arena, space
yijen = opening, overture
yijenseux = approximant
yijer = to clear up, to open up
yijfa = clear
yijfa mep = clear path
yijfan = clearness
yijfaser = to clear up
yijfaxen = clearing
yijfaxer = to clear
yijfaxwa = cleared
yijfer ha mep = to clear the way
yijgoblar = scalpel, surgical knife
yijgoblawa = cut open
yijgoblen = cutting open
yijgobler = to cut open
yijifut = lovebird
yijkumtoym = shed
yijkyayxarer = to switch on
yijkyayxarwa = switched on
yijlar belar = key ring
yijlar duznod = keynote
yijlar = key
yijlar uzun = key ring
yijlar yanzyus = chatelaine, key chain
yijlardun = keyword
yijlaren = keying
yijlarkyaxar = keyswitch
yijlarkyaxer = to rekey
yijlarwa = keyed
yijlaryan = keyset
yijlarzyeg = keyhole, keypunch, keyway
yijlarzyegabaun = sheave
yijlarzyegxir = keypunch
yijlarzyegxirut = keypuncher
yijmagelar = broiler, gridiron, grill
yijmagelea = broiling
yijmagelen = broiling
yijmageler = to broil, to grill
yijmagelur = rotisserie
yijmagelwa = barbecued, broiled, grilled
yijmem dyezam = open-air cinema
yijmem = field, lea, meadow, open land, outdoors, wild
yijmema = open-air, outdoor
yijmemmag = wildfire
yijmemtyal = picnic
yijmemtyalen = picnicking
yijmemtyaler = to picnic
yijmep = clear passage, open road
yijmepien = timeserving
yijmepiut = timeserver
yijmepxen = clearing the way, opening the path
yijmepxer = to clear the way for, to clear way for, to make way for, to open the path for
yijmeyp = unobstructed path
yijmima = pelagic
yijmimtejea = pelagic
yijmuv = key, latch, latchet
yijmuvben = latching
yijna = open, public
yijnig = loft
yijniga toames = loft apartment
yijnyeb = scuttle
yijnyem = slipcase
yijper = to come open
yijteuza = vocalic
yijteuzun = vowel
yijteuzun yanseuz = vowel harmony
yijteuzyan = vocalism
yijtup = raglan
yijtuyaba -- yikonuea
yijtuyaba = openhanded
yijtuyaban = openhandedness
yijun = aperture, bung, hole, opening, puncture
yijunaya = full of holes, riddled with holes
yijuneben = clogging
yijuneber = to clog
yijunebwa = clogged
yijunika = full of holes, riddled with holes
yijunxen = puncturing
yijunxer = to puncture
yijunxwa = punctured
yijvabmem = veld, veldt
yijveebus = gymnosperm
yijxwa = cleared
yijyex = openwork
yijyikwa = hard to open
yijyukwa = easy to open
yijzokun = soffit
yika aklen = walkaway
yika aklun = walkover
yika byun puxrun = potshot
yika = difficult, hard, onerous
yika tej = hard life
yika yevdun = potshot
yika yexes = hard job
yikakwa = hard-earned, hard-won
yikan = difficulty, hardship, kink, onerousness
yikanuer = to impose a hardship on
yikas = stinker, toughie
yikay = hardly, onerously, with difficulty
yikbelen = schlepping
yikbeler = to schlep, to schlepp
yikbelut = schlepper
yikbelwa = schlepped
yiker testier = to have a hard time understanding
yiker testuer = to have a hard time explaining
yiker = to be hardpressed, to find it difficult, to have a hard time
yikexen = maneuvering, manipulating, manipulation
yikexer = to maneuver, to manipulate
yikexut = manipulator
yikexwa = maneuvered, manipulated
yikexyafwa = maneuverable, manipulable, manipulatable
yikexyafwan = maneuverability, manipulability
yikexyea = manipulative, manipulatory
yikjop = crisis, difficult moment
yikjopa = critical
yikkyeson = predicament
yikla = complex, complicated, intricate
yikla kason = complicated situation
yiklan = complexity, intricacy
yiklasen = complication
yiklaser = to become intricate, to get tangled up, to grow complication
yiklaxea = befuddling, complicating, entangling
yiklaxen = befuddlement, entanglement, ravel, snarling
yiklaxer = to befuddle, to complicate, to enlace, to entangle, to ravel, to snarl
yiklaxun = complication, entangement, involution, snarl
yiklaxwa = afoul, befuddled, complicated, entangled, snarled
yiklay = complexly, complicatedly, intricately
yiklem = complex
yiklun = complication
yikobelen = stranding
yikobeler = to strand
yikobelwa = stranded
yikom = difficult situation, discomfort, embarrassment, rattrap, unease
yikoma = embarrassing, uncomfortable
yikomxea = discomforting, disconcerting, embarrassing
yikomxeay = disconcertingly, embarrassingly
yikomxen = embarrassment
yikomxer = to discomfit, to disconcert, to embarrass, to incommode, to make uncomfortable
yikomxwa = discomfitted, disconcerted, embarrassed
yikon = barrier, difficulty, encumbrance, hardship, obstacle, problem
yikonben = blocking, encumbrance, putting up an obstacle
yikonber = to bar, to block, to cumber, to encumber, to put up an obstacle
yikonbwa = barred, blocked, encumbered
yikonbyea = cumbersome
yikonbyean = cumbersomeness
yikonoben = disencumbering, easing, unbarring, unblocking
yikonober = to disencumber, to ease, to remove a difficulty, to unbar, to unblock
yikonobwa = disencumbered, eased, unbarred, unblocked
yikonuea = encumbering
yikonuen = encumbering
yikonuer = to encumber
yikonuwa = encumbered
yikra = arduous, robust, sturdy
yikran = arduousness, robustness, sturdiness
yikraser = to become arduous, to become robust, to become sturdy
yikraxen = making arduous, making robust, making sturdy
yikraxer = to make arduous, to make robust, to make sturdy
yikraxwa = made arduous, made robust, made sturdy
yikray = arduously, robustly, sturdily
yiksen = getting difficult
yikser = to become difficult, to get hard, to grow hard
yikson = difficult issue, difficult matter, difficulty, hard issue, problem
yikson tud = problem child
yiksona = difficult, hard, problematic
yiksonika = problematical
yiksonikay = problematically
yiksonnod = point of difficulty, sticking point
yiksonobar = resolver
yiksonoben = resolution
yiksonober = to resolve
yiksonobus = resolvent
yiksonobut = resolver
yiksonobwa = resolved
yiksonobyafwa = resolvable
yiksonobyafwan = resolvability
yiksonog = niggle
yiksonogen = niggling
yiksonoger = to niggle
yiksonogut = niggler
yiksonuka = straightforward
yiksonukan = straightforwardness
yiksonukay = straightforwardly
yiksonuwa = souped
yiksonxer = to make difficult
yiksonxwa = made difficult
yiksonyena = problematic
yiktyoper = to shamble, to traipse
yikunid = octahedron
yikunida = octahedral
yikxen = making it difficult
yikxer = to make difficult, to make hard
yikxus = morass
yikxwa = made difficult
yikyek = struggle
yikyeken = struggling
yikyeker = to struggle
yikyekut = struggler
yikyen = inconvenience
yikyena = inconvenient
yikyenay = inconveniently
yikyenxea = inconveniencing
yikyenxen = inconveniencing
yikyenxer = to inconvenience
yikyenxwa = inconvenienced
yikyex = chore, hard labor, hard work, toil
yikyexen = toiling
yikyexut = hard laborer, toiler
yikyexyena = laborious, toilsome
yilo = eighty, fourscore
yilodrayef = octodecimo
yilojaga = octogenarian
yilojagat = octogenarian
yilojagayt = octogenarian woman
yilojagwat = octogenarian man
yilon = group of eighty
yiloyn = eightieth
yim bi teabil = flood of tears
yim = deluge, flood, spate
yimaf = altostratus
Yimer = to Pluto
Yimera = Plutonian
yimez = amber
yimmas = flood wall
yimmelned = flood plain
yimmeys = flood gate
yimmil = flood water, floodwater
yimsea = flooding
yimser = to flood
yimsyea = effusive, exuberant
yimsyean = effusiveness, exuberance
yimsyeay = effusively, exuberantly
yimufyeg = standpipe
yimvaka = flood-proof, flood-safe
yimvoka = in danger of being flooded
yimxen = flooding
yimxer = to flood
yimxwa = deluged, flooded
yimyena = flood-like
yin- = oct-
yin = yin
yinaba = octonary
yinapa = eighth
yincaalinhenilk = amphetamine
yingunid = octagon
yingunida = octagonal
yingus = octagon
yingusa = octagonal
yingusan = octagon
yingusana = octagonal
yinig = octave
yinod drursiyn = brevier
yinodyan = diapason
yinsindrir = telex
yion = group of eight, octet
yiona = eightfold, octuple
yionat = octuple
yiontajat = octuplet
yiot = octet
yipan = telekinesis
yipana = telekinetic
yipaper = to fly far away
yipasea = moving away
yipasen = moving away
yipaser = to distance oneself, to move far away, to remove oneself
yipaxen = distancing
yipaxer = to distance, to move away, to move far away
yipaxwa = distanced, moved away
yipea = getting farther away
yiped = meow, mew, purr
yipeden = meowing, mewing, purring
yipeder = to meow, to mew, to purr
yipelat = dragonfly
yipen = distancing
yiper = to distance oneself, to get farther away, to go away, to go far away, to go off, to remove oneself
yipet = cat
yipet mekyem = cat litter
yipeta = feline
yipetag = tomcat
yipetayeb = cat fur, cat hair
yipetayebyena = furry
yipetayebyenan = furriness
yipetayeyb = whisker
yipetayeybaya = whiskered, whiskery
yipetayeybi = whiskers
yipetayeybika = whiskered, whiskery
yipetayeybyena = whiskery
yipetel = cat food
yipetibuj = cattail
yipetif = kitty cat, pet cat, puss, pussy, pussycat
yipetog = catkin
yipetotyan = litter
yipettuj = catnap
yipetud = kitten, kitty, pussy cat
yipetudif = kitty
yipetudyan = litter of cats
yipetudyena = kittenish
yipetyan = chowder of cats
yipetyena = cat-like, catlike, slinky
yipeyet = millipede
yipeyt = molly, queen, she-cat, tabby
yipiit = barnacle
yipiitika = barnacled
yipit = whiting
yipixrawa = abducted, hijacked, kidnapped
yipixren = abducting, abduction, hijacking, kidnapping
yipixrer = to abduct, to hijack, to kidnap
yipot = mountain cat
yipra = escaped
yipren = escape, escaping
yiprer = to escape
Yipu! = Good riddance!
yipuxen = discarding, jettisoning, throwing away
yipuxer = to discard, to jettison, to throw away
yipuxun = disposable stuff, refuse
yipuxunyeb = trash can
yipuxwa = discarded, jettisoned, thrown away
yipuxwas = discarded item, offal
yipuxyafwa = disposable
yipwet = tom
yipya = distanced, far off, gone
yipyet = gila monster
yipyit = seabass
yipyitpatij = caviar
yipyot = jackal
yirper = to vamoose
yis = them, they
yisa = their
yisaga = octal
yisaun = species
yisazul = acrylic
yisazulzyef = plexiglass
yiso = eight hundred
yisoa = eight hundredth
yisonapa = eight hundredth
yisuna = octonary
yit = the girls, them, they
yit yiut = them themselves, they themselves
yita = their
yitas = their thing, theirs
yitasi = their things, theirs
yitayub = testes
yitef = trilby
yiteupib = wisdom tooth
yius = themselves
yiusa = their own
yiusas = their own
yiusasi = their own
yiut = themselves
yiuta = respective, their own
yiutas = their own, their own thing
yiutasi = their own, their own things
yiutay = respectively
yiv bi tej = right to life
yiv = freedom, license
yiva = at liberty, free-wheeling, in the right, independent, solute, unoccupied
yiva be vaknas = out on bail
yiva drez = free verse
yiva dyangon = independent clause
yiva ebkyax = free trade
yiva fon = free will
yiva kyanaz = independent variable
yiva meg = freestone
yiva sim = free chair
yiva xeun = free enterprise
yiva yekunien = free enterprise
yiva yem = free seat, free spot
yivaden = acquittal, acquittance, emancipation
yivader = to acquit, to declare free, to emancipate
yivadut = acquitter
yivadwa = acquitted, declared free, emancipated
yivafxen = emancipating, releasing
yivafxer = to emancipate, to let go free, to release
yivafxwa = emancipated, let go, released
yivan bi texyen = freedom of opinion
yivan = free-reign, freedom, freeness, independence, liberty
yivanuen = affranchisement, emancipation
yivanuer = to affranchise, to emancipate
yivanuwa = affranchised, emancipated
yivaxen = delivrance
yivaxer = to deliver
yivaxlea = autonomous
yivaxleay = autonomously
yivaxlen = autonomy, spree
yivaxler = to act freely, to behave autonomously
yivaxlut = maverick
yivaxwa = delivered
yivay = freely, independently, liberally
yivben pur = rescue vehicle
yivben = rescue, rescuing, salvation, saving
yivber -- yivjub ivxelen
yivber = to rescue, to save, to set free
yivbeut = freeholder
yivbexwas = freehold
yivbiren = buccaneering, freebooting, looting
yivbirer = to buccaneer, to freeboot, to loot
yivbirun = booty, loot
yivbirut = buccaneer, corsair, freebooter, looter
yivbut = rescuer, saver, savior
yivbutyan = rescue squad
yivbuyea = unsparing
yivbuyeay = unsparingly
yivbwa = rescued, saved
yivbyasea tejnaga sindrof = standee
yivbyofwa = unrescuable
yivbyosea = dangling, hanging loose, lolling
yivbyosen = hanging loose, lolling
yivbyoser = to dangle, to hang loose, to loll
yivbyosus = dangler
yivbyoxen = dangling
yivbyoxer = to dangle, to hang loose
yivbyoxwa = dangled, hung loose
yivbywat = rescued person
yivdab = free-reign
yivdal = banter
yivdalea = free-spoken, outspoken
yivdalean = outspokenness
yivdaleay = outspokenly
yivdalen = bantering
yivdaler = to banter, to talk loosely
yivdalut = banterer
yivdea = avowing
yivdeay = avowedly
yivden = allowance, authorization, avowal, license
yivder = to allow, to authorize, to avouch, to license
yivdras = license, writ
yivduzun = fantasia
yivdwa = avowed
yivdwat = licensee
yive = free
yiveb = soy, soya, soybean
yivebil = soy milk
yiver = to be free, to have the right
yivfondea = voluntary
yivfondeay = voluntarily
yivfonden = voluntarism, volunteering
yivfonder = to volunteer
yivfondut = volunteer
yivfondutin = volunteerism
yivfut = rake
yivfutyena = rakish
yivfutyenan = rakishness
yivfutyenay = rakishly
yivifa = freedom-loving, liberal
yivifaxen = liberalization
yivifaxer = to liberalize
yivifaxwa = liberalized
yivigipen = evading, evasion
yivigiper = to escape, to evade
yivigiput = escapee
yivigipya = escaped, evaded
yivigipyea = escapist, evasive
yivil = rice wine, sake
yivin = liberalism
yivina = liberal
yivinan = liberalness
yivinay = liberally
yivinut = liberal
yivinxea = liberalizing
yivinxen = liberalization, liberalizing
yivinxer = to liberalize
yivinxwa = liberalized
yivjadrun = freeware
yivjob = leisure time, vacation
yivjobaya = leisured, leisurely
yivjobayan = leisureliness
yivjobika = leisured, leisurely
yivjobikan = leisureliness
yivjobtof = leisurewear
yivjub = holiday
yivjub ivxelen = holiday celebration
yivkyuber = to set adrift
yivkyupea = adrift, afloat, drifting
yivkyuper = to drift
yivla dal = loose talk
yivla = independent, loose
yivlan = independence, looseness
yivlaser = to become independent, to break free, to come loose, to disengage oneself, to get loose, to go free, to loosen up
yivlaxen = disengagement, disengaging, emancipation, letting loose, loosening up, loosing, setting free
yivlaxer = to break free, to disengage, to emancipate, to extricate, to furlough, to let loose, to loosen up, to set free, to unloose, to unloosen
yivlaxwa = disengaged, emancipated, furloughed, loosed, loosened up, set free
yivlay = loosely
yivlyofwa = inextricable
yivlyofwan = inextricability
yivlyofway = inextricably
yivmastyenut = freemason
yivmem = allodium
yivmema = allodial
yivmemat = yeoman
yivnas = subsidy
yivnasuen = subsidization, subsidizing
yivnasuer = to subsidize
yivnasuut = subsidizer
yivnasuwa = subsidized
yivnuxut = free-spender
yivob imem = paddy
yivob magelar = rice cooker
yivob muyf leovol = rice noodle
yivob = rice
yivob teil = rice soup
yivob zyiglal = rice cake, rice patty
yivob zyuglal = rice ball
yivobar = ricer
yivobmuyf = chopstick
yivobuendras = waiver
yivobuer = to waive
yivobuwa = waived
yivol = pilaf, pilau
yivos = lily
yivpas mampur = glider plane
yivpasar = glider
yivpasea = coasting, gliding
yivpasen = coasting, gliding
yivpaser = to coast, to glide
yivra megyonxwas = scree
yivraser = to extricate oneself
yivraxen = extrication
yivraxer = to extricate
yivraxwa = extricated
yivraxyafwa = extricable
yivsana = free-form
yivser = to become free, to get free, to go free
Yivsomsaxin = Freemasonry
Yivsomsaxina = Freemasonic
Yivsomsaxut = Freemason
yivsyena = freestyle
yivta = autonomic, autonomous
yivtaja = free-born, freeborn
yivtajat = freeborn
yivtan = autonomy
yivtay = autonomously
yivtejea = free-range
yivtejekut = playboy
yivtejekuyt = playgirl
yivtejut = one who lives freely
yivtexea = free-thinking, freethinking
yivtexen = free-thinking, freethinking
yivtexin = libertarianism
yivtexina = libertarian
yivtexinut = libertarian
yivtexut = free-thinker, freethinker
yivtien = osmosis
yivtiena = osmotic
yivtob = freeman
yivtopat = free-spirit
yivtuyaba = freehand
yivtuyaber = to freehand
yivu = might
yivul = chaff
yivut = saver
yivwer = to be a freedom, to be a right, to be allowed
yivxa = rid
yivxea = liberating
yivxen = deliverance, delivery, emancipation, enfranchisement, freeing, liberation, manumission, release, releasing
yivxen nuxun = ransom payment
yivxer be vaknas = to release on bail
yivxer bi doyovbyokam = to release from prison
yivxer bi vyakxam = to release from prison
yivxer = to affranchise, to deliver, to enfranchise, to liberate, to manumit, to release, to rid, to set free, to unbrace, to unleash
yivxeut = free agent
yivxut = liberator
yivxwa = freed, liberated, released, unleashed
yivxwa yuxrut = emancipated slave, freed slave
yivxwat = freedman
yivxwer bi vyakxam = to be released from prison
yivyalza = violet
yivyandraf = charter
yivyandrafxen = chartering
yivyandrafxer = to charter
yivyandrafxwa = chartered
yivyel = soy paste
yivyen = liberality, libertinage
yivyena = liberal, libertine
yivyenan = libertinage
yivyenat = liberal, libertine
yivyuxlen = freelance
yivyuxlut = freelancer
yivzyuk = freewheel
yivzyuper = to swivel
yiwa = eight
yiwa zyun = eight ball
yiwasi = eight things
yiwati = eight people
yix bi gra duni = verbalism
yix = use, utility
yixben = deployment
yixber = to deploy, to put into use, to put to use
yixbwa = deployed, put to use
yixen job = spending time
yixen = usage, using, utilization spending
yixer ha milufsom = to use the toilet
yixer job = to spend time
yixer = to employ, to spend, to use, to utilize
yixfian = utility
yixfiaxen = utilization
yixfiaxer = to make good use of, to make the best of, to utilize
yixfiaxwa = utilized
yixfiser = to be of use
yixkyis = payload
yixlawa dazyanwut = gigolo
yixlawa = employed, hired
yixlawat = employee, hired hand, hired help, hireling
yixlawatyan = personnel
yixleb = chief hiring officer, personnel officer
yixlen = employment, hiring
yixler jobyixpur = to hire a rental car
yixler = to employ, to hire
yixlut = employer, hirer
yixlyafwa = employable, hirable
yixlyofwa = unemployable, unhirable
yixnux = toll
yixnux zeymep = toll bridge
yixnuxmep = tollroad, tollway
yixnuxmeys = tollgate
yixnuxtum = tollbooth
yixoya = feckless
yixoyan = fecklessness
yixper = to deploy, to enter deployment, to go into use
yixpetyan = livestock
yixpur = utility vehicle
yixpurexut = cabman
yixrawa = exploited, seedy, spent, tired, wearied, weary, worn out
yixrawan = seediness, weariness
yixraway = wearily
yixrawer = to grow tired, to wear down, to wear out
yixrea = tiresome, wearing, wearying
yixren = exploitation, wear and tear, wearing out
yixrena = exploitational
yixrer ha pesyaf bi = to exasperate
yixrer = to exploit, to tire, to wear down, to wear out
yixrut = exploiter
yixryafwa -- yizasagtuna
yixryafwa = exploitable
yixryafwan = exploitability
yixryea = exploitative, tiring, wearisome
yixryean = exploitativeness, tiresomeness, wearisomeness
yixryeay = tiresomely, wearisomely
yixuka = feckless
yixukan = fecklessness
yixukay = fecklessly
yixun = aid, tool, utility
yixunim = tool shed
yixunum = utility closest
yixunyan = equipment, instrumentation
yixut dyun = user name
yixut ebned = user interface
yixut syagdrav = user account
yixut = user
yixutdata = user-friendly
yixutdatan = user-friendliness
yixutdota = user-unfriendly
yixutdotan = user-unfriendliness
yixwa pur dem = used car lot
yixwa pur = used car
yixwa puxrun = spent cartridge
yixwa sim = occupied chair, used chair
yixwa = spent, used
yixwastel = draff
yixyafin = utilitarianism
yixyafwa = usable, utilitarian, utilizable
yixyafwan = usability, utility
yixyafway = usably
yixyen = manner of use, usage, usance
yixyena = utilitarian
yixyenin = utilitarianism
yixyofwa gel nas = impassable
yixyofwa = unusable
yixyukwa = turnkey
yiyabayan = spikiness
yiyabikan = spikiness
yiygra = ferocious, fierce, harsh
yiygran = ferocity, fierceness, harshness
yiygray = ferociously, fiercely, harshly
yiygza = sourish
yiyn- = eighth
yiyna nod = eight note
yiynfaosyeb = barrel
yiyon = eighth
yiyugsul = viton
yiyva = loose
yiyvan = looseness
yiyvay = loosely
yiyvxen = unloosing
yiyvxer = to unloose, to unloosen
yiyvxwa = unloosed
yiyxea = making use of, utilizing
yiyxen = utilization
yiyxer = to make use of, to utilize
yiyxwa = utilized
yiyxwas = utility
yiyxwasam = utility shed
yiz- = beyond, extra-, meta-, out-, para-, past, super-, supra-, trans-, ultra-
yiz bi = beyond
yiz bi ha igan ujnad = over the speed limit
yiz bi hus = besides, moreover
yiza = beyond, past, yonder
yizaagmep = superhighway
yizabyen = caprice
yizabyena = capricious
yizabyenay = capriciously
yizafxen = letting by, letting past, missing
yizafxer = to let by, to let past, to miss
yizafxwa = let by, let past, missed
yizaga = enormous, gargantuan, over-sized, oversize, super-big, ultra-large, ultralarge
yizaga tomyan = superblock
yizagan = enormity, enormousness
yizagay = enormously
yizagxer = to outgrow
yizagxwa = outgrown
yizalza = ultrared
yizapeper = to outride
yizasagtuna = metamathematical
yizasaunxut -- yizimera
yizasaunxut = supermodel
yizaxen = getting past, overcoming
yizaxer efkyox = to overcome addition
yizaxer = to get past, to overcome
yizaxlea = hyper, hyperactive
yizaxlen = hyperactivity
yizaxwa = overcome
yizaxyofwa = insuperable, insurmountable
yizaxyofway = insurmountably
yizaymxen = supercooling
yizazona = frenetic
yizazonay = frenetically
yizben = passing, taking beyond, taking past
yizber dovyabdras = to pass an act
yizber tiebboyk = to pass on a cold
yizber = to pass, to take beyond, to take past
yizbeser = to outsit, to outstay
yizbexen = preservation
yizbexer = to preserve
yizbexin = preservationism
yizbexinut = preservationist
yizbexwa = preserved
yizbikea = hyper
yizbwa = passed, past, taken beyond, taken past
yizbyafwa = passable
yizbyafway = passably
yizbyofwa = unsurpassable
yizbyunxer = to miss, to overshoot
yizbyuxer = to overreach
yizdalzeyn = metalanguage
yizdeuzen = oversinging
yizdeuzer = to oversing
yizdeuzwa = oversung
yizdezen = hamming
yizdezer = to ham
yizdezmar = superstar
yizdezut = ham
yizdezyea = hammy, stagy
yizdoobin = ultra-nationalism, ultranationalism
yizdoobina = ultra-nationalistic
yizdoobinut = ultra-nationalist
yizdopeker = to outfight
yizdoteuzuer = to outvote
yizdoteuzuwa = outvoted
yizdren = metagraphy
yizdreniv = hypertext
yizdyanes = metaphrase
yizega = outre, paranormal, supernormal, undue
yizegas = humdinger
yizegay = unduly
yizejyena = ultramodern
yizeker = to outplay, to outvie
yizeksager = to outpoint, to outscore
yizem = extremity, outer reaches, place beyond
yizfia = exceptionable, exceptional
yizfian = exceptionalness
yizfiay = exceptionally
yizfidaler = to rave
yizfisyen = prudery
yizfisyena = prudish
yizfisyenan = prudishness
yizfisyenat = prude
yizfisyenay = prudishly
yizfiza = quixotic
yizfizay = quixotically
yizflizat = superhero
yizfua = ghastly
yizfuan = ghastliness
yizgla = zillion, zillions of
yizglala = supermassive
yizgwogteaxar = ultramicroscope
yizgyaa = ultra thick
yizgyoa = superfine, ultra thin
yiziber = to take beyond
yizifrut = freak
yizigper = to outpace, to outrace, to outrun, to run beyond, to run past
yizika = superabundant
yizikan = superabundance
yizikay = superabundantly
yizimera = extraterrestrial
yizimerat -- yiznogay
yizimerat = extraterrestrial being
yizImimaga = trans-Atlantic, transatlantic
yizivra = ecstatic, exuberant, rapturous, saturnine
yizivran = ecstasy, exuberance, rapture
yizivray = ecstatically, exuberantly, rapturously
yizivtos duzun = rhapsody
yizivtos = ecstasy, rapture
yizivtosa = ecstatic, rhapsodic
yizivtosay = ecstatically, rhapsodically
yizivtosder = to rhapsodize
yizivtosea = ecstatic-feeling, rhapsodic, rhapsodical
yizivtosen = feeling ecstatic, rhapsodizing
yizivtoser = to feel ecstatic
yizivtosika = ecstatic
yizivtosikay = ecstatically
yizizbuar = superconductor
yizizbuyea = superconductive
yizizbuyean = superconductivity
yizizbyener = to outmaneuver
yizjesea = outlasting, surviving
yizjesen = outlasting, survival, surviving
yizjeser = to outlast, to outwear, to survive
yizjesut = survivalist
yizjwob nux = overtime pay
yizjwob yex = overtime work
yizkyasen = metabolic, metabolism
yizkyasenay = metabolically
yizkyaser = to metabolize
yizkyasiun = metavariable
yizkyasul = metabolite
yizkyaxer = to metabolize
yizkyin = preponderance
yizkyina = preponderant, preponderate
yizkyinay = preponderantly
yizkyinxea = outweighing
yizkyinxen = outweighing
yizkyinxer = to outweigh, to overbalance
yizkyinxwa = outweighed
yizkyoan = ultrastability
yizkyua = ultralight
yizkyuper = to overslip, to slide past
yizmanser = to outshine
yizmep = by-pass, bypass
yizmepxen = bypassing
yizmepxer = to bypass
yizmepxwa = bypassed
yizmima = overseas
yizmim-yolza = ultramarine
yizmir = meta-world, metasphere, metaworld, world beyond
yizmira = metaspheric, metaspherical, other-worldly, otherworldly
yizmirat = ghost, metaspherical being, spirit, supernatural being
yizmol = supernatural
yizmola = supernatural
yizmolat = supernatural being
yizmolay = supernaturally
yizmolem = supernatural realm
yizna paxus = ulterior motive
yizna = ulterior
yiznaab = metafile
yiznaber = to outrank, to trump
yiznabus = trump
yiznabwa = outranked, trumped
yiznada = exorbitanant, exorbitant
yiznadan = exorbitance, exorbitancy
yiznaday = exorbitantly
yiznagas = outsize
yiznan = ulteriority
yiznap = superorder
yiznasden = extrapolating
yiznay = ulteriorly
yiznazden = extrapolation
yiznazder = to extrapolate
yiznazdwa = extrapolated
yiznazier = to outvalue
yiznix = perk, perquisite
yiznixbuer = to outsell
yiznixbuwa = outsold
yiznoga = extreme
yiznogan = extremeness
yiznogay = extremely
yiznogin -- yiztejeay
yiznogin = extremism
yiznogina = extremist
yiznoginut = extremist
yiznogpan = transcendency
yiznogpea = transcendent, transcending
yiznogpen = transcendence, transcending
yiznogpena = transcendental
yiznogpenay = transcendentally
yiznogper = to transcend
yiznogpin = transcendentalism
yiznogpinut = transcendentalist
yiznogpya = transcended
yiznoxer = to outspend
yiznuer = to outproduce
yizobzemernada = subtropic, subtropical
yizoetay = weirdly
yizoga = super small, tiny, ultra small
yizogas = speck, supermini, tiny particle
yizogpur = subcompact
yizogranaab = ultrafiche
yizozeta = weird
yizozetan = weirdness
yizozetat = weirdie, weirdo
yizpaer = to whiz
yizpap = fly-by, flyby, flypast
yizpapen = whizzing
yizpaper = to fly beyond
yizpasea = elapsing
yizpaser = to elapse
yizpaxwa = elapsed
yizpea = elapsing, excessive, forgoing, fulsome, outstripping, passing, surpassing
yizpean = fulsomeness
yizpeay = exceedingly, fulsomely, passingly
yizpen = circumvention, exceeding, going past, outstripping, passing, surpassing
yizpen yijlar = passkey
yizpendraf = passbook
yizper ha fin bi = to outmatch
yizper ha yabnoda eksag = to beat the top score
yizper mansiun = to run a stoplight
yizper taxdrun = to break a record
yizper = to circumvent, to elapse, to exceed, to forgo, to go beyond, to go past, to outgo, to outstrip, to overshoot, to overstep, to pass away, to run over, to surpass
yizper za = to run past
yizpesea = lingering
yizpesen = lingering
yizpeser = to linger
yizpesut = lingerer
yizpua = outstripped
yizput = passerby
yizputi = passersby
yizpuyser = to skip past
yizpya = circumvented, elapsed, superseded, surpassed
yizpyafwa = circumventable
yizpyexer = to outhit
yizpyof = deadlock
yizpyofa = deadlocked
yizpyofwa = impassable, impassible
yizpyofwan = impassibility
yizpyofway = impassably, impassibly
yizra = drastic
yizray = drastically
yizsager = to outnumber
yizsagwa = outnumbered
yizseux = ultrasound
yizseuxa = supersonic, ultrasonic
yizseuxay = supersonically, ultrasonically
yizseuxtix = ultrasonics
yizsexyen = meta-structure
yizsyaagir = supercomputer
yiztafaben = outwearing
yiztafaber = to outwear
yiztafabwa = outworn
yiztapa = metaphysical
yiztapay = metaphysically
yiztaptun = metaphysics
yiztaxa = immemorial
yiztaxay = immemorially
yiztej = afterlife, life beyond
yiztejea = lush, surviving
yiztejean = lushness
yiztejeay = lushly
yiztejen -- yoavdutyaneb
yiztejen = outliving, survival, surviving
yiztejer = to outlive, to outwear, to overlive, to survive
yiztejus = relict
yiztejut = relict, survivalist, survivor
yiztejwa = survived
yiztepekwa = foxed
yiztesa = meta
yiztesdun = trope
yizteuder = to outshout
yiztexea = outwitting
yiztexer = to outsmart, to outwit
yiztexwa = outwitted
yizteydif = supermom
yiztipaz = super excitement
yiztipaza = frantic, super-excited
yiztipazay = frantically
yiztob = superman
yiztoba = superhuman
yiztobay = superhumanly
yiztoyb = superwoman
yiztuin = metatheory
yiztujer = to outsleep, to oversleep
yiztuungon = superblock
yiztuunyan = meta-data, metadata, metainformation
yiztwasyan = metaknowledge
yiztyanxer = to outclass
yiztyonoger = to outstep
yiztyoput = passerby
yiztyoputi = passersby
yiztyun = metaphor
yiztyuna = metaphoric, metaphorical
yiztyunay = metaphorically
yizuben = bringing beyond
yizuber = to bring beyond
yizubwa = brought beyond
yizujoa = transfinite
yizUmimaga = trans-Pacific, transpacific
yizuper = to come beyond
yizuzraxler = to freak
yizvia = ravishing
yizvibwa = frilly
yizvyama = surreal
yizvyamdeza = lurid
yizvyamdezan = luridness
yizvyamdezay = luridly
yizvyamin = surrealism
yizvyamina = surrealist, surrealistic
yizvyaminay = surrealistically
yizvyaminut = surrealist
yizvyayab = metasystem
yizxalea = outperforming
yizxalen = outperforming
yizxaler = to outperform
yizxalwa = outperformed
yizxyofway = insuperably
yizyaba = ultra high, ultrahigh
yizyalza = ultraviolet
yizyapler = to owercome
yizyazmelyana = ultramontane
yizyefaxlen = supererogation
yizyefaxlena = supererogatory
yizyefaxler = to supererogate
yizyelza = ultra pink
yizyembien = superseding
yizyembier = to supersede
yizyembiwa = superseded
yizyevdyea = ultracritical
yizyexer = to outwork
yizyincaalinhenilk = methamphetamine
yizyoba = ultra low
yizyuza = metacircular
yizyuzan = metacircularity
yizzunut = far leftist
yo- = five-
yoa = fifth
yoa tisnog = fifth grade
yoa tisnogat = fifth-grader
yoalzoyna = crimson
yoapet = steinbock
yoavdutyaneb = jury foreperson, jury spokesperson
yoay -- yober ha dezof
yoay = fifthly
yob be = down at, down by
yob bi = down from
yob bu = down to
yob = down
yob- = down-, hypo-, sub-
yob hiis = hereunder
yoba abem = lower surface
yoba abned = lower surface
Yoba Deud = Low German, Plattdeutsch
yoba doneg = low social class, low social stratum
yoba dovyabdrim = chamber of deputies, house of representatives, lower chamber
yoba dovyabxutim = lower legislative chamber
yoba doyafbuwat = lower house deputy
yoba doyafbuwatim = lower house
yoba finsiyn = low grade, low mark
yoba finsiyni = low marks
yoba kum = lower side
yoba kunad = lower edge
yoba = low, lower
yoba maf = low cloud
yoba mimip = neap
yoba mimuip = low tide
yoba moys = lower layer
yoba nab = lower rank
yoba naz = low value
yoba ned = lower plane
yoba neg = lower level
yoba pux = lob
yoba ujnad = lower limit
yoba yexnix = low wage
yoba yexnixut = low wage-earner
yoba yijteuzun = low vowel
yobaea = leaning down
yobaen = leaning down
yobaer = to bow down, to lean down, to tilt
yobal = downthrow
yobalar = suppressor
yobalen = crack down on, crackdown, depressing, depression, pressing down, squelching, suppressing, suppression
yobaler = to depress, to press down, to squelch, to suppress
yobalus = depressor
yobalwa = depressed, pressed down, squelched, suppressed
yobalyafwa = suppressible
yobalyea = suppressive
yobam = downstairs, lower area
yoban = lowness
yobar = davit
yobas = reversal, spill, upset
yobaser = to bend down, to bend over, to bow down, to spill, to tip over, to turn upside down
yobaxen = overturning, reversal, spilling, tipping, upsetting, upturning
yobaxer = to overturn, to reverse, to spill, to tip over, to upset, to upturn
yobaxwa = overturned, reversed, spilled, tipped over, upset, upturned
yobay = downhill, downward
yobbekea = condescending
yobbekeay = condescendingly
yobbeken = condescending, condescension
yobbeker = to condescend
yobdeuzas = basso
yobdeuzuyt = alto
yobdeuzuyta = alto
yobdeuzwut = bass
yobdeuzwuta = bass
yobdobubwatim = house chamber
yobdobubwatyan = house of representatives, lower chamber of deputies
yobdodalim = lower chamber
yobdonaba = lower-ranking
yobdonabat = lower-ranking person
yobdoneg = lower class
yobdoneg yuxlut = scullion
yobdonega = low class, low-class, lower class, lower-class
yobdonegat = guttersnipe, lower-class person, member of the lower class
yobdosyanat = member of the lower class
yobdotnaba = of low social standing
yobduznega = low-pitched
yobeksagea = low-scoring
yobeksager = to score low
yobeler = to carry downstairs, to down, to haul down, to put down, to take down
yobem = downstairs, lower area
yoben = bringing down, letting down, lowering, putting down, taking down
yober ha dezof = to lower the curtain
yober ha misof -- yobkyoteaxer
yober ha misof = to lower the curtain
yober ha nid = to turn the volume down
yober ha seuxnid = to turn the volume down
yober ha seuzneg = to lower the volume
yober = to bring down, to let down, to lower, to put down, to take down
yobexen = holding down
yobexer = to hold down
yobexwa = held down
yobeysim = taboret, tabouret, tabret
yobfina = low-quality, schlocky
yobfinas = stinkeroo
yobfinnun = schlock
yobfun = vulgarity
yobgoblawa = gashed
yobgoblen = gashing
yobgobler = to gash
yobgoblun = gash
yobgol = subdivision
yobgolen = subdividing
yobgoler = to subdivide
yobgolwa = subdivided
yobgwomul = nuclide
yobien = taking down
yobier = to take down
yobigper = to run down
yobilbyex = splashdown
yobilp = catarrh, downward flow
yobilpea = flowing down
yobilper = to flow down
yobiwa = taken down
yobix drof = blackboard, chart, pull-down chart, whiteboard
yobixar = ripcord
yobixen = drawing down, pulling down, toppling
yobixer = to draw down, to pull down, to tear down, to topple
yobixlawa = dragged down
yobixlen = dragging down
yobixler = to drag down
yobixmap = downdraft
yobixwa = drawn down, pulled down, toppled, torn down
yobjob = comedown
yobkiben = declension, deflection
yobkiber = to deflect
yobkibwa = deflected, downwardly bent
yobkibyea = deflective
yobkiem = downhill climb, downward slope, embankment
yobkim = downward slope, precipice, embankment
yobkima = downward-sloping, precipitous
yobkina = downhill
yobkinay = downhill
yobkinsea = slanting down
yobkinser = to slant down, to slant downward
yobkinxwa = sloped downward
yobkis = dip, downturn, tilt
yobkisea = bending down, bowing, declining, downward leaning, downward slanting, leaning, prone, tilting
yobkisean = proneness
yobkisen = declension, declining, dipping, leaning down
yobkiser = to bend down, to bend downward, to bow down, to decline, to dip, to lean down, to slope downward, to slope downwards, to tilt
yobkisnea = sloping downward
yobkixea = bending downward, deflecting
yobkixen = bending down, bowing, declension, deflection, tilting
yobkixer = to bend down, to bend downward, to bow, to deflect, to tilt down
yobkixut = tilter
yobkixwa = bent down, bent downward, bowed, deflected, prone, tilted
yobkixwa tyoyub = hammertoe
yobkixyafwa = tiltable
yobkixyea = deflective
yobkuem = down slope, embankment, ramp
yobkyaben = downshifting
yobkyaber = to downshift
yobkyabwa = downshifted
yobkyaxen = commutation, commuting
yobkyaxer = to commute
yobkyaxwa = commuted
yobkyaxyafwa = commutable
yobkyaxyofwa = incommutable
yobkyiseux = rumble
yobkyiseuxen = rumbling
yobkyiseuxer = to rumble
yobkyiseuxut = rumbler
yobkyoteaxer = to glop
yobkyotyan -- yobnogber
yobkyotyan = lower caste
yoblawa = downed, knocked over, toppled
yoblen = downing, knocking over, toppling
yobler = to down, to dunk, to knock over, to topple
yobmaf = nimbus
yobmagelen = decoction
yobmagelun = decoction
yobmagyelar = deep fryer, deep-fryer
yobmagyelen = deep-frying
yobmagyeler = to deep-fry
yobmagyelwa = deep-fried
yobmagyelwa tel abawa bay yugglal = fritter
yobmel = lowland
yobmelyoz = cavern
yobmem = lowland
yobmemat = lowlander
yobmimof = lowermost sail
yobmimpar = bathyscaph, bathyscaphe
yobmimpuslen = deep sea diving
yobmimpusler = to deep sea dive
yobmimpuslut = deep sea diver
yobmimzyun = bathysphere
yobmiyop = trickle down
yobmiyopea = trickling down
yobmiyoper = to trickle down
yobmusa = downscale
yobmusaxen = de-escalation
yobmusaxer = to de-escalate, to scale back
yobmusaxwa = de-escalated
yobmusbea = downscaling, scaling down
yobmusben = downscaling, scale-down, scaling down
yobmusber = to downscale
yobmusbwa = downscaled, scaled down
yobmusbwen = getting downscaled
yobmusbwer = to get downscaled
yobmusesien = downgrading
yobmusesier = to downgrade
yobmusesuen = downgrading
yobmusesuer = to downgrade
yobmusesuwa = downgraded
yobmusnogxen = stepping down
yobmusnogxer = to step down
yobmusnogxwa = stepped down
yobmuspea = scaling down
yobmuspen = climbing down, downscaling, scaling down
yobmusper = to climb down
yobmuysber = to scale down
yobmuyspen = going downhill
yobmuysper = to go downhill
yobna = low
yobnaba = low-ranked, low-ranking, lower-ranking
yobnaban = peonage
yobnabat = lower-ranking person, peon
yobnabxen = abasement
yobnabxer = to abase
yobnabxwa = abased
yobnag = depth, downward measurement
yobnagar = bathometer
yobnagen = bathymetry, depth measurement
yobnagxyofwa = irreducible
yobnagxyofway = irreducibly
yobnan = lowness
yobnaser = to become low
yobnax = price reduction
yobnayxa = low-cost
yobnazter = to discountenance
yobnega = bottom echelon, bottom-level, low-echelon, low-level, lower-level
yobnida = low-volume
yobnix = low income
yobnixbuen = markdown, sale
yobnixbuer = to mark down, to sell at a reduced price
yobnixbuwa = marked down, on sale
yobnixut = low-earner
yobnod = bottom, dip, ebb, low point, nadir
yobnodxea = ebbing
yobnodxer = to bottom out, to ebb
yobnoga = downscale, low-grade
yobnogbea = de-escalating
yobnogben = de-escalating, de-escalation, deescalation
yobnogber = to de-escalate, to deescalate
yobnogpea -- yobuben
yobnogpea = descendant
yobnogpen = descent
yobnogper = to climb down, to descend
yobnogsen = downscaling
yobnogser = to become degraded, to degrade, to downgrade, to downscale
yobnogxea = degrading, downscaling
yobnogxen = commutation, commuting, degradation, degrading, downgrading, downscaling
yobnogxer = to commute, to degrade, to downgrade, to downscale
yobnogxwa = commuted, degraded, downgraded, downscaled
yobnogxyafwa = commutable, degradable
yobnogxyofwa = incommutable
yobnogyansea = scaling down
yobnogyansen = scaling down
yobnogyanxea = scaling down
yobnogyanxen = scale-down, scaling down
yobnogyanxer = to scale down
yobnogyanxwa = scaled down
yobnoog = down phase
yobnoogsea = phasing downward
yobnoogser = to phase downward
yobnoogxen = down-phasing
yobnoogxer = to down-phase
yobnoogxwa = down-phased
yoboyox = pangs
yoboyoxa = awful, horrific
yoboyoxay = awfully, horrifically
yobrawa = downed, knocked down, thrown down
yobrawa mampur = downed plane
yobren = downing, knocking down
yobrer mampur = to down a plane
yobrer = to down, to knock down, to throw down
yobrun = knockdown
yobsam = lowboy
yobseuxnida = low-volume, piano, soft
yobseuzaxer = to tone down
yobseuzuen = toning down
yobseuzuer = to tone down
yobseuzuwa = toned down
yobsyanat = scuzzball
yobtaja = low-born, low-brow, lowborn, lowbrow
yobtaja tyod = common folk
yobtajat = commoner, low-brow, lowbrow
yobtayob = cortex
yobtayoba = cortical
yobteatuyt = shrinking violet
yobteaxen = looking down
yobteaxer = to look down
yobteb = chin
yobteba = of the chin
yobteeb = ear lobe
yobtef = chin bandage, chin brace
yobteja = lowlife
yobtejat = lowdown, lowlife
yobtev = chinstrap
yobteyobnad = decolletage
yobteyobnada = decollete
yobteza = low-brow, lowbrow
yobtezat = low-brow, lowbrow
yobtiav = teeshirt
yobtibsea = crouched, crouching
yobtibsen = crouching
yobtibser = to crouch, to hunker, to scrooch, to scrootch, to scrouge
yobtijat = churl
yobtijatyen = churlishness
yobtijatyena = churlish
yobtityanat = lowerclassman
yobtom = low-rise building
yobtyana = raffish, raunchy
yobtyanan = raffishness, raunchiness
yobtyanay = raffishly, raunchily
yobtyanufa = snooty
yobtyanufan = snootiness
yobtyanufat = snoot
yobtyanufay = snootily
yobtyob = riffraff
yobtyod = hoi polloi, plebs, unwashed masses
yobtyoda = plebeian
yobtyodat = commoner, pleb, plebeian
yobtyoyabwa = downtrodden
yobuben = sending down
yobuber -- yobzomera
yobuber = to send down
yobubwa = sent down
yobuper = to come down
yobux = pushdown
yobuxen = depressing, depression, oppressing, oppression, pressing down, pushing down
yobuxer = to depress, to oppress, to press down, to push down
yobuxmis = shutter
yobuxut = oppressor
yobuxwa = depressed, oppressed, pressed down, pushed down
yobuxyea = oppressive
yobuxyean = oppressiveness
yobuxyeay = oppressively
yobuz = downswing
yobuzaser = to bend down, to bow down, to curve downward
yobuzaxen = bending down, deflection
yobuzaxer = to bend down, to deflect
yobuzaxwa = bent down, bent downward, deflected
yobuzaxyea = deflective
yobuzber = to curve downward
yobuzper = to curve downward
yobwa = brought down, flat, let down, lowered, put down
yobwa kyos bi axlen = overdrive
yobxaga = low-frequency
yobxagseuxar = woofer
yobyab = upside down
yobyaba = upside down
yobyabuzber = to turn upside down
yobyabuzbwa = capsized
yobyabuzpea = capsizing
yobyabuzpen = capsizing
yobyabuzper = to capsize
yobyaga = deep, profound
yobyagan = deepness, depth, profoundness
yobyagay = deeply, profoundly
yobyagber = to put down deep
yobyagnagar = bathometer
yobyagper = to go deep, to plunge
yobyagser = to deepen, to get deeper
yobyagxen = deepening
yobyagxer = to deepen
yobyagxwa = deepened
yobyeb = goatee
yobyex = knock-out, reversal, upset
yobyexen dab = overthrowing a government
yobyexen = knocking down, knocking over, overthrowing, reversal, toppling, turning upside down
yobyexer dob = to overthrow a regime
yobyexer = to knock down, to knock out, to knock over, to overthrow, to reverse, to topple, to turn upside down
yobyextan = proneness
yobyexut = overthrower
yobyexwa = knocked down, knocked over, overthrown, reversed, toppled
yobyezna = prone, prostrate
yobyiba = deep, far down, profound, way down
yobyiban = deepness, depth
yobyibay = deeply
yobyibser = to deepen
yobyibxen = deepening
yobyibxer = to deepen
yobyibxwa = deepened
yobyoga = shallow, short way down
yobyogan = shallowness
yobyogay = shallowly
yobyogser = to become shallow
yobyogxen = shallowing
yobyogxer = to shallow
yobyogxwa = shallowed
yobyosea = hanging down
yobyosen = hanging down
yobyoser = to drop down, to hang down
yobyoxer = to hang down
yobyoxwa = hung down
yobyuba = short way down
yobyubser = to become shallow
yobyubxen = making shallow
yobyubxer = to make shallow
yobyubxwa = made shallow
yobyuxrer = to kick down
yobzedoneg = lower middle class
yobzedonega = lower middle class
yobzesaga = below average
yobzomera = antarctic
yobzona sim -- yog jo hus
yobzona sim = low-back chair
yobzotib = lumbago, sirloin
yobzotiba = lumbar
yobzyeg = shaft
yobzyegarer = to drill down
yobzyia = prostrate, prostrated
yobzyiasea = prostrate
yobzyiasen = prostration
yobzyiaser = to prostrate oneself
yobzyiaxwa = prostrated
yodapat = staff sergeant
yodaplat = air force lieutenant colonel
yodaprat = air force general of the air force
yodeb = marquis
yodeplat = army chief warrant officer 5
yodeprat = five-star general of the army
yodepyat = army sergeant
yodeyb = marchioness, marquess, marquise
yodiepat = marine sergeant
yodieplat = marine chief warrant officer 5
yodieprat = lieutenant general
yodipat = navy petty officer 2nd class
yodiplat = navy commander
yodiprat = navy fleet admiral
yodipyat = navy chief warrant officer 5
yodob = marquisate
yodopmimpur = cruiser
yodota = feral, savage, wild
yodotan = savageness, savagery, wildness
yodotat = savage, wild person
yodotem = wilderness
yodotkoalxen = sabotage, sabotaging
yodotkoalxut = saboteur
yodotkoalxwa = sabotaged
yoduzar = viola
yoduzarut = violist
yodweb = margrave, marquis
yoepet = Angora goat, angora
yoepetayob = Angora goat, angora
yof = disability, handicap, impotence, inability, weakness
yofa = feeble, impotent, impuissant, incapable, powerless, unable, weak
yofab = apricot tree
yofal = apricot juice
yofan = debility, feebleness, frailness, impotence, inability, incapability, powerlessness, weakness
yofas = failing, weak spot, weakness
yofat = crippled person with disabilities, weakling
yofay = incapably, powerlessly
yofean = inability
yofeb = apricot
yofel = apricot juice
yofelza = apricot orange
yofer = to be incapable, to be powerless, to be unable
yofim = harem
yofser = to become unable, to grow weak, to lose power, to weaken
yofuer = to enfeeble, to get in the way of, to make it harder for
yofun = handicap
yofunnazdut = handicapper
yofwa = impossible, infeasible, unfeasible
yofwan = impossibility, infeasibility
yofwaxer = to make impossible
yofway = impossibly
yofwer = to be impossible
yofxea = crippling, dis-empowering, incapacitating
yofxen = determent, deterrence, dis-empowerment, enfeeblement, enfeebling, incapacitation, weakening
yofxer = to cripple, to debilitate, to deter, to dis-empower, to enfeeble, to hamstring, to hog-tie, to hogtie, to incapacitate, to render incapable, to weaken
yofxus = crippler, deterrent
yofxut = crippler
yofxwa = crippled, debilitated, deterred, dis-empowered, enfeebled, hamstrung, handicapped, incapacitated, weakened
yofxwat = cripple, crippled person, handicapped person
yofxyea = debilitating
yofyatezeb = pastor, presbyter, priest
yofyatezeba = clerical, pastoral, priestly
yofyatezebam = rectory
yofyatezeban = presbyterate, priesthood
yofyatezebem = parish
yofyatezebema = parochial
yofyatezebemat = parishioner
yofyepyet = wyrm
yog jo his = short time from now, shortly hereafter
yog jo hus = short time from then, shortly thereafter
yoga = brief, scrimp, yoga
yoga dyezun = short
yoga ebtiyaba yanup = quickie
yoga kyidsiyn = micron
yoga sindren = blurb
yoga tufuka oybtiayv = camisole
yoga yijteazun = short vowel
yoga yuzmep = short
yogainut = yogi
yogan = brevity, shortness
yogapyot = brown bear
yogat = shortie, shorty
yogay = briefly, shortly
yogaynden = synopsis
yogayndena = synoptic, synoptical
yogbes = sojourn
yogbeser = to sojourn
yogbesut = sojourner
yogbixen = contraction
yogbixer = to contract
yogbixwa = contracted
yogdea = concise
yogdean = conciseness
yogden = summarizing, summary
yogder = to cut to the chase, to sum up, to summarize
yogdeuzun = ditty
yogdeyn = resume, résumé, summary
yogdiden = quizzing
yogdin = novella, rundown, short story, tale
yogdraren drefnyan = sketchpad
yogdraren = sketching
yogdrarer = to sketch
yogdrarun = sketch
yogdrarundyes = sketchbook
yogdrarut = sketcher
yogdrarwa = sketched, sketchily, sketchy
yogdrarwan = sketchiness
yogdrawa = abbreviated, shorthand, summed up, written in shorthand
yogdrea = abbreviating
yogdren = abbreviation, shorthand
yogdrer = to abbreviate, to write in shorthand
yogdrun = abbreviation, docket
yogdrun gron = alphabet soup
yogdwa = sententious, summarized, summed up
yogdway = sententiously
yogdyea = summarily
yogdyes = brochure
yogdyun = abbreviated name, metonym, metonymy, nickname, short name
yogeybsen = dalliance
yoggoblar = dagger
yoggoblawa = cut short, truncated
yoggoblen = cutting short, truncating, truncation
yoggobler = to cut short, to truncate
yoggoblun = flattop, shortcut, truncation, trunk
yoggoyblawa = clipped short
yoggoyblen = clipping short
yoggoybler = to clip, to clip short
yoggoyblun = clip, clipping
yoggyateyoba = bullneck
yoggyomipar = sharpie
yogigtyopen = sprinting
yogigtyoper = to dash, to sprint
yogigtyoput = sprinter
yogiksunyan = compendium
yogilpusea = spurting
yogilpuser = to spurt
yogilpux = spurt
yogilpuxen = spurting
yogilpuxwa = spurted
yogina = five-pointed
yogina mar = five-pointed star
yogja = abrupt, short-lived
yogjan = abruptness, youth
yogjateas = teaser
yogjay = abruptly
yogjea = succinct
yogjean = succinctness
yogjeay = succinctly
yogjesea = brief, fleeting, short-lived, short-term, temporary, transient, transitory
yogjesean = brevity, briefness, fleetingness, temporariness, transience, transiency
yogjeseay -- yohelkayn
yogjeseay = briefly, fleetingly, temporarily, transiently
yogjob = short time, short while
yogjoba dop tamyan = cantonment
yogjoba dyun = temporary name
yogjoba = short-term, temporary, transitory
yogjoba yekun = short-time goal
yogjoba zoyembun = makeshift
yogjoba zoyfiaxun = stopgap
yogjoban = temporariness, transitoriness
yogjobay = temporarily
yogjut = short-timer
yoglajoba = transitory
yoglajoban = transitoriness
yogmep = crosscut, cutoff, shortcut
yogmisof = teaser
yognabyana = short-range
yogoyeb = a short way out
yogpopurog = runabout
yogposea = balking
yogposen = balking
yogposer = to balk
yogpyaon = shortwave
yograjoba = ephemeral
yogsindrawa = encapsulated
yogsindren = encapsulating, encapsulation
yogsindrer = to encapsulate
yogsiyn dreyen = shorthand writing system
yogta = curt
yogtan = curtness
yogtay = curtly
yogteata = myopic
yogteatan = myopia
yogteatay = myopically
yogteatea = shortsighted
yogteatean = shortsightedness
yogteateay = shortsightedly
yogteatut = myope
yogteax = glance
yogteaxen = glancing
yogteaxer = to glance at
yogteba = brachycephalic
yogteja = short-lived
yogteyub eopet = shorthorn
yogtrea = amateur, dilettantish, novice
yogtrea tuzut = amateur artist
yogtrean = dilettantism
yogtrut alpuibar = amateur radio, ham radio
yogtrut = amateur, dilettante, novice
yogtruta jibdren = fanzine
yogtrutyena = amateurish
yogtrutyenan = amateurishness, amateurism
yogtrutyenay = amateurishly
yogtuj = snooze
yogtujea = snoozing
yogtujen = snoozing
yogtujer = to snooze
yogtuyadren = short-hand
yogurt = yaourt, yogurt
yogvyandun = apothegm
yogxea = abbreviating, abortive, abridging
yogxen = abbreviation, abridgement, clipping short, cropping, curtailing, curtailment, eclipsing, foreshortening, shortening, systole
yogxer = to abbreviate, to abridge, to clip, to crop, to curtail, to cut, to eclipse, to foreshorten, to shorten
yogxun = clip, clipping, snippet
yogxwa = abbreviated, abridged, cropped, curtailed, curtate, eclipsed, foreshortened, scrimp, shortened
yogxwa teas = cropped view
yogyaa = squabbish, squabby
yogyab = a short way up
yogyagan = profundity
yogyeb = a short way in
yogyob = a short way down
yogyogyagdeup = anapest
yogyogyagdeupa = anapestic
yogyonar = dagger
yogyonarer = to stab with a dagger
yogyonarwa = stabbed with a dagger
yogzay = a short way ahead
yogzey = a short way across
yogzoy = a short way back
yogzye = a short way through
yohelkayn = propane
yoiga = terse
yoigan = terseness
yoigay = tersely
yoigdalwa = terse
yoigdalwan = terseness
yoigdalway = tersely
yoilom = pewter
yojab = lustrum
yojabat = fifth-grader
yok = surprise
yoka = out of the blue, spontaneous, sudden, surprise
yoka tipa yonpyex = ebullition
yoka toj = sudden death
yoka yexpox = walkout
yokaduzar = bongo drum, tomtom
yokaduzarut = tomtom player
yokagax = spate
yokan = spontaneity, suddenness
yokapyex = ambuscade, ambush, raid, sudden attack, surprise attack
yokapyexen = raiding
yokapyexer = to attack by surprise, to attack suddenly, to blindside, to raid
yokapyexut = raider
yokapyexwa = ambushed, attacked by surprise, raided
yokaxluer = to galvanize
yokay = spontaneously, suddenly
yokbaoxun = upheaval
yokbas = flurry, spasm, start, sudden act, surprise move, wingding
yokbasbuk = whiplash
yokbasea = spasmic, spastic
yokbasen = starting
yokbaser = to be startled, to start
yokbasyea = spasmodic
yokbasyeay = spasmodically
yokbaxea = startling
yokbaxeay = startlingly
yokbaxer = to startle
yokbaxwa = startled
yokbir = sudden seizure
yokbirbok = epilepsy
yokbirboka = epileptic
yokbiren = overtaking, overwhelming, ransacking, seizing by surprise
yokbirer = to overtake, to overwhelm, to ransack, to seize by surprise
yokbirut = overtaker
yokbirwa = overtaken, overwhelmed, ransacked, seized by surprise
yokbisen = wincing
yokbiser = to wince
yokboyk = qualm
yokbyena = sudden
yokbyenay = suddenly
yokdalen = winging it
yokdaler = to wing it
yokdea = improvising
yokden = blurt, blurting, extemporization, improvisation, improvising
yokdena = improvisational
yokdenay = improvisationally
yokder = to blurt out, to extemporize, to improvise
yokdez = improv, improvisation
yokdeza = improvisational
yokdezam = improv theater
yokdezay = improvisationally
yokdezea = improvising
yokdezen = extemporization, improvisation, improvising
yokdezer = to extemporize, to improvise
yokdezun = improvisation
yokdezut = improv artist, improviser, stand-up artist
yokdezwa = improvised
yokdidyan = pop quiz
yokdola = dumb-struck, dumbstruck
yokdopar = stun gun
yokdopex = razzia
yokdun = interjection
yokduna = interjectory
yokdut = improviser
yokdwa = extemporary, improvised
yokea = surprised
yokeay = surprisingly
yokeber = to waylay
yokebut = waylayer
yokebwa = waylaid
yoker = to be surprised, to be taken aback
yokfutipxen -- yokrer
yokfutipxen = conniption
yokgax = hike, outbreak
yokhihider = to burst out laughing
yokhuhuder = to burst out crying
yokilzapyos = flurry
yokipluxen = flush, flushing
yokipluxer = to flush
yokivxea = electrifying
yokja = precipitant, precipitous
yokjan = precipitance, precipitateness
yokjay = precipitately, precipitously
yokkaxen = discovering, discovery
yokkaxer = to discover
yokkaxtip = ingenuity, inventiveness
yokkaxtipa = ingenious, inventive
yokkaxun = discovery
yokkaxut = discoverer
yokkaxwa = discovered
yokkaxwas = discovery
yokkyas = upheaval
yokkyeaxlea = impetuous
yokkyeaxlean = impetuosity, impetuousness
yokkyeaxleay = impetuously
yokla = amazed, astonished, stunned
yoklan = amazement, astonishment
yoklaxea = amazing, astonishing, astounding, dazzling, startling, stunning
yoklaxeay = astoundingly, startlingly
yoklaxer = to amaze, to astonish, to astound, to daze, to dazzle, to stun
yoklaxus = bombshell, stunner
yoklaxwa = amazed, astonished, astounded, dazed, dazzled, muzzy, startled, stunned
yoklen = amazement, astonishment
yokler = to be amazed, to be astonished, to be astounded, to be dazzled, to be startled, to be stunned
yokmalp = flurry
yokmamil = burst of rain, downpour
yokmap = blast, bluster
yokmapen = blasting, blustering
yokmaper = to blast
yokmapyea = blustery
yokmapyean = blusteriness
yokmar = nova
yokmari = novae
yokpaax = frisson
yokpas = jerk, sudden move, tic
yokpaser = to jerk, to make a sudden move, to shunt
yokpasyea = jerky
yokpax = shunt
yokpaxen = shunting
yokpaxer = to shunt
yokpixen = blindsiding, catching by surprise
yokpixer = to blindside, to catch by surprise
yokpixwa = blindsided, caught by surprise
yokpos = balk
yokposer = to stop short
yokpox = balk
yokpuser = to jump with a start
yokpyasen = jumping with a start
yokpyaser = to jump with a start
yokpyex bi mafxeus = clap of thunder
yokpyex bi mak = burst of electricity
yokpyex = burst, clap
yokpyexlen = backfiring
yokpyexler = to backfire
yokpyos = avalanche, dip
yokpyosen = dipping
yokpyoser = to dip, to drop suddenly
yokpyoxer = to drop suddenly
yokra = dumb-struck, dumbstruck, stupefied
yokra pyaon = sonic boom
yokras = freakout, state of shock
yokraser = to freak out, to go into shock
yokraxea = dumbfounding, heady, shocking, stupefying, stupendous
yokraxean = headiness
yokraxeay = headily, shockingly, stupefyingly
yokraxen = dumbfounding, shock, stupefaction
yokraxer = to dumbfound, to freak out, to shock, to stupefy
yokraxus = shocker
yokraxwa = dumbfounded, shocked, stupefied, thunderstruck
yokraxwan = shock, state of shock
yokren = stunning, stupefaction
yokrer = to be dumbfounded, to be freaked out, to be shocked, to be stunned, to be stupefied
yokrun buk -- yokyufxwa
yokrun buk = shock trauma
yokrun = shock, stupor
yoksiyn = exclamation mark, exclamation point
yokson = sensation
yoksona = sensational, shocking
yoksonan = sensationalism
yoksonaxen = sensationalizing
yoksonaxer = to sensationalize
yoksonaxut = sensationalist
yoksonay = sensationally
yoksonxen = sensationalizing
yoksonxer = to sensationalize
yoksonxwa = sensationalized
yoktax = flashback
yokteaba = bug-eyed
yokteabilien = bursting into tears
yokteabilier = to burst into tears
yokteas = sudden appearance
yokteaser = to suddenly appear
yoktepkyax = freak
yokteud = exclamation, outburst
yokteuda = exclamatory
yokteuden = exclamation
yokteudena = exclamatory
yokteuder = to exclaim
yokteudwa = exclaimed
yokteudyea = exclamatory
yoktien = epiphany
yoktoj siunyan = sudden death syndrome
yoktoj = sudden death
yoktojer = to die suddenly, to die unexpectedly
yoktojpen = dropping dead
yoktojper = to drop dead, to drop dead unexpectedly
yoktuj = syncope
yoktujien = blacking out, swooning
yoktujier = to black out, to swoon
yoktujioa = ready to black out
yoktujuer = to cause to black out
yokujok = fiasco
yokupa = sudden
yokupan = suddenness
yokupay = suddenly
yokuper = to come out of the blue, to come unexpectedly, to spring out of nowhere
yokupya = sudden
yokupyan = suddenness
yokupyay = suddenly
yokuvxea = disappointing
yokuvxen = disappointment, letdown, swiz, swizz
yokuvxer = to disappoint
yokuvxus = bummer
yokuvxwa = disappointed
yokuvyuf = consternation
yokuxraxer = to sprain
yokuxraxwa = sprained
yokuzpip = sheer
yokuzpiper = to sheer
yokuzraxen = spraining
yokwa = surprising
yokwer = to be surprising
yokxea = astonishing, eyeopening, stunning, surprising
yokxeay via = breathtaking
yokxen = astonishment
yokxer = to astonish, to stun, to surprise
yokxeus = boom, clap, sudden noise
yokxus = eyeopener
yokxwer = to be astonished, to be stunned, to be surprised
yokyepen = barging in
yokyeper = to barge in
yokyij = crack
yokyijer = to crack open
yokyuf = panic
yokyufa = aghast, panicky
yokyufen = panicking
yokyufuyea = formidable
yokyufxea = lurid
yokyufxean = luridness
yokyufxeay = luridly
yokyufxen = fearmongering, panicmongering, scaremongering
yokyufxut = alarmist, fearmonger, panicmonger, scaremonger
yokyufxwa = panicked
yokyufyea = panicky
yokzoypap = boomerang
yokzoypaper = to boomerang
yolavos = acanthus
yolevos = angelica
yolivos = aspen
yolo = fifty
yoloa = fiftieth
yolojab = jubilee
yolojaba = jubilee
yolojuab = Pentacost Monday, Whit Monday
yolon = group of fifty
yolovos = honeysuckle
yoloyn = fiftieth
yoluvos = blackthorn
yolyavos = dittany
yolyenos = everlasting
yolyinos = fieldrush
yolyovos = clianthus
yolyunos = goosefoot
yolz = the color blue
yolza bilyig = blue cheese
yolza = blue
yolza vab = bluegrass
yolzan = blueness
yolzayna = bright blue
yolzoyna = dark blue, deep blue
yolzteaba = blue-eyed
yolzteabat = blue-eyed person
yolzteuboba = blue-lipped
yolzyena = bluish
yolzyenan = bluishness
yom = ice
yom joub = ice age
yom mufzyunek = ice hockey
yom nyef = ice pack
yoma = glacial
yomaf = cumulostratus
yomal = exosphere
yomala = exospheric
yomap = glacial wind, north wind
yomar = freezer, icebox
yomay = glacially
yomaya = icy
yomayan = iciness
yombiel gimuf = ice cream cone
yombiel = ice cream
yombielnam = ice cream store
yombielyeb = coupe
yombil = ice milk
yombos = stillstand
yombwa = iced
Yomer emur = to second moon around Jupiter
Yomer = to Jupiter
yomez = sapphire
yomgoblar = ice cutter, ice pick
yomika afeyl = iced tea
yomika = icy
yomikan = iciness
yomikay = icily
yomkafeyl = iced coffee
yomkyupar = ice skate
yomkyuparam = ice skating rink
yomkyuparen = ice skating
yomkyuparer = to ice skate
yomkyuparut = ice skater, ice-skater
yomkyupir = sled
yomkyupiren = sledding
yomkyupirer = to sled
yomkyupirut = sledder
yomkyupur = sleigh mobile
yomkyupuren = sleighing
yomkyupurer = to sleigh
yomkyupurut = sleigher
yommap = glacial wind, north wind
yommapil = hailstorm, ice storm
yommapilen = hailstorming
yommapiler = to hailstorm
yommef belar = ice cube tray
yommef = ice cube
yommefag -- yonapxyea
yommefag = ice block
yommeg = hail, hailstone
yommel = glacier
yommel megi ay yonbyexwas = moraine
yommela = glacial
yommelaber = to glaciate
yommelzyeg = dust well
yommez = ice crystal
yommimpar = iceboat
yomneg = floe, ice floe, ice sheet
yomnig = ice cap, icecap
yomnyuxut = iceman
yomobar = de-icer, deicer
yomoben = de-icing
yomober = to de-ice, to deice
yomobwa = de-iced
yompoput = iceman
yomsam = freezer, fridge, ice chest, refrigerator
yomsea = freezing
yomser = to freeze, to ice up
yomsyab = ice cap
yomtob = iceman
yomtun = glaciology
yomtuna = glaciological
yomtunay = glaciological
yomtut = glaciologist
yomulob = icicle
yomur = icebox
yomxar = freezer
yomxen = freezing, glaciation
yomxen nod = freezing point
yomxer = to freeze, to glaciate
yomxwa = frozen
yomxwa jotul = parfait
yomxwa tyal = frozen dinner, frozen meal, t.v. dinner
yomxyafwa = freezable
yomxyofway = indestructibly
yomyazmel = glacier, iceberg
yomyazmela = glacial
yomyazmelnad = drumlin
yomyeb = ice bucket
yomyebyujbwa = icebound
yomyel = glaze
yomyel tilsyeb = sundae
yomyelben = glazing
yomyelber = to glaze
yomyelbwa = glazed
yomyem = ice box
yomyonpyexar = icebreaker
yomyuzbwa = icebound
yomzoynedxur = ice resurfacer
yomzyuyn = ice pellet, sleet
yon = apart, asunder
yon bi = apart from, aside from, besides, except
yon bi hus = apart from that, besides
yon bi van = apart from the fact that, besides the fact that, even though
yon- = dis-, se-
yona = apart, discrete, separate, solute
yonabea = overturning, overwhelming
yonaben = overturning, overwhelming
yonaber = to overwhelm, to turn upside down
yonabwa = overwhelmed, turned upside down
yonabxea = overwhelming
yonabxen = overturning, overwhelming
yonabxer = to overturn, to overwhelm
yonabxwa = overturned, overwhelmed
yonan = apartness, discreteness, separateness
yonanin = apartheid
yonanina = pro-apartheid
yonaninut = apartheid advocate
yonapa = out of control
yonapaya = messy
yonapika = messy
yonapsen = getting out of control, going haywire
yonapser = to get out of control, to go haywire
yonapxea = disrupting
yonapxen = disrupting, disruption
yonapxer = to disrupt, to make go haywire
yonapxwa = disrupted, gone haywire
yonapxyea = disruptive
yonapxyeay -- yonbyesea
yonapxyeay = disruptively
yonar bi fayoboben = paring knife
yonar bi tuyafyem = pocket knife
yonar = blade, knife
yonaren = knifing, stabbing
yonarer = to knife, to stab
yonarog = penknife, pocket knife
yonarut = cutler, stabber
yonarwa = knifed, stabbed
yonarwat = knifing victim, stabbing victim
yonav = faction
yonava = factional
yonavay = factionally
yonavin = factionalism
yonaxen = disjoining
yonaxer = to disjoin
yonaxun = disjunct, disjuncture
yonaxwa = disjoined
yonaxyofwa = undisjoinable
yonay = apart, asunder, discretely, separately, sunder
yonbaer = to lean apart
yonbalen = pressing apart
yonbaler = to press apart
yonbalwa = pressed apart
yonbea = separating
yonben = separating, separation
yonber = to break up, to break up, to decompose, to put asunder, to separate, to set apart, to take apart
yonbesen = aversion, averting, avoidance, avoiding, isolation, keeping apart, keeping separate, segregation, staying apart, staying clear
yonbeser = to avert, to avoid, to dodge, to isolate oneself, to keep apart, to keep separate, to segregate oneself, to stay apart, to stay clear
yonbesut = avoider, dodger, scab, shirker
yonbeswa = avoided
yonbesyafwa = avoidable
yonbesyafway = avoidably
yonbexen = holding apart, keeping apart, segregating, segregation, sequestration
yonbexer = to hold apart, to hold separate, to isolate, to keep apart, to segregate, to sequester, to sequestrate
yonbexer yaovdutyan = to sequester a jury
yonbexlawa = secluded
yonbexlen = seclusion
yonbexler = to keep separate, to seclude
yonbexlyea = seclusive
yonbexut = sequestrator
yonbexwa = held apart, kept apart, segregated, separately-owned
yonbexwa toames = flat
yonbien = disassembling, disassembly
yonbier = to disassemble, to take apart
yonbiser = to get pulled apart
yonbiwa = disassembled, taken apart
yonbixen = drawing apart, pulling apart
yonbixer = to detract, to draw apart, to pull apart
yonbixrawa = yanked apart
yonbixren = ripping apart, yanking apart
yonbixrer = to rip apart, to yank apart
yonbixus = detraction
yonbixwa = drawn apart, pulled apart
yonbixyofwa = nondetachable
yonbuar = dispenser
yonbuer = to dispense
yonbun = separation
yonbus = separator
yonbuut = bursar
yonbuwa = dispensed
yonbuxen = disrupting, disruption, pushing apart, separation
yonbuxer = to disrupt, to push apart
yonbuxlawa = dislodged, shoved apart
yonbuxlen = dislodging, shoving apart
yonbuxler = to dislodge, to drive apart, to shove apart
yonbuxwa = disrupted, pushed apart, separated
yonbuxyea = disruptive
yonbuxyeay = disruptively
yonbwa = decomposed, secrete, separated
yonbyafwa = decomposable, separable
yonbyafwan = separability
yonbyafway = separably
yonbyasea = freestanding
yonbyea = separative
yonbyen = disharmony
yonbyenaya = disharmonious
yonbyenika = disharmonious
yonbyes = rift
yonbyesea = fracturing
yonbyeser -- yoneatyofwan
yonbyeser = to break apart, to fracture, to rift
yonbyesler = to dash, to shatter
yonbyex = breach, breakup, rupture
yonbyex nod = breaking point
yonbyexen = breaching, breaking off, disrupting, disruption, fracturing, interrupting, rifting, rupturing
yonbyexer = to breach, to break apart, to disrupt, to fracture, to interrupt, to rift, to rupture
yonbyexgos = fragment
yonbyexgosa = fragmentary
yonbyexgosea = fragmenting
yonbyexgoser = to fragment
yonbyexlawa = crushed, dashed, shattered
yonbyexlea = crushing
yonbyexlea nod = bursting point
yonbyexleay = crushingly
yonbyexlen = crushing, dashing, shattering
yonbyexler = to crush, to dash, to shatter
yonbyexlyofwa = shatterproof
yonbyexrar = smasher
yonbyexrawa = smashed
yonbyexren = smashing
yonbyexrer = to smash
yonbyexrun = smashup
yonbyexukwan = fragility
yonbyexun = breach, break, breakage, cleft, fault, fracture, fritter, interruption, rift, rupture
yonbyexut = interrupter
yonbyexwa = breached, broken apart, broken off, broken up, disrupted, fractured, interrupted, rifted, ruptured
yonbyexyafwa = breakable, brittle, frangible, interruptible
yonbyexyafwan = brittleness, frangibility
yonbyexyea = brittle, disruptive, interruptive
yonbyexyean = brittleness
yonbyexyeay = disruptively
yonbyexyofwa = nonbreakable, unbreakable
yonbyexyofwan = unbreakability
yonbyexyukwa = fragile
yonbyofwa = atomic, inseparable
yonbyuxrawa = kicked apart
yonbyuxren = kicking apart
yonbyuxrer = to kick apart
yoncayunheinniil = histamine
yondal = argument, debate
yondalen = arguing, debating
yondaler = to argue, to debate
yondalut = arguer, debater
yondalwa = argued, debated
yondalyafwa = debatable
yondalyafway = debatably
yondalyea = argumentative
yondalyean = argumentativeness
yondalzeyn = argot
yondatser = to break up
yondetsen = breaking up, breakup
yondeuz = discord, discordance
yondeuza = discordant
yondeuzan = discordancy
yondeuzay = discordantly
yondyunen = denomination
yondyunena = denominational
yondyunenay = denominationally
yondyuner = to denominate
yondyunuus = denominator
yondyunwa = denominated
yoneatea = discerning, discriminating, distinguishing
yoneateay = discerningly
yoneaten = discernment, discrimination, distinction, distinguishing
yoneater = to discern, to discriminate, to distinguish, to make out
yoneatus = discriminant
yoneatut = discriminator
yoneatwa = discerned, discriminated, distinct, distinguished
yoneatwan = distinctness
yoneatway = discernibly, distinctly
yoneatyaf = ability to discern, ability to make things out, discernment
yoneatyafa = able to make things out
yoneatyafwa = differentiable, discernible, distinguishable
yoneatyafwa singon = lineament
yoneatyafwan = discernibility
yoneatyafway = distinguishably
yoneatyea = discerning, discriminatory
yoneatyofa = unable to make things out, undiscerning, undiscriminating
yoneatyofwa = indiscernible, indistinguishable, nondescript
yoneatyofwan = blurriness, indiscernibility, indistinguishability
yoneatyofway -- yonkuben
yoneatyofway = indistinguishably, nondescriptly
yoneatyofxen = blurring
yoneatyofxer = to blur
yoneatyofxwa = blurred
yoneatyukwa = distinctive, easy to discern, easy to distinguish
yoneatyukwan = distinctiveness
yoneatyukway = distinctively
yoneaxen = distinction
yoneaxer = to distinguish
yoneaxus = differentia
yoneaxwa = distinct, distinguished
yoneker = to play against
yonekut = opponent
yonem = cleavage
yonen = unbinding, untying
yoner = to unbind
yongela = distinct
yongelan = distinctness
yongelay = distinctly
yongelxea = distinguishing
yongelxen = distinction, distinguishing
yongelxer = to distinguish
yongelxwa = distinguished
yongelxyafwa = distinguishable
yongelxyafway = distinguishably
yongelxyea = distinctive
yongelxyean = distinctiveness
yongelxyeay = distinctively
yongelxyofwa = indistinguishable
yongelxyofway = indistinguishably
yongoblawa = cut apart, dissected, severed
yongoblea = severing
yongoblen = cutting apart, dissection, severing
yongobler = to cut apart, to dissect
yongoblun = cut
yongoflar = ripper
yongoflawa = ripped apart, ripped asunder, torn apart, torn asunder, torn up
yongoflen = ripping apart, ripping to pieces, ripping up, tearing apart, tearing asunder, tearing up
yongofler = to rip apart, to rip asunder, to rip up, to tear apart, to tear asunder, to tear up
yongoflut = ripper
yongofrer = to dilacerate
yongonser = to split apart, to split asunder
yongonxen = splitting apart, splitting asunder
yongonxer = to split apart, to split asunder
yongonxwa = distinguished, split apart, split asunder
yongoun = fracture, fragment
yongouna = fragmentary
yongounsea = fracturing, fragmenting
yongounser = to break apart, to break into pieces, to fracture, to fragment
yongounxen = breaking apart, breaking up, fracturing, fragmentation, fragmenting, jumbling
yongounxer = to break up, to break apart, to break into pieces, to break up, to fracture, to fragment, to jumble, to rip up, to section off
yongounxwa = broken apart, broken up, fractured, fragmented, jumbled, ruptured
yongrunxen = unhitching, unhooking, unyoking
yongrunxer = to unhitch, to unhook, to unyoke
yongrunxwa = unhitched, unhooked, unyoked
yonguber = to divaricate
yonguper = to divaricate
yonibiar = filter, sieve, sifter, sorter
yonibiaren = sifting
yonibiarer = to sift
yonibiarwa = sifted, sorted out
yoniblen = sifting, sorting out
yonibler ovolek = to sift flour
yonibler = to sift
yonibler zye mogi = to sift through ashes
yonifen = taking the stitches out
yonifwa = unsewn, unstitched
yonifxer = to take the stitches out, to unsew
yonigper = to run apart
yonilser = to become unglued, to get unstuck
yonilxen = ungluing, unsticking
yonilxer = to unglue, to unstick
yonilxwa = unglued, unstuck
yonipen = splitting up
yoniper = to diverge, to divorce, to go apart, to split up
yonivea = fraying
yoniver = to fray
yonivwa = frayed, fraying
yonjoba = non-contemporary
yonkuben = benching, brushing aside, ruling out, setting aside, sidelining
yonkuber -- yonotmempur
yonkuber = to bench, to rule out, to set aside, to sideline
yonkubwa = benched, ruled out, set aside, sidelined
yonkunad = fringe
yonkupen = avoidance, avoiding, stepping aside, withdrawal
yonkuper = to avoid, to step aside, to withdraw
yonlawa = detached
yonlen = detaching, detachment
yonler = to detach
yonlun = detachment
yonlyafwa = detachable
yonlyofwa = undetachable
yonmas = partition
yonmasben = partitioning, walling off
yonmasber = to partition, to wall off
yonmasbwa = partitioned
yonmasbwe = walled off
yonmel = island
yonmela = insular, island
yonmelan = insularity
yonmelat = islander
yonmelog = cay, holm, islet
yonmelyan = archipelago
yonmeyl = isle
yonmul = solution
yonmulbuk = canker
yonmulsea = decadent, decaying, dissolving, perishing, rotting
yonmulseay = decadently
yonmulsen = breakdown, decadence
yonmulser = to break down, to decay, to perish, to rot
yonmulsya = decayed, rotted, rotten
yonmulsyas = rot
yonmulxea = dissolving
yonmulxen = dissolution, perishing
yonmulxer = to dissolve
yonmulxus = solvent
yonmulxuwa = dissoluble
yonmulxwa = decayed, dissolved, perished
yonmulxwa faob = touchwood
yonmulxyafa = dissolvent
yonmulxyafwa = perishable, soluble, solute
yonmulxyafwan = solubility
yonmulxyofwa = imperishable, indissoluble, insoluble
yonmulxyofwan = imperishability, insolubility
yonmulxyofway = imperishably, indissolubly, insolubly
yonnigxer = to space apart
yonnigxwa = spaced apart
yonnod = point of divergence
yonnyanser = to segregate oneself
yonnyanxea = segregating
yonnyanxen = segregating, segregation
yonnyanxer = to segregate
yonnyanxin = segregationism
yonnyanxina = segregationist
yonnyanxinut = segregationist
yonnyanxwa = segregated
yonof = rip
yonofar = scissors
yonofer = to rip
yonofun = rip
yonofwa = torn
yonog = sol
yonot = individual, private person
yonota bexwam = private property
yonota dogon = private sector
yonota duziv = musicale
yonota fyaxel = Low Mass
yonota = individual, people's own, personal, private
yonota nig = private space
yonota son = private affair, private matter
yonota tej = private life
yonota tilam = private saloon
yonota tistam = private school
yonota tixun = private lesson
yonota xeun = private enterprise
yonotan = individuality, privacy, privateness
yonotas = people's own
yonotasi = peoples own things
yonotay = individually, privately
yonotim = privy, sanctum
yonotmempur = personal land vehicle, private land vehicle
yonotnyanxen -- yonrarwa
yonotnyanxen = hoarding
yonotnyanxer = to hoard
yonotnyanxut = hoarder
yonotpur = personal car, personal vehicle, private car, private vehicle, privately owned vehicle
yonotser = to go private
yonottim = stateroom
yonotxen = privatization
yonotxer = to privatize
yonotxwa = privatized
yonpap = blowup
yonpapen = flying apart
yonpaper = to blowup, to explode, to fly apart
yonpapoa = about to blow up, about to explode
yonpapuar = dynamite
yonpapuen = dynamiting
yonpapuer = to blow up, to cause to explode, to dynamite, to make go bang
yonpapuut = dynamiter
yonpapuwa = blown up, dynamited, flown apart
yonpapyea = ready to fly apart
yonpapyeas = petard
yonpaxwa = moved apart
yonpea = seceding
yonpen = breakup, seceding, secession
yonpenin = secessionism
yonpenina = secessionist
yonpeninut = secessionist
yonper = to break up, to break up, to secede
yonpyeser = to crack, to snap
yonpyesler = to pop
yonpyesloa = ready to burst, ready to pop
yonpyesrea = exploding
yonpyesrer = to blow up, to detonate, to explode
yonpyesroa = ready to explode
yonpyeux = blare, blast, boom
yonpyeuxea = blaring, blasting, booming
yonpyeuxen = blaring, blasting, booming
yonpyeuxer = to blare, to blast, to boom
yonpyex = apoplexy, crack-up
yonpyexa = apoplectic
yonpyexea = breaking
yonpyexeln = erupting
yonpyexen = breaking, cracking, exploding, snapping
yonpyexer = to crack, to snap
yonpyexlawa = busted, popped
yonpyexlawa gevob = popcorn, popped corn
yonpyexlea = bursting, busting, erupting
yonpyexlen = bursting, busting, eruption, popping
yonpyexler = to burst, to bust apart, to erupt, to pop
yonpyexlun = burst, bust, erupt, pop
yonpyexlyea = eruptive
yonpyexrar = detonator, explosive device. bomb
yonpyexrar saxam = explosives factory
yonpyexrar-ovarea tum = casemate
yonpyexrawa = blown up, detonated, exploded
yonpyexrea mul = explosive material
yonpyexren = blowing up, detonation
yonpyexrer = to blow up, to detonate, to explode
yonpyexroa = about to explode
yonpyexrul = explosive material
yonpyexrun = detonation, explosion
yonpyexrus = bombshell, detonator, explosive
yonpyexryafwa = explodable, explosive
yonpyexryea = explosive
yonpyexryean = explosiveness
yonpyexryeay = explosively
yonpyexun = crack-up, crackup
yonpyexwa = cracked, snapped
yonpyexyikwa = hard to break, infrangible
yonpyexyofwa = infrangible, unbreakable
yonpyos = breakdown, decay
yonpyosea = decadent, dilapidated, falling apart
yonpyosea vyua tom = rattrap
yonpyoseay = decadently
yonpyosen = decadence
yonpyoser = to break down, to decay, to fall apart
yonrar = cut, cutter, divide, divider, knife, partition
yonraren = knifing
yonrarer = to knife
yonrarut = knifer
yonrarwa = knifed
yonrawa -- yonteuzikan
yonrawa = cut
yonren = cutting
yonrer = to cut
yonrut = cutter
yonsana = alien, different, diverse
yonsanan = difference, diverseness, diversity
yonsanat = stranger
yonsanay = diversely
yonsansea = diversifying
yonsanser = to diversify
yonsanxen = alienation, diversification, diversifying, estrangement
yonsanxer = to alienate, to diversify, to estrange
yonsanxwa = alienated, diversified, estranged
yonsanyafwa = diversifiable
yonsaun = distinction, oddity, peculiarity, specialty
yonsauna = distinct, distinctive, odd, oddball, particular, peculiar, special
yonsaunan = distinctiveness, distinctness, oddness, particularity, peculiarity, specialness
yonsaunas = oddity, particularity, peculiarity
yonsaunat = oddball
yonsaunay = distinctively, distinctly, especially, oddly, particularly, peculiarly, specially
yonsaunog = minor distinction, nuance
yonsaunogxer = to make a minor distinction, to nuance
yonsaunogxwa = nuanced
yonsaunxea = distinguishing
yonsaunxean = distinctiveness
yonsaunxeay = distinctively
yonsaunxen = distinction, distinguishing, particularization, specialization, specializing
yonsaunxer = to distinguish, to particularize, to specialize
yonsaunxwa = distinguished, specialized
yonsaunxyafwa = distinguishable
yonsaunxyafway = distinguishably
yonsaunxyea = distinctive
yonsaunxyofwa = indistinguishable
yonsaunxyofway = indistinguishably
yonsea = seceding, separating
yonsen = coming apart, seceding, secession, separating, separation
yonsenin = secessionism
yonseninut = secessionist
yonsenna = secessionist
yonser = to come apart, to come unglued, to secede, to separate
yonsexen = deconstruction
yonsexer = to deconstruct
yonsiiynxwa = characterized
yonsinuar = parameter
yonsinuara = parametric
yonsinuaren = parameterization, parameterizing
yonsinuarer = to parameterize
yonsinuaroya = parameterless
yonsinuaruka = parameterless
yonsinuarwa = parameterized, parametrized
yonsinuaryafwa = parameterizable
yonsiyn = character
yonsiyna = characteristic
yonsiynay = characteristically
yonsiynxea = characterizing
yonsiynxen = characterizing, marking off
yonsiynxer = to characterize, to mark off
yonsiynxwa = marked off
yonsuana = analytic
yonsunxer = to hypostatize
yonsyana = heterogeneous
yonsyanan = heterogeneity
yonta = standalone
yonta tilam = saloon
yontad = divorced person, divorcé
yontadsen = divorce, divorcing
yontadser = to break up, to break up, to break up a marriage, to divorce, to get divorced
yontadxen = breaking up, breaking up a marriage, breakup, divorce
yontadxer = to break up, to break up a marriage, to divorce
yontadxut = homebreaker
yontadxwa = divorced
yontayd = divorcée
yonteatwa = outstanding
yonteatwan = outness
yonteatway = outstandingly
yontesien = extrapolating, extrapolation
yontesier = to extrapolate
yontesiwa = extrapolated
yonteuzika = dissonant
yonteuzikan = dissonance
yontex = disagreement, discord, dissent
yontexden = contention, controversy, disputation, dispute, disputing, dissension, strife
yontexdenaya = controversial, full of dissent
yontexdenika = controversial, full of dissent
yontexder = to contest, to dispute, to dissent, to express disagreement, to voice dissent
yontexdut = contender, disputant, dissenter
yontexdwa = disputed
yontexdyafwa = disputable
yontexdyafway = disputably
yontexdyea = contentious, disputatious, dissentious
yontexdyean = contentiousness, disputatiousness, dissentiousness, strife
yontexdyeay = contentiously, disputatiously
yontexdyofwa = indisputable
yontexdyofwan = indisputability
yontexdyofway = indisputably
yontexea = disagreeing, discordant, dissenting
yontexean = discordancy
yontexeay = discordantly
yontexen = disagreeing, discordance, dissension, dissenting
yontexer = to disagree, to dissent
yontexson = controversy
yontexsona = controversial
yontexsonay = controversially
yontexwa = disagreed
yontexyea = dissenting
yontip = distemper
yontipsen = being at odds
yontipser = to be at odds
yontipxea = antagonizing
yontipxen = antagonism
yontipxer = to antagonize
yontipxwa = antagonized
yontipxyea = antagonistic
yontix = analysis
yontixa = analytic, analytical
yontixar = analyzer
yontixay = analytically
yontixen = analysis, analyzing, figuring out
yontixer = to analyze, to figure out
yontixut = analyst, analyzer
yontixwa = analyzed, figured out
yontixwat = analysand
yontixyafwa = analyzable
yontixyofwa = unanalyzable
yontos = aloofness, dissent, dissonance, estrangement
yontosa = aloof
yontosan = aloofness
yontosay = aloofly
yontosden = dissension
yontosder = to dissent
yontosdut = dissenter
yontosdyea = dissentious
yontosdyean = dissentiousness
yontosea = dissenting, feeling detached
yontosen = dissension, dissenting, dissonance, estrangement
yontoser = to dissent, to feel aloof, to feel detached, to feel dissonance, to feel estranged
yontosut = dissenter
yontujen = sleeping apart
yontujer = to sleep apart
yontum = compartment, nacelle
yontumxwa = compartmented
yontumyan = sedan
yontwad = divorced man, divorcé, male divorcé
yontyanin = separatism
yontyanina = separatist
yontyaninut = separatist
yontyobyexen = kicking apart
yontyofwa = indiscernible
yontyun = abstraction
yontyuna = abstract
yontyunan = abstractness
yontyunay = abstractly
yontyunxen = abstracting, abstraction
yontyunxer = to abstract
yontyunxwa = abstracted
yonup nod = split off point
yonupea = coming apart, dissolving
yonupen = coming apart, dissolution
yonuper = to come apart, to dissolve, to split off
yonuvser = to miss
yonuzben = turning away
yonuzber = to turn away
yonuzbwa = turned away
yonuzpea = deviant, digressing, divergent, diverging
yonuzpean = deviancy
yonuzpeay = deviantly
yonuzpen = deviance, deviating, deviation, digression, divergence, diverging, separation
yonuzper = to deviate, to digress, to diverge, to go apart, to go separate
yonuzput = deviationist
yonuzpyea = digressive
yonvatexuen = perfidy
yonvatexuyeay = perfidiously
yonxea nad = dividing line
yonxea = separating
yonxen = partitioning, secession, separating, separation
yonxer = to separate, to take apart
yonxer vyatip bay = to be disloyal to, break faith with
yonxun = partition, separation
yonxwa = breakaway, disjointed, partitioned, separate, separated
yonxwa eopetud = dogie
yonxwaed = unknotted
yonxyafwa = crimp, separable
yonxyafway = separably
yonxyikwa = hard to separate, tight-knit
yonxyikwan = tight-knitness
yonxyikwatyan = tightly-knit group
yonxyofwa = inseparable
yonxyofwan = inseparability
yonxyofway = inseparably, intrinsically
yonxyukwa = easily-breakable, easily-separated
yonyafen = resolving, unknotting, unleashing, untying
yonyafer = to resolve, to unknot, to unleash, to untie
yonyafwa = resolved, unleashed, untied
yonyafyafwa = resolvable
yonyafyofwa = irresolvable
yonyeben = sorting out, untangling
yonyeber = to sort out, to untangle
yonyebwa = sorted out, untangled
yonyem = compartment
yonyemxen = compartmentalization
yonyemxer = to compartmentalize
yonyemxwa = compartmentalized
yonyena = odd, oddball, strange
yonyenan = oddness, strangeness
yonyenas = strange thing
yonyenat = oddball, stranger
yonyenay = oddly, strangely
yonyevdea = discriminating
yonyevden = discrimination
yonyevder = to discriminate
yonyevdus = discriminant
yonyevdut = discriminator
yonyevdwa = discriminated
yonyevdyea = discriminatory
yonyexen = working at odds
yonyexer = to work apart, to work at odds
yonyuvaren = unchaining
yonyuvarer = to unchain
yonyuvarwa = unchained
yonzena = eccentric
yonzenan = eccentricity
yonzenay = eccentrically
yonzonoyxen = de-intensification
yonzyabea = dispersing
yonzyaben = diffusion, dispersing, dispersion, emulsion, scattering
yonzyaber = to diffuse, to disperse, to scatter
yonzyabun = diffusion, dispersal, scattering
yonzyabut = disperser
yonzyabwa = diffused, dispersed, scattered
yonzyabwan = diffuseness
yonzyabway = diffusely
yonzyabyea = diffusive, dispersive
yooga fil = malt liquor
yooga gevil = malt whiskey
yooga yavil = malt beer
yoogxen = malting
yoogxer = to malt
yoogxwa bil = malted milk
yoogxwa = malted
yoon- = five-, penta-, quint-
yoon = group of five, quintet
yoona = fivefold, quintuple
yoonat = quintet
yoondraz = pentacle
yoonesen = quintessence
yoonesena = quintessential
yoonesenay = quintessentially
yoongol = quintile
yoongon tapifek = pentathlon
yoongon tapifekut = pentathlete
Yoongun = Pentagon
yoonguna = pentagonal
yoongunmarsan = pentagram
yoongunsan = pentagonal shape
yoongunsana = pentagon-shaped, pentagonal
yoonkyib drez = pentameter
yoonkyib dreznad = pentameter
yoonnyaf = cinquefoil
yoonsuna = quinary
yoontajat = quintuplet
yoonyuijar = pentode
yoopet = wether
yoot = quintet
yop = descent, downturn, drop, falloff
yop- = down-, hypo-, sub-
yopan = downward movement
yopap = volplane
yopaper = to fly down, to volplane
yopas = a move down, downward move
yopasea = moving down
yopasen = moving down
yopaser = to move down
yopavol = rutabaga
yopaxen = moving down
yopaxer = to move down
yopaxwa = moved down
yopea = descending, dropping, going down
yopeger = to lope, to skip, to skitter
yopeit = walrus
yopelat = mosquito
yopelat teupixun = mosquito bite
yopelatbok = malaria
yopelatboka = malarial
yopelatnef = mosquito net
yopem = way down
yoper ha mus = to descend the staircase, go down the stairs
yoper = to descend, to drop, to get down, to go below, to go down, to go downstairs
yopet = goat
yopeta = caprine, goat-related, hircine
yopetayob = goatskin
yopetayof = saffian
yopetog = hogget
yopetud = kid
yopetud tayob = kidskin
yopetyan = goatherd
yopetyanizber = to herd goats
yopetyanizbut = goatherd
yopetyena = goatish
yopeybil = goats milk
yopeyet = hookworm
yopeyt bilyig = feta, goat cheese
yopeyt = ewe
yopiit = prawn
yopilt = sponge
yopit = tench
yoplawa = slanted, tilted, tipped over
yoplea = bending down, leaning over, slanting, tilting, tipping over
yoplem = precipice, slant, tilt
yoplen = bending down, leaning over, slanting, tilting
yopler = to bend down, to dive, to lean over, to slant, to tilt
yopleyn = dive
yoplun = tilt
yopoosen = anguishing
yopoox = anguish, disturbance
yopooxea = anguishing, disturbing
yopooxen = disturbance, disturbing
yopooxer = to anguish, to disturb
yopooxwa = anguished, disturbed
yopopen = skulking
yopoper = to skulk
yopot = mountain goat
yoprea = headlong, hurtling, plunging, swooping down, tumbling
yopren = hurtling, plunging, swooping down, tumbling
yoprer = to hurtle, to plunge, to swoop down, to tumble
yoprun = crash, hurtle, plunge, swoop, tumble
yopus = descender
yopusen = jumping down
yopuser = to jump down, to plunge
yopuxen = throwing down
yopuxer = to cast down, to throw down
yopuxrawa = shot down
yopuxren = shooting down
yopuxrer = to shoot down
yopuxrun = shootdown
yopuxwa = downcast, thrown down
yopuysen = hopping down
yopuyser = to hop down
yopwet = ram
yopya = descended
yopyasen = jumping down
yopyaser = to jump down
yopyat = hawk
yopyed = croak, to-key
yopyeden = croaking, going to-key
yopyeder = to croak, to go to-key
yopyeit = squid
yopyet = gecko
yopyex = defeat, knockout
yopyexen = cutting down, defeating, felling, striking down
yopyexer = to cut down, to defeat, to fell, to strike down
yopyexwa = cut down, defeated, felled, stricken down
yopyit = cod
yopyos = breakdown, cave-in, collapse
yopyosa magyazmelzyeg = caldera
yopyosea = caving in, collapsing, falling down
yopyosen = caving in, collapsing
yopyoser = to cave in, to collapse, to fall down, to tumble down
yopyosuwa = ready to collapse
yopyosya = broken down, collapsed
yopyot = panther
yopyoxer = to collapse, to topple
yopyoxren = collapse, collapsing, toppling
yopyoxryafwa = collapsible
yopyoxwa = collapsed, toppled
yopyuxlea = crashing down
yopyuxlen = crashing down
yopyuxler = to crash down
Yorod = Yoruba
Yorodaler = to speak Yoruba
Yorodalut = Yoruba speaker
Yoroder = to say in Yoruba
yosagtun = calculus
yosaun = order
yosazul = PP, polypropylene
yoso = five hundred
yosotobyan = cohort
yosunin = nihilism
yosunina = nihilistic
yosuninut = nihilist
yosunxen = obliterating, obliteration, wiping out
yosunxer = to obliterate, to wipe out
yosunxwa = obliterated, wiped out
Yot de van... = People say that...
yot = people, them, they
yota = people's, their
yotas = people's
yotasi = people's
yotat = satan
yotata = satanic
yotatin = satanism
yotatmir = hell
yotatmira = infernal
yotatyena = satanical
yotatyenay = satanically
yotayef = goats hair
yotayub = adrenal gland
yotbyen = custom
yotbyena = customary
yotbyenay = customarily
yotbyenxen = customization
yotbyenxer -- yovbyokam
yotbyenxer = to customize
yotbyenxwa = customized
yotef = beanie, derby hat
yotes = bosh
yoteupib = molar
yotiuv = long johns
yotoleus = disgust
yotoleusea = disgusting
yotoleuser = to be disgusting
yotuyub = pinkie
yotyapyot = kinda baboon
yotyoyaf = brogue
youlza = blue-green, cyan
youlzayna = bright blue-green, bright cyan
youlzoyna = dark blue-green, dark cyan
youlzyena = cyanish
yout = themselves
yov = fault, guilt, shame
yova bi doyaffuyix = guilty of graft
yova = culpable, faulty, guilty, to blame
yovaben = inculpation
yovaber = to blame, to fault, to inculpate
yovabwa = blamed, inculpated
yovabyofwa = inculpable
yovadien = claiming guilt
yovadiun = claim of guilt
yovalz = blush of shame
yovalzen = blushing
yovalzer = to blush
yovan = culpability, guilt, guiltiness, shame
yovankexwat = person prosecuted
yovapyexen = mugging
yovapyexer = to mug
yovapyexut = mugger
yovapyexwa = mugged
yovapyexwat = mugging victim
yovat = culprit, guilty party
yovaxen = abashment
yovaxer = to abash, to shame
yovaxlea = tawdry
yovaxlean = tawdriness
yovaxleay = tawdrily
yovaxwa = abashed, hangdog, shamed
yovaxwas = shameful deed
yovaxway = abashedly
yovay = faultily, guiltily, shamefully
yovaya = fault-ridden, faultless, guilt-ridden, shameful
yovayan = faultiness, shamefulness
yovbexer = to detain
yovbien = brigandage, robbery, robbing, stealing, thievery, thieving
yovbier = to rob, to steal, to thieve
yovbiut = brigand, robber, stealer, thief
yovbiwa = robbed, stolen
yovbixen = corruption, seduction
yovbixer = to seduce
yovbixn = seducing
yovbixut = corrupter, seducer
yovbixuyt = seductress
yovbixwa = corrupt, corrupted, seamy, seduced
yovbixwan = corruptness
yovbixwat = corrupt official
yovbixway = corruptly
yovbixyafa = seducible
yovbixyafwa = corruptible
yovbixyafwan = corruptibility
yovbixyea = corrupting, corruptive, seductive
yovbixyean = seductiveness
yovbixyeay = corruptively, seductively
yovbixyofa = impossible to seduce, uncorruptible
yovbiyea = thievish
yovblokut = scapegoat
yovbux = sanction
yovbuxen = sanctioning
yovbuxer = to sanction
yovbuxwa = sanctioned
yovbyok bi toj = death penalty
yovbyok = penalty, punishment, sanction
yovbyok tumdet = cellmate
yovbyoka = penitential
yovbyokam = calaboose, penal institution, penitentiary, slammer
yovbyokamben -- yovkaden
yovbyokamben = incarceration
yovbyokamber = to incarcerate, to put behind bars, to put in prison
yovbyokameb = warden
yovbyokameban = wardenship
yovbyokamper = to go behind bars
yovbyokdea yevdut = sentencing judge
yovbyokden = sentencing
yovbyokder = to sentence
yovbyokdun = sentence
yovbyokien = getting penalized, getting sanctioned
yovbyokier = to do penance, to get punishment, to take punishment
yovbyokoben = paying off a penalty, paying the price
yovbyokober = to do penance, to pay off a penalty, to pay the price
yovbyoktun = penology
yovbyoktut = penologist
yovbyokuea = punishing
yovbyokuen = penalization, penalizing, punishing, punishment, sanctioning
yovbyokuena = penal, punitive, punitory
yovbyokuer = to levy a penalty, to penalize, to punish, to sanction
yovbyokuwa = penalized, punished, sanctioned
yovbyokuwat = penitent
yovbyokuyafwa = penalizable, punishable
yovbyokuyea = punitive
yovbyokuyeay = punitively
yovbyoyk = penance
yovda = chid
yovdalea = reproaching
yovdalen = reproaching
yovdaler = to reproach
yovdalwa = reproached
yovdalyea = reproachful
yovdalyeay = reproachfully
yovdalyefwa = reproachable
yovdalyofwa = irreproachable
yovdalyofway = irreproachably
yovdelen = conviction, inculpation
yovdeler = to convict, to inculpate
yovdelun = conviction
yovdelwa = convicted, inculpated
yovdelwat = convict
yovden = blame, blaming, imputation
yovder = to blame, to impute
yovdut = blamer
yovdwa = blamed, imputed
yovdwat = defendant
yovdyafwa = blamable, imputable
yovdyefwa = blame-worthy, blameworthy
yovdyefwan = blameworthiness
yovdyofwa = blameless, unblamable
yovdyofwan = blamelessness
yovdyofway = blamelessly
yoveb = goober, peanut
yovebbilyug ebovol = peanut butter sandwish
yovebbilyug = peanut butter
yovebyel = peanut oil
yoveel = chickpea
yoveelyel = hummus
yovek = con, hustle, racket
yovekea = cheating, conning, hustling
yoveken = cheating, conning, hustling, racketeering
yoveker = to cheat, to con, to hustle, to racketeer
yovekut = cheater, hustler, racketeer
yovekwa = cheated, conned, hustled
yovfyoa = luscious
yovfyoan = lusciousness
yovgon = pudendum
yovgona = pubic
yovif = guilty pleasure, schadenfreude
yovifat = libertine
yovifaya = lascivious, lewd
yovifayan = lasciviousness, lewdness
yovifika = dissolute, lascivious, lewd
yovifikan = dissoluteness, lasciviousness, lewdness
yovifikat = lewd person
yovifikay = dissolutely, lasciviously, lewdly
yovika = fault-ridden, faultless, guilt-ridden, shameful
yovikan = faultiness, shamefulness
yovikay = faultily, shamefully
yovkad = admission of guilt, guilty plea of guilt
yovkaden = admitting guilt, pleading guilty
yovkader -- yovtat teyubi
yovkader = to admit guilt, to plead guilty
yovkoda = furtive
yovkodan = furtiveness
yovkoday = furtively
yovla = ashamed, demure, humble, meek, modest, shamefaced
yovla yiflan = effrontery
yovlan = demureness, humbleness, humility, meekness, modesty, pudency
yovlaniv = schadenfreude
yovlaser = to humble oneself
yovlaxea = humbling, humiliating, shaming
yovlaxeay = humiliatingly
yovlaxen = humbling, humiliation, shaming
yovlaxer = to chasten, to humble, to humiliate, to put to shame, to shame
yovlaxwa = humbled, humiliated, shamed
yovlay = ashamedly, demurely, humbly, meekly, modestly, shamefacedly
yovluwa = ashamed
yovluway = ashamedly
yovmembien = squatting
yovmembier = to squat
yovmembiut = squatter
yovnuxam = penal institution
yovnuxiea = paying time, serving punishment
yovnuxier = to pay time, to serve punishment
yovnuxuen = chastisement
yovnuxuer = to chastise
yovnuxuwa = chastised
yovob = millet
yovoben = condonation, exculpation, excuse, exoneration, expiation, forgiveness, forgiving, pardon
yovobena = excusatory, expiatory
yovober = to exculpate, to excuse, to exonerate, to expiate, to forgive, to pardon
yovobikea = delinquent
yovobikean = delinquency
yovobikeat = delinquent
yovobikeay = delinquently
Yovobu at! = Excuse me!, Forgive me!, Pardon me!
Yovobu! = Sorry!
yovobut = forgiver
yovobwa = exculpated, excused, exonerated, expiated, forgiven, pardoned
yovobyafan = lenity
yovobyafwa = excusable, forgivable, pardonable, venial
yovobyafwa fyoxun = venial sin
yovobyafwan = veniality
yovobyafway = excusably, forgivably, pardonably
yovobyea = forgiving
yovobyofwa = inexcusable, inexpiable, unforgivable, unpardonable
yovobyofway = inexcusably, unforgivably, unpardonably
yovok = forfeit
yovoken = forfeiture
yovokuam = jail, penitentiary, prison
yovokuen = punishment
yovokuer = to punish
yovokuwa = punished
yovokuyafwa = punishable
yovokwa = forfeited
yovon = tort, wrong-doing
yovonden = condemnation
yovonder = to condemn
yovondwa = condemned
yovondyea = condemnatory
yovondyefwa = condemnable
yovos = blueberry, cornflower
yovos-yolz = cornflower yellow
yovotem = private area
yovoya = fault-free, faultless, frontless, guilt-free, guiltless, righteous, shameless
yovoyan = faultlessness, guiltlessly, shamelessness
yovoyxen = swindling
yovoyxer = to swindle
yovoyxut = swindler
yovoyxwa = swindled
yovpaser = to hangdog
yovpien = absconding
yovpier = to abscond
yovpiut = absconder
yovpiya = absconded
yovsun = infraction, misdemeanor, offense
yovsuna = offensive
yovsunut = offender
yovtaib = pubis
yovtat = devil
yovtat teyubi = devil horns
yovtata -- Yoyanmela
yovtata = diabolical
yovtatem = hell
yovtatema = infernal
Yovtatempu! = Go to Hell!
yovtatyena = devilish, diabolical
yovtayeb = pubic hair
yovtos = embarrassment, feeling of shame, mortification, qualm
yovtosder = to blame, to express one's embarrassment, to express shame
yovtosea = sheepish
yovtoseay = sheepishly
yovtoser = to be embarrassed, to be mortified, to feel shame
yovtosika = qualmish
yovtosuer = to shame
yovtosuka = brash
yovtosukan = brashness
yovtosukay = brashly
yovtoxen = forgiveness
yovtoxer = to forgive
yovtoxut = forgiver
yovtoxwa = forgiven
yovuen = faulting, shaming
yovuer = to shame
yovuka = fault-free, faultless, guilt-free, guiltless, righteous, shameless
yovukan = faultlessness, guiltlessly, shamelessness
yovukay = guiltlessly, shamelessly
yovunxut = offender
yovuwa = faulted, shamed
yovxeyn = crime
yovxeyna = criminal
yovxeynut = criminal
yovyefa = culpable
yovyefan = culpability
yovyefoben = atonement
yovyefober = to atone
yovyefobwa = atoned
yovyen = libertinage, opprobrium
yovyena = libertine, opprobrious
yovyenat = libertine
yovyenay = opprobriously
yovyibtrawa = infamous, infamously
yovyibtrawan = disrepute, infamy
yovyibtrawaser = to become infamous
yovyibtrawat = infamous person, rapscallion
yovyibtrawaxer = to become infamous
yovyibtraway = infamously
yovyux = abetment
yovyuxen = abetting
yovyuxer = to abet
yovyuxut = abetter, abettor
yovyuxwa = abetted
yovzyatawat = infamous individual
yovzyatrawa = infamous
yovzyatrawan = infamy
yovzyatraway = infamously
yowa dolar nasdrev = five dollar bill
yowa = five
yowapeit = baleen whale
yowapyit = bull shark
yowas = five
yowasi = five things
yowat deuzun = quintet
yowati = five people
yowipyot = swift fox
yowopayet = tyrannosaurus rex
yox = idleness, leisure
yox jwobi = leisure hours
yoxdaler = to natter
yoxea = idle, leisured, off work
yoxean = idleness
yoxeay = idly
yoxen = idling, loafing
yoxer = to be idle, to loaf, to lollygag
yoxlen = resignation, resigning
yoxler = to resign
yoxluen = firing
yoxluer = to fire
yoxluwa = fired
yoxut = loafer, loon
Yoyanmel = Oceania
Yoyanmela = Oceanian
Yoyanmelat -- yoznad
Yoyanmelat = Oceanian, inhabitant of Oceania
yoybaen = leaning over
yoybdeuzwut = baritone
yoybdeuzwuta = baritone
yoyben = declining
yoyber = to decline
yoyblea = inclining, leaning over, tilting
yoyblen = inclination, leaning over, tilting
yoybler = to incline
yoybtexwa = subtle
yoybtexwan = subtleness
yoybtexway = subtly
yoyeb-melza = peanut brown
yoyfa = gimpy, incapable, unable
yoyfan = inability
yoyfer = to be incapable, to be unable
yoyga = shortish
yoylza = light blue
yoym = crust, crystal, freeze, frost, gel, rime
yoymabektun = cryosurgery
yoymaya = crusty, frosty
yoymayan = crustiness, frostiness
yoymbuk = frostbite
yoymbukwa = frostbit, frostbitten
yoymiil = hoarfrost
yoymika = crusty, frosty
yoymikan = crustiness, frostiness
yoymikay = frostily
yoymil = dew
yoymilaya = dewy
yoymilika = dewy
yoymilnod = dew point
yoymned = rime
yoymober = to defrost
yoymobwa = defrosted
yoymovul = antifreeze
yoymsea = crystallizing, encrusting, frosting over
yoymser = to crystallize, to frost over, to rime
yoymtun = cryogenics
yoymtuna = cryogenic
yoymuka = crust-free, frost-free
yoymxen = encrustation, frosting over, incrustation
yoymxer = to crystallize, to encrust, to frost over, to rime
yoymxwa = crystallized, encrusted, frosted
yoyn = fifth
yoyn- = fifth-, quinti-
yoynnaga = quintic
yoynruwa = brittle
yoyp = decline
yoypea = declining
yoypen = declining
yoyper = to decline
yoyplea = bowing down
yoyplen = bowing down
yoypler = to bow down
yoyugsul = neoprene rubber
yoyva = remiss
yoyvan = remissness
yoyvay = remissly
yoyz = cavity, dimple, pit
yoyzika = dimpled, pitted
yoz bi ha domep = perpendicular to the street
yoz = concavity, dent, depression, dip, hole, hollow, indentation, nock, trough
yoza = concave, hollow
yoza kyazyef = concave lens
yozan = concaveness, concavity, hollowness
yozaser = to dip, to distend, to indent
yozaxen = distension, distention, indentation
yozaxer = to distend, to indent
yozaxwem = recess, scoop
yozay = concavely, hollowly
yozben = delving, excavation, gouging, hollowing out, indentation, sapping
yozber = to delve, to excavate, to gouge, to hollow out, to indent, to sap
yozbok = dropsy
yozboka = dropsical
yozbwa = delved, dug, excavated, gouged, hollowed out, indented, sapped
yozmel = abysm, abyss, chasm, cliff, dale, depression, drop-off, hollow, precipice, valley
yozmela = abysmal, abyssal, chasmic, precipitous
yozmelay = abysmally, precipitously
yoznad = groove
yoznadxwa -- yubesen
yoznadxwa = grooved
yoznasen = seance
yoznasyea = sedentary
yoznaxer = to seat
yoznaxwa = seated
yozpea = delving, sinking, sitting down
yozpem = sinkhole
yozpen = sinking
yozper ab = to sit on
yozper = to delve, to sink, to sit, to sit down
Yozpu! = Sit down!
yozuliar = scoop, scooper
yozulien = scooping
yozulier = to scoop
yozuliwa = scooped
yozyeb = bowl, vessel
yu- = nine-, nona-
yu = nine, the letter y
yua = ninth
yuan = yuan
yuapotud = leveret
yub = almost, approximately, close, nearly, nigh
yub bay = alongside
yub bi = adjacent to, close to, near
yub bi ha deup = rubato
yub bi ha dezzyem = ringside
yub bi ha domep = near the street
yub bi ha kunad = close to the edge
yub bi him = around here, hereabouts, near here
yub bi huglas = thereabout, thereabouts
yub bi hum = around there, near there, thereabouts
yub bi toj = at death's door, near death
yub ja = shortly before
yub jo = soon after
yub joy = soon
yub- = near-, proxi-
yub yan bi = close together with
yub yan = close together
yub yana = close together
yub yon = close apart
yub za = close ahead
yub zay = close ahead
yub zo = close behind
yub zoy = close behind
yuba = adjacent, approximate, close, near, nearby, nigh
yuba dat = close friend
yuba jib = low season
yuba kum = nearside
yuba tuyubaib = proximal phalange
yubaer = to lean near
yubaj = near past, recent past
yubaja = recent
yubajan = recency, recentness
yubajay = in the recent past, recently
yubajdin = recent history
yubalk = Yb, ytterbium
yuban = adjacency, closeness, nearness, propinquity, proximity
yubarir = compressor
yubay = adjacently, almost, approximately, nearly, practically
yubay voy = almost not
yub-bi-toj = near death
yubdat = intimate
yubden = hinting, intimation
yubder = to hint, to intimate
yubdomat = suburbanite
yubdwa = intimated
yubdyuea = beckoning
yubdyuen = beckoning
yubdyuer = to beckon
yubdyuwa = beckoned
yubelen = bringing near, coaxing
yubeler = to bring near, to coax
yubelwa = brought near, coaxed
yubem = neighborhood, vicinity
yubemsea = neighboring
yubemser = to neighbor
yuben = bringing
yuber = to bring, to bring close, to bring near
yubesea = attending, neighboring, onlooking
yubesen = attendance, vicinage
yubeser = to attend
yubeset = attendee
yubesut = attendant, bystander, neighbor, onlooker
yubesutyen = neighborliness
yubesutyena = neighborly
yubexen = holding close, holding near, keeping near
yubexer = to hold close, to hold near
yubexler = to keep near
yubexwa = held close, held near, kept near
yubeym = general vicinity, these parts
yubfia = intimate
yubfian = intimacy
yubfiat = intimate
yubfiay = intimately
yubfinagsea = snug
yubfinagxwa = snugly
yubfinagxwan = snugness
yubge = almost, nearly, virtually
yubge voy = almost not, approximately, around, hardly, only just, scarcely
yubgea = approximate, rough
yubgean = approximation
yubgeay = approximately, nearly, roughly
yubgesea = approximating
yubgeser = to approximate
yubgexen = approximating, approximation
yubgexer = to approximate
yubgexwa = approximated
yubgoflar grin = razor blade
yubgoflar = razor, shaver
yubgoflawa = shaved, shaven
yubgoflen = shaving
yubgofler = to cut close, to graze, to shave
yubgwe = barely, hardly
yubien = taking near
yubier = to take near
yubigper = to run near
yubilpan = brander
yubiwa = taken near
yubix = attraction
yubixazon = attraction, attractive force, sway
yubixea = attracting, drawing near, engaging
yubixen = attracting, attraction, drawing near, engagement
yubixer tepzex = to attract attention
yubixer = to attract, to draw near, to engage, to pull near
yubixus = attractant, attractor
yubixut = attractor
yubixwa = attracted, drawn near, engaged
yubixyafwa = attractable
yubixyea = attractive
yubixyean = attractiveness
yubixyeay = attractively
yubja = a short while ago
yubjo = next, soon
yubjoupen = supervention
yubjouper = to supervene
yubketeaxen = prying
yubketeaxer = to pry
yubketeaxut = pryer
yubkex = examination, scrutiny
yubkexea = examining, scrutinizing
yubkexen = examination, examining, scrutinizing
yubkexer = to examine, to scrutinize
yubkexwa = examined, scrutinized
yubkiyabkinef = herringbone
yubmer = to endoplanet, to near planet
yubna = near, nearby, next, proximate
yubnada = bordering
yubnan = nearness, proximity
yubnana = proximal
yubnaser = to approximate
yubnaxea = approximating
yubnaxen = approximation
yubnaxer = to approximate
yubnaxwa = approximated
yubnay = nearly, next, proximately
yuboj = near future
yubowa = infinitesimal
yuboway = infinitesimally
yuboyeb = a short way out
yubser = to approximate, to come close, to come near
yubsumpea -- yufatyen
yubsumpea = lying next to
yubsumper = to lie next to
yubta = intimate
yubtan = intimacy
yubtay = intimately
yubteas = close-up view, closeup
yubteata = near-sighted, nearsighted
yubteatan = nearsightedness
yubteaxea = scrutinizing
yubteaxen = examination, inspection, scrutinizing, scrutiny
yubteaxer = to examine, to inspect, to look closely at, to parse, to scrutinize
yubteaxut = examiner, inspector
yubteaxwa = parsed
yubteexar = stethoscope
yubteexen = auscultation
yubteexer = to auscultate, to examine aurally, to listen closely
yubteexwa = auscultated
yubtix = scrutiny
yubtixea = scrutinizing
yubtixen = scrutinizing
yubtixer = to scrutinize
yubtixut = scrutator, scrutineer
yubtixwa = scrutinized
yubtyed = next of kin
yubufek = scuffle
yubufeken = scuffling
yubujna = penultimate
yubuxen = pushing closer
yubuxer = to push closer, to push near
yubuxwa = pushed closer
yubvoy = barely, hardly, scarcely
yubvoy tejea = barely alive
yubwa = brought close, brought near
yubxea = approximate, approximating
yubxen = approximation
yubxer = to approximate
yubxwa = approximated
yubyab = a short way up
yubyanbarwa = closely packed, compact, dense
yubyeb = a short way in, close in
yubyeb bu = close in to
yubyeba = close in
yubyem = neighborhood, vicinity
yubyema = neighborhood
yubyemer = to be neighbors with
yubyob = a short way down
yubyuvxer = to weld
yubyuvxwa = welded
yubyuvxyafwa = weldable
yubzay = a short way ahead
yubzey = a short way across, a short way through
yubzoy = a short way back
yubzyiasea = lying next to
yubzyiper = to lie next to
yudalea = flippant
yudanak = yard, yd
yudanakmuf = yardstick
yudanakyan = yardage
yudeb = baron
yudeba = baronial
yudeban = baronage
yudebud = baronet
yudebudan = baronetcy
yudeplat = army major
yudeyb = baroness
yudiepat = marine first sergeant
yudieplat = marine major
yudob = barony
yudsiynbwa = postmarked
yuepoper = to jackrabbit
yuepot = jackrabbit
yuf = fear, fright, phobia, scare
-yuf = -phobia, fear of
yufa = afraid, fearful, phobic, scared, spineless
-yufa = -phobic
yufan = crassness, fearfulness, fright
yufat = coward, fraidy-cat, pullet, scaredy-cat, sluggard
-yufat = -phobe
yufatan = cowardice
yufatyen = cowardliness
yufatyena -- yufraxen
yufatyena = cowardly
yufay = spinelessly
yufaya = fearful
yufayan = fearfulness, trepidation
yufbaosea = shuddering in fear, trembling in fear, trembling with fear
yufbaosen = shuddering in fear, trembling with fear
yufbaoser = to shudder in fear, to tremble with fear
yufbasea = shrinking
yufbasen = shrinking
yufbaser = to shrink
yufbasut = shirker, yellow-belly
yufbiren = extorting, extortion
yufbirer = to extort
yufbirut = extorter, extortionist
yufbiryea = extortionate, extortive
yufbiryeay = extortionately
yufbuxwa = bullied
yufdreb = tyrant
yufdreba = tyrannic
yufdreban = tyranny
yufdreber = to tyrannize
yufdrebtojben = tyrannicide
yufdrebut = tyrannizer
yufdrebyena = tyrannical
yufdrebyenay = tyrannically
yufea = fearful, fearing
yufean = fearfulness
yufeb = hazelnut
yufeb-melza = hazel
yufen = fearing, fretting
yufer = to be afraid, to fear
yufibirwa = extorted
yufika = fearful
yufikan = fearfulness, trepidation
yufikat = fearful individual
yufikay = fearfully
yufla = dreadful
yuflan = dread, horror
yuflaser = to be horrified
yuflawa = dreaded, dreadful
yuflawat = dreaded creature
yuflaxea = appalling, ghastly, horrible, horrid, horrific, horrifying, terrifying
yuflaxean = ghastliness, horribleness, horridness
yuflaxeay = appallingly, horribly, horridly, horrifically, horrifyingly, terrifyingly
yuflaxer = to appall, to cause dread, to cause to cringe, to horrify, to terrify
yuflaxwa = appalled, filled with dread, horrified, terrified
yuflaxyea = appalling, dreadful, horrific, terrible
yuflaxyea son = appalling matter, horrifying thing, terrible thing
yuflaxyean = dreadfulness, terribleness
yuflaxyeay = appallingly, dreadfully, terribly
yuflay = in horror
yuflen = cringing, dreading, shrinking in horror
yufler = to cringe, to dread, to shrink in horror
yufluea = horrendous
yuflueay = horrendously
yufnux = blackmail
yufnuxuen = blackmail, blackmailing
yufnuxuer = to blackmail
yufnuxuut = blackmailer
yufnuxuwa = blackmailed
yufnuxuwat = blackmail victim
yufoya = fearless, intrepid
yufoyan = courage, fearlessness, intrepidity
yufoyser = to be fearless, to be intrepid
yufoza = wussy
yufozat = wuss, wussy
yufpesea = hesitant
yufpeseay = hesitantly
yufpesen = hesitating, hesitation
yufpeser = to demur, to hesitate
yufpesyean = hesitancy
yufpyot = monster
yufpyotyena = monstrous
yufpyotyenas = monstrosity
yufra = horrible, horrific, terrible
yufran = terror
yufraser = to cringe
yufraxea = appalling, grisly
yufraxean = grisliness
yufraxen = terrorization, terrorizing
yufraxer -- yuga dyes
yufraxer = to terrorize
yufraxut = terrorizer
yufraxwa = terrorized
yufrea = cowering, cringing
yufren = being terrified, cowering in terror, cringing, trembling in fear
yufrer = to be terrified, to cower in terror, to cringe, to tremble in fear
yufrin apyex = terror attack, terrorist attack
yufrin = terrorism
yufrina = terroristic
yufrinut num = terror cell, terrorist cell
yufrinut = terrorist
yufrinxen = practicing terrorism, terrorizing
yufrinxer = to practice terrorism, to terrorize
yufruwa = cowed
yufruyeay = horrifically
yufsea = becoming afraid, cowing, getting scared, growing frightened
yufsen = becoming scared, cowing, growing frightened
yufser = to affright, to be frightened, to become afraid, to become scared, to cower, to get scared, to grow frightened, to scare
yufsun = danger, menace, threat
yufsunaya = dangerous, menacing, threatening
yufsunier = to tackle a danger, to take on a challenge
yufsunober = to remove a threat
yufsunuen = endangerment
yufsunuer = to endanger, to menace, to pose a danger, to threaten
yufsunuwa = endangered
yufsut = cowerer
yufteud = growl, roar
yufteudea = growling, roaring
yufteuden = growling, roaring
yufteuder = to growl, to roar
yuftob = boogeyman, boogie man
yuftopot = spook
yuftos = misgiving, qualm
yuftosika = qualmish
yuftoypat = bogey, bogeyman, bogyman
yufuka = fearless, intrepid
yufukan = courage, fearlessness, intrepidity
yufukat = fearless individual
yufukay = fearlessly, intrepidly
yufux = bugbear
yufwa = awful, feared, fearsome, scary, terrible
yufwan = awfulness, fearsomeness, scariness, terribleness
yufwas = awful thing, fearsome thing
yufwat = feared person
yufway = awfully, terribly
yufxagra = tremendous
yufxagray = tremendously
yufxar = scarecrow
yufxea = fierce, freaky, frightening, frightful, scary
yufxean = fierceness, frightfulness
yufxeay = fiercely, frighteningly, frightfully
yufxeben = browbeating
yufxeber = to brow-beat, to browbeat
yufxebwa = browbeaten
yufxen = frightening, scaring, spook
yufxer = to frighten, to petrify, to provoke fear, to scare
yufxwa = cowed, frightened, petrified, scared, spooky
yufxwan = spookiness
yufxyafa = capable of being frightened
yufxyea = fearsome, frightening, scary
yufxyean = fearsomeness, scariness
yufxyeay = fearsomely, scarily
yufxyika = hard to frighten
yufxyikwa = squeamish
yufxyikwan = squeamishness
yufxyikway = squeamishly
yufxyofan = imperviousness to fear
yufxyofwa = impervious to fear
yufxyofway = imperviously
yufxyuka = easily frightened, easy to frighten
yufxyukat = milksop
yufxyukwa = skittish
yufxyukwan = skittishness
yufxyukway = skittishly
yufyetob = bogeyman, bugbear
yufzyaben = fear mongering, spreading fear
yufzyaber = to fear monger, to spread fear
yufzyabut = fear monger, fear spreader, scaremonger
yug ay zyin = andante
yuga dyes = paperback
yuga mil -- yugfyeler
yuga mil = soft water
yuga = mild, soft
yuga nogsiynuut = easy grader
yuga taob = soft tissue
yugabaun dyes = softbound book, softcover book
yugabaun = softbound
yugan = mildness, softness
yugapyot = sun bear
yugay = piano, softly
yugayma = cozy
yugayma nem = cozy place
yugayman = coziness
yugaymay = cozily
yugdal = whisper
yugdalen = whispering
yugdaler = to whisper
yugdalut = whisperer
yugdalwa = whispered
yugdeuzen = crooning
yugdeuzer = to croon
yugdeuzut = crooner
yugdulen = cajoling
yugduler = to cajole
yugdulwa = cajoled
yugem = soft spot
yugema = cushy, plush, plushy, posh
yugeman = cushiness, plushness
yugemay = plushly
yugemser = to get comfortable
yugemxer = to make comfortable
yugfa gel apeyef = silky smooth
yugfa = glib, levigate, lush, sleek, slick, smooth
yugfa meel = smooth terrain
yugfa megesi = shingle
yugfaben = slipping on
yugfaber = to slip on
yugfabwa = slipped on
yugfabwa tyoyaf = slipper
yugfabyen = politeness, politesse
yugfabyena = polite
yugfadalea = glib
yugfadalean = glibness
yugfadaleay = glibly
yugfadalut = smooth-talker
yugfamagilwa patij = soft-boiled egg
yugfan = glibness, lushness, sleekness, slickness, smoothness
yugfanedfaob = puncheon
yugfaob = softwood
yugfapea = coasting
yugfapen = coasting, glissando
yugfapeni = glissandi
yugfaper = to coast
yugfapipen = skimming
yugfapiper = to skim
yugfapiput = skimmer
yugfar = polisher, rasp
yugfaren = polishing, rasping
yugfarer = to polish, to rasp
yugfarut = rasper
yugfarwa = polished, rasped
yugfaxar = polisher, smoother
yugfaxen = polishing, smoothing out, streamlining
yugfaxer = to levigate, to polish, to smooth out, to smooth over, to streamline
yugfaxwa = polished, smoothed out, streamlined
yugfay = glibly, lushly, sleekly, slickly, smoothly
yugfilbar = burnisher
yugfilben = burnishing
yugfilber = to burnish
yugfilbwa = burnished
yugfir = power sander
yugfiren = sanding
yugfirwa = sanded
yugfoben = slipping off
yugfober = to slip off
yugfobwa = slipped off
yugfoper = to slip off
yugfyel = polish
yugfyelar = buffer
yugfyelber = to simonize
yugfyeler = to buff
yugfyeluen -- yugryena
yugfyeluen = polishing
yugfyeluer = to polish
yugfyeluut = polisher
yugfyeluwa = polished
yugglal = batter, gob, malt, mash, mush, pulp, pulpy mass, soft mass
yugglalxar = masher
yugglalxer = to crush, to mash, to pulp, to smash
yugglalxwa = crushed, mashed, pulped, pureed, smashed
yugglalxwa dref = paper mulch, pulp
yugglalxwa lavoli = mashed potatoes
yugilpea = mellifluent, mellifluous
yugilpean = mellifluousness
yugilpeay = mellifluously
yugla = tender
yuglabeken = coddling
yuglabeker = to coddle
yuglabekwa = coddled
yuglalaya = pulpy
yuglalayan = pulpiness
yuglalika = pulpy
yuglalikan = pulpiness
yuglalxar = pulper
yuglalxen = mashing, pulping
yuglalxwa = mashed, pulped
yuglalyenan = pulpiness, pulpy
yuglan = tenderness
yuglaser = to become tender
yuglaxar = tenderizer
yuglaxea duz = elevator music
yuglaxen = tenderizing
yuglaxer = to make tender, to tenderize
yuglaxul = tenderizer
yuglaxwa = tenderized
yuglay = tenderly
yuglevelun = fudge
yugmagilwa patij = soft-boiled egg
yugmagilwa = soft-boiled
yugmufyeg = hosepipe
yugmuk = meerschaum
yugmul = mush, pulp, puree, soft matter, soft substance, spongy substance
yugmulaya = pulpy
yugmulayan = pulpiness
yugmulika = pulpy
yugmulikan = pulpiness
yugmulnyen = pulpy mass
yugmulxar = pulper
yugmulxen = pulping
yugmulxer = to pulp
yugmulyena = pulpy
yugmulyenan = pulpiness
yugnedoya = napless
yugneduka = napless
yugnod = fontanel
yugov leovol = ladyfinger
yugovyilxier = to give oneself a sponge bath
yugovyilxuen = giving a sponge bath
yugovyilxuer = to give a sponge bath to
yugpyex = bunt
yugpyexen = bunting
yugpyexut = bunter
yugpyexwa = bunted
yugra = balmy, delicate, gentle, mellow, mignon, mild, sweet
yugramagelen = coddling
yugramageler = to coddle
yugramagelwa = coddled
yugran = balminess, gentleness, mellowness, mildness
yugras = something gentle, something mild
yugrasea = growing milder, mellowing out, toning down
yugraser = to grow milder, to mellow out, to tone down
yugrat = delicate person, wimp
yugraxea = demulcent
yugraxen = assuagement, mellowing, toning down
yugraxer = to assuage, to mellow
yugraxil = softener
yugraxul = balm, balsam, demulcent
yugraxula = balsamic
yugraxwa = assuaged, mellowed
yugray = delicately, gently, mellowly, mildly, tenderly
yugryen = gentility, polish
yugryena = mild-mannered, polished
yugsa = ductile, flaccid, lax, lenitive, limber, lissome, lithe, loose, malleable, plastic, pliable, pliant, slack, slackard, supple
yugsa zyiun = floppy disk
yugsa zyiun tuundyear = floppy disk drive
yugsamulaben = topdressing
yugsan = flaccidity, floppiness, laxity, laxness, lenity, limberness, litheness, looseness, plasticity, pliancy, slackardness, slackness, suppleness
yugsar = spring
yugsaryena = springy
yugsaryenan = springiness
yugsas = slack
yugsasea = loosening, relaxing, slackening
yugsasen = loosening, relaxing, slacking off
yugsaser = to be pliant, to give, to loosen up, to relax, to slack off, to yield
yugsat = slackard
yugsaxea = dulcet, relaxing, soothing
yugsaxen = loosening up, loosing, making supple, relaxation, relaxing, slackening, soothing
yugsaxer = to loosen, to make more pliable, to make supple, to relax, to release, to slacken, to soothe, to unbrace
yugsaxul = laxative, relaxant
yugsaxut = soother
yugsaxwa = loosened, relaxed, released, slackened, soothed
yugsaxyafwa = moldable, plastic, pliable
yugsay = floppily, laxly, lithely, loosely, pliantly, slackardly, slackly
yugser = to become soft, to get soft, to soften
yugseus = chime
yugseusen = chiming
yugseuser = to chime
yugsim = easy chair
yugsra = elastic
yugsran = elasticity
yugsrof = elastic
yugsul abtyoyaf = galoshes, gumshoe, rubber boot
yugsul = caoutchouc, gum, rubber
yugsul droar = gum eraser, rubber eraser
yugsul ilapar = rubber raft
yugsul muyfyeg = rubber tube
yugsul neyef = rubber band
yugsul nyif = rubber hose
yugsul tyoyaf = thong
yugsul zyug = rubber tire
yugsul zyunog = wad of gum
yugsula = made of rubber
yugsulxer = to rubberize
yugsulxwa = rubberized
yugsulyena = gummy, rubbery
yugsulyenan = gumminess, rubberiness
yugsulyenser = to get gummed up, to gum up
yugsulyenxen = gumming up
yugsulyenxer = to gum up
yugsulyenxwa = gummed
yugsunyan = software
yugtemibxwa = velarized
yugteumib = soft palate, velum
yugteumiba = velar
yugteumiba yujteuzun = velar consonant
yugteumibxer = to velarize
yugtob = softling
yugxar = softener
yugxen = melting, softening
yugxer = to melt, to soften
yugxun = bottleneck
yugxwa = molten, softened
yugyel = emollient, lotion, salve
yugyelbar = lotion applicator
yugyelben = application of salve, applying lotion application, rubbing salve on
yugyelber = to apply lotion, to apply salve, to begum, to rub lotion on, to rub salve on
yugyelbwa = applied with lotion, salved
yugza = clement, mild, sweet
yugzan = mildness, sweetness
yugzaser = to become mild, to become sweet
yugzaxen = mollification, sweetening
yugzaxer = to mollify, to sweeten
yugzaxwa = mollified, sweetened
yugzay = clemently, mildly, sweetly
yugzyun = softball
yugzyunog = pastille
yuhelkayn = nonane
yuib = near and far
yuib- = near-and-far
yuibjo = sooner or later
yuibteabar = bifocals
yuibteaber = to bifocals
yuibteaxen -- yujfaser
yuibteaxen = looking near and far
yuibteaxer = to look near and far
yuigsunyan = firmware
yuigza = bitter-sweet, bittersweet
yuij- = open-and-shut
yuija = open-and-shut
yuijar = shutter, switch, valve
yuijara = valvular
yuijaren = switching
yuijarer = to switch, to valve
yuijarfaof = clavier
yuijarob = petcock
yuijaroya = valveless
yuijaruka = valveless
yuijarwa = switched, valved
yuijbea muf = turnpike
yuijbea sim = folding chair
yuijber ha zamanari = to blink the headlights, turn the headlights off and on
yuijber = to open and shut, to shutter
yuijbyafwa misof = jalousie
yuijea = blinking, flickering, winking
yuijea manar = blinking light
yuijen = blinking, flickering, winking
yuijer = to blink, to open and close, to wink
yuip- = near and far, near-and-far
yuipaper = to travel all over
yuiper = to go near and far
yuipopea = nomadic
yuipopen = traveling near-and-far
yuipoper = to travel near and far, to travel near-and-far
yuipoput = nomad
yuipoputa = nomadic
yuipoputan = nomadism
yuj bi ha jub = close of the day
yuj = close, closure, stopgap
yuj kyayxar = off switch
yuja aotyan = closed circle
yuja = closed, off, shut
yuja doyaovyek = closed hearing
yuja kyeon = closed case
yujapyexrawa = slammed shut
yujapyexren = slamming shut
yujapyexrer = to slam shut
yujar = bung, lock, plug, shut-off switch, stopgap, stopper, stopple
yujaren = plugging, stopping up
yujarer = to plug, to spile, to stop up, to stopgap, to stopple
yujarilier = to spile
yujarloxar = picklock
yujarloxut = picklock
yujaruer = to spile
yujarwa = plugged, stopped up
yujben = adjourning, adjournment, bringing to a close, closing, hanging up, shutdown, shutoff, shutout, shutting
yujber buk = to close a wound
yujber ha man = to turn a light off
yujber ha yibdalir = to hang up the phone
yujber ha zamanari = to turn off the headlights
yujber ilok = to plug a leak
yujber = to adjourn, to bring to a close, to close, to hang up, to shut
yujbof = tampon
yujbwa = adjourned, closed, shut, switched off, turned off
yujbwa doyev = closed case
yujbwa yuzmep yibsin = cctv, closed circuit t.v.
yujdeuz = hum
yujdeuzea = humming
yujdeuzen = humming
yujdeuzer = to hum
yujdeuzut = hummer
yujea aona ged siyn = closing single quote
yujea = closing, shutting
yujea eona ged siyni = closing double quotes
yujea ged siyn = closing quotation mark, closing quote, right quote
yujea zoydal siyn = closing quotation mark
yujem = closed area, closed quarters, courtyard
yujemben = impounding
yujember = to impound
yujembwa = impounded
yujen = closing, closure
yujer = to close, to shut
yujfa = cluttered, obstructed
yujfaser = to become cluttered, to become obstructed
yujfaxen = cluttering, obstruction
yujfaxer = to clutter, to obstruct
yujfaxwa = cluttered, obstructed
yujfun = clutter, obstruction, occlusion
yujkyayxarer = to switch off
yujkyayxarwa = switched off
yujlar = latch, lock, padlock
yujlaren = latching, locking up, padlocking
yujlarer = to bar, to bolt, to lock up, to padlock
yujlarmuf = deadbolt
yujlarmuyv = broach
yujlarnyem = lock box, lockbox, strongbox
yujlarum job = lockup
yujlarum = locker
yujlarumben = locking up, lockup
yujlarumber = to lock up
yujlarumbwa = locked up
yujlarumjob = lock-up
yujlarumtim = locker room
yujlarut = locksmith
yujlarwa = barred, bolted, latched, locked, padlocked
yujlaryan = lockage
yujlawa = blocked off, closed off, locked up, sealed
yujlen = blocking off, closing off, filling, locking up, obturation, sealing
yujlen noyx = lockage
yujler = to block off, to close off, to lock, to seal
yujmelnig = croft
yujmelnigut = crofter
yujmuv = bar, bolt, padlock, peg
yujmuv goblar = bolt cutter
yujmuvben = bolting
yujmuvber = to bolt
yujmuvbwa = bolted
yujmuvoben = unbolting
yujmuvober = to unbolt
yujmuvobwa = unbolted
yujna = private
yujnan = privacy
yujpea = adjourning, coming to a close
yujper = to adjourn, to come to a close
yujrawa = barricaded, obstructed
yujrea = obstructing
yujren = barricading, barring, obstructing, obstruction
yujrer = to barricade, to obstruct
yujrun = barricade, obstruction
yujryea = obstructive
yujryean = obstructiveness
yujryeay = obstructively
yujteuzun = consonant
yujteuzun glal = consonant cluster
yujteuzuna = consonantal
yujuba fyadilen = novena
yujun = barrier, blockade, cap, closure, cork, foramen, lid, plug, stopper, stumbling block
yujun uzyumuv = corkscrew
yujunaben = capping, corking
yujunaber = to apply the stopper to cap, to cork, to plug up, to put on the lid
yujunabut = corker
yujunabwa = capped, corked, plugged
yujunben = blockading
yujunber = to blockade
yujunbwa = blockaded
yujunobar = cork screw, corkscrew
yujunoben = de-capping, uncorking, unplugging, unstopping
yujunoben noyx = corkage
yujunober = to cork, to de-cap, to unplug, to unstop
yujunobwa = corked, unplugged, unstopped
yujunobyofwa = uncorkable
yujunvyuxwa = corky
yujunxen = constipation
yujunxer = to constipate
yujunxwa = constipated
yujutyan = clique, coterie, crew
yujutyanyena = cliquey, cliquish
yujutyanyenan = cliquishness
yujutyanyenay = cliquishly
yuka = breezy, easy, facile
yuka zyunog = caplet
yukak = romp
yukaker = to romp
yukan = ease, easiness, facility, knack
yukas = cinch, skive
yukay = breezily, easily, facilely
yukbyen = comfort, ease
yukbyena = comfortable, easy
yukbyenay = comfortably, easily
yukbyenxen = making comfortable, pampering, putting at ease
yukbyenxer = to comfort, to make comfortable, to pamper, to put at ease
yukbyenxwa = pampered, put at ease
yukdalean = flippancy
yukdaleay = flippantly
yukdalwa = plainspoken
yuker ifek = to euchre
yuker = to feel at ease, to find it easy
yukjopus = corollary
yukla dal = yap
yukla deuz = plainsong
yukla = homespun, mere, plain, simple, uncomplicated
yuklan = plainness, simpleness, simplicity
yuklasea = simplifying
yuklaser = to simplify
yuklaxen = simplification
yuklaxer = to simplify
yuklaxwa = simplified
yuklay = merely, plainly, simply
yukna = delicate, mignon, subtle
yuknan = delicacy, delicateness, subtlety
yuknaxer = to subtilize
yuknay = delicately, subtly
yuknix = sinecure
yukom = comfort, ease
yukom gonem = comfort zone
yukoma = comfortable, comfy, homey
yukoman = comfort, comfortableness, homeyness
yukomay = comfortably
yukomay emkyosea = nestling
yukomay kyoembwa = nestled
yukomber = to ensconce
yukomsen = getting comfortable
yukomser = to get comfortable
yukomuer = to frother
yukomum = latrine
yukomxea = accommodating, comforting
yukomxen = accommodation, hospitality
yukomxer = to accommodate, to comfort, to make comfortable
yukomxwa = accommodated, comforted, made comfortable
yukomxwa sim = cushioned chair
yukon = convenience, facility
yukonier = to seize the opportunity
yukonika = convenience-filled
yukonuer = to offer the opportunity
yukonuka = devoid of opportunities, inopportune
yukonukay = inopportunely
yukonxea = facilitating
yukonxen = conveniencing, cushioning, facilitating, facilitation
yukonxer = to convenience, to cushion, to facilitate
yukonxut = facilitator
yukonxwa = convenienced, cushioned, facilitated
yuksim = cushioned chair, easy chair, soft chair
yuksom = solace
yuksomxwa = solaced
yukson = levity
yuksonxea = spiny
yuktejea = affluent, easy-living, opulent, well-to-do
yuktejen = affluence, easy living, opulence
yuktejut = well-to-do person
yuktepa = easy-minded, forgiving, lenient
yuktepan = easy-mindedness, leniency
yuktoyb = strumpet
yukxaler = to finagle
yukxalut = finagler
yukxen = easing, facilitation
yukxer = to ease, to facilitate, to make easy
yukxus = hobgoblin
yukxut = facilitator
yukxwa = eased, facilitated
yukyen = amenity, comfort, convenience, ease, opportunity
yukyena = comfortable, commodious, convenient, easy, opportune
yukyenay = comfortably, commodiously, conveniently, opportunely
yukyengab = amenity, frill, luxury
yukyenika = opportunity-filled, opportunity-rich
yukyenin -- yupuyxen
yukyenin = opportunism
yukyenina = opportunistic
yukyeninut = opportunist
yukyenxea = comforting, conveniencing
yukyenxen = comforting, conveniencing
yukyenxer = to comfort, to convenience, to make comfortable, to provide comfort
yukyenxwa = convenienced
yulk = Y, yttrium
yulo = ninety
yulojubyonsea = quarantining, under quarantine
yulojubyonxen = quarantine, quarantining
yulojubyonxer = to quarantine
yulojubyonxwa = quarantined
yulon = group of ninety
yuloyjagat = nonagenarian
yum = drought
yuma = dessicated, dried out, parched
yumaf = cirrocumulus
yumem = desert
yumez = obsidian, topaz
yumezyena = opalescent
yumezyenan = opalescence
yumuyv = ninepin
yumxen = drying out, parching
yumxer = to dry out, to parch
yumxwa = dried out, parched
yun- = nine-, nona-
yunapa = ninth in order, nonary
yungunid = nonagon
yungunida = nonagonal
yunkunid = nonahedron
yuon = group of nine
yuon- = nona-
yuona = ninefold, nonuple
yuonat = group of nine
yuontajat = nonuplet
yup = approach, coming, oncoming
yupaper = to fly near
yupasea = moving close
yupasen = moving close
yupaser = to move close, to move close by
yupaxer = to move close, to move close by
yupaxwa = moved close
yupea = approaching, nearing, oncoming, verging on
yuped = drum
yupeden = drumming, percussion
yupeder = to drum
yupela = damselfly
yupem = approach
yupen = nearing, oncoming, rapprochement
yupepen = hip-hopping like a rabbit
yupeper = to hiphop, to hop like a rabbit
yuper iluj bi = to run low on
yuper = to approach, to come near
yupet = rabbit
yupet yagteil = rabbit stew
yupetam = hutch
yupetayez = lapin
yupetibuj = scut
yupetif = bunny rabbit
yupetiyub = cottontail
yupetnyem = rabbit cage
yupetud = bunny, kit
yupetzyeg = rabbit hole
yupexar = lure
yupexen = luring
yupexer = to lure
yupexwa = lured
yupeyet = leech
yupeyt = doe
yupit = bass
yuplea = swooping
yuplen = swooping down
yupler = to swoop in on
yupleteubob = harelip
yupleteuboba = harelipped
yuplun = swoop
yupot mupyan = warren
yupot = wild hare
yupuyxen = tossing in
yupwet = buck
yupyafwa = approachable
yupyafwan = approachability
yupyit = salmon
yupyofwa = inapproachable, unapproachable
yupyofwan = unapproachability
yupyot = coyote
yusnadmeg = border stone, boundary stone, landmark
yuso = nine hundred
yusojagat = nonagenarian
yusonak = ys
yut = selves
yutaxeay = soothingly
yutayub = spleen
yutayuba = splenetic, splenic
yutotmir = empyrean
yuuga = plush
yuuga suam = plush pillow
yuv = bond, debt, duty, liege, obligation, tie
yuva = bound, captive, indebted, obliged, tied down
yuva dyangon = dependent clause
yuvan = captivity, obligation
yuvar aotglal = chain gang
yuvar = fetter, shackle
yuvaren = binding, fettering, shackling
yuvarer = to bind, to fetter, to shackle, to trammel
yuvarwa = fettered, shackled
yuvaryanxen = chaining together
yuvaryanxer = to chain together
yuvaryanxwa = chained together
yuvat = captive, liegeman, subject, thew
yuvbexam = detention center, detention facility
yuvbexen = detainment, detention
yuvbexer = to detain
yuvbexum = detention cell, holding cell
yuvbexwa = detained
yuvbexwat = detainee, person in detention
yuvdelen = professing
yuvdeler = to profess
yuvdelwa = professed
yuver = to be supposed to
yuvla bu = subject to
yuvla = compliant, dependent, obedient, subject
yuvlan = allegiance, compliance, compliancy, dependency, obedience, obligation
yuvlasea = abiding, compliant, obedient
yuvlaseay = compliantly
yuvlasen = abidance, becoming dependent, compliance, complying, obedience, submission
yuvlaser = to abide by, to be subject, to be subject to comply with, to depend on, to obey, to submit
yuvlasyea = abiding, compliant, dependent, obedient, submissive
yuvlat = dependent, liege, subject
yuvlaxea = compelling
yuvlaxeay = compellingly
yuvlaxen = compliance, rendering dependent, subduing, subjection, subjugation
yuvlaxer = to compel, to force, to make comply, to make obey, to render dependent, to subdue, to subject, to subjugate
yuvlaxwa = compelled, obligated, rendered dependent, subdued, subjected, subjugated
yuvlay = compliantly
yuvler = to be bound to have to
yuvna = tame
yuvnan = tameness
yuvnasen = becoming tame, submission
yuvnaser = to become tame, to submit
yuvnasyea = submissive
yuvnasyean = submissiveness
yuvnaxen = breaking in, domestication, taming
yuvnaxer = to break in, to domesticate, to tame
yuvnaxut = tamer
yuvnaxwa = broken in, domesticated, tamed
yuvnay = tamely
yuvob mekil = oatmeal
yuvob = oat
yuvob zyiglal = oatcake
yuvoba = oaten
yuvobyef = haversack
yuvon = duty, imperative, obligation
yuvos = carnation
yuvozyel = smallage, smalt
yuvra = captive, enslaved
yuvran = bondage, captivity, servitude
yuvrat buien = slave trade
yuvrat = captive, serf, slave
yuvrat ebkyax -- yuxlen job
yuvrat ebkyax = slave trade
yuvrat melyexem = slave plantation
yuvrat yex = slave labor
yuvrat yexem = slave labor camp
yuvrat yexut = slave laborer
yuvratan = captivity, serfdom, slavery
yuvratazbut = slave-driver
yuvratbexut = slaveholder
yuvratyena = slavelike, slavish
yuvratyenan = slavishness
yuvratyenay = slavishly
yuvraxea = captivating
yuvraxen = captivation, enslavement, enslaving, subjugation
yuvraxer = to captivate, to enslave, to subjugate
yuvraxwa = captivated, downtrodden, enslaved, subjugated
yuvraxwat = caitiff, enslaved person, slave, thrall
yuvrer = to be compelled to must
yuvrin = proslavery
yuvrina doeb = slave state
yuvrina = proslavery
yuvrinut = proslavery person, proslavist
yuvsea = adherent, adhering, obedient, observing, submissive
yuvsean = adherence, compliance, obedience, submissiveness
yuvseay = compliantly, obediently, submissively
yuvsen = adhering, adhesion, bonding, compliance, obedience, observing, subjugation, submission
yuvser = to adhere, to be bound to be subject to be subjected, to obey, to observe, to stick tight, to submit
yuvser vyaxyen = to observe etiquette
yuvsut = adherent, adherer, observer
yuvsya = observed
yuvsyean = compliance, dependency, submissiveness
yuvteexea = docile, obedient, obeying
yuvteexean = docility, obedience
yuvteexeay = docilely, obediently
yuvteexen = obedience
yuvteexer = to obey
yuvteexwa = obeyed
yuvwer = to be a must, to be compulsory, to be obligatory
yuvxar = binder
yuvxen = binding, bonding, ligation, obligation, subjecting, subjugation, submission
yuvxer = to bind, to debit, to ligate, to obligate, to subject, to subjugate, to submit, to tie
yuvxun = ligature
yuvxwa = adhered, bonded, bound, indebted, obligated, subjected, submitted
yuvxwan = captivity, subjugation, submission
yuvxwasyan = sheaf
yuvxwat = captive, subject
yuvyafwa = dependable
yuvyafwan = dependability
yuvyafway = dependably
yuvyea = dependent on
yuvyean = dependency
yuvyeay ab = depending on
yuvyeay = dependently
yuvyel = mustard
yuvyelza = carnation
yuwa = nine
yuwasi = nine things
yuwati = nine people
yux = aid, assistance, backing, help, succor
yuxar = aid
yuxdet = helpmate
yuxdien = asking for help, consultation, seeking help
yuxdier = to consult, to seek help
yuxdiwat = consultant
yuxea = ancillary, succursal
yuxea yofyatezebemat = suffragan
yuxean = instrumentality
yuxeay = instrumentally
yuxefa = in trouble
yuxen = aiding, assisting, helping
yuxer = to aid, to assist, to avail oneself of, to help, to succor
yuxgabunwa = tipped
yuxkexen = recourse
yuxlab = wait staff
yuxlam = agency, service
yuxlameb = agency head
yuxlar = server
yuxlawa = served, serviced
yuxlea twob = manservant
yuxleb = head waiter
yuxlen job = service time
yuxlen jwobi -- yuyfa
yuxlen jwobi = service hours
yuxlen noyx = service fee
yuxlen pot = service animal
yuxlen = service, servicing, serving, waiting on
yuxlen yax = service industry
yuxlen yepet = service dog
yuxlennuxut = ratepayer
yuxlentaf = uniform
yuxler gel asaun = to serve as an example
yuxler = to serve, to wait on
yuxlir = server
Yuxlu eut! = Help yourself!
yuxlukat = lapdog
yuxlukatan = lapdoggery
yuxlun = agent
yuxlur = servo, servomechanism, servomotor
yuxlut = aide, servant, server, servitor, steward, waiter
yuxlutan = servitude
yuxluter = to skivvy
yuxlutyan = service staff
yuxluyt = female servant, handmaid, handmaiden, maid-servant, maidservant, stewardess, waitress
yuxlyafa = able to serve, obliging
yuxlyafwa = serviceable
yuxlyafwan = serviceability
yuxlyea joput = lackey
yuxlyofwa = unserviceable
yuxnas = baksheesh, gratuity, tip
yuxnas syeb = change jar
yuxnas zyeb = tip jar
yuxnasuen = tipping
yuxnasuer = to tip
yuxnasuwa = tipped
yuxnax = toke
yuxoya = helpless
yuxoyan = helplessness
yuxran = forced labor, serfdom, slave labor
yuxrawat = pawn, serf, slave
yuxren = slaving
yuxrena = menial, menially
yuxrer = to slave, to work like a dog
yuxruen = enslavement
yuxruer = to enslave
yuxrut = forced laborer, menial, serf, slave
yuxrut nunam = slave market
yuxrutan = serfdom, thralldom
yuxruwa = enslaved
yuxruwan = enslavement
yuxruwat = enslaved person
yuxryea = servile
yuxryean = servility
yuxtuer = to clue in, to tip off
yuxtuun = clue, helpful tip
yuxtuunoya = clueless
yuxtuunuka = clueless
yuxtuwa = clued in, tipped off
yuxtwobet = boy servant, jack, knave, swain
Yuxu! = Help!
yuxuka bukwat = roadkill
yuxuka = helpless
yuxukan = helplessness
yuxukay = helplessly
yuxun = accessary, aid, instrument, means, wherewithal
yuxut = aid, assistant, attendant, coadjutor, helper
yuxutyan = squad
yuxutyandeb = foreperson
yuxwa = aided, assisted, helped
yuxyafa = helpful
yuxyafan = helpfulness
yuxyea = helpful, instrumental
yuxyean = helpfulness
yuxyeay = helpfully
yuxyuvdref = indenture
yuyb- = quasi-
yuyba = quasi
yuybdaba = quasi-governmental
yuybmar = quasar
yuybutexea odaba gonyan = quango
yuydeb = thane
yuyf = coyness, diffidence, shyness, timidity
yuyfa = bashful, coy, diffident, leery, milquetoast, sheepish, shy, timid, tremulous, tumid
yuyfan -- yuzbaxlawa biel
yuyfan = bashfulness, coyness, leeriness, sheepishness, shyness, timidity, timidness, tremulousness, tumidity
yuyfat = bashful person, coy person, milquetoast, shy person, timid person, wallflower
yuyfay = bashfully, coyly, diffidently, sheepishly, shying, shyly, timidly, tremulously
yuyfean = bashfulness, shyness, timidity
yuyfeat = shy person, timid person, wallflower
yuyfen = being coy, being shy, being timid, coying, shrinking, shying away
yuyfer = to be coy, to be shy, to be timid, to shrinking, to shy away
yuyfser = to be intimidated, to become timid
yuyfxea = eerie, intimidating
yuyfxean = eeriness
yuyfxeay = eerily, intimidatingly
yuyfxen = intimidation
yuyfxer = to faze, to intimidate
yuyfxut = intimidator
yuyfxwa = intimidated
yuyga = pappy, softish
yuygfa = debonair, suave
yuygfan = suaveness, suaveté, suavity
yuygfay = suavely
yuyn- = ninth-, novi-
yuyt = selves
yuyugsul = polyurethane
yu-yu-yu = cctv, closed circuit t.v.
yuyve = ought to, should
yuyver = to ought, to should
yuyx = aid, assistance, help
yuyxea = adjunct
yuyxen = aiding, assistance, helping
yuyxer = to aid, to assist, to help
yuyxut = aid, assistant, helper
yuyxwa = aided, assisted, helped
yuyz = circlet
yuz bi = about, around, concerning, on the periphery of
yuz bi ha gum bi = around the corner from
yuz bi ha kunad bi = around the edge of
yuz bi ha mir = around the world
yuz- = circ-, circum-, peri-
yuz = circa
yuz hum = thereabout, thereabouts
yuza = circular
yuzabaun = peridium
yuzaga = big around, fat, of great girth, of sizable girth
yuzagan = fatness, girth, inflation
yuzagsea = getting fat, inflating, swelling
yuzagser = to get fat, to get wide around the girth, to inflate, to swell
yuzagxea = fattening, inflationary
yuzagxen = fattening, swelling
yuzagxer = to blow up, to fatten, to inflate, to swell
yuzagxwa = fattened, inflated, swollen
yuzamaryubnod = perihelion
yuzan = circularity, rotundity
yuzaonabyan = peristyle
yuzar = belt, cincture, girdle, wrap-around
yuzaren = belting, girdling
yuzarer = to belt, to girdle, to put a belt around
yuzarwa = belted, girdled
yuzaxer = to make round
yuzay = circularly, in a circle, roundly
yuzazon = aura
yuzbaen = embracing, hug, hugging
yuzbaer = to embrace, to hug
yuzbalar = pincer, pincers, pincher, pliers, squeezer
yuzbalarer = to pinch
yuzbalares = tweezers
yuzbalen = pinching, squeezing
yuzbaler = to pinch, to squeeze
yuzbalwa = pinched, squeezed
yuzbalyefwa = pinchable, squeezable
yuzbar = choke-hold
yuzbarar = choker, vice, vise
yuzbarar drof = clipboard
yuzbaren = choking, compression, jamming together
yuzbarer = to choke, to compress, to jam together
yuzbarwa = choked, compresses, jammed together
yuzbasea = moving about
yuzbasen = moving about, turning around
yuzbaser = to turn around
yuzbawa = embraced, hugged
yuzbaxer = to stir
yuzbaxlawa biel = whipped cream
yuzbaxlawa -- yuzkason
yuzbaxlawa = whipped around
yuzbaxlen = whipping around
yuzbaxler = to whip
yuzbaylen = clutching, embracing
yuzbayler = to clutch, to embrace
yuzbaylwa = clutched, embraced
yuzbea = circulating, surrounding
yuzben = circulating, lapping, surrounding
yuzber = to circulate, to lap, to surround
yuzbex = clasp, clench, clutch, embrace, grip, hug
yuzbexar = brace, bracer, clamp, clasp, clutch, gripper, tong
yuzbexea = clasping, clenching, clutching, embracing, gripping, hugging
yuzbexen = bracing, clenching, clutching, embracing, gripping, hugging
yuzbexer = to clasp, to clutch, to cradle, to embosom, to embrace, to enclasp, to enfold, to grip, to hug
yuzbexwa = braced, clasped, clenched, clutched, cradled, embraced, gripped, hugged
yuzbexyafwa = embraceable
yuzbun = entourage
yuzbwa = circulated, lapped, surrounded
yuzbwam = enclave
yuzbyea = circulative
yuzdalen = crosstalk
yuzdaz = chorea
yuzden = beating around the bush
yuzder = to beat around the bush, to express circuitously
yuzdeuzwa = hummed
yuzdeyn = circumlocution
yuzdeyna = circumlocutory
yuzdin = gossip, rumor, story circulating, story going around
yuzdinden = gossiping, rumor-mongering, scuttlebutt
yuzdindut = gadder, gossip, gossiper, rumormonger
yuzdiner = to gossip, to rumor
yuzdinut = newsmonger, rumormonger, talebearer
yuzdinwa = rumored
yuzdinyea = gossipy
yuzdom = suburb
yuzdoma = suburban
yuzdomat = suburbanite
yuzdomep = beltway, loop
yuzdomgon = arrondissement
yuzdomxen = suburbanization
yuzdomxer = to suburbanize
yuzdomxwa = suburbanized
yuzdomyan = suburbia
yuzdras = routing slip
yuzdrawa = circumscribed, outlined
yuzdren = circumscription, outlining
yuzdrer = to circumscribe, to outline
yuzdungab = circumfix
yuzdungaben = circumfixation
yuzdungaber = to circumfix
yuzdungabwa = circumfixed
yuzdyana = periphrastic
yuzem = area around, environ, environment, environs, purlieu, surroundings, zone
yuzema = ambient, environmental, zonal
yuzembea = encircling
yuzemben = encirclement, encircling, surrounding, wrapping
yuzember = to encircle, to surround, to wrap
yuzembwa = circumjacent, encircled, surrounded, wrapped
yuzempen = circling
yuzemper = to circle
yuzemtip = ambiance
yuzeva = circumneutral
yuzgun = perigon
yuzigpen = running around
yuzigper = to run around
yuzilber = to circumfuse
yuzilp = circulation
yuzilpa = circulatory
yuzilpa naap = circulatory system
yuzilpea = circumfluent
yuzilpen = circulation, flowing around
yuzilper = to circulation, to flow around
yuzipen = dodging, evasion
yuziper ota dudyefi = to backslide
yuziper = to dodge, to evade
yuziput = backslider
yuzipyea = dodgy
yuzir = potter's wheel
yuzjuba = circadian
yuzkason = context
yuzkasona -- yuznadrun
yuzkasona = contextual
yuzkasonay = contextually
yuzkasonxer = to contextualize
yuzkexen = exploration, looking around
yuzkexena = explorational, exploratory
yuzkexer = to explore, to look around, to peruse, to scan, to search around
yuzkexut = explorer
yuzkexwa = explored
yuzkixen = diffraction
yuzkixer = to diffract
yuzkof = blanket, wrap, wrapping
yuzkofaber = to wrap
yuzkofabwa = wrapped
yuzkofober = to unwrap
yuzkofobwa = unwrapped
yuzkunad = frame
yuzkunadben = framing
yuzkunadxer = to frame
yuzkunadxwa = framed
yuzmamnada = circumhorizontal
yuzman = aureola, aureole
yuzmarmafa = circumgalactic
yuzmas = circular wall
yuzmasben = walling in
yuzmasber = to wall in
yuzmasbwa = walled in
yuzmasbwem = enceinte
yuzmays = fence, paling
yuzmaysben = fencing
yuzmaysber = to fence in
yuzmaysbwa = fenced in
yuzmaysober = to unfence
yuzmaysobwa = unfenced
yuzmep = beltway, by-pass, bypass, circle, circuit, loop, ring highway, rotary, round, tour
yuzmep drof = circuit board
yuzmepa = circuital
yuzmepaya = loopy
yuzmepea = looping
yuzmepen = looping
yuzmeper = to do a tour, to do the circuit, to loop, to shuttle, to tour
yuzmepika = loopy
yuzmepur = circuit vehicle, looper, shuttle, tour vehicle
yuzmepxen = bypassing
yuzmepxwa = bypassed
yuzmepyan = circuitry
yuzmepyena = circuitous
yuzmernoda = circumpolar
yuzmeys = fence
yuzmeysben = fencing
yuzmeysber = to fence in
yuzmeysbwa = fenced in
yuzmeysyan = fencing
yuzmir = environ, environment, environs
yuzmira = environmental
yuzmira kyes = environmenal incident
yuzmira okonuen = environmental damage
yuzmira pyuslun = environmental impact
yuzmira tyenartun = environmental technology
yuzmiray = environmentally
yuzmirdata = environmentally friendly
yuzmirin = environmentalism
yuzmirina = environmentalist
yuzmirinut = environmentalist
yuzmirvokxea = environmentally hazardous
yuzmufyeg = by-pass, bypass
yuzmufyegxen = bypassing
yuzmufyegxwa = bypassed
yuzmura = circumlunar
yuznab = axis, axle
yuznab bi fyon = axis of evil
yuznaba = axial
yuznad beaxut = border guard
yuznad = border, boundary, circumference, contour, frontier, limit, lip, outline, perimeter, periphery, ring
yuznada = circumferential, peripheral
yuznada teat = peripheral vision
yuznaday = peripherally
yuznadrawa = bordered, circumscribed, outlined
yuznadren = circumscription, drawing a line around, outlining
yuznadrer = to circumscribe, to draw a border around, to outline
yuznadrun = synopsis
yuznadruna -- yuzpasea
yuznadruna = synoptic, synoptical
yuznadsea = bordering
yuznadser = to border on
yuznadxea = bounding, delimiting, limiting
yuznadxen = bordering, bounding, contouring, delimitation, limitation, limiting, outlining, ringing
yuznadxer = to border, to bound, to contour, to delimit, to limit, to ring
yuznadxwa = bordered, bounded, contoured, delimited, limited, outlined, ringed
yuznag = circumference, girth
yuznaga = circumferential
yuznavib = ruff
yuznavibwa = ruffed
yuzneyefxen = swaddling
yuzneyefxer = to swaddle
yuzneyfxea = swaddling
yuznig- = eco-
yuznig = environ, environment, environs, surroundings
yuzniga = ecologic, environmental
yuznigay = ecologically, environmentally
yuznigdata = eco-friendly
yuznigin = environmentalism
yuznigina = environmentalist
yuzniginut = environmentalist
yuznignaab = ecosystem
yuznigovdata = eco-hostile
yuznigtojben = ecocide
yuznigtun = ecology
yuznigtuna = ecological
yuznigtunay = ecologically
yuznigtut = ecologist
yuzniov yugfir = belt sander
yuzniovaben = strapping on
yuzniovaber = to strap on
yuzniovabwa = strapped on
yuznof = bandage, swathe
yuznofaber = to bandage
yuznofabwa = bandaged
yuznofber = to swathe
yuznofes = band-aid
yuznofoben = unbandaging
yuznofober = to unbandage
yuznofobwa = unbandaged
yuznov = wrap, wrapper, wrapping
yuznovbea dref = wrapping paper
yuznovben = wrapping
yuznovber = to wrap
yuznovbwa = wrapped
yuznovoben = unwrapping
yuznovober = to unwrap
yuznovobwa = unwrapped
yuznyaf = binding
yuznyafxen = binding
yuznyafxer = to bind
yuznyafxwa = bound
yuznyif = lariat, lasso
yuznyifxen = lassoing
yuznyifxer = to lariat, to lasso
yuznyifxwa = lassoed
yuznyiov = belt, cloth strap
yuznyiovaben = strapping down
yuznyiovaber = to strap down
yuznyiovabwa = strapped down
yuznyov = sash
yuzof = girdle, sash, wrap-around, wraparound
yuzofaber = to wrap
yuzofober = to unswathe, to unwrap
yuzofyujber = to enfold, to envelop, to fold around
yuzofyujober = to develop, to unfold
yuzoga = of small girth, small around, thin
yuzogan = small girth, thinness
yuzogra = girth
yuzogsen = thinning down
yuzogser = to thin down
yuzogxen = deflation, thinning down
yuzogxer = to deflate, to thin out
yuzogxwa = deflated, thinned down
yuzovol = pita, taco, wrap
yuzovolnam = pita shop, taco shop
yuzpaper = to fly around
yuzpas = circular motion
yuzpasea = circulating, moving around
yuzpasen -- yuztuben
yuzpasen = circulating, circulation, moving around
yuzpasena = circulatory
yuzpaser = to circulate, to move around
yuzpasyen = circumduction
yuzpaxer = to circulate, to move around
yuzpaxwa = circulated
yuzpea = circulating, circulatory, circumjacent, cyclical, going around, surrounding, touring
yuzpea nas = currency
yuzpem = beltway, circuit, cycle, loop, rotary
yuzpen = circling, circuiting, circulating, circulation, circumvention, cycling, looping, traffic
yuzpena = circulant, circulatory, cyclical
yuzper = to circle, to circulate, to circumvent, to cycle, to go around, to loop, to tour
yuzpexen = besetting
yuzpexer = to beset
yuzpipen = circumnavigation, sailing around
yuzpiper = to circumnavigate, to sail around
yuzpiput = circumnavigator
yuzpipya = circumnavigated
yuzpop = circuit, round trip, tour
yuzpopea = touring around
yuzpopen = touring around
yuzpoper = to tour, to travel around
yuzpopizbut = tour guide
yuzpopur = shuttle bus
yuzpoput = tourist
yuzpur = bus, circulator, omnibus, shuttle, tour vehicle
yuzpur izbut = bus driver
yuzpur mepyen = bus route
yuzpur nad = bus line
yuzpur nax = carfare
yuzpur posam = bus station
yuzpur posem = bus stop
yuzpur posum = bus stand
yuzpuren = busing
yuzpurer = to bus
yuzpurut = busman
yuzpurwa = bused
yuzpusea = desultory
yuzpuseay = desultorily
yuzpuysen = hopping around
yuzpuyser = to hop around
yuzpya = circumvented
yuzpyea = circuitous, cyclical
yuzpyean = circuitousness, circuity
yuzpyeay = circuitously
yuzrar = wringer
yuzrawa = wrung
yuzren = torsion, wringing
yuzrena pyaon = torsional wave
yuzrena = torsional
yuzrer = to contort, to wring
yuzsan = circular shape, contour, ring
yuzsana = circle-shaped, circular, rotund
yuzsanser = to circularize, to take on a round shape
yuzsanxen = circularization, making round-shaped
yuzsanxer = to circularize, to give a round shape to
yuzsanxwa = circularized
yuzseux = crosstalk
yuzsiyn = circumfixed diacritic
yuzsun = belt, cincture, girdle, wrap
yuzsunen = belting, girding, ringing, wrapping around
yuzsuner = to gird, to wrap around belt
yuzsunwa = belted, girded, rung, wrapped
yuztaloba = perivascular
yuztama = around-the-house
yuztaob = pericarp
yuztayob = periderm
yuzteax = look-around
yuzteaxar = periscope
yuzteaxeay = circumspectly
yuzteaxen = circumspection, looking around, patrolling, reconnaissance
yuzteaxer = to circumspect, to look around, to patrol, to reconnoiter
yuzteaxpur = patrol car, reconnaissance vehicle
yuzteaxpuren = patrolling, reconnaissance
yuzteaxpurer = to patrol, to reconnoiter
yuzteaxwa = circumspected, patrolled, reconnoitered
yuzteupiba = periodontal
yuzteupibut = periodontist
yuztiebufa = peribronchial
yuztuben = embrace, embracing
yuztuber -- yvandideay
yuztuber = to embrace
yuztujer = to sleep around
yuztyoen = walking around
yuztyopea = peripatetic
yuztyoper = to troll
yuzuben = bringing around, sending around, taking around
yuzuber = to bring around, to send around, to take around
yuzujber = to trammel
yuzujnad = ambit
yuzun = coil, hank, loop, ring
yuzuna = circular, rotund
yuzunaya = loopy
yuzunes = ringlet
yuzunika = loopy
yuzunxen = coiling, hanking, looping, ringing
yuzunxer = to coil, to hank, to loop, to ring
yuzunxwa = coiled, hanked, looped, ringed
yuzunyan = chain
yuzunyanxen = chaining, concatenation
yuzunyanxer = to chain up, to concatenate
yuzunyanxwa = chained, concatenated
yuzuper = to come around
yuzveebzyega = perihilar
yuzyebtabosa = perivisceral
yuzyem = perimeter
yuzyiba = a long way around, far around
yuzyommela = periglacial
yuzyuj = enclosure, fence
yuzyujben = enclosing, fencing in
yuzyujber = to enclose, to fence in
yuzyujbwa = enclosed
yuzyujbwem = enclosed area
yuzyujem = court, courtyard
yuzyujwa = fenced in
yuzyupaser = to swing around
y.v. = hi-fi
yvandideay = inquiringly