Mirad Lexicon/Mirad-English-T

  • t. = t.
  • ta- = prefix for in-laws, stub for "tad"
  • taaa = taaa
  • taab = lymph node
  • taaba = lymphatic, lymphoid
  • taabnum = lymphocyte
  • taabtalob = lymph vessel
  • taabxena = venereal
  • taabyaz = lymphoma
  • taad = mate
  • taadebkyaxut = swinger
  • taadif = sex, sexual pleasure
  • taadifa = erotic, sexual
  • taadifan = eroticism, sexuality
  • taadifaxen = eroticization, sexualization
  • taadifaxer = to eroticize, to sexualize
  • taadifaxwa = eroticized, sexualized
  • taadifaya = sexy
  • taadifek = sex play
  • taadifika = sexed, sexy
  • taadifikay = sexily
  • taadifla = horny
  • taadiflan = horniness
  • taadifler = to be horny
  • taadifluen = arousal
  • taadifluer = to arouse
  • taadifluwa = aroused, sexed
  • taadifra = lustful, voluptuous
  • taadifran = lustfulness, voluptuousness
  • taadifren = lechery, lusting
  • taadifrer = to lust after
  • taadifrut = lecher, sexpot
  • taadiftojben = sex murder
  • taadiftojbut = sex murderer
  • taadifxea = sexy
  • taadifxen = copulation, having intercourse, having sex, intercourse
  • taadifxer = to copulate, to have intercourse, to have sex
  • taadkex = courtship
  • taadkexek = courtship display
  • taadkexen = courting
  • taadkexer = to court
  • taadser = to couple, to mate
  • taadtayub = gonad
  • taaduka = mateless, unattached, unpartnered, without a mate
  • taadukan = matelessness, unpartnered status
  • taaduksen = becoming unpartnered
  • taadukser = to become unpartnered
  • taadxen = copulation, fornication, love-making, lovemaking, mating, sex, sexuality
  • taadxen ekar = sex toy
  • taadxen ifek = sex game
  • taadxen jeb = mating season
  • taadxen mansin = sex photo
  • taadxen sum = love nest, shag bed
  • taadxen yebux = sex drive
  • taadxen yexut = sex worker
  • taadxena byaren = sexual arousal
  • taadxena = copulative, copulatory, erotic, sexual
  • taadxena if = erotic desire, sexual pleasure
  • taadxenay = sexually
  • taadxentun = sexology
  • taadxentut = sexologist
  • taadxer = to copulate, to fornicate, to have sex, to mate
  • taadxwa = coupled, mated
  • taam = home, menage
  • taama = domestic, tame
  • taamab = household
  • taaman = domesticity, tameness
  • taamay = domestically
  • taambesut = homebody
  • taameb = head of household, householder, housemaster, master
  • taamebea = dominant
  • taameben = heading a household, mastery
  • taameber = to head a household, to master
  • taamem = estate, homestead
  • taameyb = dame, lady of the house, mistress
  • taamif = home sweet home
  • taamoktos = homesickness, nostalgia
  • taamoktosea = homesick, nostalgic
  • taamoktosen = being nostalgic, feeling homesick
  • taamoktoser = to be nostalgic, to feel homesick

taampen pyex -- tabnunxer

  • taampen pyex = home run
  • taamsea = domesticating
  • taamtej = hearthstone
  • taamweb = headmaster, male head of household
  • taamxea = domesticating
  • taamxen = domesticating, domestication, taming
  • taamxer = to domesticate, to tame
  • taamxut = tamer
  • taamxwa = domesticated, tame, tamed
  • taamyena = cozy, homelike, homey
  • taamyenan = coziness, homeyness
  • taamyenay = cozily, in a homey way
  • taamyofwa = untamable
  • taamziunmas = backstop
  • tab = body, corpus
  • tab syag = body count
  • tab tayeb = body hair
  • tab utsinyen = body image
  • taba basyen = body language
  • taba = bodily, corporal
  • tababaoxun = body rub
  • tababaxlun = body massage
  • tabaga = burly, corpulent, stout
  • tabagan = burliness, corpulence, corpulency, size, stoutness
  • tabaka = healthy, physically sound
  • tabakan = health, physical soundness
  • taban = corporality
  • tabay = bodily, corporally
  • tabaza = strong-bodied
  • tabazan = strength of body
  • tabazaxer = to do body-building, to do bodybuilding
  • tabbeaxut = bodyguard
  • tabbula = tabbouleh
  • tabes = corpuscle
  • tabesa = corpuscular
  • tabesijen = ontogeny
  • tabetyoyaf = bootee, bootie
  • tabgobluj = tree stump
  • tabgon = body part
  • tabgoni = viscera
  • tabgontixer = to anatomize
  • tabgontun = anatomy
  • tabgontuna = anatomic, anatomical
  • tabgontunay = anatomically
  • tabgontut = anatomist
  • tabgonyana = visceral
  • tabij = embryo
  • tabija = embryonic
  • tabijayeb = cotyledon
  • tabijil = embryonic fluid
  • tabijtun = embryology
  • tabijtuna = embryological
  • tabijtut = embryologist
  • tabijyena = embryo-like, embryonic
  • tabil = body fluid, humor
  • tabila = humoral
  • tabkex = body search, strip search
  • tabkexen = body searching, strip searching
  • tabkexer = to body search, to strip search
  • tabkexwa = body searched, strip searched
  • tabkum = flank
  • tabkyin = bodyweight
  • tabkyoxwa = cataleptic
  • tabkyoxwan = catalepsy
  • tabmegnyeb = sarcophagus
  • tabmeluk meg = gravestone, headstone, tomb stone, tombstone
  • tabmeluk = tomb
  • tabmelukem = graveyard
  • tabmelzyeg meg = gravestone, headstone, tomb stone, tombstone
  • tabmelzyeg = tomb
  • tabmelzyegem = graveyard
  • tabmuf = gibbet
  • tabmufyeg = catheter
  • tabmufyeger = to catheterize
  • tabnuinuyt = harlot
  • tabnuinuytan = harlotry
  • tabnuniam = bordello
  • tabnunxam = house of prostitution, whorehouse
  • tabnunxen = prostitution, whoredom, whoring
  • tabnunxer = to whore

tabnunxut -- tabzyoxwa

  • tabnunxut = prostitute, whore
  • tabnunxuyt = female prostitute, whore
  • tabnunxyea = whoreish, whorish
  • tabnyaun = body mass
  • tabnyaun sagmus = body mass index
  • tabnyef = body bag, cyst
  • tabnyefa = cystic
  • tabnyem = casket
  • tabobelun = corpse
  • tabobelun nyef = body bag
  • tabobyeb = papoose
  • tabog = corpuscle
  • taboga = corpuscular
  • tabogrun = corpuscle
  • tabogruna = corpuscular
  • tabol = haslet
  • tabos ifbuut = organ donor
  • tabos = organ
  • tabos zaykyoben = organ transplant
  • tabosa = organic, organismic
  • tabosoben = evisceration
  • tabosober = to eviscerate
  • tabosobwa = eviscerated
  • tabosok = atrophy
  • tabosoken = atrophying
  • tabosokya = atrophic, atrophied
  • tabosyan = organism
  • tabovmas = body armor, body shield
  • taboza = tired, weak-bodied
  • tabozan = fatigue
  • tabozaser = to become tired, to grow tired
  • tabozaxer = to make tired, to tire out
  • tabozaxwa = fatigued, tired
  • tabpyoxwastel = mast
  • tabpyoxwasteluer = to mast
  • tabpyoxwasteluwa = masted
  • tabsan = body shape
  • tabsaun = body type
  • tabsin = figure
  • tabsina = figurative
  • tabsindras = figure drawing
  • tabsindrun = figure drawing
  • tabsindrut = figure drawer
  • tabteax = autopsy
  • tabteaxer = to autopsy, to do an autopsy
  • tabteaxwa = autopsied
  • tabtoswa = visceral
  • tabtosway = viscerally
  • tabuka = unbodied
  • tabum = cell
  • tabuma = cellular
  • tabummul = cytoplasm
  • tabummula = cytoplasmic
  • tabumtun = cytology
  • tabumtuna = cytological
  • tabumtut = cytologist
  • tabuzlea = squirming, writhing
  • tabuzlen = squirming, writhing
  • tabuzler = to squirm, to writhe
  • tabuzlyea = squirmy
  • tabvyavyek = bodycheck
  • tabyeklen ifek = wrestling match
  • tabyeklen = wrestling
  • tabyekler = to wrestle
  • tabyeklut = wrestler
  • tabyen = attitude, poise, posture
  • tabyigsa = catatonic
  • tabyigsan = catatonia
  • tabyobuza = crouched down
  • tabyobuzea = crouching
  • tabyobuzen = crouching
  • tabyobuzer = to crouch
  • tabyopea = stooping
  • tabyopen = stooping
  • tabyoper = to stoop down
  • tabyopya = stooped
  • tabyuz = tegument
  • tabzyegkex = body cavity search
  • tabzyoa = skintight
  • tabzyoxwa = formfitting

tad -- taeb zyobix

  • tad = spouse
  • tada = spousal
  • tadan = marital state, marriage
  • tadana = marital
  • tadanay = maritally
  • tadansum = nuptial bed
  • tadat = in-law
  • tadayt = female in-law
  • tadbuer = to endow
  • tadbun = dowry, endowment
  • tadbuwa = endowed
  • taddxut = fornicator
  • taddyun = married name
  • tadiea = marrying
  • tadien = espousal, marriage, marrying, matrimony, wedding
  • tadien tayf = wedding dress
  • tadien vaduun = marriage proposal
  • tadiena eot = bridal couple
  • tadiena = matrimonial
  • tadienuf = misogamy
  • tadienufat = misogamist
  • tadienxel = nuptials, wedding
  • tadienxela = nuptial
  • tadier = to espouse, to get married, to marry, to wed
  • tadifbuen = dotation
  • tadiwa = married, wedded
  • tadiwat = married person
  • tadkexen = matchmaking
  • tadkexut = courter, marriage broker, matchmaker
  • tadnad = breed, strain
  • tadnadxem = breeding ground
  • tadnadxen = breeding
  • tadnadxut = breeder
  • tadnux = alimony
  • tadoken = being widowed, losing a spouse
  • tadoker = to be widowed, to lose a spouse
  • tadokya = widowed
  • tadokyat = widow, widower
  • tadokyawat = widower
  • tadokyayt = widow
  • tadokyaytan = widowhood
  • tadon = marriage
  • tadoya = single, unattached
  • tadoyan = singlehood
  • tadsen = marriage, wedding
  • tadsenxel = wedding
  • tadser = to get married, to wed
  • tadsya = married, wedded
  • tadtayuba = gonadal
  • taduen = marriage, marrying
  • taduer = to give away in marriage, to marry off, to officiate at a marriage
  • taduka = unmarried
  • taduut = justice of the peace, marriage official
  • taduwa = married
  • taduyafa = nubile
  • taduyafwa = marriageable
  • taduyafwan = marriageability
  • tadwat = male in-law
  • tadxen = marriage, marrying
  • tadxer = to marry
  • tadxut = marriage officiator
  • tadxwa = married
  • tadxwan = wedlock
  • tadxwena = connubial
  • tadyan = couple, husband and wife, married couple
  • tadyiv = consortium
  • tadyovxea = adulterous
  • tadyovxeay = adulterously
  • tadyovxen = adultery
  • tadyovxut = adulterer
  • tadyovxuyt = adulteress
  • tadyovxwa = adulterated
  • tadyuv = marital bond, wedlock
  • tadyuvlaxen = engagement
  • tadyuvlaxwa = engaged
  • taeb = muscle
  • taeb nif = muscle fiber
  • taeb num = muscle cell, muscle fiber, myocyte
  • taeb yignan = muscle tension
  • taeb zyobix = muscle cramp

taeba -- taibog

  • taeba = muscular
  • taebagan = beefcake
  • taebagat = beefcake
  • taeban = muscularity
  • taebay = muscularly
  • taebayan = beefiness
  • taebayat = muscleman
  • taebdazbok = chorea
  • taebika = beefy, muscle-bound, musclebound
  • taebikan = beefiness
  • taebozanbok = myasthenia
  • taebsansen = muscling
  • taebuka = scrawny
  • taebukan = scrawniness
  • taebxen = muscling up
  • taebxer = to muscle up
  • taebxwa = brawny, muscled up
  • taebxwan = brawniness
  • taebxwat = muscleman
  • taebyan = muscling, musculature
  • taebzyobiser = to cramp
  • taebzyobix = cramp
  • taebzyobixbok = epilepsy, lockjaw
  • taebzyobixboka = epileptic
  • taebzyobixen = cramping
  • taebzyobixwa = cramped
  • taf bi mojob = dress suit
  • taf = outfit, suit
  • tafaben = enrobing, putting a suit on, suiting up
  • tafaber = to enrobe, to get suited up
  • tafabwa = enrobed, suited up
  • tafbexlum = hatcheck
  • tafbexlumut = hatcheck employee
  • tafen = cladding
  • taffi = taffy
  • tafien = putting on clothes, suiting up
  • tafier = to put on clothes, to suit up
  • tafiwa = clad, clothed, suited up
  • tafnam = dress shop, tailor shop
  • tafnof = suiting
  • tafnyef = portmanteau
  • tafoben = taking off a suit, unsuiting
  • tafober = to take of a suit, to unsuit
  • tafobwa = unsuited
  • tafoybnadar = hemmer
  • tafsaxam = clothes factory
  • tafsaxen = making clothes, tailoring
  • tafsaxer = to make clothes, to tailor
  • tafsaxut = couturier
  • tafsaxuyt = couturière
  • taftyoyf = pantsuit
  • tafuer = to clothe, to enrobe, to outfit, to suit up
  • tafuwa = clad, clothed, enrobed, outfitted, suited up
  • tafyijun = placket
  • Tahed = Tahitian
  • Tahedaler = to speak Tahitian
  • Tahedalut = Tahitian speaker
  • Taheder = to say in Tahitian
  • taib = bone
  • taib gyian = bone density
  • taib sexyen = bone structure
  • taiba = bony, osseous
  • taibaosus = boneshaker
  • taibaya = bony
  • taibayan = boniness
  • taibboktun = osteopathic medicine, osteopathy
  • taibboktuna = osteopathic
  • taibboktut = osteopath
  • taibika = boney, bony
  • taibikan = boniness
  • taibil = bone marrow
  • taibmyek = bonemeal
  • taibnyan = skeleton
  • taibnyana = skeletal
  • taibnyansyob = coccyx
  • taibnyansyoba = coccygeal
  • taiboben = boning, de-boning
  • taibober = to bone, to de-bone
  • taibobwa = boned, de-boned
  • taibog = osselet

taibok -- tajea

  • taibok = resorption
  • taiboya = boneless
  • taibsen = ossification
  • taibser = to ossify
  • taibsya = ossified
  • taibuka = boneless
  • taibul = marrow
  • taibvyixen = scavenging
  • taibvyixer = to scavage, to scavenge
  • taibvyixut = scavenger
  • taibvyixwa = scavenged
  • taibyan = ossature
  • taibyank = knuckle
  • taibyel = ossein
  • taibyem = ossuary
  • taibyena = bone-like, bony
  • taibyenan = boniness
  • taibyuzof = cambium
  • taibyuzofa = cambial
  • taikun = tycoon
  • taj = birth, genesis
  • taj doyiv = birthright
  • taj meg = birthstone
  • taj vladref = birth certificate
  • taj vyesag = birth rate, birthrate
  • taj yiv = birth right
  • taja = natal
  • taja siyn = birthmark
  • tajara = genital
  • tajaray = genitally
  • tajaryan = genitalia
  • tajas = creature
  • tajat = offspring
  • tajatan = babyhood
  • tajatog = little baby
  • tajatyena = babyish, childish
  • tajben = bearing a child, begetting, birthing, breeding, engendering, giving birth, parturition
  • tajbena = parturient
  • tajber = to bear, to beget, to birth, to breed, to bring into the world, to carry a child, to engender, to give birth
  • tajber yapetudyan = to farrow
  • tajbikuut = natal care specialist
  • tajboa = gravid, parturient, pregnant
  • tajboan = gravidity, pregnancy
  • tajboaser = to get impregnated, to get pregnant
  • tajboaxen = impregnation
  • tajboaxer = to get pregnant, to impregnate
  • tajboaxwa = impregnated
  • tajboayt = pregnant woman
  • tajbua = fecund
  • tajbuan = fecundity
  • tajbuaxen = fecundation, fertilization
  • tajbuaxer = to fecundate
  • tajbul = sperm
  • tajbula = spermatic
  • tajbulbuut = sperm donor
  • tajbulmuyfyeg = vas deferens
  • tajbulnexam = sperm bank
  • tajbulnum = spermatozoon
  • tajbulnumi = spermatozoa
  • tajbultujbua = spermicidal
  • tajbultujbus = spermicide
  • tajbuluen = ejaculation
  • tajbuluer = to ejaculate
  • tajbuxyofwa = unfertilizable
  • tajbuxyofwan = unfertilizability
  • tajbwa = begotten, birthed, born, engendered
  • tajbwat = baby, bairn
  • tajbwatyena = babyish
  • tajbyafa = fertile
  • tajbyafan = fertility
  • tajbyafay = fertilely
  • tajbyafwan = fertilizability
  • tajbyafxer = to fertilize
  • tajbyafxwa = fertilizable, fertilized
  • tajbyok = labor pains
  • tajdel = birth notice
  • tajdom = birthplace town, home town, hometown
  • tajdoyiv = birthright
  • tajdyun = birth name, first name, given name, maiden name, nee
  • tajea = nascent

tajem -- takibnyanuka

  • tajem = birthplace, place of birth
  • tajen = being born, nascence
  • tajer = to be born
  • tajjub = birthday
  • tajjub ivxel = birthday party
  • tajjub leovol = birthday cake
  • tajjub xel = birthday celebration
  • tajjud = date of birth
  • tajmarnemdraft = horoscope
  • tajmem = country of birth, fatherland, homeland, motherland
  • tajmema = aboriginal, indigenous
  • tajmema okyebuk = homeland security
  • tajmeman = indigenousness
  • tajmemat = aborigine, indigenous person
  • tajmemay = indigenously
  • tajmeme Ayanmela tudet = papoose
  • tajmemifa = patriotic
  • tajmemifan = patriotism
  • tajmemifut = patriot
  • tajmemyuva = patriotic
  • tajmemyuvan = patriotism
  • tajmemyuvat = patriot
  • Tajna Ayanamelat = Amerindian, Native American
  • Tajna Ayanmela = Amerindian, Native American
  • Tajna Ayanmela apetud = cayuse
  • Tajna Ayanmela nas = wampumgre
  • Tajna Ayanmela tamof = tepee, wigwam
  • Tajna ayanmelatoyb = squaw
  • tajna = indigenous, native-born, natural
  • tajna mem = native country
  • tajna memat = native countryman
  • tajna teyd = natural mother
  • tajna twed = natural father
  • tajna yafan = native ability
  • tajna yiv = natural right
  • tajnad = breed, brood, pedigree
  • tajnaddref = pedigree
  • tajnadxen = breeding
  • tajnadxer = to breed
  • tajnadxowa apeyt = broodmare
  • tajnadxwa = bred, pedigreed
  • tajnan = indigenousness
  • tajnat = indigenous person, native
  • tajnay = indigenously, natively
  • tajnaz = appanage
  • tajnin = nativism
  • tajnina = nativistic
  • tajninut = nativist
  • tajted = birth father, birth parent
  • tajtelmep = placenta
  • tajtelmepa = placental
  • tajteyd = birth mother
  • tajtos = instinct
  • tajtosa = instinctive, instinctual
  • tajtosay = instinctively
  • tajtoser = to feel instinctively, to have a gut feeling
  • tajtyan = birth class, social standing
  • tajtyen = flair, in-born skill, talent
  • tajtyenika = talented
  • tajtyenoya = talentless, untalented
  • tajtyenuka = talentless, untalented
  • tajvafdwa = hard-wired, hardwired
  • tajwud = infant son
  • tajyat = baby, bairn, infant
  • tajyat belar = baby carriage
  • tajyata = baby
  • tajyatsim = baby chair, high chair
  • tajyattojbut = baby-killer
  • tajyatyena = babyish, infantile
  • tajyuxtyen = midwifery
  • tajyuxuyt = midwife
  • takib = vertebra
  • takiba = vertebral
  • takibnyan = backbone, spina, spinal column, spine, vertebra
  • takibnyana = spinal
  • takibnyanika = vertebrate
  • takibnyanoya = spineless
  • takibnyansyob = pelvis, sacrum
  • takibnyansyoba = pelvic, sacral
  • takibnyanuka = spineless

takibnyanukat -- tambiwa

  • takibnyanukat = invertebrate
  • takibnyanyobuj = coccyx
  • takibnyanyobuja = coccygeal
  • takibnyayn = notochord
  • takibnyaynika = chordate
  • takibpot = vertebrate
  • tako = taco
  • talab = joint
  • talaba = articulatory
  • talabbok = arthritis
  • talabboka = arthritic
  • talabteaxa = arthroscopic
  • talabteaxar = arthroscope
  • talabtupet = arthropod
  • Talmud = talmud
  • Talmuda = talmudic
  • talob = artery, blood vessel
  • taloba = arterial
  • taloba yigsenbok = arterial sclerosis, hardening of the arteries
  • talobog = arteriole
  • taloboga = arteriolar
  • talobsin = angiogram
  • talobsinxen = angiography
  • talobujun = embolism
  • talobzyaxen = angioplasty
  • taloyb = capillary
  • tam = abode, home, house
  • tam sizut = house painter
  • tam vob = house plant
  • tam volzilbut = house painter
  • tama = domestic
  • tama emdyun = home address
  • tamab = domain
  • tamabaun = housetop
  • tamag = domain, manor, manse, mansion
  • tamageyb = lady of the manor
  • tamagweb = lord of the manor
  • tamagweban = lordliness, lordship
  • Tamagweban = Lordship
  • tamagweben = domination, lording over
  • tamagweber = to dominate, to lord over
  • tamagwebwa = dominated, lorded over
  • tamagwebyena = lordly
  • tamagxwa = homegrown
  • tamale = tamale
  • tamay = domestically
  • tamayt = homemaker, housewife
  • tamayta = housewifely
  • tamaz = castle, rook
  • tamazeb = head of the castle
  • tamazeyb = castle mistress
  • tamazweb = castle master, lord of the castle
  • tamazyena = castellated
  • tambes = habitability
  • tambesea = domiciliary
  • tambesem = habitat, place of residence
  • tambesen = dwelling, living, residency, residing
  • tambeser = to be lodged, to dwell, to live, to lodge, to reside in
  • tambeseut = dweller
  • tambesut = habitant, lodger, resident
  • tambesutsag = occupancy
  • tambeut = dweller, habitant, home occupant, homeowner, householder, inhabitant
  • tambeutan = habitat, home ownerership
  • tambexen = habitation, home ownership, occupation, owning a home
  • tambexer = to dwell, to inhabit, to own a house
  • tambexlut = homebody, stay-at-home
  • tambien = occupation, settlement, settling
  • tambier = to occupy a dwelling, to settle, to take up residence
  • tambik = home care
  • tambikuen = home caregiving, housekeeping
  • tambikuer = to give home care
  • tambikuut = home caregiver, home nurse, housekeeper, houseman
  • tambikuuyt = housemaid
  • tambikuwa = home-nursed
  • tambikwa = cared for at home
  • tambiowa = takeaway
  • tambiowas = takeaway
  • tambiun = settlement
  • tambiut = nester, occupant, settler
  • tambiwa = occupied, settled

tambuen -- tamoyeba tyal

  • tambuen = housing, lodging, sheltering
  • tambuer = to house, to lodge, to provide housing, to settle, to shelter
  • tambutam nixbuen = peddling
  • tambutam nixbuer = to peddle
  • tambutam nixbuut = peddler
  • tambuwa = housed, lodged, sheltered
  • tambuwas = lodging, shelter, something provided as a shelter
  • tambyeay = domineeringly
  • tamdeym = yard
  • tamdomtwobet = homeboy
  • tamdrev = homepage
  • tameb = head of household, master
  • tameben = dominance, domineering, mastery
  • tameber = to master
  • tamebwa = mastered
  • tamebyea = dominant, domineering
  • tamem = messuage
  • tameon = duplex
  • tameyb = mistress
  • tamfibexen = homemaking
  • tamfutop = poltergeist
  • tamfyetop = hobgoblin
  • Tamid = Tamil
  • Tamidaler = to speak Tamil
  • Tamidalut = Tamil speaker
  • Tamider = to say in Tamil
  • tamien = settlement, taking up residence
  • tamigpen = home run
  • tamik = houseful
  • Tamilgivomuf = cheroot
  • tamiper = to leave home, to resettle
  • tamkexen = house hunting
  • tamkexer = to house hunt
  • tamkexut = house hunter
  • tamkoyepen = housebreaking
  • tamkoyeput = housebreaker
  • tamkum = side of the house
  • tamkyaxen = change of residence, relocating, relocation
  • tamkyaxer = to change residence, to help move, to help relocate
  • tamkyaxwa = relocated
  • tamkyobeser = to stay at home
  • tamkyobesut = stay-at-home
  • tamkyobexwa = stuck at home
  • tamkyoxem = settlement
  • tamkyoxen = settlement
  • tamkyoxer = to domiciliate, to move in, to settle, to take up residence
  • tamkyoxut = settler
  • tamkyoxwa = settled
  • tammag = hearth
  • tammag oybmasoyf = hearthrug
  • tammagmeg = hearthstone
  • tammem = estate
  • tammipar = houseboat
  • tamnefxwa = homespun
  • tamnig = houseroom
  • tamoben = uprooting
  • tamober = to unhouse, to uproot
  • tamobwa = deprived of house and home, unhoused, uprooted
  • tamof = tent
  • tamofem = camp, campground
  • tamofem mag = campfire
  • tamofempen = camping
  • tamofemper = to camp out
  • tamofemput = camper
  • tamofen = tenting
  • tamofsum = sleeping bag, tent bed
  • tamofum = campsite
  • tamofut = tenter
  • tamog = cabin, cottage
  • tamogut = cottager, cotter
  • tamoktos = nostalgia
  • tamoktosea = nostalgic
  • tamoktosen = feeling nostalgic
  • tamoktoser = to feel nostalgic
  • tamoya = homeless
  • tamoyan = homelessness
  • tamoyat = homeless person, stumblebum
  • tamoyeba = outdoor, outdoors
  • tamoyeba tulxun = cookout
  • tamoyeba tyal = outdoor meal

tamoyebifa -- tamwebwa

  • tamoyebifa = outdoorsy
  • tamoyeper = to go outdoors
  • tamoyg = hut
  • tamoysen = becoming homeless
  • tamoyser = to become homeless
  • tamoyxen = depriving of housing, making homeless, uprooting
  • tamoyxer = to deprive of housing, to make homeless, to uproot
  • tamoyxwa = deprived of housing, robbed of house and home, uprooted
  • tampen = going home
  • tamper = to go home
  • tampet = domestic animal, domesticated animal, house animal, pet
  • tampeta = housebroken
  • tampetan = tameness
  • tampettel = pet food
  • tampetxea = domesticating
  • tampetxen = domestication, housebreaking, taming
  • tampetxer = to domesticate, to housebreak
  • tampetxut = tamer
  • tampetxwa = domesticated, housebroken
  • tampexwa = house-bound, housebound
  • tampiea = moving out
  • tampien = leaving home, moving out
  • tampier = to leave home, to strike out
  • tampuea = moving in
  • tampuen = arriving home arrival, moving in
  • tampuer = to arrive home
  • tampya = gone home
  • tamsaxwa = domestically crafted, home-made, homegrown, homemade
  • tamsomyan = house furnishings
  • tamsonabteaxut = chamberlain
  • tamsyaagir = home computer
  • tamsyob = home base
  • tamtaf = housecoat
  • tamtayd = housewife
  • tamtayda = housewifely
  • tamted = houseparent
  • tamtef = tam
  • tamteyd = housemother
  • tamtim = homeroom
  • tamtix = home study
  • tamtixun = homework
  • tamtoyb = woman of the house
  • tamtujer = to sleep in
  • tamtulxwa = home-cooked
  • tamtuxen = homeschooling
  • tamtuxuyt = governess
  • tamtwad = househusband
  • tamtwobet = houseboy
  • tamtwod = man of the house
  • tamtyal = frozen dinner, in-home meal, take-out
  • tamtyaler = to dine at home
  • tamtyalien = eating in, having take-out at home
  • tamtyalier = to eat in, to have take-out at home
  • tamtyaluer = to deliver take-out
  • tamtyaluut = meal deliverer, take-out deliverer
  • tamtyoyaf = house slipper
  • tamuen dotnux = housing subsidy
  • tamuen = housing, sheltering
  • tamuer = to house, to shelter
  • tamuka grafilut = stewbum
  • tamuka = homeless
  • tamukan = homelessness
  • tamukxer = to deprive of housing, to render homeless, to uproot
  • tamukxwa = uprooted
  • tamup ivxel = homecoming celebration
  • tamupen = homecoming
  • tamuper = to come home
  • tamutyan = household
  • tamuwa = housed, sheltered
  • tamvob = houseplant
  • tamvyab = house rule
  • tamvyixen = housecleaning
  • tamvyixut = house cleaner, housecleaner
  • tamvyixuyt = charlady, charwoman
  • tamwat = househusband, man of the house
  • tamweb = head of household, lord, male head of house, master of the house
  • tamwebea = dominating
  • tamweben = lording over
  • tamweber = to dominate, to lord over
  • tamwebwa = dominated, lorded over

tamyan -- taol

  • tamyan = block of houses, compound, housing complex
  • tamyavla = house-proud, houseproud
  • tamyeba = indoors
  • tamyeper = to go indoors
  • tamyex = domestic chores, house work, housework
  • tamyexen = telecommuting, working from home
  • tamyexer = to do homework, to telecommute, to work at home, to work domestically, to work from home
  • tamyexun = telework, work from home
  • tamyexut = one working from home, telecommuter, work-at-home
  • tamyipeyt = tabby cat
  • tamyog = shack
  • tamyogdom = favela, shantytown
  • tamyuxleb = butler
  • tamyuxlut = domestic servant
  • tamyuxlutyan = domestic staff
  • tamyuxluyt = maid
  • tamyuxtwobet = knave
  • tamyuxut = valet
  • tamyyixer = to houseclean
  • tamzyakex = house-search
  • tanduri = tandoori
  • tango daz = tango dance
  • tango duz = tango music
  • tantra = tantra
  • taob = carne, flesh, meat, tissue
  • taoba = carnal, flesh-related, sarcous
  • taoba ten = carnal knowledge
  • taoban = carnality
  • taobay = carnally
  • taobaya = carnal, fleshy
  • taobgosbien = biopsy
  • taobgosbier = to biopsy
  • taobif dezam = bordello, fleshpot
  • taobika = carnal, fleshy
  • taobil = gravy, jus
  • taoboza = weak of the flesh
  • taobozan = weakness of the flesh
  • taobser = to become flesh, to incarnate
  • taobtelea = flesh-eating, sarcophagous
  • taobtoj = infarction
  • taobtojan = infarct
  • taobuiut = fleshpot
  • taobxen = incarnation
  • taobxwa = incarnated
  • taobyaxbokuxan = carcinogenicity
  • taobyayz = sarcoid
  • taobyaz = sarcoma, tumor
  • taobyazag = carbuncle
  • taobyazaga = carbuncular
  • taobyazbok = cancer, carcinoma, sarcoma
  • taobyazboka = cancerous
  • taobyazbokaya = cancerous
  • taobyazbokika = cancerous
  • taobyazbokux = carcinogen
  • taobyazbokuxa = carcinogenic
  • taobyazuka = tumor-free
  • taobyazyig = chancre
  • taobyena = fleshy, sarcoid, tissue-like
  • taobyug = flab
  • taobyuga = flabby, flaccid
  • taobyugan = flabbiness, flaccidity
  • taobyugay = flabbily
  • taoftun = histology
  • taoftut = histologist
  • taogoblam = butcher shop, chop shop
  • taogoblar = butcher knife, carver, carving knife, cleaver, meat cleaver, meatchopper
  • taogoblawa = butchered, carved
  • taogoblen = butchery, carving, chopping, cleaving, meat-cutting
  • taogoblen faof = butcher block, chopping block, cutting board
  • taogobler = to butcher, to carve, to chop meat, to cleave, to cut meat
  • taogoblut = butcher
  • taogofrun = croquette
  • taogol = cut of meat
  • taogyagol = steak
  • taogyagolam = steakhouse
  • taol ableovol = potpie
  • taol be gimuf = kabob, kebab, kebob
  • taol gimuf = meat skewer, shish, skewer
  • taol grun = meat hook
  • taol = meat

taol uzglal -- tapflanaya

  • taol uzglal = meatloaf
  • taolam = butcher shop
  • taolaya = meat-filled, meaty
  • taolayan = meatiness
  • taolgimuf = spit
  • taolgros = escallop, escalope
  • taolgyos = escalop
  • taolika = meat-filled, meaty
  • taolikan = meatiness
  • taolil = meat stew, pot-au-feu, stew
  • taolilen = stewing
  • taoliler = to stew
  • taolilwa = stewed
  • taolilyeb = porringer, stewpot
  • taolmekxar = meat grinder
  • taolmyekar = meatgrinder
  • taolnyufbam = packinghouse
  • taoloya = meat-free, meatless
  • taolteil = meat stew
  • taoltelea = carnivorous, meat-eating
  • taoltelut = carnivore, meat-eater
  • taolufyeg ebovol = hotdog
  • taolufyeg = sausage
  • taolufyeges = sausage link
  • taoluka = meat-free, meatless
  • taolxen = meatpacking
  • taolxut = meatpacker
  • taolyug = tenderloin
  • taolzyun = meatball
  • taoteil = consomme, consommé
  • taotuj = necrosis
  • taotuja = necrotic
  • taovoltuil = ragout
  • taoyaz = papilla
  • taoyazi = papillae
  • taoyazyena = papillary
  • tap = physique
  • tapa bak = physical health
  • tapa = corporeal, physical
  • tapa yanmultun = physical chemistry
  • tapad = squawk
  • tapaden = parroting, squawking
  • tapader = to parrot, to squawk
  • tapan = corporeality, physicality, physicalness
  • tapas oybmays = exercise mat
  • tapasea = exercising
  • tapasen = exercising
  • tapaser = to exercise
  • tapasir = exercise machine
  • tapat = parakeet
  • tapaxen = exercising
  • tapaxer = to exercise
  • tapaxwa = exercised
  • tapay = corporeally, physically
  • tapaza = brawny, hardy, physically strong, sturdy
  • tapazan = brawn, brawniness, hardiness, physical strength, sturdiness
  • tapazon = physical force
  • tapbaka = physically healthy, physically sound
  • tapbakan = physical health
  • tapbakser = to get into good physical shape
  • tapbek = physical therapy
  • tapbeka = therapeutic
  • tapbekut = physical therapist
  • tapboka = ill, physically unwell, sick
  • tapbokan = physical illness
  • tapbokat = physically ill person
  • tapbyeken = physiotherapy
  • tapdiz = slapstick
  • tapef = libido
  • tapefa = libidinal
  • tapelad = chirp, twitter
  • tapeladen = chirping, twittering
  • tapelader = to chirp, to twitter
  • tapeladyea = chirpy, twittery
  • tapeladyean = chirpiness
  • tapelat = cicada
  • tapfla = lustful
  • tapflan = lust, lustfulness
  • tapflanay = lusciously
  • tapflanaya = luscious

tapflanayan -- tapifonuwa

  • tapflanayan = lusciousness
  • tapflanika = luscious
  • tapflanikan = lusciousness
  • tapflen = lusting
  • tapfler = to lust after
  • tapfluyea = lush
  • tapfluyean = lushness
  • tapfluyeay = lushly
  • tapiad = honk
  • tapiadar = honker, horn, klaxon
  • tapiaden = honking
  • tapiader = to honk
  • tapiat = penguin
  • tapifek detyan = sports association
  • tapifek dodelut = sports announcer
  • tapifek engontaf = sweatsuit
  • tapifek = sport, sports
  • tapifek tiav = jersey, sweatshirt
  • tapifek tilam = sports pub
  • tapifek tof = sports apparel, sportswear
  • tapifek ubun = sportscast
  • tapifek utyan = sports team
  • tapifek yibsinuun = sports telecast
  • tapifeka = sportive, sports-related
  • tapifekam = sports arena, stadium
  • tapifekdren = sportswriting
  • tapifekdrut = sportswriter
  • tapifekem = sports field
  • tapifeken = sporting
  • tapifeker = to play sports
  • tapifekim = locker room
  • tapifektof = sportswear
  • tapifektyopen = jogging
  • tapifektyoper = to jog
  • tapifekun = match, sports game
  • tapifekut = sports player
  • tapifekutyan = sports team
  • tapifekutyen = sportsmanship
  • tapifekyena = athletic, sportive, sporty
  • tapifekyenan = athleticism, sportiness, sportiveness
  • tapifekyenay = sportingly, sportively
  • tapifla = voluptuous
  • tapiflan = concupiscence, lust, physical desire, sex, voluptuousness
  • tapiflan dezam = fleshpot
  • tapiflana = concupiscent, erotic, sexual
  • tapiflanaya = lustful, sexed, voluptuous
  • tapiflanayser = to grow horny
  • tapiflanika = lustful, sexed, voluptuous
  • tapiflanikan = sexiness
  • tapiflanikay = lustfully, sexily
  • tapiflanuer = to make horny
  • tapiflanxen = fornication, sexualization
  • tapiflanxer = to fornicate, to sexualize
  • tapiflanxwa = sexualized
  • tapiflanxyea = salacious
  • tapiflanxyean = salaciousness, salacity
  • tapiflanxyeay = salaciously
  • tapiflay = saucily, voluptuously
  • tapiflaya = saucy
  • tapiflayan = sauciness
  • tapiflier = to lust after, to lust for
  • tapiflika = saucy
  • tapiflikan = sauciness
  • tapifliyea = lusting, lusty
  • tapifliyean = lustiness
  • tapifliyeay = lustily
  • tapifluen = eroticization
  • tapifluer = to eroticize
  • tapifluwa = eroticized
  • tapifluyea = erogenous, erotic, sexy
  • tapifluyean = eroticism
  • tapifluyeay = erotically
  • tapifluyusyan = erotica
  • tapifon = eros, erotic desire, sex
  • tapifona = erotic
  • tapifonan = eroticism
  • tapifonay = erotically
  • tapifonuen = eroticization
  • tapifonuer = to eroticize
  • tapifonuwa = eroticized

tapifriyea -- tatemper

  • tapifriyea = lecherous
  • tapifriyean = lecherousness
  • tapifriyeay = lecherously
  • tapifunyan = erotica
  • tapiga = vivacious
  • tapigan = vivacity
  • tapikefyenay = athletically
  • tapnag = analog, analogue
  • tapnaga = analog, analogical, analogue
  • tapnagay = analogically
  • tapnagxer = to analogize
  • taponapay = manically
  • tapot = monkey
  • tapotag = ape, greater ape, hominid
  • tapotagyena = apelike
  • tapotog = gibbon, lesser ape
  • tapotyan = barrel of monkeys
  • tapoxen = monkeying
  • tapoxer = to monkey
  • tapoza = feeble, frail, physically weak
  • tapozan = feebleness, frailness, frailty
  • tapsex = workout
  • tapsexam = workout gym
  • tapsexem = workout facility
  • tapsexen = body-building, bodybuilding, training, working out
  • tapsexnig = workout space
  • tapsexum = workout space
  • taptun = physiology
  • taptuna = physiologic, physiological
  • taptunay = physiologically
  • taptyena = gymnastic
  • taptyenay = gymnastically
  • taptyeniam = workout gym
  • taptyeniem = workout facility, workout space
  • taptyenien = body-building, bodybuilding, gymnastics, working out
  • taptyenier = to work out
  • taptyenium = workout space
  • taptyeniun = workout
  • taptyenuam = gym, gymkhana, gymnasium
  • taptyenuen = physical training
  • tapuea = embodying
  • tapuen = embodiment, embodying
  • tapuer = to embodied, to embody
  • tapuga = lethargic, shiftless, slothful, sluggish
  • tapugan = languor, lethargy, shiftlessness, sloth, slothfulness, sluggishness
  • tapugay = languorously, lethargically, shiftily, shiftlessly, slothfully, sluggishly
  • tapugser = to become lazy, to become lethargic, to become sluggish
  • tapugxer = to cause to be sluggish, to make lazy
  • tapuun = embodiment
  • tapyaf = physical ability, physical strength
  • tapyafa = physically strong-bodied, tough
  • tapyen = attitude, bearing, constitution, physical stance, posture, stance
  • tapyena = attitudinal, postural
  • tapyex = exercise
  • tapyexea = exercising
  • tapyexen = calisthenic, exercise, exercising
  • tapyexer = to do gymnastics, to exercise
  • tapyexim = exercise room
  • tapyexir = exercise machine
  • tapyexwa = exercised
  • tapyiga ay yifa = ballsy
  • tapyiga = physically tough
  • tapyigxer = to toughen up
  • tapyoden = gibbering
  • tapyoder = to gibber
  • tapyof = handicap, physical disability, weakness of body
  • tapyofa = crippled, feeble-bodied, handicapped, physically weak
  • tapyot = ape
  • tapyotyena = ape-like
  • tapyuga = delicate, soft-bodied
  • tarantella daz = tarantella
  • tarot = tarot
  • tat = angel, heavenly creature, heavenly host
  • tata = angelic
  • tatami = tatami
  • tated = parent-in-law
  • tatem = heaven, paradise
  • tatema = heavenly
  • tatember = to send to heaven
  • tatemper = to go to heaven

tateyd -- taxmegay

  • tateyd = mother-in-law
  • tatid = sibling-in-law
  • tatiyd = sister-in-law
  • Tatod = Tatar
  • Tatodaler = to speak Tatar
  • Tatodalut = Tatar speaker
  • Tatoder = to say in Tatar
  • tatuyd = daughter-in-law
  • tatwed = father-in-law
  • tatwid = brother-in-law
  • tatwud = son-in-law
  • tatyena = angelic, angelical, like an angel
  • tau = tau
  • taub = cartilage, gristle
  • tauba = cartilaginous
  • taubyena = gristly
  • taumules = tau
  • tav = overalls, smock
  • taves = apron
  • tavyul = dung, excrement, excreta, excretion, feces, manure, poop, shit, slop, waste
  • tavyul ibiar = pooper scooper
  • tavyul zyeg = shit hole
  • tavyula = excremental, fecal
  • tavyulaya = crappy
  • tavyulen = defecation, excreting, excretion, shitting
  • tavyulena = defecatory, excretory
  • tavyuler = to defecate, to excrete, to shit
  • tavyulgos = turd
  • tavyulika = crappy
  • tavyulnyan = midden
  • tavyulobem = latrine
  • tavyuloben = excretion
  • tavyulober = to excrete, to shit
  • tavyuluer = to manure, to poop
  • tavyulun = excretion
  • tavyulwa = excreted
  • tavyulyena = shitty
  • tax = memory
  • taxaun = meme
  • taxbaxus = memory jogger, mnemonic, reminder
  • taxbeax = memorial, vigil
  • taxbexun = keepsake
  • taxdin = memoir
  • taxdinut = memoirist, recorder
  • taxdrar = recorder
  • taxdras = memo, memorandum
  • taxdrasi = memoranda
  • taxdrawa be nyof = recorded on film
  • taxdrawa = recorded, taped
  • taxdren = festschrift, recording, taping
  • taxdrer = to record, to tape
  • taxdrezun = epitaph
  • taxdroen = expunction, expunging
  • taxdroer = to blank over, to erase the recording of, to expunge
  • taxdrowa = expunged
  • taxdrun = memento, memo, record, recording
  • taxdrunbea = record-setting
  • taxdrunbexea = record-holding
  • taxdrunbexut = record-holder
  • taxdrunbut = record-setter
  • taxdrunloxea = record-breaking
  • taxdrunloxut = record-breaker
  • taxdrunyan = album, collection of recordings
  • taxem = memorial grounds
  • Taxen bi Aja Suni = Remembrance of Things Past
  • taxen = recollection, remembering, remembrance
  • taxer = to recall, to remember
  • taxiea = recollecting
  • taxien = memorization, memorizing, recollecting, recollection
  • taxier = to commit to memory, to keep in ones memory, to make a note of, to memorize, to recall, to recollect, to remember
  • taxiwa = committed to memory, memorized, noted, recollected
  • taxiyefwa = memorable, standout, worth remembering
  • taxiyefwas = memorable thing, standout
  • taxkexer = to search one's memory
  • taxkyoxen = memorization, memorizing
  • taxkyoxer = to fix in one's memory, to fix in ones memory, to memorize
  • taxkyoxwa = fixed in one's mind, fixed in ones mind, memorized
  • taxmeg = headstone, monument, tomb stone
  • taxmega = monumental
  • taxmegay = monumentally

taxmuf -- tayam

  • taxmuf = memory stick
  • taxmuv = thumb drive
  • taxok = amnesia, memory loss
  • taxokya = amnesiac, amnesic
  • taxon = recall
  • taxos = seat of memory
  • taxosfiaxyen = mnemotechny
  • taxosfiaxyena = mnemotechnic
  • taxrun-bexut = record-holder
  • taxsiyn = memento
  • taxtazun = memorial statue
  • taxuar = reminder
  • taxuen = reminding
  • taxuer = to cue, to remind
  • taxuk = memory gap
  • taxun = keepsake, memory, recollection
  • taxunoya = memoryless
  • taxuntun = mnemonics
  • taxuntunay = mnemonically
  • taxunuka = memoryless
  • taxunyan = memorabilia
  • taxuun = cue, memento, reminder
  • taxuus = souvenir
  • taxuwa = reminded
  • taxuwas = keepsake, souvenir
  • taxwa = remembered
  • taxwan = remembrance
  • taxwas = recollection, something remembered
  • taxxel = commemoration, memorial
  • taxxela = commemorative, memorial
  • taxxela taz = commemorative statue
  • taxxelea = commemorating
  • taxxelem = commemorative site
  • taxxelen = commemoration, memorialization
  • taxxeler = to commemorate, to memorialize
  • taxxelut = commemorator
  • taxyaf = ability to recall, ability to remember, memory, recall, recollection ability
  • taxyafwa = immemorial
  • taxyafway = immemorially
  • taxyefwa = memorable
  • taxyefwan = memorableness
  • taxyefway = memorably
  • taxyikwa = hard to remember
  • taxyuxar = mnemonic device
  • taxyuxea = mnemonic
  • taxyuxeay = mnemonically
  • taxzem = seat of memory
  • tayab = blubber, fat
  • tayaba = fatty
  • tayabaya = blubbery, fatty
  • tayabayan = fat content, fattiness
  • tayabika = blubbery, fatty
  • tayabikan = fat content, fattiness
  • tayabilien = liposuction
  • tayabuka = fat-free
  • tayabukan = absence of fat
  • tayabyena = blubbery, fatty
  • tayal = blubber, fat, grease, lard, lipid, oil
  • tayala = blubbery, fatty, pinguid, sebaceous
  • tayalaya = fatty, greasy, lardy, oily fatty
  • tayalayan = fattiness, greasiness, oiliness
  • tayalben = application of oil, greasing up
  • tayalber = to apply oil, to grease up, to oil
  • tayalbut = greaser
  • tayalbwa = greased up, larded, oiled up
  • tayalika = fatty, greasy, lardy, oily fatty
  • tayalikan = fattiness, greasiness, oiliness
  • tayalikay = greasily
  • tayalilp = seborrhea
  • tayalmag = grease fire
  • tayalsizil = greasepaint
  • tayaltayubbok = acne
  • tayaluka = fat-free, grease-free, non-fat, non-oily, nonfat
  • tayaluyea = sebaceous
  • tayalvolzil = greasepaint
  • tayalyena = sebaceous
  • tayalyig = lard, tallow
  • tayalyigyena = tallowy
  • tayalzon = fatback
  • tayam = pavillion

tayd -- tayebobunober

  • tayd = female spouse, wife
  • tayda = wifely
  • taydan = wifehood
  • taydibwasyan = jointure
  • taydier = to wive
  • taydif = darling wife, wifey-poo
  • taydnays = bride price, mahr
  • taydnyaz = dowry
  • taydoken = becoming a widower, being widowed, losing one's wife
  • taydoker = to be widowed, to become a widower, to lose a wife, to lose one's wife
  • taydokyat = widower
  • taydovyayuvan = cuckoldry
  • taydoya = wifeless
  • taydoyat = bachelor
  • taydoyatan = bachelorhood
  • taydtojben = uxoricide
  • tayduka = wifeless
  • taydurer = to henpeck
  • taydurwa = henpecked
  • taydyuxuyt = bridesmaid
  • tayeb fuyv = hairpin
  • tayeb goyblar = hair clipper
  • tayeb = hair, pile
  • tayeb mialuar = hair spray
  • tayeb mif = hairspray
  • tayeb mifxar = hair spray
  • tayeb neaf = hair net, hairnet
  • tayeb nyafar = barrette
  • tayeb pyosgon = fringe
  • tayeb umar = hair dryer
  • tayeb umxar = hair drier, hairdryer
  • tayeb uzrun = cowlick
  • tayeb yonkunad = hair fringe
  • tayeba = capillary, hair-related
  • tayebalza = auburn, red-headed, redheaded, russet
  • tayebalzasea = becoming auburn, becoming redheaded, becoming russet
  • tayebalzasen = becoming auburn, becoming redheaded, becoming russet
  • tayebalzaser = to become auburn, to become redheaded, to become russet
  • tayebalzat = auburn person, red-head, redhead
  • tayebalzayt = auburn female, red-headed female
  • tayebambek = perm
  • tayebambeker = to perm
  • tayebambekwa = permed
  • tayebar = comb
  • tayebaren = combing
  • tayebarer = to comb
  • tayebarut = comber
  • tayebarwa = combed
  • tayebaya = full of hair, hairy, hirsute
  • tayebbik = hair care
  • tayebbikam = hair salon
  • tayebbikut = hair stylist
  • tayebeb = tuft
  • tayebeber = to tuft
  • tayebebir = tufter
  • tayebebirut = tufter
  • tayebebwa = tufted
  • tayebexar = scrunchie
  • tayebexof = snood
  • tayebgab = weevil, weft
  • tayebgos = fleck
  • tayebika = full of hair, hairy, hirsute
  • tayebikan = hairiness, hirsuteness
  • tayebiylza = blond
  • tayebiylzat = blond person
  • tayebiylzayt = blonde
  • tayebmoys = meninx
  • tayebmoysa = meningeal
  • tayebmoysi = meninges
  • tayebmuv = hairpin
  • tayebnad = hairline
  • tayebnad yonbyexun = hairline fracture, tiny crack
  • tayebneaf = hairnet
  • tayebneif = cornrow
  • tayebneifxer = to cornrow
  • tayebnof = haircloth
  • tayebobul = depilatory
  • tayebobun = scalp
  • tayebobunoben = scalping
  • tayebobunober = to scalp

tayebog -- tayegoblen

  • tayebog = cilium
  • tayebok = alopecia, hair loss
  • tayebokea = balding, going bald
  • tayeboker = to go bald, to lose hair
  • tayebokxwas = dander
  • tayebokya = bald
  • tayebokyan = baldness
  • tayebolza = albino
  • tayebonapa = uncombed, with messy hair
  • tayebonapxen = dishevelment
  • tayebonapxer = to dishevel, to mess up the hair
  • tayebonapxwa = disheveled
  • tayeboya = bald, hairless
  • tayeboyan = baldness, hairlessness, smoothness
  • tayeboysea = balding
  • tayeboyser = to go bald
  • tayeboyxer = to make bald
  • tayebsyen = coif, coiffure, hairdo, hairstyle
  • tayebsyenam = hair salon
  • tayebsyenut = coiffeur, hair stylist, hairdresser
  • tayebsyenuyt = coiffeuse, hair stylist, hairdresser
  • tayebsyenx = hairdo
  • tayebsyenxen = coiffing, hairdressing
  • tayebsyenxer = to coiff, to get a hairdo, to get one's hair styled
  • tayebsyenxwa = coiffed
  • tayebtun = trichology
  • tayebtuna = trichological
  • tayebtut = trichologist
  • tayebuka = bald, hairless
  • tayebukan = baldness, hairlessness, smoothness
  • tayebun = hairpiece, wig
  • tayebuyzaya = frizzly
  • tayebuyzika = frizzly
  • tayebuz = curl of hair curl
  • tayebuza = curled
  • tayebuzar = curler, curling iron
  • tayebuzaser = to curl, to frizz, to get curly hair
  • tayebuzaxen = curling, frizzing
  • tayebuzaxer = to curl one's hair, to frizz, to frizzle
  • tayebuzaxwa = curled, frizzed
  • tayebuzaya = curly-haired, frizzy
  • tayebuzika = curly-haired, frizzy
  • tayebuzlar = hair curler, hair roller
  • tayebuzyan = frizz
  • tayebuzyena = curly-haired
  • tayebuzyenan = curliness
  • tayebyab = pompadour
  • tayebyabea = hair-raising
  • tayebyan = mop of hair
  • tayebyaser = to bristle
  • tayebyaxea = bristling
  • tayebyaxen = bristling
  • tayebyaxer = to bristle
  • tayebyaxwa = bristled
  • tayebyaz = pouf, wheal
  • tayebyazaxer = to pouf
  • tayebyena = hairlike
  • tayebyob = hair root
  • tayebzyaan = hairbreadth, hairsbreadth
  • tayebzyeg = hair follicle
  • tayebzyenxut = hairstylist
  • tayebzyoa pyaon = capillary wave
  • tayebzyuk buixar = hairspring
  • tayebzyun = hairball
  • tayef = bristle
  • tayef neyef = bandeau
  • tayef neyefi = bandeaux
  • tayef tef = fur hat
  • tayefar = hairbrush
  • tayefmanxul = brilliantine
  • tayefyel = pomade
  • tayefyeluer = to pomatum
  • tayefyena = bristly
  • tayefyob = hair root
  • tayegoblam = barber shop, hair cuttery
  • tayegoblar grin = razor blade
  • tayegoblar = razor, shaver
  • tayegoblarer = to raze
  • tayegoblawa = shaved, shaven
  • tayegoblen = haircut, shaving, tonsuring

tayegobler -- tayib boxen

  • tayegobler = to cut hair, to shave, to tonsure
  • tayegoblun = haircut, shave
  • tayegoblut = barber, hair cutter
  • tayegosi = dandruff
  • tayegosuer = to dandruff
  • tayegoyblir = clippers
  • tayel = shampoo
  • tayelben = shampooing
  • tayelbwa = shampooed
  • tayeluer = to shampoo
  • tayelvyixen = shampooing
  • tayelvyixer = to shampoo
  • tayelvyixir = shampoo cleaner, shampooer
  • tayelvyixwa = shampooed
  • tayemaolza = gray-haired
  • tayemaolzasea = going gray, graying
  • tayemaolzaser = to go gray
  • tayemaolzat = gray-haired person
  • tayemaolzaxen = making one's hair go gray
  • tayemaolzaxer = to make one's hair go gray
  • tayemolza = black-haired, brunette
  • tayemolzat = black-haired person, brunette
  • tayemolzayt = brunette
  • tayenay = angelically
  • tayeob = pell, pelt
  • tayeobunobwa = scalped
  • tayev = braid, coarse yarn, strand, tress
  • tayev nunuien = fur trade
  • tayev nunuiut = fur trader
  • tayev taf = fur coat
  • tayev tuyaf = fur glove
  • tayevabaun = furring
  • tayevar = mop, swab
  • tayevaren = mopping, swabbing
  • tayevarer = to mop, to swab
  • tayevarwa = mopped, swabbed
  • tayevaya = tressy
  • tayevgoni = furring
  • tayevib = topknot
  • tayevika = tressy
  • tayevolz = hair color
  • tayevolzil = hair coloring
  • tayevoylz = hair color, hair dye, hair tint
  • tayevoylzbut = hair tinter
  • tayeyb = fuzz, nap, pile
  • tayeybika = bewhiskered
  • tayeybyena = fuzzy
  • tayeybyenan = fuzziness
  • tayeyz = down
  • tayeyzaya = downy
  • tayeyzayan = downiness
  • tayeyzika = downy
  • tayeyzikan = downiness
  • tayeyzyena = down-like
  • tayez = fur
  • tayeza abtaf = fur coat
  • tayeza = fur, made of fur
  • tayezaya = furry
  • tayezayan = furriness
  • tayezika = furry
  • tayezikan = furriness
  • tayezobkof = fur lining
  • tayezobkofwa = fur-lined
  • tayezyena = furry
  • tayf bi moj = evening gown
  • tayf = dress, gown, outfit, robe
  • tayfien = robing
  • tayfober = to unrobe
  • tayfuen = robing
  • tayfut = dressmaker
  • tayfuwa = robed
  • tayfuyt = couturière
  • tayfwa = gowned
  • tayfxen = dress-making
  • tayfxut = dressmaker
  • tayfyag = soutane
  • tayfyanos = corsage
  • tayfyig = corselet
  • tayib bosaxul = sedative
  • tayib boxen = nerve block

tayib buk -- tayibtiibilufa

  • tayib buk = nerve damage
  • tayib fab = dendrite
  • tayib fib = nerve trunk
  • tayib fub = axon
  • tayib fyob = nerve root
  • tayib igbux = nerve impulse
  • tayib maal = nerve gas
  • tayib = nerve
  • tayib- = neuro-
  • tayib nif = nerve fiber
  • tayib num = nerve cell
  • tayib ujun = nerve ending
  • tayib yanpyox = nervous breakdown
  • tayib zen = nerve center
  • tayiba naad = nervous system
  • tayiba naap = nervous system
  • tayiba = nerve-related, nervous, neural
  • tayib-abektut = neurosurgeon
  • tayibabxrawa = irritated
  • tayibabxrea = irritating
  • tayibaun = neuron
  • tayibauna = neuronal
  • tayibay = neurally
  • tayibaya = nervous
  • tayibayan = nervosity, nervousness
  • tayibaza = stong-nerved
  • tayibbekkultunay = neuropharmacological
  • tayibbekultun = neuropharmacology
  • tayibbekultuna = neuropharmacological
  • tayibbekultut = neuropharmacologist
  • tayibbok = neurosis
  • tayibboka = neurotic
  • tayibbokan = neuroticism
  • tayibbokat = neurotic person
  • tayibbokay = neurotically
  • tayibboktun = neuropathology
  • tayibboktuna = neuropathological
  • tayibboktunay = neuropathologically
  • tayibboktut = neuropathologist
  • tayibbokul = neurotoxin
  • tayibbokulua = neutotoxic
  • tayibbokuluyea = neurotoxic
  • tayibbokuluyean = neurotoxicity
  • tayibbook = neurasthenia
  • tayibbooka = neurasthenic
  • tayibbyisea = neurogenic
  • tayibbyuk = neuralgia
  • tayibbyuka = neuralgic
  • tayibdalzeyntun = neurolinguistics
  • tayibdalzeyntuna = neurolinguistic
  • tayibdalzeyntunay = neurolinguistically
  • tayibdalzeyntut = neurolinguist
  • tayibgyas = neuroma
  • tayibika = nervous
  • tayibikan = nervosity, nervousness
  • tayibmavxen = neuritic
  • tayibnifyaz = ganglion
  • tayibnifyaza = ganglionic
  • tayibnyan = peduncle
  • tayiboboxea = irritatting, nerve-wracking
  • tayiboboxen = getting on the nerves, irritation, nerve-wracking
  • tayiboboxer = to get on one's nerves, to irritate
  • tayiboboxus = irritant
  • tayiboboxyafwa = irritable
  • tayiboboxyafwan = irritability
  • tayiboex = neurolysis
  • tayiboexa = neurolytic
  • tayiboya = nerveless
  • tayiboyan = nervelessness
  • tayiboyegoblen = neurotomy
  • tayibtaeba = neuromuscular
  • tayibtejtun = neurobiology
  • tayibtejtuna = neurobiological
  • tayibtejtunay = neurobiologically
  • tayibtejtut = neurobiologist
  • tayibteptun = neuropsychology
  • tayibteptuna = neuropsychological
  • tayibteptunay = neuro-psychological
  • tayibteptut = neuro-psychologist, neuropsychologist
  • tayibtiibilufa = neurovascular

tayibtun -- tayobtuna

  • tayibtun = neurology
  • tayibtuna = neurological
  • tayibtunay = neurologically
  • tayibtut = neurologist
  • tayibubar = neurotransmitter
  • tayibuea = innervating
  • tayibuen = innervation
  • tayibuer = to innervate
  • tayibujnod = synapse
  • tayibujnoda = synaptic
  • tayibuka = nerveless
  • tayibukan = nervelessness
  • tayibukay = nervelessly
  • tayibyan = nervous system
  • tayibyok = neuralgia
  • tayibyoka = neuralgic
  • tayipaxra = nerve-rattled
  • tayipaxrea = nerve-rattling
  • tayipaxrer = to rattle the nerves
  • tayixien = getting excited, growing nervous
  • tayixier = to get excited, to grow nervous
  • tayixiyea = edgy, nervous
  • tayixiyean = edginess, nervousness, tizzy
  • tayixiyeay = edgily, nervously
  • tayixuen = enervating
  • tayixuer = to bother, to enervate, to make nervous, to unnerve
  • tayixuwa = enervated, unnerved
  • tayixuyea = unnerving
  • taym = maisonette
  • taymog = hut, hutch, shed
  • tayob = hide, pellicle, rind, skin
  • tayob num = skin cell
  • tayoba = cutaneous, dermal
  • tayobabaxren = dermabrasion
  • tayobapaxrar = strigil
  • tayobbaktun = dermatology
  • tayobbaktuna = dermatological
  • tayobbaktut = dermatologist
  • tayobbik = skincare
  • tayobbok = dermatitis
  • tayobil = perspiration, sweat
  • tayobil zyunes = bead of sweat bead
  • tayobila tayub = sweat gland
  • tayobilaya = sudorific, sweaty
  • tayobilayan = sweatiness
  • tayobilea = perspiring, sweating
  • tayobilen = perspiration, sweating
  • tayobiler = to perspire, to sweat
  • tayobilika = sudorific, sweaty
  • tayobilikan = sweatiness
  • tayobilneyef = sweatband
  • tayobilovus = antiperspirant
  • tayobiltiav = sweatshirt
  • tayobiluim = sudatorium, sudatory
  • tayobiluka = sweat-free
  • tayobiluul = sudorific
  • tayobiluyea = sudorific
  • tayobilzunser = to vesicate
  • tayobilzunxer = to vesicate
  • tayobilzunxyea = vesicatory
  • tayobixwa = gaunt
  • tayobixwan = gauntness
  • tayobobar = skinner
  • tayoboben = flaying, skinning
  • tayobober = to flay, to sculp, to skin, to strip of skin, to uncase
  • tayobobut = skinner
  • tayobobwa = flayed, skinned
  • tayobok = molt, skin malady
  • tayoboka = sloughy
  • tayoboken = moulting, shedding, sloughing
  • tayoboker = to moult, to shed, to slough
  • tayobokut = molter
  • tayobolzat = mulatto
  • tayobos = pruritis, skin irritation
  • tayobosen = skin irritation
  • tayobosun = skin irritation
  • tayoboya = skinless
  • tayobtoj = gangrene
  • tayobtun = dermatology
  • tayobtuna = dermatological

tayobtunay -- tayotiyafa

  • tayobtunay = dermatologically
  • tayobtut = dermatologist
  • tayobuka = skinless
  • tayobuken = scarring
  • tayobuker = to scar
  • tayobukun = scar
  • tayobukwa = scarred
  • tayobuyk = skin sore
  • tayobyaz = polyp, pustule, welt, wen
  • tayobyazer = to pustulate
  • tayobyazyena = pustular, pustulate
  • tayobyig = rind
  • tayobyigxenbok = scleroderma
  • tayobyozbok = small pox
  • tayobzyigosaya = scurfy
  • tayobzyigosi = scurf
  • tayobzyigosika = scurfy
  • tayobzyigosyena = scurfy
  • tayobzyoa = hidebound
  • tayobzyunes = boil
  • tayodref = parchment
  • tayodril = tattoo
  • tayodril tuzut = tattoo artist
  • tayodrilier = to get tattood
  • tayodriluen = tattooing
  • tayodriluer = to tattoo
  • tayodriluut = tattoo artist, tattooer, tattooist
  • tayodriluwa = tattooed
  • tayof = leather
  • tayofa = leather, leathern, made of leather
  • tayofa pyexnyif = quirt
  • tayofgoblar = bodkin, botkin
  • tayofifut = leatherette
  • tayofneyef = welt
  • tayoftyof = leggin
  • tayofxam = tannery
  • tayofxen = tawing
  • tayofxer = to taw
  • tayofxut = tanner, tawer
  • tayofxwa = tawed
  • tayofyena = leathery
  • tayofyugxyel = dubbin
  • tayogoflawa = flayed
  • tayogoflen = flaying
  • tayogofler = to flay
  • tayoifikan = wrinkliness
  • tayomalza = black-skinned
  • tayomalzat = black person, white-skinned person
  • tayomelza = brown-skinned
  • tayomelzat = brown-skinned person
  • tayomolza = white-skinned
  • tayonaif = rand
  • tayoneyef = thong
  • tayopelp = itch, skin-crawl
  • tayopelpen = itching, pruritis, skin-crawling
  • tayopelper = to itch
  • tayopelpuer = to cause to itch, to induce itching, to make itch
  • tayopelpyea = itchy
  • tayopelpyean = itchiness
  • tayos = feeling, sensation, sense of touch, sensibility
  • tayoser = to feel, to sense
  • tayosober = to numb
  • tayosobwa = numbed
  • tayosyafwa = palpable
  • tayosyea = sensitive
  • tayosyean = sensitivity
  • tayot = feeling, sensation, sense of feeling
  • tayota = sensory, tactile
  • tayotan = tactility
  • tayotar = antenna, feeler, sensor
  • tayotari = antennae
  • tayoter = to feel, to physically feel
  • tayotiar = feeler, sensing device, sensor
  • tayotiea = sentient
  • tayotien = sensing
  • tayotiena = sensorial
  • tayotier = to feel, to get the sensation, to have the impression, to sense
  • tayotiwa = sensed
  • tayotiyaf = sensibility
  • tayotiyafa = sensitive

tayotiyafan -- tayozyunika

  • tayotiyafan = sensitiveness, sensorium
  • tayotiyafay = sensitively
  • tayotuer = to give the impression, to impress on, to make feel
  • tayotun = feeling, sensation
  • tayotuwa = sensitive
  • tayotuyea = impressive, sensational, sensationalist
  • tayotuyean = sensationalism
  • tayotuyeay = impressively, sensationally
  • tayotwer = to be felt
  • tayotyaf = ability to feel, sense of feeling, tact
  • tayotyafa = able to feel
  • tayotyafwa = possible to be felt
  • tayotyea = sensitive
  • tayotyean = sensitiveness, sensitivity
  • tayotyeay = sensitively
  • tayotyen = texture
  • tayotyena = textural
  • tayotyenika = textured
  • tayotyof = inability to feel, numbness
  • tayotyofa = insensitive, numb, unable to feel
  • tayotyofan = inability to feel, numbness
  • tayotyofwa = impalpable, impossible to feel, intangible, numb
  • tayotyofwan = impalpably, intangibility
  • tayotyofwaxea = numbing
  • tayotyofwaxen = numbing
  • tayotyofway = intangibly
  • tayotyofxer = to benumb
  • tayotyofxwa = benumbed, numbed
  • tayotyofxwaxer = to numb
  • tayoub = rugose
  • tayouf = wrinkle
  • tayoufaya = wrinkled, wrinkly
  • tayoufayan = wrinkliness
  • tayoufika = wrinkled, wrinkly
  • tayoufobus = wrinkle-remover
  • tayoufsea = wrinkling
  • tayoufser = to wrinkle
  • tayoufuka = wrinkle-free
  • tayoufvaka = wrinkle-resistant
  • tayoufvakan = wrinkle-resistance
  • tayoufxen = wrinkling
  • tayoufxwa = wrinkled
  • tayoufyena = wrinkly
  • tayovolz = skin color
  • tayovoylz = skin tone
  • tayox = feel, sensation, touch
  • tayoxa = tactile
  • tayoxar = feeler, sensor
  • tayoxen = palpation, touching
  • tayoxena = palpable, tactile
  • tayoxenan = tactility
  • tayoxer = to contact, to feel of, to palpate, to reach out and feel, to sense, to touch
  • tayoxuwa = sensitive
  • tayoxwa = sensed
  • tayoxyaf = sensibility
  • tayoxyafwa = palpability, tangible
  • tayoxyafwan = sensitivity, tangibility, tangibleness
  • tayoxyafway = palpably, tangibly
  • tayoxyea = touching, touchy-feely
  • tayoxyofwat = untouchable
  • tayoxyofwati = untouchables
  • tayoyayz = zit
  • tayoyaz = pimple, verruca
  • tayoyazaya = pimpled, pimply
  • tayoyazayan = pimpliness
  • tayoyazika = pimpled, pimply
  • tayoyazikan = pimpliness
  • tayoyazyig = wart
  • tayoyazyigaya = warty
  • tayoyazyigika = warty
  • tayoyazyigyena = warty
  • tayoybnad = hemline
  • tayoyf = rexine
  • tayoz = skin color
  • tayozyeg = pore, skin pore
  • tayozyegika = pored
  • tayozyun = blister, bubo
  • tayozyunaya = blistery
  • tayozyunboka = bubonic
  • tayozyunika = blistery

tayozyunsea -- teabilzyunuar

  • tayozyunsea = blistering
  • tayozyunser = to blister
  • tayozyunxwa = blistered
  • tayt = female angel
  • tayub = gland
  • tayuba = glandular
  • taz = portraiture
  • taza = portrat-related
  • tazem = portrait gallery
  • tazen = portraying
  • tazer = to do a portrait of, to portray
  • tazim = portrait studio
  • tazog = statuette
  • tazun = portrait, portrayal
  • tazut = portait artist, portrait artist
  • tazwa = portayed, portrayed
  • tazwas = portrayal
  • tazyan = portraiture
  • tazyena = portrait-like
  • te- = prefix for "grand-" in kinship ascendants
  • tea = aware, cognizant, knowing, witting
  • tea pitpixut = sharpie, sharpy
  • teab byus = eye contact
  • teab draf = eye chart
  • teab = eye, oculus
  • teab malz = white of the eye, whites of the eyes
  • teab volz = eye color
  • teaba = eye-related, ocular, ophthalmic, optic
  • teabab ambok = sty, stye
  • teabab = eyelid
  • teababaun = eyelid
  • teababen = blinking
  • teababer = to blink
  • teababnyeb = choroid
  • teabakiluar = eyedropper
  • teabar = eyeglass, eyeglasses, glasses, spectacles
  • teabarbea = bespectacled
  • teabarika = spectacled
  • teabarnam = eyeglasses store, optical store
  • teabarut = optician
  • teabax = wink
  • teabaxen = batting an eye, winking
  • teabaxer = to bat an eye, to wink
  • teabbektyen = optometry
  • teabbektyena = optometric
  • teabbektyenut = optometrist
  • teabbok = ophthalmia
  • teabbyoyk = eye ache, sore eyes
  • teabexlar = monitor
  • teabexlawa = guarded, monitored, watched
  • teabexlen = guarding, keeping an eye on, monitoring, watching
  • teabexler = to guard, to keep an eye on, to monitor, to watch
  • teabexlun = guard, wake
  • teabexlun job = vigil, watch
  • teabexlun yabtom = guard tower, watch tower
  • teabexlut = guard, guardian, monitor
  • teabexlutan = guardianship
  • teabexlutum = guard booth, guard post
  • teabgos = floater
  • teabil = tear
  • teabila = lachrymal
  • teabilaya = lachrymose, lacrimal, tearful, teary
  • teabilea = crying, shedding tears, weeping
  • teabilen = crying, lachrymation, shedding tears, weeping
  • teabiler = to cry, to shed tears, to weep
  • teabiles = tear drop
  • teabilien = tearing up
  • teabilier = to tear up
  • teabilika = lachrymose, lacrimal, tearful, teary
  • teabilikay = tearfully
  • teabiluen = bringing to tears
  • teabiluer = to bring to tears
  • teabiluus = tear-jerker
  • teabiluwa = brought to tears
  • teabiluyea din = sob story, tearjerker
  • teabiluyea = tear-jerking, weepy
  • teabilxar = lachrymator, lacrimator
  • teabilxyea = lachrymose, lacrimal
  • teabilzyun = tear drop, teardrop
  • teabilzyunuar = eye dropper

teabiwa -- teaden

  • teabiwa = considered
  • teabix = attraction, visual attraction
  • teabixea = appealing, attractive
  • teabixean = attractiveness
  • teabixeay = attractively
  • teabixen = drawing attention
  • teabixer = to draw looks
  • teabixus = attractor
  • teabixwer = to be attracted
  • teabixyea = conspicuous, egregious
  • teabixyean = conspicuousness, egregiousness
  • teabixyeay = conspicuously, egregiously, signally
  • teabiyea = considerate
  • teabiyean = considerateness
  • teabiyeay = considerately
  • teabiyefwa = considerable
  • teabizer = to aim
  • teabkof = blindfold
  • teabkofen = blindfolding
  • teabkofwa = blindfolded
  • teabkunad = conjunctiva
  • teabkunadbok = conjunctivitis
  • teabkyiab = eyestrain
  • teabneda = eye-level
  • teabnyed = retina
  • teabnyeda = retinal
  • teabnyedbok = retinopathy
  • teabober = to gouge out one's eyes
  • teabofyuj = canth, eye fold
  • teabofyuja = epicanthic
  • teabog = eyelet
  • teabovar = eye protector, visor
  • teaboya = eyeless
  • teabpexea = appealing
  • teabsinukay = glassily
  • teabtun = ophthalmology
  • teabtuna = ophthalmological
  • teabtunay = ophthalmologically
  • teabtut = oculist, ophthalmologist
  • teabtyen = optics
  • teabtyenut = optician
  • teabuka = eyeless
  • teabulza = green-eyed
  • teabulzan = green-eyedness
  • teabulzat = green-eyed person
  • teabuzyuben = rolling one's eyes
  • teabuzyuber = to roll one's eyes
  • teabvixul = eye shadow
  • teabvos = iris
  • teabvyixil = eyewash
  • teabyeb = cilia, eyelash
  • teabyebax = blink of an eye, eyeblink
  • teabyebaxea = blinking
  • teabyebaxen = blinking
  • teabyebaxer = to blink
  • teabyebgyaxul = mascara
  • teabyelzbok = pinkeye
  • teabyexen = flirting
  • teabyexer = to bat eyelashes, to flirt
  • teabyexut = flirt
  • teabyexyea = flirtatious
  • teabyexyean = flirtatiousness
  • teabyexyeay = flirtatiously
  • teabyija = eyes wide open, fully aware, wide-eyed
  • teabyijay = with eyes wide open, with full awareness
  • teabyuij = blink of an eye, instant
  • teabyuijben = winking
  • teabyuijber = to wink
  • teabyuijea = nictating
  • teabyuijen = blinking, nictating
  • teabyuijer = to blink, to nictate, to nictitate
  • teabyunxar = sight
  • teabyunxer = to aim, to set one's sights on
  • teabyunxwa = aimed, sighted
  • teabzenar = rangefinder, sight
  • teabzyaa = wide-eyed
  • teabzyeg = eye orbit, eye socket
  • teabzyun bu teabzyun = eyeball to eyeball
  • teabzyun = eyeball, orb
  • teaden = testification, testifying, testimony, witnessing

teader -- teaskovyoxun

  • teader = to testify, to witness
  • teadeyn = testimonial
  • teadun = testimony
  • teadut = eyewitness, testifier, witness
  • teaduta xwad = eyewitness account
  • teadutduden = recross
  • teadutsim = witness box, witness chair
  • teadwa = testified, witnessed
  • teadwas = testimony
  • teadyafwa = testifiable
  • teadyafway = testifiably
  • teadyof = misprision
  • teaf = blinder
  • teagia = sharp
  • teagian = visual sharpness
  • teagixer = to sharpen
  • teagixwa = in focus
  • teagua = fuzzy, out of focus
  • teaguan = dullness, fuzziness, lack of focus
  • teaguxwa = fuzzied
  • teakaxen = spotting
  • teakaxer = to spot
  • teakaxut = spotter
  • teakaxwa = spotted
  • teakyax = parallax
  • teakyes = phenomenon
  • teakyesa = phenomenal
  • teakyesay = phenomenally
  • teakyestun = phenomenology
  • teakyestuna = phenomenological
  • teakyestunay = phenomenologically
  • teamalz = white of the eye
  • teamelza = brown-eyed
  • teamelzat = brown-eyed person
  • teamolz = black eye, black-eye
  • teamolza = black-eyed
  • teamolzier = to get a black eye
  • teamolzuer = to give a black eye to
  • tean = awareness
  • teap = visit
  • teapem = stopover
  • teapen = visitation, visiting
  • teaper baktut = to consult a doctor
  • teaper = to drop by, to drop in, to drop over, to go see, to visit
  • teapim = visiting room
  • teapixea = eye-catching
  • teapixer = to be noticed, to catch the eye
  • teapopen = sight-seeing, sightseeing
  • teapoper = to sight-see
  • teapoput = sight-seer, sightseer
  • teaput = visitant, visitor
  • teaputizber = to cicerone
  • teaputizbut = cicerone
  • teapwem = port of call
  • teapya midom = port of call
  • teapya = visited
  • teapyefwa = worth visiting
  • teas = appearance, aspect, sight, view
  • teas zoyvixen = facelift
  • teasa = aspectual, visual
  • teasdyeer = to sightread
  • teasea = apparent, appearing, seeming
  • teaseay = apparently, seemingly
  • teaser = to appear, to look like, to seem
  • teasgon = feature
  • teasgonoya = featureless
  • teasgonuka = featureless
  • teasgun = aspect, perspective, standpoint
  • teasguna = aspectual
  • teasien = appearance
  • teasier be dezyem = to appear on the stage
  • teasier = to appear, to come into view
  • teasifwa = fetching
  • teasin = scene, sight, view, vista
  • teasina = scenic
  • teasinay = scenically
  • teasinyan = scenery
  • teaskovyoxen = camouflage, camouflaging
  • teaskovyoxer = to camouflage
  • teaskovyoxun = camouflage

teaskovyoxwa -- teatyafwas

  • teaskovyoxwa = camouflaged
  • teasnabyan = spectrum, visual spectrum
  • teasnod = standpoint
  • teasober = to make disappear
  • teasoya = viewless
  • teasuer = to afford a view, to present
  • teasuka = viewless
  • teasvyoxen = dissimulation
  • teasvyoxer = to dissimulate
  • teasvyoxut = dissimulator
  • teasvyoxwa = dissimulated
  • teasyen = aspect, guise, semblance
  • teasyena = aspectual
  • teasyov = blemish, defect, stain
  • teat = sight, vision, vista
  • teata dresiyn tyeen = OCR, optical character recognition
  • teata = optical, visional, visual
  • teatar = eyepiece
  • teatay = optically, visually
  • teatayibbok = glaucoma
  • teatea = seeing, viewing
  • teaten = seeing, sighting, viewing
  • teater = to descry, to see, to view
  • teatgun = opinion, perspective, viewpoint
  • teatiea = perceiving
  • teatien = apparition, appearance, appearing, noticing, noting, perceiving, perception
  • teatiena = perceptional
  • teatier = to catch sight of, to espy, to notice, to perceive
  • teatiut = perceiver
  • teatiwa = noticed, perceived
  • teatiyafwa = noticeable, perceivable, perceptible
  • teatiyafwan = perceptibly
  • teatiyafway = noticeably, perceivably
  • teatiyea = perceptive, percipient
  • teatiyean = perceptiveness, percipience
  • teatiyikwa = faint
  • teatiyofa = imperceptive
  • teatiyofwa = imperceivable, imperceptible, unnoticeable
  • teatiyofwan = imperceptibility
  • teatiyofway = imperceptibly
  • teatizon = perspective, viewing direction
  • teatkin = opinion, viewpoint
  • teatmis = viewport
  • teatnad = line of sight, vista
  • teatnazea = worth seeing
  • teatnig = eyeshot, field of view, viewing range
  • teatnod = perspective, point of view
  • teatos = sense of sight
  • teatpuxar = diascope
  • teatu = qv
  • teatuar = index
  • teatuem = exhibition site
  • teatuen = demo, demonstration, display, displaying, exhibit, exhibiting, exhibition, show, showing
  • teatuena = indexical
  • teatuer = to demonstrate, to display, to evince, to exhibit, to let see, to run by, to show
  • teatunyem = diorama
  • teatut = eyer
  • teatuun = muster
  • teatuut = demonstrator, exhibitioner, exhibitor
  • teatuwa = demonstrated, displayed, exhibited, shown
  • teatuxyea nyaz = bling
  • teatuyafwa = demonstrable
  • teatuyafwan = demonstrability
  • teatuyafway = demonstrably
  • teatuyea = demonstrative
  • teatuyean = demonstrativeness
  • teatuyeay = demonstratively
  • teatuyefas = showpiece
  • teatuyofwa = indemonstrable
  • teatwa = seen, viewed
  • teatwas = sight, something seen
  • teatwer = to be seen, to be viewed
  • teatyaf = ability to see, eyesight, sight, vision
  • teatyafa = able to see, sighted
  • teatyafan = sightfulness
  • teatyafat = seeing person, sighted person
  • teatyafwa ayb ha memnad je yuzpen = circumpolar
  • teatyafwa = evident, manifest, visible
  • teatyafwan = evidence, visibility
  • teatyafwas = piece of evidence

teatyafwaxen -- teaxuer

  • teatyafwaxen = exposing, exposure, making visible
  • teatyafwaxer = to expose, to make visible
  • teatyafwaxwa = exposed, made visible
  • teatyafway = manifestly, visibly
  • teatyen = outlook
  • teatyiban = range of vision, visual distance
  • teatyika = nearly blind, sight-impaired
  • teatyikwa = hard to see, obscure
  • teatyikwan = difficulty to see
  • teatyikwaxen = obscuring
  • teatyikwaxer = to obscure
  • teatyikwaxwa = obscured
  • teatyof = blindness, inability to see
  • teatyofa = blind, sightless, unsighted
  • teatyofan = blindness
  • teatyofat = blind person
  • teatyofay = blindly
  • teatyofer = to be blind
  • teatyofsea = disappearing, going blind
  • teatyofsen = disappearance
  • teatyofser = to become unable to see, to go blind
  • teatyofvabien = superstition
  • teatyofvabiyea = superstitious
  • teatyofwa = invisible
  • teatyofwa kum = blindside
  • teatyofwa pyuxrus = stealth bomber
  • teatyofwan = invisibility
  • teatyofwaser = to disappear
  • teatyofway = invisibly
  • teatyofxar = blinder
  • teatyofxea = blinding
  • teatyofxea mapil = whiteout
  • teatyofxeay = blindingly
  • teatyofxer = to blind
  • teatyofxwa = blinded, disappeared
  • teatyofxwat = disappeared person
  • teatyofxwaxer = to make disappear
  • teatyofxwaxwat = desaparecido
  • teatyuka = obvious
  • teatyukan = obviousness
  • teatyukay = obviously
  • teatyukwa = clear, evident, glaring, sightly
  • teatyukwan = clearness
  • teatyukwas = evidence
  • teatyukwaser = to become evident
  • teatyukway = evidently, glaringly
  • teatzyeg = peephole
  • teatzyegdez = peepshow
  • teav = blindfold
  • teaves = eye patch
  • teavolzil = eyeliner
  • teavuer = to blindfold
  • teax = look, regard
  • teaxam = theater
  • teaxar = viewing device
  • teaxem = arena
  • teaxen = beholding, looking, observation, viewing
  • teaxer frutip = to have a tantrum
  • teaxer = to behold, to eye, to look at, to regard, to view
  • teaxer yibsin = to watch t.v.
  • teaxgun = viewing angle
  • teaxien = observance, observation, observing, watching
  • teaxier = to look at, to observe, to take in, to watch
  • teaxim = theater, viewing room
  • teaxiut = observer, watcher
  • teaxiwa = observed
  • teaxiyea = observant
  • teaxiyeay = observantly
  • teaxlawa = watched
  • teaxlea = watching
  • teaxlen = watching
  • teaxler = to watch
  • teaxlut = watcher
  • teaxnod = outlook
  • teaxtyoper = to sashay
  • teaxu = lo
  • teaxuar = pointer
  • teaxuen = spectacle
  • teaxuena = spectacular
  • teaxuer = to show

teaxut -- teb

  • teaxut = beholder, looker, observer, viewer, watcher
  • teaxutyan = viewing audience
  • teaxuun = show, spectacle
  • teaxuunpoxus = show-stopper
  • teaxuutyen = showmanship
  • teaxuwa = shown
  • teaxuyea = flagrant, flashy, ostentatious, showy, specatacular
  • teaxuyean = flagrance, flagrancy, ostentation, showiness
  • teaxuyeay = flagrantly, ostentatiously, showily
  • teaxwa = regarded, viewed
  • teaxyafwa = viewable
  • teaxyeyfwa = outstanding
  • teaxyikwa = unsightly
  • teaxyikwan = unsightliness
  • teaxzyefyem = showcase
  • teay = knowingly, wittingly
  • teayofwaxer = to make invisible
  • teayolza = blue-eyed
  • teayolzat = blue-eyed person
  • teaz = awe, dazzle, marvel, spectacle, wonder
  • teaza = geegaw
  • teazaya = marvelous, remarkable, showy, spectacular, wondrous
  • teazayan = showiness, wondrousness
  • teazdalea = grandiloquent
  • teazdalean = grandiloquence
  • teazdat = backslapper
  • teazdatsen = backslapping
  • teazek = geegaw
  • teazen = aim, focus
  • teazena = focal
  • teazena nod = focal point
  • teazex = focus
  • teazexar = focus mechanism
  • teazexen = aiming, focusing, paying attention
  • teazexer be = to focus on
  • teazexer = to aim at, to focus
  • teazexman = limelight, spotlight
  • teazexmanxen = spotlighting
  • teazexmanxer = to spotlight
  • teazexmanxwa = spotlighted
  • teazexoker = to go out of focus
  • teazexwa = aimed, focused, in focus
  • teazfyus = gimcrack
  • teazien = being amazed, being awed, being awestruck, being dazzled, being stunned, marveling
  • teazier = to be amazed, to be awed, to be awestruck, to be dazzled, to be stunned, to marvel
  • teazika = marvelous, remarkable, showy, spectacular, wondrous
  • teazikan = showiness, wondrousness
  • teazikay = marvelously, remarkably, showily, spectacularly, wondrously
  • teaziper = to flounce
  • teaziwa = amazed, astonished, awed, dazzled, stunned
  • teazmem = wonderland
  • teaznixbuut = huckster
  • teazpas = stunt
  • teazpaser = to flounce
  • teazpasut = stunt man, stuntman
  • teazpasuyt = stuntwoman
  • teaztob = prodigy
  • teaztof = get-up, getup
  • teazuen = amazement, astonishment, dazzling
  • teazuer teeputyan = to grandstand
  • teazuer = to amaze, to awe, to dazzle, to stun
  • teazun = show, spectacle
  • teazunaya = amazing, awesome, dazzling, show, spectacular, stunning, wondrous
  • teazunika = amazing, awesome, dazzling, show, spectacular, stunning, wondrous
  • teazunikan = razzle-dazzle, wondrousness
  • teazunikay = amazingly, astonishingly, awesomely, awesomeness, spectacularly, stunningly
  • teazuus = showstopper, stunner
  • teazuut = dazzler, show artist, showman
  • teazuwa = amazed, astonished, awed, awestricken, awestruck, dazzled, stunned
  • teazuwan = wonderment
  • teazuyea = amazing, astonishing, awesome, dazzling, redoubtable, remarkable, stunning, wonderful
  • teazuyean = remarkableness, wonderfulness
  • teazuyeay = amazingly, astonishingly, awesomely, dazzlingly, redoubtably, stunningly, wonderfully
  • teazyef = eyeglass, lens
  • teazyen = showmanship
  • teazzyigiaren = swashbuckling
  • teazzyigiarut = swashbuckler
  • teb abof = head covering
  • teb bexar = kerchief
  • teb = head, noggin

teb neyef -- tebostuja

  • teb neyef = bandana, bandanna
  • teb syag = headcount
  • teb tayeb = hair on the head
  • teba = capital, head-related
  • tebabaun = pate
  • tebaka = mentally sound
  • tebakan = mental soundness, sanity
  • tebakat = mentally sound person, sane person
  • tebalzayt = redheaded female
  • tebaza = bullish
  • tebazan = bullishness
  • tebazat = buckaroo
  • tebazay = bullishly
  • tebbaxeger = to noddle
  • tebbaxen = nodding
  • tebbaxer = to nod
  • tebbolus = headrest
  • tebbyoyk = headache
  • tebbyoyker = to have a headache
  • tebdun = headword, substantive
  • tebebyuka = idiotic
  • tebikier = to worry
  • tebikiut = worry-wort
  • tebikuka = perfunctory
  • tebikuwa = worried
  • tebikuyea = worrisome, worrying
  • tebikxer = to be the matter, to concern
  • tebikxwa = concerned
  • tebikxwat = concerned person
  • tebkun = side of the head
  • tebmolza = black-haired, brunet, brunette, grey
  • tebmolzat = brunet
  • tebnig = head room, headroom
  • tebnuf = headstall
  • tebnyeb = bandbox
  • tebnyef = skullcap
  • tebnyem = brain case, cranium, skull
  • tebnyema = cranial
  • tebnyemsantun = phrenology
  • tebnyemsantut = phrenologist
  • teboben = beheading, decapitation
  • tebober = to behead, to decapitate, to remove a head
  • tebobgoblar = guillotine
  • tebobut = headsman
  • tebobwa = beheaded, decapitated
  • tebokam = mental institution
  • tebos = brain
  • tebos fyusbok = Alzheimer's disease
  • tebos num = brain cell
  • tebos pyaon = brain wave, brainwave
  • tebos zyateax = brain scan
  • tebosa = cephalic, cerebral
  • tebosa eynzyunid = cerebral hemisphere
  • tebosa oyebmoys = cerebral cortex
  • tebosa pasyofbok = cerebral palsy
  • tebosa tiibililp = cerebral hemorrhage
  • tebosambok = encephalitis
  • tebosamboka = encephalitic
  • tebosazon = brainpower
  • tebosbuk = brain injury, brain trauma, concussion
  • tebosbuka = concussive
  • tebosbuker = to concuss
  • tebosdras = encephalogram
  • teboseib = lobe
  • teboser = to be relieved, to be worried, to calm down
  • tebosexok = stroke
  • tebosgon = brain lobe
  • tebosib = brain stem, brainstem
  • tebosmilboka = hydrocephalic
  • tebosof = brain tissue
  • tebosoga = dimwitted, pea-brained
  • tebosogat = dimwit, pea-brain
  • tebosoya = brainless
  • tebosoyan = brainlessness
  • tebospoys = brain fart, momentary lapse of concentration
  • tebospyaon = brain wave
  • tebostoja = brain-dead
  • tebostojper = to go brain-dead
  • tebostuj = coma
  • tebostuja = comatose

tebostujat -- tedbikuut

  • tebostujat = comatose patient
  • tebostujber = to put into a coma
  • tebostujbwa = rendered comatose
  • tebostujoper = to come out of a coma
  • tebostujper = to go into a coma
  • tebosuka = brainless
  • tebosukan = brainlessness
  • tebosukat = idiot
  • tebosukay = idiotically
  • teboya = headless
  • tebpyax = headstand
  • tebpyexer = to conk
  • tebsagen = capitation
  • tebsan = profile
  • tebsin = countenance, face
  • tebsina = facial
  • tebsinay = facially
  • tebsinea = facing
  • tebsinen = facing
  • tebsiner = to face
  • tebsintun = physiognomy
  • tebsintuna = physiognomic, physiognomical
  • tebsintunay = physiognomically
  • tebsintut = physiognomist
  • tebsiunen = nodding
  • tebsiuner = to nod
  • tebsiyn = physionomy
  • tebsiyna = physionomical
  • tebtayebukat = skinhead
  • tebtaz = bust
  • tebtazun = bust
  • tebuka = headless
  • tebuz bokogrun = corona virus
  • tebuz = corona, crown
  • tebuza = coronal, coronary
  • tebuzier = to be crowned
  • tebuzoben = dethroning
  • tebuzober = to dethrone, to strip of the crown
  • tebuzobien = abdication
  • tebuzobier = to abdicate
  • tebuzobiwa = abdicated, uncrowned
  • tebuzobwa = dethroned
  • tebuzog = corolla, coronet
  • tebuzraxean = head-spinning, wooziness
  • tebuzraxeay = head-spinningly, woozily
  • tebuzraxer = to make one's head spin, to make woozy
  • tebuzrea = head-spinning, woozy
  • tebuzuen = coronation, crowning
  • tebuzuer gel edeb = to crown king
  • tebuzuer = to crown
  • tebuzuwa = crowned
  • tebyiga = hard-headed, hardheaded
  • tebyigan = hard-headedness, hardheadedness
  • tebyigay = hardheadedly
  • tebyujaz = headlock
  • tebzan abaunof = facial covering
  • tebzan = countenance, face, mug, visage
  • tebzan tayeb = scruff
  • tebzan yuznad = silhouette
  • tebzan zoyjogxen = facelift
  • tebzana = facial
  • tebzanay = facially
  • tebzanen = confrontation
  • tebzanena = confrontational
  • tebzaner = to confront, to face
  • tebzanof = facecloth, yashmak
  • tebzanoya = faceless
  • tebzansin = face image, head shot, mugshot
  • tebzanuka = faceless
  • tebzanwa = confronted
  • tebzanyolza = blue in the face
  • tebzay = headfirst, headlong
  • tebzyug = chaplet
  • ted = parent, progenitor
  • teda = parental
  • tedan = parentage, parenthood, progeniture
  • tedbikuea = fostering
  • tedbikuen = fostering
  • tedbikuer = to foster
  • tedbikuut = foster parent

tedbikuwa -- teedrut

  • tedbikuwa = fostered
  • tedeba = patriarchal
  • tedeban = patriarchy
  • tedebyena = patriarchal
  • teden = raising
  • teder = to raise
  • tedi = parents
  • tedif = pa
  • tedoken = being orphaned, losing one's parents
  • tedoker = to be orphaned, to lose a parent, to lose one's parents
  • tedokxen = orphaning
  • tedokxer = to orphan
  • tedokxwa = orphaned
  • tedokya = orphan, orphaned
  • tedokyat = orphan
  • tedokyatam = orphanage
  • tedokyatan = orphanage, orphanhood
  • tedokyawat = male orphan
  • tedokyayt = female orphan
  • tedotyeut = founder
  • tedpet dyes = stud book, studbook
  • tedpet = stud
  • tedrun = impression
  • tedruner = to impress
  • tedrunier = to get the impression
  • tedrunuer = to give the impression
  • tedrunwa = impressed
  • tedrunyafwa = impressionable
  • tedrunyea = impressive
  • tedrunyean = impressiveness
  • tedrunyeay = impressively
  • tedsen = parenting
  • tedser = to parent
  • tedtojben = patricide
  • tedtojbena = patricidal
  • tedtojbut = patricide
  • teduer = to sire
  • teduwa = sired
  • tedwa = parented, raised
  • tedyan = mother and father, parents
  • tedyanoker = to be orphaned
  • teeb- = auri-, oto-
  • teeb = auricle, ear
  • teeb byoyk = ear ache
  • teeb kaduzar = ear drum, eardrum
  • teeb yujun = earplug
  • teeba = aural, auricular, otic
  • teebaeb = auricle
  • teebar = audio device, earphone, earpiece
  • teebay = aurally
  • teebbekut = aurist
  • teebden = whisper, whispering
  • teebder = to whisper
  • teebdut = whisperer
  • teebdwa = whispered
  • teebeib = earlobe
  • teebik = earful
  • teebil = cerumen, earwax
  • teebiyub = ear lobe
  • teebsim = wing chair, wingback chair
  • teebsiynxen = earmarking
  • teebsiynxer = to earmark
  • teebsiynxwa = earmarked
  • teebuz = earing, earring
  • teebuzun = stapedes, stapes
  • teebyel = ear wax
  • teebyuba = parotid
  • teebyubtayub = parotid gland
  • teebyujar = earplug
  • teebyuzbalar = needlenose pliers
  • teed = hear-say, hearsay, quotation
  • teeden = quoting, rumoring
  • teeder = to quote
  • teedras = report
  • teedrawa = reported
  • teedren = reporting
  • teedrenyan = reportage
  • teedrer = to report
  • teedrun = report
  • teedrut = reporter

teedrutyan -- teetyofan

  • teedrutyan = press pool
  • teedwa = hear-say, hearsay, quoted, rumored
  • teedwe van = hearsay has it that
  • Teedwe van... = It is rumored that...
  • teef = earmuff, headgear
  • teeiyob-bektut = otorhinolaryngologist
  • teepea = attending, in attendance
  • teepen = attendance
  • teeper dyez = to attend a film
  • teeper fyaxam = to attend mass, attend services
  • teeper = to attend
  • teeper totifram = to attend church
  • teeper yaniv = to attend a party
  • teeput = attendee, member of the audience
  • teeputsag = turnout
  • teeputyan = attendance, audience
  • tees- = audio-
  • tees = audio, sound
  • teesa = sonic
  • teesag = noise
  • teesaza = loud, noisy
  • teesazan = loudness, noisiness
  • teesazay = loudly, noisily
  • teesdras = sonogram
  • teeser = to sound like
  • teesnabyan = sound spectrum
  • teesnaga = audiometric
  • teesnagar = audiometer
  • teesnagen = audiometry
  • teesnyov = audiotape
  • teestaxdras = phonogram
  • teestaxdren = audiorecording
  • teestun = audiology
  • teestuna = audiological
  • teestut = audiologist
  • teet- = audio-
  • teet = audio, hearing
  • teeta = auditive, auditory, aural
  • teetay = aurally
  • teeteata = audio-visual, audiovisual
  • tee-tei-teyob-bektut = ear-nose-throat doctor
  • teetem = auditorium
  • teeten = audition, hearing
  • teeter = to hear
  • teetien = get word, getting wind of, hearing
  • teetier = to get wind of, to get word, to hear
  • teetifwa = mellifluent, mellifluous
  • teetifwan = mellifluousness
  • teetifway = mellifluously
  • teetim = sound studio
  • teetnazea = worth hearing
  • teetos = sense of hearing
  • teetuen = informing, letting it be heard, notification, notifying
  • teetuer = to inform, to let it be heard, to notify
  • teetum = sound booth
  • teetut = hearer
  • teetuut = notifier
  • teetuwa = notified
  • teetyaf = ability to hear
  • teetyafa = able to hear, hearing
  • teetyafnogar = sonometer
  • teetyafok = hearing loss
  • teetyafokea = suffering from hearing loss
  • teetyafwa = audible
  • teetyafwa yiban = earshot
  • teetyafwan = audibility
  • teetyafway = audibly
  • teetyekea = clued in
  • teetyeker = to attempt to hear, to try to hear
  • teetyika = hard of hearing
  • teetyikat = hearing-challenged person
  • teetyiken = having a hard time hearing, straining to hear
  • teetyiker = to have a hard time hearing, to strain to hear
  • teetyikwa = hard to hear, hard-to-hear
  • teetyikwa vyod = howler
  • teetyikwa vyos = howler
  • teetyikwa xeus = faint noise
  • teetyof = deafness, inability to hear
  • teetyofa = deaf
  • teetyofan = deafness

teetyofat -- teibbok

  • teetyofat = deaf person
  • teetyofsea = going deaf
  • teetyofser = to go deaf
  • teetyofwa = inaudible, unaudible
  • teetyofwan = inaudibility
  • teetyofwaser = to become inaudible
  • teetyofwaxer = to make inaudible
  • teetyofway = inaudibly
  • teetyofxer = to deafen
  • teetyofxyea = deafening, ear-splitting, earsplitting
  • teetyofxyeay = deafeningly
  • teetyukwa = easy to hear
  • teetyuxar = hearing aid
  • teex- = audio-
  • teex = audition, hearing
  • teexar = headphone, listening device, microphone
  • teexdras = audiogram
  • teexdren = audiography
  • teexdyes = audiobook
  • teexea = hearkening, listening
  • Teexea! = Hello!, Listening!
  • teexegen = rehearsing
  • teexeger = to rehearse
  • teexegut = rehearser
  • teexegwa = rehearsed
  • teexen = hearkening, listening
  • teexer doyevson = to hear a case, try a case
  • teexer = to audit, to audition, to harken, to hearken, to listen
  • teexer yevson = to hear a case
  • teexien = auditing, auditioning
  • teexier = to audit, to audition
  • teexifut = audiophile
  • teexir = headset
  • teexiut = auditor
  • teexiwat = person being auditioned
  • teexu = hark
  • teexuen = audition, letting it be heard, pointing out
  • teexuer = to audition, to let it be heard, to point out, to try out
  • teexut = auditor, listener
  • teexutyan = audience
  • teexuut = auditioner
  • teexuwa = auditioned, pointed out
  • teexwa = hearkened
  • tef byoxar = hat rack, hat stand, hat tree
  • tef = hatband
  • tef nivar = hatpin
  • tef nyoov = hat band
  • tef vyoek = hat trick
  • tef yazkunad = hat brim
  • tefbexar = hat rack
  • tefnam = haberdashery, hat shop, hat store
  • tefnamut = haberdasher, hat seller, hatter
  • tefnyem = hatbox
  • tefnyoov = hat
  • tefnyov = cockade
  • tefober = to unhat
  • tefobwa = bareheaded
  • tefoya = bareheaded, hatless
  • tefuka = bareheaded, hatless
  • tefyig = casque, hardhat
  • Tehano = Tejano
  • tei- = nasal, nose, rhino-
  • teib = nose, proboscis, schnoz, schnozz, smeller, snoot, snout
  • teiba = nasal, rhinal
  • teiba yujteuzun = nasal consonant
  • teibag = schnozzle
  • teibaib = nose bridge
  • teibalegien = sniffling
  • teibalegier = to sniffle
  • teibalien = sniffing
  • teibalier = to sniff
  • teibalufa = tracheal
  • teibaluier = to breathe
  • teiban = nasality
  • teibaxen = nasalization, nuzzling
  • teibaxer = to nasalize, to nuzzle
  • teibaxut = nuzzler
  • teibay = nasally
  • teibaysea = proboscidate
  • teibbok = rhinitis

teibdaler -- teituer

  • teibdaler = to snuffle
  • teibginid = nose cone, nosecone
  • teibil = mucus, snot
  • teibila = mucal
  • teibilay = snottily
  • teibilaya = mucus-filled, snot-nosed, snotty
  • teibilayan = snottiness
  • teibilea = running at the nose
  • teibilen = rhinorrhea, running at the nose
  • teibiler = to run at the nose
  • teibilika = mucus-filled, snot-nosed, snotty
  • teibilikan = snottiness
  • teibilikay = snottily
  • teibiloker = to run at the nose
  • teibilun = boogie
  • teibixun = something chewable
  • teibmalyaz = alveolus
  • teibnyef = nosebag
  • teibok = cold, rhume
  • teiboksen = catching a cold
  • teibokser = to catch a cold
  • teibsez = scrimshaw
  • teibsezer = to scrimshaw
  • teibsezun = scrimshaw
  • teibtiibiluen = nosebleed
  • teibtun = rhinology
  • teibtuna = rhinological
  • teibtut = rhinologist
  • teibukxen = blowing one's nose
  • teibukxer = to blow one's nose
  • teibuz = nose ring
  • teibuzuk = sinus
  • teibuzukbok = sinusitis
  • teibyeg = nostril
  • teibyeger = to flare at the nostrils
  • teibyena = nose-like, rhinoid
  • teibzoteyob = nasopharynx
  • teibzoteyoba = nasopharyngeal
  • teif = hob cover, muffler
  • teifober = to unmuffle, to unmuzzle
  • teikyebzyobus = sphincter
  • teil = soup
  • teilar = soup spoon
  • teilarag = soup ladle
  • teilil = potage
  • teilsyeb = soup tureen
  • teilyeb = bowl, soup bowl
  • teilyebik = bowlful
  • teilyena = soupy
  • teilyenan = soupiness
  • teipyeux = achoo
  • teipyos = nose-dive, nosedive
  • teipyosea = nose-diving
  • teipyosen = nose-diving
  • teipyoser = to nose-dive, to nosedive
  • teipyuxlen = sneezing, sternutation
  • teipyuxlena = sternutatory
  • teipyuxler = to sneeze
  • teipyuxloa = about to sneeze
  • teis = aroma, odor, scent, smell, whiff
  • teis gel teliwa pot = gaminess
  • teisaya = aromatic, odorous, smelly
  • teisea gel teiliwa pot = gamey
  • teisea = ostensible
  • teiseay = ostensibly
  • teiser = to smell like
  • teisika = aromatic, odorous, smelly
  • teisoya = odorless
  • teisuka = odorless
  • teisukan = gimcrackery
  • teit = sense of smell
  • teita = olfactory
  • teitayub = adenoid
  • teitayuba = adenoidal
  • teiter = to smell
  • teitier = to get a whiff of, to savor
  • teitiwa = savored
  • teitos = sense of smell
  • teituen = giving off a smell
  • teituer = to give off a smell

teityaf -- tejea boy efkyoxyean

  • teityaf = ability to smell, olfactory sense
  • teityafa = able to smell
  • teityafwa = able to be smelled
  • teityafwan = ability to be smelled
  • teityof = anosmia, inability to smell
  • teityofa = suffering from anosmia, unable to smell
  • teityofser = to lose the ability to smell
  • teityofwa = impossible to smell, odorless
  • teityofwan = inability to be smelled, odorlessness
  • teiv = handkerchief, hankie, snot rag
  • teixar = smeller
  • teixen = olfaction, smelling
  • teixena = olfactory
  • teixer = to smell, to sniff, to whiff
  • teixeusen = snoring
  • teixeuser = to snore
  • teixeusut = snorer
  • teixgivob = snuff
  • teixgivoben = snuffing
  • teixgivober = to snuff
  • teixgivobnyem = snuffbox
  • teixun = whiff
  • teixut = smeller
  • teixwa = smelled
  • teiz = aroma, perfume
  • teizaya = aromatic, perfumy
  • teizayan = perfuminess
  • teizbar = aromatizer, perfumer
  • teizbek = aromatherapy
  • teizbekut = aromatherapist
  • teizben = aromatization, perfuming
  • teizber = to aromatize, to perfume
  • teizbwa = aromatized, perfumed
  • teizika = aromatic, perfumy
  • teizikan = perfuminess
  • teiznam = perfumery
  • teiznamut = perfumer
  • teizuka = aroma-free, perfume-free
  • teizxam = perfume factory
  • teizyeb = vial of perfume
  • teizyun = pomander
  • tej bi nyaz = life of luxury
  • tej = life
  • tej noog = life stage
  • tej yakwan = life expectancy
  • teja = alive, live, vital
  • tejam = abode
  • tejan = aliveness, liveness
  • tejaser = to come alive, to liven up
  • tejat = creature, living thing
  • tejaxen = enlivening, enlivenment, vivification
  • tejaxer = to enliven, to liven up, to vivify
  • tejaxwa = enlivened, livened up, vivified
  • tejaya = animated, full of life, lively, sparky, vigorous, vital, vivacious, vivid, zippy
  • tejayan = gusto, liveliness, verve, vigor, vitality, vivaciousness, vivacity, vividness
  • tejazon = life force, vitality
  • tejazonin = vitalism
  • tejazoninut = vitalist
  • tejbektun = biomedicine
  • tejbektuna = biomedical
  • tejbekul = vitamin
  • tejben = revival
  • tejber = to bear, to bring to life, to revive
  • tejbuen = life-giving
  • tejbuer = to give life
  • tejbuyea = life-giving
  • tejbyen = way of life
  • tejdet = life mate, life partner
  • tejdeup = biorhythm
  • tejdin = bio, biography, life story
  • tejdina = biographic, biographical
  • tejdinay = biographically
  • tejdinut = biographer
  • tejdrasin = life drawing
  • tejdrasinam = life drawing studio
  • tejdrasinen = life drawing
  • tejdrasinwat = life drawing model
  • tejdyezun = biopic
  • tejea = alive, animate, extant, living
  • tejea boy efkyoxyean = straightedge

tejea duz -- tejsiun

  • tejea duz = live music
  • tejefmul = protein
  • tejefmula yonmulxen = proteolysis
  • tejefmulika = protein-rich
  • tejefmullevelun = proteoglycan
  • tejefwa = vital
  • tejefzeyn = livelihood
  • tejen = living
  • tejenim = wardroom
  • tejennig = Lebensraum, living space
  • tejer bay = to abide by
  • tejer gra ig = to overlive
  • tejer = to be alive, to live
  • tejglal = biomass
  • tejglasaunan = biodiversity
  • tejgoblen = vivisection
  • tejgoblena = vivisectional
  • tejgobler = to vivisect
  • tejgoblut = vivisectionist
  • tejgyia = lush
  • tejgyian = lushness
  • tejgyiay = lushly
  • tejika = animated, full of life, lively, sparky, vigorous, vital, vivacious, vivid, zippy
  • tejika tob = live wire, livewire
  • tejikan = gusto, liveliness, verve, vigor, vitality, vivaciousness, vivacity, vividness
  • tejikay = vigorously, vitally, vivace, vivaciously, vividly
  • tejiksea = palmy
  • tejikser = to become vivacious, to liven up
  • tejikxen = animation, invigoration, livening up, revitalization, vitalization, vivification
  • tejikxer = to animate, to invigorate, to liven up, to revitalize, to vitalize, to vivify
  • tejikxwa = animated, invigorated, revitalized, sparky, vivified
  • tejipea = going extinct
  • tejipen = going extinct
  • tejiper = to go extinct
  • tejipoa = about to go extinct, threatened with extinction
  • tejiv = joie de vivre, pizazz, pizzazz
  • tejiva = spry
  • tejivan = spryness
  • tejivay = spryly
  • tejjob = lifetime
  • tejkyax = menopause
  • tejmanxen faob = foxfire
  • tejmil = aqua vitae, water of life
  • tejmir = biosphere
  • tejna = vital
  • tejnad = curriculum vitae, life line
  • tejnaga = life-sized
  • tejnan = vitality
  • tejnay = vitally
  • tejoben = extinction
  • tejober = to extinguish, to take a life, to take away life
  • tejobwa = extinct
  • tejogrun = germ, microbe, microorganism
  • tejogruna = microbic
  • tejogrunika = germ-ridden
  • tejogruntojbul = microbicide
  • tejogruntojbula = microbicidal
  • tejok = death, loss of life
  • tejoken = extinction, perishing
  • tejoker = to go extinct, to perish
  • tejokut = casualty
  • tejokya = extinct, perished
  • tejokyafwa = perishable
  • tejokyofwa = imperishable, nonperishable
  • tejokyofwan = imperishability
  • tejokyofway = imperishably
  • tejoya = inanimate, lifeless
  • tejoyan = inanimateness, lifelessness
  • tejoyxer = to deprive of life, to devitalize
  • tejpea = coming alive
  • tejper = to come alive, to come to life
  • tejpexwat = lifer
  • tejsagtuun = biostatistic
  • tejsan = bioform, life form, lifeform
  • tejsana = biotic
  • tejsani = biota
  • tejsaxam = biofactory
  • tejsira = bionic
  • tejsiray = bionically
  • tejsiun = life sign of life

tejsuanyanxer -- telef

  • tejsuanyanxer = to biosynthesize
  • tejsyen = lifestyle
  • tejtapa = biophysical
  • tejtaptut = biophysicist
  • tejtaxdin = bio, life story
  • tejtiibil = lifeblood
  • tejtrea = experienced, wise
  • tejtrean = experience, wisdom
  • tejtun = biology, bioscience
  • tejtuna = biological
  • tejtunay = biologically
  • tejtut = biologist
  • tejtyenartun = biotechnology
  • tejtyentuna = biotechnological
  • Teju Ferom! = Vive la France!
  • tejuen = animation
  • tejuer = to animate
  • tejuj = end of life
  • tejuka = inanimate, lifeless
  • tejukan = inanimateness, lifelessness
  • tejukay = inanimately, lifelessly
  • tejuut = animator
  • tejuwa = animated
  • tejuwa dyez = animated film
  • tejuwan = animateness
  • tejuway = animatedly
  • tejvakuar = buoy, life-saver
  • tejvakuea = life-saving, lifesaving
  • tejvakuer = to save a life
  • tejvakuut = life-saver
  • tejvok = danger to life
  • tejya = live
  • tejyafa = viable
  • tejyafan = viability
  • tejyafay = viably
  • tejyafwa = livable
  • tejyafwan = livability
  • tejyafway = livably
  • tejyaga = lifelong
  • tejyakwa = expected to live
  • tejyanmula = biochemical
  • tejyanmulay = biochemically
  • tejyanmultun = biochemistry
  • tejyanmultut = biochemist
  • tejyeklen = life struggle
  • tejyekun = mission in life goal, purpose in life
  • tejyen = way of life
  • tejyena = life-like, lifelike, lively, perky, vivacious
  • tejyenan = liveliness, perkiness, vivaciousness
  • tejyenay = perkily, vivaciously
  • tejyex = lifework
  • tejyobnogxyafwa = biodegradable
  • tejyobnogxyafwan = biodegradability
  • tejyofwa = unlivable
  • tejzoyteluun = biofeedback
  • tejzyan = lifespan
  • Teksas = Texas
  • tel dopek = food fight
  • tel = edible, food
  • tel yaoblar = food elevator
  • telam = eatery, eating establishment, restaurant
  • telam tyal = restaurant meal
  • telamab = restaurant staff
  • telamar = hotplate
  • telameb = restaurateur
  • telamog = canteen, diner
  • telampen = eating out, restaurant-going
  • telamper = to eat out, to go to a restaurant
  • telamput = restaurant-goer
  • telamut = restaurateur
  • telar = fork, utensil
  • telarik = forkful
  • telarpib = prong
  • telaryan = cutlery, flatware, knives and forks, utensils
  • telbelpur = food truck
  • telbelwa = foodborne
  • telbun = gift of food
  • teldilut = mendicant
  • teldilutan = mendicancy
  • telef = appetite, hunger

telef byoyk -- telkexut

  • telef byoyk = hunger pang
  • telef yobalus = appetite suppressant
  • telefa = hungry
  • telefag = famine
  • telefan = hungriness
  • telefat = hungry person
  • telefay = hungrily
  • telefbok = bulimia
  • telefboka = bulimic
  • telefea = starving
  • telefen = hungering
  • telefer = to be hungry, to have an appetite, to hunger, to starve
  • telefgyot = starveling
  • telefobea = hunger-alleviating, sating
  • telefoben = hunger satisfaction
  • telefober = to satisfy one's hunger
  • telefok = anorexia
  • telefra = famished
  • telefrer = to crave
  • telefron = famine
  • telefruen = starvation
  • telefruer = to starve
  • telefruwa = starved
  • telefsea = getting hungry
  • telefsen = getting hungry
  • telefser = to get hungry
  • teleftoj vyayab = starvation diet
  • teleftoja = dead of starvation, dead of thirst
  • teleftojben = starvation
  • teleftojber = to starve to death
  • teleftojbwa = starved
  • teleftojea = dying of hunger, dying of thirst, starving to death
  • teleftojen = starvation
  • teleftojer = to die of hunger, to starve to death
  • telefuen = starvation
  • telefxea = appetizing
  • telefxeay = appetizingly
  • telefxen = appetizing
  • telefxer = to famish, to make hungry, to starve
  • telefxul = appetizer
  • telefxwa = famished, starved
  • teleklen = grubbing, scavenging
  • telekler = to grub, to scavenge
  • teleklut = grubber, scavenger
  • telem = cafeteria, refectory
  • teleus = savor
  • teleuxen = savoring
  • teleuxer = to savor
  • teleuxwa = savored
  • teleuz = penchant
  • teleyfa = peckish
  • Telid = Telugu
  • Telidaler = to speak Telugu
  • Telidalut = Telugu speaker
  • Telider = to say in Telugu
  • telien = consuming, eating, uptake
  • telier gel yapet = to pig out
  • telier = to consume, to eat, to ingest, to uptake
  • telif = gourmandise, love of food
  • telifut = food-lover, foodie, gourmet
  • telijun = nutriment
  • teliksea = becoming sated, getting full
  • telikser = to be sated, to get full
  • telikxen = sating
  • telikxer = to sate, to satisfy one's hunger
  • telikxwa = full, sated
  • telikxyofwa = insatiable
  • telikxyofwan = insatiability, insatiably
  • telimsom = sideboard
  • teliut = consumer, eater
  • teliwa = consumed
  • teliyafwa = eatable, edible, esculent
  • teliyafwan = edibility, edibleness
  • teliyafwas = something edible, victual
  • teliyofwa = inconsumable, inedible, uneatable
  • teliyofwan = inedibility
  • teliyofwas = something inedible
  • telkexen = scavenging
  • telkexer = to scavage, to scavenge
  • telkexut = scavenger

telmuf -- tepabaxren

  • telmuf = broach
  • telmuyf = toothpick
  • telnun = edible product, grocery item, produce
  • telnunam = grocery store
  • telnunyan = groceries
  • telnyux = larder
  • telogier = to nibble, to sup
  • telogiun = nibble
  • telogiut = nibbler
  • teloxea = fasting
  • teloxen = fasting
  • Teloxenjeb = Lent
  • teloxer = to fast
  • teloysan = dearth
  • teloyser = to starve
  • teloyxen = starvation
  • teloyxer = to deprive of food, to starve
  • teloyxwa = deprived of food, starved
  • telpyexegar = food beater, kitchen beater
  • telsam = cupboard
  • telsir = automat
  • telsoniyeb = can of food tin can
  • teltem = cafeteria
  • teltilam = bar and restaurant, brasserie
  • teltimog = cafeteria, canteen, dispensary
  • teltun = food science, gastronomy
  • teltuna = gastronomic
  • teltunay = gastronomically
  • teltut = food scientist, gastronome
  • teltuz = gastronomy
  • teltuza = gastronomic
  • teltuzut = gastronomist
  • teluar = feeder
  • teluen = feeding
  • teluen muyfyeg = feeding tube
  • teluenyeb = nosebag
  • teluer = to feed, to provender
  • teluf = food phobia, gastrophobia
  • telufa = gastrophobic
  • teluk = hunger, starvation
  • telukser = to go hungry
  • telum = food kiosk, food stall, food stand
  • teluul = fodder
  • teluum = feeding trough, manger
  • teluun = feed
  • teluut = feeder, server
  • teluwa = fed
  • teluwas = comestible
  • telxur = cooker, stove
  • telxyofwan = inimitability
  • telyeb = dinner plate
  • telyebag = platter
  • telyebar = food tray
  • telyebik = plateful
  • telyebog = little plate
  • telyuxlar = salver, serving tray
  • telyuxlut = server, steward, waiter, waitperson
  • telyuxluyt = stewardess, waitress
  • tem = hall
  • tempura = tempura
  • ten = knowing, knowledge
  • teob = cheek
  • teoba = jugal
  • teobalza = flushed
  • teobalzer = to flush
  • teobyeb = beard
  • teobyebaya = bearded
  • teobyebika = bearded
  • teobyeboya = beardless, clean-shaven
  • teobyebuka = beardless, clean-shaven
  • teobyoz = dimple
  • teobyozika = dimpled
  • teojson = matter of life and death, matter of life or death
  • tep = mind, psyche
  • tepa bok = mental illness
  • tepa kyos = headspace
  • tepa lozepan = mental instability
  • tepa = mental, psychical
  • tepa zepan = mental stability
  • tepabaxren = chafe, chafing

tepabaxruer -- tepbos

  • tepabaxruer = to chafe
  • tepaden = parroting
  • tepader = to parrot
  • tepaga = broad-minded, broadminded
  • tepagan = broad-mindedness
  • tepagay = broad-mindedly
  • tepanayga = nave
  • tepanaygan = navete
  • tepanaygay = navely
  • tepaoxea = confusing, flustering
  • tepaoxen = confusion, flustering
  • tepaoxer = to confuse, to fluster
  • tepaoxun = confusion, fluster
  • tepat = parrot
  • tepava = pro
  • tepaxlea bokxul = pyschoactive drug
  • tepaxlea = psychoactive
  • tepay baka = mentally sound
  • tepay boka = mentally ill
  • tepay = intellectually, mentally, psychically
  • tepay lozepa = mentally unstable
  • tepay zepa = mentally stable
  • tepaya = mindful
  • tepayan = mindfulness
  • tepaza = clever, intelligent, keen, mentally strong, smart
  • tepazan = braininess, cleverness, intelligence, keenness, smartness
  • tepazay = cleverly, intelligently, keenly, smartly
  • tepazon = mental faculty, mental power
  • tepbak = mental health, sanity
  • tepbaka = mentally sound, of sound mind, psychologically fit, sane
  • tepbakam = mental health facility, mental institution
  • tepbakan = mental soundness, saneness, sanity
  • tepbakay = sanely
  • tepbakem = mental health ward
  • tepbaktun = mental health science
  • tepbek = mental therapy, psychiatric care, psychiatric treatment, psychiatry, psychotherapy
  • tepbeka = psychiatric, psychotherapeutic
  • tepbekam = psychiatric clinic, psychiatric hospital
  • tepbekdez = psychodrama
  • tepbekdezun = psychodrama
  • tepbekem = mental ward, psych ward
  • tepbektultun = psychopharmacology
  • tepbektultuna = psychopharmacological
  • tepbektun = psychiatry
  • tepbektuna = psychiatric
  • tepbektunay = psychiatrically
  • tepbekut = mental therapist, psychiatrist
  • tepbik = heed
  • tepbikea = caring, mindful, paying attention
  • tepbiken = being mindful, heeding, paying attention
  • tepbiker = to be concerned, to be mindful, to care, to heed
  • tepbikier = to become concerned, to become mindful of, to become worried, to heed
  • tepbikiwa = heeded
  • tepbikuea = concerning
  • tepbikuen = bring attention to
  • tepbikuer = to bring attention to give cause for concern
  • tepbikuka = blithesome, carefree, not worried, unconcerned
  • tepbikukan = carefreeness
  • tepbikuyea = considerate
  • tepbikuyean = considerateness
  • tepbikuyeay = considerately
  • tepbiwa = borne in mind
  • tepbix = attention, mental engagement
  • tepbixea = mentally captivating
  • tepbixen = drawing attention
  • tepbixer = to draw attention to grab attention, to mentally attract
  • tepbixwa = mentally captivated
  • tepbixwer = to be mentally engaged
  • tepbok = mental illness, psychopathy, psychosis
  • tepboka = crazy, insane, mentally ill, psychopathic, sicko
  • tepbokam = asylum, insane asylum, madhouse, mental hospital, mental institution
  • tepbokan = craziness, insanity, madness, mental illness
  • tepbokay = crazily, insanely, madly
  • tepboksea = becoming mentally ill, going insane
  • tepbokser = to become mentally ill, to go crazy, to go insane, to go mad
  • tepboktun = psychopathology
  • tepboktuna = psychopathological
  • tepbokxer = to cause to be mentally ill, to make crazy
  • tepbokxwa = crazed
  • tepbos = composure

tepboser -- tepkis

  • tepboser = to calm down
  • tepboxer = to calm, to put at ease
  • tepboxwa = calmed
  • tepbukuen = traumatization
  • tepbukuer = to traumatize
  • tepbukuwa = traumatized
  • tepbukuyea = traumatic
  • tepbukuyeay = traumatically
  • tepbyisea = psychogenic
  • tepdota = psychosocial
  • tepdottun = psychosociology
  • tepdottuna = psychosociological
  • tepdottut = psychosociologist
  • tepdun = mantra
  • tepdyeen = divination, divining, mentalism, mind-reading
  • tepdyeer = to divine, to read minds
  • tepdyeut = mind-reader
  • tepdyewa = divined
  • tepeaz = dream, vision
  • tepeazen = dreaming, envisioning
  • tepeazer = to dream, to envision
  • tepeazwa = dreamed, envisioned
  • tepega = mentally normal, sane
  • tepegan = mental normality, saneness
  • tepegay = sanely
  • tepeja = aware, mentally present
  • tepejan = awareness, presence of mind
  • tepek = gimmick, mind game, mind-game, puzzle
  • tepekaya = wily
  • tepekika = wily
  • tepekyan = gimmickry
  • tepekyena = gimmicky
  • tepelad = chirrup
  • tepeladen = chirping
  • tepelader = to chirp, to chirrup
  • tepeva = neutral, non-partisan
  • tepevan = neutality, non-partisanship
  • tepex = cognition, functioning of the mind, mental operation
  • tepexa = cognitive
  • tepexen = cognition
  • tepfaya = pretentious
  • tepfayan = pretentiousness
  • tepfen = claim, intention, pretention
  • tepfena = intentional
  • tepfer = to intend, to mean, to pretend
  • tepfut = pretender
  • tepfwa = intended, meant, pretended
  • tepibay = dentally
  • tepibixen = distraction
  • tepibkuway = worriedly
  • tepiea = bearing in mind, considerate, considering, mindful
  • tepiea van... = considering that...
  • tepien = bearing in mind, consideration, considering, recalling
  • tepier = to bear in mind, to consider, to keep in mind, to recall, to take into account
  • tepiga = alert, clever, pert, quick-minded, quick-on-the-draw, quick-witted, sharp-witted, smart, witty
  • tepiga dun = bon mot
  • tepiga ebdal = repartee
  • tepigan = alertness, cleverness, pertness, quick-wittedness, sharp-wittedness, smartness, wit, wittiness
  • tepigay = cleverly, pertly, quick-mindedly, quick-wittedly, smartly, wittily
  • tepigfud = zing
  • tepika = mindful
  • tepikan = mindfulness
  • tepikay = mindfully
  • Tepiu van... = Bear in mind that...
  • tepivxer = to cheer up
  • tepiwa = borne in mind, considered, kept in mind, taken into account
  • tepiwa van... = considering that...
  • tepiyea = considerate, mindful
  • tepiyefwa = considerable, worthy of consideration
  • tepiza = mentally focused, rational, sharp, logical
  • tepizan = mental focus, rationality
  • tepizber = to steer the mind
  • tepizbyea = mentally focused
  • tepizra = rational, sane
  • tepizran = rationality, saneness, sanity
  • tepizraser = to regain one's sanity
  • tepizraxer = to bring sanity to
  • tepizray = rationally, sanely
  • tepkez gron boksiunyan = ADD, attention deficit disorder
  • tepkis = tendency

tepkixea -- teponapa

  • tepkixea = psychedelic, psychotropic
  • tepkixeay = psychedelically
  • tepkixena = psychedelic
  • tepkixenay = psychedelically
  • tepkixwa = tendentious
  • tepkixwan = tendentiousness
  • tepkixway = tendentiously
  • tepkyaa = distracted, scatter-brained, unfocused
  • tepkyaay = distractedly
  • tepkyax = flip-flop, flipflop, turnabout
  • tepkyaxea = entrancing, mind-altering
  • tepkyaxean = persuasiveness
  • tepkyaxen = blandishment, conversion, distraction, entrancement, entrancing, flip-flopping, persuading, persuasion, proselytization, proselytizing
  • tepkyaxer = to blandish, to change minds, to convert, to distract, to flip-flop, to flipflop, to persuade, to proselytize
  • tepkyaxwa = converted, entranced, persuaded, proselytized
  • tepkyaxyea = persuasive
  • tepkyaxyeay = persuasively
  • tepkyaxyen = proselytism
  • tepkyaxyuka = easily proselytizable, easily-convertible
  • tepkyepen = daydreaming
  • tepkyeper = to daydream
  • tepkyeput = daydreamer
  • tepkyinxea = considering
  • tepkyinxen = consideration
  • tepkyinxer = to consider, to weigh in the mind
  • tepkyinxwa = considered
  • tepkyis = mental burden, onus, weight on one's mind
  • tepkyoa = attentive, focused, mentally fixed
  • tepkyox = fixation, mental focus, obsession
  • tepkyoxen = attention, determination, fixation, obsession, paying attention to
  • tepkyoxena = obsessional
  • tepkyoxenay = obsessionally
  • tepkyoxer be = to fixate, obsess on
  • tepkyoxwa = fixated, obsessed
  • tepkyoxwan = obsession
  • tepkyoxway = fixatedly
  • tepkyoxwer bay = to be fixated, be obsessed
  • tepkyoxyea = obsessive
  • tepkyoxyean = obsessiveness
  • tepkyoxyeay = obsessively
  • tepmanxen = clearing up
  • tepmanxer = to clear up
  • tepnaga = psychometric
  • tepnagdren = psychometrics
  • tepobos = angst, concern
  • tepobosea = ill at ease, seething, worrying
  • tepoboser = to be concerned, to be ill at ease, to become concerned, to care, to grow anxious, to seethe, to worry
  • tepobosuka = serene
  • tepobosukan = sereneness
  • tepobosukay = serenely
  • tepoboxea = bothersome, concerning
  • tepoboxen = preoccupation, worriment
  • tepoboxer = to bother, to concern, to preoccupy
  • tepoboxwa = bothered, concerned, worried
  • tepoboxway = worriedly
  • tepoboxyea = bothersome, worrisome, worrying
  • tepoga = narrow-minded, petty, silly, small-minded
  • tepogan = cretinism, narrow-mindedness, pettiness, silliness, small-mindedness
  • tepogay = pettily, small-mindedly
  • tepogia = doltish, dull-minded, dull-witted, sottish
  • tepogian = doltishness, dull-wittedness, dullness
  • tepogiat = dull-witted person, dullard
  • tepogiay = doltishly
  • tepoiza = mentally off, not right in the mind
  • tepoizan = mental aberration
  • tepokay = crazily
  • tepokea = losing one's mind
  • tepoker av = to go ape over
  • tepoker = to lose one's mind
  • tepokya = crazy, out of one's mind
  • tepokyan = craziness
  • tepolega = mentally aberrant, mentally abnormal
  • tepolegan = mental aberration, mental abnormality
  • tepolegsea = going insane
  • tepolegser = to become weird, to go insane
  • tepolegxen = making insane
  • tepolegxer = to make insane
  • tepolegxwa = make insane
  • teponap = mania, mental disorder
  • teponapa = crazy, deranged, maniacal, manic, mentally deranged, mentally disordered, psychotic

teponapan -- tepsinuut

  • teponapan = craziness, mental disturbance
  • teponapay = crazily, maniacally, psychotically
  • teponapsea = become mentally disturbed, going crazy
  • teponapser = to become mentally disturbed, to go crazy
  • teponapxen = making crazy, mental disturbance
  • teponapxer = to make crazy
  • teponapxwa = crazed, deranged, mentally disturbed
  • tepot = marmoset
  • tepova = con, contrarian, unfavorable
  • tepovan = contrarianism
  • tepovay = unfavorably
  • tepovyida = addled, confused
  • tepovyidxea = befuddling, confusing
  • tepovyidxen = befogging, befuddlement, confusion
  • tepovyidxer = to addle, to befog, to befuddle, to confuse
  • tepovyidxwa = addled, befogged, befuddled, confused
  • tepoya = air-headed, anserine, empty-headed, fatuous, feather-brained, featherbrained, mindless, moony, rattlebrained, spacy, vapid
  • tepoyan = empty-headedness, fatuity, fatuousness, mindlessness, spaciness, vapidity, vapidness
  • tepoyeba = luny, out of one's mind
  • tepoyeban = lunacy
  • tepoyza = daft, foolish, silly
  • tepoyzan = daftness, foolishness, silliness
  • tepoyzay = daftly, foolishly
  • tepoza = birdbrained, dull-witted, dumb, feeble-minded, idiotic, klutzy, mentally weak, moronic, muddleheaded, of weak intelligence, stupid
  • tepozan = dull-wittedness, dumbness, feeble-mindedness, klutziness, weak intelligence
  • tepozay = dumbly, idiotically, moronically, stupidly
  • tepozea = wacko, wacky
  • tepozebwa = crazed, mentally unbalanced, unhinged
  • tepozebwaser = to become mentally unbalanced, to become unhinged
  • tepozega = mentally abnormal, mentally unbalanced, weird
  • tepozegan = mental abnormality, mentally unbalanced state, weirdness
  • tepozepa = crazy, mad, mentally imbalanced
  • tepozepan = craziness
  • tepozepay = crazily
  • tepozetay = weirdly
  • tepozla = bored
  • tepozlan = boredom
  • tepozlaxea = boring
  • tepozlaxer = to bore
  • tepozlaxyea = yawny
  • teppaxea = motivating
  • teppaxen = motivation
  • teppaxena = motivational
  • teppaxenay = motivationally
  • teppaxer = to motivate
  • teppaxus = motive
  • teppaxusoya = motiveless
  • teppaxusuka = motiveless
  • teppaxwa = motivated
  • teppoos = peace of mind, serenity
  • teppooxer = to give peace of mind, to quell
  • teppooxwa = relieved, serene
  • teppoys = relief
  • teppoyxen = relieving
  • teppoyxer = to relieve
  • teppoyxwa = relieved
  • tepsan = schema, scheme
  • tepsana = schematic
  • tepsanay = schematically
  • tepsani = schemata
  • tepsaxen = devising
  • tepsaxer = to devise
  • tepsaxwa = devised
  • tepsin = imagination, mental image
  • tepsina = imaginary
  • tepsinien = imagination, imagining
  • tepsinier = to imagine
  • tepsiniwa = imaginary, imagined
  • tepsiniwa yuf = bug-a-boo, bugaboo
  • tepsiniyafwa = imaginable
  • tepsiniyafway = imaginably
  • tepsiniyea = imaginative
  • tepsiniyean = imaginativeness
  • tepsiniyeay = imaginatively
  • tepsiniyofwa = unimaginable
  • tepsiniyofway = ludicrously, unimaginably
  • tepsinuen = pretending
  • tepsinuer = to pretend
  • tepsinuka = unimaginative
  • tepsinuut = pretender

tepsinuwa -- tepuzra

  • tepsinuwa = pretended
  • tepsinuyea = lysergic
  • teptaba = psychosomatic
  • teptabtun = psychosomatics
  • teptapa = psycho-physical
  • teptaptun = psychophysics, psychophysiology
  • teptaptuna = psychophysiological
  • teptayosobxea = mind-numbing
  • tepteas = phantasy
  • teptejtun = psychobiology
  • teptija = alert, aware, conscious, mentally alert, wakeful
  • teptijan = alertness, awareness, consciousness, sentience, wakefulness
  • teptijaxen = consciousness-raising
  • teptijay = consciously, wakefully
  • teptijay tayotier = to sentient
  • teptijber = to bring around to consciousness
  • teptijbyok = pang of consciousness
  • teptijier = to become alerted, to become conscious
  • teptijper = to come to regain consciousness
  • teptijuer = to alert, to call attention to
  • teptoluus = pabulum
  • teptoobifa = psychosexual
  • teptuj = blackout
  • teptuja = insensate, insentient, unconscious
  • teptujan = insentience, unconsciousness
  • teptujay = unconsciously
  • teptujben = k.o., knock-out, knockout
  • teptujber = to knock out, to render unconscious
  • teptujbwa = knocked out, rendered unconscious
  • teptujpen = fainting
  • teptujper = to black out, to faint, to go unconscious, to pass out
  • teptujpoa = about to pass out, faint
  • teptun = psychology
  • teptuna = psychological
  • teptuna yikon = hang-up, hangup
  • teptunay = psychologically
  • teptundal = psychobabble
  • teptut = psychologist, shrink
  • teptuyj = stupor
  • teptuyjea = stuporous
  • tepuen = mentioning
  • tepuer = to bring to mind, to mention, to point out, to recall
  • tepuga = dull-minded, dumb, lumpish, mentally slow, moronic, slow of mind, slow-witted, stupid, witless
  • tepugan = dullness, dumbness, mental dullness, slow-wittedness, witlessness
  • tepugay = dumbly, moronically, slow-wittedly, stupidly, witlessly
  • tepuka = air-headed, anserine, empty-headed, fatuous, feather-brained, featherbrained, mindless, moony, rattlebrained, spacy, vapid
  • tepuka dal = blarney
  • tepuka yibsiniar = boob tube, idiot box, mindless t.v.
  • tepukan = empty-headedness, fatuity, fatuousness, mindlessness, spaciness, vapidity, vapidness
  • tepukay = fatuously, mindlessly, vapidly
  • tepul = fodder
  • tepuwa = mentioned
  • tepuxen = suasion
  • tepuxlan = impression
  • tepuxlawa = impressed
  • tepuxlen = having an impression, impressing, pretending, pretension
  • tepuxler = to have an impression of, to impress, to influence intellectually, to pretend
  • tepuxlut = pretender
  • tepuxlyaf = ability to impress, impressiveness
  • tepuxlyafwa = impressible, impressionable, possible to impress
  • tepuxlyafwan = impressibility, impressionableness, impressiveness
  • tepuxlyea = impressive, pretentious
  • tepuxlyean = impressiveness, pretentiousness
  • tepuxlyeay = impressively, pretentiously
  • tepuyefwa = notable, worth mentioning
  • tepuyefwan = notability
  • tepuyefway = notably
  • tepuz = crank
  • tepuza = cooky, deluded, irrational, illogical
  • tepuzan = cookiness, irrationality
  • tepuzasea = going crazy
  • tepuzaser = to go crazy
  • tepuzaxer = to make crazy
  • tepuzbea = attention-diverting, distracting, mind-bending
  • tepuzben = distraction, diversion of attention
  • tepuzber = to distract, to divert attention
  • tepuzbwa = distracted, distrait
  • tepuzbway = distractedly
  • tepuzbyea = attention-diverting, diversionary
  • tepuzra = barmy, batty, certifiable, crazy, daffy, delirious, demented, gaga, gonzo, kooky, loco, loony, loopy, lunatic, mentally twisted, meshuga, meshugga, nutty, screwball, screwy, wacky

tepuzram -- tepyoder

  • tepuzram = bedlam, nuthouse
  • tepuzran = craziness, daffiness, deliriousness, delirium, lunacy, madness, mental twistedness, nuttiness, screwiness, wackiness
  • tepuzraser = to go beserk, to go crazy, to go daffy, to go insane, to go made, to go nuts
  • tepuzratam = mental institution, nuthouse
  • tepuzraxer = to drive crazy, to drive nuts, to make crazy
  • tepuzraxwa = crazed, demented, distraught, driven nuts
  • tepuzray = crazily, deliriously, dementedly, madly, nuttily
  • tepvuloxea = annoying, irritating, vexing
  • tepvuloxen = annoyance, irritation, vexing
  • tepvuloxer = to annoy, to irritate, to vex
  • tepvuloxus = irritant, stickler, thorn in the side
  • tepvuloxut = irritating person, obnoxious person, pain in the side, prick, thorn in the side, troublemaker
  • tepvuloxwa = annoyed, irritated, vexed
  • tepvuloxyea = annoying, irritating, noxious, vexing
  • tepvyox = con, mind trick, ruse, trick
  • tepvyoxen = conning, fooling, trickery, tricking
  • tepvyoxer = to con, to fool, to play a ruse on, to trick
  • tepvyoxwa = conned, fooled, tricked
  • tepvyoxyea = crafty, tricky
  • tepvyoxyean = craftiness, trickiness
  • tepxlawa = conceived, conceptualized
  • tepxlen = conception, conceptualization
  • tepxlena = conceptual
  • tepxler = to conceive, to conceive of, to conceptualize
  • tepxlun = concept
  • tepxlut = conceiver, conceptualizer
  • tepyaf = brainpower, cunning, intelligence, mental ability
  • tepyafa = cunning, intelligence, intelligent, mentally capable, mentally-gifted, smart, witty
  • tepyafan = wittiness
  • tepyafay = cunningly, intelligently, smartly, wittily
  • tepyaga = gaga
  • tepyanpyex = clash of wits
  • tepyansen = communion
  • tepyaza = cavalier, cocksy, cocky, fustian, haughty, huffish, huffy, insolent, pompous, supercilious, swellheaded
  • tepyazan = cavalierness, cockiness, haughtiness, huffiness, insolence, pomposity, pompousness, superciliousness
  • tepyazay = cavalierly, cockily, pompously, superciliously
  • tepyegan = sanity
  • tepyek = enigma, mind-test
  • tepyekier = to puzzle over
  • tepyekuer = to challenge the mind
  • tepyekuus = puzzle, puzzler
  • tepyekuwa = puzzled
  • tepyekuwan = puzzlement
  • tepyekuyea = enigmatic, puzzling
  • tepyekuyeay = enigmatically
  • tepyen = attitude, frame of mind, mental framework, mentality, mindset, mood, morale, state of mind
  • tepyena = attitudinal
  • tepyenyiga = acerbic
  • tepyenyigan = acerbity
  • tepyenyigay = acerbically
  • tepyeva = candid, even-tempered, fair-minded, judicious, level-headed, levelheaded
  • tepyevan = candidness, even temper, fair-mindedness, judiciousness, level-headedness, levelheadedness
  • tepyevat = fair-minded person
  • tepyeven = consideration
  • tepyever = to consider
  • tepyevxwa = considered
  • tepyevyefwa = worth considering
  • tepyexer = to mull
  • tepyexwa = mulled
  • tepyibixer = to draw away attention
  • tepyiga = hard-minded, intolerant, obdurate, severe, stern, strict, stringent, stubborn, tough-minded
  • tepyigan = obduracy, obdurateness, severeness, severity, sternness, strictness, stringency, stubbornness, tough-mindedness
  • tepyigay = obdurately, severely, sternly, stringently
  • tepyigraxlea = raving
  • tepyigraxler = to rave
  • tepyija = open-minded, tolerant
  • tepyijan = open-mindedness, tolerance
  • tepyijat = open-minded person, tolerant person
  • tepyikon = brainteaser, headache, problem
  • tepyikxea = bewildering
  • tepyikxeay = bewilderingly
  • tepyikxen = bewilderment
  • tepyikxer = to bewilder
  • tepyikxwa = bewildered
  • tepyiva = free-spirited, liberal-minded, progressive
  • tepyivan = free-spiritedness, liberal-mindedness, liberality, liberalness, progressiveness
  • tepyivay = liberally
  • tepyoban = malaise
  • tepyoden = growling
  • tepyoder = to growl

tepyof -- tesagat

  • tepyof = mental disability, mental incapacity
  • tepyofa = dumb, mentally disabled, stupid
  • tepyofay = stupidly
  • tepyofxen = besotting, stupefaction
  • tepyofxer = to besot, to gowk, to stupefy
  • tepyofxwa = besotted, stupefied
  • tepyokla = dazed, dizzy, scatter-brained, scatterbrained
  • tepyoklan = dizziness
  • tepyoklaxen = confusion
  • tepyoklaxer = to confuse, to make dizzy
  • tepyoklaxwa = confused, dizzy, rattled
  • tepyoklay = dizzily
  • tepyoklea = dizzying
  • tepyokleay = dizzyingly
  • tepyonpyos = breakdown
  • tepyontixa = psychoanalytic
  • tepyontixen = psychoanalysis
  • tepyontixena = psychoanalytical
  • tepyontixer = to psychoanalyze
  • tepyonzyabwa = ditsy, ditzy
  • tepyopoos = anguish
  • tepyopoosen = anguishing
  • tepyopooxea = anguishing
  • tepyopooxwa = anguished, mentally anguished
  • tepyot = orangutan
  • tepyova = naïve
  • tepyovan = naïveté
  • tepyovat = naïve person
  • tepyovay = naïvely
  • tepyufonap = paranoia
  • tepyufonapa = paranoid
  • tepyufonapat = paranoiac
  • tepyuga = indulgent, kind, lax, lenient, merciful, soft-hearted, softhearted, tolerant
  • tepyugan = kindness, laxity, laxness, lenience, leniency, lenity, lexness, mercifulness, mercy, soft-heartedness, softheartedness, tolerance
  • tepyugay = kindly, laxly, leniently, mercifully, softheartedly
  • tepyugra = lenient
  • tepyugran = leniency
  • tepyugray = leniently
  • tepyugsea = indulging
  • tepyugser = to be lenient, to go easy, to indulge
  • tepyuja = close-minded, closed-minded, conservative, intolerant
  • tepyujan = close-mindedness, closed-mindedness
  • tepyujatyena = fogyish
  • tepyukla = naive, nave, simple-minded, simpleminded
  • tepyuklan = naiveness, naivety, naiveté simple-mindedness
  • tepyuklay = naively, naïvely, simple-mindedly
  • tepyuva = close-minded, conservative
  • tepyuvaxea = captivating
  • tepyuvraxea = captivating
  • tepyuvraxwa = captivated
  • tepyuvxer = to captivate
  • tepzega = sane
  • tepzegan = saneness, sanity
  • tepzegay = sanely
  • tepzepa = mentally balanced
  • tepzepan = sanity
  • tepzex = attention, concentration, mental focus
  • tepzexea = attention-focusing, attention-getting, attention-grabbing, concentrating
  • tepzexen = attention, concentrating, concentration, focusing attention
  • tepzexer be = to concentrate on, focus attention on, focus on, focus one's mind on, pay attention to
  • tepzexer = to be attentive, to concentrate, to focus attention, to focus the mind, to pay attention
  • Tepzexu! = Attention!, Pay attention!
  • tepzexuen = drawing attention, drawing attention to
  • tepzexuer = to draw attention, to draw attention to
  • tepzexuyea = attention-getting, flashy
  • tepzexwa = attentive, earnest, mentally focused
  • tepzexwan = attentiveness, earnestness
  • tepzexway = attentively, earnestly
  • tepzexyea = attentive
  • tepzexyean = attentiveness
  • tepzexyeay = attentively
  • tepzyapuxwa = ditsy, ditzy
  • ter ayv = to know about
  • ter = to be aware, to know
  • ter van = to be aware that, know that
  • tes = denotation, meaning, sense, significance
  • tesag = big deal, importance
  • tesaga = constitutive, earthmoving, important, of great import, significant
  • tesagan = great import, importance, significance
  • tesagat = bigshot

tesagay -- tesiyafwan

  • tesagay = significantly
  • tesagea = significant
  • tesagean = importance, significance
  • tesager = to be significant, to have import
  • tesagon = big deal, import, importance
  • tesagxen = magnify the importance of, making importance
  • tesagxer = to lend import to make a big deal out of, to make important
  • tesagxwa = magnified in importance
  • tesaun = semanteme, sememe, unit of meaning
  • tesauntun = semantics
  • tesauntuna = semantic
  • tesauntut = semanticist
  • tesaya = considerable, important, meaningful, significant
  • tesayan = importance, meaningfulness, significance
  • tesayser = to be meaningful, to have meaning, to make sense
  • tesayxer = to give meaning to imbue with sense, to render meaningful
  • tesdawa = glossed
  • tesden = definition, explaining, explanation, explication, glossing, rationale
  • tesdena = definitional, explanatory, rational
  • tesder = to define, to explain, to explicate
  • tesdid = question why, search for an explanation
  • tesdier = to seek an explanation
  • tesdrasin = explanatory drawing
  • tesdud av dropek = rationale for war
  • tesdud = explanation, rationale, reason
  • tesduda = rational
  • tesdudika = rational, reasonable
  • tesdudoya = irrational, reasonless
  • tesduduka = irrational, reasonless
  • tesduen = explanation, rationalization
  • tesduer = to explain why, to rationalize, to suggest an explanation
  • tesdun = gloss
  • tesdut = explainer
  • tesdwa = defined, explained
  • tesdyafwa = definable, explainable
  • tesdyofwa = indefinable, undefinable
  • tesdyofwan = undefinability
  • tesdyofwas = something unexplainable
  • tesdyofway = indefinably
  • tesdyukwa = hard to explain, opaque
  • tesdyukwan = difficulty to explain, opaqueness
  • Tese hyos. = It doesn't matter.
  • tesea van = meaning that
  • teser glos = to mean little
  • teser hos = to mean nothing
  • teser = to matter, to mean, to signify
  • tesgyua = subtle
  • tesgyuan = subtlety
  • tesgyuay = subtly
  • tesgyuxer = to subtilize
  • tesiea = inferring
  • tesien = deducing, deduction, figuring out, inference
  • tesiena = deductive, inferential
  • tesier = to deduce, to educe, to figure out, to infer, to suss
  • tesika = considerable, important, meaningful, significant
  • tesika gon = mantissa
  • tesikan = importance, meaningfulness, significance
  • tesikay = importantly, meaningfully
  • tesikxer = to imbue with meaning, to render meaningful
  • tesin bi dal = figure of speech
  • tesin = figure
  • tesina = figurative
  • tesinay = figuratively
  • tesinwer = to figure
  • tesiun = denotation, educt, siglum, symbol
  • tesiuna = denotational, symbolic, symbolical
  • tesiunay = denotationally, symbolically
  • tesiunen = nodding
  • tesiuner = to denote
  • tesiunkyaxus = assembler
  • tesiunkyaxus dalyen = assembly language
  • tesiunpot = mascot
  • tesiunxea = denoting, symbolizing
  • tesiunxen = denotation, denoting, symbolization, symbolizing
  • tesiunxena = denotative
  • tesiunxer = to denote, to symbolize
  • tesiunxwa = denoted, symbolized
  • tesiunyan = symbolism, symbology
  • tesiwa = deduced, figured out, inferred
  • tesiyafwan = comprehensibility

tesiyea -- testuyikwa

  • tesiyea = deductive, inferential
  • tesiyeay = deductively, inferentially
  • tesiyn = mental note
  • tesiynen = making a mental note, noting
  • tesiyner = to make a mental note, to notice
  • tesiynier = to make a note of
  • tesiyniyefwa = salient
  • tesiyniyefwan = salience
  • tesiyniyefway = saliently
  • tesiynuer = to give notice to remark to
  • teskyia = grave, important, serious, weighty
  • teskyian = gravity, importance, seriousness, weightiness
  • teskyiaxer = to give due importance to treat seriously
  • teskyua = trivial
  • tesmayna = clear
  • tesmaynan = clarity
  • tesmaynxen = clarification, clearing up
  • tesmaynxer = to clarify, to clear up
  • tesmaynxwa = clarified, cleared up
  • tesnig = scope
  • tesnod = keypoint
  • tesoder = to gloze
  • tesoga = inconsiderable, insignificant, nugatory, of little importance, unimportant
  • tesogan = unimportance
  • tesogay = insignificantly
  • tesoger = to be of little import
  • tesogun = bagatelle
  • tesojbuun = semantic borrowing, semantic loan
  • teson = implication, issue
  • tesova = preposterous
  • tesovay = preposterously
  • tesoya = feckless, inane, insignificant, meaningless, moot, pointless, senseless, unimportant
  • tesoyan = fecklessness, inanity, insignificance, insipidity, meaninglessness, mootness, pointlessness, poppycock, senselessness, unimportance
  • tesoyser = to be devoid of meaning, to lack meaning, to matter not
  • tesoyxer = to render meaningless, to rob of meaning
  • testea = comprehending, understanding
  • testeay = understandingly
  • testen = apprehension, comprehending, comprehension, understanding
  • tester = to apprehend, to comprehend, to fathom, to know the meaning of, to understand
  • testiea = understanding
  • testieay = understandingly
  • testien = realization, understanding
  • testier = to come to understand, to realize, to understand
  • testikan = importance, significance
  • testiwa = realized, understood
  • testiyafwa = manifest, scrutable, understandable
  • testiyafwan = understandability
  • testiyafway = understandably
  • testiyiker = to be hardpressed to understand, to have a hard time understanding
  • testiyofwa = unintelligible
  • testiyofwan = unintelligibility
  • testiyofway = unintelligibly
  • testiyukwa = exoteric, pellucid
  • testkyiaxen = giving due importance, treating seriously
  • testkyiaxwa = given due importance, treated seriously
  • testkyuan = triviality
  • testkyuaxen = trivialization
  • testkyuaxer = to make light of, to trivialize
  • testkyuaxwa = trivialized
  • testnig = purview
  • testuea = clarifying
  • testuen = apologia, clarification, clarifying, explaining, explanation, explication
  • testuena = exegetic, exegetical, explanatory, explicatory
  • testuer = to clarify, to explain why, to explicate, to make understand
  • testun = semantics, uptake
  • testuna = semantic, semantical
  • testunay = semantically
  • testut = semanticist
  • testuus = eyeopener
  • testuut = apologist, explainer
  • testuwa = clarified, explained, explicated, explicit
  • testuwan = explicitness
  • testuway = explicitly
  • testuyafwa = explicable
  • testuyafwan = explicability
  • testuyafway = explicably
  • testuyea = clarificational, eyeopening
  • testuyika = hard-pressed to explain
  • testuyiker = to have a hard time explaining
  • testuyikwa = hard to explain

testuyofwa -- teswasukan

  • testuyofwa = inexplicable, unexplainable, unexplained, unexplicable
  • testuyofwan = inexplicability, inexplicableness
  • testuyofwas = conundrum, something inexplicable
  • testuyofway = inexplicably, unexplainably, unexplicably
  • testuyukwa = easy to explain
  • testwa = apprehended, comprehended, understood
  • Testwe van... = It is understood that...
  • testyaf = ability to understand, comprehension, faculty of understanding
  • testyafa = able to comprehend, able to understand
  • testyafwa = apprehensible, comprehensible, fathomable, scrutable, understandable
  • testyafwan = understandability
  • testyafway = comprehensibly, understandably
  • testyifwaxer = to confuse
  • testyifxer = to confuse
  • testyik = enigma
  • testyika dal = gobbledygook
  • testyika = hard-pressed to understand
  • testyikwa = difficult to comprehend, enigmatic, far-fetched, hard to understand, hard-to-crack, impenetrable, incomprehensible, inscrutable, preposterous, puzzling, recondite, subtle
  • testyikwan = difficulty to understand, impenetrability, inscrutability, reconditeness, subtlety
  • testyikwas = hard nut to crack, puzzle, something difficult to understand
  • testyikwaxea = confusing
  • testyikwaxer = to make confusing, to make incomprehensible, to subtilize
  • testyikway = enigmatically, impenetrably, preposterously
  • testyikxea = befuddling, confounding, confusing, muddlesome
  • testyikxen = befuddlement, bemusement
  • testyikxer = to befuddle, to bemuse, to confound, to make hard to understand, to muddle
  • testyikxwa = befuddled, bemused, confounded, muddled
  • testyof = confusion, failure to understand, inability to comprehend, inability to understand, incomprehension
  • testyofa = at a loss to understand, confused, purblind, unable to comprehend, unable to understand
  • testyofat = nincompoop
  • testyofwa = abstruse, fathomless, impossible to understand, incomprehensible, unfathomable
  • testyofwan = abstruseness, impossibility to understand, incomprehensibility
  • testyofwas = mystery
  • testyofwaxer = to bamboozle, to confound, to make impossible to understand, to make incomprehensible
  • testyofway = abstrusely, incomprehensibly, unfathomably
  • testyofxea = confusing, mystifying
  • testyofxen = confusion, mystification
  • testyofxer = to confound, to mystify, to render impossible to understand
  • testyofxwa = foxed, mazy, mystified
  • testyofxwer = to boggle
  • testyukwa = clear, easily-understood, easy to understand, perspicuous, simple
  • testyukwan = clarity, clearness, ease of being understood, perspicuity, simplicity
  • testyukwaxea = clarifying
  • testyukwaxen = clarifying
  • testyukwaxer = to clarify
  • testyukway = clearly, perspicuously
  • testyukxen = clarification, explanation, explication, simplification
  • testyukxer = to explain, to explicate, to make simple to understand, to render comprehensible, to simplify
  • testyukxwa = clarified, cleared up, explained, explicated, simplified
  • testyukxyea = clarificational
  • tesuea = purporting
  • tesuen = implication, intimation, purporting, suggesting, suggestion
  • tesuer = to hint, to imply, to intimate, to purport, to suggest
  • tesuka dal = buncombe, bunkum, hogwash, hooey, jargon
  • tesuka = feckless, inane, insignificant, meaningless, moot, pointless, senseless, unimportant
  • tesukan = fecklnessness, inanity, insignificance, insipidity, meaninglessness, mootness, pointlessness, poppycock, senselesness, unimportance
  • tesukay = fecklessly, inanely, insignificantly, insipidly, meaninglessly, pointlessly, senselessly
  • tesukxer = to render meaningless
  • tesuun = cue, hint, implication, intimation, suggestion
  • tesuut = purporter
  • tesuwa = hinted, implied, intimated, purported, suggested
  • tesuway = purportedly
  • tesuyafwa = suggestible
  • tesuyafwan = suggestibility
  • tesuyea ebdun = overtone
  • tesuyea = implicit, implying, intimating, suggestive
  • tesuyean = implicitness, suggestiveness
  • tesuyeay = implicitly, suggestively
  • tesuyikat = pushover
  • tesuzra = absurd
  • tesuzran = absurdity, absurdness
  • tesuzray = absurdly
  • tesuzrun = absurdism
  • teswa = intended, intentional, intentioned, meant
  • teswan = intentionality
  • teswas = intent, intention, point, purpose
  • teswasoya = pointless
  • teswasoyan = pointlessness
  • teswasuka = pointless
  • teswasukan = pointlessness

tesway -- teubebbok

  • tesway = intentionally, on purpose
  • tesyikwan = inscrutableness
  • tesyikway = inscrutably
  • tesyob = basis, rationale, reason
  • tesyoba = rational, reasonable
  • tesyoban = rationality, reasonableness
  • tesyoboz = casuistry
  • tesyobxen = rationalization, reasoning
  • tesyobxer = to rationalize, to reason
  • tesyobxwa = rationalized, reasoned
  • teted = grandparent
  • tetedyan = grandparents
  • tetetduf = grandmamma
  • teteted = great grandparent
  • teteteyd = great grandmother
  • tetetid = great uncle or aunt
  • tetetiyd = great aunt, great-aunt, great-great-aunt
  • tetetwed = great grandfather
  • tetetwid = granduncle, great uncle, great-great-uncle
  • teteyd = grandmother
  • teteydif = grandma, grannie, granny
  • teteydyena = grandmotherly
  • tetid = uncle or aunt
  • tetim = presbytery, rectory
  • tetin = clericalism
  • tetina = clericalist
  • tetinut = clericalist
  • tetitud = cousin
  • tetituyd = cousin, female cousin
  • tetitwud = cousin, male cousin
  • tetiyd = aunt, grandaunt, great-aunt
  • tetiydif = auntie
  • tetof = priestly garb
  • tettaf = cassock, frock
  • tettuxam = seminary
  • tettuxamut = seminarian
  • tetwed = granddad, grandfather
  • tetwedif = granddaddy, grandpa
  • tetwedyena = grandfatherly
  • tetwid = great-uncle
  • tetwida = avuncular
  • tetwidyena = avuncular
  • tetyan = clergy, pastorate, presbytery
  • teub = bazoo, gab, mouth, orifice
  • teub vyixil = mouthwash
  • teuba = buccal, oral, parol
  • teuba byak = oral hygiene
  • teuba byaktun = oral hygienics
  • teuba byaktuna = oral hygienic
  • teuba byaktut = oral hygienist
  • teubab = buss, kiss, tongue
  • teubab yobalar = tongue depressor
  • teubab zyublus = tongue twister
  • teubaba = lingual
  • teubabegen = smooching
  • teubabeger = to smooch
  • teubaben = bussing, kissing, osculation
  • teubaber = to buss, to kiss, to osculate, to tongue
  • teubaboya = tongueless
  • teubabuka = tongueless
  • teubabuzraxus = tongue-twister
  • teubabwa = bussed, kissed, osculated, tongued
  • teubabyafwa = kissable
  • teubabyoxer = to loll
  • teubaoxer = to wag the tongue
  • teubap = tang
  • teubaxen = embouchure, licking
  • teubaxer = to lick
  • teubaxut = licker
  • teubaxwa = licked
  • teubay = orally
  • teubayb = peck on the cheek
  • teubayber = to give a peck on the cheek
  • teubayeb = mustache
  • teubayebag = mustachio
  • teubayebagika = mustachioed
  • teubayebika = mustached
  • teubeb = gum
  • teubeba = gingival
  • teubebbok = gingivitis, gum disease

teubebyaz -- teubnyeb

  • teubebyaz = gumboil
  • teubexar = snaffle
  • teubexarer = to snaffle
  • teubfuteisan = halitosis, stinky breath
  • teubib = jaw, mandible
  • teubiba funadxen = malocclusion
  • teubiba = mandibular
  • teubibaib = jawbone, maxilla
  • teubibaiba = maxillary
  • teubibaibi = maxillae
  • teubien = swallowing
  • teubier bekzyunog = to swallow a pill
  • teubier = to swallow
  • teubik = gag, mouthful
  • teubikber = to cram into the mouth
  • teubil = saliva, slobber, spit
  • teubila = salivary
  • teubila tayub = salivary gland
  • teubilen = salivation
  • teubiler = to salivate
  • teubilien = sucking
  • teubilien zyunog = lozenge
  • teubilier = to suck
  • teubilima = tear-drenched, wet with tears
  • teubilokegea = dribbling, driveling
  • teubilokegen = dribbling, driveling
  • teubilokeger = to dribble, to drivel
  • teubilokegyea = dribbly, drively
  • teubiloken = drooling, slavering, slobbering
  • teubiloker = to drool, to slabber, to slaver
  • teubilokyea = slobbery
  • teubiloyeben = expectoration
  • teubiloyeber = to expectorate
  • teubiloyebun = expectorant
  • teubiloyebwa = expectorated
  • teubilpuxegen = sputtering
  • teubilpuxeger = to sputter
  • teubilpuxen = expectoration, spewing, spitting
  • teubilpuxer = to expectorate, to spew, to spit
  • teubilpuxun = expectorant, spit
  • teubilpuxwa = expectorated, spewed, spitted
  • teubilsom = spittoon
  • teubiluen = expectoration
  • teubiluer = to expectorate
  • teubilun = spittle
  • teubiluxen = tantalization
  • teubiluxer = to tantalize
  • teubiluxut = tantalizer
  • teubiluxyea = tantalizing
  • teubiluxyeay = tantalizingly
  • teubiwa = swallowed
  • teubix zyunog = cud
  • teubixazer = to chomp
  • teubixegea = ruminant
  • teubixegen = gnawing, grazing, rumination
  • teubixeger = to graze, to ruminate
  • teubixegut = ruminant
  • teubixegwa = gnawed
  • teubixen = chewing, mastication
  • teubixer givob = to chew tobacco
  • teubixer = to champ, to champing, to chew, to manducate, to masticate
  • teubixer yugsul = to chew gum
  • teubixut = masticator
  • teubixwa = chewed, masticated
  • teubixwa dref = papier mache, papier mâché
  • teubixwa yugsul = chewing gum
  • teubixyafwa = chewable
  • teubixyea = chewy, mouthy
  • teubixyean = chewiness, mouthiness
  • teubiyik = difficulty swallowing
  • teubiyika = hard of swallowing
  • teubiyikwa = hard to swallow
  • teubiyl = spittle
  • teubiyxen = munching
  • teubiyxer = to munch
  • teubiyxun = munchable, snack
  • teubiyxut = muncher
  • teubiyxwa = munched
  • teubnuf = bit
  • teubnyeb = muzzle

teubov -- teupibaosen

  • teubov = facial covering, mask, mouth cover
  • teubsar = mouthpiece
  • teubsin = expression
  • teubsinen = making an expression
  • teubsiner = to make an expression
  • teubsinoya = deadpan, expressionless, glassy
  • teubsinuka = deadpan, expressionless, glassy
  • teubsun = mouthpiece
  • teubukxwul = sputum
  • teubvyixul = mouthwash
  • teubyijea = yawning
  • teubyijen = yawning
  • teubyijer = to yawn
  • teubyijuyeas = yawner
  • teubyijyea = yawny
  • teubyuja = close-mouthed
  • teubyujar = gag
  • teubyujben = gagging
  • teubyujber = to gag, to gagged
  • teubyuyz = buss, peck on the cheek
  • teubyuyzer = to give a peck on the cheek to
  • teubyuz = labium, lip, valve
  • teubyuz volz = lip color, lip gloss, lipstick
  • teubyuza = labial
  • teubyuza yujteuzun = labial consonant
  • teubyuza-teupiba = labio-dental
  • teubyuza-yugteumiba = labiovelar
  • teubyuzdyeen = lipreading
  • teubyuzdyeer = to lipread
  • teubyuzdyeut = lipreader
  • teubyuzen = kissing
  • teubyuzer = to kiss
  • teubyuzgeljoben = lip-synching
  • teubyuzgeljober = to lip-synch
  • teubyuzgeljobut = lip-syncher
  • teubyuzsan = labrum
  • teubyuzun = kiss
  • teubyuzut = kisser
  • teubyuzwa = kissed
  • teubzoteyob = oropharynx
  • teubzoteyoba = oropharyngeal
  • teubzyayijben = gaping
  • teubzyayijber = to gape
  • teud = call, cry, exclamation
  • teudaz = yell
  • teudazer = to yell
  • teudazut = yeller
  • teudazwa = yelled
  • teuden = calling, crying out, exclaiming
  • teudena = exclamatory
  • teuder = to call, to cry out, to exclaim
  • teudnuf = call button
  • teudut = crier
  • teudwa = called, cried out, exclaimed
  • teuf = muzzle
  • teufuen = muzzling
  • teufuer = to muzzle
  • teufuwa = muzzled
  • teumib = palate
  • teumiba = palatal
  • teumibxen = palatalization
  • teumibxer = to palatalize
  • teumibxwa = palatalized
  • teupib ebzyan = bridgework
  • teupib gimuf = toothpick
  • teupib megyel = cementum
  • teupib oyebixen = tooth extraction
  • teupib = prong, tooth
  • teupib vyixar = toothbrush
  • teupib vyixyel = toothpaste
  • teupib yigabmul = tooth enamel
  • teupib yilemikun = tooth filling
  • teupib yonmulsen = tooth decay
  • teupib yugzen = pulp
  • teupib zyeg = tooth cavity
  • teupiba = dental
  • teupiba yujteuzun = dental consonant
  • teupibaga = toothy
  • teupibagay = toothily
  • teupibaosen = teeth chattering

teupibaoser -- teusuka

  • teupibaoser = to teeth chatter
  • teupibbek = dental care, dental hygiene, dentistry
  • teupibbekam = dental clinic, dentist office
  • teupibbekut = dental hygienist
  • teupibbyok = dental pain, odontalgia
  • teupibbyoyk = toothache
  • teupiben = toothing
  • teupibgoblar = hob
  • teupibien = teething
  • teupibier = to teethe
  • teupibika = dentate, indented, serrated, toothed
  • teupibilz = tartar
  • teupibniv = floss
  • teupibniven = flossing
  • teupibniver = to floss
  • teupibok = tooth loss
  • teupiboya = toothless
  • teupiboyan = toothlessness
  • teupibsen = dentition, odontiasis
  • teupibsiynxen = denting
  • teupibsiynxwa = dented
  • teupibtun = dentistry, odontology
  • teupibtuna = dental, odontological
  • teupibtut = dentist, odontologist
  • teupibuka = toothless
  • teupibukan = toothlessness
  • teupibut = dentist
  • teupibutam = dentists office
  • teupibvyixyel = dentifrice
  • teupibwa = indented, notched, serrated
  • teupibxen = dentition, teething
  • teupibxer = to teethe
  • teupibyan = denture
  • teupibyena = odontoid, tooth-like
  • teupimul = dentin, dentine
  • teupip = fang
  • teupipika = fanged
  • teupipoben = defanging
  • teupipober = to defang
  • teupipobwa = defanged
  • teupixbuk = bite wound
  • teupixegen = gnashing
  • teupixeger = to gnash
  • teupixen = biting
  • teupixer = to bite
  • teupixun = bite, morsel
  • teupixwa = bitten
  • teupixyea = biting, mordant
  • teupixyean = mordancy
  • teupixyeay = bitingly, mordantly
  • teus = taste
  • teusa = gustatory
  • teusaya = full of taste, savory, tasty
  • teusayan = savoriness, tastiness
  • teusayxer = to make tasty
  • teusazaxus = flavor enhancer
  • teusea = tasting like
  • teusen = tasting like
  • teuser = to taste like
  • teusgab = seasoning, spice, taste supplement
  • teusgaben = seasoning, spicing
  • teusgaber = to season, to spice up, to supplement with taste
  • teusgabwa = spiced
  • teusibar = taste bud, taste receptor
  • teusifien = degustation
  • teusifier = to degust
  • teusika = full of taste, savory, tasty
  • teusikan = savoriness, tastiness
  • teusikxer = to fill up with taste, to imbue with taste
  • teusoya = insipid, tasteless
  • teusoyan = insipidness, tastelessness
  • teusoyxen = depriving of taste
  • teusoyxer = to deprive of taste
  • teusoyxwa = deprived of taste
  • teusufer = to be disgusted
  • teusufxyika = easily disgusted
  • teusufxyikwa = squeamish
  • teusufxyikwan = squeamishness
  • teusufxyikway = squeamishly
  • teusuka = insipid, tasteless

teusukan -- teuzun

  • teusukan = insipidness, tastelessness
  • teusukxer = to remove the taste
  • teusyiga = acerbic, astringent, bitter
  • teusyigan = acerbity, astringency, bitterness
  • teusyigay = astringently
  • teusyigser = to become astringent, to become bitter
  • teusyigxer = to embitter, to make astringent
  • teusyigxwa = embittered
  • teut = sense of taste
  • teuta = gustatory
  • teuter = to taste
  • teutien = sampling, savoring, tasting
  • teutien tul = sample dish
  • teutier = to sample, to take a taste
  • teutiun = sample, sampler, taste
  • teutiut = sampler, taster
  • teutiwa = sampled
  • teutos = sense of taste
  • teutuer = to give a taste to offer a sample, to offer to taste
  • teutuwa = offered a taste
  • teutyaf = ability to taste, sense of taste
  • teutyafwa = tastable
  • teutyof = inability to taste
  • teutyofa = unable to taste
  • teutyofwa = unable to be tasted
  • teutyofwan = inability to be tasted, vapidity
  • teuv = mask
  • teuvabeut = mask-wearer, masquerader
  • teuvdazag = masked ball
  • teuvien = mummery, putting on a mask
  • teuvier = to put on a mask
  • teuviut = mummer
  • teuvtuzut = make-up artist
  • teuvuen = masquerade
  • teuvuer = to mask
  • teuvuutyan = masquerade
  • teuvuwa = masked
  • teuvuwat = masker
  • teuvyef = mask mandate
  • teuxen = tasting
  • teuxer = to taste
  • teuxuen = flavoring
  • teuxuer = to flavor
  • teuxuwa = flavored
  • teuxwa = tasted
  • teuz = voice
  • teuza = vocal
  • teuzagxar = megaphone, microphone, mike
  • teuzaun = phoneme
  • teuzauna = phonemic
  • teuzaunay = phonemically
  • teuzauntun = phonemics
  • teuzauntut = phonemicist
  • teuzaxen = vocalization
  • teuzaxer = to vocalize
  • teuzaxut = vocalizer
  • teuzaxwa = vocalized
  • teuzay = vocally
  • teuzaza = loud, loudmouthed
  • teuzazar = loudspeaker, mic
  • teuzazat = loudmouth
  • teuzazay = in a loud voice, loudly
  • teuzdriren = phonotypy
  • teuzdrirena = phonotypical
  • teuzdrirsiyn = phonotype
  • teuzea = uttering
  • teuzebden = voicemail
  • teuzen = phonation, uttering, vocalization, voicing
  • teuzer = to phonate, to vocalize
  • teuzneyef = voiceband
  • teuznyem = larynx, voice box
  • teuznyema = laryngeal
  • teuzoza = soft-spoken
  • teuzozay = in a low voice, in a soft voice
  • teuztisyen = phonics
  • teuztun = phonology
  • teuztuna = phonological
  • teuztunay = phonologically
  • teuztut = phonologist
  • teuzun = phone, sound, utterance

teuzuna dreyen -- texkyaa

  • teuzuna dreyen = phonetic transcription
  • teuzuna = phonetic, phonic
  • teuzuna saen = phoneticism
  • teuzunay = phonetically, phonically
  • teuzuntun = phonetics
  • teuzuntuna = phonetic
  • teuzuntut = phoneticist
  • teuzuntyenut = phonetician
  • teuzunvyaba = phonetically regular
  • teuzut = voicer
  • teuzwa = sonant, uttered, voiced
  • teuzyan = chorus
  • teuzyana = choral
  • teuzyantixar = vocoder
  • teuzyanut = choral singer
  • teuzyigfa = hoarse
  • teuzyigfan = hoarseness
  • teuzyigfaser = to hoarsen
  • teuzyigfaxer = to hoarsen
  • teuzyigfay = hoarsely
  • teuzyijun = glottis
  • teuzyijuna = glottal
  • teuzyijuna malpoxus = glottal stop
  • tev = headscarf, overseas cap, scarf
  • tex = cognition, conjuration, thought
  • tex nabyan = thought pattern
  • texa = cognitive
  • texaya = pensive, thoughtful, thoughtfully
  • texayan = pensiveness, thoughtfulness
  • texden = mention, mentioning, musing, notation, remarking
  • texder = to mention, to muse, to note, to remark
  • texdolea = reticent
  • texdolean = reticence
  • texdoleay = reticently
  • texdreen = brainwriting
  • texdrowan = expunction
  • texdun = mention, note, remark
  • texdwa = remarked
  • texdwas = mention, note
  • texdyafwa = mentionable
  • texdyeea = telepathic
  • texdyeeay = telepathically
  • texdyeen = telepathy
  • texdyeut = telepath
  • texea = cogitating, thinking
  • texebek = battle of opinions, crossfire
  • texebkyax = idea swap
  • texebkyaxer = to exchange thoughts
  • texegyea = ruminative
  • texen = cerebration, cogitating, cogitation, cognition, reckoning, thinking
  • texena = cogitative
  • texer = to cerebrate, to cogitate, to reckon, to think
  • texgun = opinion, point of view, viewpoint
  • texien = conceiving, conception
  • texiena = conceptional
  • texier = to conceive of, to get the idea
  • texij = hunch
  • texika = pensive, thoughtful
  • texikan = pensiveness, thoughtfulness
  • texikay = pensively, thoughtfully
  • texiun = concept
  • texiuna = conceptual
  • texiunxen = conceptualization
  • texiunxer = to conceptualize
  • texiunxwa = conceptualized
  • texiwa = conceived
  • texiyafwa = conceivable
  • texiyafwan = conceivability
  • texiyafway = conceivably
  • Texiyefwe van... = It should be noted that...
  • texiyofwa = inconceivable
  • texiyofway = inconceivably
  • texkin = bias, inclination, opinion, viewpoint
  • texkinden = opining
  • texkinder = to opine
  • texkindyea = opinionated
  • texkinxen = biasing
  • texkinxer = to bias
  • texkinxwa = biased, opinionated
  • texkyaa = versatile

texkyaan -- teydoma

  • texkyaan = versatility
  • texkyoa = pigheaded, stubborn
  • texkyoan = pigheadedness, stubbornness
  • texkyoay = pigheadedly, stubbornly
  • texnad = line of thought, train of thought
  • texnap = method, stratagem, strategy
  • texnapa = methodical, strategic, strategical
  • texnapan = methodicalness
  • texnapay = methodically, strategically
  • texnapina = methodist
  • texnapinut = methodist
  • texnapxen = strategizing
  • texnapxer = to strategize
  • texnapxut = strategist
  • texnapxwa = strategized
  • texoker = to be distracted, to be lost in thought, to lose track of
  • texokser = to muse
  • texokya = lost in thought
  • texoya = thoughtless, vacuous
  • texoyan = thoughtlessness, vacuousness
  • textun = philosophy
  • textuna = philosophic, philosophical
  • textunay = philosophically
  • textunden = philosophizing
  • textunder = to philosophize
  • textundut = philosophizer
  • textundwa = philosophized
  • textut = philosopher
  • texuea = inducing
  • texuen = inducement, inducing, persuading, persuasion, suggestion
  • texuer gel naza = to foist
  • texuer = to convince, to give the idea, to induce, to make think, to persuade, to provoke thought, to seed the thought, to suggest the thought
  • texuj nadrun = bucket list
  • texuka = thoughtless, vacuous
  • texukan = thoughtlessness, vacuousness
  • texukay = thoughtlessly, vacuously
  • texut = reckoner, thinker
  • texuun = suggestion
  • texuut = inducer, persuader
  • texuwa = induced, persuaded
  • texuyafwa = persuadable
  • texuyea = persuasive, splashy, suggestive
  • texuyean = persuasiveness, splashiness, suggestiveness
  • texuyeay = persuasively, splashily, suggestively
  • texuyofwa = inconvincible
  • texwa = reckoned, thought
  • texxelyea = commemorative
  • texyafok = dementia
  • texyafwa = thinkable
  • texyafway = thinkably
  • texyea = pensive, thoughtful
  • texyean = pensiveness, thoughtfulness
  • texyeay = pensively
  • texyen = belief, mental bias, opinion, view, way of thinking
  • texyenden = opining
  • texyender = to express an opinion, to express the opinion, to opine
  • texyendras = opinion piece
  • texyener = to be of the view, to believe, to have the opinion
  • texyenika = opinionated
  • texyenubut = mouthpiece
  • texyenxem = tribune
  • texyofwa = unthinkable
  • texyofway = unthinkably
  • texzen = theme
  • texzena = thematic
  • texzenay = thematically
  • teya = canny
  • teyan = canniness
  • teyay = cannily
  • teyd = mother
  • teyda = maternal
  • teydab = matriarchy
  • teydan = maternity, motherhood
  • teyday = maternally
  • teydeb = matriarch
  • teydeba = matriarchal
  • teydgibut = motherfucker
  • teydif = ma, mama, mom, mommy, mum, old lady
  • teydom = metropolis
  • teydoma = metropolitan

teydoya -- teyov

  • teydoya = motherless
  • teydoyan = motherlessness
  • teydsen = becoming a mother
  • teydser = to become a mother
  • teydsoa = pregnant
  • teydsoan = pregnancy
  • teydtojben = matricide
  • teydtojbena = matricidal
  • teydtojbut = matricide, mother-killer
  • teyduka = motherless
  • teydukan = motherlessness
  • teydxen = mothering
  • teydxer = to mother
  • teydxwa = mothered
  • teydyena = motherly
  • teydyenan = motherliness
  • teyegoblam = barbershop
  • teyen = idea
  • teyena = ideational
  • teyenier = to get an idea
  • teyentun = philosophy
  • teyentuna = philosophical
  • teyentut = philosopher
  • teyenuer = to feed an idea, to get across an idea, to seed an idea
  • teyenyan = ideology
  • teyenyana = ideological
  • teyenyanay = ideologically
  • teyf = headpiece, woman's hat
  • teyfnam = millinery
  • teyfsaxen = millinery
  • teyfsaxut = milliner
  • teyfyan = millinery
  • teygibea = motherfucking
  • teyibix = mental distraction
  • teyibixen = mental distraction
  • teyibixwa = mentally disengaged
  • teyibixwer = to be distracted, to be mentally unengaged
  • teylen = grazing, nibbling, snacking
  • teyler = to graze, to nibble, to snack
  • teyob = cervix, neck
  • teyoba = cervical, jugular
  • teyoba zoytalob = jugular vein
  • teyobaxen = necking
  • teyobaxer = to neck
  • teyobgobler = to jugulate
  • teyobiren = grasping by the collar
  • teyobirer = to grasp by the collar
  • teyobirwa = grasped by the collar
  • teyobixen = collaring
  • teyobixer = to collar
  • teyobixwa = collared
  • teyobnad = neckline
  • teyobpyos = wattle
  • teyobpyosika = wattled
  • teyobtaib = collarbone
  • teyobufa = guttural
  • teyobufa yujteuzun = guttural consonant
  • teyobufgoblen = thuggery
  • teyobufgoblut = thug
  • teyobufgoblutyena = thuggish
  • teyobufyaz = goiter, goitre
  • teyobufyena = guttural
  • teyobuz byoskyin = periapt
  • teyobuz = necklace, necklet
  • teyobyoxer = to hang by a noose, to hang by the neck
  • teyobyoxwa = hanged by the neck
  • teyobyujben = choking, suffocating, suffocation
  • teyobyujber = to choke, to suffocate
  • teyobyujbwa = choked, suffocated
  • teyobyujbyea = choking, suffocating
  • teyobyujen = choking, suffocation
  • teyobyujer = to choke, to suffocate
  • teyodet = daughter-in-law
  • teyof belar = tie rack
  • teyof = necktie, tie
  • teyof nivar = tie tack
  • teyof yanyifar = tie clip, tiepin
  • teyoneyef = neckband, necklace, necklet
  • teyotaib = clavicle
  • teyov = collar, neckerchief

teyovoya -- teztut

  • teyovoya = collarless
  • teyovuka = collarless
  • teyoyf = cravat
  • teyoyuvar = neck chain
  • teyoyuvaroben = unyoking
  • teyoyuvarober = to unyoke
  • teyoyuvarobwa = unyoked
  • teyoyv = muffler
  • teyozyoxrar = garrote
  • teyozyoxrawa = choked, strangled
  • teyozyoxren = choking, strangling, strangulation
  • teyozyoxrer = to choke, to garrote, to strangle, to strangulate
  • teyozyoxrun = stranglehold
  • teyozyoxrut = garroter, strangler
  • teyozyupar = swivel
  • teyozyupea = swiveling
  • teyozyuper = to swivel
  • teyp = air, brainpower, esprit, spirit
  • teypa = psychic
  • teypbon = cool, sang-froid, sangfroid
  • teypbona = cool and collected
  • teypteas = phantom
  • teypyaf = adamancy, resoluteness
  • teypyafa = adamant, resolute, strong-willed, stubborn
  • teypyof = pliancy
  • teypyofa = pliant, weak in spirit, weak-hearted, weak-minded
  • teyt = clergywoman
  • teyub = horn
  • teyubaya = horned
  • teyubika = horned
  • teyuboya = hornless
  • teyubsana = horn-shaped
  • teyubseuxut = hornblower
  • teyubuka = hornless
  • teyubuxen = butting
  • teyubuxer = to butt
  • teyubyena = horn-like, hornlike
  • teyubyiga = horny
  • teyubyigan = horniness
  • teyx = belief
  • teyxder = to express an opinion, to voice an opinion
  • teyxdyea = doctrinaire
  • teyxen = consideration, considering, reflection
  • teyxer = to consider, to reflect
  • teyxiea = considering
  • teyxwa = considered, reflected
  • teyz = cult
  • teyza = cultic
  • teyzin = cultism
  • teyzina = cultist
  • teyzinut = cult figure, cult practitioner, cultist
  • tez = culture, ethnos
  • teza = cultural, ethnic
  • teza yanprex = culture clash
  • tezaser = to get acculturated
  • tezay = culturally
  • tezaya = cultured, full of culture
  • tezben = cultivation
  • tezber = to cultivate
  • tezbwa = cultivated
  • tezbyena = cultured
  • tezdeuzun = anthem
  • tezdin = legend
  • tezdina = legendary
  • tezen = conjuration
  • teziea = acculturating
  • tezien = acculturation
  • tezier = to acculturate oneself
  • tezika = cultured, full of culture
  • tezika fitixwa toyb = bluestocking
  • tezova = heathen
  • tezovatyena = heathenish
  • tezoya = boorish, cultureless
  • tezoyan = boorishness
  • tezoyat = pleb
  • teztin = culturalism
  • teztun = culture studies, ethnography
  • teztuna = ethnographic, ethnographical, ethnological
  • teztunay = ethnologically
  • teztut = culture scholar, ethnographer, ethnologist

tezuen -- tibujyog

  • tezuen = acculturation
  • tezuer = to acculturate
  • tezufin = philistinism
  • tezufinut = philistine
  • tezuka = boorish, uncultured
  • tezuka meimat = boor
  • tezukan = boorishness
  • tezukat = boor, bumpkin, uncultured person
  • tezukay = boorishly
  • tezun = conjuration
  • tezuwa = acculturated
  • tezyen = custom
  • tezyena = customary, usual
  • tezyenay = customarily, usually
  • tezyeni = mores
  • tezyenier = to get used to grow accustomed
  • tezyenser = to get accustomed, to habituate
  • tezyenuwa = accustomed
  • tezyenxen = customization, habituation, weaning
  • tezyenxer ib bi = to wean away from
  • tezyenxer = to customize, to habituate, to wean
  • tezyenxer ub bi = to wean on, wean toward
  • tezyenxwa = habituated, weaned
  • TGB = ADD
  • theta = theta
  • threoniyn = threonine
  • ti = musical note ti
  • tiab = bosom, breast, bust, chest
  • tiab tayeb = chest hair
  • tiaba = chesty, pectoral
  • tiabixer = to embosom
  • tiabtaib = breastbone, sternum
  • tiabtayeb = breast hair
  • tiabuz = brooch
  • tiabyex = breastwork
  • tianef = pullover, sweater
  • tiapas = breaststroke
  • tiapaser = to breaststroke
  • tiav = long-sleeved shirt
  • tiavam = outfitters', shirt department
  • tiaves = short-sleeved shirt
  • tiavnof = shirting
  • tiavog = short-sleeved shirt
  • tiavoya = shirtless
  • tiavuj = shirttail
  • tiavuka = shirtless
  • tiavyan = shirting
  • tiavzan = shirtfront
  • tiayv = blouse, chemise, long-sleeved blouse
  • tiayvog = chemisette, shimmy, short-sleeved blouse
  • tiaz = brooch, pin
  • tib = torso, trunk
  • tiba gwogteexar = lavalier
  • tiba pyosuz = lavaliere
  • Tibad = Tibetan
  • Tibadaler = to speak Tibetan
  • Tibader = to say in Tibetan
  • tibaib = rib
  • tibaiba = costal, thoracic
  • tibaibika = ribbed
  • tibaibuer = to rib
  • tibaibyan = rib cage
  • tibal = distress
  • tibalea = distressing
  • tibalwa = distressed
  • tibalyea = distressful
  • tibalyeay = distressingly
  • Tibam = Tibet
  • Tibama = Tibetan
  • Tibamat = Tibetan, inhabitant of Tibet
  • tibuf = dragnet, tassel, train
  • tibufika = tasseled
  • tibuj oybsiyn = cedilla
  • tibuj = tail
  • tibuja = caudal
  • tibujika = tailed
  • tibujoya = tailless
  • tibujuka = tailless
  • tibujuzrun = tailspin
  • tibujyog = bobtail

tibupea -- tiebukxen

  • tibupea = dragging behind, lagging
  • tibupen = dragging behind, lagging
  • tibuper = to drag behind, to lag
  • tibuxegen = tail wagging
  • tibuxeger = to wag the tail
  • tibuzasen = bending over, bowing
  • tibuzaser = to bend over, to bow
  • tibuzogxen = curtsy
  • tibyeym = poke, pouch
  • tibyobyoz = groin
  • tid = brother or sister, sibling
  • tida = brotherly, fraternal
  • tida dropek = internecine war
  • tiday = fraternally
  • tidif = fraternal love
  • tidoyat = person with no siblings
  • tidtojben = fratricide
  • tidtojbena = fratricidal
  • tidtojber = to commit fratricide, to kill one's sibling
  • tidtojbut = fratricide
  • tidxer = to fraternize
  • tidxut = fraternizer
  • tidyan = fraternity
  • tidzen = fraternization
  • tiea tuxut = student teacher
  • tieb graikxen = lung congestion
  • tieb = lung
  • tieba = lung-related, pneumonic, pulmonary, pulmonic
  • tieba taobyazbok = lung cancer
  • tiebal = breath
  • tiebala = respiratory
  • tiebaliar = inhaler
  • tiebaliea = breathing in, inhaling, taking a breath
  • tiebalien = breathing in, inhalation, taking a breath
  • tiebalier = to breathe in, to inhale, to take a breath
  • tiebaliwa = inhaled
  • tiebaliwas = inhalant
  • tiebalok = belch, burp, eructation
  • tiebaloken = belching, burping, eructation
  • tiebaloker = to belch, to burp, to eruct, to eructate
  • tiebaloya = breathless, pursy
  • tiebaloyan = breathlessness, pursiness
  • tiebaloyser = to suffocate
  • tiebaloyxer = to suffocate
  • tiebaluar = respirator
  • tiebaluea = breathing out, exhaling, expiring
  • tiebaluen = breathing out, exhalation, expiration, respiration
  • tiebaluer = to breathe out, to exhale, to expire, to suspire
  • tiebaluf = trachea, windpipe
  • tiebalufoben = tracheotomy
  • tiebaluiar = breathing device
  • tiebaluien = breathing, respiring
  • tiebaluier = to respire
  • tiebaluir = breathing machine
  • tiebaluka = breathless, pursy
  • tiebalukan = breathlessness, pursiness
  • tiebalukay = breathlessly
  • tiebaluwa = breathed out, respired
  • tiebalyujben = suffocation
  • tiebalyujber = to cut off one's air supply
  • tiebalyujbwa = suffocated
  • tiebbok = influenza, lung disease, pneumonia, pulmonary disease
  • tiebbokier = to catch pneumonia
  • tiebboyk = cold, common cold
  • tiebboykier = to catch a cold
  • tiebir = lung machine
  • tiebkugonbok = pleurisy
  • tiebmalyazbok = pulmonary emphysema
  • tiebmavsen = pneumonia
  • tiebnyosbok = phthisical
  • tiebtun = pneumonology
  • tiebtuna = pneumonological
  • tiebtut = pneumonologist
  • tiebuf = bronchial tube, bronchus
  • tiebufa = bronchial
  • tiebufbok = bronchitis
  • tiebufboka = bronchitic
  • tiebufi = bronchi
  • tiebukxen bekul = cough medicine, cough syrup
  • tiebukxen = cough, coughing

tiebukxer -- tiibil okyibyan

  • tiebukxer = to cough
  • tiebyel = phlegm
  • tiefujber = to slocken
  • tien = apprehension, finding out, getting word, learning, realization
  • tier = to apprehend, to become aware, to find out, to get word, to learn, to realize
  • tiexea = breathing
  • tiexen = breathing, respiration
  • tiexen vyesag = breathing rate
  • tiexer = to breathe, to suspire, to whiff
  • tiexeusea = wheezing
  • tiexeusean = wheeziness
  • tiexeuseay = wheezily
  • tiexeusen = wheezing
  • tiexeuser = to wheeze
  • tiexeusyea = wheezy
  • tiexuar = breathing device
  • tiexuir = respirator
  • tiexyafwa = breathable
  • tiexyafwan = breathability
  • tiexyik = apnea, asthma, difficulty breathing
  • tiexyika = asthmatic, hard of breathing, short of breath, wheezy
  • tiexyikan = apnea, asthma, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, wheeziness
  • tiexyikay = wheezily
  • tiexyikea = short of breath, wheezing
  • tiexyiken = shortness of breath, wheezing
  • tiexyiker = to have difficulty breathing, to wheeze
  • tiexyiksea = gasping, having difficulty breathing
  • tiexyiksen = gasping, having difficulty breathing
  • tiexyikser = to gasp, to have difficulty breathing
  • tiexyof = asphyxia
  • tiexyofa = unable to breathe
  • tiexyofan = inability to breathe
  • tiexyofsea = asphyxiating, becoming unable to breathe, choking
  • tiexyofsen = asphyxiating, asphyxiation, becoming unable to breathe, choking
  • tiexyofser = to asphyxiate, to become unable to breathe, to choke
  • tiexyofwa = unbreathable
  • tiexyofwan = unbreathability
  • tiexyofxea = smothering
  • tiexyofxen = asphyxiation, choking, smothering, stifling
  • tiexyofxer = to asphyxiate, to choke, to smother, to stifle
  • tiexyofxwa = asphyxiated, choked, smothered, stifled
  • tiexyofxway = stiflingly
  • tif = blazer, jacket, suit coat, waist coat
  • tifes = jacket, vest
  • tiffin = tiffin
  • tifwa = jacketed
  • tiib byexes = cardiac pulse
  • tiib = heart
  • tiiba = cardiac
  • tiibbektun = cardiology
  • tiibbektuna = cardiological
  • tiibbektunay = cardiologically
  • tiibbok = heart disease
  • tiibbuk = heartburn
  • tiibbyex = heart beat, heartbeat
  • tiibdras = cardiogram, cardiograph
  • tiibigef = cardiac arrest, cardiac emergency, heart attack
  • tiibiilp = blood flow, hemorrhage
  • tiibil alza = blood-red
  • tiibil bal = blood pressure
  • tiibil bal nagar = sphygmomanometer
  • tiibil bal naz = blood pressure reading
  • tiibil bal pvos = hypotension
  • tiibil = blood
  • tiibil- = blood-, hema-, hemato-, hemo-, sanguin-
  • tiibil bokuluen = blood poisoning
  • tiibil deup = heart rhythm
  • tiibil deupar = pacemaker
  • tiibil ifbuen yuzpur = bloodmobile
  • tiibil ifbuut = blood donor
  • tiibil imozkyaxlen = hematosis
  • tiibil kyibyan = heart rhythm
  • tiibil levafil neg = blood-alcohol level
  • tiibil level = blood sugar
  • tiibil muil = blood plasma
  • tiibil nas = blood money
  • tiibil neg = blood level
  • tiibil neunam = blood bank
  • tiibil num = blood cell, hemocyte
  • tiibil okyibyan = heart arrhythmia

tiibil pox -- tiibilukan

  • tiibil pox = cardiac arrest
  • tiibil saun = blood type
  • tiibil syag = blood count
  • tiibil todat = blood relative
  • tiibil tyed = blood relation
  • tiibil vyaoyek = blood test
  • tiibil yebixlen = blood transfusion
  • tiibil yex = blood work
  • tiibil yontix = hemanalysis
  • tiibil yuzpen = blood circulation
  • tiibil zeyiluen = blood transfusion
  • tiibil zyiunog = blood platelet
  • tiibil zyobil = blood serum
  • tiibila = blood-related, sanguinary, sanguineous
  • tiibilaya = blood-filled, bloody, gory
  • tiibilayan = bloodiness, goriness
  • tiibilbal = blood pressure
  • tiibilbien = blootletting
  • tiibilbok = hemophilia
  • tiibilbokat = hemophiliac
  • tiibilbokuluen = toxemia
  • tiibilbokya = hemophiliac
  • tiibilbyex = heartbeat
  • tiibilbyuk = heartache
  • tiibilea = bleeding
  • tiibilef = blood thirst
  • tiibilefa = bloodthirsty
  • tiibilefan = bloodthirstiness
  • tiibilefay = bloodthirstily
  • tiibiler = to bleed
  • tiibilglal = blood clot
  • tiibilglalser = to clot, to coagulate
  • tiibilgran = plethora
  • tiibilgyixun = embolism
  • tiibilien = bloodsucking
  • tiibilier = to suck blood
  • tiibilika azran = gore
  • tiibilika = blood-filled, bloody, gory
  • tiibilika yigran = gore
  • tiibilikan = bloodiness, goriness
  • tiibilikay = gorily
  • tiibililp = hemorrhage
  • tiibililpen = hemorrhaging
  • tiibililper = to hemorrhage
  • tiibiliut = bloodsucker, vampire
  • tiibillevelbok = diabetes
  • tiibillevelboka = diabetic
  • tiibillevelbokat = diabetic
  • tiibilnad = blood line, bloodline, ethnicity, heritage, lineage, strain
  • tiibilnif = fibrin
  • tiibilnum = leukocyte
  • tiibilnumbok = leukemia
  • tiibilnumboka = leukemic
  • tiibilnumsyagar = hemocytometer
  • tiibilok = blood loss
  • tiibilokea = bleeding, exsanguinating, hemorrhaging, losing blood
  • tiibiloken = bleeding, exsanguination, hemorrhaging, losing blood
  • tiibiloker = to bleed out, to exsanguinate, to hemorrhage, to lose blood
  • tiibilokxen = bloodbath, bloodshed
  • tiibilokyea = hemorrhagic
  • tiibiloya = bloodless
  • tiibiloyan = bloodlessness
  • tiibiloza = anaemic
  • tiibilozan = anaemia
  • tiibilp = blood flow, bloodstream
  • tiibilpen = hemorraging
  • tiibilper = to hemorrage
  • tiibilpoxar = hemostat, styptic
  • tiibilpyoxen = bloodletting
  • tiibilsizwa = bloodstained
  • tiibiltun = hematology
  • tiibiltuna = hematologic, hematological
  • tiibiltunay = hematologically
  • tiibiltut = hematologist
  • tiibiltyan = bloodline
  • tiibiluer = to bleed, to bloody, to ensanguine, to get blood on
  • tiibiluf = blood vessel
  • tiibilufa = cardiovascular
  • tiibiluka = bloodless
  • tiibilukan = bloodlessness

tiibilukay -- tikabien

  • tiibilukay = bloodlessly
  • tiibilvolza = blood-colored, sanguine
  • tiibilvyun = bloodstain
  • tiibilvyunuen = staining with blood
  • tiibilvyunuer = to bloodstain
  • tiibilvyunuwa = bloodstained
  • tiibilxea = bloodying
  • tiibilxer = to bloody
  • tiibilxwa = bloodied
  • tiibilyanbix = systole
  • tiibilyanbixa = systolic
  • tiibilyonbyexea = heart-breaking
  • tiibilyova = blood guilty
  • tiibilyujun = clot, thrombus
  • tiibilyujuna = thrombotic
  • tiibilyujunbok = thrombosis
  • tiibnogxar = pacemaker
  • tiibpos = cardiac arrest
  • tiibtaloba = cardiovascular
  • tiibtieba = cardiopulmonary
  • tiibtun = cardiology
  • tiibtuna = cardiological
  • tiibtunay = cardiologically
  • tiibtut = cardiologist
  • tiibuil = serum
  • tiibuiltun = serology
  • tiibyonbyexwa = broken-hearted
  • tiibyuz = pericardium
  • tij = wakeful state
  • tija = alert, awake, vigilant, wakeful
  • tijan jwobi = waking hours
  • tijan = vigilance, wakefulness
  • tijay = wakefully
  • tijbaren = reveille
  • tijbea jwobir = alarm clock
  • tijben = awakening, rousing, wakening
  • tijben dyuun = wake-up call
  • tijber eopetud = to calve
  • tijber = to awaken, to rouse, to wake up, to waken
  • tijbes = vigil, wake
  • tijbesea = alert, vigilant
  • tijbeseay = vigilantly
  • tijbesen = staying alert, vigilance
  • tijbeser = to be vigilant, to stay alert, to watch out
  • tijbwa = aroused, awakened, awoken, roused, wakened
  • tijbyea = arousing
  • tijdin = day-dream
  • tijdinen = day-dreaming, daydreaming
  • tijdiner = to day-dream
  • tijdinut = day-dreamer, daydreamer
  • tijea = awaking, waking
  • tijer = to wake up
  • tijes ikxen = graduation
  • tijes ikxer = to graduate
  • tijes ikxut = graduate
  • tijien = wakening
  • tijier = to awaken, to wake up
  • tijiwa = woke
  • tijmem = native country
  • tijob = internship
  • tijper = to come to gain consciousness, to wake up
  • tijpim = recovery room
  • tijsin = vision
  • tijsiyn = stigma
  • tijtea = alert
  • tijtep = conscious mind
  • tijter = to be aware, to be conscious, to know consciously
  • tijtuen = alerting, prompting
  • tijtuer = to alert, to make aware, to prompt
  • tijtuwa = alerted, prompted
  • tijuen = awakening, wakening
  • tijuer = to awaken, to waken
  • tijum = gamete
  • tijuma = gametic
  • tijuun = wakeup
  • tijuwa = awakened, wakened
  • tijya = awake, awaken, woke
  • tikab = esophagus
  • tikaba = esophageal
  • tikabien = digesting, digestion

tikabiena -- tikyebujay

  • tikabiena = digestive, peptic
  • tikabier = to digest
  • tikabiwa = digested
  • tikabiyafwa = digestible
  • tikabiyik = dyspepsia, indigestion, liverish
  • tikabiyika = dyspepsic, dyspeptic
  • tikabiyikwa = hard to digest
  • tikabiyofwa = indigestible
  • tikeb = gut, maw, stomach
  • tikeb taobyazbok = stomach cancer
  • tikeba = gastric, stomach-related, stomachic
  • tikeba-tikyaba = gastrointestinal
  • tikebbok = gastritis
  • tikebbyoyk = stomach ache
  • tikebien = ingestion
  • tikebier = to ingest
  • tikebiil = gastric juice
  • tikebikxen = stuffing
  • tikebikxer = to fill the stomach, to stuff
  • tikebikxwa = stuffed
  • tikebikxwas = stuffing
  • tikebil = chyme
  • tikebiloken = puking, regurgitation, throwing up, vomiting
  • tikebiloker = to barf, to disgorge, to keck, to puke, to regorge, to regurgitate, to throw up, to upchuck, to vomit
  • tikebilokuer = to gag
  • tikebilokun = puke, vomit
  • tikebilokwa = vomited
  • tikebilokxea = vomitive
  • tikebilokxul = emetic, vomitory
  • tikebilokyeker = to retch
  • tikebiwa = ingested
  • tikebpyoslenbok = gastroptosis
  • tikebukxar = stomach pump
  • tikebukxen = stomach pumping
  • tikebukxer = to pump the stomach
  • tikebukxil = emetic
  • tikebyijben = gutting
  • tikebyijber = to gut
  • tikebyijbwa = gutted
  • tikebyik = indigestion
  • tikebzyaoxen = peristalsis
  • tikebzyaoxena = peristaltic
  • tikebzyubaoxea = stomach-churning
  • tikib = liver
  • tikiba = hepatic, liver-
  • tikibbok = hepatitis, liver disease
  • tikibboka = having a liver disease
  • tikibil = bile
  • tikibila = biliary, bilious
  • tikibilan = biliousness
  • tikibsiyn = mole
  • tikibtaolufyeg = liverwurst
  • tikibtun = hepatology
  • tikibtuna = hepatological
  • tikibtunay = hepatologically
  • tikibtut = hepatologist
  • tikibul = heparin
  • tiktakto ifek = ticktacktoe
  • tikub = pancreas
  • tikuba = pancreatic
  • tikubbok = pancreatitis
  • tikul = sweetbread
  • tikyab = large intestine
  • tikyaba = enteric
  • tikyabbok = colic
  • tikyabboka = colicky
  • tikyabbokmula = coliform
  • tikyabujgoblen = colostomy
  • tikyeb = anus, bung, pooper
  • tikyeba = anal
  • tikyebal = fart, flatulence, wind
  • tikyebaluen = breaking wind, farting, flatulence
  • tikyebaluer = to break wind, to fart
  • tikyebaluyea = flatulent
  • tikyebay = anally
  • tikyebteubaxen = analingus
  • tikyebuj = rectum
  • tikyebuja = rectal
  • tikyebuja tayoxen = rectal palpation
  • tikyebujay = rectally

tikyebul -- tilayv

  • tikyebul = dung, feces, shit, slop
  • tikyebula = fecal
  • tikyebulif = scat
  • tikyebulika = shitty
  • tikyebultuna = scatological, scatology
  • tikyebuluen = defecation, shitting
  • tikyebuluena = defecatory
  • tikyebuluer = to defecate, to shit
  • tikyebzoytalobbok = hemorrhoids, piles
  • tikyob = bowel, intestine, small intestine
  • tikyoba = intestinal
  • tikyobbok = dysentery, enteritis
  • tikyobi = bowels
  • tikyobien = ingesting, ingestion
  • tikyobier = to ingest
  • tikyobij = duodenum
  • tikyobija = duodenal
  • tikyobil = chyle
  • tikyobilp = diarrhea
  • tikyobiwa = ingested
  • tikyoboben = disemboweling, disembowelment
  • tikyobober = to disembowel, to embowel
  • tikyobobwa = disemboweled
  • tikyobuien = digestion
  • tikyobuier = to digest
  • tikyobuiwa = digested
  • til = beverage, drink, libation, potation, potion
  • tilab = breast, tit, udder
  • tilabeib = nipple
  • tilabeibuz = nipple ring
  • tilabuz = tit ring
  • tilag = chug
  • tilagien = chugging
  • tilagier = to chug
  • tilagiwa = chugged
  • tilam = bar, drinkery, drinking establishment, tavern, watering hole
  • tilam ebyex = bar fight, bar row, tavern tussle
  • tilam eysim = bar stool
  • tilam glaput = barfly
  • tilamag = saloon
  • tilamexut = bartender
  • tilamifrut = barfly
  • tilamoyg = dive, hideaway, joint
  • tilamut = barkeeper, barman, bartender
  • tilaol = brisket
  • tilar bolar = spoon rest
  • tilar = spoon
  • tilarag = ladle, tablespoon
  • tilaragik = tablespoonful
  • tilaraguen = ladling out
  • tilaraguer = to lade, to ladle out
  • tilaraguwa = ladled out
  • tilarier = to spoon
  • tilarik = ladleful, spoonful
  • tilarog = teaspoon
  • tilarogik = teaspoonful
  • tilaruer = to spoon-feed, to spoonfeed
  • tilaruwa = spoon-fed, spoonfed
  • tilayb = boob, breast, female breast
  • tilayba = mammary
  • tilaybaga = busty, buxom, chesty
  • tilaybdras = mammogram
  • tilaybdren = mammography
  • tilaybeib = nipple, teat, tit
  • tilaybeibuz = nipple ring
  • tilaybeibyuz = areola
  • tilaybila tayub = mammary gland
  • tilaybilien = suckling
  • tilaybilier = to suck, to suckle
  • tilaybilpot = mammal
  • tilaybilpota = mammalian
  • tilaybilpotyan = mammalia
  • tilaybiluar = mamma, nurse
  • tilaybiluen = nursing, suckling
  • tilaybiluer = to nurse, to suckle
  • tilaybiluwa = nursed, suckled
  • tilayboben = mastectomy
  • tilayf = bras, brassiere
  • tilaym = bistro, bistrot
  • tilayv = bra, brassiere

tilbiel -- tilsyebsanika

  • tilbiel = breast milk
  • tilbieluar = breast feeder
  • tilbieluen = breast feeding, breastfeeding
  • tilbieluer = to breast feed, to breastfeed
  • tilbieluwa = breastfed
  • tildet = drinking companion
  • tildim = drinking fountain, water fountain
  • tildras = drink menu, drinks menu
  • tilef = thirst
  • tilefa = thirsty
  • tilefag = drought
  • tilefan = thirstiness
  • tilefay = thirstily
  • tilefen = thirsting
  • tilefer = to be thirsty, to thirst
  • tilefobea = quenching, slaking, thirst-quenching
  • tilefoben = quenching, slaking
  • tilefober = to quench one's thirst, to slake
  • tilefobus = thirst-quencher
  • tilefobwa = quenched, slaked
  • tilefobyofwa = quenchless, unquenchable
  • tilefsea = getting thirsty
  • tilefser = to get thirsty
  • tileftojer = to die of thirst
  • tilefxen = making thirsty
  • tilefxer = to make thirsty
  • tilefxwa = made thirsty
  • tilen = drinking, imbibing
  • tiler = to drink, to imbibe
  • tileza = sober
  • tilezan = soberness, sobriety
  • tilezasea = sobering up
  • tilezasen = sobering up
  • tilezaser = go sober
  • tilezat = moderate drinker, sober person
  • tilezaxea = sobering
  • tilezaxwa = sobered
  • tilezay = moderately, soberly
  • tilfizuen = toasting
  • tilfizuer = to toast
  • tilfizuun = toast
  • tilfizuut = toastmaster
  • tilfizuwa = toast
  • tilfuyf = drinking straw
  • tilgron = water deficit, water shortage
  • tilgronag = drought
  • tilhyayd = toast
  • tilhyayder = to toast
  • tilhyaydut = toast giver
  • tilhyaydwa = toasted
  • tilien deuzun = drinking song
  • tilien = drinking, imbibing, potation
  • tilier boy mil = to drink straight up
  • tilier = to drink, to imbibe
  • tiliut = drinker, imbiber
  • tiliyafwa = drinkable, potable
  • tiliyafwa mil = drinking water
  • tiliyafwan = drinkability, potability
  • tiliyofwa = non-potable, undrinkable
  • tiliyofwan = non-potability
  • tilmugyeb = beverage can
  • tilmuyfyeg = drinking straw
  • tilogien = sipping
  • tilogier = to sip, to take a sip
  • tilov = napkin
  • tilovyeb = napkin holder
  • tilsam = bar
  • tilseem = bar, drink counter
  • tilseemim = barroom
  • tilseemut = barista, barkeep, barkeeper, bartender
  • tilseemuyt = barmaid
  • tilsom = refreshment stand
  • tilsyeb bi afeyl = cup of tea
  • tilsyeb bi kafeyl = cup of coffee
  • tilsyeb = cup, drinking cup
  • tilsyeb leovol = cupcake
  • tilsyebag = mug
  • tilsyebik = cup-full, cupful
  • tilsyebsan = cupola
  • tilsyebsanika = cupolaed

tilsyebsanxen -- tipaga

  • tilsyebsanxen = cupping
  • tilsyebsanxer = to cup
  • tilsyebsanxwa = cupped
  • tiltam = pub
  • tiltim = saloon
  • tiltojer = to drink to death
  • tiluen = giving to drink
  • tiluer = to give to drink, to give water to ply with drinks, to water
  • tilum = drink kiosk, refreshment stall, refreshment stand
  • tilutnyef = satchel
  • tilyea = bibulous
  • tilyuijar = cap
  • tilzyeb bi vafil = glass of wine
  • tilzyeb bi yavil = glass of beer
  • tilzyeb = drinking glass
  • tilzyebik = glassful
  • tim amnag = room temperature
  • tim ay tel = room and board
  • tim bi avembiuti = chamber of deputies, house of representatives, the house
  • tim bi yafuwati = chamber of deputies
  • tim = chamber, quarters, room
  • tim duz = chamber music
  • tim duzarutyan = chamber music orchestra
  • tim golar = partition, room divider
  • tim jobnixen = rooming
  • tim jobnixut = roomer
  • tim manuen = room lighting
  • tim yuxlen = room service
  • tim yuxlut = room servant
  • tim zyiabun = floorplan, room layout
  • timag = hall, large room, salon
  • timbesen = rooming
  • timbeser = to room
  • timbesut = roomer
  • timdet = roommate
  • timik = roomful
  • timof = booth, lean-to, shelter, stall
  • timog = booth, cell, closet, cubby hole, cubicle, pod, roomette, small room
  • timuer = to offer a room
  • timyan = quarters, suite
  • timyaneb = quartermaster
  • timyuxuyt = chambermaid
  • tin = doctrine, dogma, lesson, teaching
  • -tin = -ism, suffix denoting doctrine
  • tina = doctrinal
  • -tina = -istic
  • tinay = dogmatically
  • tindalen = preaching dogma
  • tinder = to spout dogma
  • tindut = dogmatist
  • tiniea = indoctrinating
  • tinien = indoctrinating, indoctrination, studying
  • tinier = to indoctrinate oneself, to study
  • tinmep = doctrinal track
  • tinuen = indoctrination
  • tinuer = to indoctrinate
  • tinut = dogmatist
  • -tinut = -ist
  • tinuwa = indoctrinated
  • tinuyea = doctrinaire, dogmatic
  • tinuyean = dogmatism
  • tinydut = theorizer
  • tinyuvsut = disciple
  • tinyuvsutan = discipleship
  • tinzyad = propaganda
  • tinzyaden = propagandizing
  • tinzyader = to propagandize
  • tinzyadut = propagandist
  • tinzyadwa = propagandized
  • tip = fettle, heart, humor, mood, pathos, sentiment, spirit, temper, temperament
  • -tip = -pathy, suffix denoting sentiment
  • tipa byoyk = heartache
  • -tipa = -humored
  • tipa = sentimental, temperamental
  • tipaasaya = delirious
  • tipaasayan = deliriousness, delirium
  • tipaasika = delirious
  • tipaasikan = deliriousness, delirium
  • tipaasikay = deliriously
  • tipaga = big-hearted, bighearted, cordial, generous, genial, greathearted, largehearted, magnanimous

tipagan -- tipivxea

  • tipagan = big-heartedness, bigheartedness, cordiality, generosity, generousness, geniality, magnanimity
  • tipagay = big-heartedly, cordially, generously, magnanimously
  • tipama = ardent
  • tipaman = ardentness
  • tipamay = ardently
  • tipamdez = melodrama
  • tipamdeza = melodramatic
  • tipamdezaxer = to melodramatize
  • tipamdezay = melodramatically
  • tipan = sentimentality
  • tipaser = to become sentimental
  • tipava = agreeable, favorable, favorably disposed, favorably-disposed
  • tipavan = agreeableness
  • tipavay = favorably
  • tipaxen = sentimentalization
  • tipaxlawa = thrilled
  • tipaxlea dyes = thriller
  • tipaxlea dyezun = thriller
  • tipaxlea = thrilling, vibrant
  • tipaxlean = vibrancy
  • tipaxleay = thrillingly, vibrantly
  • tipaxlen = thrilling
  • tipaxler = to sentimentalize, to thrill
  • tipaxlus = thriller
  • tipay = sentimentally, temperamentally
  • tipayan = fieriness
  • tipayma = hearty, warm-hearted, warmhearted
  • tipayman = heartiness, warm-heartedness, warmheartedness
  • tipaymay = warm-heartedly
  • tipaymxea = heartwarming
  • tipaz = oomph, zeal
  • tipaza = zealous
  • tipazan = zealotry, zealousness
  • tipazaxea = heartening
  • tipazaxer = to hearten
  • tipazay = zealously
  • tipazaya = fired up, frantic, on edge, wired
  • tipazier = to be moved grow frantic, to get excited, to get impassioned, to run high
  • tipazika = fired up, frantic, on edge, wired
  • tipazikay = frantically
  • tipazla = enthusiastic, vehement
  • tipazlan = enthusiasm, vehemence, vehemency, verve, vim
  • tipazlaser = to become passionate, to get excited
  • tipazlaxer = to enthuse
  • tipazlaxwa = enthused
  • tipazlay = enthusiastically, vehemently
  • tipazpyex = meltdown
  • tipazra = violent-tempered
  • tipazraser = to grow furious
  • tipazuer = to fire up
  • tipazuka = dispassionate, unemotional, unexcited
  • tipazukan = dispassion
  • tipazukay = dispassionately, unemotionally, unexcitedly
  • tipazuwa = atwitter, fired up
  • tipbyok = heartache
  • tipbyokea = heart-broken
  • tipbyoken = feeling heartache
  • tipbyoker = to feel heartache
  • tipden = expression of emotion, sentimentalization
  • tipder = to express emotion, to sentimentalize
  • tipelad = chirr
  • tipelader = to chirr
  • tipi = teepee
  • tipif = amiability, kindness
  • tipifa = amiable, frivolous, fun-spirited, gay, jocular, kind
  • tipifan = amiability, frivolity, frivolousness, fun-spiritedness, gayness, kindness
  • tipifay = amiably, frivolously
  • tipiga = snippy
  • tipigan = snippiness
  • tipigay = snippily
  • tipika = fiery, spirited, temperamental
  • tipikan = fieriness
  • tipikay = moodily, spiritedly
  • tipin = sentimentalism
  • tipina = sentimentalist
  • tipiva = cheerful, cheery, gay, jocund, light-hearted, lighthearted, merry, sprightly
  • tipiva deup = lilt
  • tipivan = cheerfulness, cheeriness, gayness, jocundity, light-heartedness, lightheartedness, merriment, merriness, sprightliness
  • tipivay = cheerily, gayly, jocundly, light-heartedly, lightheartedly, merrily
  • tipivxea = cheery

tipivxer -- tipyena

  • tipivxer = to cheer up
  • tipivxul = anti-depressant, pick-me-up
  • tipkyaa = flexible
  • tipkyaan = flexibility
  • tipkyin = albatross
  • tipkyoa = stubborn
  • tipkyoan = stubbornness
  • tipoboxwa = unstrung
  • tipoga = small-minded, stingy
  • tipogan = small-mindedness, stinginess
  • tipot = tamarin
  • tipova = antipathetic, antipathy, contrary, hostile
  • tipovan = animosity, contrariety, contrariness, hostility
  • tipoyxer = to moped user
  • tipoza = lackadaisical, weak-hearted
  • tipozan = weak-heartedness
  • tipozay = lackadaisically
  • tipozla = bored, low-key, unenthusiastic, weak-hearted
  • tipozlan = boredom, ennui, lack of enthusiasm, weak-heartedness
  • tipozlaser = to grow bored
  • tipozlaxea = boring
  • tipozlaxer = to bore
  • tipozlaxwa = bored
  • tippaax = excitement, passion
  • tippaaxien = being moved, getting excited, getting riled up
  • tippaaxier = to be moved, to get excited, to get impassioned, to get riled up
  • tippaaxuen = exciting, impassioning, piquing
  • tippaaxuer = to excite, to impassion, to pique
  • tippaaxuwa = excited, impassioned, piqued
  • tippanaya = incendiary
  • tippanika = incendiary
  • tiptyentexen = sentimentalization
  • tiptyentexer = to sentimentalize
  • tiptyentexwa = sentimentalized
  • tipuea = inspiriting
  • tipuer = to inspirit
  • tipufra = angry, furious, mad
  • tipufran = anger, furor, rage
  • tipufraser = to get angry, to get mad, to grow enraged
  • tipufraxen = angering, enraging, infuration
  • tipufraxer = to anger, to enrage, to infuriate
  • tipufraxwa = angered, enraged, infuriated
  • tipufxer = to roil
  • tipuka = empty-hearted, unspirited
  • tipukan = empty-heartedness, unspiritiedness
  • tipukay = empty-heartedly, unspiritedly
  • tipukxer = to frazzle
  • tipukxwa = frazzled
  • tipuv = heartbreak, pall, sorrow
  • tipuva = depressed, dour, down, downcast, morose, overcast, pitiful, sad-spirited, solemn, somber, sorrowful, spleeny
  • tipuvan = depression, dourness, heartsickness, languor, mercy, misery, pity, solemnity, somberness, sorrow, sorrowfulness
  • tipuvay = dourly, languorously, pitifully, somberly
  • tipuviea = pitying
  • tipuvieay = pityingly
  • tipuvien = having mercy on, having pity on, taking pity on
  • tipuvier = to have mercy on, to have pity on, to pity, to take pity on
  • Tipuviu at! = Have mercy on me!
  • tipuviyea = merciful
  • tipuvra = miserable
  • tipuvran = miserableness, moroseness
  • tipuvrary = miserably
  • tipuvray = morosely
  • tipuvser = to being sorry for, to pity, to taking mercy on, to taking pity on
  • tipuvsyika = depressive
  • tipuvuyea = piteously
  • tipuvuyean = piteousness
  • tipuvxea = arousing pity, depressing, heartbreaking, pitiful
  • tipuvxeay = depressingly
  • tipuvxen = depressing
  • tipuvxer = to arouse pity, to depress, to make depressed
  • tipuvxul = depressant
  • tipuvxwa = depressed, heartbroken, woebegone
  • tipuvxyea = depressive
  • tipuwa = inspirited
  • tipuyfa = miffed
  • tipyaba = ebullient, upbeat
  • tipyaban = ebullience
  • tipyabay = ebulliently
  • tipyen = attitude, complex, disposition, mood, temperament
  • tipyena = attitudinal, temperamental

tipyenay -- tistam dabutyan

  • tipyenay = sentimentally, temperamentally
  • tipyenxen = sentimenalization
  • tipyenxer = to sentimentalize
  • tipyenxwa = sentimentalized
  • tipyiba = offish, remote
  • tipyiban = offishness, remoteness
  • tipyifa = brave-hearted, impudent, spunky
  • tipyifan = brave-heartedness, impudence, spunk
  • tipyifay = brave-heartedly, impudently, spunkily
  • tipyiga = callous, flinty, hard-nosed, hardhearted, rigid, severe, stern-hearted, stouthearted, visceral
  • tipyigan = callosity, callousness, flintiness, hardheartedness, stern-heartedness, sternness
  • tipyigay = callously, hardheartedly, stoutly, viscerally
  • tipyigazaxea = galling
  • tipyigla = rude
  • tipyiglan = rudeness
  • tipyiglay = rudely
  • tipyigra = violent-tempered
  • tipyigraser = to become infuriated, to grow angry, to grow enraged
  • tipyigraxen = enraging, infuriation, riling up
  • tipyigraxer = to enrage, to infuriate, to outrage, to rile up
  • tipyigraxwa = enraged, infuriated, outraged, riled up
  • tipyigray = furiantly, in a rough manner, outrageously
  • tipyigza = acrimonious
  • tipyigzan = acrimoniousness, acrimony
  • tipyigzay = acrimoniously
  • tipyija = liberal, open-minded, openhearted, tolerant
  • tipyijan = liberality, open-mindedness, tolerance
  • tipyiva = free-spirited, liberal-minded, open-minded
  • tipyivan = free-spiritedness, liberal-mindedness, liberality, liberalness, open-mindedness
  • tipyivat = free-spirit, liberal, open-minded person
  • tipyoba = downbeat
  • tipyot = gorilla
  • tipyotyan = flange
  • tipyuba = intimate
  • tipyuban = intimacy
  • tipyubay = intimately
  • tipyuga = easygoing, flexible, gentle, lax, lenient, soft-hearted
  • tipyugan = flexibility, gentleness of spirit, laxness, lenience, soft-heartedness
  • tipyugay = soft-heartedly
  • tipyugra = gentle, kind, kindhearted, mild-mannered
  • tipyugran = gentleness, kindheartedness, kindliness, kindness
  • tipyugray = gently, kindheartedly, kindly
  • tipyuja = close-minded, intolerant
  • tipyujan = close-mindedness, intolerance
  • tipyuva = conservative
  • tipyuvan = conservativeness
  • tipzen = emotional center, heart and soul
  • tipzyabixobea = cathartic
  • tiramisu = tiramisu
  • Tirod = Tigrinya
  • Tirodaler = to speak Tigrinya
  • Tirodalut = Tigrinya speaker
  • Tiroder = to say in Tigrinya
  • tis = learning
  • tisdraf = flash card
  • tisef = curiosity
  • tisefa = curious
  • tisefer = to be curious about, to be interested in
  • tisefxea = interesting
  • tisefxer = to interest
  • tisefxwa = interested
  • tisen = apprehension, learning
  • tiser = to apprehend, to learn
  • tisfa = curious
  • tisfan = curiosity
  • tisfer = to be curious about, to want to learn
  • tisfut = buff
  • tisfyisyan = chrestomathy
  • tisifea = studious
  • tisjob = internship
  • tisjober = to intern
  • tisjobut = intern, trainee
  • tiskexuer = to be of interest to
  • tiskexut = knowledge-seeker
  • tisnad = curriculum
  • tisnada = curricular
  • tisneg = grade level
  • tisnegyaper = to advance scholastically, to move up a grade in school
  • tisnog = grade, mark
  • tistam dabutyan = school board

tistam det -- titudinut

  • tistam det = schoolfellow, schoolmate
  • tistam deym = schoolyard
  • tistam dib = school administration
  • tistam dibut = school administrator
  • tistam dyes = schoolbook, textbook
  • tistam jab = school year
  • tistam joyeb = school session, school term
  • tistam neg = school grade
  • tistam nyef = schoolbag
  • tistam = school, schoolhouse
  • tistam toyb = schoolgirl
  • tistam tud = schoolchild
  • tistam tuxut = school teacher
  • tistam tuxutyan = school faculty
  • tistam twobet = schoolboy
  • tistam tyan = school class
  • tistam yajib = school semester
  • tistama = scholastic, school-related
  • tistamay = scholastically
  • tistamdet = schoolmate
  • tistameb = principal, schoolmaster
  • tistamem = schoolyard
  • tistameyb = provost, schoolmistress
  • tistamim = schoolroom
  • tistampen = matriculation
  • tistamper = to attend school, to go to school, to matriculate
  • tistamput = matriculator, school attendee, schooler
  • tistamtuxut = schoolteacher
  • tistamyex = schoolwork
  • tistem = lecture hall
  • tistim = classroom
  • tistimyex = classwork
  • tistyandet = classfellow
  • tisun dyes = lesson book
  • tisun jadrun = lesson plan
  • tisun joib = class period, lesson period
  • tisun = lesson, session
  • tisunyan = course of study
  • tisunyan kyis = course load
  • tisut = learner, pupil
  • tisuta = pupilary, pupillary
  • tisutan = pupilage
  • tisutjob = pupilage
  • tisutyan = class
  • tisutyandet = classmate
  • tiswa = apprehended, learned
  • tiswas = lesson, something learned
  • tiswasyan = experience, lessons learned
  • tisya = learned, wise
  • tisyaf = ability to learn, aptitude, intelligence, smarts
  • tisyafa = able to learn, gifted, intelligent, smart
  • tisyafan = aptitude, intelligence
  • tisyafat = mentally-gifted person, smart person
  • tisyafwa = apprehensible, intelligible
  • tisyafwan = intelligibility
  • tisyafway = intelligibly
  • tisyan = learnedness, learning, wisdom
  • tisyat = learned person, wise person
  • tisyekyea = inquisitive, studious
  • tisyekyean = inquisitiveness, studiousness
  • tisyik = learning difficulty
  • tisyika = learning-disabled, mentally challenged
  • tisyikan = difficulty learning
  • tisyikat = mentally challenged person with learning disabilities, slow-learner
  • tisyikwa = hard to grasp
  • tisyofa = dumb, stupid, unable to learn, unintelligent
  • tisyofan = dumbness, inability to learn
  • tisyofat = dumbhead, stupid person, stupidity
  • tisyofay = dumbly, stupidly
  • tisyuka = fast-learning
  • tisyukat = quick-learner
  • tisyukwa = easy to learn
  • tit = learner, pupil, scholar
  • titbul = scholarship
  • titbul yansyem = scholarship foundation
  • titud = nephew or niece
  • titudi = nephews and nieces
  • titudin = nepotism
  • titudina = nepotistic
  • titudinut = nepotist

titutuyd -- tiydif

  • titutuyd = grand niece
  • titutwud = grand nephew
  • tituyd = niece
  • titwud = nephew
  • tityena = scholarly
  • tiub = belly, paunch, tummy
  • tiuba = ventral
  • tiubaya = paunchy
  • tiubboyk = belly ache
  • tiubdalen = ventriloquism, ventriloquy
  • tiubdaler = to perform ventriloquy
  • tiubdalut = ventriloquist
  • tiubika = paunchy
  • tiubnuf = bellybutton, navel
  • tiuf = bodice, corset, trunks
  • tiun = realization
  • tiut = pupil
  • tiuv = boxer shorts, boxers, briefs, shorts, underpants, undershorts, underwear
  • tiuyb = abdomen
  • tiuyba = abdominal
  • tiuyf = corset
  • tiuyt = female pupil
  • tiuyv = knickers, pantie, panties, panty, underwear
  • tiuyvi = panties
  • tiwa = apprised, found out, learned, realized
  • tiwas = lesson, realization, something learned
  • tiwut = male pupil
  • tix = -ology, study
  • tixem = study hall
  • tixen joib = study period, study session
  • tixen = study, studying
  • tixer av ha dovyabtyen = to read for the bar, study for the bar
  • tixer jestay = to study hard
  • tixer = to study, to suss
  • tixifa = erudite
  • tixifan = erudition
  • tixifay = eruditely
  • tixim = atelier, studio
  • tixjob = study time
  • tixnad = discipline
  • tixsyun = subject of learning
  • tixujakdref = diploma
  • tixum = study booth, study cubicle, study pod
  • tixun = lesson, study, étude
  • tixundyes = lesson book
  • tixut = mentor, student
  • tixutan = studentship
  • tixutyan = student body, study group
  • tixwa = studied
  • tixyafa = docile
  • tixyafan = docility
  • tixyafay = docilely
  • tixyea = didactic, studious
  • tixyean = studiousness
  • tixyeay = didactically, studiously
  • tiyab = bladder
  • tiyaba = genital
  • tiyaba meup bokogrunuen = urinary tract infection
  • tiyabay = genitally
  • tiyabil = pee, piss, urine, wee
  • tiyabila = uric, urinary
  • tiyabilegen = dribbling urine
  • tiyabileger = to dribble urine
  • tiyabilen = peeing, pissing, urinating, urination
  • tiyabiler = to pee, to piss, to urinate, to wee
  • tiyabilgaxea = diuretic
  • tiyabilmeg = urinary calculus, urinary stone, urolith
  • tiyabilsom = pisser, pissoir, urinal
  • tiyabiltun = urology
  • tiyabiltuna = urological
  • tiyabiltut = urologist
  • tiyabiluf = urethra
  • tiyabilufa = urethral
  • tiyabilum = pissoir, water closet
  • tiyabilyeb = bedpan
  • tiyauba = genitourinary, urogenital
  • tiyd = sister
  • tiyda = sisterly, sororal
  • tiydan = sisterliness
  • tiydif = sis

tiydoyat -- tobag

  • tiydoyat = person with no sisters
  • tiydyan = sisterhood, sorority
  • tiydyen = sisterliness
  • tiydyena = sisterly
  • tiyea = savvy
  • tiyeb = prostate
  • tiyeba = prostatic
  • tiyebbok = prostatitis
  • tiyebil = cum, ejaculate, semen, spunk
  • tiyebila = ejaculatory
  • tiyebilea = cumming
  • tiyebilen = cumming, ejaculating, ejaculation, piddling
  • tiyebilena = ejaculatory
  • tiyebiler = to cum, to ejaculate, to piddle
  • tiyebilmufyegoben = vasectomy
  • tiyebiluen = insemination
  • tiyebiluer = to inseminate
  • tiyebiluwa = inseminated
  • tiyebob = prostate gland
  • tiyeboben = prostatectomy
  • tiym = cranny, nook, roomette
  • tiymika = crannied
  • tiyob = kidney
  • tiyoba = renal
  • tiyobbok = kidney disease, renitis
  • tiyoboxal = kidney failure
  • tiyobtun = renology
  • tiyobtuna = renological
  • tiyobtunay = renologically
  • tiyobtut = kidney specialist, renologist
  • tiyub = genital organ
  • tiyubaoxea = frigging, masturbating, wanking
  • tiyubaoxen = frigging, masturbating, masturbation, onanism, wanking
  • tiyubaoxena = masturbatory
  • tiyubaoxer = to diddle, to frig, to masturbate, to wank
  • tiyubaoxut = diddler, frigger, masturbator, wankter
  • tiyuboben = castration, gelding
  • tiyubober = to castrate, to geld
  • tiyubobwa = castrated, gelded
  • tiyubuen = fucking
  • tiyubuer = to fuck
  • tiyubuut = fucker
  • tiyubyan = genitalia
  • tiyuf = train
  • tiyufen = dragging behind, lagging
  • tiyufxer = to drag behind, to lag
  • tiyufxut = laggard
  • tiyufxyea = laggardly
  • tiyugiben = fucking
  • tiyugiber = to fuck
  • tiyugibut = fucker
  • tiyugibwa = fucked
  • Tiyugibwu! = Fuck you!
  • tiyugoblawa = circumcised, cut
  • tiyugoblen = circumcision
  • tiyugobler = to circumcise, to cut
  • tiyuyb = cunt, twat, vagina
  • tiyuyb vyixmugyeb = bidet
  • tiyuyba = vaginal
  • tiyuybay = vaginally
  • tiyuybil = vaginal fluid
  • tiyuybila = mentrual
  • tiyuybilen = menstruation
  • tiyuybiler = to menstruate
  • tiyuybob = labium
  • tiyuybobi = labia
  • tiyuybyaz = vulva
  • tiyuybyaza = pubic
  • tiyuybyazien = cunnilingus
  • tiyuybyazob = clitoris, genital tubercle
  • tiyuybyazoba = clitoral
  • tiyyib = ovary
  • tiyyiba = ovarian
  • tiyyiba yazbok = ovarian cancer
  • tiyyibbok = ovaritis
  • tiyyibuka = ovariless
  • to = t, the letter t
  • tob = human being, man, person
  • toba = human
  • tobag = giant, grownup, high muckamuck

toban -- tobkex

  • toban = humanity, humanness, manhood
  • tobapyot = sphynx
  • tobava = humane, humanitarian
  • tobavat = humanitarian
  • tobavay = humanely
  • tobavin = humanism, humanitarianism
  • tobavina = humanistic, humanitarian
  • tobavinut = humanist, humanitarian
  • tobay = humanly
  • tobbelpot = mount, pack animal
  • tobbixwa belir = rickshaw, tuk-tuk
  • tobbixwa par = ricksha
  • tobdata yogxun = macro
  • tobeon = duo
  • tobet = chap, chit, juvenile, youth
  • tobetan = youth
  • tobetdal = prattle
  • tobetdaler = to prattle
  • tobetdalut = prattler
  • tobetekem = sandlot
  • tobetel = pap
  • tobetifek zyunog = pewee
  • tobetog = tot
  • tobetyena vyoek = monkey-shine, monkeyshine
  • tobetyena = youthful
  • tobetyenan = youthfulness
  • tobeytsen = becoming a girl
  • tobeytser = to become a girl
  • tobeytxer = to make a girl
  • tobeytyena = girlish, maidenly
  • tobfyabuun = human sacrifice
  • tobif = buster, chap, dude
  • tobifa = beneficent, humane, humanitarian
  • tobifa xeyn = beneficence
  • tobifan = humaneness
  • tobifay = beneficently, humanely
  • tobifin = humanitarianism, philanthropy
  • tobifina = philanthropic
  • tobifinay = philanthropically
  • tobifinut = humanitarian, philanthropist
  • tobifut = humane person, humanitarian
  • tobij = fetus
  • tobija = fetal
  • tobijabnyeb = amnion
  • tobijabnyeba = amniotic
  • tobijben = impregnation, ovulation
  • tobijber = to impregnate, to ovulate
  • tobijblea = gestating, pregnant
  • tobijblen = gestation, pregnancy
  • tobijblena = gestational
  • tobijbler = to gestate
  • tobijbwa = impregnated, ovulated, pregnant
  • tobijea = ovulating
  • tobijen = ovulation
  • tobijer = to ovulate
  • tobijien = conception
  • tobijnyem = uterus, womb
  • tobijnyem zyobixen = uterine contraction
  • tobijnyema = uterine
  • tobijnyemoben = hysterectomy
  • tobijoga = ovular
  • tobijovar = contraceptive
  • tobijovben = contraception
  • tobijovbena = contraceptive
  • tobijovber = to contracept
  • tobijuen = impregnation
  • tobijuer = to impregnate
  • tobijuf = oviduct
  • tobijum = ovum
  • tobijumi = ova
  • tobijumog = ovule
  • tobijuwa = impregnated, pregnant
  • tobijyafwan = pregnancy
  • tobijyem = ovary
  • tobijyema = ovarian
  • tobin = humanism
  • tobina = humanist, humanistic
  • tobinut = humanist
  • tobion = triumvirate
  • tobkex = bounty-hunt, manhunt

tobkexen -- tobyan

  • tobkexen = bounty-hunting, man-hunting
  • tobkexer = to manhunt
  • tobkexut = bounty hunter, man-hunter
  • tobmir = earth, world of men
  • tobmiran = earthliness
  • tobnyan = crowd, group
  • tobnyanin = groupism
  • tobnyanina = groupist
  • tobnyaninut = groupy
  • tobnyanser = to group
  • tobnyanut = groupie
  • tobnyanxer = to group
  • tobnyanxwa = grouped
  • tobog = grig, little person, midget, pewee
  • tobos xol = organ failure
  • toboyg = bugger, damsel, young lady
  • toboyt = female child, female infant
  • tobpixlawa = kidnapped
  • tobpixlawat = kidnapping victim
  • tobpixlen = kidnapping
  • tobpixler = to kidnap
  • tobpixlut = kidnapper
  • tobsan = manikin, mannikin
  • tobsana = anthropomorphic
  • tobsanan = anthropomorphism
  • tobsanay = anthropomorphically
  • tobsaun = humankind, mankind
  • tobsaxwa = man-made, manmade
  • tobsayna = android, anthropoid
  • tobsaynat = android, anthropoid
  • tobsin = figure
  • tobsina = figurative
  • tobsinog = figurine
  • tobtelen = cannibalization, cannibalizing
  • tobteler = to cannibalize
  • tobtelifyet = ogre, orc
  • tobtelifyeyt = ogress
  • tobtelin = cannibalism
  • tobtelina = cannibalistic
  • tobtelinut = cannibalist
  • tobtelut = cannibal
  • tobtelwa = cannibalized
  • tobtod = mankind
  • tobtojben = homicide, killing, manslaughter, murder, murdering, slaying
  • tobtojber = to kill, to murder, to slay
  • tobtojbut = killer, murderer, slayer
  • tobtojbuyt = murderess
  • tobtojbwa = killed, murdered, slayed
  • tobtojbwat = homicide victim, murder victim, slaying victim
  • tobtojbyea = homicidal, murderous
  • tobtojbyeay = murderously
  • tobtun = anthropology
  • tobtuna = anthropological
  • tobtut = anthropologist
  • tobtuzunxwa = man-made
  • tobud tistam = playschool
  • tobuen = manning
  • tobuer = to man
  • tobuf = misanthropy
  • tobufa = misanthropic
  • tobufan = misanthropy
  • tobufat = misanthrope
  • tobufay = misanthropically
  • tobufea = misanthropic
  • tobufer = to misanthropize
  • tobufin = misanthropism
  • tobufina = misanthopist
  • tobufinut = misanthopist
  • tobunay = anthropologically
  • tobupyot = werewolf
  • tobupyotbok = lycanthropy
  • tobuwa = manned
  • tobwot = male infant
  • tobxen = humanization
  • tobxer = to humanize
  • tobxut = humanizer
  • tobxwa = humanized
  • tobyafon = human power, manpower
  • tobyafonuwa = human-powered
  • tobyan = humanity, humankind, mankind

tobyen -- tofbwa

  • tobyen = manliness
  • tobyena = anthropoid, humanoid, manful, manlike, manly
  • tobyenan = manliness
  • tobyenas = humanoid
  • tobyenat = humanoid
  • tobyenay = manfully
  • tobyentaf = costume
  • tobyentafwa = costumed
  • tobyog = kid, pigmy, pygmy, urchin
  • tobyogen = mischief, playing pranks
  • tobyoger = to be mischievous, to play pranks
  • tobyogif = kiddie
  • tobyogyena = kiddish
  • tobzena = anthropocentric
  • Tocadam = Chad
  • Tocadama = Chadian, inhabitant of Chad
  • Tocadamat = Chadian, inhabitant of Chad
  • Tocam = Turks and Caicos Islands
  • Tocama = from Turks and Caicos Islands
  • Tocamat = inhabitant of Turks and Caicos Islands
  • tod = family
  • toda dotnux = family allowance
  • toda = familial, kindred
  • toda poptam = pension
  • toda vyetan = family relationship
  • todam = household
  • todama = domestic, household
  • todamay = domestically
  • todameb = head of the household, master
  • todameyb = mistress
  • todamut = housekeeper
  • todamuyt = housewife
  • todamuyta = housewifely
  • todan = kinship
  • todana dyun = familiar name, nickname, sobriquet
  • todana = familiar
  • todat = relative, sib
  • todatyan = clan, kindred, kinfolk
  • todbyim = homestead
  • toddat = friend of the family friend
  • toddyun = family name, last name, surname
  • todebyex = family fued
  • todebyexen = family feuding
  • todeyb = mater familias
  • todgonut = family member
  • todim = living room, living-room, parlor, salon, sitting room
  • todmempur = station wagon
  • todnad = family line
  • todnada = genetic
  • todnadanyan = genome
  • todnadaun = gene
  • todnadkyaxus = mutagen
  • todnadtun = genetics
  • todnadtuna = genetic, genetics-related
  • todnadtut = geneticist
  • todnam = mom-and-pop store
  • todtamyan = homestead
  • todtaxyandyes = scrapbook
  • todtun = genealogy
  • todtuna = genealogical
  • todtunay = genealogically
  • todtut = genealogist
  • todweb = pater familias
  • toem = domicile
  • toemxer = to domicile
  • toemxwa = domiciled
  • tof = apparel, clothes, clothing, garment, item of clothing
  • tof byoxgrun = clothes hanger
  • tof yanpixar = clothes pin, clothespin
  • tof yignyef = hamper, laundry basket
  • tofabea = being dressed in, donning, wearing
  • tofaben = being dressed in, donning, dressing, getting dressed, putting on clothes, wearing
  • tofaber = to be dressed in, to clothe, to don, to dress, to endue, to get dressed, to put on, to wear
  • tofabim = dressing room
  • tofabum = dressing booth
  • tofabwa = clothed, donned, dressed, put on, worn
  • tofabyoxar = clothes hanger
  • tofber = to clothe, to cress
  • tofbexlim = coat check
  • tofbwa = worn

tofbyoxar -- Togomat

  • tofbyoxar = coathanger
  • tofbyoxgrun = hanger
  • tofdras = clothing label, tag
  • tofdrasben = tagging
  • tofdrasber = to tag
  • tofdrasbut = tagger
  • tofdrasbwa = tagged
  • tofgrun = clothing hook, coathook, tag
  • tofi = toffee, toffy
  • tofien = dressing, getting dressed, putting on clothes
  • tofier = to dress, to get dressed, to put on clothes
  • tofim = closet, clothes closet
  • tofimxar = clothes dryer
  • tofiwa = clothed, dressed
  • tofkex = frisk
  • tofkexen = frisking
  • tofkexer = to frisk
  • tofkexwa = frisked
  • tofkyaxam = clothes alternation shop, tailor shop
  • tofkyaxen = clothes altering, tailoring
  • tofkyaxena = sartorial
  • tofkyaxenay = sartorially
  • tofkyaxer = to alter clothes, to tailor
  • tofkyaxuyt = tailoress
  • tofkyaxwa = tailored
  • tofmazaxul = bluing
  • tofmuv = clothes peg, clothespin
  • tofnam = clothing store
  • tofnamut = clothing salesperson
  • tofnav = furbelow
  • tofnixbuut = clothier
  • tofnyeb = clothes hamper, laundry basket
  • tofnyif = clothesline
  • tofobea = disrobing
  • tofoben = disrobing, striping, stripping, undressing
  • tofoben mojdoyt = strip club, strip joint
  • tofobendaz = nude dance
  • tofobendazam = nude dance club
  • tofobendazut = nude dancer
  • tofober = to denude, to disrobe, to strip, to take off, to unclothe, to undress
  • tofobun = exuvia
  • tofobut = stripper
  • tofobwa = bared, denuded, disrobed, stripped naked, unclothed, undressed
  • tofoya = nude, without clothes on
  • tofoyat = nude
  • tofsam = chest of drawers, dresser, wardrobe
  • tofsaxam = tailor shop
  • tofsaxen = making clothes, tailoring
  • tofsaxer = to make clothes, to tailor
  • tofsaxut = clothes-maker, tailor
  • tofsaxuyt = tailoress
  • tofsaxwa = tailor-made, tailored
  • tofsyen = fashion, style of dress
  • toftepkyoxwat = clotheshorse
  • toftim = vestry
  • toftimut = vestryman
  • toftimutyan = vestry
  • tofu = tofu
  • tofuen = clothing, dressing
  • tofuer = to clothe, to dress, to put clothes on
  • tofum = clothes closet
  • tofut = wearer
  • tofuwa = clothed, dressed
  • tofvyilxam = laundromat
  • tofvyilxar = clothes washer
  • tofvyilxen = laundering, washing clothes
  • tofvyilxer = to launder, to wash clothes
  • tofvyilxut = launderer
  • tofwa = garbed, vested
  • tofyafwa = ready-to-wear, wearable
  • tofyan = clothes, clothing, gear, raiment, set of clothes, wardrobe
  • tofyen = garb
  • tofyofwa = unwearable
  • Togelid = Tagalog
  • Togelidaler = to speak Tagalog
  • Togelidalut = Tagalog speaker
  • togenad = tangent
  • Togom = Togo
  • Togoma = Togolese
  • Togomat = Togolese, inhabitant of Togo

Tohad -- tojbyexer

  • Tohad = Thai language
  • Tohadaler = to speak Thai
  • Tohadalut = Thai speaker
  • Tohader = to say in Thai
  • Tohadrawa = written in Thai
  • Tohadrer = to write in Thai
  • Tohadreyen = Thai writing system
  • Toham = Thailand
  • Tohama = Thai
  • Tohamat = Thai, inhabitant of Thailand
  • Toheban = Thai baht
  • toibaxwa = kneed
  • toisen = kneeling
  • toj akun = death benefit
  • toj bek = death care
  • toj bi puxren = shooting dead
  • toj buxus = death drive
  • toj byok = capital punishment, death penalty, pain of death
  • toj = death, demise
  • toj dobnux = death tax
  • toj dodel = death announcement, obit, obituary
  • toj dopaotyan = death squad
  • toj ebyex = death throes
  • toj fyuz = death penalty
  • toj jwasiyn = death knell
  • toj nab tum = death row cell
  • toj naptyop = death march
  • toj num = death cell
  • toj pesnad = death row
  • toj sim = death chair
  • toj tam = death house
  • toj tilsyeb = death cup
  • toj tim = death chamber
  • toj tomofem = death camp
  • toj vladras = death warrant
  • toj vladref = death certificate, death warrant
  • toj vyesag = death rate
  • toj yef = death duty
  • toj yevdul = death sentence
  • toja kyis = dead weight
  • toja = mortal
  • toja nod = standstill
  • toja tab = cadaver
  • tojbarer = to crush to death
  • tojbarwa = crushed to death
  • tojbea = exterminating, killing, slaying
  • tojbea tepruzan = amok
  • tojbea tepuzran = amuck
  • tojbeax = deathwatch, vigil, wake
  • tojbeaxer = to do a wake
  • tojbef = bood-thirstiness
  • tojbefa = blood-thirsty
  • tojben bey adopar = shooting dead
  • tojben = killing, slaying
  • tojber = to kill, to put to death, to scrag, to slay
  • tojbes = watch, watchful
  • tojbesen = watching
  • tojbesuntuxut = coroner
  • tojboka = terminally ill
  • tojbooka = dead tired
  • tojbua apyexlun = deadly strike, lethal attack
  • tojbua = deadly, lethal, truculent
  • tojbuan = deadliness, lethality, truculence
  • tojbuay = lethally, truculently
  • tojbul = bequest
  • tojbulen = bequeathal, bequeathing
  • tojbuler = to bequeath, to leave in ones will
  • tojbulut = bequeather
  • tojbulwa = bequeathed
  • tojbum = phagocyte
  • tojbut = exterminator, killer, slayer
  • tojbuwa bokuluun = lethal injection
  • tojbuwa = slain
  • tojbwa bey adopar = shot dead, shot to death
  • tojbwa = killed, put to death, slayed
  • tojbwat = killing victim, person killed, victim of a killing, victim of a slaying
  • tojbyea = deathly, pernicious
  • tojbyean = perniciousness
  • tojbyeay = perniciously
  • tojbyexer = to knock dead

tojbyexlawa -- tojpyexlen

  • tojbyexlawa = beaten to death
  • tojbyexler = to beat fatally, to beat to death
  • tojbyexwa = knocked dead
  • tojbyok = pain of death
  • tojbyox saibyan = gallows
  • tojbyox yuznif = hangman's knot, hangman's rope
  • tojbyox yuznyif = noose
  • tojbyoxem = gallows
  • tojbyoxen = hanging
  • tojbyoxer = to hang
  • tojbyoxut = hangman
  • tojbyoxwa = hanged to death
  • tojdel = death notice
  • tojdin = obit, obituary
  • tojdina = obituarial
  • tojdoparen = lethal shooting
  • tojdoparer = to kill with a gun, to shoot dead
  • tojdoparwa = killed with a gun, shot dead
  • tojea bi tolef = dying of hunger
  • tojea = deceasing, dying, expiring, succumbing
  • tojeat = dying person
  • tojem = place of death
  • tojen = croaking, dying, expiration, succumbing
  • tojer = to croak, to decease, to die, to expire, to pass away, to succumb
  • tojfon = death wish
  • tojfondras = will and testament
  • tojfondrasika = willed
  • tojfonvyayek = probate
  • tojfonvyayeken = probating, probation
  • tojfonvyayekena = probational, probationary
  • tojfonvyayekut = probationer
  • tojfonvyayekwa = probated
  • tojfyetop = wraith
  • tojfyox = deadly sin, mortal sin
  • tojgigoblawa = stabbed to death
  • tojgigobler = to stab to death
  • tojgol = tontine
  • tojgolwoa nasgonuen = tontine
  • Tojikid = Tajik
  • Tojikidaler = to speak Tajik
  • Tojikidalut = Tajik speaker
  • Tojikider = to say in Tajik
  • Tojikim = Tajikistan
  • Tojikima = Tajiki
  • Tojikimat = Tajik, inhabitant of Tajikistan
  • tojjwob = time of death
  • tojketiyea = morbid
  • tojketiyean = morbidity, morbidness
  • tojketiyeay = morbidly
  • tojkexea = predatory
  • tojkexut = predator
  • tojmeg = gravestone, headstone, tombstone
  • tojmegag = dolmen
  • tojmegdras = epitaph
  • tojmira = macabre
  • tojna fyoxun = mortal sin
  • tojna = mortal
  • tojna yodat = mortal enemy
  • tojnay = mortally
  • tojnofaber = to enshroud
  • tojoa = about to die, at death's door, deathly, moribund, mortal
  • tojoat = goner, mortal being
  • tojof = shroud
  • tojota mogi = ashes of the deceased
  • tojpen = dropping dead, falling dead
  • tojper = to drop dead, to fall dead
  • tojpetpyoxar = gambrel
  • tojpexar = death trap
  • tojpexun = deathtrap
  • tojpotab = carcass
  • Tojpu! = Drop dead!
  • tojpuxrawa = shot dead, shot to death
  • tojpuxren = fatal shooting, lethal shooting
  • tojpuxrer = to shoot dead, to shoot to death
  • tojpuxrun = lethal shot
  • tojpyex = deadly blow, deathblow, killing punch, lethal stroke
  • tojpyexen = fatal beating
  • tojpyexer = to strike dead
  • tojpyexlapyexwa = beaten to death
  • tojpyexlen = beating to death

tojpyexlun -- tolarvyilxir vyusobil

  • tojpyexlun = deadly beating, killer hit, lethal blow
  • tojpyexwa = fatally beaten, struck dead
  • tojpyosen = dropping dead
  • tojpyoser = to drop dead, to drop dead unexpectedly
  • tojsum = deathbed
  • tojtab = corpse, dead body
  • tojtabteliut = ghoul
  • tojtabteliutyena = ghoulish
  • tojtabteliutyenan = ghoulishness
  • tojtabteliutyenay = ghoulishly
  • tojtajben = stillbirth
  • tojtajbwa = still-born, stillborn
  • tojtajbwat = still-born baby
  • tojtaxmeg = gravestone, headstone, tombstone
  • tojtepat = numbskull, numskull
  • tojteuv = death mask
  • tojtim = death chamber
  • tojtub = deathday
  • tojtun = necrology, thanatology
  • tojtuna = thanatological
  • tojtunay = thanatologically
  • tojtut = thanatologist
  • tojua = mortal
  • tojuan = mortality
  • tojuat = mortal being
  • tojulteliut = saprophyte
  • tojulteliyea = saprophytic
  • tojux = bane
  • tojuxa = baneful
  • tojvyoekut = daredevil
  • tojxel = bereavement, obsequy
  • tojxelam = mortuary
  • tojxelut = mortician
  • tojya = dead, expired, late
  • tojyakwa = expected to die, on the way out
  • tojyan = deadness
  • tojyat = dead person, deceased, decedent
  • tojyat jeteax = vigil
  • tojyatam = morgue
  • tojyatnyem = casket
  • tojyatyez = necromancy
  • tojyatyezut = necromancer
  • tojyaxen = deadening
  • tojyaxer = to deaden
  • tojyaxwa = deadened
  • tojyena = deadly, death-like, deathlike, moribund
  • tojyignan = rigor mortis
  • tojyuba = near death
  • tojyuf = fear of dying, thanatophobia
  • tojyufa = afraid of death, thanatophobic
  • tojyufat = thanatophobe
  • Tokilim = Tokelau
  • Tokilima = Tokelauan
  • Tokilimat = inhabitant of Tokelau
  • Tokimid = Turkmen
  • Tokimidaler = to speak Turkmen
  • Tokimidalut = Turkmen speaker
  • Tokimider = to say in Turkmen
  • Tokimim = Turkmenistan
  • Tokimima = Turkmeni
  • Tokimimat = Turkmeni, inhabitant of Turkmenistan
  • tol = aliment, food, foodstuff, groceries
  • tola = alimentary, food
  • tolabwas = food topping
  • tolam = grocery store
  • tolampen = grocery shopping
  • tolamper = to go grocery shopping
  • tolamput = grocery shopper
  • tolamut = grocery store clerk
  • tolar = china, dish, eating utensil, piece of china
  • tolar milnov = dishtowel
  • tolar milyeb = dishpan
  • tolar noyv = dishrag
  • tolar vyil = dishwater
  • tolar vyusobil = dish detergent
  • tolarnof = dishcloth
  • tolarsam = china cabinet
  • tolarvyilxen = dish-washing
  • tolarvyilxir = dishwasher
  • tolarvyilxir vyusobil = dishwasher detergent

tolarvyilxut -- tolnuunyan

  • tolarvyilxut = dishwasher
  • tolarvyixim = scullery
  • tolaryan = china, dishes, place setting, silverware, tableware
  • tolaun = dietary component, nutritional item
  • tolbelar = grocery cart
  • tolbyin = source of nutrition
  • tolefag = famine
  • tolefen = starvation
  • toleftoj = death by starvation
  • toleftojea = dying of starvation
  • toleftojen = dying of hunger
  • toleftojer = to die of hunger, to die of starvation
  • toleus = taste
  • toleuser = to taste
  • toleusikan = tastiness
  • toleusoya = insipid, tasteless
  • toleusoyan = insipidness, tastelessness
  • toleusuka = tasteless
  • toleusukan = tastelessness
  • toleuxen = tasting
  • toleuxer = to taste
  • toleuxut = taster
  • tolgab = food additive
  • tolgaben = seasoning
  • tolgaber = to season
  • tolgabuka = seasoning-free
  • tolgabun = dietary supplement, food additive, food topping, nutritional supplement
  • tolgabwa = seasoned
  • Tolgelider = to say in Tagalog
  • tolgran = food surplus
  • tolgron = food deficit, food shortage
  • tolgronag = famine
  • tolien = feeding oneself
  • tolier = to feed oneself
  • Tolihed = Klingon
  • Tolihedaler = to speak Klingon
  • Tolihedalut = Klingon speaker of Klingon
  • Tolisom = East Timor-Leste
  • Tolisoma = from East Timoran
  • Tolisomat = inhabitant of East Timor
  • tolkexen = foraging
  • tolkexer = to forage for food, to seek food
  • tolkexut = forager
  • tolmek sammoys = spice rack
  • tolmek = seasoning, spice
  • tolmekay = spicily
  • tolmekaya = hot, spicy
  • tolmekayan = spiciness
  • tolmekaza = spicy
  • tolmekber = to add spice, to season
  • tolmekbwa = deviled, seasoned
  • tolmekeza = medium-spiced
  • tolmekika = hot, spicy
  • tolmekikan = spiciness
  • tolmekoza = mild
  • tolmekuen = spicing
  • tolmekuer = to season, to spice up
  • tolmekuil = curry
  • tolmekuka = seasoning-free
  • tolmekuwa = spiced
  • tolmekyan = spicery
  • tolmekyena = spicy
  • tolmekyenan = spiciness
  • tolmekyenay = spicily
  • tolmekyom = sherbet
  • tolnam = grocery store
  • tolnamag = supermarket
  • tolnamogut = greengrocer
  • tolnampen = grocery shopping
  • tolnamper = to go grocery shopping
  • tolnamput = grocery shopper
  • tolnamut = grocer, grocery clerk
  • tolnaz = nutritional value
  • tolneam = food storehouse
  • tolneun = food reserve
  • tolnien = demand for food consumption
  • tolnif = bulk
  • tolnuen = catering, food supply
  • tolnuer = to cater
  • tolnuunyan = foodstuffs, provisions

tolnuut -- tomsanokya

  • tolnuut = caterer, food supplier
  • tolnuxgab = food tax
  • tolnuyunyan = groceries
  • tolnyad = food chain
  • tolnyef = grocery bag, grocery sack
  • tolnyexut = manciple
  • toloyser = to be deprived of food, to go hungry, to go without food
  • toloyxen = food deprivation
  • toloyxer = to deprive of food
  • tolpar = grocery cart
  • tolsam = food buffet
  • tolsyeb = cooking pot, pan, pot
  • tolsyeb grun = pothook
  • tolsyebbexar = potholder
  • tolsyebik = potful
  • toltun = dietetics, food science, nutritional science, tophology
  • toltuna = dietary, tophological
  • toltuna vyayab = dietary regime
  • toltut = nutritionist, tophologist
  • toluar = feeder
  • toluem = feedlot
  • toluen = alimentation, feeding, nourishing, nourishment, nurturing, sustentation
  • toluer = to feed, to nourish, to nurture
  • toluk = food deprivation
  • tolukag = famine, massive starvation
  • tolum = food stall
  • tolun = nutrient
  • toluus = sustenance
  • toluwa = fed, nourished, nurtured
  • toluyea = nourishing, nurturing, nutrient, nutritious, nutritive
  • toluyean = nutritiousness
  • toluyeay = nutritiously
  • tolvob = food crop, potherb
  • tolvolzbil = colorant
  • tolvyayab = diet
  • tolvyayaba = diet, dietary, dietetic
  • tolvyayabea = dieting
  • tolvyayaber = to be on a diet
  • tolvyayabtun = dietetics
  • tolvyayabtut = dietician, dietitian
  • tolvyayabut = dieter
  • tolyan = foodstuffs, groceries, provisions
  • tolyanamut = grocer
  • tolyeb = casserole, pan
  • tolyebien = food intake
  • tolyebkexer = to pan
  • tolyebof = grocery bag
  • tolyebtuyar = panhandle
  • tolyebtuyarmem = panhandle
  • tolzeyn = foodstuff, sustenance
  • tolzyakexer = to scrounge for food
  • tom = building, edifice
  • tomag = hi-rise
  • tomaun = apartment unit, flat, unit
  • tomaundet = apartment mate, flat mate, flatmate, roommate
  • tomaundeten = sharing a flat
  • tomaundeter = to share a flat
  • tomaunog = flatlet
  • tomaunyan = apartment building, apartment complex, compound, residence
  • tomaz = fort
  • tombeaxut = concierge
  • tombekut = caretaker, concierge, janitor
  • tombeut = landlord
  • tombeuyt = landlady
  • tombexlut = janitor, superintendent
  • tomekuwa = seasoned
  • tommeg = building block
  • tomnab = row of buildings
  • tomnyan = block, cluster of buildings
  • tomof = pavilion
  • tomofem = camp
  • tomofemxen = encamping
  • tomofemxer = to encamp
  • tomofemxwa = encamped
  • tomsan = structure
  • tomsana = structural
  • tomsanokea = breaking down
  • tomsanoken = breakdown, breaking down, dilapidation
  • tomsanoker = to break down, to dilapidate, to waste away
  • tomsanokya = broken down, dilapidated

tomsanokya pur -- toodtejtun

  • tomsanokya pur = jalopy
  • tomsanxen = structuring
  • tomsanxut = structurer
  • tomsanxwa = structured
  • tomsexem = construction site
  • tomsexen = building, construction
  • tomsexen yextun = construction engineering
  • tomsexen yextut = construction engineer
  • tomsexer = to build, to construct
  • tomsexut = builder
  • tomsexwas = construction, edifice
  • tomub = building wing
  • tomules = top particle
  • tomxea = constructive
  • tomxeay = constructively
  • tomxen = building, construction, edification
  • tomxer = to build
  • tomxut = constructor
  • tomxwa = build, constructed
  • tomxwas = edifice
  • tomxyofwa = indestructible
  • tomxyofwan = indestructibility
  • tomyan = building complex
  • tomyuxut = valet
  • tonak = t, ton
  • tonaksag = tonnage
  • Tonid = Tonga
  • Tonida = in Tonga
  • Tonidaler = to speak Tonga
  • Tonidalut = speaker of Tonga
  • Tonider = to say in Tonga
  • Tonim = Tonga
  • Tonima = Tongaan
  • Tonimat = inhabitant of Tonga
  • toob = gender, sex
  • tooba = gender-related, sexual
  • tooba tiibilnad tyed = agnate
  • toobin = sexism
  • toobina = sexist
  • toobinut = sexist
  • toobvia = hunky
  • toobyena = butch
  • tood = ethnic group, race
  • tooda deuz = ethnic song
  • tooda deuzen = ethnic singing
  • tooda deuzut = ethnic singer
  • tooda din = ethnic story
  • tooda dinyan = ethnic storytelling
  • tooda duz = ethnic music
  • tooda = ethnic, racial
  • tooda ogelan = racial difference
  • tooda vyizan = racial purity
  • tooda yonbexen = racial segregation
  • tooda yonsiyn = sexual characteric
  • toodaajuntun = ethnoarchaeology
  • toodaajuntuna = ethnoarchaeological
  • toodaajuntut = ethnoarchaeologist
  • Toodaler = to speak Tonga
  • toodan = ethnicity
  • toodat = member of a race
  • tooday = ethnically, racially
  • tooday eynmulxwa = racially mixed, racially-mixed
  • tooday gelsauna = racially homogeneous
  • tooday ogela = racially different
  • tooday vyira = racially pure
  • Tooder = to say in Tonga
  • toodfobtun = ethnobotany
  • toodfobtuna = ethnobotanical
  • toodfobtut = ethnobotanist
  • toodin = racialism, racism
  • toodina = racialist, racist
  • toodinay = racially
  • toodindren = ethnography
  • toodindrena = ethnographic, ethnographical
  • toodindrut = ethnographer
  • toodinut = racialist, racist
  • toodmeltun = ethnogeography
  • toodmeltuna = ethnogeographic
  • toodmeltut = ethnogeographer
  • toodtejtun = ethnobiography

toodtejtuna -- topteasa

  • toodtejtuna = ethnobiographic, ethnobiographical
  • toodtejtut = ethnobiographer
  • toodtun = ethnology
  • toodtuna = ethnological
  • toodtunay = ethnologically
  • toodtut = ethnologist
  • toodyanmulxwa = mutt
  • toodzena = ethnocentric
  • toodzenan = ethnocentricity
  • toodzenin = ethnocentrism
  • toodzenina = ethnocentristic
  • toodzeninut = ethnocentrist
  • toof = attire, clothes, vestment, vesture
  • toofsam = clothes dresser
  • toofum = clothes closet
  • toofwa = attired, clothed
  • toofxen = clothing, dressing
  • toofxer = to clothe, to dress
  • toofxwa = attired, clothed, dressed
  • toofyan = clothing
  • tooja = defunct
  • toom = habitat, habitation, lodging
  • tooma = domestic, habitational
  • toomxen = domestication, habituation
  • toomxer = to domesticate, to habituate
  • toomxwa = domesticated, habituated
  • toomyena = home-like
  • toop = animus, soul
  • toopaxul = androgen
  • toopaxula = androgenic
  • toopika = animated, soulful
  • toopuka = soulless
  • toos = instinct
  • toosa = instinctual
  • toosay = instintually
  • tooser = to have an instinct
  • toosyea = instinctive
  • toosyean = instinctiveness
  • toosyeay = instiinctively
  • tooyb = female
  • tooyba = female, feminine
  • tooyba teuzuen = female suffrage
  • tooyban = femaleness
  • tooybay = femininely
  • tooybyena = effeminate, female-ish, feminine
  • tooybyena twob = cockney
  • tooybyenan = effeminacy, femininity
  • tooybyenay = effeminately
  • tooybyenwat = sissy
  • tooygon = pistil
  • top = animus, soul, spirit
  • topa bak = spiritual health
  • topa ozan = spiritual weakness
  • topa = spiritual, unworldly
  • topagala = magnanimous, mahatma
  • topan = spirituality, unworldliness
  • topay baka = spiritually healthy, spiritually sound
  • topay = spiritually
  • topaya = soulful
  • topayan = soulfulness
  • topbak = psychic health
  • topbyok = phantom pain
  • topdin = ghost story
  • Topid = Tok Pisin
  • topika = animated, soulful
  • topikan = soulfulness
  • topikay = soulfully
  • topin = animism, spiritism, spiritualism
  • topina = animist, animistic, spiritualistic
  • topot = simian
  • topota = simian
  • topotag = great ape, hominid
  • topotan = spookiness
  • topotog = hylobatid, lesser ape
  • topotyena = ape-like, ghostly, hominoid, simian-like, spooky
  • topotyenan = ghostliness, spookiness
  • topoya = soulless
  • topoyan = soullessness
  • topteas = specter
  • topteasa = spectral

topuka -- tospanoyan

  • topuka = soulless
  • topukan = soullessness
  • topukay = soullessly
  • topyot = great ape
  • torodwut = bey
  • Toroyun = Turkish lira
  • torte = torte
  • tortellini = tortellini
  • tortilla = tortilla
  • tortoni = tortoni
  • tos = feeling, sensation, sense
  • -tos = -pathy
  • tosa = sensorial, sensory
  • tosag = sensation
  • tosaga = sensational
  • tosagan = sensationalism
  • tosagaxen = sensationalizing
  • tosagaxer = to sensationalize
  • tosagaxwa = sensationalized
  • tosagay = sensationally
  • tosar = sense, sensor
  • tosden = expression of feeling
  • tosder = to express feeling
  • tosen = feeling, sensation
  • toser = to feel, to sense
  • tosien = feeling, perception, sensation, sensing
  • tosier = to feel, to get the feeling, to perceive, to sense
  • tosif = cheer
  • tosifa = cheerful
  • tosifan = cheerfulness
  • tosifay = cheerfully
  • tosifla = gleeful, jubilant, rhapsodic, rhapsodical, thrilled
  • tosiflan = glee, rhapsody, thrill
  • tosiflaser = to be thrilled, to feel jubilant
  • tosiflaxen = making jubilant, thrilling
  • tosiflaxer = to make jubilant, to thrill
  • tosiflaxwa = overjoyed, thrilled
  • tosiflay = gleefully, rhapsodically
  • tosifra = ecstatic-feeling
  • tosifran = ecstasy
  • tosifraser = to become ecstatic, to go into rapture
  • tosifraxen = making ecstatic, sending into rapture
  • tosifraxer = to make ecstatic, to send into rapture
  • tosifraxwa = enraptured
  • tosifray = ecstatically
  • tosifser = to cheer up
  • tosifxen = cheering up
  • tosifxer = to cheer up
  • tosifxwa = cheered up
  • tosiun = sensation
  • tosiva = ebullient
  • tosivay = ebulliently
  • tosiyea = perceptive
  • tosiyean = perceptivity
  • tosiyeay = perceptively
  • tosiyn = cross
  • Tosod = Tsonga
  • Tosodaler = to speak Tsonga
  • Tosodalut = Tsonga speaker
  • Tosoder = to say in Tsonga
  • Tosonid = Tswana
  • Tosonidaler = to speak Tswana
  • Tosonidalut = Tswana speaker
  • Tosonider = to say in Tswana
  • tospaaxea = exciting
  • tospaaxen = excitement
  • tospaaxer = to excite
  • tospaaxwa = excited
  • tospaaxway = excitedly
  • tospan = emotion
  • tospana = emotional, emotive
  • tospanan = emotivity
  • tospaner = to emote
  • tospaniea = getting excited
  • tospanier = to get excited
  • tospanika = emotional
  • tospanikan = emotionality
  • tospanikay = emotionally
  • tospanoya = emotion-less, impassive, stolid, unemotional
  • tospanoyan = emotionless, impassiveness, impassivity, stolidity, stolidness

tospanoyma -- totava

  • tospanoyma = stony
  • tospanoymay = stonily
  • tospanser = to emotionalize
  • tospanuar = stimulus
  • tospanuen = stimulation
  • tospanuer = to move, to stimulate
  • tospanuka = emotion-less, impassive, stolid, unemotional
  • tospanukan = emotionless, impassiveness, impassivity, stolidity, stolidness
  • tospanukay = impassively, stolidly, unemotionally
  • tospanuul = stimulant
  • tospanuus = stimulator, stimulus
  • tospanuusi = stimuli
  • tospanuwa = moved, stimulated
  • tospanuyea = moving, stimulating, stimulative
  • tospanuyeay = movingly
  • tospanyen = emotionalism
  • tospaxea = stirring
  • tospaxeay = stirringly
  • tostea saxwat = sentient creature
  • tostea sut = sentient being
  • tostean = sentience
  • tostub = antenna
  • tostubi = antennae
  • tostubsyob = scape
  • tosuen = insspiration, sensitization, sensitizing
  • tosuer = to engender feelings, to inspire, to make feel, to sensitize
  • tosuka = empty of sentiment, insensate, unfeeling
  • tosukan = lack of feeling
  • tosukay = unfeelingly
  • tosun = feeling, sensation, something felt
  • tosuwa = inspired, made to feel, sensitized
  • toswa = felt, sensed
  • tosyaf = ability to feel, sensibility
  • tosyafa = sensible
  • tosyafa tob = sensible person
  • tosyafan = sensibleness
  • tosyafwa = sensitive
  • tosyafwan = sensitiveness, sensitivity
  • tosyafway = sensitively
  • tosyea = sensitive
  • tosyean = sensitiveness, sensitivity
  • tosyeay = sensitively
  • tosyebix = compulsion
  • tosyebixwa = compulsive
  • tosyebixwan = compulsiveness
  • tosyebixway = compulsively
  • tosyebux = impulse
  • tosyebuxen = impulsion
  • tosyebuxwa = impulsive
  • tosyebuxwan = impulsiveness
  • tosyebuxway = impulsively
  • tosyigza = poignant
  • tosyigzan = poignancy
  • tosyigzay = poignantly
  • tosyikwa nod = tender spot
  • tosyofa = insensitive, numb, unable to feel
  • tosyofan = inability to feel, insensitivity, numbness
  • tosyofwa = numb
  • tosyofwan = numbness
  • tosyofway = numbly
  • tosyofxea = anesthetizing, numbing
  • tosyofxen = anesthesia, anesthetization
  • tosyofxentun = anesthesiology
  • tosyofxentut = anesthesiologist
  • tosyofxer = to anesthesize, to anesthetize, to narcotize, to numb
  • tosyofxul = anesthetic, anesthetizing agent, narcotic, numbing agent
  • tosyofxut = anesthesist, anesthetist
  • tosyofxwa = anesthetized, narcotized, numbed
  • tosyuga = sensitive
  • tosyugan = sensitivity
  • tosyugay = sensitively
  • tot = deity, god, supreme being
  • Tot = God
  • Tot ha Fyaa Top = God the Holy Spirit
  • Tot ha Twed = God the Father
  • Tot ha Twud = God the Son
  • tota = divine
  • totam = house of God, place of worship
  • totan = deity, divinity, godhood
  • totava = pro-God

totay -- totion

  • totay = divinely
  • totbik = providence
  • totbika = providential
  • totbikay = providentially
  • totbikuay = providently
  • totbikuea = provident
  • totdab = theocracy
  • totdaba = theocratic
  • totdabut = theocrat
  • totdeb = theocrat
  • totdilim = chapel
  • totdin = myth, tale of the gods
  • totdina = mythic, mythical
  • totdintun = mythology
  • totdintuna = mythological
  • totdintunay = mythologically
  • totdintut = mythologist
  • totdinut = myth-teller
  • totdinxen = mythologizing
  • totdinxer = to mythologize
  • totdinxwa = mythologized
  • totdun = gospel, hadith, word of God
  • totdura = oracular
  • totduribut = oracle
  • toteb = godhead
  • toted = godparent
  • Totem = Heaven
  • totem = heaven, paradise
  • totem meysi = gates of heaven, gates of paradise
  • totema = heavenly, paradisaic, paradisaical, supernal
  • totemat = celestial being, creature of paradise, heavenly creature, heavenly host
  • totemben = sending to heaven
  • totember = to send to heaven
  • totembwa = sent to heaven
  • totempen = going to heaven
  • totemper = to go to heaven
  • totemyena = beatific, heavenly, paradisaic
  • totemyenay = beatifically
  • totemyeper = to enter the gates of heaven
  • toteyd = godmother
  • totfiddeuz = doxology
  • totfyodwa = doggone, doggoned, goddamned
  • tothyamsea = immanent
  • tothyamseay = immanently
  • tothyamsen = immanence, immanency
  • totifa = god-loving
  • totifon = love of god
  • totifra = god-worshiping
  • totifram = church, house of worship, mosque, temple
  • totiframpen = church-going, churchgoing
  • totiframper = to attend church, to go to church
  • totiframput = church-goer, churchgoer
  • totiframputyan = congregation
  • totiframputyana = congregational
  • totiframputyanin = congregationalism
  • totifrawa = worshiped
  • totifrea = worshipful
  • totifrem = worship site
  • totifren = worship, worshiping
  • totifrer = to worship a deity, to worship god
  • totifrut = worshiper
  • totijber = to abort
  • totil = nectar
  • totin = deism, religion, theism
  • totina = deistic, religious, theistic
  • totinab = the church
  • totinan = religiousness
  • totinatyan = religious community
  • totinay = religiously
  • totinduidyes = catechism
  • totineb = priest
  • totineva = secular
  • totinevan = secularism
  • totinevat = secularist
  • totintuxer = to catechize
  • totintuxut = catechist
  • totinut = deist, religious person, theist
  • totinvader = to religionize
  • totinxer = to religionize
  • totion = three gods in one, trinity

Totion -- toxyafway

  • Totion = Trinity
  • Totiona = Trinitarian
  • totipyijay = disingenuously
  • totizbex = providence
  • totizbexeay = providently
  • Totkebiwa = chosen by God
  • totlobexwa = godforsaken
  • totmir = heaven, world of the gods
  • totmira = celestial, heavenly
  • totmiray = celestially, heavenly
  • totmiryena = celestial, heavenly
  • Totoduz = calypso
  • totol = ambrosia
  • totola = ambrosial
  • Totom = Trinidad and Tobago
  • Totoma = Trinidadian
  • Totomat = Trinidadian, inhabitant of Trinidad and Tobago
  • totoya = godless
  • totoyan = godlessness
  • totsin = idol
  • totsinifrawa = idolized
  • totsinifren = idol worship, idol-worship, idolatry, idolization
  • totsinifrer = to idolize
  • totsinifrut = idol worshiper, idol-worshiper
  • totteas = epiphany
  • totten = theosophy
  • tottena = theosophic, theosophical
  • tottinyuvxwa = bible-thumping, churchy, pietistic
  • tottinyuvxwat = bible-basher, bible-thumper, superpious person
  • tottoxwa = godforsaken
  • tottun = theology
  • tottuna = theological
  • tottut = theologian, theosophist
  • Tottwasyanina = Gnostic
  • Tottwud = Son of God
  • totud = godchild
  • totuf = hatred of God
  • totufa = god-hating
  • totufat = god-hater
  • totujber = to smite
  • totuka = godless
  • totukan = godlessness
  • totuyd = goddaughter
  • totwed = godfather
  • totwud = godson
  • totxen = deification
  • totxer = to deify
  • totxwa = deified
  • totyan = pantheon
  • totyena = divine, godlike, godly
  • totyenan = divinity, godliness
  • totyenay = divinely
  • totyuf = fear of God
  • Totyufa = God-fearing
  • totyufat = god-fearing person
  • totyuxler = to serve God
  • totyuxlut = idolator, priest, servant of God
  • toutoda = Altaic
  • tovsam = chest
  • Towid = Twi
  • Towidaler = to speak Twi
  • Towidalut = Twi speaker
  • Towider = to say in Twi
  • Towunim = Taiwan
  • Towunima = Taiwanese
  • Towunimat = Taiwanese, inhabitant of Taiwan
  • tox = oblivion
  • toxean = oblivion, obliviousness
  • toxeay = obliviously
  • toxen = forgetting
  • toxer = to forget
  • Toxu is! = Never mind!
  • toxun = oversight
  • toxwa = forgotten
  • toxwas = forgotten item
  • toxwasim = lost-and-found
  • toxwaxen = amnesty
  • toxyafwa = forgettable
  • toxyafwan = forgettability
  • toxyafway = forgettably

toxyea -- toydxen

  • toxyea = forgetful
  • toxyean = forgetfulness
  • toxyeay = forgetfully
  • toxyefwa = forgettable, worthy of being forgotten
  • toxyefwan = forgettableness
  • toxyikwa = hard-to-forget
  • toxyofwa = unforgettable
  • toxyofwan = unforgettableness
  • toxyukwa = easily-forgotten
  • toyb tofabim = boudoir
  • toyb vyoekdezen = female impersonation, playing a drag queen
  • toyb vyoekdezun = drag queen show
  • toyb vyoekdezut = drag queen, female impersonator
  • toyb = woman
  • toyba = womanhood
  • toybbaktun = gynecology
  • toybbaktuna = gynecologic, gynecological
  • toybbaktunay = gynecologically
  • toybbaktut = gynecologist
  • toybbik = obstetrics
  • toybbika = obstetric, obstetrical
  • toybbikut = obstetrician
  • toybboktun = gynecopathy
  • toybboktuna = gynecopathic
  • toybboktut = gynecopath
  • toybdab = gynecocracy gynarchy
  • toybdaba = gynarchic, gynecocratic
  • toybdeb = gynarch, gynecocrat
  • toybet = gal, girl, lass, lassie, maiden
  • toybetan = girlhood, maidenhood
  • toybetyena = girlish, girly
  • toybetyenan = girlishness
  • toybetyenay = girlishly, maidenly
  • toybeymir = demimonde
  • toybeymirayt = demimondaine
  • toybi = womenfolk
  • toybifa = feminist, pro-woman
  • toybifin = feminism
  • toybifina = feminist, pro-woman
  • toybifinut = feminist
  • toybifoneken = philandering
  • toybifoneker = to philander
  • toybifonekut = philanderer
  • toybifut = womanizer
  • toybil = human milk, mothers milk
  • toybin = feminism
  • toybina = feminist
  • toybinut = feminist
  • toybkexea = woman-seeking
  • toybkexen = seeking out women
  • toybkexut = woman-seeker
  • toybkof = purdah
  • toybnoyv = sanitary napkin
  • toybob = infant girl
  • toybot = infant daughter
  • toybtwobsana = gynandromorphous
  • toybtwobyena = gynandrous
  • toybuf = futz, misogyny
  • toybufa = misogynous, woman-hating
  • toybufat = misogynist
  • toybufen = woman-hating
  • toybufin = misogyny
  • toybufina = misogynistic
  • toybufinut = misogynist
  • toybyan = womankind
  • toybyekuen = womanizing
  • toybyekuer = to womanize
  • toybyekuut = womanizer
  • toybyena = feminine, ladylike, queeny, sissified, womanish, womanlike
  • toybyenan = femininity, womanliness
  • toybyenay = womanly
  • toybyig = virago
  • toybyog = molly
  • toybzoigpen = woman-chasing, womanizing
  • toybzoigper = to womanize
  • toybzoigput = woman-chaser
  • toyd = household
  • toyda = domestic
  • toyday = domestically
  • toydxen = domestication, taming

toydxer -- truwan

  • toydxer = to domesticate, to tame
  • toydxwa = domesticated, tamed
  • toyja = defunct
  • toyjadea = deprecating
  • toyjaden = deprecating, deprecation
  • toyjader = to deprecate
  • toyjadwa = deprecated
  • toyjasea = going defunct
  • toyjaser = to go defunct
  • toyl = nourishment, nutrition
  • toyla = nutritional, nutritive
  • toylay = nutritionally
  • toylien = nourishing
  • toylier = to nourish oneself
  • toym = dwelling
  • toymer = to dwell
  • toys = aura, hint, inkling, intimation, vague feeling, vibe
  • toysien = perception
  • toysiena = perceptual
  • toysienay = perceptually
  • toysier = to get a vibe, to perceive
  • toysiyafwa = perceptible
  • toysiyafwan = perceptibly
  • toysiyea = perceptive
  • toysiyean = perceptivity
  • toysiyeay = perceptively
  • toysiyofwa = imperceptible
  • toysiyofwan = imperceptibility
  • toysiyofway = imperceptibly
  • toysyyofa = imperceptive
  • toyt = diva, goddess, she-God
  • toyuzubok = hemorrhoids
  • toz = complexion, hair, skin
  • toza = complected, complexion, complexional, complexioned
  • Tozam = Tanzania
  • Tozama = Tanzanian
  • Tozamat = Tanzanian, inhabitant of Tanzania
  • trawa = familiar, known, recognized
  • trawan = familiarity, recognizability
  • trawas = something familiar
  • trawasea = becoming known
  • trawaser = to become known
  • trawasyan = collection of familiar things, familiar landscape
  • trawat = familiar person, known person
  • trawaxen = familiarization
  • trea = familiar, knowledgeable, recognizant, recognizing
  • trean = familiarity, recognizance
  • treay = familiarly, recognizably
  • tref = curiosity, interest
  • trefa = curious, interested
  • trefer = to be curious, to be interested in, to have an interest in
  • trefier = to become curious about, to take an interest in
  • trefser = to take an interest in
  • trefuer = to instill an interest in, to intrigue
  • trefxea = interesting, intriguing
  • trefxeay = interestingly
  • trefxer = to make one curious
  • trefxus = something of interest, thing of interest
  • trefxwa = interested
  • trekdopar = phaser
  • tren = being acquainted, being familiar, knowing by face, recognition, recognizing
  • trer = to be acquainted with, to be familiar with, to know by face, to recognize
  • triea = becoming acquainted with, becoming familiar, getting to know
  • trien = acquaintance, familiarization, getting acquainted, getting to know
  • trier = to acquaint oneself with, to become acquainted with, to familiarize oneself with, to get to know
  • triwa = up-to-date
  • triyaf = ability to recognize
  • triyikwa = hard to get to know
  • trom = domain, estate
  • troma = belonging to a private estate
  • trubadur = troubadour
  • Trubadurduz = alba
  • truea = introducing, introductory
  • truen = acquaintance, familiarization, introducing, introduction
  • truer = to acquaint, to familiarize, to introduce
  • trunyan = body of knowledge
  • truun = introduction
  • truut = introducer
  • truwa = acquainted, familiarized, introduced
  • truwan = acquaintanceship

truwat -- tudbekut

  • truwat = acquaintance, someone already introduced
  • truwatan = acquaintanceship
  • tryafwa = recognizable
  • tryafwan = recognizability
  • tryafway = recognizably
  • tryitofaniyn = tryptophanine
  • tryof = inability to recognize
  • tryofwaxen = masking
  • tryofwaxer = to make unrecognizable, to mask
  • tryofwaxwa = masked
  • tryukwa = easily recognizable
  • tsar = czar, tsar
  • tsarapden = ukase
  • tsarevic = czarevitch
  • tsarina = czarist
  • tsayr = czarina
  • tswar = czar
  • tu- = prefix for "grand" in kindship descendants
  • tuab dopar = shoulder gun, shoulder weapon
  • tuab = humerus, shoulder
  • tuaba = humeral
  • tuababeler dudyef = to shoulder responsibility
  • tuababeler = to carry on one's shoulders, to shoulder
  • tuababwa = piggyback, piggybacked
  • tuabaoxen = shimmying
  • tuabaoxer = to shimmy
  • tuabapen = piggybacking
  • tuabexen = shouldering
  • tuabexer = to hold on one's shoulders, to shoulder
  • tuabexwa = shouldered
  • tuabnyef = satchel, shoulder bag
  • tuabof = tippet
  • tuabtaol = chuck
  • tuabzogon = scapula
  • tuabzogona = scapular
  • tuaf = shoulder pad
  • tuafvisiyn = epaulette
  • tualk = Ta, tantalum
  • tuav = shawl
  • tuaxen = shrugging shoulders
  • tuaxer = to shrug one's shoulders
  • tuayv = shawl
  • tub = arm, brace
  • tub yuznof = armband
  • tuba = brachial
  • tubalk = Tb, terbium
  • tubaxen = flailing, swinging
  • tubaxer = to flail
  • tubazyuj = hammerlock
  • tubbol = armrest
  • tubglan = armful
  • tubkyis = armload
  • tubsim = armchair
  • tubuken = winging
  • tubuker = to wing
  • tubyog = stub, stump
  • tubyujlen = keylock
  • tubyuxok = paraplegia
  • tubyuxokya = paraplegic
  • tubyuxokyat = paraplegic
  • tubyuzen = cuddling, embracing, hugging
  • tubyuzer = to cuddle, to embrace, to hug
  • tubyuzwa = cuddled
  • tubyuzyea = cuddly
  • tubyuzyuben = folding one's arms
  • tubyuzyuber = to fold one's arms
  • tubzyeg = armhole, armpit
  • tubzyus = armlet
  • tucalk = Tc, technetium
  • tud = child, offspring, scion
  • tuda = filial
  • tudagxen = raising children
  • tudagxer = to raise children
  • tudal = exposé
  • tudalen = expounding
  • tudaler = to expound
  • tudalut = expounder
  • tudalwa = expounded
  • tudbeka = pediatric
  • tudbekut = pediatrician

tudbikuuyt -- tudxut

  • tudbikuuyt = nanny
  • tudet apaxov = baby wipe
  • tudet = baby, infant, toddler, tyke
  • tudet belar = baby buggy, baby carriage, baby coach, baby sling, pram
  • tudet dal = baby talk
  • tudet deuzun = lullaby
  • tudet dyes = baby book
  • tudet dyun = baby name, pet name
  • tudet igzyax = baby boom
  • tudet igzyaxat = baby-boomer
  • tudet ilbiov = baby diaper
  • tudet ilyeb = nursing bottle
  • tudet sim = high chair
  • tudet tel = baby food
  • tudet teupib = baby tooth
  • tudet tof = baby clothes, baby wear
  • tudet tojnag = infant mortality
  • tudet tyopas = baby step
  • tudet zateb = baby face
  • tudeta bok = infant disease
  • tudeta = infantile
  • tudetan = babyhood, infancy
  • tudetaxlen = acting like a kid
  • tudetaxler = to act like a kid
  • tudetbelea = childbearing
  • tudetbik = infant care
  • tudetbikam = infant care facility, nursery
  • tudetbiken = babysitting
  • tudetbiker = to babysit
  • tudetbikut = baby-sitter, babysitter
  • tudetbikuuyt = nursemaid
  • tudetdal = baby talk
  • tudeten = babying
  • tudeter = to baby
  • tudeteyof = bib
  • tudeti = children
  • tudetog = bambino, little baby
  • tudetpar = baby buggy, pram
  • tudetpixlawa = kidnapped
  • tudetpixlen = baby snatching, kidnapping
  • tudetpixler = to kidnap
  • tudetpixlut = baby snatcher, kidnapper
  • tudetsim = highchair
  • tudetsum = baby bed
  • tudettajben = childbirth
  • tudettojben = infanticide
  • tudettojbena = infanticidal
  • tudettojbut = baby-killer, infanticide
  • tudetvaka = baby-proof, baby-safe
  • tudetwa = babied
  • tudetyena = baby-like, babyish, infantile
  • tudetyenan = infantility
  • tudetyenay = like a baby
  • tudetyokgax = baby boom
  • tudetyokgaxat = baby boomer
  • tudi = children
  • tudifbien = adoption
  • tudifbier = to adopt
  • tudifbiut = adopter
  • tudifbiwa = adopted
  • tudifbiyafwa = adoptable
  • tudifekem = children's playground
  • tudifon = pederasty
  • tudifut = pederast
  • tudika = prolific
  • tudikay = prolifically
  • tudoya = childless
  • tudoyan = childlessness
  • tudufxut = bogeyman
  • tuduka = childless
  • tudukan = childlessness
  • tudvaka = child-proof, child-safe, childproof
  • tudxen = generation, procreation, reproduction
  • tudxena = generational, procreational
  • tudxenay = generationally, procreationally
  • tudxer = to generate, to procreate, to produce offspring, to reproduce
  • tudxeyn ebuk = generation gap
  • tudxeyn = generation
  • tudxeyna = generational
  • tudxut = procreator

tudxwa -- tuj til

  • tudxwa = generated, procreated
  • tudxyea = generative, procreative
  • tudyan = offspring
  • tudyanxyofwa = irreproducible
  • tudyanxyofwan = irreproducibility
  • tudyena = childish, childlike
  • tudyenan = childishness
  • tuea = informing, notifying
  • tueb = biceps, upper arm
  • tuebaeb = bicep, biceps
  • tuelk = Tl, tellurium
  • tuen = informing, notification, notifying
  • tuer = to inform, to let know, to make aware, to notify, to tip off
  • tuf = shirtsleeve, sleeve
  • tufika = sleeved
  • tufoya = sleeveless
  • tufuka = sleeveless
  • tufuka tif = jerkin
  • tufuka tyoyf = gymslip
  • tuhelk = Th, thorium
  • tuib = elbow
  • tuib yanar = elbow joint
  • tuibaxen = elbowing, nudging
  • tuibaxer = to elbow, to nudge
  • tuibaxwa = elbowed, nudged
  • tuien = communicating, communication, communications
  • tuien siryan = communications equipment
  • tuien zeyn = communications medium
  • tuien zyemep = communication channel
  • tuier = to communicate
  • tuij = state of wakefulness and sleep
  • tuijen = sleeping and waking, tossing and turning
  • tuijen zyus = sleep-wake cycle
  • tuijer = to sleep and wake, to toss-and-turn
  • tuijper = to toss and turn
  • tuil = sauce
  • tuilar = saucer
  • tuilaya = saucy
  • tuilayan = sauciness
  • tuilben = adding sauce, saucing
  • tuilber = to add sauce
  • tuilbwa = sauced
  • tuilika = saucy
  • tuilikan = sauciness
  • tuilk = Ti, titanium
  • tuilyeb = sauce pan, saucepan
  • tuin = hunch
  • -tuin = theory
  • tuina = theoretical
  • tuinay = theoretically
  • tuinden = theorization, theorizing
  • tuinder = to theorize
  • tuindeyn = theorem
  • tuindut = theoretician, theorist
  • tuindwa = theorized
  • tuinier = to adopt a theory, to espouse a theory
  • tuinxen = theorizing
  • tuinxer = to theorize
  • tuinxut = theorist
  • tuinxwa = theorized
  • tuit = theoretician
  • tuius = communique
  • tuiut = communicant, communicator
  • tuiwa = communicated
  • tuiyafwa = communicable
  • tuiyafwan = communicability
  • tuiyafway = communicably
  • tuiyea = communicative
  • tuiyean = communicativeness
  • tuiz = kitsch
  • tuizyena = kitschy
  • tuj bekul = sleep medicine
  • tuj bekzyunog = sleeping pill, soporific
  • tuj deuz = lullaby
  • tuj- = hypno-, somni-
  • tuj nyef = sleeping bag
  • tuj = shuteye, sleep, slumber
  • tuj taf = dressing-gown
  • tuj tiexyik = sleep apnea
  • tuj til = nightcap

tuj yagsim -- tujefer

  • tuj yagsim = sleep sofa
  • tuj yuxus = sleep aid
  • tuj zyus = sleep cycle
  • tuja aman = latent heat
  • tuja = asleep, dormant, latent
  • tuja bi tolef = dead of hunger
  • tuja seux = muffled sound
  • tuja tiexyof = sleep apnea
  • tujam = dorm, dormitory
  • tujamdet = dorm mate, dormitory mate
  • tujamtim = dorm room
  • tujan = dormancy, latency, sleep state
  • tujaxen = anesthetizing
  • tujaxer = to anesthetize
  • tujaxul = anesthetic
  • tujaxut = anesthetist
  • tujaxwa = anesthetized
  • tujbaren = crushing to death
  • tujbek = hypnotherapy
  • tujbeka = hypno-therapeutic
  • tujbekut = hypnotherapist
  • tujben = putting to sleep
  • tujbena = hypnotic
  • tujber = to put to sleep
  • tujbok = sleep disorder, sleep sickness
  • tujbus = sleep inducer
  • tujbyea = hypnotic, somniferous, soporific
  • tujbyeay = soporifically
  • tujbyex = knock-out
  • tujbyexen = knocking out
  • tujbyexer = to knock out cold, to knock unconscious
  • tujbyexwa = knocked out, knocked out cold
  • tujdalen = somniloquy
  • tujdalut = somniloquist
  • tujdat = bedmate, sleeping partner
  • tujdet = bedmate, sleep mate, sleep partner
  • tujdeten = sleeping over
  • tujdeter = to sleep over
  • tujdin = dream
  • tujdin mir = dream world, dream-land, dream-world, dreamland, dreamworld
  • tujdina = chimeric, chimerical
  • tujdinan = dreaminess
  • tujdinem = dream scape, dream world
  • tujdinen = reverie
  • tujdiner = to dream
  • tujdinut = dreamer
  • tujdinwa = dreamed
  • tujdinyena = dream-like, dreamlike, dreamy
  • tujdul = hypnosis
  • tujdulen = hypnosis, hypnotization
  • tujduler = to hypnotize
  • tujdulut = hypnotist
  • tujdulwa = hypnotized
  • tujdulyea = hypnotic
  • tujea = asleep, dormant, sleeping
  • tujea magyazmel = dormant volcano
  • tujean = dormancy
  • tujeaz dal = dream language
  • tujeaz = dream
  • tujeaz mir = dream world, dream-land, dream-world, dreamland, dreamworld
  • tujeaz pon = dream vacation
  • tujeaz yexes = dreamjob
  • tujeazem = dream scape, dreamland
  • tujeazen = dreaming
  • tujeazer = to dream
  • tujeaztyopea = dreamwalking
  • tujeaztyopen = dreamwalking
  • tujeaztyoper = to dreamwalk
  • tujeaztyoput = dreamwalker
  • tujeazut = dreamer
  • tujeazwa = dreamed
  • tujeazyena = dream-like, dreamlike, dreamy
  • tujeazyenan = dreaminess
  • tujef = drowsiness, fug, need for sleep, sleepiness, somnolence
  • tujefa = drowsy, sleepy, somnolent
  • tujefay = drowsily, sleepily
  • tujefbok = lethargy
  • tujefboka = lethargic
  • tujefbokay = lethargically
  • tujefer = to be drowsy, to be sleepy, to need sleep

tujefser -- tujyemmis

  • tujefser = to zonk out
  • tujefxea = sleep-inducing, somniferous, soporific
  • tujefxeay = soporifically
  • tujefxen = zonking out
  • tujefxer = to make drowsy, to make sleepy, to put to sleep, to zonk
  • tujefxwa = zonked
  • tujen bixpures = sleeping car
  • tujer bi tolef = to die of hunger
  • tujer = to sleep
  • tujfufyet = incubus
  • tujia = fallen asleep
  • tujiea = falling asleep
  • tujien = falling asleep
  • tujier = to fall asleep, to nod off
  • tujif = bedroom antic
  • tujifa = lethargic
  • tujifan = lethargy
  • tujifay = lethargically
  • tujifrut = sleepyhead
  • tujifxen = lethargization, lethargizing
  • tujifxer = to lethargize
  • tujifxwa = lethargized
  • tujig = catnap
  • tujigea = catnapping
  • tujigen = catnapping
  • tujiger = to catnap
  • tujim = bedroom
  • tujjob = beddy-bye time, bedtime, sleep time
  • tujjobdin = bedtime story
  • tujna = sleep-related
  • tujnagdrar = hypnograph
  • tujnagdren = hypnography
  • tujnyef = sleeping bag
  • tujog = nap
  • tujogea = napping
  • tujogen = napping
  • tujoger = to nap
  • tujoya = sleepless
  • tujoyan = sleeplessness
  • tujoyxwa = sleep-deprived
  • tujozaxwa = groggy
  • tujozaxwan = grogginess
  • tujozaxway = groggily
  • tujper = to doze off, to drowse, to fall asleep, to go to sleep
  • tujpures = sleeper car
  • tujpyex = K.O., knockout
  • tujtaav = pajama, pajamas
  • tujtaf = pajamas, pyjama, sleepwear
  • tujtav = nightshirt, undershirt
  • tujteaba = sleepy-eyed
  • tujtep = subconscious mind
  • tujtepa = subconscious
  • tujtepan = oblivion
  • tujtepay = subconsciously
  • tujtojer = to die in one's sleep
  • tujtun = hypnology
  • tujtuna = hypnological
  • tujtut = hypnologist
  • tujtyopea = noctambulist, sleepwalking, somnambulant
  • tujtyopen = noctambulation, noctambulism, sleepwalking, somnambulation, somnambulism
  • tujtyoper = to noctambulate, to sleepwalk, to somnambulate
  • tujtyoput = noctambulist, sleepwalker, somnambulist
  • tujuar = sleep aid
  • tujuea = hypnotic, sleep-inducing
  • tujuen = hypnotism
  • tujuer = to hypnotize, to induce sleep, to make sleepy, to put to sleep
  • tujuka = sleepless
  • tujukan = sleeplessness
  • tujukay = sleeplessly
  • tujuut = hypnotist
  • tujuyea = hypnotic
  • tujuyeay = hypnotically
  • tujuyus = snoozer
  • tujya = asleep
  • tujyaf = ability to sleep, capacity to sleep
  • tujyakwa = expected to die
  • tujyem = perch, roost
  • tujyemea = perching, roosting
  • tujyemer = to perch, to roost
  • tujyemmis = dormer

tujyemwa -- tuloxwa

  • tujyemwa = perched
  • tujyena = hypnoid, lethargic, sleep-like
  • tujyenay = lethargically
  • tujyika = hard to sleep, insomniac, sleep-deprived
  • tujyikan = difficulty sleeping, insomnia
  • tujyikat = insomniac
  • tujyiker = to have a hard time sleeping
  • tujyof = insomnia
  • tujyofat = insomiac
  • tul = cuisine, dish, prepared food
  • tulam = restaurant
  • tulameb = head of a restaurant
  • tulampen = going to a restaurant
  • tulamper = to go to a restaurant
  • tulamput = diner
  • tuldras = food menu
  • tulgab = appetizer, relish
  • tulil = potage, soup
  • tulilk = Tl, thallium
  • tulim = kitchen
  • tulk = T, thulium
  • tulkyes = potlatch, potluck meal
  • tulnaxdref = bill of fare, check, food bill, restaurant bill
  • tulnov = napkin
  • tulnov uzun = napkin ring
  • tulob bekam = nail salon
  • tulob = fingernail, nail
  • tulob fyel = nail polish
  • tulob goyblar = nail clipper
  • tulob goyblun = nail clipping
  • tulob tayebar = nailbrush
  • tulob yivtayobes = agnail
  • tulob yugfar = nail file
  • tulobaob = cuticle
  • tulobar = file, manicure device, nail cutter, nail scissor, plectrum
  • tulobaryan = manicure set
  • tulobbek = manicure
  • tulobbekam = manicure salon
  • tulobbeken = manicuring
  • tulobbekut = manicurist
  • tulobbekwa = manicured
  • tulobseuxen = scrooping
  • tulobseuxer = to scroop
  • tulobul = keratin
  • tulobula = keratinous
  • tulobulxer = to keratinize
  • tulobyog = dewclaw
  • tulog = slider, small dish, tapa, tidbit
  • tulogdras = tapas menu
  • tulogyan = selection of tapas
  • tuloxar = claw, scraper, scratcher
  • tuloxdrof = scratchboard
  • tuloxef = itch
  • tuloxefa = itchy, prurient
  • tuloxefan = itchiness, prurience
  • tuloxefay = itchily, pruriently
  • tuloxefbok = pruritis, psoriasis
  • tuloxefboka = psoriatic
  • tuloxefen = itching
  • tuloxefwa = itchy
  • tuloxefwan = itchiness
  • tuloxefwea = irritating, itchy
  • tuloxefwer = to itch
  • tuloxefxar = tickler
  • tuloxefxea = prurient, tickling
  • tuloxefxen = irritation, prurience, tickling
  • tuloxefxer = to cause to itch, to irritate, to make itch, to tickle
  • tuloxefxwa = irritated, tickled
  • tuloxefyayzyan = urticaria
  • tuloxefyukwa = ticklish
  • tuloxefyukwan = ticklishness
  • tuloxefyukway = ticklishly
  • tuloxen = clawing, scraping, scratching
  • tuloxer = to claw, to scrape, to scratch
  • tuloxsiynaya = scratchy
  • tuloxsiynika = scratchy
  • tuloxun = claw mark, scrape, scratch
  • tuloxunaya = scratchy
  • tuloxunika = scratchy
  • tuloxwa = clawed, scraped, scratched

tuloxyea -- tunkexwa

  • tuloxyea = scratchy
  • tuloxyean = scratchiness
  • tuloxyeay = scratchily
  • tulsem = buffet, dinner table
  • tultav = apron
  • tultun = cuisine, culinary arts, culinary science
  • tultuna = culinary
  • tultut = culinary scientist
  • tuluen = service
  • tuluer = to dish out, to serve
  • tuluka = sauce-free
  • tulur = cooker, range, stove
  • tuluut = server
  • tulxar = cooker
  • tulxeb = chef
  • tulxebtef = chef's hat, toque
  • tulxen = cooking
  • tulxer = to cook, to prepare food
  • tulxut = cook
  • tulxuta napdras = recipe
  • tulxwa = cooked
  • tulxyel = cooking oil
  • tulyabelar = dumbwaiter
  • tulyan = course, selection of dishes, spread
  • tulyeb = food platter
  • tulyem = buffet
  • tulyuxar = platter, serving platter
  • tulyuxeb = head waiter
  • tulyuxen = waiting tables
  • tulyuxer = to wait tables
  • tulyuxut = server
  • tulyuxuta zyiun = serving platter
  • tulyuxutyan = server staff, wait staff
  • tum = booth, cell, closet, cubicle, loge, pod, stall, unit
  • tumsimyan = loge
  • tumyanxer = to honeycomb
  • tumyanxwa = honeycombed
  • tumzenengolen = mitosis
  • tumzenengolena = mitotic
  • tun = -ology, lore, scholarship, science, study
  • -tun = -ology, science of, study of, suffix for science
  • tun vyaoyek = practicum
  • -tuna = -ological, scholarly, scholastic, scientific
  • tuna = scholarly
  • tunay = scientifically
  • tundien = consultation
  • tundier = to consult
  • tundiwat = consultant
  • tundiwatyan = consultancy
  • tunduen = advisement, advising
  • tunduer = to advise, to dispense advice
  • tunduut = advisor, consultant
  • tunduwa = advised
  • tunef = curiosity, thirst for knowledge
  • tunefa = curious
  • tunefan = curiousness
  • tunefay = curiously
  • tunefer = to be interested in
  • tunefsen = being interested
  • tunefser = to become interested, to grow interested, to grow interested in
  • tunefut = curious person
  • tunefxea = interest-arousing, interesting
  • tunefxeay = interestingly
  • tunefxer = to arouse interest, to arouse one's curiosity, to be of interest to engender interest, to get someone interested
  • tunif = love of knowledge
  • tunifa = scholastic
  • tunifut = lover of knowledge
  • Tunim = Tunisia
  • Tunima = Tunisian
  • Tunimat = Tunisian, inhabitant of Tunisia
  • tunkex = research, search for knowledge
  • tunkexam = research facility, research firm
  • tunkexdras = dissertation
  • tunkexem = research site
  • tunkexen = researching
  • tunkexer = to research
  • tunkexim = research lab, research laboratory
  • tunkexut = knowledge-seeker, research scientist, researcher
  • tunkexutyan = research team
  • tunkexwa = researched

tunkexyuxut -- tuunebkyax

  • tunkexyuxut = research assistant
  • tunvyankex = scientific research
  • tunvyankexam = research institute
  • tunyan = sciences
  • tup = appendage, limb, member, outgrowth
  • tupoben = amputation, dismemberment
  • tupober = to amputate, to dismember, to remove a limb
  • tupobwa = amputated, dismembered
  • tupot = tarsier
  • tupoya = limbless
  • tupoza = rickety
  • tupuka = limbless
  • tupuzren = wrench
  • tupyaga = rangy
  • tupyagan = ranginess
  • tupyot = bonobo
  • tupyugxer = to unlimber
  • Turim = Turkey
  • Turima = Turkish
  • Turimat = Turk, inhabitant of Turkey
  • Turod = Turkish
  • Turodaler = to speak Turkish
  • Turodalut = Turkish speaker
  • Turoder = to say in Turkish
  • Turodrer = to write in Turkish
  • Turodreyen = Turkish writing system
  • Turoma Cayupoma = Turkish Cypriot
  • Turoma Cayupomat = Turkish Cypriot
  • tusolk = Ts, tennessine
  • tusun jadrun = lesson plan
  • tut = doctor, professor, scientist
  • -tut = -ologist, doctor, scholar, scientist
  • tuta = scholarly, professorial
  • tutam = academy
  • tutam bi multuni = academy of sciences
  • tutam bi tuzi = academy of arts
  • tutama = academic, scholastic
  • tutaman = academia
  • tutamat = academician, scholar
  • tutamay = institutionally, scholastically
  • tutamyan = university
  • tutamyaneb = chancellor, rector, university head
  • tutamyena = academical
  • tutamyenay = academically
  • tutan = doctorate, professorship
  • tutana = doctoral
  • tutaym = college
  • tutaymber = to send to college
  • tutaymeb = college president
  • tutaympen = going to college, matriculation
  • tutaymper = to go to college, to matriculate
  • tutaymput = college-goer
  • tutaymut = college student
  • tutaymyena = collegiate
  • tutmir = academia, scholarly world
  • tutmirat = academe, academian, academician
  • tutnix = fee, honorarium
  • Tutod = Altaic
  • tutud = grandchild
  • tututiyd = grandniece
  • tututud = great grandchild
  • tututuyd = great granddaughter
  • tututwid = grandnephew
  • tututwud = great grandson
  • tutuyd = granddaughter
  • tutwud = grandson
  • tutyan = academia
  • tutyena = professorial
  • tutyenay = professorially
  • tuub = forearm, tendril
  • tuubaib = ulna
  • tuubaiba = ulnar
  • tuubnak = cubit
  • tuun = datum, dope, fact, information, notification, piece of information, tip
  • tuundraf = bulletin, notification, poster
  • tuundras = bulletin, notice
  • tuundrayef = fact sheet, notice, poop sheet, tip sheet
  • tuundrof = bulletin board, data panel, information board
  • tuundyedar = drive
  • tuunebkyax = seminar, information exchange

tuunexlir -- tuxyofwa

  • tuunexlir = data processor
  • tuuniblen = data harvesting, data-gathering, intelligence
  • tuuniblen yuxlam = intelligence service
  • tuuniblendib = intelligence service
  • tuuniblendibut = intelligence officer
  • tuunibler = to gather information, to harvest data
  • tuunilpij = fountainhead
  • tuunilpuxer = to stream
  • tuunilpuxwa = streamed
  • tuunizbar = router
  • tuunkaxun = scoop
  • tuunkex = investigation
  • tuunkexen = investigation
  • tuunkexena = investigative
  • tuunkexut = investigator
  • tuunnab = tuple
  • tuunnabyan = database
  • tuunsyaagir = computer, data processor
  • tuunsyaagira = cybernetic
  • tuunsyaagirtyen = cybernetics
  • tuunyan = data, information, instructions
  • tuunyana = data-related, informational, instructional
  • tuunyem = databank
  • tuunzyebigan = throughput
  • tuut = informant, informer, notifier
  • tuuwa = informed, notified, tipped, versed
  • tuuxam = educational institution
  • tuuxama = educational
  • tuuxen bi twobi ay toybi = coeducation
  • tuuxen = education, inculcation, rearing
  • tuuxena = educational
  • tuuxenay = educationally
  • tuuxer = to bring up, to educate, to inculcate, to rear
  • tuuxut = educator
  • tuuxwa = brought up, educated, reared
  • tuuxyafwa = educable
  • tuuxyafwan = educability
  • tuuxyea = educative
  • Tuvum = Tuvalu
  • Tuvuma = from Tuvalu
  • Tuvumat = inhabitant of Tuvalu
  • tuwa = informed, notified
  • tuwan = informedness
  • tuwas = notice, tip
  • tuxam = school
  • tuxeb = instructor, master
  • tuxem = campus, place of learning
  • tuxen = indoctrination, lecturing, teaching
  • tuxen seym = podium, rostrum
  • tuxena = pedagogical
  • tuxer = to indoctrinate, to lecture, to school, to teach
  • tuxexdraf = curriculum, syllabus
  • tuxifuen = edutainment
  • tuxim = lecture hall
  • tuxnad = course of study, line of study
  • tuxnas = tuition
  • tuxtoyb = schoolmarm
  • tuxtoybyena = schoolmarmish
  • tuxtun = education, pedagogy
  • tuxtuna = educational, pedagogic, pedagogical
  • tuxtunay = educationally, pedagogically
  • tuxtut = doctor of teaching, educator, pedagogue
  • tuxtuta = doctoral
  • tuxtutan = doctorate
  • tuxum = carrel
  • tuxun = lecture, lesson, teaching
  • tuxunyan = series of lectures
  • tuxut = lecturer, preceptor, teacher
  • tuxuta gwaifwat = teacher's pet
  • tuxutnazun = bursary
  • tuxutseym = lectern
  • tuxutyan = board of educators, faculty
  • tuxuyt = female educator, female teacher
  • tuxwa = indoctrinated, schooled, taught
  • tuxwat = pundit
  • tuxwatan = punditry
  • tuxwen = schooling
  • tuxyafwa jwap = teachable moment
  • tuxyafwa = teachable
  • tuxyofwa = indocile, ineducable, unteachable

tuyab adopar -- tuyabyexen

  • tuyab adopar = hand gun, handgun, pistol
  • tuyab belar = hand truck, handbarrow, handcart
  • tuyab dopar = hand weapon
  • tuyab ektobet = hand puppet
  • tuyab = hand
  • tuyab kotyen = sleight of hand
  • tuyab manar = flashlight
  • tuyab milnov = hand towel, napkin
  • tuyab ponyeb = valise
  • tuyab umxar = hand dryer
  • tuyab yaozgoblar = handsaw
  • tuyab yibdalir = hand phone, handset
  • tuyaba = manual
  • tuyaba yex = handiwork, craft
  • tuyaba yexut = craftsman
  • tuyaba yibdalir = cell phone, hand phone
  • tuyabaox = handshake
  • tuyabaoxen = handshaking
  • tuyabaoxer = to shake hands
  • tuyabar = handle
  • tuyabay = manually
  • tuyabaypux = handspring
  • tuyabbek = manicure
  • tuyabbeken = manicuring
  • tuyabbektuna = chiropractic
  • tuyabbektut = chiropractor
  • tuyabbekut = manicurist
  • tuyabbekwa = manicured
  • tuyabel = delivery
  • tuyabelar = briefcase, hand cart, satchel
  • tuyabelen = delivery, hand-carrying
  • tuyabeler = to deliver, to hand-carry
  • tuyabelut = deliverer
  • tuyabelwa = delivered, hand-carried
  • tuyaben = handling
  • tuyaber = to handle
  • tuyabexar = handle, pommel
  • tuyabexen = hand-holding, handling, holding hands, manipulating, manipulation
  • tuyabexer = to clasp, to grab onto, to handhold, to handle, to hold hands, to manipulate
  • tuyabexlar = grip
  • tuyabexler = to grip hands
  • tuyabexlun = handgrip
  • tuyabexun = handhold
  • tuyabexut = handler, manipulator
  • tuyabexwa = handheld, handled, manipulated
  • tuyabexwa teabaar = lorgnette
  • tuyabexyafwa = manipulable, manipulatable
  • tuyabexyafwan = manipulability
  • tuyabexyea = manipulative
  • tuyabiblawa = hand-picked, handpicked
  • tuyabiblen = handpicking
  • tuyabibler = to handpick
  • tuyabien = grabbing, taking by the hand, taking hold of
  • tuyabier = to grab, to take by the hand, to take hold of
  • tuyabik = fistful, handful
  • tuyabilyeb = flask
  • tuyabirar = clamp
  • tuyabirea = grasping
  • tuyabireay = graspingly
  • tuyabiren = clamping, grabbing, grasping, wrestling
  • tuyabirer = to clamp, to grab, to grasp
  • tuyabirut = grabber, grasper
  • tuyabirwa = clamped, grabbed, grasped
  • tuyabiryafwa = graspable
  • tuyabiwa = grabbed, taken by the hand, taken hold
  • tuyabuen = delivery, handing, presentation
  • tuyabuer = to deliver, to hand out, to hand over, to present
  • tuyabugar = handbrake, parking brake
  • tuyabuun = delivery, handout, presentation
  • tuyabuut = presenter
  • tuyabuwa = delivered, handed out, handed over, presented
  • tuyabwa = handled
  • tuyabyanx = handclasp, handshake, joining of hands
  • tuyabyanxen = handshaking, joining of hands
  • tuyabyanxer = to join hands, to shake hands
  • tuyabyaoxen = waving
  • tuyabyaoxer av nuxpur = to wave down a taxi
  • tuyabyaoxer = to wave
  • tuyabyas = handstand
  • tuyabyexen = clapping, ovation

tuyabyexer -- tuyatuzut

  • tuyabyexer = to clap, to clap hands
  • tuyabyexut = clapper
  • tuyabyexwa = clapped
  • tuyabyuxen = groping
  • tuyabyuxer = to grope
  • tuyabyuxwa = groped
  • tuyabzyun = hand ball, handball
  • tuyabzyun ifek = game of handball
  • tuyabzyun ifekem = handball court
  • tuyadras = chirograph, manuscript
  • tuyadrawa = handwritten, longhand
  • tuyadren = chirography, handwriting, longhand
  • tuyadrer = to write by hand
  • tuyadrur = hand press
  • tuyadyes = handbook
  • tuyaf = glove
  • tuyaf nyem = glove compartment
  • tuyafaben = gloving, putting on gloves
  • tuyafaber = to glove, to put on gloves
  • tuyafabwa = gloved
  • tuyafoben = de-gloving, taking off gloves
  • tuyafober = to de-gloved, to take off gloves
  • tuyafobwa = barehanded, de-gloved
  • tuyafuka = barehanded
  • tuyafut = glover
  • tuyafyag = fireman's glove
  • tuyafyem goblar = pocketknife
  • tuyafyem jwobar = pocket watch
  • tuyafyem kobiut = pick-pocket
  • tuyafyem nas = pocket money
  • tuyafyem = pocket
  • tuyafyem vos = boutonniere
  • tuyafyem yonar = pocketknife
  • tuyafyemben = pocketing
  • tuyafyember = to pocket
  • tuyafyembiren = pickpocketing
  • tuyafyembirer = to pickpocket
  • tuyafyembirut = pickpocket
  • tuyafyembwa = pocketed
  • tuyafyemik = pocketful
  • tuyagibar = stiletto
  • tuyagoblar = poniard
  • tuyagoypar = handsaw
  • tuyahayden = waving, handwaving
  • tuyahayder = to wave
  • tuyajosiyn = handprint
  • tuyamanar = flash light
  • tuyamilov = hand cloth
  • tuyamuf = handle, handlebar
  • tuyanaad = banister, handrail
  • tuyanefxar = handloom
  • tuyanefxwa = handwoven
  • tuyanyef = handbag, pocketbook
  • tuyapar = cart, handcart
  • tuyaparen = carting
  • tuyaparer = to cart
  • tuyapaxen = manhandling
  • tuyapaxer = to manhandle
  • tuyapaxwa = manhandled
  • tuyapixen = clasping
  • tuyapixer = clasp
  • tuyapixwa = clasped
  • tuyapyex = clap, slap
  • tuyapyexea = clapping, slapping
  • tuyapyexen = clapping, hand-clapping, slapping
  • tuyapyexer = to clap one's hands, to slap
  • tuyapyexwa = clapped, slapped
  • tuyapyuxrar = grenade
  • tuyapyuxrarun = grenade launcher
  • tuyapyuxrarut = grenadier
  • tuyasaxer = to craft, to make by hand
  • tuyasaxun = handicraft
  • tuyasaxwa = hand-crafted, hand-made, handcrafted, handmade, made by hand
  • tuyasiun = hand gesture, hand signal
  • tuyasiunen = hand-gesturing, signaling with the hands, signing
  • tuyasiuner = to make a gesture, to sign, to signal with the hands
  • tuyatuz = handcraft, handicraft
  • tuyatuzun = handcrafted item, handiwork, knickknack
  • tuyatuzunxwa = hand-crafted, made by hand
  • tuyatuzut = hand craftsman

tuyav -- tuyjpea

  • tuyav = mitten
  • tuyax = wave
  • tuyaxen = waving
  • tuyaxer doof = to wave a flag
  • tuyaxer = to wave
  • tuyaxwa = handled
  • tuyayex = manpower
  • tuyayexun = handwork
  • tuyayuvar = handcuff
  • tuyayuvaroben = unhandcuffing
  • tuyayuvarober = to unhandcuff
  • tuyayuvarobwa = unhandcuffed
  • tuyazyeglar = javelin
  • tuyazyuk = handwheel
  • tuyd = daughter
  • tuydet = baby girl
  • tuydyena = daughterly
  • tuyea = informative
  • tuyean = informativeness
  • tuyeay = informatively
  • tuyeb = fist
  • tuyebaoxen = shaking one's fist
  • tuyebaoxer = to shake one's fist
  • tuyebebyex = fistfight
  • tuyebebyexen = fistfighting, pugilism
  • tuyebebyexer = to fistfight
  • tuyebebyexut = fistfighter, pugilist
  • tuyebebyexyea = pugilistic
  • tuyebexyea = manipulatory
  • tuyebovek = fist fight, fist-fight, fistfight
  • tuyeboveken = fist-fighting
  • tuyeboveker = to box, to fist-fight
  • tuyebovekut = boxer, fist-fighter, pug
  • tuyeboveyk = fisticuff
  • tuyeboveyker = to fisticuff
  • tuyebyex ekam = boxing arena
  • tuyebyex = fist blow, jab, punch
  • tuyebyex ifek = boxing match
  • tuyebyex nyef = punching bag
  • tuyebyex tuyaf = boxing glove
  • tuyebyex zyimos = boxing ring
  • tuyebyexen = boxing, jabbing, punching, socking
  • tuyebyexer = to box, to deck, to punch, to sock
  • tuyebyexlen = pounding with the fist
  • tuyebyexler = to pound with the fist
  • tuyebyexut = boxer, jabber, puncher
  • tuyebyexwa = boxed, decked, jabbed, punched, socked
  • tuyebyujen = clenching one's fist
  • tuyebyujer = to clench one's fist
  • tuyepexler = to pound
  • tuyeyfwa = notifiable
  • tuyib = palm
  • tuyibabax = caress, pat
  • tuyibabaxen = caressing, patting
  • tuyibabaxer = to caress, to pat
  • tuyibabaxwa = caressed, patted
  • tuyibaben = laying palms on, palming
  • tuyibaber = to lay palms on, to palm
  • tuyibaiba = metacarpal
  • tuyibaibi = metacarpi
  • tuyibbyokuar = palmer
  • tuyibdyeen = palm reading
  • tuyibdyeer = to read palms
  • tuyibdyeut = palm reader, palmist
  • tuyibelwas = palmtop
  • tuyibier = to palm
  • tuyibiwa = palmed
  • tuyiblen = palming
  • tuyibuen = palming off
  • tuyibuer = to palm off
  • tuyibuwa = palmed off
  • tuyipyex = smack
  • tuyipyexen = smacking
  • tuyipyexer = to smack
  • tuyipyexwa = smacked
  • tuyj = doze, nap, snooze
  • tuyjea = dozing, napping, snoozing
  • tuyjen = dozing, napping, snoozing
  • tuyjer = to doze, to nap, to snooze
  • tuyjpea = dozing off

tuyjpen -- tuyugiber

  • tuyjpen = dozing off
  • tuyjper = to doze off
  • -tuyn = -ology, pseudo-science
  • tuyob jwobar = wrist watch, wristwatch
  • tuyob neyef = wrist band, wristband, wristlet
  • tuyob = wrist
  • tuyob yuvar = manacle
  • tuyoba = carpal
  • tuyoba mup boksiunyan = carpal tunnel syndrome
  • tuyobbok = psora
  • tuyobuz = bracelet
  • tuyof = cuff
  • tuyofaben = putting on gloves
  • tuyofaber = to put on gloves
  • tuyofabwa = gloved
  • tuyofoben = taking off gloves
  • tuyofober = to take off gloves
  • tuyofobwa = ungloved
  • tuyopyos = dewlap
  • tuyov = cuff
  • tuyov mugnufi = cuff links
  • tuyoyuvar = handcuff, wrist cuff, wristlet
  • tuyoyuvaren = handcuffing
  • tuyoyuvarer = to handcuff
  • tuyoyuvarwa = handcuffed
  • tuyoz = cufflink
  • tuyozi = cuff links
  • tuyub = finger
  • tuyub milyeb = finger bowl
  • tuyub tel = finger food
  • tuyub uzyumuv = thumb screw
  • tuyub vyun = fingermark
  • tuyuba = digital
  • tuyubab = palp
  • tuyubaben = palpating, palpation
  • tuyubaber = to palpate
  • tuyubabwa = palpated
  • tuyubaib = phalange
  • tuyubaosen = finger wagging
  • tuyubaoxer = to wag one's finger
  • tuyubarar = thumbscrew
  • tuyubaxen = fiddling, fingering
  • tuyubaxer = to fiddle, to finger
  • tuyubaxwa = fiddled, fingered
  • tuyubdrur = fingerprint
  • tuyubdruren = fingerprinting
  • tuyubdrurer = to fingerprint
  • tuyubdrurun = fingerprint
  • tuyubgin = fingertip
  • tuyubifxar = tickler
  • tuyubifxen = tickling
  • tuyubifxer = to tickle
  • tuyubifxwa = tickled
  • tuyubiga = nimble-fingered
  • tuyubigapaxler = to swipe with the finger
  • tuyubigapaxlun = finger swipe
  • tuyubigek = magic, prestidigitation
  • tuyubigeker = to prestidigitate
  • tuyubigekut = magician, prestidigitator
  • tuyubizden = indication
  • tuyubizder = to indicate
  • tuyubizdyea = indicative
  • tuyubizeaxen = indicating
  • tuyubizeaxer = to indicate
  • tuyubizeaxwa = indicated
  • tuyubuz = ring
  • tuyubyex = fillip, rap, strum, tap
  • tuyubyexen = rapping, strumming, tapping
  • tuyubyexer = to rap, to strum, to tap
  • tuyubyexun = rap, tap
  • tuyubyexut = rapper, strummer, tapper
  • tuyubyexwa = rapped, strummed, tapped
  • tuyubyig = corn
  • tuyuf = fingerstall, thimble
  • tuyufaof = fingerboard
  • tuyufek = thimblerig
  • tuyufik = thimbleful
  • tuyugibar = poker
  • tuyugiben = poking
  • tuyugiber = to poke

tuyugibwa -- twasdelwa

  • tuyugibwa = poked
  • tuyuxen = feeling, fingering, palpating, touching
  • tuyuxer = to feel, to finger, to palpate, to touch
  • tuyuxwa = felt, fingered, palpated, touched
  • tuyx = guideline, tutorial
  • tuyxam = training facility
  • tuyxen = guidance, raising, tutelage, tutoring, upbringing
  • tuyxer = to bring up, to guide, to raise, to train, to tutor
  • tuyxutan = tutorship
  • tuyxutyena = tutelary
  • tuyxwa = raised, tutored
  • tuyxwat = pupil, trainee, tutee
  • tuyz = artisanship, craft
  • tuyza = artisanal
  • tuyzun = craftwork, piece of artisanship
  • tuyzut = artisan, craftsman, craftsperson
  • tuyzuyt = craftswoman
  • tuyzyena = artisanal, crafty
  • tuz = art
  • tuza = art-related, artificial, of art
  • tuzay = artificially
  • tuzaya = adept, artful, artsy, arty, crafty, skilled, skillful
  • tuzayan = adeptness, artfulness, craftiness, craftsmanship, skillfulness
  • tuzdyezam = art movie house, cinematheque
  • tuzem = art exhibition, art fair
  • tuziea = in training, learning a skill
  • tuzien = learning a skill
  • tuzier = to gain skill, to learn a skill
  • tuzifut = art lover
  • tuzika = adept, artful, artistic, artsy, arty, crafty, skilled, skillful
  • tuzika ogelsansut = bohemian
  • tuzikan = adeptness, artfulness, craftiness, craftsmanship, skillfulness
  • tuzikay = adeptly, artfully, artistically, craftily, skillfully
  • tuzoya = artless, chintz, chintzy, gaudy, inartistic, tacky
  • tuzoyan = artlessness, gaudiness, tackiness
  • tuztem = art gallery
  • tuztut = virtuoso
  • tuzuen = imparting a skill, instilling talent
  • tuzuer = to impart a skill, to instill talent
  • tuzuka = artless, chintz, chintzy, gaudy, inartistic, tacky
  • tuzuka ekar = gaud
  • tuzukan = artlessness, gaudiness, tackiness
  • tuzukay = artlessly, gaudily
  • tuzun = art object, artifact, objet d'art, oeuvre, piece of art, work of art
  • tuzun iblen = art acquisition
  • tuzun yanibiam = art museum
  • tuzun yaniblen = collecting art
  • tuzun yaniblun = art collection
  • tuzun yaniblut = art collector
  • tuzunxam = art studio, atelier
  • tuzunxen = crafting
  • tuzunxer = to craft
  • tuzunxun = craftwork
  • tuzunxut = craftsman
  • tuzunxwa = artificial, crafted
  • tuzunyan = art collection
  • tuzunyanam = art museum of art
  • tuzut = artisan, artist, artiste, practitioner
  • tuzyaf = art ability, artistic talent
  • tuzyafa = talented
  • tuzyan = artisanship, arts, crafts
  • tuzyanameb = art museum curator
  • tuzyen = artistry, craft, practice, skill
  • tuzyena = artistic, artsy, skillful, sly, talented
  • tuzyenan = artiness, slyness
  • tuzyenay = artistically, skillfully, slyly
  • tuzyevdrut = art critic
  • tuzyevdut = art critic
  • twa glan = known quantity, known sum
  • twa = known
  • twad = husband
  • twadif = hubby
  • twadokayta joibwas = dower
  • twadoken = being widowed
  • twadoker = to be widowed, to lose a husband, to lose one's husband
  • twadokya = widowed
  • twas = datum, fact, known fact, something known
  • twasdel = statement
  • twasdeler = to state
  • twasdelwa = stated

twasden -- twiyub

  • twasden = acknowledging, acknowledgment
  • twasder = to acknowledge
  • twasdeyn = acknowledgment
  • twasdeyni = acknowledgments
  • twasdrayef = fact sheet
  • twasdwa = acknowledged
  • twaskaxen = fact-finding
  • twaskaxer = to fact-find
  • twaskaxut = fact-finder
  • twaskexer = to investigate
  • twaskexut = investigator
  • twasyan = collection of facts, data, information, knowledge
  • twasyantun = gnoseologia
  • twat = male angel
  • twax = statement
  • twaxa = stated
  • twaxea = declaring, stating
  • twaxen = declaring, stating
  • twaxer = to declare, to state
  • Twaxu eta dyun! = State you name!
  • twaxun = statement
  • twaxut = declarer
  • twaxwa = declared
  • twayb = husband-wife, menage
  • tways = factoid
  • twed = father, pater
  • tweda = paternal
  • twedan = fatherhood, paternity
  • twedan vyayek = paternity test
  • tweday = paternally
  • twedbyixwa = patronymic
  • twedbyixway = patronymically
  • twedeb = patriarch
  • twedeba = patriarchal
  • twedeban = patriarchy
  • twedif = dad, daddy, old man, papa, poppa
  • twedin = paternalism
  • twedina = paternalistic
  • twedinut = paternalistic
  • twedoum = patrimony
  • twedouma = patrimonial
  • twedsen = become a father
  • twedser = to become a father
  • twedtojben = parricide, patricide
  • twedtojbena = parricidal, patricidal
  • twedtojber = to kill one's father
  • twedtojbut = parricide, patricide
  • twedxen = fathering
  • twedxer = to father
  • twedxwa = fathered
  • twedyena = fatherly
  • twedyenan = fatherliness
  • twer = to be known
  • tweyd = father and mother, parental couple
  • twid = brother
  • twida = brotherly, fraternal
  • twiday = fraternally
  • twidi = brethren, brothers
  • twidif = bro
  • twidifon = brotherly love
  • twidyan = brotherhood, fraternity
  • twidyena = brotherly
  • twidyenan = brotherliness
  • twilab = breast, male breast, pec
  • twiyd = brother and sister
  • twiyib = testical, testicle, testis
  • twiyiba = testicular
  • twiyiba yazbok = testicular cancer
  • twiyibi = testes, testicles
  • twiyibnyef = scrotum
  • twiyibnyefa = scrotal
  • twiyibnyefi = scrota
  • twiyiboben = castration
  • twiyibober = to castrate
  • twiyibobwa = castrated
  • twiyibobwat = castrato
  • twiyibobwati = castrati
  • twiyibokyat = eunuch
  • twiyibul = testosterone
  • twiyub = cock, penis, phallus

twiyub ekar -- tyafxer

  • twiyub ekar = dildo
  • twiyub koflan = penis envy
  • twiyuba = penile, phallic, priapic
  • twiyubi = phalli
  • twiyubien = blowjob, fellatio, sucking
  • twiyubier = to cocksuck, to fellate, to suck
  • twiyubil = cum
  • twiyubilbixut = cocksucker
  • twiyubilen = cumming
  • twiyubiler = to cum
  • twiyubiut = cocksucker, fellator, sucker
  • twiyuboben = penectomy
  • twiyubober = to cut of the penis
  • twiyubuz = cock ring
  • twiyubyas = hard-on
  • twiyubyaser = to get a hard-on
  • twiyubyaxer = to give a hard-on to
  • twiyubyaxwa = hard, priapic
  • twiyuf = codpiece, condom, rubber
  • twob = bloke, fellow, guy, man
  • twoba eftim = men's lavatory, men's room
  • twoba = man's, men's
  • twoba tof = menswear
  • twoban = manhood
  • twobet = boy, lad
  • twobet yabdeuzwut = treble
  • twobet yabdeuzwuta = treble
  • twobetan = boyhood
  • twobetog = laddie
  • twobetyen = puerility
  • twobetyena = boyish, puerile
  • twobetyenan = boyishness
  • twobetyenay = boyishly
  • twobgon = dick, male member, penis
  • twobi = men, menfolk
  • twobog = little fellow, young man
  • twobyaga = man-high
  • twobyan = collection of men
  • twobyen = machismo, mannishness
  • twobyena = macho, manlike, manly, mannish, virile
  • twobyenan = manliness, virility
  • twobyenay = mannishly
  • twoob = male
  • twooba = male
  • twooban = maleness
  • twoobin = male chauvinism
  • twoobina = male chauvinistic
  • twoobinut = male chauvinist
  • twoobyena = male-ish, masculine
  • twoobyenan = masculinity
  • twoobyenay = masculinely
  • twoobyenoben = emasculation
  • twoobyenober = to emasculate
  • twoobyenobwa = emasculated
  • twoogon = stamen
  • twooyba = hermaphroditic
  • twooybat = hermaphrodite
  • twooybsana = gynandromorph
  • twooybsanat = gynandromorph
  • twot = he-god, male god
  • twoyb = molly
  • twoybet = tomboy
  • twoybetyena = tomboyish
  • twud = son
  • twuda = filial
  • twudan = sonhood
  • twudet = baby boy
  • twudif = sonny
  • twudog = little son
  • tyaf = ability to know, acumen, cognizance, conscience, intelligence, mental capacity, savvy, sense of awareness
  • tyafa = aware, cognizant, conscious
  • tyafan = awareness, cognizance, consciousness
  • tyafay = consciously
  • tyafser = to become aware of, to become cognizant, to become conscious of
  • tyaftun = epistemology
  • tyaftuna = epistemological
  • tyaftut = epistemologist
  • tyafwa = knowable
  • tyafxen = consciousness-raising
  • tyafxer = to make cognizant, to to raise awareness

tyafxwa -- tyenarovinut

  • tyafxwa = made aware
  • tyal ay tim = board and bed, board and lodging
  • tyal = chow, grub, meal, mess, repast
  • tyal yigsim = dining room chair
  • tyalag = banquet
  • tyalagim = banquet hall
  • tyalagpen = banqueting
  • tyalagput = banqueter
  • tyalagsem = banquet table
  • tyalampen = dining out
  • tyalamper = to dine out
  • tyaldet = dining companion, dinner companion, messmate
  • tyalem = dining hall
  • tyaler = to dine
  • tyalien = dining
  • tyalim = dinette, dining room
  • tyaljwob = mealtime
  • tyalobelun = leftovers
  • tyalog = snack
  • tyalogen = snacking
  • tyalogier = to have a snack
  • tyalogir = snack machine
  • tyalogum = snack bar
  • tyalpures = dining car
  • tyalsem = dining table
  • tyaluen = serving dinner
  • tyaluer = to serve dinner
  • tyalut = diner
  • tyaluut = server
  • tyan = class
  • tyanes = genre, type
  • tyanesa = generic, typical
  • tyanesay = generically, typically
  • tyanxen = classification
  • tyanxer = to classify
  • tyanxus = classifier
  • tyanxwa = classified
  • tyanxyofwa = unclassifiable
  • tyapod = chatter
  • tyapoden = chattering
  • tyapoder = to chatter
  • tyapot = lemur
  • tyapyot = baboon
  • tyea = accomplished, competent, savvy
  • tyean = competence, savviness
  • tyeat = competent person
  • tyeay = competently
  • tyed = kin, kinsman, related person, relative
  • tyeda = kin, kindred, related
  • tyedan = affinity, kinship, relatedness, relationship
  • tyedser = to become related
  • tyedxer = to bring together as related
  • tyedxwa = akin, related
  • tyedyan = ethnicity, kin, kindred, kinfolk, kinsfolk, kith, relations
  • tyedyana ibvyixen = ethnic cleansing
  • tyem = residence
  • tyema = residential
  • tyemay = residentially
  • tyemer = to dwell, to live, to reside in
  • tyemjob = residency
  • tyemut = resident
  • tyen = competence, craft, knack, know-how, knowhow, practice, savoir faire, skill, trade
  • tyen tistam = trade school
  • tyena = practical
  • tyenag = great skill, prowess
  • tyenam = studio
  • tyenan = practicality
  • tyenar = technical device, tool
  • tyenara drarun = technical drawing
  • tyenara mep = technical path
  • tyenara son = technical issue, technicality
  • tyenara = technical
  • tyenara yikson = technical difficulty
  • tyenaram = tool shop
  • tyenaray = technically
  • tyenardab = technocracy
  • tyenardaba = technocratic
  • tyenardabut = technocrat
  • tyenarika = equipped
  • tyenarovinut = Luddite

tyenartun -- tyepagay

  • tyenartun = technology
  • tyenartuna = technological
  • tyenartunay = technologically
  • tyenartut = geek, technologist, techy
  • tyenaruen = equipage
  • tyenaruer = to equip
  • tyenarut = geek, technician, techy
  • tyenaruwa = equipped
  • tyenaryan = equipment, tool set
  • tyenaryen = technique
  • tyenay = craftily, proficiently
  • tyenaya = competent, deft, masterful, masterly, proficiency, skilled, skillful
  • tyendalyen = jargon
  • tyendalyena = jardonistic
  • tyeneb = master technician
  • tyeneb saxun = masterpiece
  • tyenek = finesse
  • tyeneker = to finesse
  • tyenekwa = finessed
  • tyenien = learning a skill, mastering, mastery, training
  • tyenier = to master, to practice, to take training, to train
  • tyenijea = interning
  • tyenijen = interning
  • tyenijer = to intern, to work as an apprentice
  • tyenijut = intern
  • tyenijutan = internship
  • tyenika = competent, deft, masterful, masterly, proficiency, skilled, skillful
  • tyenikan = competency, craftsmanship, deftness, mastership, proficient
  • tyenikay = competently, deftly, skillfully
  • tyeniun = apprenticeship, internship
  • tyeniut = apprentice, trainee
  • tyennad = career, profession
  • tyennig = bailiwick
  • tyennog = degree
  • tyennogien = graduation
  • tyennogier = to get one's degree, to get ones degree, to graduate
  • tyennogiwat = graduate
  • tyennoguer = to give out a degree, to graduate
  • tyenoya = feckless, inexpert, unskillful
  • tyenoyan = fecklessness
  • tyenten = moxie
  • tyenuam = training facility
  • tyenuen = coaching, familiarization, teaching a skill, training
  • tyenuen jes = training course
  • tyenuen joib = training period
  • tyenuen tuyxdyes = training manual
  • tyenuer = to coach, to familiarize, to school, to supply training, to teach a skill, to train
  • tyenuka = feckless, inexpert, unskilful, unskillful
  • tyenukan = fecklessness
  • tyenukat = roustabout
  • tyenukay = fecklessly, inexpertly
  • tyenut = artisan, craftsman, craftsperson
  • tyenuta = artisanal
  • tyenutan = artisanship
  • tyenutyexwa = workmanlike
  • tyenuut = coach, drillmaster, master, trainer
  • tyenuwa = coached, familiarized, masterful, skilled, trained, versed
  • tyenuwat = master, skilled person, trained person
  • tyenuwatyan = cadre
  • tyenuway = masterfully
  • tyenuyafwa = trainable
  • tyenuyt = craftswoman
  • tyenxwa drut = scrivener
  • tyenyan = crafts, industry, skill set
  • tyenyana = industrial
  • tyenyanam = industrial plant
  • tyenyanay = industrially
  • tyenyaneb = magnate
  • tyenyanem = industrial site
  • tyenyanin = industrialism
  • tyenyaninut = industrialist
  • tyenyanxen = industrialization
  • tyenyanxer = to industrialize
  • tyenyanxwa = industrialized
  • tyep = brain power, intellect, intelligence, pate
  • tyepa = brainy, heady, highbrow, intellectual, intelligent
  • tyepaga = ingenious
  • tyepagan = ingeniousness, ingenuity, ingenuousness
  • tyepagatyan = intelligentsia
  • tyepagay = ingeniously, ingenuously

tyepagra -- tyobyex zyun

  • tyepagra = genius
  • tyepaker = to outfox, to outguess, to outsmart
  • tyepan = headiness
  • tyepay = headily, intellectually, intelligently
  • tyepaza = brilliant, intellectually strong, intelligent, of high intellect
  • tyepazan = brilliance, brilliancy, intellectual strength, intelligence
  • tyepazon = brain power
  • tyepika = brainy, intelligent
  • tyepikan = braininess, intelligence
  • tyepin = intellectualism
  • tyepot = mandrill
  • tyepoya = dumb, gormless
  • tyepoza = dumb, intellectually weak
  • tyepozan = dumbness, idiocy, weakness of intellect
  • tyepozay = dumbly
  • tyepuka = dumb, gormless
  • tyepukan = dumbness
  • tyepukay = brainlessly, dumbly
  • tyepxer = to intellectualize
  • tyer eker raduzar = to know how to play piano
  • tyer = to be competent in, to know how
  • tyeyd = female relative, kinswoman
  • tyeyebyigabmosa = epidural
  • tyez = divination, legerdemain, magic, wizardry
  • tyeza = magical
  • tyeza muf = magic wand
  • tyezay = magically
  • tyezdil = incantation
  • tyezer = to divine, to perform magic
  • tyezika = enchanting
  • tyezikay = enchantingly
  • tyezil = magic potion
  • tyezmuf = magic wand
  • tyezomolat = fay
  • tyezuea = bedazzling, enchanting, enthralling, marvelous
  • tyezuen = bedazzlement, enchantment, enthrallment
  • tyezuer = to bedazzle, to enchant, to enthrall
  • tyezun = magic act, magical object
  • tyezuti = magi
  • tyezuut = diviner, enchanter, mage, magician, wizard
  • tyezuuyt = enchantress
  • tyezuwa = bedazzled, enchanted, enthralled, spellbound
  • tyezuyea = enchanting
  • tyien = training
  • tyier = to train
  • tyiut = trainee
  • tyiypot = rhesus monkey
  • tyoab abtamas = hip roof
  • tyoab = haunch, hip, huckle
  • tyoaba = sciatic
  • tyoaba tayib = sciatic nerve
  • tyoaba tayibbyok = sciatica
  • tyoabaib = hipbone, ilium
  • tyoabaibyan = sacroiliac
  • tyoabyank = hip joint
  • tyoapea = sitting down
  • tyoaper = to move on the hips, to sit, to sit down
  • Tyoapu! = Sit down!
  • tyoaxer = to seat
  • tyoaxwa = seated
  • tyoazyuber = to jive, to swivel the hips
  • tyob = leg
  • tyobguna = inguinal
  • tyobnig = legroom
  • tyobnof = legging
  • tyoboya = legless
  • tyobuka = legless
  • tyobuz = bowleg
  • tyobuza = bowlegged
  • tyobyaga = leggy
  • tyobyagan = legginess
  • tyobyen = custom, more
  • tyobyena = customary
  • tyobyenay = customarily
  • tyobyenxen = customization
  • tyobyenxer = to customize
  • tyobyenxwa = customized
  • tyobyex dazen = kick-dancing
  • tyobyex = kick, legwork
  • tyobyex zyun = kickball

tyobyexaya -- tyodin

  • tyobyexaya = kicky
  • tyobyexen = kicking
  • tyobyexer = to kick
  • tyobyexika = kicky
  • tyobyexun = kick
  • tyobyexut = kicker
  • tyobyexwa = kicked
  • tyod = people, population
  • tyoda = demotic, gentile, people's
  • tyoda ditdab = people's republic
  • tyoda dop = people's army
  • tyoda duyz = folk tune
  • Tyoda Gerocad = Demotic Greek
  • Tyoda Latod = Vulgar Latin
  • tyoda tasen = grassroots movement, people's movement
  • Tyoda Yivxen Dop = People's Liberation Army
  • tyodab = democracy
  • tyodaba = democratic
  • tyodaba yanav debzem = democratic party headquarters
  • tyodaba yanav = democratic party
  • tyodabat = democrat
  • tyodabava = pro-democratic
  • tyodabaxen = democratization
  • tyodabaxer = to democratize
  • tyodabaxwa = democratized
  • tyodabay = democratically
  • tyodabova = anti-democratic
  • tyodabovat = anti-democrat
  • tyodaboxer = to tear down democracy
  • tyodabser = to become democratic
  • tyodabxen = democratization
  • tyodabxer = to democratize
  • tyodabxwa = democratized
  • tyodalzyen = vernacular
  • tyodaya = populous
  • tyodayan = populousness
  • tyodbyen = custom
  • tyodbyena = customary
  • tyodbyenay = customarily
  • tyodbyeniea = getting used to, growing accustomed
  • tyodbyenier = to get used to grow accustomed
  • tyodbyenuen = accustomization
  • tyodbyenuer = to accustom, to accustomize
  • tyodbyenuwa = accustomed, used to
  • tyoddalzeyn = vernacular
  • tyoddin = saga
  • tyoddokebiden = plebiscite, popular vote, referendum
  • tyodeb = president of the republic
  • tyodeba = presidential
  • tyodeba tyem = residence of the president of the republic
  • tyodebam = presidential residence of the president of the republic
  • tyodeban = presidency
  • tyodebea = presiding, serving as president
  • tyodeben = presiding, serving as president
  • tyodeber = to preside, to serve as president
  • tyodel = ad, advertisement, publication, publicity
  • tyodelen = advertising, publication, publicity
  • tyodeler = to advertise, to publicize
  • tyodelwa = advertised, publicized
  • tyodid = poll
  • tyodiden = polling
  • tyodider = to poll
  • tyodidut = poll-taker, pollster
  • tyodidyanuwa = polled
  • tyodifwa = popular
  • tyodifwan = popularity
  • tyodifwaxea = popularizing
  • tyodifwaxen = popularization, popularizing
  • tyodifwaxer = to popularize
  • tyodifwaxwa = popularized
  • tyodifway = popularly
  • tyodik = population
  • tyodika = populous
  • tyodikan = populousness
  • tyodikser = to become populated
  • tyodikxen = populating
  • tyodikxer = to populate
  • tyodikxwa = populated
  • tyodikxwem = populated area
  • tyodin = populism

tyodina -- tyoipasen

  • tyodina = populist, populistic
  • tyodinut = populist
  • tyodnad = lineage
  • tyodnada = lineal
  • tyodnaday = lineally
  • Tyodob bi Cahenim = People's Republic of China
  • Tyodob di Cahenim = PRC
  • tyodob = republic
  • tyodoba = republican
  • tyodobin = republicanism
  • tyodobina = republicanist
  • tyodobinut = republicanist
  • tyodobox = panic
  • tyodoboxer = to cause panic
  • tyodoboxwa = panicked
  • tyodobyexut = tribune
  • tyodpaaxen = demagoguery, demagogy
  • tyodpaaxut = demagog, demagogue
  • tyodpaaxyea = demagogic
  • tyodsag = people count, population
  • tyodsagden = census
  • tyodsagdren = demographics, demography
  • tyodsagdrena = demographic
  • tyodsagdrenay = demographically
  • tyodsagdrut = demographer
  • tyodtojben = genocide, progrom
  • tyodtojbena = genocidal
  • tyodtwasyan = folk wisdom
  • tyodufalx = pogrom
  • tyoduka = deserted
  • tyodukem = desert, no man's land, wasteland
  • tyodukxen = depopulation
  • tyodukxer = to depopulate
  • tyodukxwa = depopulated, unpopulated
  • tyoduz = pop music
  • tyodwa = peopled
  • tyodxen = populating
  • tyodxer = to populate
  • tyodxwa = populated
  • tyodyen = custom, more
  • tyodyena = customary
  • tyodyenay = customarily
  • tyodyeni = mores
  • tyodyenxen = customization
  • tyodyenxer = to customize
  • tyodyenxwa = customized
  • tyodyenxyafwa = customizable
  • tyoeb = thigh
  • tyoebaib = thighbone
  • tyoev = hose, thigh-length sock
  • tyoevut = hosier
  • tyoevyan = hosiery
  • tyof = culotte, pants, trouser, trousers
  • tyofabyoxar = suspender
  • tyofoben = de-panting
  • tyofober = to de-pant
  • tyofobwa = de-panted
  • tyofwa = impossible to know, unknowable
  • tyofwas = something unknowable
  • tyofway = unknowably
  • tyofyag = long pants
  • tyofyog = bermudas, cutoff, cutoffs, shorts
  • tyoib = knee
  • tyoibab = kneecap, patella
  • tyoibaxen = kneeing
  • tyoibaxer = to knee
  • tyoibbolar = knee brace
  • tyoibigbas = knee-jerk
  • tyoibsom = kneeler
  • tyoibuz = knee-bend
  • tyoibuzea dompur = kneeling bus
  • tyoibuzea = kneeling
  • tyoibuzen = genuflection, kneeling
  • tyoibuzer = to genuflect, to kneel
  • tyoibyaba = knee-high
  • tyoibyank = hock, knee joint
  • tyoibyoz = knee pit
  • tyoif = kneepad
  • tyoipasea = crawling on one's knees
  • tyoipasen = crawling on one's knees

tyoipasen tyoipasea -- tyouf

  • tyoipasen tyoipasea = crawling
  • tyoipaser = to crawl on one's knees
  • tyoipea = crawling on one's knees
  • tyoipen = crawling on one's knees
  • tyoiper = to crawl on one's knees
  • tyoiv = knee sock
  • tyolob goyblar = toenail clipper
  • tyolob = toenail
  • tyomep = pathway, sidewalk, walkway
  • tyomeup = foot trail, walking trail
  • tyomeyp = walking path
  • tyomuf = cane, crutch, walking stick
  • tyomufmuf = peg leg, stilt
  • tyomufuen = caning
  • tyomufuer = to cane
  • tyomufuwa = caned
  • tyonog = pace
  • tyonogen = pacing
  • tyonoger = to pace
  • tyonogxen meg = stepping stone, steppingstone
  • tyonogxen = stepping
  • tyonogxut = pacemaker, pacesetter
  • tyonogxwa = paced
  • tyood gyian = population density
  • tyood = populace, population, vulgate
  • tyood sagtuuni = population statistics
  • tyooda = common, vulgar
  • tyoodat = commoner
  • tyoodtun = demographics
  • tyoodtuna = demographic
  • tyoodtut = demographer
  • tyop = pace, step, walk
  • tyopagar = pedometer
  • tyopar = walker
  • tyopasyan = footwork
  • tyopea = afoot, ambulatory, walking
  • tyopea tojyat = zombie
  • tyopem = walkway
  • tyopen = walking
  • tyoper bay muf = to walk with a cane
  • tyoper = to go by foot, to go on foot, to walk
  • tyopigan = cadence
  • tyopot = gibbon
  • tyoput aybmep = pedestrian overpass
  • tyoput zeymep = footbridge
  • tyoputa gonem = pedestrian zone
  • tyoputa = pedestrian
  • tyoputaxer = to pedestrianize
  • tyopyafa = able to walk, ambulatory
  • tyopyafwa = walkable
  • tyopyag = trek
  • tyopyen = gait, stride
  • tyopyenuer = to gait
  • tyopyenuwa = gaited
  • tyopyika = limping
  • tyopyikan = limpness
  • tyopyikay = limply
  • tyopyiken = limping
  • tyopyiker = to limp
  • tyopyofa = crippled, lame, non-ambulatory, unable to walk, unwalkable
  • tyopyofwa = impossible to walk, unwalkable
  • tyopyofxea = crippling
  • tyopyofxen = laming
  • tyopyofxer = to cripple, to lame
  • tyopyofxwa = crippled, lame
  • tyopyos = stumble
  • tyopyosen = stumbling, tripping
  • tyopyoser = to stumble, to trip
  • tyopyoseux = footfall
  • tyopyot = chimpanzee
  • tyopyotud = chimp
  • tyopyuken = stumbling
  • tyopyuker = to have a hard time walking, to hobble, to stumble
  • tyopzeym = crosswalk
  • tyoser = to go public
  • tyoub = leg, lower leg, tibia
  • tyouba = tibial
  • tyoubog = fibula
  • tyouboga = fibular
  • tyouf = puttee

tyouv -- tyoyafmanx

  • tyouv = stocking
  • tyouvbexar = garter
  • tyouyv = hose
  • tyouyv nef = stockinet, stockinette
  • tyouyvyan = hosiery
  • tyoxen = outing, publicizing
  • tyoxer = to out, to publicize
  • tyoxwa = outed, publicized
  • tyoyab abalun = footprint
  • tyoyab abaxlun = foot massage
  • tyoyab bolar = foot rest, footrest
  • tyoyab buyk = footsore
  • tyoyab depat = foot soldier
  • tyoyab depatyan = infantry
  • tyoyab eysim = footstool
  • tyoyab faof = footboard, running board
  • tyoyab = foot, pod
  • tyoyab ifonek = footsie
  • tyoyab josiyn = footprint, footrace
  • tyoyab nog = footstep
  • tyoyab poyxar = foot rest
  • tyoyab sam = footlocker
  • tyoyab sansiyn = footprint
  • tyoyab tyod = rank and file
  • tyoyab zyin = footplate
  • tyoyaba = foot-related
  • tyoyababuz = instep
  • tyoyabalen = treading
  • tyoyabaler = to tread, to treadle
  • tyoyabamof = muff
  • tyoyabar mimpar = pedalo
  • tyoyabar = pedal
  • tyoyabaren = pedaling, trampling
  • tyoyabarer = to pedal, to stomp, to trample, to trampled
  • tyoyabarut = pedaler, trampler
  • tyoyabbek = pedicure
  • tyoyabbektun = chiropody, podiatry
  • tyoyabbektuna = podiatric
  • tyoyabbektut = chiropodist, foot specialist, podiatrist
  • tyoyabbekut = pedicurist
  • tyoyabboka = lame
  • tyoyabdeput = footman
  • tyoyabex = foothold
  • tyoyabmyekar = treadmill
  • tyoyaboya = footless
  • tyoyaboytofa = barefoot, barefooted
  • tyoyabsyob = tarsus
  • tyoyabuka = footless
  • tyoyabuzun = foot loop, stirrup
  • tyoyabzyun ekun = football match, soccer match
  • tyoyabzyun ekut = football player, footballer, soccer player
  • tyoyabzyun = football, soccer ball
  • tyoyabzyun ifek = game of football, soccer
  • tyoyabzyun ifekam = football arena, soccer arena
  • tyoyabzyun ifekem = football field, soccer field
  • tyoyaf fyel = shoe polish
  • tyoyaf fyelbut = shoe shine boy
  • tyoyaf fyelut = shoeblack
  • tyoyaf nyives = shoe lace
  • tyoyaf = shoe
  • tyoyaf ugar = foot brake
  • tyoyaf zoyfiaxut = cordwainer, shoe mender, shoe repairman
  • tyoyaf zyabixar = shoe-stretcher
  • tyoyafab = shoetree
  • tyoyafaben = putting on shoes
  • tyoyafaber = to put on shoes
  • tyoyafabof = bootee
  • tyoyafaof = footboard
  • tyoyafber = to shoe
  • tyoyafbolar = shoelast
  • tyoyafbwa = shod
  • tyoyafes = flat shoe, walking shoe
  • tyoyafeux = clomp
  • tyoyafeuxer = to clomp
  • tyoyafeyub = shoe horn
  • tyoyafibaxrawa = scuffed
  • tyoyafibaxren = scuffing
  • tyoyafibaxrer = to scuff
  • tyoyafibaxrun = scuff
  • tyoyafmanx = shoeshine

tyoyafmanxut -- tyoyibaibi

  • tyoyafmanxut = shoe shiner, shoeshine boy
  • tyoyafnam = shoe shop, shoe store
  • tyoyafnamut = shoe salesman
  • tyoyafnyiv = shoe lace, shoelace, shoestring
  • tyoyafoben = removing one's shoes
  • tyoyafober = to remove one's shoes, to unshoe
  • tyoyafobwa = barefoot, barefooted, unshod
  • tyoyafoya = barefoot, barefooted, shoeless
  • tyoyafsaxam = shoemaker
  • tyoyafsaxem = shoemaking factory
  • tyoyafsaxer = to cobble
  • tyoyafsaxut = cobbler, shoemaker
  • tyoyafteubaxut = brown noser
  • tyoyaftilar = shoehorn
  • tyoyafub = flipper
  • tyoyafuka = barefoot, barefooted, shoeless
  • tyoyafut = cobbler, shoemaker
  • tyoyafyan = footwear
  • tyoyafzagon = forefoot
  • tyoyakyeper = to hobble
  • tyoyamep = walkway
  • tyoyameup = foot trail, footpath
  • tyoyameyp = walking path
  • tyoyamuf = walking cane, walking stick
  • tyoyanogem = stoop
  • tyoyapvaka = surefooted
  • tyoyasan = socle
  • tyoyasum = ottoman
  • tyoyav ektobet = sock puppet
  • tyoyav = sock
  • tyoyav zyeg = spud
  • tyoyavyober = to trip up
  • tyoyavyobwa = tripped up
  • tyoyavyopen = stumbling, tripping
  • tyoyavyoper = to stumble, to trip
  • tyoyaxer zutay = to fumble
  • tyoyayf = slipper
  • tyoyayv = stockings
  • tyoyayvbexar = garter
  • tyoyd = clan, folk
  • tyoyda = clan-related, folk
  • tyoyda deuz = folk song
  • tyoyda deuzen = folk singing
  • tyoyda deuzut = folk singer
  • tyoyda din = folktale
  • tyoyda diyn = folk tale
  • tyoyda duz = folk music
  • tyoyda tej = folk life
  • tyoyda tuzut = folk artist
  • tyoydat = clansman
  • tyoydbyen = folkway
  • tyoydeb = clan leader
  • tyoydeuzen = folksinging
  • tyoydeuzun = folksong
  • tyoydeuzut = folksinger
  • tyoydtun = folklore
  • tyoydtuna = folkloric
  • tyoydtut = folklorist
  • tyoydyena = clannish, folksy
  • tyoydyenan = clannishness, folksiness
  • tyoyeb = heel
  • tyoyebaeba = sartorial
  • tyoyebaib = femur
  • tyoyebaiba = femoral, metatarsal
  • tyoyebaibi = metatarsi
  • tyoyeben = spurn, spurning
  • tyoyeber = to spurn
  • tyoyebwa = spurned
  • tyoyef = heel, shoe heel, spur, talon
  • tyoyefoya = heelless
  • tyoyefuka = heelless
  • tyoyeyf = high heel
  • tyoyf = skirt
  • tyoyfes = petticoat, waist petticoat
  • tyoyfyabendaz = cotillion
  • tyoyib = ankle
  • tyoyib taib = anklebone
  • tyoyib yuvar = ankle bracelet, ankle chain
  • tyoyibaib = talus
  • tyoyibaibi = tali

tyoyiv -- tyunxyafwan

  • tyoyiv = ankle sock
  • tyoyiz = anklet
  • tyoyob = sole
  • tyoyoba = plantar
  • tyoyobaren = squashing, stomping
  • tyoyobarer = to squash, to stomp
  • tyoyobarwa = squashed, stomped
  • tyoyoben = supplanting
  • tyoyober = to supplant
  • tyoyobwa = supplanted
  • tyoyof = platform, shoe sole
  • tyoyput = pedestrian
  • tyoyub = toe
  • tyoyubaib = phalange
  • tyoyubaoxen = wiggling one's toe
  • tyoyubaoxer = to wiggle one's toe
  • tyoyubexar = toehold
  • tyoyubuken = stubbing one's toe
  • tyoyubuker = to stub one's toe
  • tyoyubyaz = bunion
  • tyoyubyex = tap, toe tap
  • tyoyubyexdaz = tap dance
  • tyoyubyexdazen = tap dancing
  • tyoyubyexdazer = to tap dance
  • tyoyubyexdazut = tap dancer
  • tyoyubyexen = tapping, toe tapping
  • tyoyubyexer = to tap, to toe tap
  • tyoyubyexut = tapper, toe tapper
  • tyoyubyexwa = tapped
  • tyoyubyigun = toecap
  • tyoyupen = tiptoeing
  • tyoyuper = to tiptoe
  • tyoyuvar = gyve
  • tyoyuvarer = to gyve
  • tyoyuzupen = pirouetting
  • tyoyuzyup = pirouette
  • tyoyuzyuper = to pirouette
  • tyoyv = pantywaist, slip, underskirt, waist petticoat
  • tyuam = training facility
  • tyueb bi tuzi = master of arts
  • tyueb = coach, master
  • tyuen = coaching, training
  • tyuen duznad = signature melody, theme tune
  • tyuen jes = training course
  • tyuendyes = training manual
  • tyuer = to coach, to train
  • tyugsa = agile, nimble, spritely
  • tyugsan = agility, nimbleness, spriteliness
  • tyugsay = agilely, nimbly, with agility
  • tyun = concept, inspiration, notion
  • tyuna = conceptual, inspirational, notional
  • tyunay = conceptually, inspirationally, notionally
  • tyunien = conceptualization, conceptualizing
  • tyunier = to become inspired, to conceive of the idea, to conceptualize, to get the idea to get the notion
  • tyunin = conceptualism
  • tyunina = conceptualist
  • tyuninut = conceptualist
  • tyuniun = conceptualization
  • tyuniwa = conceptualized
  • tyunoz = straw man
  • tyunser = to conceptualize
  • tyunuea = inspiring
  • tyunuen = giving the idea, inspiration, suggesting, suggestion
  • tyunuer = to inspire the concept, to suggest
  • tyunuun = inspiration, suggestion
  • tyunuut = luminary, muse, source of inspiration
  • tyunuwa = inspired, suggested
  • tyunuxyean = suggestiveness
  • tyunuxyeay = suggestively
  • tyunuyafwa = suggestible
  • tyunuyafwan = suggestibility
  • tyunuyea = inspirational, suggestive
  • tyunuyean = suggestiveness
  • tyunuyeay = inspirationally, suggestively
  • tyunxen = conceiving, conception, conceptualization, conceptualizing
  • tyunxena = conceptional
  • tyunxer = to conceive of, to conceptualize
  • tyunxwa = conceived, conceptualized
  • tyunxyafwa = conceivable
  • tyunxyafwan = conceivability

tyunxyafway -- tyuyofwa

  • tyunxyafway = conceivably
  • tyunxyofwa = inconceivable
  • tyunxyofway = inconceivably
  • tyunyan = ideology, set of ideas
  • tyunyana = ideological
  • tyunyanay = ideologically
  • tyunyanut = ideologist, ideologue
  • tyuut = coach, trainer
  • tyuwa = trained
  • tyuwat = master, trained person
  • tyuyafwa = trainable
  • tyuyibdyeen = palmistry
  • tyuyibdyeer = to real palms
  • tyuyibdyeut = palm reader
  • tyuyofwa = untrainable