Mirad Lexicon/Mirad-English-S

  • s. = s.
  • -s- = stative/inchoative/intransitive verb formant
  • saaa = saaa
  • sab bi drawasi = body of literature
  • sab = body, corpus
  • sabrat = sabra
  • sabzen = fuselage
  • sadhu = sadhu
  • saea = comprising, embodying, representing
  • saen = embodiment, embodying
  • saer = to comprise, to embody, to form
  • safayb = tea plant
  • safaybes = boxwood
  • safayeb = tea leaf
  • safayeb ulza = tea green
  • safeb = huckleberry
  • safeyl bay level = sweetened tea
  • safeyl bay lifeb = tea with lemon
  • safeyl bay yom = iced tea
  • safeyl boy level = unsweetened tea
  • safeyl magilmugyeb = tea urn, teakettle
  • safeyl = tea
  • safeylam = teahouse
  • safeylim = tearoom
  • safeylmugyeb = tea kettle, teakettle, teapot
  • safeylnyef = teabag
  • safeylsyeb = teacup
  • safeylsyebik = teacupful
  • safol = tea grounds
  • sag awa = number one
  • sag bi ebnodi = connectivity
  • sag = number
  • sag tayoxar = number pad
  • sag zyiun = number plate
  • saga = numeric
  • sagay = numerically, numerously
  • sagaya = numerous
  • sagdar = enumerator
  • sagden = counting, enumerating, enumeration, numeration
  • sagder = to count out loud, to enumerate, to number, to numerate
  • sagdresiyn = cipher
  • sagdut = numberer, numerator
  • sagdwa = counted, enumerated, numbered
  • sagdyafwa = enumerable, numerable
  • sagdyofa = innumerate
  • sagdyofan = innumeracy
  • sagdyofwa = countless, innumerability, innumerable
  • sagdyofway = innumerably
  • sagdyun = numeral
  • sagdyuna = numerical
  • sagea = figuring, numbering
  • Saged = Sango
  • Sagedaler = to speak Sango
  • Sagedalut = Sango speaker
  • Sageder = to say in Sango
  • sagen = enumeration, figuring, numbering
  • sager = to enumerate, to figure, to number
  • sagiea = counting on, figuring in, reckoning, taking into account
  • sagien = counting on, figuring in, reckoning, taking into account
  • sagier = to count on, to figure in, to reckon, to take into account
  • sagika = numerous
  • sagiut = reckoner
  • sagiwa = counted on, figured in, reckoned, taken into account
  • sagmus = index, numeric scale
  • sagmusben = indexing
  • sagmusber = to index
  • sagmusbwa = indexed
  • sagnapa = in numerical order
  • sagnapxer = to arrange in numerical order
  • sagnapxwa = arranged in numerical order
  • sagon = byte
  • sagonesyena = bitwise
  • sagos igan = bandwidth
  • sagoya = numberless
  • sagsin = figure
  • sagsiyn = number sign
  • sagtuin = number theory, numerology
  • sagtuina = numerological
  • sagtuit = numerologist
  • sagtun = math, mathematics

sagtuna kyasiun -- san

  • sagtuna kyasiun = mathematical variable
  • sagtuna = mathematical
  • sagtunay = mathematically
  • sagtut = mathematician
  • sagtuun = stat, statistic
  • sagtuuna = statistical
  • sagtuunay = statistically
  • sagtuuni = statistics
  • sagtuunut = statistician
  • sagtyen = numeracy
  • sagtyofa = innumerate
  • sagtyofan = innumeracy
  • saguka = numberless
  • sagun = digit
  • saguna = digital
  • sagunay = digitally
  • sagunigan = bitrate
  • sagunnyed = bitmap
  • sagunxar = digitizer
  • sagunxea = digitizing
  • sagunxen = digitalization, digitization, digitizing
  • sagunxer = to digitalize, to digitize
  • sagunxwa = digitalized, digitized
  • sagvekek bixen bi zyukaduzar = tombola
  • sagvekek = lottery, numbers game, numbers pool, numbers racket
  • sagvekek zyup = toluene
  • sagvekeken = playing the lottery, playing the numbers
  • sagvekeker = to play the lottery, to play the numbers
  • sagvekekut = better, lottery player, numbers player
  • sagvekiam = gambling casino, gambling house
  • sagvekien = betting, gambling
  • sagvekier = to gamble
  • sagvekiut = bettor, gambler
  • sagvekiwa = gambled
  • sagyabna = preponderant, preponderate
  • sagyabnan = preponderance
  • sagyabnay = preponderantly
  • sagyafwa = denumerable
  • sagzyiun = dial
  • sagzyiun seuz = dial tone
  • sagzyiunefwa = dialup
  • sagzyiunen = dialing, dialup
  • sagzyiuner = to dial
  • sagzyiuner yibdalir = to dial a phone, dial a telephone
  • sagzyiunut = dialer
  • sagzyiunwa = dialed
  • Sahed = Yakut
  • sahib = sahib
  • saib = strut
  • saibnyan = skeleton
  • saibnyana = skeletal
  • saibyan = frame, framework, scaffolding
  • saibyanay = structurally
  • Saksa = Saxon
  • Saksam = Saxony
  • Saksama = Saxon
  • Saksat = Saxon
  • salsa daz = salsa dance
  • salsa = salsa
  • salun = specimen
  • sam = armoire, chest of drawers
  • samag = tallboy
  • samba daz = samba dance
  • samba duz = samba music
  • samba = samba
  • sammanar = lamp
  • sammoys nyen = shelf stock
  • sammoys = shelf
  • sammoysaba = on-the-shelf
  • sammoysaber = to put on the shelf, to shelve
  • sammoysabut = shelf clerk, shelver
  • sammoysben = shelving, stocking
  • sammoysber = to shelve, to stock
  • sammoysbwa = shelved
  • sammoystej = shelf life
  • sammoysyan = etagere, rack, shelves, shelving, stack
  • samnyeb = drawer
  • samnyebyan = set of drawers
  • samurai = samurai
  • san = figure, form, gestalt, semblance, shape


  • -san = -form, -shape
  • sana dodal = allocution
  • sana = formal
  • sanan = formality
  • sananyanden = declining
  • sananyander = to decline a noun
  • sananyandwa = declined
  • sanaun = moneme
  • sanaxea = formalizing
  • sanaxen = formalization, formalizing
  • sanaxer = to formalize
  • sanaxwa = formalized
  • sanay = formally
  • sanaya = intact, shapely
  • sanayan = intactness, shapeliness
  • sandraf = form
  • sandras = formula
  • sandrasa = formulaic
  • sandrasyena = formulaic
  • sandrawa = formulated
  • sandrea = formulating
  • sandren = formulating, formulation
  • sandrena = formulaic
  • sandrer = to formulate
  • sandrun = formula
  • sandruna = formulaic
  • sandrunxen = formulation
  • sandrunxer = to formulate
  • sandrut = formulator
  • sandyun = substantive
  • sandyunan = substantivity
  • sandyunay = substantively
  • sangelsea = conformant, conforming
  • sangelseay = in conformance
  • sangelsen = conformance
  • sangelser = to adapt, to conform, to suit
  • sangelsyea = adaptive
  • sangelsyeay = adaptively
  • sangelxar = adapter
  • sangelxen = adaptation, adapting, adaption, suiting
  • sangelxer = to adapt, to suit
  • sangelxwa = adapted, suited
  • sangelxyafwa = adaptable, suitable
  • sangelxyafwan = adaptability
  • sangelxyofwa = unadaptable, unsuitable
  • sangoblar = carving knife
  • sangoblawa = carved, sculpted
  • sangoblen = carving
  • sangobler = to carve, to cut to a form, to sculpt
  • sangoblun = carving, sculpture
  • sangoblut = carver, sculptor
  • sangobluyt = sculptress
  • sangria = sangria
  • sangri-alza = sangria red
  • sangunxwaot = avatar
  • Sanid = Sanskrit
  • Sanidaler = to speak Sanskrit
  • Sanidalut = Sanskrit speaker
  • Sanider = to say in Sanskrit
  • sanien = formation, taking shape
  • sanier = to endue, to form, to take shape
  • sanika = shapely
  • sanikan = shapeliness
  • sanin = formalism, morphism
  • sanina = formalistic
  • saninut = formalist
  • sanizbar = template
  • sankyasea = evolving, metamorphizing, transforming
  • sankyaser = to evolve, to metamorphose, to mutate, to transform
  • sankyaxea = evolving, mutating, transforming
  • sankyaxen = accidence, evolution, evolving, form-changing, inflection, metamorphism, metamorphosing, mutating, mutation, transformation, transforming
  • sankyaxena = evolutionary, metamorphic, mutational, mutative, transformational
  • sankyaxena meg = metamorphic rock
  • sankyaxenay = metamorphically, mutationally, transformationally
  • sankyaxer = to evolve, to metamorphose, to mutate, to transform
  • sankyaxina = evolutionist
  • sankyaxinut = evolutionist
  • sankyaxir = transformer
  • sankyaxtuin = theory of evolution
  • sankyaxwa = evolved, metamorphosed, mutated, transformed

sankyaxyafwa -- sarnyanuwa

  • sankyaxyafwa = transformable
  • sankyaxyea = transformative
  • sankyos = sediment
  • sankyosea meg = sedimentary rock
  • sankyosea = sedimentary
  • sankyosen = sedimentation, settling
  • sankyoser = to sediment, to settle
  • sankyoxea = determinant, determining
  • sankyoxer = to determine
  • sankyoxwa = determined
  • sankyoxyafwa = determinable
  • sanokay = flabbily
  • sanokea = going flabby, losing shape
  • sanoker = to go flabby, to lose shape
  • sanokya = flabby, flaccid
  • sanokyan = flabbiness, flaccidity
  • sanoya = amorphous, formless, hyaline, shapeless
  • sanoyan = amorphousness, formlessness, shapelessness
  • sansea = formative, forming
  • sanser = to constitute, to figure, to form, to take shape
  • sansiyn = impression, imprint
  • sansiynxen = imprinting
  • sansiynxer = to imprint
  • sansiynxwa = imprinted
  • santim = centime
  • santun = morphology
  • santuna = morphological
  • santunay = morphologically
  • santut = morphologist
  • sanuen = formation, forming, giving shape to
  • sanuer = to form, to give shape to lend shape to
  • sanuka = amorphous, formless, hyaline, shapeless
  • sanuka drilun = inkblot
  • sanukan = amorphousness, formlessness, shapelessness
  • sanukay = amorphously, shapelessly
  • sanuwa = formed, shaped
  • sanuzben = warping
  • sanuzber = to warp
  • sanuzbwa = warped
  • sanxar = shaper
  • sanxea = shaping
  • sanxea yaozgoblar = fretsaw
  • sanxen = constitution, formation, shaping
  • sanxena = formational
  • sanxenay = formationally
  • sanxer = to constitute, to form, to shape
  • sanxir = lathe
  • sanxus = formant, shaper
  • sanxwa = formed, shaped
  • sanxyea = formative
  • sanxyeay = formatively
  • sanyan = composite, composition, configuration, format
  • sanyanxen = configuration, configuring, formatting
  • sanyanxer = to configure, to format
  • sanyanxwa = configured, formatted
  • sanyanxyafwa = configurable
  • sanyeven = criticism, critiquing
  • sanyever = to criticize, to critique
  • sanyevwa = critiqued
  • sanyuznad = silhouette
  • sanyuznadxwa = silhouetted
  • sapat = partridge
  • sapit = herring
  • sapitaib = herringbone
  • sapituzyus = rollmop
  • sapyet = boa
  • saqamaw = sachem
  • sar = apparatus, device, instrument, tool, utility
  • sara = instrumental
  • saren = tooling
  • sarer = to tool
  • sareslofuken = tinkering
  • sareslofukut = tinker, tinkerer
  • sari = sari
  • sarkyobexar = chuck
  • sarkyobexarer = to chuck
  • sarnab = toolbar
  • sarnyanuen = equipping
  • sarnyanuer = to accouter
  • sarnyanuwa = equipped

sarnyem -- saunser

  • sarnyem = toolbox
  • sarog = contraption, gadget
  • sarogifrut = gadgeteer
  • sarogyan = gadgetry
  • sarong = sarong
  • sarsaxen = making tools, toolmaking
  • sarsaxer = to make a tool
  • sarsaxut = toolmaker
  • sarsea = helpful, instrumental
  • sarsean = instrumentality
  • sarseay = instrumentally
  • sarser = to be a tool, to be instrumental, to be of use, to help
  • sarseym = dashboard
  • sartim = tool room, tool shed
  • sartuyabar = haft, helve
  • saruen = tooling
  • saruer = to tool
  • sarum = toolshed, utility closest
  • sarxen = making use of, utilization
  • sarxer = to make use of, to utilize
  • sarxwa = utilized
  • saryan = equipment, gear, instrumentation, rig, tackle, tool set
  • saryanuen = equipage, equipment
  • saryanuer = to equip
  • saryanum = equipment closet
  • saryanut = rigger
  • saryanyem = gearbox, toolbox
  • saryem = binnacle
  • sasea = developing
  • sasea mem = developing country
  • sasen = development
  • saser = to come to be, to develop, to turn out
  • sasya = developed
  • sat = being, creature
  • sati = suttee
  • satori = satori
  • satrap = satrap
  • satrapan = satrapy
  • Saturnal = Saturnalia
  • Saturnala = Saturnalian
  • saugonxwa = exemplified
  • Saum = Saudi Arabia
  • Sauma = Saudi
  • Saumat = Saudi, inhabitant of Saudi Arabia
  • saun = caliber, embodiment, genre, ilk, kind, sort, type
  • sauna = generic
  • saunaber = to assign to a type
  • saunan = banality
  • saunapxar = sorter
  • saunapxen = sorting
  • saunapxer ha nyan = to sort the deck
  • saunapxer = to sort
  • saunapxer yonibler = to sort out
  • saunapxut = sorter
  • saunapxwa = sorted out
  • saunay = generically
  • saunes = sample, specimen
  • saunesien = sampling
  • saunesier = to sample
  • saunesiun = sampler
  • saunesiwa = sampled
  • saunesyan = assortment, sample set
  • saungon = example
  • saungona = exemplary
  • saungonsea = exemplifying
  • saungonser = to exemplify
  • saungonuka = unexampled
  • saungonxen = exemplification
  • saungonxer = to exemplify
  • saungos = swatch
  • saungoynier = to take a sample
  • saungoynuen = giving to sample, offering a sample
  • saungoynuer = to give to sample, to offer a sample
  • saungoynuwa = offered as a sample
  • saunkyoxen = classification, stereotyping, typecasting
  • saunkyoxer = to classify, to stereotype, to typecast
  • saunkyoxwa = classified, stereotyped, typecast
  • saunnapxen = triage
  • saunsea = typifying
  • saunser = to be modeled after, to typify

sauntun -- sazulnyef

  • sauntun = typology
  • sauntuna = typological
  • sauntunay = typologically
  • sauntut = typologist
  • saunxea = classifying, typifying
  • saunxen = classification, typification
  • saunxer = to classify, to typify
  • saunxus = classificator, classifier
  • saunxut = classifier
  • saunxwa = classified, typified
  • saunxyafwa = classifiable
  • sav = rationale, reason
  • sava = rational
  • savayeb = frond
  • savob maf = mushroom cloud
  • savob = mushroom
  • savol = leek
  • savuer = to account for, to give a reason for, to rationalize
  • savuwa = accounted for, rationalized
  • savxen = rationalization
  • savxer = to rationalize
  • savxwa = rationalized
  • sawa bi = comprised of
  • sawa = comprised, embodied
  • saxam = factory, manufacturer
  • saxea = fabricating
  • saxem = plant
  • saxen = built, craft, creation, development, fabricating, fabrication, making, manufacturing, production
  • saxer bi luvobi = to reeden
  • saxer duz = to create music, make music
  • saxer dyezun = to make a film, make a movie, shoot a film
  • saxer taxdrun = to cut a record
  • saxer = to craft, to create, to fabricate, to make, to manufacture
  • saxim = lab, studio
  • saxun = creation, product
  • saxut = developer, fabricator, maker, manufacturer
  • saxwa = crafted, created, developed, fabricated, made, manufactured
  • saxwas = creation, product
  • saxwat = creature
  • saxyafwa = makable
  • saxyea = creative
  • saxyean = creativity
  • saxyeay = creatively
  • saxyen bi mempur = make of a car
  • saxyen = make
  • sayeb = foil, layer, sheet, spathe
  • sayebxen = layering
  • sayebxer = to layer
  • sayebxwa = layered
  • saym = cabinet
  • saynea = consisting of
  • sayner = to consist of
  • saz = sculpture
  • saza = sculptural
  • sazan = sculpting
  • sazer = to sculpt
  • sazul abaun = plastic lid
  • sazul goblar = plastic knife
  • sazul ilsyeb = plastic jug
  • sazul nyef = plastic bag
  • sazul = plastic
  • sazul telar = plastic fork
  • sazul telyeb = plastic plate
  • sazul tilar = plastic spoon
  • sazul tilsyeb = plastic cup
  • sazul tolaryan = plastic cutlery
  • sazul twiyub = dildo
  • sazul yuznov = plastic wrap
  • sazula = made of plastic
  • sazula milbelar = plastic bucket, plastic pail
  • sazulabaun = boot
  • sazulaben = plasticization
  • sazulaber = to apply plastic, to plasticize
  • sazulabut = plasticizer
  • sazulabwa = plasticized
  • sazulan = plasticity
  • sazulayefben = lamination
  • sazulayefber = to laminate
  • sazulayefbwa = laminated
  • sazulnyef = plastic bag

sazulnyuv -- Semidatovat

  • sazulnyuv = plastic wrap
  • sazulnyuvben = plasti-wrapping
  • sazulnyuvber = to wrap in plastic
  • sazulnyuvbwa = plasti-wrapped in plastic-wrapped
  • sazulxen = plasticization, plying
  • sazulxer = to plasticize, to ply
  • sazulxut = plasticizer
  • sazulxwa = plasticized, plied
  • sazulxyafwa = malleable, pliable
  • sazulyena = pliant, resilient, supple
  • sazulzyun = balloon, plastic ball
  • sazun = piece of sculpture
  • sazut = sculptor
  • sazwa = sculpted
  • scilicet = scilicet
  • se = am, are, is
  • Se awa jwob. = It is one o'clock.
  • Se duhojub bi ha yejub? = What day of the week is it?
  • Se duhojwob? = What time is it?
  • Se eta nayb eker. = It is your turn to play.
  • Se eta yov! = It is your fault!
  • Se ewa jwobi. = It is two o'clock., It is two o’clock.
  • Se huua yov! = What a pity!, What a shame!
  • Se hya gea. = It is all the same.
  • Se kyaxyofwa. = It can't be helped.
  • Se mapika. = It is windy.
  • Se oma. = It is cold.
  • Se tesoga son. = It doesn't matter.
  • Se vlatwa van... = It is certain that..., It is known for certain that...
  • sea = being
  • sead = affidavit
  • sean = being, essence
  • seat = being, creature
  • seb = head
  • sebuka uzyumuv = set screw, setscrew
  • sebuzyumuv = bolt
  • sebuzyumuvben = bolting
  • sebuzyumuvber = to bolt
  • sebuzyumuvbwa = bolted
  • seduzar = bandoneon
  • seem = bar, bench, board, counter, panel
  • seemabaun = benchtop, countertop
  • seemut = panelist
  • seer ifrut bi = to be a fan of
  • sefayb = blackberry bush
  • sefaybes = currant
  • sefel = blackberry juice
  • sefeyb ableovol = blackberry pie
  • sefeyb = blackberry, loganberry
  • sefyel = blackberry jam
  • sefyeyl = blackberry jelly
  • seib = cantilever, jut, ledge, lever, lobe, ogive, protrusion, protuberance
  • seiba = protuberant
  • seibea = jutting
  • seiber = to jut
  • seibsea = jutting out, protruding, sticking out
  • seibser = to jut out, to protrude, to stick out
  • seibwa = cantilevered
  • seibxwa = protruded
  • seibxyafwa = protrusile
  • seibxyea = protrusive
  • seibxyean = protrusiveness
  • sem neafek = ping pong, table tennis
  • sem neafek zyun = ping pong ball, table tennis ball
  • sem neafekut = ping pong player, table tennis player
  • sem raduzar = keyboard
  • sem = table
  • sem vafil = table wine, vin de table
  • Semad = Semitic
  • Semada = Semitic
  • Semadat = Semite
  • Semadatova = anti-Semitic
  • Semadatovin = anti-Semitism
  • Semadatufa = anti-Semitic
  • Semadatufat = anti-Semite
  • semben = seating at the table
  • sember = to seat at the table
  • sembier = to get a table, to sit at the table
  • sembun = table setting
  • Semidatovat = anti-Semite

Seminolat -- seusaren

  • Seminolat = Seminole
  • semmel = mesa
  • semmem = mesa
  • semog = bar, shelf
  • semov = table cloth, table linen, tablecloth
  • sempea = sitting at the table
  • semper = to sit down at the table
  • sempien = getting up from the table
  • sempier = to get up from the table
  • sempuer = to arrive at the table
  • sempya = seated at the table
  • semsan = trapezoid
  • semsana = trapezoidal
  • semub = flap, table flap
  • semutyan = table
  • semyag = banquet table
  • semyoyab = table leg
  • sen = being, essence
  • senexal = seneschal
  • Senim = Senegal
  • Senima = Senegalese
  • Senimat = Senagalese, inhabitant of Senegal
  • sentavo = centavo
  • sentun = ontology
  • sentuna = ontological
  • sentut = ontologist
  • sepat = quail
  • sepatyan = covey
  • sepetulob = spine
  • sepit = barbel
  • sepyet = cobra, naja
  • ser be yikon = to be in trouble
  • ser bekul fuyixut = to be a drug abuser
  • ser bekul grayixut = to be a drug addict
  • ser eybxwa be = to be interested in
  • ser eybxwa bey = to have an interest in
  • ser fizda = to be honest
  • ser fruitpxwa = to be outraged
  • ser frutipa = to be mad
  • ser frutipxwa = to be enraged, be incensed
  • ser glonoxea = to stint
  • ser ikla bi = to abound
  • ser ikxwa bay = to pullulate
  • ser izdaleafizder = to be honest
  • ser kyitesa = to be important
  • ser okyitesa = to be unimportant
  • ser otrefuwa bey = to have no interest in
  • ser oyakza xer hes = to be anxious to do something, cannot wait to do something
  • ser tepbixwa be = to be curious about
  • ser = to be
  • ser trefuwa bey = to have an interest in
  • ser trefxwa be = to be curious about
  • ser tunefa vyel = to be interested in
  • ser tunefxwa bey = to be interested in
  • ser tyuwa bay = to be acquainted with
  • ser ukza = to be in the poorhouse
  • ser vyada = to be honest
  • ser yokuvxwa = to be disappointed
  • ser yova = to be culpable, be wrong
  • ser yujunxwa = to be constipated
  • seubob = lip, rim
  • seuboboya = rimless
  • seubobuka = rimless
  • seubobwa bay feelyig = rimmed with steel
  • seubobwa = rimmed
  • seupan = cadence
  • seupana = cadenced
  • seupib = cog
  • seusar = bell, chimer
  • seusar byoskin = ringer
  • seusar pyexus = clanger, clapper
  • seusar seuz = ringtone
  • seusar yabtom = belfry, bell tower
  • seusarag = bong, clang
  • seusaragen = clanging, clangor, clangour
  • seusarager = to bong, to clang, to ding-dong, to dingdong
  • seusaragun = ding-dong, dingdong
  • seusarea = chiming, ringing
  • seusareay = ringingly
  • seusaren = chiming, pealing, ringing, tintinnabulation

seusarer -- seuxgelxwa

  • seusarer = to chime, to peal, to ring
  • seusarogen = tinkling
  • seusaroger = to ding, to tinkle
  • seusarogun = ding
  • seusarsan = cloche
  • seusartun = campanology
  • seusartuna = campanological
  • seusartut = campanologist
  • seusarun = dong, peal
  • seusarut = ringer
  • seusarwa = pealed
  • seusaryabtom = campanile
  • seuser = to blare, to chime, to clang, to ring, to sound like
  • seusika = sonorous
  • seusikan = sonority
  • seux azan = loudness
  • seux = clang, sound
  • seux malpyaon = acoustic airwave
  • seux nabyan = sound spectrum
  • seux pyaon = acoustic wave, sonic wave, sound wave
  • seuxa = acoustic, sonic
  • seuxa pyaon = sonic wave
  • seuxag = big sound, noise, ring
  • seuxaga = rowdy
  • seuxagan = rowdiness, rowdyism
  • seuxagay = rowdily
  • seuxagea = emitting a loud noise, resounding, ringing out
  • seuxageay = resoundingly
  • seuxagen = emission of a loud noise, resounding, ringing out
  • seuxager = to emit a loud noise, to resound, to ring out
  • seuxar = tooter
  • seuxarager = to blare
  • seuxarea = beeping, honking, tooting
  • seuxaren = beeping, honking, tooting
  • seuxarer = to beep, to toot
  • seuxarut = tooter
  • seuxay = acoustically, sonorously
  • seuxaya = sonorous
  • seuxayan = sonority, sonorousness
  • seuxaza = loud, stentorian, uproarious
  • seuxaza ovteud = uproar
  • seuxaza paax = uproar
  • seuxazan izbexar = volume control
  • seuxazan izbexnuf = volume control knob
  • seuxazan = loudness, volume
  • seuxazandar = fader
  • seuxazaser = to get louder
  • seuxazaxer = to make louder
  • seuxazay = loudly
  • seuxden = enunciation, pronouncing, pronunciation, sounding out
  • seuxder = to articulate, to enunciate, to pronounce, to sound out
  • seuxdrar = phonograph, recorder
  • seuxdras = record, recording, sonograph
  • seuxdren = phonography
  • seuxdrena = phonographic
  • seuxdrer = to record
  • seuxdwa = articulated, enunciated, pronounced, sounded out
  • seuxdwan = articulateness
  • seuxdyafwa = pronounceable
  • seuxdyear = sounder
  • seuxdyen = accent
  • seuxdyikwa = difficult to pronounce
  • seuxdyikwas = mouthful, something difficult to pronounce, tongue-twister
  • seuxdyofwa = impossible to pronounce, unpronounceable
  • seuxebar = soundblocker, soundproofer
  • seuxeben = sound-blocking, soundproofing
  • seuxeber = to block the sound
  • seuxebwa = sound-blocked, soundproof
  • seuxen = making a sound, ring, sounding
  • seuxen teyub = honking a horn
  • seuxer kyebuk jwadar = to sound an alarm
  • seuxer teyub = to honk a horn
  • seuxer = to beep, to clang, to make a sound, to ring, to sound
  • seuxfaof = soundboard
  • seuxgeldyuen = onomatopoeia
  • seuxgeldyuena = onomatopoeic, onomatopoetic
  • seuxgelxea = echomimetic, imitative, onomatopoeic
  • seuxgelxen = echomimcry, imitating a sound, imitation, onomatopoeia
  • seuxgelxer = to imitate, to imitate the sound of
  • seuxgelxwa = sound-imitated

seuxgelxwas -- seuzteefyofan

  • seuxgelxwas = onomatopoeia, something echomimetic
  • seuxigan = speed of sound
  • seuxika = sonorous
  • seuxika yaniv = shindig, shindy
  • seuxikan = sonority, sonorousness
  • seuxikay = sonorously
  • seuxilper = to swash
  • seuxirer = to honk
  • seuxix = sound effect
  • seuxkyax = sound change, sound shift
  • seuxmufyeg = kazoo, whistle
  • seuxmufyegea = whistling
  • seuxmufyegen = whistling
  • seuxmufyeger = to whistle
  • seuxnaed = soundtrack
  • seuxneg = sound level
  • seuxnid izbexar = volume control
  • seuxnid = volume
  • seuxobox = shindy
  • seuxovaren = soundproofing
  • seuxoya = silent, sound-free, soundless
  • seuxpaan = bluster
  • seuxrar = honker, hooter
  • seuxraren = honking, hooting, tooting
  • seuxrarer = to hoot
  • seuxraruen = beeping the horn, sounding the horn, tooting the horn
  • seuxraruer = to beep the horn, to toot the horn
  • seuxsiyn = phonogram
  • seuxtaxdrun = phonorecord
  • seuxteaxar = sonogram
  • seuxtun = acoustics
  • seuxtuna = acoustic
  • seuxtunay = acoustically
  • seuxtut = acoustician, acoustics expert
  • seuxuka = silent, sound-free, soundless
  • seuxukan = emptiness of sound, silence
  • seuxukay = soundlessly
  • seuxur = siren
  • seuxurea = blaring, going off
  • seuxuren = blaring, going off
  • seuxurer = to blare, to go off
  • seuxurwa = blared
  • seuxvaka = soundproof
  • seuxvakxea = soundproofing
  • seuxvakxen = soundproofing
  • seuxvakxer = to soundproof
  • seuxvakxus = soundproofing material
  • seuxvakxwa = soundproofed
  • seuxvolz = timbre
  • seuxwa = rung, sounded
  • seuxyan = acoustics, audio
  • seuxyana = audio
  • seuxyigra = strident
  • seuxyigran = stridency
  • seuxyigray = stridently
  • seuxzoyxen = assonance
  • seuz bi teuz = tone of voice
  • seuz dalzeyn = tone language
  • seuz drezun = tone poem
  • seuz izbex = tone control
  • seuz sizun = tone painting
  • seuz = tone, tune
  • seuza = sonant, tonal
  • seuzan = tonality
  • seuzaun = toneme
  • seuzaxut = tuner
  • seuzay = tonally
  • seuzaya = tuneful
  • seuzayan = tunefulness
  • seuzazay = uproariously
  • seuzigran = vitriolics
  • seuzika = tuneful
  • seuzikan = tunefulness
  • seuzikay = tunefully
  • seuzmufyeg = bazoo
  • seuzmufyegut = kazoo player, whistler
  • seuzoker = to get out of tune
  • seuzoya = toneless, tuneless
  • seuzteefyofa = tone deaf, tone-deaf
  • seuzteefyofan = tone deafness

seuzteefyofser -- sezer

  • seuzteetyofser = to become tone deaf
  • seuzteetyofxen = rendering tone deaf
  • seuzteetyofxer = to render tone deaf
  • seuzteetyofxwa = rendered tone deaf
  • seuztub = tonearm
  • seuztun = tonetics
  • seuztuna = tonetic
  • seuztunay = tonetically
  • seuztut = tonetician
  • seuzuen = toning
  • seuzuer = to tone up
  • seuzuka = toneless, tuneless
  • seuzukay = tonelessly, tunelessly
  • seuzuwa = toned
  • seuzvolz = timbre
  • seuzyigra = vitriolic
  • seuzzoyxwa = assonant
  • sevob = thistle
  • sevobaya = thistly
  • sevobayeb = thistledown
  • sevobika = thistly
  • sevobyena = thistly
  • sevol = onion
  • sevoluz = onion ring
  • sevyalza = thistle violet
  • sex = construct
  • sexeb = master builder
  • sexem = building site, construction site
  • sexen = construction
  • sexen ifek = erector set
  • sexen meg = building stone
  • sexer = to build, to construct
  • sexin = constructionist
  • sexlawa = founded, instituted
  • sexlen = foundation, founding
  • sexlena = institutional
  • sexler = to found, to institute
  • sexlun = foundation, institution
  • sexmel = cob
  • sexmul = building material
  • sextun = tectonics
  • sextuz = architecture
  • sextuza = architectural
  • sextuzer = to architect
  • sextuzut = architect
  • sextuzwa = architected
  • sexun = building, construct
  • sexungun = shingle
  • sexungunber = to shingle
  • sexungunbwa = shingled
  • sexut = builder, constructor
  • sexwa = built, constructed
  • sexyanul = construction mortar
  • sexyea = constructive
  • sexyean = constructiveness
  • sexyeay = constructively
  • sexyen = structure
  • sexyena = structural, tectonic
  • sexyenay = structurally
  • sexyenin = structuralism
  • sexyenina = structuralist
  • sexyeninut = structuralist
  • sexyenoker = to dilapidate, to lose structure
  • sexyenoyka = dilapidated
  • sexyenxen = structuring
  • sexyenxer = to structure
  • sexyenxut = structurer
  • sexyenxwa = structured
  • seym = board, pad, slate, tablet
  • seyn = essence
  • seyxlam = institute
  • seyxlawa = instituted
  • seyxlen = instituting, institution
  • seyxlena = institutional
  • seyxler = to institute
  • sez = sculpture
  • seza = sculptural
  • sezen = carving, sculpting
  • sezer = to carve, to sculpt

sezesiut -- simobwa

  • sezesiut = medal recipient
  • sezeyef = frieze
  • sezgoblar = chisel
  • sezgoblawa = chiseled
  • sezgoblen = chiseling
  • sezgobler = to chisel
  • sezgoblut = chiseler
  • sezim = sculpture studio
  • sezun = carving, sculpture
  • sezunog = figurine
  • sezut = carver, sculptor
  • sezuyt = sculptress
  • sezwa = carved, sculpted, sculptured
  • sezyonar = chisel
  • sezyonaren = chiseling
  • sezyonarer = to chisel
  • sezyonarut = chiseler
  • sezyonarwa = chiseled
  • sib = frustum, main body, shaft
  • sibarisut = sybarite
  • sibarisyena = sybaritic
  • siber = to pick up
  • sifalza = chili red
  • sifayb = pepper plant, pepper vine
  • sifeyb = pepper, peppercorn
  • sifeybteil = chili
  • sifilusbok = syphilis
  • sifilusboka = syphilitic
  • sifol = ground pepper
  • sifol mifxar = pepper spray
  • sifolar = pepper shaker
  • sifolaya = hot, peppery, spicy
  • sifolbaya = peppery
  • sifolben = peppering
  • sifolber = to pepper
  • sifolbika = peppery
  • sifolbwa = peppered
  • sifolika = hot, peppery, spicy
  • sifolmek = paprika
  • sifoltuil = salsa
  • sifolyena = hot, peppery, piquant, spicy
  • sifolyenan = piquancy
  • sifolyenay = piquantly
  • sigma = sigma
  • siiimyug = couch, lounge, sofa
  • siim = bench, couch, sofa
  • siimsum = day bed
  • siimyig = bench
  • Sikin = Sikhism
  • Sikina fyaxam = Sikh temple
  • Sikina = Sikhi
  • Sikinut = Sikh
  • sim = chair, seat
  • sim zetif = seat belt
  • simbelar = chairlift
  • simben = seating, session, sitting
  • simber = to assign a seat
  • simbesea = remaining seated
  • simbesen = remaining seated
  • simbeser = to remain seated
  • simbexen = holding a seat, reservation
  • simbexer = to be seated, to be sitting, to hold a seat, to reserve a seat
  • simbexwa = occupied, reserved
  • simbien dredek = spelldown
  • simbien = sitting down, taking a seat
  • simbier be seem = to sit at the counter
  • simbier = to have a seat, to occupy a seat oneself, to sit, to sit down, to take a seat
  • Simbiu! = Sit down!
  • simbiut = sitter
  • simbiya = seated, sitting
  • simbuen = offering a seat, ushering
  • simbuer = to offer a seat, to usher
  • simbuut = usher
  • simbuuyt = usherette
  • simbuwa = offered a seat, ushered
  • simbwa = seated
  • simim = sitting room
  • simoben = de-seating, unseating
  • simober = to de-seat, to take away one's seat
  • simobwa = de-seated, unseated

simoker -- sinneyefxen

  • simoker = to lose a seat, to lose one's seat
  • simopen = abdication, getting up from a chair, getting up from a sitting position, vacating one's seat
  • simoper = to abdicate, to get up from a chair, to get up from a sitting position
  • simpea = sitting down
  • simper = to have a seat oneself, to sit, to sit down
  • simpien = getting up from one's seat
  • simpier = to get up from one's seat
  • simpya = seated
  • simyag = daybed
  • simyoyab = chair leg
  • simzetif = seatbelt
  • simzom zefaof = splat
  • sin = image, picture
  • sin muyfyeg = picture tube
  • sin tepyek = jigsaw puzzle
  • sina dreyen = ideographic script
  • sina = figurative, pictorial
  • sinar = camera
  • sinarzyef = focus mechanism, lens
  • Sinatrifuyt = bobbysoxer
  • sinay = pictorially
  • sindraf bi ha amuli = chart of the elements
  • sindraf = chart, visual chart
  • sindrawa = depicted, described, drawn, illustrated
  • sindrawas = depiction, description
  • sindrea adun = descriptive adjective
  • sindrea = depicting, describing, descriptive, illustrating, illustrative
  • sindrea dyun = appellative, descriptive name
  • sindrean = descriptiveness
  • sindreay = descriptively, illustratively
  • sindren = depiction, description, drawing, illustrating, illustration
  • sindren drof = drawing board
  • sindren nad yuz = drawing a line around
  • sindrena = descriptive
  • sindrer bi tej = to draw from life
  • sindrer gasin = to draw an x
  • sindrer nad = to draw a line
  • sindrer = to depict, to describe, to draw, to illustrate, to limn
  • sindrer zyus = to draw a circle
  • sindresiyn = ideogram, ideograph
  • sindresiyna = ideographic
  • sindrof = picture board, poster
  • sindrun = drawing
  • sindrus = descriptor
  • sindrut = describer, illustrator, limner
  • sindryafwa = describable
  • sindryofwa = indescribable
  • sindryofway = indescribably
  • sindun = character, pictogram, pictograph
  • sindundren = pictography
  • sindundrena = pictographic
  • sineyef = frieze
  • singon = feature
  • singondrawa = described, featured
  • singondrea = featuring
  • singondren = describing, description, featuring
  • singondrer = to describe, to feature
  • singonoya = featureless
  • singonuka = featureless
  • siniar = viewer, viewing device, visualizer
  • Sinid = Sinhalese
  • Sinida = Sinhalese
  • Sinidaler = to speak Sinhalese
  • Sinidalut = Sinhalese speaker of Sinhalese
  • Sinider = to say in Sinhalese
  • sinien = picturing, viewing, visualization, visualizing
  • sinier = to picture, to visualize
  • siniun = view
  • siniwa = pictured, visualized
  • siniyafwa = imaginable, viewable
  • siniyafway = imaginably
  • sinjibdren = illustrated review, magazine
  • sinkyaser = to transfigure oneself
  • sinkyaxen = transfiguration
  • sinkyaxena = transfigurational
  • sinkyaxer = to transfigure
  • sinkyaxwa = transfigured
  • sinmis = picture window
  • sinneyef = video
  • sinneyefxen = videography

sinneyefxut -- sirexena yikson

  • sinneyefxut = videographer
  • sinnod = pixel
  • sinnodxen = pixilation
  • sinnodxer = to pixilate
  • sinnodxwa = pixilated
  • sinsuan = pixel
  • sinsuanxen = pixilation
  • sinsuanxer = to pixilate
  • sinsuanxwa = pixilated
  • sintem = picture gallery
  • sinuam = showplace
  • sinuar = displayer, readout, screen
  • sinuaren = screening
  • sinuarer = to screen
  • sinuarim = screening room
  • sinuarwa = screened
  • sinuem = display site, exhibition site, scene
  • sinuen = depicting, displaying, exhibiting, imaging, picturing, showing
  • sinuer nunyan = to display merchandise
  • sinuer = to depict, to display, to exhibit, to show
  • sinuim = showroom
  • sinuun = depiction, display, exhibit, show, simulacrum
  • sinuut = display artist, exhibitioner, exhibitor
  • sinuwa = depicted, displayed, exhibited, pictured
  • sinuyafwa = displayable
  • sinwa balsyin = puncheon
  • sinxea = depicting, descriptive
  • sinxen = depiction, description, figuration
  • sinxer = to depict, to describe
  • sinxun = depiction, description
  • sinxwa opyexar = scutcheon
  • sinyan = imagery
  • sinyeber = to inlay
  • sinyebut = inlayer
  • sinyefser = to mirror
  • sinyena = idyll, picturesque
  • sinyenan = picturesqueness
  • sinyenay = picturesquely
  • sinyuibar = zoom
  • sinyuibea kyazyef = zoom lens
  • sinyuiben = zooming
  • sinyuiber = to zoom
  • sinyuz = frame, picture frame
  • sinyuzben = framing
  • sinyuzber = to frame
  • sinyuzbut = framer
  • sinyuzbwa = framed
  • sinyuzoben = unframing
  • sinyuzober = to unframe
  • sinyuzobwa = unframed
  • sinzyef = looking glass, mirror, speculum
  • sinzyef yilomil = quicksilver
  • sinzyefifran = narcissism
  • sinzyefifrea = narcissistic
  • sinzyefifrut = narcissist
  • sinzyefnam = mirror shop
  • sinzyefnamut = mirror retailer
  • sinzyefsaxut = mirror-maker
  • sinzyefut = mirror-maker
  • sinzyefwa = mirrored
  • sinzyefxen = mirroring
  • sinzyefxer = to mirror
  • sinzyefxwa = mirrored
  • sipat = woodcock
  • sipit = anchovy
  • sipotayob = moleskin
  • sipotayob volza = taupe
  • sipotyazmeyl = molehill
  • sipyet = viper
  • sir = machine
  • sir pyaon = mechanical wave
  • sira = mechanical
  • sira pyaon = mechanical wave
  • sira yextun = mechanical engineering
  • sira yextut = mechanical engineer
  • siray = mechanically
  • sirdal = machine language
  • sires = mechanism
  • siresfuk = bug, glitch, mechanical flaw
  • sirexena yikson = glitch

sirgon -- siyndrer

  • sirgon = machine part, mechanism
  • sirgonbexar = gib
  • sirina = mechanistic
  • sirina tuin = mechanistic theory
  • sirinay = mechanistically
  • sirinut = mechanist
  • sirog = contraption, contrivance, gadget
  • sirogyan = gadgetry
  • sirovinut = iconoclast
  • sirpana = rote
  • sirsaxen = machining
  • sirsaxer = to machine
  • sirsaxwa = machined
  • sirseux = bloop
  • sirtob = automaton, robot
  • sirtoba = robotic
  • sirtobxer = to robotize
  • sirtyen = mechanics
  • sirtyena = mechanical
  • sirtyenut = machinist, mechanic, mechanician
  • sirun = mechanism
  • sirut = mechanic
  • sirxen = mechanization, mechanizing
  • sirxer = to mechanize
  • sirxwa = mechanized
  • siryan = hardware, machinery
  • siryena = machine-like, mechanical
  • siryenay = like a machine, mechanically
  • Sitod = Sino-Tibetan
  • siun bi fyaztos = token of gratitude
  • siun bi ha jobi = sign of the times
  • siun bi ha zeys = sign of the cross
  • siun = sign, token
  • siunar = semaphore, signal
  • siunaren = signaling
  • siunarer = to cue, to signal
  • siunarut = signaler, signalman
  • siunarwa = signaled
  • siunaryan = signage
  • siunaxen = tokenization
  • siunaxer = to tokenize
  • siunaxwa = tokenized
  • siundal = sign language
  • siundalzeyn = sign language
  • siunder = to bode
  • siundrof = billboard, poster, sign board, signboard
  • siunen = signing
  • siuner = to sign
  • siunmuf = signpost
  • siunof = whiff
  • siuntun = semiology, semiotic
  • siuntuna = semiological
  • siuntunay = semiologically
  • siuntut = semiologist
  • siunut = signer
  • siunwa = signed
  • siunxea = beckoning, indicating, indicative, signaling, signifying
  • siunxeay = indicatively
  • siunxen = beckoning, indicating, indication, pointing out, signaling, signalization, signification, signifying
  • siunxer = to beckon, to indicate, to point out, to signal, to signalize, to signify
  • siunxwa = beckoned, indicated, pointed out, signaled, signified
  • siunxyea = significative
  • siunyan = pattern, syndrome
  • sivob = nettle, stinging nettle
  • sivol = shallot
  • siyin = emblem
  • siyina = emblematic, emblematical
  • siym = seat
  • siyn bi fliz = mark of respect, sign of respect
  • siyn = mark
  • siynben = marking
  • siynber = to mark
  • siynbun = marking
  • siynbwa = marked
  • siynden = remarking
  • siynder = to remark
  • siyndras = note
  • siyndrawa = jotted down, notated, noted
  • siyndren = jotting down, notation, noting
  • siyndrer = to jot down, to notate, to note

siyndryeyfwa -- Sodad

  • siyndryeyfwa = noteworthy
  • siyndryeyfwan = noteworthiness
  • siyndun = remark
  • siyndwa = remarked
  • siyndyafwa = remarkable
  • siyndyefwa = notable, remarkable
  • siyndyefwan = notability, remarkableness
  • siyndyefway = notably, remarkably
  • siynmeg = markstone, milestone
  • siynwa bey dopeki = battle-scarred
  • siynxen = marking
  • siynxer = to mark
  • siynxun = mark
  • siynxwa = marked
  • siynxway = markedly
  • siz = painting
  • sizam = painting gallery
  • sizar = brush, paintbrush
  • sizar pyex = brush stroke
  • sizaren = brushing
  • sizarer = to brush
  • sizarwa = brushed
  • sizaryen = brushwork
  • sizer = to paint
  • sizes = medal
  • sizesien = winning a medal
  • sizesier = to win a medal
  • sizesuen = awarding a medal
  • sizesuer = to award a medal
  • sizfaof = palette
  • sizil = paint
  • sizilar = paint brush
  • sizilber = to apply paint, to paint
  • sizilbwa = painted
  • sizilnyeb = paintbox
  • siziloben = stripping of pain
  • sizilober = to strip of paint
  • sizilobwa = stripped of pain
  • sizim = painting studio
  • sizkebiar = palette
  • sizmekuar = spray paint gun
  • sizmekuen = spray painting
  • sizmekuer = to spray paint
  • sizmekuwa = spray painted
  • sizmuf = maulstick
  • siztayefar = paintbrush
  • sizun = painting
  • sizut = graver, painter
  • sizutbut = poser
  • sizuyt = paintress
  • sizwa mays = tafferel, taffrail
  • sizwa = painted
  • ska = ska
  • skaramuc = Scaramouche
  • skerzo = scherzo
  • skitulyekun = skittle
  • skolastikin = scholasticism
  • skon = scone
  • skwaw = squaw
  • slapjak ifek = slapjack
  • slavedeb = czar
  • slavedebina = czarist
  • slavedebtwud = czarevitch
  • slavedeyb = czarina
  • slivovitz = slivovitz
  • smorgasbord = smorgasbord
  • snuker ifek = to snooker
  • so = s, the letter s
  • Soama domgon = barrio
  • soamimof = lateen
  • sobalk = Sb, antimony
  • Sobidader = to say in Sindhi
  • Sobobamat = Serbian
  • socalk = Sc, scandium
  • Socatogoblar = dirk
  • Socatoma puxmuf = caber
  • Socatomafil = scotch
  • Socatotaf = kilt
  • Socatotof = plaid
  • Sodad = Sudanese

Sodada -- Somidalut

  • Sodada = in Sudanese
  • Sodadaler = to speak Sudanese
  • Sodader = to say in Sudanese
  • Sodanid = Sundanese
  • Sodanim = Sudan
  • Sodanima = Sudanese
  • Sodanimat = Sudanese, inhabitant of Sudan
  • sodomut = sodomite
  • sodomxen = sodomy
  • sodomxer = to sodomize
  • Soed = Northern Sami
  • Soedaler = to speak Northern Sami
  • Soedalut = Northern Sami speaker
  • Soeder = to say in Northern Sami
  • Soekin = Swedish krona
  • soelk = Sl, selenium
  • sogelk = Sg, seaborgium
  • Sogepom = Singapore
  • Sogepoma = Singaporean
  • Sogepomat = Singaporean, inhabitant of Singapore
  • Sogesom = South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
  • Sogesoma = from South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
  • Sogesomat = inhabitant of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
  • sogol = centile
  • sohelk = thiol
  • Sohenim = Saint Helena
  • Sohenima = Saint Helenese
  • Sohenimat = Saint Helenese, inhabitant of Saint Helena
  • Soil Zyomeam = Silicon Valley
  • soilk = Si, silicon
  • soilka = made of silicon
  • soilkgos = chip, silicon chip
  • soilkgos drof = chip board, circuit board, intregrated circuit
  • soininad pyaon = sine wave
  • soininad = sine
  • Soitoda = Sino-Tibetan
  • sojab = century
  • sojaba = centennial
  • Sojimim = Svalbard and Jan Mayen
  • Sojimima = from Svalbard and Jan Mayen
  • Sojimimat = inhabitant of Svalbard and Jan Mayen
  • sol = musical note sol
  • Solem = Sierra Leone
  • Solema = from Sierra Leone
  • Solemat = inhabitant of Sierra Leone
  • solfader = to intonate, to intonation
  • Soliada = Slavic language
  • Solibam = Solomon Islands
  • Solibama = from Solomon Islands
  • Solibamat = inhabitant of Solomon Islands
  • soliter ifek = to solitaire
  • Solivum = El Salvador
  • Solivuma = Salvadoran
  • Solivumat = Salvadoran, inhabitant of El Salvador
  • solk calilkiyd = salt, sodium chloride
  • solk = S, sol, sulfur
  • solka = sulfuric
  • solka zil = sulfuric acid
  • solkayt = sulfate
  • solkil = sulfur water, tonic
  • solkiyd = sulfide
  • solkiyt = sulfite
  • solkuwa = sulfured
  • solkxen = vulcanization
  • solkxer = to treat with sulfur, to vulcanize
  • solkxwa = vulcanized
  • Solod = Slovak
  • som = furnishing, furniture, item of furniture
  • sombelen nox = moving expense
  • sombelpur = moving truck, moving van
  • sombelut = mover
  • sombelutyan = moving firm
  • somben = furnishing
  • somber = to furnish
  • sombut = furnisher
  • sombwa = furnished
  • Somid = Somali
  • Somida = in Somali
  • Somidaler = to speak Somali
  • Somidalut = Somali speaker of Somali

Somider -- sopyet teupixun

  • Somider = to say in Somali
  • somilk = Sm, samarium
  • Somim = Somalia
  • Somima = Somali
  • Somimat = Somali, inhabitant of Somalia
  • somipen = moving out
  • somiper = to move out
  • somipya = moved out
  • Somirom = San Marino
  • Somiroma = from San Marino
  • Somiromat = inhabitant of San Marino
  • somsaxam = carpenter's shop
  • somsaxen = carpentry
  • somsaxen tuzutyan = carpenters' guild
  • somsaxer = to do carpentry, to make furniture
  • somsaxut = carpenter, furniture maker
  • somsaxuta ingunar = gnomon
  • somuiper = to move in and out
  • somules = strange particle
  • somupen = moving in
  • somuper = to move in
  • somupya = moved in
  • somyan = furnishings, furniture, real estate
  • son = affair, issue, matter, thing
  • Sonad = Shona, Sindhi
  • Sonadaler = to speak Shona
  • Sonadalut = Shona speaker
  • Sonader = to say in Shona
  • sonak = quintal, second
  • soniilkyebag = cistern, kettle, tank
  • soniilkyebut = canner
  • sonilk doput = tin soldier
  • sonilk mukiblem = tin mine
  • sonilk mukiblen = tin mining
  • sonilk = tin
  • sonilka = stannic
  • sonilka syeb = tin can, tin container
  • sonilkabawa = tinned
  • sonilkaber = to tin
  • sonilkayeb = tin foil, tin plate, tin-foil, tin-plate, tinfoil, tinplate
  • sonilkmansin = tintype
  • sonilksaxut = tinker, tinner, tinsmith
  • sonilkvib = tinsel
  • sonilkyan = tinware
  • sonilkyeb = tin can
  • sonilkyebag = tank
  • sonilkyebagik = tankful
  • sonilkyebagpur = tanker truck
  • sonilkyebam = cannery
  • sonilkyebayg = canister
  • sonilkyeben = canning, tinning
  • sonilkyeber = to can, to tin
  • sonilkyebwa = canned, tinned
  • sonilkyena = tinny
  • sonilkyenan = tinniness
  • sonilkyexut = tinsmith
  • sonog = trifling matter
  • sonogpexwen = pettifogging
  • sonogpexwer = to pettifog
  • sonogpexwut = pettifogger
  • sonyan = affairs
  • sonyev = critique
  • sonyever = to critique
  • sonyevut = critique
  • sopat = pheasant
  • Sopomim = Saint Pierre and Miquelon
  • Sopomima = from Saint Pierre and Miquelon
  • Sopomimat = inhabitant of Saint Pierre and Miquelon
  • sopyed = hiss
  • sopyedea = hissing, sibilant
  • sopyedea yujteuzun = sibilant consonant
  • sopyeden = hissing
  • sopyeder = to hiss
  • sopyepea dref = streamer
  • sopyepen = insinuation, slithering, snaking along, squirming
  • sopyeper = to insinuate, to slither, to snake along, to snake one's way, to squirm
  • sopyepyea = sinuous, slithery, snaky, squirming
  • sopyepyean = sinuosity, slitheriness, snakiness, squirmy
  • sopyet = serpent, snake
  • sopyet teupixun = snakebite

sopyeta -- Sowedad

  • sopyeta = serpentine
  • sopyetayefyet = Medusa, gorgon
  • sopyettun = herpetology
  • sopyettuna = herpetological
  • sopyettut = herpetologist
  • sopyetyena = serpentine, snake-like, snaky
  • sopyetyuf = fear of snakes, herpetophobia
  • sopyetyufa = afraid of snakes, herpetophobic
  • sor = apparatus, device
  • Sorobad = Serbian
  • Sorobadaler = to speak Serbian
  • Sorobadalut = Serbian speaker
  • Sorobader = to say in Serbian
  • Sorobam = Serbia
  • Sorobama = Serbian
  • Sorobamat = Serb, inhabitant of Serbia
  • Sorodad = Sardinian
  • Sorodadaler = to speak Sardinian
  • Sorodadalut = Sardinian speaker
  • Sorodader = to say in Sardinian
  • sorolk = Sr, strontium
  • soronak = solid angle unit, sr, steradian
  • sosan = ogee, s-shape, sigmoid
  • sosanteexen = sigmoidoscopy
  • Sosodam = South Sudan
  • Sosodama = South Sudanese
  • Sosodamat = South Sudanese
  • Sosowud = Swati
  • Sosowudaler = to speak Swati
  • Sosowudalut = Swati speaker
  • Sosowuder = to say in Swati
  • Sotod = Southern Sotho
  • Sotodaler = to speak Southern Sotho
  • Sotodalut = Southern Sotho speaker
  • Sotoder = to say in Southern Sotho
  • Sotopom = São Tomé and Príncipe
  • Sotopoma = from São Tomé and Príncipe
  • Sotopomat = inhabitant of São Tomé and Príncipe
  • sotto voce = be yoba teuz, sotto voce
  • Soudanidaler = to speak Sundanese
  • Soudanidalut = Sundanese speaker
  • Soudanider = to say in Sundanese
  • souza = sinusoid, sinusoidal
  • sovob = fungus
  • sovoba = fungal
  • sovobi = fungi
  • sovobog = mildew, mold
  • sovobogaya = moldy
  • sovobogayan = moldiness
  • sovobogika = moldy
  • sovobogikan = moldiness
  • sovobtojea = fungicidal
  • sovobtojil = fungicidal, fungicide
  • sovobtun = mycology
  • sovobtut = mycologist
  • sovobyena = fungoid
  • sovolza = fern green
  • Sovukid = Slovak
  • Sovukidaler = to speak Slovak
  • Sovukidalut = Slovak speaker
  • Sovukider = to say in Slovak
  • Sovukim = Slovakia
  • Sovukima = Slovakian
  • Sovukimat = Slovakian, inhabitant of Slovakia
  • Sovunid = Slovenian
  • Sovunida = in Slovenian
  • Sovunidaler = to speak Slovenian
  • Sovunidalut = Slovenian speaker
  • Sovunider = to say in Slovenian
  • Sovunim = Slovenia
  • Sovunima = Slovenian
  • Sovunimat = Slovenian, inhabitant of Slovenia
  • sovyet = soviet
  • Sovyeta dobvyakxam = gulag
  • Sovyeta naunag = Soviet bloc
  • Sowad = Swahili
  • Sowadaler = to speak Swahili
  • Sowadalut = Swahili speaker
  • Sowader = to say in Swahili
  • Sowedad = Swedish

Sowedadaler -- subakader

  • Sowedadaler = to speak Swedish
  • Sowedadalut = Swedish speaker
  • Sowedader = to say in Swedish
  • Sowem = Sweden
  • Sowema = Swedish
  • Sowemat = Swede, inhabitant of Sweden
  • Sowuzum = Eswatini, Swaziland
  • Sowuzuma = Emaswati
  • Sowuzumat = Emaswati, Liswati, inhabitant of Swaziland
  • sox = mayhem
  • soxpea = marauding
  • soxpen = marauding
  • soxper = to maraud
  • soxput = marauder
  • Soxumim = Sint Maarten
  • Soxumima = from Sint Maarten
  • Soxumimat = inhabitant of Sint Maarten
  • Soyucam = Seychelles
  • Soyucama = Seychellois
  • Soyucamat = Sychellois, inhabitant of Seychelles
  • Soyurom = Syria
  • Soyuroma = Syrian
  • Soyuromat = Syrian, inhabitant of Syria
  • spam = spam
  • spooner dunek = to spoonerism
  • spumoni = spumone, spumoni
  • sputnik = sputnik
  • stanhope apetbixpar = stanhope
  • sterling = sterling
  • stetsontef = stetson
  • stiver = to stiver
  • stoika = stoic, stoical
  • stoikay = stoically
  • stoikin = stoicism
  • strudel = strudel
  • su = sou
  • suaf = slipcover
  • suam = cushion, pillow cushion
  • suamuea = cushioning
  • suamuer = to cushion
  • suamuwa = cushioned
  • suamyena = cushiony, pillowy
  • suan = element
  • suana = elemental, elementary, ingrained
  • suanay = elementally
  • suandraf = chart of elements
  • suankyaxen = mutation, transmutation
  • suankyaxer = to mutate, to transmute
  • suankyaxwa = mutated, mutation, transmuted
  • suankyaxyafwa = transmutable
  • suannagen = stoichiometry
  • suantun = chemistry
  • suantuna = chemical
  • suantunay = chemically
  • suantut = chemist
  • suanyanx = synthesis
  • suanyanxa = synthetical
  • suanyanxar = synthesizer
  • suanyanxay = synthetically
  • suanyanxen = synthesis, synthesizing
  • suanyanxer = to synthesize
  • suanyanxwa nofun = synthetic fiber
  • suanyanxwa = synthesized, synthetic
  • suanyonx = analysis
  • suanyonxa = analytical
  • suanyonxar = analyzer
  • suanyonxay = analytically
  • suanyonxen = analysis, analyzing
  • suanyonxer = to analyze
  • suanyonxut = analyst, analyzer
  • suanyonxwa = analyzed
  • suanyonxyafwa = analyzable
  • suat = wannabe
  • suav = bedlinen, pillowcase, pillowslip
  • suaym = bed cushion
  • sub = appendage, branch, outgrowth
  • sub bi tix = branch of study
  • subaka = wassail
  • subakaden = wassail
  • subakader = to wassail

subaktil -- sumtum

  • subaktil = wassail
  • subaktilier = to wassail
  • subyobbwa = hobnailed
  • Sudadalut = speaker of Sundanesse
  • suem = mattress
  • suemnam = mattress retailer, mattress store
  • suemnamut = mattress dealer, mattress seller
  • suemof = bedspread, counterpane
  • suemov = sheet
  • suemoyf = blanket, cover
  • suemsaxut = mattress maker
  • suemxen = padding, upholstering
  • suemxer = to pad, to upholster
  • suemxut = upholsterer
  • suemxwa = padded, upholstered
  • suemyan = upholstery
  • suen = procuration, procurement, procuring, providing, provision
  • suer dopyafon = to provide firepower
  • suer fyis = to provide a benefit
  • suer = to procure, to provide
  • suer yux = to provide aid
  • suer zeyen = to provide a means, provide a wherewithal
  • suez bi Naxvil = Nashville sound
  • sufayb = strawberry bush
  • sufel = strawberry juice
  • sufeyb = strawberry
  • suffle = soufflé
  • suib = bend, joint
  • suiben = articulation
  • suiber = to articulate, to but a bend in
  • suibwa = articulated, jointed
  • suim = bedspring, box spring
  • sukiyaki = sukiyaki
  • sukkotax = succotash
  • sul = base, chemical base
  • sula = basic
  • sultanam = seraglio
  • sum = bed, cradle, lair
  • sumabaof = counterpane
  • sumanuen = cushioning
  • sumanuer = to cushion
  • sumanuwa = cushioned
  • sum-atyal poptam = B&B, bed-and-breakfast
  • sumben = bedding, putting to bed
  • sumber = to bed, to lay down, to put to bed
  • Sumbiu! = Lie down!
  • sumbuyk = bedsore
  • sumbwa = bedded down, put to bed
  • sumdet = bed partner, bedfellow, bedmate
  • sumes = couchette
  • sumimxen = bedwetting
  • sumimxer = to wet the bed
  • sumimxut = bedwetter
  • sumkum = bedside
  • sumkumbesen = bedside vigil
  • sumkyoxwa = bed-ridden, bedfast, bedridden
  • summanar = bed lamp
  • summuf = bedpost
  • sumnabyan = bleacher
  • sumo = sumo
  • sumober = to roust
  • sumog = cot
  • sumoper = to get up, to get up from the bed
  • sumpen = bedding down, going to bed, laying down, lying down, reclining, retiring
  • sumper = to bed down, to go to bed, to lie down, to recline, to retire
  • sumpien = getting out of bed, rising
  • sumpier = to get out of bed, to rise
  • Sumpu! = Lie down!
  • sumpur = camper
  • sumpya = recumbent
  • sumsaibyan = bed frame, bedstead
  • sumtaf = bedgown
  • sumtam = boarding house, boardinghouse, bunkhouse
  • sumtamdet = bunkmate
  • sumtebfaof = headboard
  • sumtim = bedroom
  • sumtimesut = bedsitter
  • sumtimog = bedsit
  • sumtof = bedclothes, pajamas
  • sumtum = bunk, couchette

sumuzyuf -- suut

  • sumuzyuf = bedroll, sleeping bag
  • sumxen = embedding
  • sumxer = to embed
  • sumxwa = embedded
  • sumyan = bedding, litter
  • sumyoyab = footboard
  • sumzon = backrest
  • sun = thing
  • suna = real
  • sunan = reality
  • sundun = noun
  • sunduna = nominal
  • sundunxen = nominalization
  • sundunxer = to nominalize
  • sundunxwa = nominalized
  • Sunid = Sundanese
  • Sunida = Sundanese
  • Sunidaler = to speak Sundanese
  • Sunidalut = speaker of Sundalese
  • Sunider = to say in Sundanese
  • sunog = trifle
  • sunser = to materialize
  • sununam = bazaar
  • sunxen = materialization, realization
  • sunxer = to materialize, to realize
  • sunxwa = materialized, realized
  • sunyan = paraphernalia
  • sunyana = categorical
  • sunyanag = caboodle
  • sunyandraf = program
  • sunyandras = program
  • sunyandrawa = programmed
  • sunyandren = programming
  • sunyandrut = programmer
  • sunyanes = item
  • sunyanesben = assortment, itemization, itemizing
  • sunyanesber = to assort, to itemize
  • sunyanesbwa = assorted, itemized
  • sunyantixar = parser
  • sunyantixen = parsing
  • sunyantixer = to parse
  • sunyantixwa = parsed
  • sunyanxen = categorization
  • sunyanxer = to categorize
  • sunyanxwa = categorized
  • sunyen = structure
  • sunyena = structural
  • sunyenin = structuralism
  • sunyeninut = structuralist
  • sunyenxen = structuring
  • sunyenxer = to structure
  • sunyenxwa = structured
  • supat = lark
  • supit = seabream
  • supotyan = surfeit
  • supyet = green snake
  • sur = engine, motor
  • surexut = motorman
  • suriganben = throttling
  • suriganber = to throttle
  • surmimpar = powerboat
  • Surom = Surinamese
  • Suroma = Surinamean
  • Suromat = Surinamese, inhabitant of Suriname
  • surreypar = surrey
  • surreypur = surrey
  • surseuxeg = putter
  • surseuxeger = to putter
  • surtyen = engineering
  • surtyena = engineering-related
  • surtyenut = engineer
  • surtyenxen = engineering
  • surtyenxer = to engineer
  • surtyenxwa = engineered
  • suruen = motorization, motorizing
  • suruer = to motorize
  • suruwa = motored, motorized
  • suryan = heavy equipment
  • suun = procurement, provision
  • suut = procurator, procurer, provider

suvob -- syagdrayef

  • suvob = alfalfa
  • suvol = garlic
  • suvolika = garlicky
  • suvolyel = aioli, garlic and oil
  • suwa = procured, provided
  • suxi = sushi
  • Suxud = Sumerian
  • Suxut = Sumerian
  • suyafwa = procurable
  • suym = cot, couch, divan, sleeping sofa
  • suyn = gizmo
  • suz = artifact
  • suza = artificial
  • suza tiyub = dildo
  • suza tup = prosthesis, prosthetic
  • suzan = artificialness
  • suztob = mannequin
  • suzun = objet d'art, piece of art
  • suzyan = collection of artifacts
  • suzyan nyadrun = museography, museology
  • suzyanam = museum
  • suzyanameb = museum curator
  • suzyanem = art gallery
  • swami = swami
  • swing = swing
  • swinger = to swinger
  • syaag = calculus, computation
  • syaagar = calculating machine, calculator
  • syaagea = calculating
  • syaageay = calculatingly
  • syaagen = calculating, calculation, computation, computing, figuring out
  • syaagena = calculative, computational
  • syaager = to calculate, to compute, to figure out
  • syaagi = calculi
  • syaagir = computer
  • syaagir extuundras = computer program
  • syaagir extuundren = computer programming
  • syaagir extuundrut = computer programmer
  • syaagira = computational, cybernetic
  • syaagirmir = cyberspace
  • syaagirtob = cyborg
  • syaagirtun = computer science, cybernetics
  • syaagirtuna = cybernetic
  • syaagirtunay = cybernetically
  • syaagirtut = computer scientist
  • syaagirvyomdin = cyberpunk
  • syaagirxen = computerization, computerizing
  • syaagirxer = to computerize
  • syaagirxwa = computerized
  • syaagiryovxen = cyberbullying
  • syaagiryovxer = to cyberbully
  • syaagnyed = calculation grid, spreadsheet
  • syaagtun = calculus
  • syaagtut = calculus expert
  • syaagwa = calculated, computed, figured out
  • syaagyafwa = calculable, computable
  • syaagyafwan = calculability, computability
  • syaagyafway = calculably, computably
  • syaagyofwa = incalculable, incomputable, non-computable, uncomputable
  • syaagyofwan = incalculability, incomputability, non-computability
  • syab = cap, cover, firmament, peak, pinnacle, summit, top
  • syaba = capital, peak, top
  • syaben = capping, topping off
  • syaber = to cap, to cover, to put a ceiling on, to top off
  • syabober = to uncap
  • syabwa = capped, covered, topped off
  • syafayb = black current bush
  • syafebyeb = punnet
  • syafeyb = black current
  • syag = count, tally
  • syagar = counter, counting machine, tabulator
  • syagder = to account for
  • syagdrav = account, ledger
  • syagdraven = bookkeeping, number-crunching
  • syagdraver = to keep the books
  • syagdravtyen = accountancy, accounting
  • syagdravut = accountant, bookkeeper, number-cruncher
  • syagdravutan = accountancy
  • syagdravyan = accounts
  • syagdrayef = account sheet, invoice

syagdrayefen -- syebwa

  • syagdrayefen = invoicing
  • syagdrayefwa = invoiced
  • syagdwa = accounted for
  • syagen = counting, tallying
  • syagena = computational
  • syagenay = computationally
  • syager = to count, to tally
  • syagnas = cash
  • syagnas donuxen = cash disbursement
  • syagnas ibdres = cash receipt
  • syagnas nyem = cashbox
  • syagnas nyeyf = money sack, purse
  • syagnas samnyeb = cash drawer
  • syagnasien = cashiering
  • syagnasir = cash machine
  • syagnasiut = cash clerk, cashier
  • syagnasiut misog = cashier's window
  • syagnasiut nyem = cashier box
  • syagnasiut seym = cashier desk
  • syagnasiuta nasdref = cashier's check
  • syagnasoya = cashless
  • syagnasuen = cashing, conversion to cash
  • syagnasuer nasdref = to cash a check
  • syagnasuer = to cash in, to convert to cash
  • syagnasuka = cashless
  • syagnasuun = cash layout, cash payment
  • syagnasxer = to liquidate
  • syagseem = counter
  • syagseemut = counter clerk, counterman, teller
  • syagut = counter
  • syagwa = counted, tallied
  • syagwer = to be tallied, to count
  • syagyafwa = countable
  • syagyofwa glan = myriad
  • syagyofwa = incalculable, uncountable
  • syagyofway = incalculably, uncountably
  • syan = class
  • syana = special, specific
  • syanden = specification
  • syander = to specify
  • syandwa = specified
  • syanes = sort, type
  • syanesa = typical
  • syanesaxen = typification
  • syanesaxer = to typify
  • syanesaxwa = typified
  • syanesben = assortment, sorting
  • syanesber = to sort
  • syanesbun = assortment
  • syanesbwa = assorted, sorted
  • syanog = category
  • syanoga = categorical
  • syanogxen = categorization, categorizing
  • syanogxer = to categorize
  • syanogxwa = categorized
  • syanxen = classification, classifying, specification
  • syanxer = to classify, to specify
  • syanxwa = classified, specified
  • syanxyafwa = classifiable
  • syanxyofwa = unclassifiable
  • syapat = partridge
  • syapit = hake
  • syapyet = mangrove snake
  • syavol = chive
  • syeb bi yavil = can of beer
  • syeb = can, container, receptacle, tin, vessel
  • syeb ijbar = can opener
  • syeb yijar = can opener
  • syebag = bin
  • syebam = cannery
  • syebayg = canister
  • syeben = canning
  • syeber = to can, to kettle
  • syebog = capsule
  • syeboga = capsular
  • syebogben = encapsulating, encapsulation
  • syebogber = to capsulize, to encapsulate
  • syebogxbwa = encapsulated
  • syebut = canner
  • syebwa = canned

syeen -- syoba yex

  • syeen = fashion, manner, mode
  • syeena = mannered, manneristic, mannerly
  • syeenika = fashionable
  • syeeninut = fashionista
  • syeenoya = demodé, out of style, unfashionable
  • syeenuka = demodé, out of style, unfashionable
  • syefayb = cranberry bush
  • syefeb = pineapple
  • syefeyb = cranberry
  • syefilza = pineapple yellow
  • syem = establishment, firm, foundation, institution, setup
  • syembea ted = founding father
  • syemben = constitution, founding, installation, installing, institution
  • syembena = institutional
  • syember = to constitute, to establish, to found, to install, to institute
  • syembexwat = inmate
  • syembun = establishment, foundation, installation, institution
  • syembut = founder, installer
  • syembwa = established, founded, installed, instituted
  • syembwas = establishment, foundation, installment
  • syemdetyan = consortium
  • syemser = to establish oneself, to get installed, to get instituted
  • syemxen = establishing, establishment, setting up
  • syemxer = to establish, to set up
  • syemxwa = established, set up
  • syemxwas = establishment, setup
  • syen = fashion, guise, mode, style
  • syena = fashion-related, modish, stylistic
  • syenan = modishness
  • syenaxer = to stylize
  • syenaxwa = stylized
  • syenay = modishly, stylistically
  • syendun = buzz word
  • syenin = mannerism
  • syenizon = trend
  • syenizona = trendily, trendy
  • syenizonan = trendiness
  • syenizonsea = trending
  • syentun = manners
  • syenxen = fashioning, styling
  • syenxer = to fashion, to style
  • syenxut = fashionista, stylist
  • syenxwa = fashioned, styled
  • syenyan = fashions, manners
  • syenyena = fashionable, stylish
  • syenyenay = stylishly
  • syepat = grouse
  • syepit = ray
  • syepyet = water snake
  • syevol = fennel
  • syexlut = institutor
  • syeyb = pix
  • syifeb = persimmon
  • syin = subject
  • syina = subjective
  • syinan = subjectivity
  • syinay = subjectively
  • syin-izonbwa = subject-oriented
  • syinizonxwa = subject-oriented
  • syinxen = subjectification
  • syinxer = to subjectify
  • syinxwa = subjectified
  • syinzoyubea = reflexive
  • syinzoyubean = reflexiveness, reflexivity
  • syinzoyubeay = reflexively
  • syipat = guineafowl
  • syipit = turbot
  • syivol = spring onion
  • syob alo = base 10, base ten
  • syob = base, basis, bottom, foundation, fundament, ground, pad, root
  • syob joib = base period
  • syob mug = base metal
  • syob nad = base line
  • syob vyesag = base rate
  • syoba avyan = postulate
  • syoba = basal, basic, foundational, fundamental
  • syoba suan = postulate
  • syoba tomofem = base camp
  • syoba vyab = ground rule
  • syoba yex = footwork

syobaxen -- syunxer

  • syobaxen = bastardization
  • syobaxer = to bastardize
  • syobay = basally, basically, fundamentally
  • syobay ejna = groundbreaking
  • syobdea = predicating
  • syobden = predicating, predication
  • syobdena = predicative
  • syobder = to predicate
  • syobdun = root word
  • syobduznod = fundamental tone, keynote, tonic
  • syobdwa = predicated
  • syobdyafwa = predicable
  • syobem = base, post
  • syober = to base, to found, to ground
  • syobfaof = baseboard
  • syobin = fundamentalism
  • syobina = fundamentalist
  • syobinut = fundamentalist
  • syobmas = footing, pedestal, substratum, underpinning
  • syobmul = sediment
  • syobnad = baseline, bottom line
  • syobneyef = baseband
  • syoboben = eradication
  • syobober = to eradicate
  • syobobwa = eradicated
  • syobobyafwa = eradicable
  • syoboya = baseless, groundless, unfounded
  • syobsag = base number
  • syobtuunyan = grounding
  • syobuka = baseless, groundless, unfounded
  • syobukay = baselessly, groundlessly
  • syobut = baseman
  • syobux = root cause
  • syobvyan = axiom
  • syobvyana = axiomatic
  • syobvyanay = axiomatically
  • syobvyanxen = axiomatization
  • syobvyanxer = to axiomatize
  • syobvyanxwa = axiomatized
  • syobwa = based, founded, grounded, rooted
  • syobwa be = based on
  • syobxen = rationalization
  • syobxer = to rationalize
  • syobxwa = rationalized
  • syobyex = groundwork
  • syobzyim = platform
  • syodsag = radix
  • syofayb = red current bush
  • syofeyb = red current
  • syoib = hinge, joint
  • syoiben = hinging
  • syoiber = to hinge on
  • syoibwa = hinged
  • syoibwa mes dresem = escritoire
  • syopat = turkey, wild turkey
  • syopatem = pheasantry
  • syopatyan = nide
  • syopit = sardine
  • syopitag = pilchard
  • syopyet = python
  • syovol = ginger
  • syovol umleovol = gingersnap
  • syoyab = pod
  • syufi = effects
  • syun = object
  • syuna = objective
  • syunan = objectiveness, objectivity
  • syunay = objectively, transitively
  • syundabea = intransitive
  • syundabean = intransitivity
  • syundabeay = intransitively
  • syunes = article, little object
  • syunika = transitive
  • syunikan = transitiveness, transitivity
  • syunin = objectivism
  • syunina = objectivist
  • syuninut = objectivist
  • syunizonxwa = object-oriented
  • syunxen = objectification
  • syunxer = to objectify

syunxwa -- syupapen

  • syunxwa = objectified
  • syunyena = objective
  • syunyenan = objectivity
  • syunyenay = objectively
  • syupaper = to strut
  • syupapea = strutting
  • syupapen = strutting