Mirad Lexicon/Mirad-English-N
-n = noun suffix for abstractions
naaa = naaa
naab = class, file
naaba = organizational
naaban = organization
naabanay = organizationally
naabdref = file card
naabdrefsam = file cabinet, filing cabinet
naabdrefyan = filesystem
naabdyun = filename
naaben = classification, filing
naaber = to classify, to file
naabsam = filing cabinet
naabtun = taxonomy
naabtuna = taxonomic
naabtunay = taxonomically
naabtut = taxonomist
naabuka = out of order, unorganized
naabus = classifier
naabut = classifier, filer
naabwa = classified, filed
naabxea = organizing
naabxen = organization
naabxer = to organize
naabxer yaxutyan = to organize a union
naabxut = organizer
naabxwa = organized
naabxyafwa = organizable
naabyafwa = classifiable
naad = rail, track
naadkyaxar = shunter
naadkyaxen = shunting
naadkyaxer = to shunt
naadkyaxut = shunter
naadoben = derailment
naadober = to derail
naadobwa = derailed
naadopen = derailment
naadoper = to derail
naadopya = derailed
naadpur = rail vehicle, train
naadpur zyined = train platform
naadpures = train car, wagon
naaf = drape
naafben = draping
naafber = to drape
naafbwa = draped
naafdraf = schema
naafdrafi = schemata
naafut = draper
naafyan = drapery
naalaf = broadcloth, organza
naalef = cheviot
naalif = cretonne
naalof = baize, organdy
naaluf = crinoline
naalyaf = faille, flannel
naalyef = flannelet
naalyif = flannelette
naalyof = damask
naalyuf = foulard
naap = regime, regimen, system
naapa = regimental, systematical, systemic
naapay = systemically
naapdraf = schematic, scheme
naapdrafa = schematic
naapdrafay = schematically
naaploxen = sabotage
naaploxer = to sabotage
naaploxut = saboteur
naaploxwa = sabotaged
naapoya = unsystematic
naapuka = unsystematic
naapxea = systematizing
naapxen = regimentation, systematization, systematizing
naapxer = to regiment, to systematize
naapxwa = regimented, systematized
naapyena = systematic
naapyenan = systematicity
naapyenay = systematically
nab bi ekdrafi -- nadper
nab bi ekdrafi = suit of cards
nab = rank, row, suit
naba tam = row house
nabagat = magnate
nabalwa = serried
nabden = ranking
nabder = to rank
nabdwa = ranked
nabdyun = rank
nabdyuna = titular
nabdyunier = to assume a title
nabier = to take on a rank
nabmus = hierarchy, ranking
nabob = nabob
nabon = row
nabper = to line up
nabsea = adapting, ranging
nabsen = adapting, deployment, getting in order, lining up
nabser = to adapt, to get in line up, to range
nabsyaf = ability to adapt
nabsyea = adaptive
nabsyeaym = adaptively
nabtam = row house
nabuer = to assign a rank
nabxar = adapter
nabxen = adaptation, adaption, arrangement, deployment, lineup, orchestration
nabxer = to adapt, to arrange, to deploy, to line up, to orchestrate, to put in order
nabxut = arranger
nabxwa = adapted, arranged, deployed, lined up, orchestrated, ranked
nabxyafa = adaptable
nabxyafan = adaptability
nabxyafwa = adaptable
nabxyafwan = adaptability
nabyan = array, grid, matrix, pattern, range, selection, spectrum, table, web
nabyan drarun = scale drawing
nabyana = gridded, tabular
nabyandrar = spectrograph
nabyandras = spectrogram
nabyandren = spectrography
nabyandrena = spectrographic
nabyanmannagar = spectrophotometer
nabyanmannagen = spectrophotometry
nabyannagar = spectrometer
nabyansan = table
nabyanser = to range
nabyanteaxar = spectroscope
nabyanteaxara = spectroscopic
nabyanteaxaren = spectroscopy
nabyantuundraf = tableau
nabyanxea = tabulating
nabyanxen = arrangement, gridding, layout, tabulating, tabulation
nabyanxer = to arrange, to array, to grid, to lay out, to tabulate
nabyanxwa = arranged, gridded, laid out, tabulated
nabyem = array, disposition, layout
nabyemxen = disposal
nabyemxer = to array, to dispose, to lay out
nabyemxun = device, mechanism, thing at one's disposal
nabyemxwa = arrayed, disposed
naco = nacho
nad bi dreniv = line of text
nad bi drirsiyn = line of type
nad = line
nad siyn = dash
nada = lineal, linear
nada sur = linear motor
nadan = linearity
nadaxea = linearizing
nadaxen = linearization, linearizing
nadaxer = to linearize
nadaxwa = linearized
naday = lineally, linearly
nadben = lining up
nadber = to line up
nadbwa = lined up
nadbwas = lineup, set
nadgobler = to cut a line
nadika = lineal
nadikay = lineally
nadpen = cortege, getting in line, lining up
nadper = to get in line, to get into line up
nadrawa = delineated, scored
nadren = delineation, scoring
nadrer = to delineate, to draw a line, to score
nadrun = score
nadser = to align, to line up
nadsiyn = dash
nadvyaa = line-towing, orthodox
nadxea = aligning
nadxen = aligning, alignment
nadxer = to align, to line up
nadxwa = aligned, lined up
nadyan = verse
nadyog = serif
nadyogukas = sans serif, sanserif
naed = lane
naef = canvas
naelaf = delaine, georgette, grosgrain
naelef = cambric
naelif = gunny, gunnysack
naelof = gabardine
naeluf = lisle
naelyaf = percale
naelyef = polyester
naelyif = poplin
naelyof = marquisette, regatta
naelyuf = taffeta
naf = fabric, material, stuff
nafab = pecan tree
nafeb = pecan
nafebnad = seam
nafebnadben = seaming
nafebnadbwa = seamed
nafebnadoya = seamless
nafebnaduka = seamless
nafikxen = stuffing
nafikxer = to stuff
nafikxwa = stuffed
nafkunad = hem
nag = caliber, calibre, dimension, measurement, size
naga = dimensional, metric, metrical
naga mus = metric scale
nagader = to metricate
nagar = gauge, meter
nagaraben = instrumenting, metering
nagaraber = to instrument, to meter
nagarabwa = instrumented, metered
nagaren = metering
nagarer = to meter
nagarwa = gauged, metered
nagarwa kyoemben gonem = metered parking zone
nagaxen = metrication
nagaxer = to metricate, to metricize
nagay = metrically
nagden = measuring, metering, sizing up
nagder = to measure, to meter, to size up
nagdwa = measured, metered, sized up
nagdwer bay = to be measured, run
nagegon = standard of measurement, yardstick
nagen = gauge, mensuration
nagen jwobar = stopwatch
nager = to measure, to mete
naggoxen = downsizing
naggoxer = to downsize
nagmuf = dipstick
nagonxar = modulator
nagonxea = modulating
nagonxen = modulation
nagonxer = to modulate
nagonxwa = modulated
nagoya = measureless
nagsaxwa = made-to-order
nagser = to measure up
naguen = meting
naguer = to mete out
naguka = measureless
nagus = measurer
nagut = measurer
naguwa = meted out
nagwa = measured, meted
nagwas = measurand
nagxen = measurement, measuring, sizing
nagxer = to measure, to size
nagxwa = measured, sized
nagyafwa = measurable, mensurable
nagyafway = measurably
nagyofwa = immeasurable
nagyofway = immeasurably
nagyofway oga = infinitesimal
Nahed = Nahuatl language
naid = strain, streak, stria, stripe
naidaya = streaky, striped, stripy
naidber = to streak, to striate, to stripe
naidbut = streaker, striper
naidbwa = streaked, striped
naidgoflawa = rent
naidgoflen = rending
naidgofler = to rend
naidi = striae
naidika = streaky, striped, stripy
naidser = to streak
naidxen = streaking, striation, striping
naidxer = to streak, to striate, to stripe
naidxwa = streaked, striated, striped, stripy
naidyena = streaky
naidyenan = streakiness
naif bi dref = strip of paper
naif = strip, velvet
naifa = made of velvet
naifavof = velveteen
naifen = stripping
naifxer = to strip
naifxwa = stripped
naifyena = velvety
naifyig = velour, velours
nailaf = sateen
nailef = serge
nailif = tweed
nailifwa = tweedy
nailifyena = tweedy
nailof = hessian
nailyef = voile
naiv = felt
naiva = made of felt
naivgin drilar = felt-tip pen
nalaf = brocade, burlap
nalafxer = to brocade, to brocaded
nalef = calico
nalif = cashmere
nalopeld = chirp, trill
nalopelden = chirping, trilling
nalopelder = to chirp, to trill
nalopelt = grasshopper
nalopot = raccoon
naluf = chambray, cheesecloth
nalyef = chiffon
nalyefut = chiffonier
nalyif = chino
nalyo = chenille
nalyuf = chintz, lurex
nalyufa = chintzy
nam mis = display window, shop window
nam nyef = shopping bag
nam = retail establishment, shop, shoppe, store
nam zam = store front
namag beut = department store owner
namag bikuut = floor-walker, floorwalker
namag = department store
namageb = department store manager
namagyan = mall, shopping center
nambelar = shopping cart
nambeut = shop owner
nambexut = shopkeeper
nameb = store manager
Namim = Namibia
Namima = Namibian
Namimat = Namibian, inhabitant of Namibia
namkobien = shoplifting
namkobier = to shoplift
namkobiut = shoplifter
nammis = shop window
namog = boutique, small shop
nampen belar = shopping cart
nampen nyef = shopping bag
nampen = shopping
nampen zen = shopping center
namper = to go shopping, to shop
nampifrut = shopoholic
namput = shopper
namut = shop clerk, store clerk, storekeeper
namutyanup = fair
namutyanupem = fairground
namyan = collection of shops, mall, shopping center, shopping complex
namzam = store front, storefront
namzen = mall, shopping center, shopping mall
nap = order
napa = ordinal
napa sag = ordinal number
napayan = orderliness
napdea = ordaining
napden bi nagi = assize
napden = commandment, decree, decreeing, dictat, enjoining, ordainment, order, ordnance
napder = to command, to decree, to dictate, to enjoin, to ordain, to order
napdras = prescription, recipe
napdrea = prescriptive
napdreay = prescriptively
napdwa = commanded, decreed, enjoined, ordained, ordered
napdwas = decree
napdyes = rule book
napeden = grunting
napeder = to grunt
napelt = louse
napelta = formic
napeltam = anthill, formicary
napeltyan = ant colony, swarm of ants
napeltyanea = swarming
napeltyaner = to swarm
napeltyansea = teeming
napeltyanser = to teem
napeltyanxwa = teemed
napiat = egret, heron
napif = love of order
napifut = neat freak
napika = orderly, spick, trig
napikan = orderliness
napiza = in order, neat, tidy
napizaser = to neaten up
napizaxer = to neaten, to straighten up, to tidy up
napizaxwa = neatened, straightened up, tidied up
napizra = in perfect order, neat and tidy
napkyaxea = overwhelming, upsetting
napkyaxen = bowling over, interspersing, interspersion, mixing up, overthrowing, overturning, overwhelming, permutation, permuting, turning upside down, upsetting
napkyaxena = permutational
napkyaxer = to bowl over, to change the order of, to intersperse, to mix up, to overthrow, to overturn, to overwhelm, to permute, to turn upside down, to upset
napkyaxwa = bowled over, interspersed, mixed up, overthrown, overturned, overwhelmed, permuted, turned upside down, upset
napkyaxyafwa = permutable
napot = armadillo
napovalx = infraction
napoya = disorderly, messy, untidy
napoyan = disorderliness, messiness, untidiness
napoysen = being untidy, lacking order
napoyser = to be untidy, to lack order
napoyxen = messing up
napoyxer = to mess up
napoyxwa = messed up
nappax = maneuver
nappaxen = maneuvering
nappaxer = to maneuver
nappaxwa = maneuvered
nappaxyafwa = maneuverable
nappaxyafwan = maneuverability
napsana = banal, ordinary, run-of-the-mill
napsana testien = commonsense
napsanan = banality, ordinariness
napsanay = ordinarily
napsauna = unprepossessing
naptyop = cortege, parade
naptyopen = parading
naptyoper = to parade
naptyoputyan = retinue
napuen = bringing order
napuer = to bring order to
napuka = messy, unorderly
napukan = messiness, unorderliness
napukay = messily
napuwa = brought to order
napuzra = convoluted, discombobulated, haywire, messed up, messy, screwed up, scruffy
napuzran = convolutedness, discombobulation, messiness, scruffiness
napuzraser = to become convoluted, to become discombobulated
napuzraxen = convolution, discombobulation, messing up, mixing up, screwing up
napuzraxer = to discombobulate, to mess up, to mix up, to screw up
napuzraxwa = convoluted, discombobulated, messed up, mixed up, screwed up
napuzray = messily, scruffily
napxar = concordance, index
napxara = indexical
napxaren = indexation, indexing
napxarer = to index
napxarwa = indexed
napxaryafwa = indexable
napxen = arraying, ordering, putting in order
napxer ota syagdrav = to square one's account
napxer = to array, to put in order
napxwa = arrayed, ordered, orderly, put in order
napxwas = array, set
napyeit = octopus
napyen = discipline, rule of law
napyenan = state of discipline
napyenxen = disciplining
napyenxer = to discipline
napyenxwa = disciplined
nas belar = purse
nas = currency, money, wampum
nas kyaxen = money changing
nas nuen = money supply
nas nyem = money box
nas ojbuut = money broker, moneylender
nas vyilxen = money laundering
nas vyilxut = money launderer
nas zetif = money belt
nas zyabuut = moneychanger
nasa buiem = money market
nasa fyiz = cash reward, monetary reward
nasa igefyux = bailout
nasa = monetary
nasa nazun = cash award, cash prize
nasak = gain, profit, surplus, windfall
nasakea = in the black, profitable, surplus
nasaken = profiting
nasaker = to make a surplus, to profit
nasakgon = dividend, profit share
nasakoya = profitless
nasakrun = windfall
nasakuka = profitless
nasakun = windfall
nasam = bank
nasam syagdrav = bank account, bank ledger
nasamber = to bank
nasambiyafwa = bankable
nasambwa = banked
nasamdref = bankcard
nasamdyes = bankbook, passbook
nasameb = bank director
nasamexen = banking
nasamexer = to bank
nasamexut = banker
nasamut = banker
nasaxen = monetization
nasaxer = to monetize
nasaxwa = monetized
nasay = monetarily
nasbea = moneyed
nasbikiyea = miserly
nasbikiyean = miserliness
nasbiren = money grubbing
nasbirut = money grubber
nasbiryea = miserly
nasbiryean = miserliness
nasbolen = underwriting
nasboler = to underwrite
nasbolut = underwriter
nasbolwa = underwritten
nasbuen -- nasgonuut
nasbuen = allocation, allotment, allotting, payment
nasbuer = to allocate, to allot
nasbuien = buying and selling, commerce, marketing
nasbuien syagdrir = cash register
nasbuiena = mercantile
nasbuier = to buy and sell, to market
nasbuiut = marketer, teller
nasbun = monetary gift
nasbuun = allocation, allotment, payment, yield
nasbuwa = allotted
nasbyok = mulct
nasbyokien = receiving a fine
nasbyokier = to receive a fine
nasbyokoben = paying a fine
nasbyokober = to pay a fine
nasbyokuen = fining, levying a fine
nasbyokuer = to levy a fine, to mulct
nasbyokuwa = mulcted
nasbyokuwat = person fined
nasbyoykuer = to fine
nasdien = panhandling
nasdier = to panhandle
nasdilef = beggary
nasdilen = beggary, begging
nasdiler = to beg, to mooch
nasdilut = beggar, moocher, schnorrer
nasdiut = panhandler
nasdiyb = bursar's office, treasurer's office
nasdiybut = bursar, treasurer
nasdoluer = to silence with money
nasdref = banknote, bill, check, monetary note, paper bill, paper money
nasdref gobruj = check stub
nasdrefdyes = checkbook
nasdreftaxgon = counterfoil
nasdrefyan = set of checks
nasdrevfuzyus = bankroll
nasdrevuen = billing
nasdrevuut = biller
nasdrevuyafwa = billable
nasdrevyeb = billfold
nasdub = treasury secretary
nasdubam = treasury department
nasebkyax = monetary exchange, money market
nasebyex = money squabble
nasef = financial need, financial straits, poorness, poverty
nasefa = needy, poor
nasefan = neediness
nasefat = needy person, poor person
nasefatam = almshouse
nasefser = to become poor
nasefxen = impoverishing, impoverishment
nasefxer = to impoverish, to impoverishing
nasefxwa = impoverished
nasekeonxen = martingale
naselen = capitalization, capitalizing
naseler = to capitalize
naselwa = capitalized
nases = change
nasesien = getting change
nasesier = to get change
nasesuar = change-making machine
nasesuen = changing, making change
nasesuer = to change, to make change
nasfreya = mercenary, money-craving
nasgab = surplus
nasgon buiam = stock exchange
nasgon ebkyax = stock exchange, stock market
nasgon = investment, share, stock
nasgon vardras = stock certificate
nasgonbeut = stockholder
nasgonbexen = shareholding
nasgonbexer = to hold a share
nasgonbexut = shareholder, stakeholder
nasgonbexutyan = shareholder community
nasgonbuien = stockbroking
nasgonbuiut = stockbroker
nasgonier = to become vested in
nasgonuen = investment
nasgonuer = to invest
nasgonuut = investor
nasgonuwa = invested
nasgoxwa = discounted
nasgroa = stringent
nasgroan = stringency
nasgroay = stringently
nasibun = return, yield
nasifondilut = pimp
nasigxen = liquidation
nasigxer = to liquidize
nasigxut = liquidator
nasigxyafwan = liquidity
nasika = moneyed
nasiklan = fortune
nasikser = to get rich
nasikxer = to make wealthy
nasin = monetarism
nasinut = monetarist
naskex = bounty-hunt, monetary involvement
naskexen = bounty-hunting, having an interest in
naskexut = bounty hunter
naskobier = to fleece
naskobiut = fleecer
naskoxea = mingy
naskyaxer = to convert money
naskyaxum = money conversion booth
naskyaxut = money changer
nasmisog = cashier window
nasmug = coin
nasmug puys = coin toss
nasmug sagar = coin counter
nasmug yanyan = coin collection
nasmug yanyanxen = coin collecting
nasmug yanyanxut = coin collector
nasmug-exwa = coin-operated
nasmugier = to get change
nasmugtixut = numismatist
nasmuguar = change-maker
nasmuguer = to make change
nasmugxam = mint
nasmugxam noyx = mintage
nasmugxen = mintage, minting
nasmugxer = to mint
nasmugxut = minter
nasmugxwa = minted
nasmugyan = change, coinage, mintage
nasmugyeb = coin purse
nasnazunag = jackpot
nasnexyea = money-saving
nasnyef = scrip
nasnyem = moneybox, piggy bank
nasnyox = boondoggle
nasnyoxut = boondoggler
nasok = deficit, financial loss of money
nasokea = in a deficit, in the red
nasoker = to go into the red, to lose money
nasokra = skint
nasokran = broke status
nasokraser = to go broke
nasokren = going broke
nasokrer = to go bankrupt, to go broke
nasokxen = bankrupting
nasokxer = to bankrupt
nasokxwa = bankrupted
nasokya = bankrupt, broke, in arrears, in the red, short of funds
nasokyan = bankruptcy
nasoya = destitute, indigent, penniless, skint
nasoyemben = fund withdrawal
nasoyember = to withdraw funds, to withdraw money
nassyagdrav = money account
nassyagdravut = accountant
nastun diyb = finance department
nastun diybut = head of the finance department
nastun dub = finance minister, finance secretary
nastun dubam = department of finance
nastun = finance
nastuna = financial
nastuna ojtexen = financial planning
nastuna ojtexut = financial planner
nastunay = financially
nastut = financier
nasuka = destitute, indigent, penniless, skint
nasukan = destitution, impecuniousness
nasukat = pauper
nasukay = indigently, pennilessly
nasukla = miserable
nasuklan = abject poverty, miserableness, misery
nasuklay = miserably
nasukser = to go broke
nasvek sem = betting table
nasvekekam = casino
nasvekekar = casino machine, slot machine
nasvekekut = casino player
nasvekekutag = blackleg
nasvekiam = gambling casino, gambling house
nasvekien = betting, gambling
nasvekier = to bet, to gamble, to risk money
nasvekiun = bet
nasvekiut = bettor, gambler
nasvekiwa = gambled
nasveksem = gambling table
nasvekuen = gaming
nasvekuir = gambling machine, gaming machine
nasvyobien = peculation
nasvyobier = to peculate
nasvyobiut = peculator
nasvyomxen = counterfeiting
nasvyomxut = counterfeiter
nasvyomxwa = counterfeit
nasvyonser = to go bankrupt
nasvyonx = bankruptcy
nasvyonxer = to bankrupt
nasvyonxwa = bankrupt
nasyan = capital
nasyan nox = capital expenditure
nasyanak = capital gain
nasyanfyis = capital asset
nasyanin = capitalism
nasyanina = capitalistic
nasyaninut = capitalist
nasyankexea = rainmaking
nasyankexen = rainmaking
nasyankexut = rainmaker
nasyanok = capital loss, deficit
nasyanuen = capitalization, capitalizing, financing, funding
nasyanuer = to capitalize, to finance, to fund
nasyanuut = capitalizer, financier, funder
nasyanuwa = capitalized, financed, funded
nasyeb = billfold, money bag, moneybag, wallet
nasyef = balance owed, debit, debt, financial liability, financial obligation, monetary debt, money owed
nasyefam = credit union
nasyefdras = bond, debenture, lease, lien
nasyefer = to be indebted, to owe money
nasyefgoxen = amortization, amortizing
nasyefgoxer = to amortize
nasyefgoxwa = amortized
nasyefgoxyafwa = amortizable
nasyefien = assumption of debt, borrowing, leasing, renting, taking out a loan
nasyefier = to assume debt, to borrow, to lease, to rent, to take out a loan
nasyefiut = borrower, lessee, renter
nasyefiwa = borrowed, leased, rented
nasyefiwa pur = leased car
nasyefoben = forgiveness, forgiving, paying off, settling, writing off
nasyefober = to forgive, to pay off, to settle, to write off
nasyefobut = forgiver
nasyefobwa = forgiven, paid off, settled, written off
nasyefonuxer = to welsh
nasyefonuxut = welsher
nasyefuen = lease, letting, lien, loan, renting out
nasyefuer = to credit, to let, to loan, to rent out
nasyefuun = lease, lien, loan
nasyefuut = creditor, debtor, loan officer, loaner
nasyefxer = to debit
nasyefxut = debtor
nasyefxwa = in hock, indebted
nasyefxwat = indebted person
nasyemben = investing, money depositing
nasyemben vaknyem = safe deposit box, safety deposit box
nasyember = to invest
nasyembun = investment, money deposit
nasyembut = investor
nasyembwa -- nauduibun
nasyembwa = invested
nasyembwas = investment
nasyemog = till
nasyen = currency
nasyeyf = duty
nasyuv = bond, debt, duty, financial obligation, monetary duty
nasyuva = in debt
nasyuvxer = to indebt
nasyuvxwa = indebted
nasyux = subvention
nasyuxea = patronizing
nasyuxen = patronizing
nasyuxer = to patronize
nasyuxut = patron, patronizer
nasyuxutan = patronage
nasyuxuyt = patroness
nasyuxwa = patronized
naszeybel = giro
NATO = ZIYX, Zamera Imimag Yantexdraf Xob
naud = beam, radius, ray
naud ebtuien = radio communications
Naud = Nauru
naud pyaon = radio wave, raidowave
naud xag = radio frequency
nauda = radial
Naudaler = to speak Nauru
Naudalut = Nauru speaker
naudaxlea = radioactive
naudaxlean nagar = geiger counter
naudaxlean = radioactivity
naudaxleay = radioactively
naudaxlentun = radiology
naudaxlentut = radiologist
nauday = radially
naudazonxen = irradiation
naudazonxer = to irradiate
naudazonxwa = irradiated
naudben = irradiation
naudber = to irradiate
naudbwa = irradiated
naudbyek = radiotherapy
naudbyekut = radiotherapist
naudcalk = radiocarbon
Nauder = to say in Nauru
naudgeyemsuan = radioisotope
naudibir = radio receiver, radio set
naudibirut = radioman
naudkaxar jwadsiun = radar beacon
naudkaxar pex = radar trap
naudkaxar = radar
naudkaxar sinuar = radarscope
naudkaxarut = radarman
naudkaxen martun = radar astronomy
naudkaxen = radar detection
naudkaxen teaxar = radar scope
naudkaxen yibteaxir = radar telescope
naudkexen = radiolocation
naudkexer = to radiolocate
naudmalzyun = radiosonde
naudmomtun = radioastronomy
naudnagar = radiometer
naudnagen = radiometry
naudnagena = radiometric
naudnak = rad
naudras = radiogram
naudren = radiography
naudrir = radiograph
naudrut = radiographer
naudsen = beaming
naudser bay ivran = to beam with joy
naudser = to beam, to fluoresce
naudsiun = radio signal
nauduben = radioing
nauduber = to radio
naudubir = radio transmitter
naudubun = radio transmission
naudubwa = radioed
nauduibir exut = radio operator
nauduibir = radio transmitter-receiver, radio transmitter/receiver
nauduibun = radio broadcast
naudxea = radiant, radiating
naudxeay = radiantly
naudxen = beaming, radiance, radiating, radiation
naudxer ivan = to radiate with joy
naudxer = to beam, to radiate
naudxwa = beamed, radiated
naudxyea = effulgent
naudxyean = effulgence
naudyagan = wavelength
naudyibdalen = radiotelephony
naudyibdalir = radiophone, radiotelephone
naudyibdren = radiotelegraphy
naudyibdrer = to radioteletype
naudyibdrir = radiotelegraph, radioteletype
nauf = veil
naufen = veiling
naufwa = veiled
naufxer = to veil
naufyan = sail-loft
nauiben = radio reception
naulof = spandex
navis = frill, trim
navisaya = frilly
navisika = frilly
Navud = Navajo
Navudaler = to speak Navajo
Navudalut = Navajo speaker
Navuder = to say in Navajo
Navut = Navajo
Navuta tamof = hogan
nax drefes = price tag, sticker
nax drefes yokran = sticker shock
nax = price
naxaga = dear, expensive, precious, pricey
naxagan = expensiveness
naxagay = expensively
naxagkixwaxer = to upmarket
naxagkixway = upmarket
naxaya = precious, pricey
naxben = price-setting, pricing
naxber = to assign a price to price, to set a price
naxbwa = priced
naxden = assessment
naxder = to assess
naxdref = bill of fare
naxdwa = assessed
naxgab = markup, price hike
naxgaben = marking up
naxgaber = to mark up
naxgabwa = marked up
naxgax = auction
naxgaxut = auctioneer
naxgob = markdown, price cut, price reduction, sale
naxgoben = cutting prices, marking down
naxgobwa = marked down, on sale
naxgox = discount, reduction in cost
naxgox nam = discount store
naxgox nunam = discount store
naxgoxen = discounting
naxgoxer = to cut the price, to discount, to mark down
naxgoxut = discounter
naxgoxwa = reduced in price
naxika = precious, pricey
naxkyoben = price-fixing
naxkyober = to price-fix
naxneggox = deflation
naxneggoxea = deflationary
naxnyad = price list, tariff
naxoga = cheap, inexpensive, low-priced
naxogan = cheapness, inexpensiveness
naxogas = catchpenny
naxogay = cheaply, inexpensively
naxogxen = cheapening
naxogxer = to bring down the price, to cheapen
naxogxwa = cheapened
naxoya = cost-free, invaluable, priceless
naxoyan = gratuity
naxpyos = bearish
naxten = prizing
naxter = to appreciate, to be thankful, to prize
naxtwa = appreciated, prized
Naxtwe! = Appreciated!, Thanks!
naxtyafwa = appreciable
naxtyafway = appreciably
naxtyofwa = inappreciable
naxtyofway = inappreciably
naxuka = cost-free, invaluable, priceless
naxukay = cost-free
naxyan = tarrif
naxyap = price hike
naxyapea = going up in price
naxyapen = going up in price
naxyaper = to go up in price
naxyefutpexut = catchpoll
naxyobdaler = to chaffer
naxyop = price drop, price reduction
naxyopea = going down in price
naxyopen = going down in price reduction
naxyoper = to go down in price
nayaf = corduroy
nayalof = elastine, lycra, tartan
nayb = turn
nayba = in turn
naybay = in turn
nayd = dash
naydsiyn = hyphen
naydsiynxen = hyphenation
naydsiynxer = to hyphenate
naydsiynxwa = hyphenated
nayef = nylon
nayg = dimension
nayga = dimensional
naygan = dimensionality
naygay = dimensionally
naygxen = dimensioning
naygxer = to dimension
naygxwa = dimensioned
nayif = rayon
naym = boutique, shop, shoppe
naymem = market
naymut = shopkeeper
naymyan = bazaar, fair, market
nayof = denim
nayoftyofi = bluejeans, jeans
nayolof = grenadine
naysbuen = allocation
naysbuer = to allocate
naysbuwa = allocated
nayuf = satin
nayufa = made of satin
nayufyena = satin-like, satiny
nayx bi tejen = cost of living
nayx = cost
nayxaga = costly, high-cost
nayxaya = costly
nayxea = costing
nayxean = costliness
nayxer = to cost
nayxgob = cost reduction, cost-cut
nayxgober = to cost-cutting, to cut costs
nayxgoser = to go down in cost
nayxgox = cost reduction
nayxgoxer = to reduce the cost
nayxika = costly
nayxikan = costliness
nayxokser = to go down in cost
nayxuka = cost-free, gratis, gratuitous
naz = merit, value, worth
naza = worthwhile, worthy
nazag = treasure
nazaga = invaluable
nazagay = invaluably
nazagkaxun = treasure trove, treasure-find, trove
nazagkex = treasure hunt, treasure-hunt
nazagkexen = treasure-hunting
nazagkexut = treasure-hunter
nazagnyem = treasure chest
nazaken = gain
nazaker = to gain value
nazay = preciously
nazaya = meritorious, precious, valuable, worthwhile, worthy
nazayan = meritoriousness, preciousness, worthwhileness
nazdab = meritocracy
nazdaba = meritocratic
nazden = appraisal, appraisement, assessing, assessment, estimate, estimation, evaluation, thanking, valorization, valuation
nazder = to appraise, to assess, to estimate, to evaluate, to size up, to thank, to valorize, to valuate
nazdrefi = securities
nazdut = appraiser, assessor, estimator, evaluator
nazdwa = appraised, assessed, estimated, evaluated, thanked, valorized
nazdwa jwob bi puen = ETA, estimated time of arrival
nazdyafwa = assessable
nazdyofwa = inestimable, invaluable
nazdyofway = inestimably, invaluably
nazea kidwer = to notable, to worth mentioning
nazea = worth, worthy of
-nazea = -worthy
nazebyex = conflict of values
nazen = being worth
nazer ha yikan = to be worth the trouble, be worthwhile
nazer = to be worth
nazgoblun = coupon
nazgosea = depreciating
nazgoser = to depreciate
nazgox = depreciation
nazgoxen = depreciation
nazgoxer = to depreciate
nazgoxwa = depreciated
naziea = meriting, worth
nazien = being worth, deserving, meriting
nazier = to be worth, to deserve, to merit
nazika = meritorious, precious, valuable, worthwhile, worthy
nazikan = meritoriousness, preciousness, worthwhileness
nazikay = meritoriously, preciously, valuably
nazikxus = argument
Nazin = Nazism
Nazina = Nazi, Nazistic
Nazindab = Nazi regime
Nazindeb = Fuehrer, Nazi leader
Nazinut = Nazi
Nazinyena = Nazi-esque, Naziesque
naziwa = condign, deserved, merited
naziyea = deserving, meritorious
naziyean = meritoriousness
naziyeay = deservedly, deservingly, meritoriously
nazmuk yaybar = ore bridge
nazmuk yonxen = ore dressing
nazmukfyul = gangue
naznemdraf = cartogram
nazoga = paltry
nazogan = paltriness
nazogas = picayune
nazogat = picayune
nazognam = five and dime store, junk shop
nazok = depreciation, loss of value
nazoken = depreciation
nazoker = to depreciate, to lose value
nazokya = depreciated
nazoya = nugatory, of no value, priceless, spurious, undeserving, valueless, worthless
nazoyan = invalidity, spuriousness, worthlessness
nazoyay = spuriously
naztea = appreciating, appreciative, valuing
nazten = appreciation, esteeming, estimation, valuing
nazter = to appreciate, to esteem, to estimate, to value
naztun = axiology
naztuna = axiological
naztut = appreciator, axiologist, valuer
naztwa = appreciated, esteemed, thankful, valued
naztwan = thankfulness
naztway = thankfully
Naztwe! = It is appreciated!, Thank-you!
naztwe = thank-you, thanks
naztyafwa = estimable
naztyea = appreciative
naztyean = appreciativeness
naztyeay = appreciatively
nazuea = appreciating, valuing
nazuen = appreciation, valuing
nazuer = to appreciate, to esteem, to prize, to value
nazuka = nugatory, of no value, priceless, spurious, undeserving, valueless, worthless
nazukan = invalidity, spuriousness, worthlessness
nazukay = invalidly, worthlessly
nazun = award, payoff, premium, prize
nazun yankexek = award competition
nazunakea = award-winning, prize-winning, prizewinning
nazunaker = to win a prize, to win an award
nazunakut = award-winner, prize-winner, prizewinner
nazundopek = prizefight
nazundopeken = prizefighting
nazundopekut = prizefighter
nazunek = award competition, prize competition
nazuniea = award-winning, prize-winning, prizewinning
nazunien = receive a prize, receiving an award
nazunier = to accept a prize, to receive a prize, to receive an award, to win a prize
nazuniut = award recipient, award-winner, prize recipient, prize-winner
nazunkyebix = raffle
nazunkyebixer = to raffle
nazunoker = to lose a prize, to lose an award
nazunokut = prize-loser
nazunuen = award presentation, award-giving, awarding, presenting a prize
nazunuer = to award a prize, to give a prize to present a prize
nazunuut = award-giver, award-presenter
nazunuwa = awarded, prized
nazunuwat = award recipient, awardee
nazuut = valuer
nazuwa = appreciated, esteemed, prized, valued
nazvyaba = valid
nazvyaban = validity, validness
nazvyabay = validly
nazvyabean = validating
nazvyaben = accreditation, validating, validation
nazvyaber = to accredit, to validate
nazvyabser = to become valid
nazvyabwa = accredited, validated
nazyef = ad valorem tax
nazyefatexen = deigning
nazyefatexer = to deign
nazyefxyafwa = dutiable
nazyeyf = merit
nazyeyfa = deserving, meritorious
nazyeyfea = deserving
nazyeyfer = to deserve
nazyeyfoya = unworthy, without merit
nazyeyfwa = appreciable, deserved, worthy
nead bi xwasi = course of events
nead = course
neader = to course
neaf = fretwork, grate, grid, grill, lattice, mesh, net, network, reticulation, web
neafdraves = blog
neafdravesut = blogger
neafeb = webmaster
neafek = tennis
neafek zyun = tennis ball
neafekem = tennis court
neafekut = tennis player
neafgoblar = grater
neafgoblawa = grated
neafgobler = to grate
neafmansinuar = webcam
neafmuf = racquet
neafmufzyun ifek = racquetball
neafnod = website
neafser = to mesh
neaftyoyab = webfoot
neafxen = webbing
neafxer = to mesh
neafxut = webber
neafxwa = meshed, webbed
neafyan = netting, webbing
neafyank = hyperlink, weblink
neattyoyaba = web-footed
neax = aim
neaxar = sight, viewfinder
neaxen = aiming
neaxer = to aim
neaxun = aim
neaxwa = aimed
ned = plane, surface
ned pyaon = plane wave, surface wave
neda = planar
nedaber = to revet
nedabyexen -- nefzyun ifek
nedabyexen = incidence
nedan = planarity
nedar = squeegee
nedes = facet, pane
nedgoblar = scraper
nedgoblawa = scraped
nedgoblen = scraping
nedgobler = to scrape
nedgoblun = scrape
nedgoybler = to knick
nedgoyblun = knick
nedmagxar = scorcher
nedmagxen = scorching, singing
nedmagxer = to scorch, to singe
nedmagxwa = scorched, singed
nedmayn = gloss
nedmaynayan = glossiness
nedmaynikan = glossiness
nedmaynikay = glossily
nedmeg = outcrop, outcropping
nedmul = surfacing
nedrut = etcher
nedvixer = to finish
nedvyaa = specious
nedvyaan = speciousness
nedvyaay = speciously
nedxar = strickle
nedyaz = bump
nedyazaya = bumpy
nedyazayan = bumpiness
nedyazika = bumpy
nedyazikan = bumpiness
nedyebwa = inlaid
nedyoz = depression, hole, pit
nedyugfir = trowel
neef = lace
neefa = lacy
neefaya = lacy
neefika = lacy
neefsanxer = to gauffer
neefxer = to enlace
neefyan = lacework
neefyexun = dentelle
nef = cross stitch, hatch, knit, lattice, net, tricot
nefab = pistachio tree
nefar = crochet needle, darning needle, knitting needle
nefartabos = spinneret
nefdruren = serigraphy
nefdrurun = serigraph
nefeb = pistachio
nefgrunar = crochet needle
nefgrunen = crocheting
nefgruner = to crochet
nefgrunut = crocheter
nefgrunwa = crocheted
nefiaf = pullover
nefmuf = distaff
nefsunyen = mesh
nefur = spinner, spinning wheel
nefuz = crook, hook, loop
nefxa tof = knitwear
nefxam = spinnery
nefxar = loom
nefxen = darning, knitting, reticulation, spinning, weaving
nefxen zyuk = spinning wheel
nefxen zyun = darning ball
nefxer = to darn, to knit, to spin, to weave
nefxut = darner, knitter, spinner, weaver
nefxuyt = knitter, spinster, webster
nefxwa = darned, knitted, spun
nefxwas = knit
nefyan = crosshatch, lattice, netting, network
nefyanxen = crosshatching
nefyanxer = to crosshatch
nefzyiun = filter, sieve
nefzyiunen = filtering, sieving
nefzyiuner = to filter, to sieve
nefzyiunuka = unscreened
nefzyiunwa = filtered, sieved
nefzyun ifek = net ball, netball
neg bi tiibil level -- neunser
neg bi tiibil level = blood sugar level
neg = echelon, layer, level, stratum, tier
nega = even, level
nega zeymep = grade crossing
negar = level
negay = evenly
negi = strata
negika = tiered
negser = to level out
negxar = leveler
negxen = leveling, smoothing, stratification
negxer = to level, to smooth out, to stratify
negxwa = even, leveled out, smoothed, stratified
neif = braid
neifxen = braiding
neifxer = to braid
neifxwa = braided
neifxwa viaben = galloon
nel = reserve
nelen = reservation
neler jabexun = to book a reservation
neler sem = to reserve a table
neler = to reserve
nelnig = buffer
nelnigen ebemben = buffering
nelniger = to buffer
nelnigwa = buffered
nelopelt = cricket, katydid
neluen = stocking up
neluer = to stock up with
nelun = reserve
nelut = booker
neluwa = stocked up
nelwa = booked, reserved, spared
nelwa zyug = spare tire
nelyafwa = bookable
nem bi yafon = position of power
nem = locale, location, place, position, site, stead
nema bixpur = local train
nema = local, locational, positional
nema nad = local line
nema yuzpur = local bus
nemat = local person
nemaxea = localizing
nemaxen = localization, localizing
nemaxer = to localize
nemaxwa = localized
nemay = locally
nemben = installation, placement, putting in place, setting
nember = to install, to place, to put in place, to set
nembun = installation, placement, setting
nembwa = installed, placed, put in place, set
nemkyax = change of location, change of position, relocation
nemkyaxer = to change position
nemoyg = cozy place
nemsindren = topography
nemtun = topology
nemtuna = topological
nemxea = localizing
nemxen = localizing
neof = cross-stitch
nepelt = flea
nepiad = clang
nepiaden = clanging
nepiader = to clang
nepiat = crane
nepiatud = chick, crane chick
nepot = sloth
nepyeit = cuttlefish
Nerom = Niger
Neroma = from Niger
Neromat = inhabitant of Niger
neuf = wicker
neufa = made of wicker
neufmimpar = coracle
neufyan = wickerwork
neufyem = wicker basket
neufzyebag = demijohn
neun = provision, reserve, stock, supply
neunser = to stock up
neunxen = provision, provisioning, reserving, stocking, supplying
neunxer = to provision, to stock, to supply
neunxut = provisioner, supplier
neunxwa = provisioned
neunyan = inventory, provisions, reserves, stocks
neunyansag = inventory
neunyansagden = inventory, inventorying, stocktaking
neunyansagder = to inventory, to take stock of
neunyansagdwa = inventoried
nex = economy, savings, thrift
nexam = storehouse, thrift and savings bank
nexea = economizing, saving
nexen = economization, economizing, saving, thrift
nexer = to economize, to save, to save up
nextun = economics, economy
nextuna = economic
nextunay = economically
nextut = economist
nexun ay ojbuen nasam = savings and loan bank
nexun = nest egg, savings
nexun syagdrav = savings account, thrift savings account
nexun syem = thrift and savings bank
nexunyan = savings, thrift savings
nexut = saver
nexwa = economized, saved
nexwas = something saved up
nexyea = economical, thrifty
nexyean = thrift, thriftiness
nexyeay = economically
neyaf = wale
neyd = area, surface area
neyda = areal
neyef = band, filet, fillet, strip
neyef goypir = band saw, band-saw
neyef kosag = bar code
neyef yaozgoblar = bandsaw
neyefzyaan = bandwidth
neym = spot
neymaynaya = glossy
neymaynika = glossy
neyof = loop
neyofxen = looping
neyofxer = to loop
neyofxwa = looped
neyx = thrift
neyxen = economizing
neyxen sammoysyan = stock shelving
neyxyea = economical
ni = n, the letter n
niaf = crewel
niafxen = crewelwork, crewing
Niahed = Nahuatl
nialk calkayt = sodium carbonate
nialk enbalkas alomilkas = borax
nialk encalkayt = sodium bicarbonate
nialk felkiyd = sodium fluoride
nialk = Na, sodium
nialk olkiyd = sodium oxide
nialk solkayt = sodium sulfate
nialkmakmul = sulphion
niamil = soda water
niamulcalilkiyd = sodium chloride
Nibalid = South Ndebele
Nibalidaler = to speak South Ndebele
Nibalidalut = South Ndebele speaker
Nibalider = to say in South Ndebele
nibalk = Nb, niobium
Nicalim = New Caledonia
Nicalima = New Caledonian
Nicalimat = New Caledonian, inhabitant of New Caledonia
Nicam = Nicaragua
Nicama = Nicaraguan
Nicamat = Nicaraguan, inhabitant of Nicaragua
nid bi bekul = dose of drugs, dose of medicine
nid = dosage, dose, volume
nidak = volume gain
nidakea = gaining volume
nidaker = to gain volume
nidalk = Nd, neodymium
niday = voluminously
nidaya = voluminous
nidayan = voluminosity, voluminousness
Nided = North Ndebele
Nidedaler = to speak North Ndebele
Nidedalut = North Ndebele speaker
Nideder = to say in North Ndebele
nidgasea = expanding
nidgaser = to balloon, to expand, to swell
nidgax = ballooning, expansion, swelling
nidgaxen = ballooning, expansion, swelling
nidgaxer = to balloon, to expand, to swell
nidgaxwa = ballooned, expanded, swollen
nidgaxwan = swollenness, turgidity
nidgoser = to contract, to shrink
nidgox = contraction, shrinkage
nidgoxen = contraction, shrinkage, shrinking
nidgoxer = to contract, to preshrink, to shrink
nidgoxwa = contracted, preshrunk, shrunk, shrunken
nidgoxyafwa = contractible, contractile, shrinkable
nidgyaxwa = shrunken, turgid
nidijsanxea uznad = generatrix
nidika = voluminous
nidikan = voluminosity, voluminousness
nidikay = voluminously
nidnag = dosage
nidnaga = volumetric
nidnagar = dosimeter, volumeter
nidnagen = volumetry
Nidod = Ndonga
Nidodaler = to speak Ndonga
Nidodalut = Ndonga speaker
Nidoder = to say in Ndonga
nidog = dram
nidoga = pokey
nidok = loss of volume
nidokea = losing volume
nidoker = to lose volume
niduen = dosing
niduer = to dose
nidyaber = to raise the volume, to turn the volume up
nidyaobar = volume control, volume tuner
nidyober = to turn the volume down
nidyogser = to retract
nidyogxen = retraction
nidyogxer = to retract
nidyogxwa = retracted
nidyogxyafwa = retractable
nidyogxyofwa = unretractable
nidyuz = envelope
nidyuzbea = enveloping
nidyuzben = envelopment
nidyuzber = to envelop, to enwrap
nidyuzbwa = enveloped
nidyuzyig = coquille, shell
nidzyasea = expanding
nidzyaser = to blow up, to expand, to swell
nidzyaxer = to blow up, to expand, to swell
nidzyaxwa = blown up, expanded, swollen
nidzyoxyofwa = unshrinkable
nielk = Ne, neon
nielka = neon
niemal manar = neon lamp, neon light
niemal siun = neon sign
nien = consuming, consumption, demand
nienhelkin = amphetamine
nier = to consume, to demand
nif = fibre, thread, yarn
nif yuzun = loop of thread
nif zyun = ball of yarn
nifa = fibrile
nifab = marcona tree
nifaof = fiberboard
nifar = needle, spicule
nifarbal = acupressure
nifarbek = acupuncture
nifarbekut = acupuncturist
nifarbyeb = needle stack of needles
nifaren = needlepoint
nifartyen = needlework
nifaruen = needling
nifaruer -- nigyanxer
nifaruer = to needle
nifarun = needlework
nifarut = seamster
nifaruut = needler
nifaruwa = needled
nifaryan = hackle
nifarzyeg = eye of a needle
nifber = to thread
nifeb = marcona almond
Nifekim = Norfolk Island
Nifekima = from Norfolk Islands
Nifekimat = Norfolk Islander, inhabitant of Norfolk Island
nifen = stringing
nifglan = skein
nifnak = sett
nifog = fibril
nifuvoben = unpinning
nifuvober = to unpin
nifuvobwa = unpinned
nifuzaxer = to entwine
nifuzpexar = snare
nifuzpexarut = snarer
nifuzpexarwa = snared
nifuzrer = to slub
nifwa = strung
nifxut = sewer
nifxuyt = seamstress, sempstress
nifyanx = sleave, suture
nifyaz = fibroid
nifyena = fibrous, threadlike, thready, wiry
nifyenan = fibrosity, wiriness
nifyija = threadbare
nifyonxer = to sleave
nifyuzen = tying up
nifyuzer = to tie up
nifyuzwa = tied up
nifzyebar = threader
nifzyeben = threading
nifzyeber nifar = to thread a needle
nifzyebwa = threaded
nifzyev = fiberglass
nifzyun = clew
nig = bulk, capacity, confines, expanse, field, range, room, space
niga = expansive, spacial, spatial
nigafxea = accommodating
nigafxen = accommodation, affording
nigafxer = to accommodate, to afford space
nigafxwa = accommodated, afforded
nigafxyafwa = affordable
Nigam = Nigeria
Nigama = Nigerian
nigamar = space heater
Nigamat = Nigerian, inhabitant of Nigeria
nigamxar = space heater
nigaxway = turgidly
nigay = spaciously, spatially
nigaya = capacious, roomy, spacious, vast
nigayan = capaciousness, roominess, spaciousness, vastness
nigbuer = to accommodate, to allot room for
nigef = shortage of space
nigenak = nanogram, ng
nigika = capacious, roomy, spacious, vast
nigikan = capaciousness, roominess, spaciousness, vastness
nigikay = capaciously, spaciously, vastly
nigikxar = quadrat
nignagar = stereometer
nignagen = titration
nignak = stere
nignoyx = groundage
nignyox = waste of space
nigog = cranny, niche, nook, tiny space
nigoga = compact, dense
nigogika = crannied
nigser = to expand, to space out
nigxar = spacer
nigxen = expansion, spacing out
nigxer = to expand, to make room for, to space out
nigxwa = expanded, spaced out
nigyanxea = overlapping
nigyanxer = to overlap
nigyanxwa -- nivar suaym
nigyanxwa = overlapped
nigzyoben = boxing in, crowding
nigzyober = to box in, to crowd
nigzyobwa = boxed in, crowded
nihelk = Nh, nihonium
niilk = Ni, nickel
niilka = made of nickel
niilkben = nickel-plating
niilkber = to nickel-plate
niilkbwa = nickle-plated
niinnhelkiyd = ammonia, ammonium
niinnhelkiyda = ammoniac, ammoniacal
niinolkiyd = nitride
niinolkiyt = nitrite
niinolkxen = nitration, nitrification
niiv = strand
nikil = niter
nikilayt = nitrate, saltpeter
nildref = papyrus
nildrefdren = papyrography
nildrefdrur = papyrograph
nildreftun = papyrology
nildreftut = papyrologist
Nilidad = Dutch
Nilidadaler = to speak Dutch
Nilidadalut = Dutch speaker
Nilidader = to say in Dutch
Nilidam = Netherlands
Nilidama = Dutch, of the Netherlands
Nilidama seusyabtom = carillon
Nilidamat = Dutch, Netherlander, inhabitant of Netherlands
Nilidamayt = Dutchwoman
Nilidamwat = Dutchman
nilk incalilkiyd = nitrogen trichloride
nilk inhelkayn = azone
nilk = N, azote, nitrogen
nilka = nitric
nilka zil = nitric acid
nilkaya zil = nitrous acid
niminak = nm
nin = consumable, revenue
ninja = ninja
niolk = No, nobelium
niovbun = bow
nipatbok = pica
nipelt = bug
nipiat = flamingo
Nipodaler = to speak Nepali
Nipodalut = Nepali speaker
Nipoder = to say in Nepali
Nipolim = Nepal
Nipolima = Nepalese
Nipolimat = Nepalese, inhabitant of Nepal
nipolk = Np, neptunium
nipot = anteater
nipyeit = nautilus
Niroma = Northern Irish
Niromat = Northern Irish
Nirum = Nauru
Niruma = from Nauru
Nirumat = inhabitant of Nauru
nirvana = nirvana
nisbuefwa = for sale
Nium = Niue
Niuma = from Niue
Niumat = inhabitant of Niue
niun = consumable, order, purchase, receivable
niunazon = productive force
niut = buyer, client, consumer, customer, patron, purchaser
niutan = patronage
niutin = consumerism
niutina = consumerist
niutinut = consumerist
niutkaxut = steerer
niutyan = clientele
niuyt = patroness
niuzpexaren = snaring
niv = floss, strand
nivar = pin
nivar suaym = pin cushion, pincushion
nivarabnod = pinhead
nivarben = poking
nivarbwa = poked
nivaren = pinning, pricking, prickling, sticking
nivarer = to pin, to poke, to prick, to prickle, to stick
nivarwa = pinned, pricked, prickled, stuck
nivaryea = prickly
nivaryean = prickliness
nivaryena = prickly
nivarzyeg = pinhole
nivarzyega = pinpoint
nivleovol = spaghetti
nivober = to unthread
niwa = consumed, demanded
niwas = consumable
nix = earnings, income, revenue, stipend, turnover
nixag = bonanza
nixak = profit
nixakea = money-making, moneymaking
nixaken = profiting
nixaker = to profit
nixakyafwa = profitable
nixakyafwan = profitability
nixakyafwaxen = making profitable
nixakyafwaxer = to make profitable
nixakyafway = profitably
nixakyea = lucrative, profitable
nixakyea xeun = moneymaker
nixakyean = lucrativeness
nixakyeay = lucratively
nixakyofwa = nonprofitable, unprofitable
nixakyofwan = unprofitability
nixakyofway = unprofitably
nixbuen aun = sales item
nixbuen avembiut = sales representative
nixbuen = debiting, sale, sales, selling, vending
nixbuen diybut = sales manager
nixbuen drurunes = sales receipt, sales slip
nixbuen jatuun = sales forecast
nixbuen seem = sales counter
nixbuen sir = vending machine
nixbuen tum = vending booth
nixbuen yuxut = salesclerk
nixbuer nasgon = to sell a share
nixbuer = to debit, to sell
nixbuim = salesroom
nixbuun drurunes = sales printout
nixbuun nax = sales price, selling price
nixbuun nayx = sale price
nixbuun sag = sales figure
nixbuun = sale
nixbuun sem = counter
nixbuun zaypaxen = sales promotion
nixbuut = salesman, salesperson, seller, vendor
nixbuuti = salespeople
nixbuutyan = sales force
nixbuutyen = salesmanship
nixbuuyt = salesgirl, saleslady, saleswoman
nixbuwa = sold
nixbuyafwa nuun = salable commodity
nixbuyafwa = retailable, salable, sellable, vendible
nixbuyofwa = unretailable, unsalable, unsaleable, unsellable
nixdras = earning statement
nixdref = pay check
nixea = gainful
nixeay = gainfully
nixen = earning
nixen syagnas = earning cash
nixer nasak = to make a profit
nixer syagnas = to earn cash
nixer = to earn, to garner, to make, to receive
nixer yefbun = to earn a tribute
nixer yexnux = to earn a salary
nixmugsiun = scrip
nixok = deficit, shortage
nixoker = to come up short, to lose earnings, to lose money
nixun = earnings, income, intake, revenue
nixunok = earnings loss
nixut = earner
nixwa = earned, garnered
nixwatdyunyan -- nofeb yonbyexar
nixwatdyunyan = payroll
nixyan = income, revenue
nixyef = income tax
Niyad = Chichewa
Niyadaler = to speak Chichewa
Niyadalut = Chichewa speaker
Niyader = to say in Chichewa
niyf = filament
niyogxyea = retractive
nizea = deserving
nizeay = deservingly
nizer = to deserve
Nizulim = New Zealand
Nizulima = New Zealand
Nizulimat = New Zealander, inhabitant of New Zealand
nizun = dessert
nizwa = deserved
Nobel poos nazun = Nobel peace prize
nod amyanxen = spot welding
nod aybsiyn = dot above accent, dot above diacritic
nod bi merizondar = compass point
nod bi ozoyp = point of no return
nod bi vyelean = point of reference
nod bu nod = point-to-point
nod = dot, peak, period, point, pole
nod oybsiyn = dot under diacritic
noda = punctual
nodben = puncturing, stippling
nodber = to puncture, to stipple
nodbwa = punctured, stippled
noddrawa = written in Braille
noddrer = to write in Braille
nodeaxer = to aim, to demonstrate, to show
nodebun pyaon = point break wave
nodgrunsiyn = semi-colon, semicolon
nodig = blip
nodika = punctate
nodkyoxen = pinpointing
nodkyoxer = to pinpoint
nodkyoxwa = pinpointed
nodog = iota, little dot, speck, speckle
nodogika = specked
nodogsizin = pointillism
nodogsizina = pointillist
nodogsizinut = pointillist
nodogxen = speckling
nodogxer = to speckle
nodogxwa = speckled
nodrawa = dotted, punctuated
nodrawa nad = dotted line
nodren = dotting, punctuation
nodren siyn = punctuation mark
nodrer = to dot, to punctuate
nodrun = dot, point
nodsag = score
nodsagen = scoring
nodsager = to score
nodsagut = scorer
nodsagwa = scored
nodsindruren = halftone
nodsiyn = punctuation
nodxen = plotting, punctuation, stippling
nodxer = to check off, to dot, to mark off, to plot, to prick off, to punctuate, to stipple, to tick off
nodxun = puncture
nodxut = ticker
nodxwa = plotted, punctuated, stippled
nodyan = cluster
nodyansen = clustering
nodyanser = to cluster
nodyanxwa = clustered
nodyena = persnickety
nodyig = callus
nodyigika = callused
nodzyupea = swiveling
nodzyuper = to swivel
nof = cloth, textile, tissue, woven material
nof yugxul = fabric softener
nofa = cloth, textile
nofeb yonbyexar = nutcracker
nofebaol = nutmeat
nofebaya = nut-filled, nutty
nofebayob = nutshell
nofebiblut = nutter
nofebika = nut-filled, nutty
nofebyena = nutty
nofebzyegar = nutpick
noffun = fag
nofgyixut = fuller
nofir = weaving loom
nofkunvib = purl
nofkunviber = to purl
nofnuiam = mercery
nofnuien = mercery
nofnuiut = mercer
nofnunyan = mercery
nofnyaf = burl
nofsin = embroidery
nofsinen = embroidery
nofsiner = to embroider
nofun = textile
nofunyonxar = swingle
nofunyonxer = to swingle
nofuzyun = bolt of fabric
nofxen = weaving
nofxenyef = workbasket
nofxer = to weave
nofxut = weaver
nofxwa = woven
nofyanx = hemstitch, seam
nofyanxtuyn = dressmaking
nofyanxuyt = seamstress
nofyexut = weaver
nofyigxul = carb
nofyonar = scissor, scissors
nofyonaren = scissoring
nofyonarer = to scissor
nofyonarwa = scissored
nofyonxen = ripping
nofyonxer = to rip apart
nofyonxun = rip
nofyonxut = ripper
nofyonxwa = ripped
nofyonxyafwa = rippable, tearable
nofyonxyofwa = unrippable, untearable
nog = degree, grade
noga = gradual
nog-agcanak = degree Celsius
nog-agfenak = degree Fahrenheit
nog-agkinak = degree Kelvin
nogar = gradient
nogay = by degrees, gradatim, gradually, stepwise
nogay ga yugay = decrescendo
nogbyofwa = unscalable
nogdrawa = graded
nogdref = report card
nogdren = grading
nogdrer = to grade
nogdreut = grader
nogdrun = grade
nogmem mukiblen = stope, stoping
nogmus = degree scale
nogsar = stepper
nogsea sir = stepper
nogsiun = degree sign
nogsiyn dref = report card
nogsiyn = grade, mark
nogsiynier = to get a grade, to get a mark
nogsiynuen = giving marks, grade assignment
nogsiynuer = to give a mark
nogsiynuut = grader
nogsiynuwa = graded
nogsiynxen = grading
nogsiynxer = to grade
nogxen = gradation, grading, pacing
nogxer = to gradate, to grade, to pace
nogxwa = gradated, graded, paced
nogxwa zyeyb = burette
nogxwa zyuk = ratchet
nogxwat = grad
nogxyafwa = scalable
nogyan = scale
nogyana = scalar
nogyanser = to escalate
nogyanxen = escalation, scaling
nogyanxer = to escalate
nogyanxwa = escalated, scaled
nogyena = gradual
nogyenan = gradualness
nogyenay = gradually
non sequitur = non sequitur
noog = phase, phasis, stage
noognagar = phasemeter
noogser = to phase
noogxen = phasing
noogxer = to phase
noogxwa = phased
nopelt = vermin
nopeltbok = mange
Norod = Norwegian
Noroda = in Norwegian
Norodaler = to speak Norwegian
Norodalut = speaker of Norwegian
Noroddaler = to speak Norwegian
Noroddalut = Norwegian speaker
Noroder = to say in Norwegian
Norom = Norway
Noroma = Norwegian
Noromat = Norwegian, inhabitant of Norway
North Atlantic Treaty Organization = Zamera Imimag Yantexdraf Xob
nov = cloth, linen, rag
noves = gussy, rag
novgorf = tatter
novgorfer = to tatter
novgorfwa = tatterdemalion, tattered, tatty
novgorfwat = tatterdemalion
novib = cloth decoration
novim = linen room
novmugnyif = gimp
novsam = linen chest
novsinen = embroidering
novsiner = to embroider
novsinut = embroiderer
novsinwa = embroidered
novum = linen closet
novumxar = clothes drier
novxuta goblar = trivet
novyan = linens, lingerie
novyanbiren = shirring
novyanbirer = to shirr
novyanbirwa = shirred
novyilxam = launderette, laundromat, laundry
novyilxen = laundering, laundry
novyilxer = to do laundry, to launder, to wash clothes
novyilxil = laundry detergent
novyilxim = laundry room
novyilxir = washing machine
novyilxut = launderer, laundryman
novyilxuyt = laundress, laundrywoman
novyilxwa = laundered
novyixzyuk = wince, winch
novzyiar = iron
novzyiar sem = ironing board
novzyiaren = ironing, pressing
novzyiarer = to iron, to press
novzyiarwa = ironed, pressed
nox = expenditure, expense, outlay
noxag = great expense
noxaga = dear, expensive
noxen = expenditure, outlay, spending
noxena = sumptuary
noxer = to expend, to spend
noxien = taking on an expense
noxier = to absorb an expense, to assume an expense
noxog = minor expense
noxoga = cheap, inexpensive
noxoya = expense-free
noxuen = charging
noxuer = to charge
noxufa = parsimonious, tightfisted
noxufan = parsimony
noxufat = scrooge, tightwad
noxufay = parsimoniously
noxuka = free of charge, no-cost, pro bono
noxukay = at no cost, for free of charge, pro bono
noxun = expenditure, expense item
noxunyan = expenditures, expenses
noxut = spender
noxuun = charge
noxuwa = charged
noxuyafwa = chargeable
noxwa = expended, spent
noxyafwa = spendable
noyd = tittle
noyg = grade
noyga = gradual
noygen = gradation, graduation
noygentef = mortarboard
noyger = to gradate, to graduate
noygyena = gradual
noygyenay = gradually
noyixen = laundering, laundry
noyx = fee
noyxaber = to impose a fine
noyxar = dispenser, nozzle
noyxen = dispensing, pouring, shedding
noyxer = to dispense, to pour, to shed
noyxir = dispensing machine
noyxmem = fiefdom
noyxmemeb = feudal lord
noyxmufyeg = nozzle, spigot
noyxuen = paying off
noyxuer = to impose a fine, to pay off
noyxuka = gratis, gratuitous
noyxukan = gratuitousness
noyxuwa = payed off
noyxwa = dispensed, poured, shed
noz = bijou, jewel
nozaber = to bejewel
nozabwa = bejeweled
nozam = jewelry shop
nozamut = jeweler, jewelry shop owner
nozber = to enchase
nozika = jeweled
nozkyik = carat
nozmuk = garnet
noznyem = jewelry box
nozut = jeweler
nozyan = bling bling, jewelry
nozyeb = jewelry box
nu = nu
nuea = equipping, producing, providing, supplying
nuen anyan = supply chain
nuen = equipage, equipping, furnishing, outputting, procurement, producing, production, providing, provision, purveyance, supply, supplying
nuen nyad = supply chain
nuen zyom = supply bottleneck
nuer azul = to supply energy
nuer dopari = to provide with arms, supply weapons
nuer dopyafon = to provide firepower
nuer efwa nasyani = to provide needed funds
nuer fyis = to provide a benefit
nuer hyumdin av = to provide an alibi for
nuer nas av = to provide money for
nuer olk = to provide oxygen
nuer = to equip, to furnish, to procure, to produce, to provide, to purvey, to supply
nuer tyenuen = to provide training
nuer yux = to provide aid
nuer zeyen = to provide a means, provide a wherewithal
nuf = button
nufab = ginkgo tree
nufag = knob
nufagaya = knobby, nubby
nufagayan = knobbiness
nufagika = knobby, nubby
nufagikan = knobbiness
nufagyena = knob-like
nufeb = ginkgo nut
nufxen = buttoning
nufxer = to button
nufxwa = buttoned
nufzyeg = button hole, buttonhole
nufzyegvos = buttonniere
nugat = nougat
nuidyan = staff
nuien = merchandising
nuientyen = logistics
nuientyena = logistical
nuier = to merchandize
nuiut = merchandiser, merchantman
nuiwa = merchandised
nuix = budget
nuixa = budgetary
nuixdib = budget administration
nuixdibut = budget administrator
nuixdiyb = budget department, bursar
nuixdyes = cashbook
nuixen = budgeting
nuixer = to budget
nuixut = budgeter
nuixwa = budgeted
nuiyafwa = merchantable
-num = -blast, -cyte
num = cell
num yabtom = cell tower
num yibdalir = cellphone, cellular phone, cellular telephone
numa = cellular
numa ebtuien = cellular communications
numa iben = cellular reception
numa zayuben = cellular transmission
numagaxen = hypertrophy
nummoys = plasm
numtabes = organelle
numul = cellulose
nun bixpur = freight train
nun = merchandise, product, ware
nuna = commercial
nuna mampur = commercial aircraft
nunaben = shelving
nunabwa = on the shelf
nunam = emporium, mart, shoppe, store
nunam mis = shop window
nunamag = hypermarket
nunamben = shelving, storage, storing, warehousing
nunamber = to put into store, to shelve, to stock up, to store, to warehouse
nunambwa = shelved, stocked, stored, warehoused
nunampen = shopping
nunamper = to shop
nunamput = shopper
nunamut = retailer, shop owner
nunamzen = shopping center
nunaym = bodega, boutique, shop
nunaymen = market, marketplace
nunaymut = boutique owner, shop owner
nunbelen = porterage
nunbelnux = porterage
nundel = ad, advertisement, promo, promotion
nundela = promotional
nundeldrof = billboard
nundeldrut = copywriter
nundelebar = adblocker
nundelen = advertising
nundelena = advertorial
nundeler = to advertise, to post
nundelsiun = billboard, commercial sign board
nundelut = advertiser
nundelwa = advertised
nundelyag = infomercial
nundetyan = company, firm
nundetyaneb = c.e.o., head of a company, head of a firm
nundetyanzen = company headquarters
nundoyivdref = patent
nundoyivdrefuen = patenting
nundoyivdrefuer = to patent
nundoyivdrefuwa = patented
nundoyivdrefuwat = patentee
nundoyivdrefuyafwa = patentable
nundoyivdrefuyafwan = patentability
nundun = catchword, slogan
nundyun = brand, commercial label, product name, trade name, trademark
nunebden = bargaining, haggling, negotiating, negotiation
nunebder -- nunuineput
nunebder = to bargain, to haggle, to negotiate
nunebdut = bargainer, haggler, negotiator
nunebdwa = bargained, haggled, negotiated
nunebyexen = bargaining, haggling, negotiation, wrangling
nunebyexer = to bargain, to haggle, to negotiate, to wrangle
nunebyexut = bargainer, haggler, negotiator, wrangler
nunek = bargain
nuneken = bargaining, negotiated, negotiating, negotiation
nuneker = to bargain, to dicker, to negotiate
nunekut = negotiater, negotiator
nunekyafwa = negotiable
nunekyafwan = negotiability
nunekyofwa = nonnegotiable
nunem = market-place
nunem timof = market stall
nunes = article, purchase item
nunien = buying, negotiating, purchasing
nunier = to buy, to purchase
nuniut = buyer, purchaser
nuniwa = bought, purchased
nunmimpur = argosy, cargo ship, cargo vessel, merchant ship
nunnad = brand, commercial brand, line of products, make, product line
nunnaz = market value
nunpoput = gypsy
nunpur = commercial vehicle, truck
nunpuranyan = caravan
nunpuranyanam = caravansary
nunpuranyanen = caravanning
nunpuranyaner = to caravan
nunpuranyanwa = caravanned
nunpuren = trucking
nunpurer = to truck
nunpurexut = teamster
nunpurog = van
nunpurut = trucker
nunpurwa = trucked
nunsaxam = manufacturing plant
nunsaxen exlen = manufacturing process
nunsaxen = manufacturing
nunsaxer = to manufacture
nunsaxut = manufacturer
nunsaxwa = manufactured
nunsin = logo
nunsiun = trademark
nunsiyn = brand, label
nunsiyn naz = brand equity, brand value
nunsiynuen = branding, labeling
nunsiynuer = to brand, to label
nunsiynuwa = branded, labeled
nunsyag = inventory
nunsyagen = inventorying
nunsyager = to inventory
nunsyagwa = inventoried
nunsyem = commercial firm, company
nunteatuem = merchandise display
nunteaxwa syun = promotional item
nuntem = galleria, gallery
nunteudut = barker, noisy hawker, pitchman
nuntum = kiosk, vendor stand
nunuen = marketing, sale, sales, selling, vending
nunuer = to market, to sell, to vend
nunuiam = trading house, trading post
nunuiem = market
nunuien = bartering, buying and selling, commerce, marketing, negotiated, negotiation, trading, traffic
nunuien dal = lingua franca
nunuien dropek = trade war
nunuien dubam bi nunuien = department of commerce
nunuien sem = trading table
nunuiena = commercial
nunuiendet = trading partner
nunuiendub = commerce secretary
nunuiendubam = department of commerce, trade ministry
nunuieneput = broker
nunuienxen = commercialization
nunuienxer = to commercialize
nunuienxwa = commercialized
nunuienzen = clearinghouse
nunuier = to bargain, to barter, to buy and sell, to buy-and-sell, to conduct commerce, to do business, to negotiate, to trade, to traffic
nunuinepen = brokerage
nunuineput = broker
nunuinof -- nuxbixyafwa
nunuinof = embargo
nunuium = trade stall
nunuiut = barterer, businessman, businessperson, merchant, negotiator, trader, tradesman, trafficker
nunuiuti = tradespeople
nunuiuyt = businesswoman, tradeswoman
nunuiwa = bartered, negotiated, traded
nunuiyafwa = negotiable, vendible
nunuiyofwa = non-negotiable
nunum = market stall
nunumut = stallman
nunumyan = bazaar, collection of market stalls
nunutyan = guild
nunutyanam = guildhall
nunuuntyenut = marketeer
nunuut = marketer, seller, vendor
nunuuwa = marketed, sold, vended
nunuyafwa = marketable
nunuyafwan = marketability
nunuyofwa = unmarketable
nunuzam = goldsmith shop, silversmith ship, silversmith shop
nunuzut = goldsmith, silversmith
nunxen = commercialization
nunxer = to commercialize
nunxwa = commercialized
nunyan = inventory, merchandise
nunyandras = inventory
nunyandrawa = inventoried
nunyandren = inventory, inventorying
nunyandrer = to inventory
nunyax akpasyen = business strategy
nunyax asaun = business model
nunyax = business
nunyax domgon = business district
nunyax kod = trade secret
nunyax pop = business trip
nunyax taf = business suit
nunyax tyod = business people
nunyax vyen = business relationship
nunyax xaun = business transaction
nunyaxa = business-related
nunyaxam = business, firm
nunyaxdet = business partner
nunyaxmir = business world, realm of business
nunyaxtyaf = business acumen, business savvy, business sense
nunyaxut = businessman
nunyaxuyt = businesswoman
nunyaxyena = business-like
nunyeb = parcel
nunyem = case
nunyiv = franchise
nunyivxut = franchiser
nunyivxwam = franchise
nunyivxwat = franchisee
nunzaybux = drive
nunzeyena = numismatic
nunzeyn = currency
nunzotim = stockroom
nupiat = pelican
nupot = mole
nuuf = stud
nuun = commodity, equipment, good, merchandise, output, procurement, produce, provision, sales item, supply
nuunxen = commoditization
nuunxer = to commoditize
nuunxwa = commoditized
nuunyan = goods, merchandise, produce, provisions
nuunzeybelen = haulage
nuut = furnisher, procurer, producer, provider, purveyor, supplier
nuwa = equipped, furnished, produced, provided, supplied
nux = pay, payment, payoff
nux yibdalir = payphone
nuxapetam = livery yard
nuxapetut = liveryman
nuxbien = buying, purchasing
nuxbier nasgon = to buy a share, purchase a share
nuxbier = to buy, to chaffer, to purchase
nuxbiun = purchase
nuxbiut = buyer, client, purchaser
nuxbiutyan = clientele
nuxbiwa = bought, purchased
nuxbixyafwa = purchasable
nuxdref = paycheck, payslip
nuxen bi doyov = payment for a crime
nuxen = defraying, paying, payment
nuxen yefbun = paying tribute
nuxer be ha mes = to pay at the door
nuxer byoyk = to discharge a fine
nuxer doyov = to pay for a crime
nuxer ha naxdref = to pay the bill, settle the bill
nuxer ha ujna naxdref = to pick up the tab
nuxer ixuni = to yield results
nuxer je yep = to pay at the door
nuxer nasbyok = to pay a fine, pay a penalty
nuxer nasyef = to pay a debt, settle a debt
nuxer syagnas = to pay cash
nuxer = to defray, to pay
nuxer vaknas = to bail out
nuxer yefbun = to pay tribute
nuxer yovbyok = to serve a sentence
nuxgax = pay hike, pay raise
nuxgobun = rebate
nuxiftoyb = hooker
nuxip = checkout
nuxjub = payday
nuxlawa = acquitted, disbursed, paid off
nuxlen = acquittance, acquitting, disbursing
nuxler = to acquit, to disburse, to pay off
nuxlun = acquittal, disbursal
nuxlut = acquitter, bursar, disburser, purser
nuxpoyx = moratorium
nuxpur = cab, taxi, taxicab
nuxpur pesum = cab stand
nuxpur posem = cabstand
nuxpur posum = taxicab stand
nuxpurexut = cab driver, cabdriver, cabman, taxi driver, taxicab driver
nuxpurog = jitney
nuxpurut = cabby
nuxtojben = hit
nuxtojbut = hit killer
nuxuka = free, payment-free
nuxukdiler = to beg for free
nuxun = defrayal, payment
nuxut = payer
nuxwa asoyn = usance
nuxwa be syagnas = paid in cash
nuxwa = defrayed, paid, payed
nuxwa doput = mercenary
nuxwa kyoemben gonem = paid parking zone
nuxwa purizbut = paid driver
nuxwa tojbut = hit man
nuxwas = payout
nuxwat = payee
nuxyafa = solvent
nuxyafwa = solvent
nuxyafwan = solvency
nuxyan = outlays
nuxyef draf = tariff schedule
nuxyef = tariff
nuxyef vyesag = tariff rate
nuxyefaben = levying a tariff-setting
nuxyefaber = to impose a tariff, to levy a tariff
nuxyefag = tribute
nuxyefoben = tariff-removal
nuxyefober = to remove a tariff
nuxyefuer = to impose a tariff
nuxyefut = drawee
nuxyefwa = payable
nuxyeyf = duty
nuxyeyfuka = duty-free
nuxyibdalir = payphone
nuxyof = bankruptcy, insolvency
nuxyofa = bankrupt, insolvent
nuxyofan = bankruptcy, insolvency
nuxyofdel = declaration of bankruptcy, declaration of insolvency
nuxyofsen = defaulting
nuxyofser = to become insolvent, to default, to go bankrupt
nuxyofxen = bankrupting
nuxyofxer = to bankrupt
nuxyofxwa = bankrupted
nuyafwa = producible
nuywas = equipment, provision, supply
nuyxen = paying out
nuyxer = to pay out
nuyxut = bursar
nuz = jewel
nuzam = jeweler, jewelry shop
nuzamut = jeweler
nuzyan = jewelry
nyab = mass, pile
nyaben = amassing, piling up, rallying, rounding up
nyaber = to amass, to pile up, to rally, to round up
nyabut bi fyus = trash collector
nyabwa = amassed, piled up, rallied, rounded up
nyabxen = roundup
nyad aotglal = chain gang
nyad bi kyesi = chain of events
nyad bi vyakxeni = corrigendum
nyad = chain, list, sequence
nyadben = catenation, putting in chains
nyadber = to catenate, to chain up, to put in chains
nyadbwa = put in chains
nyadgaber = to enqueue
nyadgabwa = enqueued
nyadpen = parade, parading, procession
nyadpena = processional
nyadper = to parade
nyadput = parader
nyadrawa = listed, tabulated
nyadrea = tabulating
nyadren bi yebexuni = table of contents
nyadren = index, listing, table, tabulating, tabulation
nyadrer = to list, to table, to tabulate
nyadrun bi dyuni = list of names
nyadrun bi gonuti = list of members
nyadrun = list
nyadrunig = handlist
nyadtyop = march, parade, procession
nyadtyopea duzutyan = marching band
nyadtyopen = marching, parading
nyadtyopena = processional
nyadtyoper = to march, to parade
nyadtyopuen = parading
nyadtyopuer = to parade
nyadtyoput = marcher, parader
nyadtyopuut = parader
nyadxen = chaining, concatenating, concatenation
nyadxer = to chain, to concatenate, to enchain
nyadxwa = chained together, concatenated
nyaf = binding, bond, connection, gnarl, knot, liaison, ligature, nodule, tangle, tie
nyafa = nodular
nyafab = pili tree
nyafar = clasp, fastener
nyafaren = fastening
nyafarer = to fasten
nyafarwa = fastened
nyafat = liaison officer
nyafaya = gnarly, natty
nyafayan = nattiness
nyafeb = pili nut
nyafgyox = slub
nyafika = gnarly, natty
nyafikan = nattiness
nyafovol = pretzel
nyafser = to bind, to bond with, to connect, to fasten, to get entangled, to get knotted, to get tangled up, to knot up, to liaise with, to tangle
nyafson = entanglement, knotty problem, tangled mess
nyafsonika = knotty, messy, tangled
nyafxen = binding, connection, entanglement, fastening, imbroglio, knotting, liaison, ligation, ravel, snarling, tangling, tying
nyafxer = to bind, to clasp, to connect, to entangle, to fasten, to knot, to ligate, to ravel, to snarl, to tangle, to tie
nyafxun = allegiance, league, maze
nyafxunyena = mazy
nyafxwa = afoul, clasped, connected, entangled, fastened, gnarled, knotted, snarled, tangled, tied
nyan bi drafi = deck of cards, stack of cards
nyan bi dref = stack of paper
nyan bi nasdrevi = stack of bills
nyan bi nasmugi = pile of coins, stack of coins
nyan bi vyodi = hooey, pack of lies
nyan = collection, ensemble, flock, gathering, heap, mass, stack
nyana = collective, mass
nyana nyexar = mass storage device
nyanag = aggregate, bulk, crowd, herd, mass, ream
nyanaga = bulky, massive
nyanagan -- nyaunxen
nyanagan = bulkiness
nyanagser = to crowd, to gather together, to herd together, to mass
nyanagxea = aggregating
nyanagxen = aggregation
nyanagxer = to crowd, to gather together, to herd together, to mass
nyanagxwa = aggregated, bulked, crowded, herded together, massed
nyanapyex doputi = storm troops
nyanapyexer = to storm
nyanapyexwa = stormed
nyanaxen = collectivization
nyanaxer = to collectivize
nyanaxwa = collectivized
nyanay = collectively
nyanben = amassing, piling up
nyanbena = cumulative
nyanber = to amass, to cumulate, to pile up
nyanbut = collector
nyanbwa = amassed, piled up
nyanin = collectivism
nyanina = collectivist
nyaninut = collectivist
nyanotyan = crowd, mass of people, throng
nyanotyanser = to amass, to crowd together, to throng
nyanotyanxer = to amass, to crowd together
nyansea = grouping, heaping
nyansen = flocking together
nyanser = to collect, to flock together, to group
nyantijben = spawning
nyantijber = to spawn
nyantijbwa = spawned
nyantojben = massacre, massacring
nyantojber = to massacre
nyantojbwa = massacred
nyanuen = equipage
nyanuer = to equip
nyanufaber = to strap on
nyanufar = holdfast
nyanufber = to moor
nyanufbwa = moored
nyanufen = tying
nyanuka = tangle-free
nyanun = bunch, pile
nyanunser = to pile up
nyanunxen = piling up
nyanunxer = to pile up
nyanunxwa = piled up
nyanup = assemblage, assembly
nyanupea = assembling, congregating, massing
nyanupem = assembly point
nyanupen = assembling, congregating, congregation
nyanuper = to assemble, to congregate, to forgather
nyanuputyan = assembly, congregation
nyanupya = assembled
nyanuun = equipment
nyanuwa = equipped
nyanwa = entangled, mixed up, tangled
nyanxen = amassing, buildup, collecting, collection, grouping, heaping, piling up, stacking
nyanxen bi yanyelyena dril = scumming
nyanxer = to amass, to collect, to garner, to group, to pile up, to stack
nyanxun = collection
nyanxwa = amassed, collected, garnered, grouped, heaped, piled up, stacked
nyapelt = nit, tick
nyapiat = ibis
nyapot = shrew
nyapyeit = conch
nyas = cumulus, stack
nyasea = accumulating, piling up, stacking up
nyaser = to accumulate, to cumulate, to pile up, to stack up
nyasikay = prosperously
nyaun = cluster, mass, pile
nyauna = massive
nyaunag bi doobi = bloc of nations
nyaunag = bloc
nyaunagser = to form a bloc
nyaunagxen = bloc formation
nyaunagxer = to form a bloc
nyaunagxwa = made into a bloc
nyaunsea = bunching, clustering, massing
nyaunser = to bunch, to cluster, to mass, to pile up
nyaunxen = bunching, clustering, congestion, crowding, jam-packing, massing, piling
nyaunxer -- nyebagxen
nyaunxer = to amass, to bunch, to cluster, to congest, to crowd, to jam-pack, to mass, to pile
nyaunxwa = amassed, bunched, clustered, congested, crowded, jampacked, massed, piled
nyaxar = accumulator
nyaxea = accumulative
nyaxen = accumulating, accumulation, engrossment, piling, stacking up
nyaxer = to accumulate, to cumulate, to engross, to pile up, to stack up
nyaxun = accumulation, cumulus, heap, pile, stack
nyaxut = stacker
nyaxwa = accumulated, cumulated, engrossed, piled up, stacked up
nyaxwa sum = bunk bed
nyaxwas = pile-up, pileup
nyaxyea = cumulative
nyaxyeay = cumulatively
nyaz dobnixut = exciseman
nyaz dotnix = luxury tax
nyaz = lucre, luxe, luxury, opulence, prosperity, riches, wealth
nyaz nuxgab = luxury tax, wealth tax
nyaza = affluent, deluxe, flush, opulent, rich, wealthy
nyaza nyexun = gold mine
nyaza ofbiut = robber baron
nyazak = gain in wealth
nyazakea = gaining wealth
nyazaken = gaining wealth
nyazaker = to gain wealth, to get rich, to prosper
nyazan = affluence, opulence, richness, wealthiness
nyazaser = to get rich, to prosper
nyazat = rich person, wealthy person
nyazaxea = enriching
nyazaxen = enriching, enrichment
nyazaxer = to enrich
nyazaxwa = enriched
nyazay = prosperously, richly
nyazaya = affluent, luxurious, moneyed, opulent, prosperity, prosperous, sumptuous, well-to-do
nyazayan = affluence, luxuriousness, opulence, prosperity, sumptuousness
nyazayat = well-to-do person
nyazayaxen = making wealthy
nyazayaxer = to make wealthy
nyazayaxwa = made wealthy
nyazbyeben = accumulation of wealth
nyazbyin = lode
nyazdab = plutocracy
nyazdaba = plutocratic
nyazdabut = plutocrat
nyazdeb = plutocrat
nyazgraf = avarice, cupidity, greed
nyazgrafa = avaricious, greedy
nyazgrafan = avariciousness, greediness
nyazgrafat = greedy person, money grubber
nyazgrafay = avariciously, greedily
nyazgrafen = money grubbing
nyazi = luxuries
nyazifina = sybaritic
nyazifinut = sybarite
nyazifser = to enjoy wealth, to luxuriate
nyazifxea = luxuriant
nyazifxeay = luxuriantly
nyazifxen = luxuriance
nyazika = affluent, luxurious, moneyed, opulent, prosperity, prosperous, sumptuous, well-to-do
nyazikan = affluence, luxuriousness, opulence, prosperity, sumptuousness
nyazikat = money bag, moneybag, moneybags, prosperous person, well-to-do person
nyazikay = opulently, sumptuously
nyazkaxer = to find wealth
nyazkaxun = treasure trove
nyazkaxut = wealth-finder
nyazkexen = seeking wealth
nyazkexer = to seek wealth
nyazkexut = fortune-seeker, gold digger, wealth-seeker
nyazok = loss of wealth
nyazoka = broke, skint
nyazokea = losing wealth, on the financial downhill
nyazoker = to go broke, to lose wealth
nyazokyat = one who has lost all his wealth
nyaztob = nabob
nyazuka = depleted of wealth, spartan
nyazukat = pauper
nyazun = item of wealth, luxury item
nyeb = container
nyebag = bin, container, storage bin, storage container
nyebag mimpur = container ship
nyebagxen = containerization
nyebagxer -- nyextoym
nyebagxer = to containerize
nyebagxwa = containerized
nyebam = bottling plant, storage, store, storehouse
nyeben = bottling, containing
nyeber = to bottle, to contain
nyebim = storage room
nyebog = small container, sporran
nyebsom = chest, trunk
nyebum = storage closet
nyebut = bottler
nyebwa = bottled, boxed, contained
nyebwa mil = bottled water
nyebyofwa = uncontainable
nyed = crisscross, grate, grid, matrix, raster, reticle
nyeda = gridded, reticular
nyedovol amxar = waffle iron
nyedser = to reticulate
nyedwul = gratin
nyedxea = crisscrossing
nyedxen = crisscrossing, graticulation, gridding, reticulating, reticulation
nyedxer = to crisscross, to graticule, to grid, to reticulate
nyedxwa = crisscrossed, gridded, reticulated
nyedyan = grating, grid work, network
nyedyena = grid-like, reticulate
nyedyenay = in a grid-like fashion
nyef = bag, basket, mesh, sac, sack, skep
nyefab = kola
nyefag = holdall
nyefben = bagging
nyefbut = bagger
nyefeb = kola nut
nyefel = cola
nyefes = utricle, utricular
nyefik = sackful
nyefikon = bagful
nyefog = small bag
nyefovol amxar = waffle iron
nyefovol = waffle
nyefpyexar = racket
nyefpyexarek = battledore
nyeftyen = basketry, basketwork
nyefyan = baggage
nyefyena = baggy
nyefyenan = bagginess
nyem abem = boxtop
nyem bi givomuvi = carton of cigarettes
nyem bi volzyeldrari = box of crayons
nyem = box, case
nyemag = caisson, chest, coffer
nyemben = boxing
nyember = to box up, to put in a box
nyembwa = boxed
nyemien = replacement
nyemier = to replace
nyemiwa = replaced
nyempur = van
nyempures = boxcar
nyemsam = chest of drawers, coffer
nyemsim = box seat
nyemyena = boxlike, boxy
nyen = stock item, storage, stored item
nyentum = storage closet
nyenun = stock
nyepelt = locust
nyepiat = albatross
nyepot = hedgehog
nyes = pile, reserve, stock, stored item
nyeser = to pile up
nyevber = to bag up
nyevbwa = bagged
nyevyan = baggage
nyexam = storage place, storehouse, warehouse
nyexar = battery, driven, storage device
nyexen nig = storage space
nyexen sammoys = stock shelf, storage shelf
nyexen sammoysyan = storage shelving
nyexen = stocking, storage, storing
nyexer = to pile up, to reserve, to save, to stock, to store
nyexgon = corm
nyextoym = shed
nyexuen = consigning
nyexum = closet, storage bin
nyexun = stock, stored item, ware
nyexunam = entrepot, godown, storage facility, storehouse, warehouse
nyexunamben = warehousing
nyexunamut = warehouseman
nyexundrawa = cataloged, inventoried
nyexundren = catalog, cataloging, inventory
nyexundrer = to catalog, to inventory
nyexunem = storage site
nyexunim = stock room, storage room, store room
nyexunsagen = inventory, inventorying
nyexunsager = to inventory
nyexunsagwa = inventoried
nyexunyan = inventory, stock, stockpile, storage
nyexunyeb = storage bin
nyexut = stocker
nyexutyan = clientele
nyexuun = consignment
nyexuunim = consignment room
nyexuut = consignor
nyexuwa = consigned
nyexuwat = consignee
nyexwa = piled up, reserved, stocked up, stored
nyexwas = stock item, stored item
nyexwasyan = inventory
nyexyunambwa = warehoused
nyexzyuk = skelter
nyeyd = griddle, reticule
nyeydleovol = griddlecake
nyeym = cask, chest
nyfdrir = telegraph
nyif = cable, cord, rope
nyifab = hickory
nyifanyut = rigger
nyifbexar = cleat
nyifbixer = to trice
nyifbixwa ifektob = marionette
nyifdazut = rope dancer
nyifdras = cable, cablegram, telegram
nyifdrawa = cabled, telegraphed
nyifdren = cabling, telegraphing
nyifdrer = to cable, to telegram, to telegraph
nyifdrut = telegrapher, telegraphist
nyifeb = hickory nut
nyifes = filament, thin wire
nyifesaya = filamentous
nyifesika = filamentous
nyifgimuf = marlin spike
nyifmuf = bollard
nyifmuys = rope ladder
nyifobema tyoyaf = espadrille
nyifoya = cordless, wireless
nyifpixar = slingshot
nyifpixer = to lasso, to rope
nyifpixuz = lasso
nyifpur = funicular
nyifsaxam = ropery
nyifsaxen = rope making
nyifsaxut = rope maker
nyiftibuf = shoelace tag
nyiftyopen = rope walking
nyiftyoput = funambulist, rope walker
nyifuben = cabling, wiring
nyifuber = to cable, to wire
nyifubwa = cabled, wired
nyifuj = plug
nyifujdrof = plugboard
nyifujibar = outlet, plug, socket
nyifujoyeben = unplugging
nyifujoyeber = to unplug
nyifujoyebwa = unplugged
nyifujyeben = plugging in
nyifujyeber = to plug in
nyifujyebwa = plugged in
nyifujyem = socket
nyifuka = cordless, wireless
nyifuka yanx = wireless connection
nyifukay = wirelessly
nyifun = rigging
nyifuwa = wired
nyifwa = leashed
nyifxea = attaching
nyifxen = attaching, roping
nyifxer = to attach, to corder, to rope
nyifxun = attachment
nyifxut = roper
nyifxwa = attached, roped, tied
nyifxyafwa = attachable
nyifyan = cordage, rigging, roping
nyifyena = ropey, ropy
nyifzeyn = ropeway
nyifzyumuf = bobbin
nyiovober = to unstrap
nyiovoya = strapless
nyiovpyoser = to straphang
nyipelt = chigger
nyipiat = gull, seagull
nyipot = mole
nyiun = order, requisition
nyiundras = requisition slip
nyiv = string
nyiven = lacing
nyiver = to lace up
nyives = lace
nyivober = to unstring
nyivtuin = string theory
nyivtulobeay = pizzicato
nyivwa = laced
nyivxer = to string up
nyivxut = stringer
nyivxwa duzar = string instrument
nyivxwa = stringed
nyivyena = stringy
nyivyenan = stringiness
nyix = demand, order, requisition
nyixdref = check, order form
nyixen = ordering, requisition, requisitioning
nyixen sandraf = order form, requisition form
nyixer = to order, to requisition
nyixun = order
nyixut = client
nyixwa = on order, ordered, requisitioned
nyixwas = order, requisitioned item, something ordered
nyof = film, pellicle
nyofab = hazel tree, kukui tree
nyofam = film studio
nyofar = film camera
nyofaren = filming
nyofarer = to film
nyofarut = film technician
nyofarwa = filmed
nyofeb = candlenut, hazel nut, hazelnut
nyofil = viscose
nyofyan = footage
nyoki = gnocchi
nyonser = to unravel
nyonxen = unraveling, untangling
nyonxer = to unravel, to untangle
nyonxwa = unraveled
nyoof = lath
nyoov = strip
nyopelt = mite
nyopiat = stork
nyopot = aardvark
nyos = spoilage, surplus, waste
nyosea = going to waste
nyoser = to go to waste, to spoil, to waste away
nyosyeb = trash can, waste basket
nyov leovol = flat noodle, ribbon noodle
nyov = ribbon, tape, viscose
nyov taxdrar = tape recorder
nyovben = tying up with a ribbon
nyovbwa = ribboned
nyovvos = bow, ribbon bow
nyovxer = to tie up with a ribbon
nyovxwa = tied up with a ribbon
nyoxen = spoiling, spurning, squandering, wasting
nyoxer = to scathe, to spoil, to spurn, to squander, to waste
nyoxun = something squandered, spoils, waste
nyoxut = squanderer, waster
nyoxwa = spoiled, spurned, squandered, wasted
nyoxwas = refuse, spoilage, surplus, waste
nyoxyea = prodigal, profligate, wasteful
nyoxyean = prodigality, profligacy
nyoxyeay = prodigally, profligately
nyoyv = band, ribbon, strip
nyoyves = riband
nyoyxer = to fribble, to fritter
nyoz = bankruptcy, destitution, penury
nyoza = bankrupt, destitute, indigent, poor
nyozan = bankruptcy, destitution, indigence, poorness, poverty
nyozaser = to become destitute, to become impoverished, to go broke
nyozat = fakir, poor person
nyozaxea = impoverishing
nyozaxen = impoverishing, impoverishment
nyozaxer = to bankrupt, to impoverish, to put in the poor house
nyozaxwa = impoverished
nyozay = impecuniously, indigently, penuriously
nyozayan = impecuniousness
nyozikan = impecuniousness
nyuen = pouring, production
nyuer = to pour, to produce
nyuf = bale, bundle, pack, package, parcel
nyuf pyuxrar = parcel bomb
nyufab = walnut tree
nyufag = bin, crate
nyufagben = crating
nyufagber = to crate
nyufagbwa = crated
nyufapetsim = packsaddle
nyufbam = packing house
nyufben = packing, parceling up
nyufber = to packed, to parcel up
nyufbut = packer
nyufbwa = parceled
nyufeb = walnut
nyufeb-melza = walnut brown
nyufes bi givomuvi = pack of cigarettes
nyufes = pack, packet
nyufuben = parcel post
nyufxen = bundling, packaging, packing
nyufxen neyef = box-sealing tape, packing tap, parcel tape
nyufxer = to bundle, to pack, to package
nyufxut = baler, packager, packer
nyufxwa = bundled, packaged, packed
nyufyel = walnut oil
nyuix = supply and demand
nyun = product
nyupelt = silverfish
nyupiat = tern
nyupot = shrew
nyus bixpur = freight train
nyus = freight, package, shipment
nyus mampur = freight plane
nyusbam = packaging center, packaging firm
nyusben = packaging, wrapping
nyusber ha ponyefi = to pack the bags
nyusber = to pack, to package
nyusbut = packager
nyusbwa = packaged
nyusmimpur = freighter
nyusyan = freight
nyusyeb = bin
nyusyeben = boxing up
nyusyeber = to box up
nyusyebwa = boxed up
nyuun abren = shipping label
nyuun = delivery item, good, produce, shipped item, supply
nyuun ibundras = shipping receipt
nyuunser = to fructify
nyuunxen = fructification
nyuunyem = shipping box
nyuunyemben = boxing up
nyuunyember = to box up
nyuunyembun = shipment
nyuunyembwa = boxed up
nyuut = producer, shipper
nyuv = wrap
nyuvben = wrapping
nyuvber = to wrap
nyuvbwa = wrapped
nyuvdref = wrapping paper
nyuwa = produced
nyux = delivery, shipment, supply
nyux dras = delivery notice
nyux job = delivery time
nyux mimpur = supply ship
nyux nad = supply line
nyux yuxlen = delivery service
nyuxbelen = freightage, freighting
nyuxbelnayx = freightage
nyuxbelwa = freighted
nyuxbixpur = freight train
nyuxdref = shipping invoice
nyuxen = delivering, delivery, shipping, supply
nyuxen jud = delivery date
nyuxenjud = shipping date
nyuxer ebdras = to deliver a letter
nyuxer ebdres = to deliver a message
nyuxer nyuf = to deliver a package
nyuxer tamtyal = to deliver take-out
nyuxer = to deliver, to ship, to supply
nyuxer ubelunyan = to deliver mail
nyuxien = taking delivery of
nyuxier = to take delivery of
nyuxmimpur = cargo ship
nyuxnaadpur = freight train
nyuxpur = delivery truck, delivery vehicle, freight truck
nyuxun = delivery, freight, shipment
nyuxun ibundras = delivery slip
nyuxun ibut = delivery recipient
nyuxunyan = deliveries
nyuxut = deliverer, delivery man, deliveryman, shipper, supplier
nyuxwa = delivered, freighted, shipped, supplied
nyuxwa tyal = home delivery meal, take-home meal, takeout
nyuxwas = deliverable
nyuyea = fecund, productive
nyuyean = productiveness, productivity