Mirad Lexicon/Mirad-English-L

la -- leovolyigz

  • la = la
  • laaa = laaa
  • laduzarut = mandolin player
  • laevol = yam
  • lafab = orange tree
  • lafeb = orange
  • lafebem = orangery
  • lafeeb = orange seed
  • lafeel = orangade
  • lafel = orange juice
  • lafelamil = orange pop, orange soda
  • lafeyl bay level = coffee with sugar
  • lafyel = orange marmalade
  • lambada daz = lambada
  • lambada duz = lambada
  • lamed = lamed
  • lanay = lanai
  • landau mempur = landau
  • Laod = Lao
  • Laoda = in Lao
  • Laodaler = to speak Lao
  • Laodalut = Lao speaker
  • Laoder = to say in Lao
  • Laom = Laos
  • Laoma = Laotian
  • Laomat = inhabitant of Laos
  • lasanya = lasagna
  • Latod = Latin language
  • Latoda = Latino, in Latin
  • Latoda Oyanmel = Latin America
  • Latoda Oyanmela = Latin American
  • Latoda Oyanmelat = Latin American
  • Latodaler = to speak Latin
  • Latodalut = Latin speaker
  • Latodat = Latino, Latinx
  • Latoder = to say in Latin
  • Latodreyen = Latin script, Roman script
  • Latodreyenxen = Romanization
  • Latodreyenxer = to Romanize
  • Latodreyenxwa = Romanized
  • Latodxen = Latinization
  • Latodxer = to Latinize
  • Latodxwa = Latinized
  • Latodyena = Latinesque
  • lavil bay lifel = vodka sour
  • lavil = vodka
  • lavob = bamboo
  • lavob bolfaibyan = bamboo scaffolding
  • lavobyan = canebrake
  • lavol fayob = potato peel
  • lavol fayobobar = potato peeler
  • lavol = potato, spud, tater
  • lavol volyanmul = potato salad
  • lavol yaggol = French fry
  • lavol yanbalar = potato masher
  • lavol zyigos = potato chip, potato crisp
  • layepet = bichon
  • leapelat = ladybird, ladybug
  • ledzeppelin yanjoebat = boomer
  • lefab = mandarin orange tree, mandarin tree
  • lefeb = mandarin orange, tangerine
  • lefel = mandarin orange juice, tangerine juice
  • lefelza = tangerine orange
  • lefyel = molasses
  • leotard taf = leotard
  • leovol = cake, dough, pasta
  • leovol uzyun = sweet roll
  • leovol yugglal = cake batter
  • leovolabaun = fondant
  • leovolam = pastry shop, patisserie
  • leovolen faof = pastry board
  • leovolen = pastry-making
  • leovoler = to knead, to make pastry
  • leovolog = crumpet
  • leovolut = kneader, pastry-maker
  • leovoluzyun = roll
  • leovolwa = caked
  • leovolyan = pastry
  • leovolyena = caky
  • leovolyigz = sourdough

lepton -- Libayum

  • lepton = lepton
  • leufeb = tangelo
  • leufeza = tangelo
  • leukiyn = leucine
  • levafil = alcohol, alcoholic beverage, alcoholic drink, booze, fermented drink, hard drink, liquor, spirits
  • levafil nam = liquor store
  • levafil zyeb = liquor bottle
  • levafila = alcoholic
  • levafilgraf = alcohol addiction, alcoholism
  • levafilgrafa = alcoholic
  • levafilgrafat = alcoholic, person addicted to alcohol
  • levafiluka = alcohol-free
  • levafilxwa afel = hard cider
  • levalamil = pop, soda beverage, soda pop, soft drink
  • leveb = sugarcane
  • levebgoblar = machete
  • level = beet juice, confection, sugar
  • levelabaun = frosting, glaze, icing
  • levelabauner = to frost, to glaze, to ice
  • levelabaunwa = frosted, glazed, iced
  • levelafel = orangeade
  • levelam = confectionary, confectionery
  • levelben = sugaring, sweetening
  • levelber = to sugar, to sweeten
  • levelbus = sweetener
  • levelbwa bekul = electuary
  • levelbwa bekzyunog = cough drop, lozenge
  • levelbwa = sugared, sweet, sweetened
  • leveldal = schmooze
  • leveldaler = to schmooze
  • levelifel = lemonade
  • levelika = sugary, sweet
  • levelikan = sweetness
  • levelimaber = to glaze
  • levelimabwa = glazed
  • levelmuf = lollipop
  • levelos = glucose
  • leveloya = sugar-free, sugarless, unsweetened
  • leveluka = sugar-free, sugarless, unsweetened
  • levelun = candy, sweet
  • levelut = confectioner
  • levelxun = comfit
  • levelxwa = jellied
  • levelyeb = sugar basin, sugar bowl
  • levelyena = sugary
  • levelyig = bonbon, candy, sweet, sweetmeat
  • levelyigam = candy store
  • levelyigxer = to candy
  • levelyigxwa = candied
  • levelyigzyun = gumdrop
  • leveyel = confiture, jelly
  • leveyelser = to jell
  • leveyelxer = to jell
  • leveyelyena = jellylike
  • leveyelzyun = jelly bean, jellybean
  • leveyeyl = jelly
  • leviel = creme, crème
  • levil bay koka = rum and coke
  • levil = bugjuice, rum
  • leviloz = grog
  • levilyeb = rummer
  • levob = sugarcane
  • levokeil = beet soup, borsch, borscht, borsht
  • levol = beet, beetroot
  • levol biil = beet juice
  • levolil = beet juice
  • levyel = syrup, treacle
  • lexagay = somewhat often
  • leyepet = poodle
  • li = ell, the letter l
  • lialk = La, lanthanum
  • libanak = pound
  • libanakkyin = poundage
  • Libanim = Lebanon
  • Libanima = Lebanese
  • Libanimat = inhabitant of Lebanon
  • Libarom = Liberia
  • Libaroma = Liberian
  • Libaromat = inhabitant of Liberia
  • Libayum = Libya

Libayuma -- livulk

  • Libayuma = Libyan
  • Libayumat = inhabitant of Libya
  • Licam = Saint Lucia
  • Licama = Saint Lucian
  • Licamat = inhabitant of Saint Lucia
  • lido = lido
  • liduzarut = ukulele player
  • Liem = Liechtenstein
  • Liema = from Liechtenstein
  • Liemat = inhabitant of Liechtenstein
  • lifab = lemon tree
  • lifabog = citron
  • lifeb = citron, lemon
  • lifeb zyobalar = lemon squeezer
  • lifeba = citric
  • lifebaya = lemony
  • lifebika = lemony
  • lifebyena = lemony
  • lifeel = lemonade
  • lifel = lemon juice
  • lifelyavil = shandy
  • lifeza = citron
  • lifilza = lemon yellow
  • lifilzayna = bright lemon yellow
  • lifilzoyna = dark lemon yellow
  • lifyelza = lemonade pink
  • liibaroliyd = lithium bromide
  • liilk = Li, lithium
  • Likam = Sri Lanka
  • Likama = Sri Lankan
  • Likamat = inhabitant of Sri Lanka
  • likiyn = lysine
  • Limerik dizdrezun = limerick
  • Limid = Limburgish
  • Limidalut = Limburgish speaker
  • Limider = to say in Limburgish
  • liminak = lm, lumen
  • limules = lepton
  • linguine = linguine
  • Linid = Lingala
  • Linidaler = to speak Lingala
  • Linidalut = Lingala speaker
  • Linider = to say in Lingala
  • lipitol = lox
  • lipitud = fingerling
  • lipyetan = nest of vipers
  • lipyetnyem = vipers nest
  • lira = lira
  • lire = lire
  • lirolk = Lr, lawrencium
  • lisan = ell
  • Lisom = Lesotho
  • Lisoma = from Lesotho
  • Lisomat = inhabitant of Lesotho
  • litom = ell
  • Litud = Lithuanian
  • Lituda = in Lithuanian
  • Litudaler = to speak Lithuanian
  • Litudalut = speaker of Lithuanian
  • Lituder = to say in Lithuanian
  • Litudreyen = Lithuanian writing system
  • Litum = Lithuania
  • Lituma = Lithuanian
  • Litumat = Lithuanian, inhabitant of Lithuania
  • Liud = Luba-Katanga
  • Liudaler = to speak Luba-Katanga
  • Liudalut = Luba-Katanga speaker
  • Liuder = to say in Luba-Katanga
  • liulk = Lu, lutetium
  • Livad = Latvian
  • Livada = in Latvian
  • Livadaler = to speak Latvian
  • Livadalut = Latvian speaker of Latvian
  • Livader = to say in Latvian
  • Livadreyen = Latvian script
  • Livam = Latvia
  • Livama = Latvian
  • Livamat = inhabitant of Latvia
  • livol = radish
  • livulk = Lv, livermorium

lixunak -- lobeler

  • lixunak = lux, lx
  • lo- = dis-, semantic reversing prefix, un-
  • loabaea = disclosing, exposing
  • loabaen = disclosure, discovering, exposing, exposure, uncapping, uncovering
  • loabaer = to disclose, to discover, to expose, to uncover
  • loabaunen = removing a cap, taking the top off, uncovering
  • loabauner = to remove a cap, to take the top off, to uncover
  • loabaunwa = uncovered
  • loabaut = discoverer
  • loabawa = disclosed, discovered, exposed, uncapped, uncovered
  • loabawas = discovery
  • loabdyunuen = disentitlement
  • loabdyunuer = to disentitle
  • loabdyunuwa = disentitled
  • loaber = to unmount
  • loabexer = to unclutch
  • loabfin = disadvantage
  • loabfinuea = disadvantaging
  • loabfinuen = disadvantagement, disadvantaging
  • loabfinuer = to disadvantage
  • loabfinuwa = disadvantaged
  • loabnyeber = to unsheathe
  • loabsunxen = stripping
  • loabsunxer = to strip
  • loabsunxwa = stripped
  • loabwa = unmounted
  • loafden = de-authorization
  • loafder = to de-authorize
  • loafdwa = de-authorized
  • loafxen = disallowing
  • loafxer = to de-authorize, to disallow
  • loafxwa = disallowed
  • loanker = to unjoint
  • loanutxen = de-privatization
  • loanutxer = to de-privatize
  • loanutxwa = de-privatized
  • loanx = disunion
  • loanxen = disunion, disuniting
  • loanxer = to disunite
  • loanxun = disunion
  • loanxwa = broken up, disunited
  • loanxwan = disunity
  • loanyanxen = breaking the chain, unchaining
  • loanyanxer = to break the chain, to break the series, to unchain
  • loanyanxwa = unchained
  • loaotyanogser = to disband
  • loaotyanogxer = to disband
  • loavder = to discountenance
  • loaxleaxar = de-activator
  • loaxleaxen = de-activation, deactivation, inactivation, mothballing
  • loaxleaxer = to de-activate, to deactivate, to inactivate, to mothball, to passivate, to put out of commission
  • loaxleaxwa = de-activated, deactivated, inactivated, mothballed
  • loaxluer = to de-activate
  • loaxluwa = de-activate
  • loaynsea = decomposing, disintegrating
  • loaynser = to decompose, to disintegrate, to go to pieces
  • loaynxea = disintegrating, ruining
  • loaynxen = disintegrating, disintegration, ruination, ruining
  • loaynxer = to disintegrate, to ruin
  • loaynxuni = ruins
  • loaynxut = ruin-maker
  • loaynxwa = decomposed, disintegrated, ruined
  • loaynxyea = ruinous
  • loaynxyeay = ruinously
  • loaynxyofwa = undecomposable, undisentigratable, unruinable
  • loazaxen = tamping
  • loazaxer = to tamp
  • loazlaxen = de-intensification
  • loazlaxer = to de-intensify
  • loazlaxwa = de-intensified
  • lobaysdiren = disclaiming
  • lobaysdirer = to disclaim
  • lobaysdirun = disclaimer
  • lobaysdirwa = disclaimed
  • lobayxen = deprivation, dispossession
  • lobayxer = to dispossess
  • lobayxwa = dispossessed
  • lobea = divesting
  • lobelen = dropping
  • lobeler = to drop

lobelunxer -- lodabier

  • lobelunxer = to disburden, to throw away, to trash
  • lobelunyeb = trash can
  • lobelunyef = trash bag
  • lobelunyem = doggy bag, take-away box
  • lobelwa = dropped
  • lobewer = to be deprived, to lose
  • lobex = release
  • lobexar = release latch, release mechanism
  • lobexea = forsaking, letting go, releasing
  • lobexen = appropriation, bereavement, deprivation, disowning, dispossession, divesting, divestiture, divestment, forsaking, leaving, letting go, releasing, riddance
  • lobexer ha mes ija av = to leave the door open for
  • lobexer = to appropriate, to bereave, to cast way, to deprive, to disclaim, to disown, to dispossess, to divest, to get rid of, to junk, to leave, to let go, to reave, to release, to rid
  • lobexien = dispossession
  • lobexier = to dispossess
  • lobexiwa = dispossessed
  • lobexlawa = abandoned, ceded, discarded, gotten rid of, ridden, yielded
  • lobexlawas = abandoned item, discarded item
  • lobexlawat = abandoned person
  • lobexlea = abandoning, forgoing, forsaking
  • lobexlen = abandoning, abandonment
  • lobexler = to abandon, to cede, to discard, to elide, to foresake, to forgo, to get rid of, to give up, to yield
  • lobexlun = abandoned item, litter, refuse
  • lobexlut = abandoner, forsaker
  • lobexnyan = junk pile
  • lobexun = appropriation, disclaimer, leavings, leftover, residue, rest, rubbish, trace, trash
  • lobexun mugyeb = trash can
  • lobexun nyef = trash bag
  • lobexun nyem = doggy bag, take-away box
  • lobexun syebag = rubbish bin
  • lobexut = abandoner
  • lobexwa = appropriated, bereaved, bereft, disclaimed, disowned, dispossessed, divested, dropped, forsaken, junked, left over, let go, let loose, released, remaining, residual, rid
  • lobexwas = castaway, junk, pelf, something disowned, trash
  • lobexwasaya = junky
  • lobexwasem = junkyard
  • lobexwasika = junky
  • lobexwat = castaway, disowned person, dispossessed, person released
  • lobexwaxen = despoilment, despoliation, dispossession, expropriation
  • lobexwaxer = to despoil, to expropriate
  • lobexwaxut = despoiler, expropriator
  • lobexwaxwa = despoiled, expropriated
  • lobien = abnegation
  • lobier ha doyiv bi mep = to yield the right of way
  • lobier = to abnegate
  • lobier vofay = to disgorge
  • lobik = disuse
  • lobirar = latch
  • lobiren = letting go
  • lobirer = to let go
  • lobiwa = abnegated
  • lobixfeelkxar = degausser
  • lobixfeelkxen = degauss, demagnetization
  • lobixfeelkxer = to degauss, to demagnetize, to demagnify
  • lobiyofwa = unalienable
  • lobiyofwan = unalienability
  • lobokulxen = detox, detoxification
  • lobokulxer = to detoxify
  • loboser = to be disturbed, to be irked, to get upset
  • loboxea = disquieting, disturbing, irksome
  • loboxeay = disturbingly, irksomely
  • loboxen = disquieting, irking, upsetting
  • loboxer = to disquiet, to faze, to irk, to rile, to upset
  • loboxwa = disquieted, disturbed, irked, upset
  • lobuafxen = deallocating, deallocation
  • lobuafxer = to deallocate
  • lobuafxwa = deallocated
  • lobuen = deprivation
  • lobuer bol av = to discountenance
  • lobuer = to deprive
  • lobukxen = palliation
  • lobukxer = to palliate
  • lobukxyea = palliative
  • lobuwa = deprived
  • lobyaxea = revolutionizing
  • lobyaxen = overthrowing, tearing down, toppling, turning upside down
  • lobyaxer = to overthrow, to revolutionize, to tear down, to topple, to turn over, to turn upside down, to upend
  • lobyaxus = revolutionizer
  • lobyaxwa = overthrown, revolutionized, toppled, torn down, turned upside down
  • lobyoxer = to unhang, to unsling
  • lodabien = ceding power, resignation
  • lodabier = to cede power, to give up power, to resign

lodabtunxen -- lodropekxer

  • lodabtunxen = depoliticization
  • lodabtunxer = to depoliticize
  • lodabtunxwa = depoliticized
  • lodabuen = coup d'etat, removal from power, unseating
  • lodabuer = to remove from power, to unseat
  • lodabuwa = removed from power, unseated
  • lodatxen = breaking off one's friendship with, disaffiliation, unfriending
  • lodatxer = to disaffiliate, to unfriend
  • lodatxwa = unfriended
  • lodeben = deposal, deposing
  • lodeber = to depose
  • lodeblawa = usurped
  • lodeblen = usurpation, usurping
  • lodebler = to usurp
  • lodeblut = usurper
  • lodebwa = deposed
  • lodel = recant, retraction
  • lodelen = recantation, recanting, retracting, retraction
  • lodeler = to recant, to retract
  • lodelwa = recanted, retracted
  • loden = recantation
  • loder = to recant, to unsay
  • lodetsea = dissociating
  • lodetser = to dissociate
  • lodetxea = dissociating
  • lodetxen = disassociation, dissociation
  • lodetxer = to disassociate, to dissociate
  • lodetxwa = disassociated, dissociated
  • lodideker = to unriddle
  • lodobtunxen = depoliticization
  • lodobtunxer = to depoliticize
  • lodobtunxwa = depoliticized
  • lodofinaxer = to debauch
  • lodofinaxwa = debauched
  • lodofinxen = debauchery, demoralization
  • lodofinxut = debauchee
  • lodofizuer = to demoralize
  • lodofizuwa = demoralized
  • lodofizuyea = demoralizing
  • lodokebidyivxen = disenfranchisement
  • lodokebidyivxer = to disenfranchise
  • lodokebidyivxwa = disenfranchised
  • lodolen = tattling
  • lodoler = to tattle
  • lodoluer = to unsilence
  • lodolut = tattler, tattletale
  • lodolwa = tattled
  • lodoobxen = denationalization
  • lodoobxer = to denationalize
  • lodoobxwa = denationalized
  • lodoparuen = disarmament
  • lodoparuer = to disarm, to unarm
  • lodoparuwa = disarmed
  • lodoparuyea = disarming
  • lodopser = to demilitarize
  • lodopxen = demilitarization
  • lodopxer = to demilitarize
  • lodopxwa = demilitarized
  • lodopxwa gonem = DMZ, demilitarized zone
  • lodovyabxen = de-legalization
  • lodovyabxer = to de-legalize
  • lodovyabxwa = de-legalized
  • lodovyulobwa = uncensored
  • lodoyivxen = disentitlement
  • lodoyivxer = to disentitle
  • lodoyivxwa = disentitled
  • lodoyovaxen = decriminalization
  • lodoyovaxer = to decriminalize
  • lodoyovaxwa = decriminalized
  • lodrab = insurgence
  • lodraben = insurgency
  • lodrabut = insurgent
  • lodrabutyan = insurgency
  • lodrar = eraser
  • lodrawa = deleted, erased, scratched out
  • lodren = deleting
  • lodrer = to delete, to erase, to rub out, to scratch out
  • lodroer = to unerase
  • lodropekxen = demobilization
  • lodropekxer = to demobilize

lodropekxwa -- lofinzzuwa

  • lodropekxwa = demobilized
  • lodrun = deletion, erasure, rubout, scratchout
  • loduren = capitulation
  • lodurer = to capitulate
  • lodwa = unstated
  • lodyunyanan = de-listing
  • lodyunyaner = to de-list
  • lodyunyanwa = de-listed
  • loeben = unblocking
  • loeber = to unblock, to unhamper
  • loebwa = unblocked, unhampered
  • loefwa = dispensable
  • loefwaxer = to make unnecessary
  • loefxen = dispensation
  • loejen = interruption
  • loejwa = interrupted
  • loembea = dislocating
  • loemben = dislocating, dislocation
  • loember = to dislocate
  • loembwa = dislocated
  • loentesaxea = disambiguating
  • loentesaxen = disambiguation
  • loentesaxer = to disambiguate
  • loentesaxwa = disambiguated
  • loeonxer = to break up, to decouple
  • loeonxwa = broken up, decoupled
  • loeonyifxen = untwining
  • loeonyifxer = to untwine
  • loeonyifxwa = untwined
  • loeunxen = uncoupling
  • loeunxer = to uncouple
  • loeunxwa = uncoupled
  • loex = dysfunction
  • loexa = dysfunctional
  • loexeaxer = to remove from service
  • loextuundrer = to deprogram
  • loexuway = dysfunctionally
  • loeybsen = disinterest
  • loeybxwa = disinterested, disinterestedly
  • loeybxwan = disinterestedness
  • lof = rejection, renunciation
  • lofa = grudging, loathe
  • lofabyanxen = deforestation
  • lofabyanxer = to deforest
  • lofabyanxwa = deforested
  • lofay = grudgingly
  • lofea = forsaking, reluctant, reticent
  • lofean = reluctance, reticence
  • lofeay = reticently
  • lofeb = citrus
  • lofel = cider, citrus drink
  • lofen = abjuration, abjuring, forsaking, rejecting, rejection, renunciation, repudiating, repudiation
  • lofena = abjuratory
  • lofer = to abjure, to forsake, to forswear, to reject, to renounce, to repudiate
  • lofiavuer = to disfavor
  • lofidelea = disapproving
  • lofideleay = disapprovingly
  • lofidelen = disapprobation, disapproval
  • lofideler = to disapprove of
  • lofidelwa = disapproved
  • lofinayxen = disqualification
  • lofinayxer = to disqualify
  • lofinayxwa = disqualified
  • lofinuea = disqualifying
  • lofinuen = disqualification
  • lofinuer = to disqualify
  • lofinuwa = disqualified
  • lofinza = crooked, traitorous, treacherous
  • lofinzan = crookedness, knavery, traitorousness, treachery
  • lofinzat = crook, knave, rogue, scamp, scoundrel, traitor
  • lofinzatyena = knavish
  • lofinzatyenay = knavishly
  • lofinzay = crookedly, traitorously
  • lofinzuut = traitor
  • lofinzza = disloyal
  • lofinzzan = disloyalty
  • lofinzzat = disloyal person
  • lofinzzuen = betrayal
  • lofinzzuer = to betray
  • lofinzzuwa = betrayed

lofisyena -- logelaxwa

  • lofisyena = insolent
  • lofisyenan = insolence
  • lofisyenay = insolently
  • lofiyakuea = discouraging
  • lofiyakueay = discouragingly
  • lofiyakuen = discouragement
  • lofiyakuer = to discourage
  • lofiyakuwa = discouraged
  • lofiyakxwan = discomfiture
  • lofiza = dishonorable, shameful
  • lofizfonuea = demotivating
  • lofizfonuer = to demotivate
  • lofizuea = shameful
  • lofizuen = disgracing, dishonoring, shaming
  • lofizuer = to disgrace, to dishonor, to shame
  • lofizuwa = disgraced, dishonored, shamed
  • lofizuyea = pejorative
  • lofizuyeay = pejoratively
  • lofizuyen = pejoration
  • lofliz = disrespect
  • loflizuen = showing disrespect
  • loflizuer = to disrespect
  • loflizuwa = disrespected
  • loflizuyea = disrespectful
  • loflizuyeay = disrespectfully
  • lofraxen = defiling, desecration
  • lofuer = to indispose
  • lofuex = fix
  • lofuexen = fixing
  • lofuexuer = to fix
  • lofuexut = fixer
  • lofuexuwa = fixed
  • lofuexuyafwa = fixable
  • lofuken = debugging, fixing
  • lofuker = to debug, to fix
  • lofukwa = debugged, fixed
  • lofunober = to unfix
  • lofunobwa = unfixed
  • lofut = abjurer, repudiator
  • lofuwa = indisposed
  • lofuxen = requiting
  • lofuxer = to requite
  • lofuzuer = to diss
  • lofwa = abjured, forsaken, rejected, renounced, repudiated, unwanted
  • lofwa teabpasi = nystagmus
  • lofwat = persona non grata
  • lofyaaxea = sacrilegious
  • lofyaaxeay = sacrilegiously
  • lofyaaxen = sacrilege
  • lofyavyabxer = to uncanonize
  • lofyavyader = to be disloyal
  • lofyavyadut = oath-breaker
  • lofyaxer = to defile, to desecrate
  • lofyaxwa = defiled, desecrated
  • lofyazuen = disenchantment
  • lofyazuer = to disenchant
  • lofyazuwa = disenchanted
  • lofyuyjea = unwrinkling
  • logabyuxen = uncoiling
  • logabyuxwa = uncoiled
  • logabzyuxer = to uncoil
  • logafixwa = unbettered, unimproved
  • logana = broken down, withered
  • logansea = decaying, decomposing, falling apart
  • loganser = to break down, to decay, to decompose
  • logansyafwa = decomposable
  • loganxen = decaying, decomposition
  • loganxer = to break down
  • loganxwa = broken down, decayed, decomposed
  • logeder = to unquote
  • logedwa = unquoted
  • logela = different, other
  • logela sun = different thing
  • logelan = difference, disparity
  • logelas = different thing, differential, something else, what is different
  • logelasyan = delta
  • logelat = different person
  • logelaxen = differntiation
  • logelaxer = to differentiate
  • logelaxwa = differentiated

logelay -- loikxer

  • logelay = differently
  • logelnaga = differently-sized
  • logelsauna = heterogeneous
  • logelsaunan = heterogeneity
  • logelsea = differing
  • logelsen = differing
  • logelser = to differ
  • logelteasea = different-looking
  • logeltexyena = of a different opinion
  • logeltooba = different-gendered
  • logeltooda = ethnically different, of a different race
  • logeltos = discord
  • logeltosea = discordant
  • logeltosean = discordancy
  • logeltoseay = discordantly
  • logeltosen = discordance
  • logelvolza = different-colored
  • logelxen = differentiation
  • logelxer = to differentiate
  • logelxwa = differentiated
  • logesaunaxyafwa = uncopiable, unreplicatable
  • logeyla = unalike
  • logia = blunt, dull, obtuse
  • logia gun = obtuse angle
  • logia kyid siyn = grave stress mark
  • logian = bluntness, dullness, obtuseness
  • logiay = bluntly, dully, obtusely
  • logikiema = gently sloping
  • logikunada = blunt-edged, dull-edged
  • loginoga = gradual
  • logiser = to become dull, to go blunt
  • logitepa = dull-minded
  • logitepan = dullness
  • logitepat = airhead, dullard
  • logixen = blunting, dulling
  • logixer = to blunt, to make dull
  • logixwa = blunted, dulled
  • logla = not at all, rare, to no extent
  • loglagonbar = demultiplexer
  • loglagonben = demultiplexing
  • loglagonber = to demultiplex
  • loglagonbwa = demultiplexed
  • loglan = rarity
  • loglaser = to become rare
  • loglaxen = rarefaction
  • loglaxer = to rarefy
  • loglaxwa = rarefied
  • loglay = rarely
  • logonuen = deallocating, deallocation
  • logonuer = to deallocate
  • logonutxen = disbarment, excommunicating, excommunication
  • logonutxer = to disbar, to excommunicate
  • logonutxwa = disbarred, excommunicated
  • logonuwa = deallocated
  • logonyanxen = disorganization, disorganize
  • logonyanxwa = disorganized
  • logoyber = to uncurb
  • logrunxen = unfastened, unhitching, unhooking
  • logrunxer = to unfasten, to unhitch, to unhook
  • logrunxwa = unhooked unfastened
  • logumber = to unwedge
  • logyamalxen = deflating, letting the air out of
  • logyamalxer = to deflate, to let the air out of
  • logyamalxwa = deflated, flat
  • logyamalxwa zyug = flat tire
  • logyisonxer = to uncomplicate
  • lohelxer = to dehydrogenate
  • loifer = to jilt
  • loifuen = disaffection, irritation
  • loifuer = to disaffect, to displease, to irritate
  • loifuwa = disaffected, displeased, irritated
  • loifuyea = disaffecting, displeasing, irritating
  • loifxea = disagreeable, displeasing, irritating
  • loifxean = disagreeableness
  • loifxeay = disagreeably
  • loifxer = to displease, to irritate
  • loifxwa = displeased, irritated
  • loikser = to get depleted, to run out, to run out of
  • loikxen = exhausting
  • loikxer = to deplete, to exhaust

loikxwa -- lokosonen

  • loikxwa = exhausted, out of print
  • loikxyea = exhaustive
  • loikxyean = exhaustiveness
  • loikxyeay = exhaustively
  • loivuer = to bore
  • loivuut = bore
  • loivuwa = bored
  • loivuyea = boring
  • loixlen = layoff
  • loizontuen = disorientation
  • loizontuer = to disorient, to disorientate
  • loizontuwa = disoriented
  • loizonxea = disorienting
  • loizonxen = disorientation
  • loizonxer = to disorient, to disorientate
  • loizonxwa = disoriented, woozy
  • loizonxwan = wooziness
  • loizonxway = woozily
  • loizpaxea = bewildering
  • loizpaxeay = bewilderingly
  • loizpaxen = bewilderment
  • loizpaxer = to bewilder
  • loizpaxwa = bewildered
  • loizpea = aberrant
  • loizpen = aberration
  • loizpyea = aberrational
  • lojab = decade
  • lojadrer = to deprogram
  • lojavyatepa = imprudent, unwise
  • lojavyatepan = imprudence
  • lojavyatepay = imprudently, unwisely
  • lojesen = cessation
  • lojeser = to be discontinued, to cease, to stop
  • lojesoa = about to go extinct
  • lojexea = discontinuing, interrupting
  • lojexen = cessation, discontinuation, discontinuing, extinction, extinguishing, interrupting, interruption
  • lojexer mag = to extinguish a fire
  • lojexer = to cease, to discontinue, to extinguish, to interrupt
  • lojexun = discontinuance, interruption
  • lojexut = interrupter
  • lojexwa = ceased, discontinued, extinct, extinguished, interrupted
  • lojexwan = discontinuity, extinction
  • lojexway = discontinuously
  • lojexyafwa = interruptible
  • lojexyea = interruptive
  • lojexyofwa = uninterruptible
  • lojoiben = disinheritance
  • lojoiber = to disinherit
  • lojoibwa = disinherited
  • lojudrawa = cancelled
  • lojudren = cancelation, canceling, cancellation
  • lojudrer = to cancel, to nix
  • lokexen = avoidance, avoiding, dodging
  • lokexer = to avert, to avoid, to dodge
  • lokexut = avoider, dodger
  • lokexwa = averted, avoided, dodged
  • lokexyafwa = avoidable, dodgeable
  • lokexyafway = avoidably
  • lokexzyunek = dodge ball
  • lokexzyunekut = dodge ball player
  • lokixer = to righten, to unbend
  • lokoder ota fuxi = to confess one sins
  • lokoder = to vouchsafe
  • lokodintunxer = to demythologize
  • lokodrawa = deciphered, decoded, decrypted
  • lokodren = code-breaking, decoding, decrypting, decryption
  • lokodrer = to decipher, to decode
  • lokodrut = code-breaker, decoder
  • lokodryofwa = indecipherable
  • lokodwa = vouchsafed
  • lokofut = discoverer
  • lokosagsinxar = decipherment device, decryption machine
  • lokosagsinxen = deciphering, decipherment, decryption
  • lokosagsinxer = to decipher, to decrypt
  • lokosagsinxut = decipherer, decryptor
  • lokosagsinxwa = deciphered, decrypted
  • lokosagsinxyafwa = decipherable, possible to decode
  • lokosagsinxyafwaxer = to render undecipherable
  • lokosagsinxyofwa = impossible to decode, undecipherable
  • lokosonen = debunking

lokosoner -- lomolxer

  • lokosoner = to debunk
  • lokosonut = debunker
  • lokosonwa = debunked
  • lokovea = revealing
  • lokoveay = revealingly
  • lokoven = revealing
  • lokover = to reveal
  • lokovwa = revealed
  • lokoxar = detector
  • lokoxeay = revealingly
  • lokoxen = detection, revealing, revelation, uncovering
  • lokoxer = to descry, to detect, to reveal, to uncover
  • lokoxut = detective
  • lokoxwa = detected, revealed, uncovered
  • lokoxyafwa = detectable
  • lokoxyafway = detectably
  • lokoxyofwa = undetectable
  • lokubexer = to unreserve
  • lokyenapxer = to unscramble
  • lokyiabser = to distend
  • lokyiabxen = distension, distention
  • lokyiabxer = to distend
  • lokyibalea = de-stressing
  • lokyibalen = de-stressing
  • lokyibaler = to de-stress
  • lokyibalwa = de-stressed
  • lokyiden = deemphasizing, downplaying
  • lokyider = to deemphasize, to downplay
  • lokyidwa = de-emphasized, deemphasized, downplayed
  • lokyisonxen = downplaying
  • lokyisonxer = to downplay
  • lokyisonxwa = downplayed
  • lokyisuer = to disburden, to discharge, to unload
  • lokyixer = to relieve, to take the weight off
  • lokyoben = dislodgement, dislodging
  • lokyober = to dislodge
  • lokyobwa = dislodged
  • lokyoembea = unsettling
  • lokyoember = to unsettle
  • lokyoembwa = unsettled
  • lokyoxen = dislodgement, dislodging
  • lokyoxer = to dislodge, to unmoor, to unstop
  • lokyoxwa = dislodged, unmoored
  • lokyupyuijaren = unzipping
  • lokyupyuijarer = to unzip
  • lokyupyuijarwa = unzipped
  • lomaana = drab, dull, lackluster
  • lomaanan = drabness, dullness, lackluster
  • lomaanser = to become drab, to become dull, to become lackluster
  • lomaanxen = making drab, making dull, making lackluster
  • lomaanxer = to make drab, to make dull, to make lackluster
  • lomaanxun = dull spot
  • lomaanxwa = made drab, made dull, made lackluster
  • lomagilber = to defuse
  • lomaluen = deflation
  • lomaluer = to deflate
  • lomaluwa = deflated
  • lomaluyafwa = deflatable
  • lomaluyafwa mipar = collapsible boat, deflatable craft
  • lomapxwa = unventilated
  • lomayna = drab, dull
  • lomaynan = drabness, dullness
  • lomaynay = drably, dully
  • lomaynser = to become tarnished, to go dull
  • lomaynxen = dulling, tarnishing
  • lomaynxer = to dull, to tarnish
  • lomaynxwa = dulled, tarnished
  • lomelber = to unearth
  • lomelukxen = digging up, disinterment
  • lomelukxer = to disinter
  • lomep = dead end, impasse
  • lomiafxar = defogger
  • lomiafxer = to defog
  • lomilluen = dehydration
  • lomilluer = to dehydrate
  • lomiluwa = dehydrated, unwatered
  • lomilxer = to exsiccate
  • lomimolxen = desalination, desalinization
  • lomimolxer = to desalinate, to desalinize, to desalt
  • lomolxer = to denature

lomugyanaren -- lonazvyabxer

  • lomugyanaren = unchaining
  • lomugyanarer = to unchain
  • lomugyanarwa = unchained
  • lomugyanilxer = to unsolder
  • lomulvyuxen = de-contamination, decontamination
  • lomulvyuxer = to de-contaminate, to decontaminate
  • lomulvyuxwa = de-contaminated, decontaminated
  • lomulxen = annihilation
  • lomulxer = to annihilate
  • lomulxuwa = dissoluble
  • lomulxwa = annihilated
  • lomulyanxea = dissolving
  • lomulyanxen = dissolution
  • lomulyanxer = to dissolve, to uncluster
  • lomulyanxwa = dissolved
  • lonaabxen = declassification, disorganization
  • lonaabxer = to declassify, to disorganize
  • lonaabxwa = declassified, disorganized
  • lonaap = chaos, disaster
  • lonaapa = chaotic, disastrous
  • lonaapay = chaotically, disastrously
  • lonaapsen = breakdown
  • lonaapser = to break down
  • lonaapsya = broken down, in chaos
  • lonaapxen = de-regimentation, fomenting chaos, sabotage, sabotaging
  • lonaapxer = to de-regiment, to foment chaos, to sabotage
  • lonaapxut = saboteur
  • lonaapxwa = de-regimented, sabotaged
  • lonab = disarray
  • lonabaxer = to de-serialize
  • lonaben = overturning, reversal, upset
  • lonaber = to overturn, to reverse, to upset
  • lonabwa = overturned, reversed, upset
  • lonabxen = derangement, disarrangement
  • lonabxer = to derange, to disarrange
  • lonabxwa = deranged, disarrayed
  • lonafxer = to unfix
  • lonagonxar = demodulator
  • lonagonxen = demodulation
  • lonagonxer = to demodulate
  • lonap = mess
  • lonapan = entropy
  • lonapaya = messy
  • lonapder = to countermand
  • lonapfaof = shuffleboard
  • lonapika = messy
  • lonapxar = scrambler
  • lonapxea = disconcerting
  • lonapxeay = disconcertingly
  • lonapxen = bothering, derangement, disordering, disturbance, messing up, scrambling, shuffling, tousle
  • lonapxer = to bother, to derange, to discompose, to disconcert, to disturb, to mess up, to muss, to scramble, to tousle
  • lonapxut = shuffler
  • lonapxwa = bothered, deranged, disconcerted, disordered, disorderly, disturbed, messed up, messy, mixed, mussy, scrambled, tousled
  • lonapxwa tayebsyen = shag
  • lonapxwan = discomposure, disorderliness
  • lonapxyea = bothersome, messy
  • lonapxyean = messiness
  • lonasgonuen = disinvestment
  • lonasgonuer = to disinvest
  • lonasxen = demonetization
  • lonasxer = to demonetize
  • lonasyuvxer = to get out of debt
  • lonazaxen = annulment, repealing
  • lonazaxer = to annul, to repeal
  • lonazaxwa = annulled, repealed
  • lonazaxyofwa = irrepealable
  • lonazdea = belittling
  • lonazdeb = dismissal
  • lonazden = belittlement
  • lonazder = to belittle, to dismiss, to disvalue
  • lonazdwa = belittled, dismissed
  • lonazdyea = dismissive
  • lonazdyeay = dismissively
  • lonazixen = denazification
  • lonazixer = to denazify
  • lonazvyaben = defeasance, revocation, revoking
  • lonazvyaber = to defeasance, to revoke
  • lonazvyabwa = revoked
  • lonazvyabxen = invalidating, invalidation
  • lonazvyabxer = to invalidate

lonazvyabxwa -- losaxer

  • lonazvyabxwa = invalidated
  • lonazvyabyafwa = defeasible, revocable
  • lonazvyabyafwan = revocability
  • lonazvyabyofwa = irrevocable
  • lonazvyabyofwan = irrevocability
  • lonazvyabyofway = irrevocably
  • lonefxer = to unknit
  • loneifxer = to unbraid, to unplait
  • loneler = to unreserve
  • lonexer = to throw away, to waste
  • lonexwas = refuse, waste
  • lonidgoxen = decontraction
  • lonidgoxer = to decontract
  • lonidgoxwa = decontracted
  • lonidzyoxer = to unshrink
  • lonofnyafxer = to burl
  • lonofnyafxwa = burled
  • lonofxer = to unweave
  • lonofyanxer = to unseam
  • lonufxen = unbuttoning
  • lonufxer = to unbutton
  • lonufxwa = unbuttoned
  • lonuier = to boycott
  • lonuiwa = boycotted
  • lonyadrawa = crossed off the list, de-listed
  • lonyadren = crossing off the list, de-listing
  • lonyadrer = to cross off the list, to de-list
  • lonyafen = unbinding, unlacing, untying
  • lonyafxen = denouement, disconnection, disentanglement, disentangling, loosening, loosing, resolution, resolving, straightening out, unfastening, unknotting, untangling, untying
  • lonyafxer = to disconnect, to disentangle, to loosen, to ravel, to resolve, to straighten out, to unbind, to unfasten, to unknot, to unlace, to unsnarl, to untangle, to untie
  • lonyafxwa = disconnected, disentangled, loosened up, resolved, straightened out, unbound, unfastened, unknotted, unlaced, untangled, untied
  • lonyafxwan = disconnectedness
  • lonyafxway = staccato
  • lonyafyafwa = resolvable
  • lonyafyafwan = resolvability
  • lonyandrawa = de-listed, unlisted
  • lonyandren = de-listing
  • lonyandrer = to de-list
  • lonyanxen = untangling
  • lonyanxer = to untangle
  • lonyanxwa = untangled
  • lonyanxyofwa = unsolvable
  • lonyanyifxer = to unleash
  • lonyanyifxwa = unattached
  • lonyifxen = detachment
  • lonyifxer = to detach
  • lonyifxun = detachment
  • lonyifxwa = detached
  • lonyifxyafwa = detachable
  • loofyujea = deploying, unfolding
  • loofyujen = deployment, development, unfolding
  • loofyujer = to deploy, to develop, to unfold
  • loofyuyjen = unwrinkling
  • loofyuyjer = to unwrinkle
  • Look out! = Bikiu!
  • loovoner = to unblock
  • loovpyexen = unblocking
  • loovpyexer = to unblock
  • loovpyexwa = unblocked
  • loovunwa = unblocked
  • loovunxer = to unblock
  • lopaaxul = depressant
  • lopaaxwa = sedated
  • lopat = flightless bird
  • lopatayeber = to unplume
  • lopetyan = nest of snakes
  • lopetyena = snakelike
  • lopex = release
  • lopexar = release latch, release mechanism
  • lopexen = letting go, letting loose, releasing
  • lopexer = to let go, to let loose, to release
  • lopexumben = uncaging
  • lopexumber = to uncage
  • lopexumbwa = uncaged
  • lopexwa = let go, let loose, released
  • lopotyanaren = unyoking
  • lopotyanarer = to unyoke
  • lopotyanarwa = unyoked
  • losaryanuer = to ungear
  • losaxer = to unmake

losaxwa -- lotobaxen

  • losaxwa = unmade
  • losefmulxwa = decaf, decaffeinated
  • loselfmulxer = to decaffeinate
  • loseuzaxer = to untune
  • losexdiren = scuttling
  • losexdirer = to scuttle
  • losexdirwa = scuttled
  • losexea = ruining
  • losexen = destruction, ruination, ruining
  • losexer = to break down, to destroy, to mung, to raze, to ruin, to unbuild
  • losexun = ruin
  • losexuni = ruins
  • losexut = destroyer, ruin-maker
  • losexwa = destroyed, ruined
  • losexyafwa = destructible
  • losexyafwan = destructibility
  • losexyea = destructive, ruinous
  • losexyea mag = destructive fire
  • losexyean = destructiveness
  • losexyeay = destructively, ruinously
  • losexyenwa = destructured
  • losexyofwa = inexpugnable
  • losyaben = uncapping, uncovering
  • losyaber = to uncap, to uncover
  • losyabwa = uncapped, uncovered
  • losyagen = discounting
  • losyager = to discount
  • losyagwa = discounted
  • losyanesben = scrambling, shuffling
  • losyanesber = to scramble, to shuffle
  • losyanesbwa = scrambled, shuffled
  • losyembem = uninstallment
  • losyemben = dismantlement, dismantling, uninstallation, uninstalling
  • losyember = to dismantle, to uninstall
  • losyembwa = dismantled, uninstalled
  • losyemxen = abolishing, abolishment, abolition, disestablishment
  • losyemxer = to abolish, to disestablish
  • losyemxin = abolitionism
  • losyemxut = abolisher
  • losyemxwa = abolished, disestablished
  • losyoiben = unhinging
  • losyoiber = to unhinge
  • losyoibwa = unhinged
  • lotabxwa = unbodied
  • lotajbam = abortion clinic
  • lotajbea = aborting
  • lotajben = aborting, abortion
  • lotajbut = abortionist
  • lotajbwat = unborn
  • lotajbyea = abortive
  • lotajbyeay = abortively
  • lotambien = uprooting
  • lotambier = to uproot
  • lotambiwa = uprooted
  • lotayebuzaxer = to uncurl
  • lotayotyeaxen = desensitization
  • lotayotyeaxer = to desensitize
  • lotayotyeaxwa = desensitized
  • lotea = disregardful
  • loteasea = disappearing
  • loteasen = disappearance
  • loteaser = to disappear
  • loteasya = disappeared
  • loteasyat = missing person
  • loteboxea = disturbing
  • loteboxeay = disturbingly
  • loteboxen = disturbance
  • loteboxer = to disturb
  • lotejayxer = to devitalize
  • loten = disregard, disregarding
  • loteuboxer = to unmuffle
  • loteuzuwa = unvoiced
  • lotexuen = dissuasion
  • lotexuer = to dissuade
  • lotexuyea = dissuasive
  • lotexuyean = dissuasiveness
  • lotier = to unlearn
  • lotijbwa = aborted
  • lotiwa = unlearned
  • lotobaxen = stultification

lotobaxer -- lovadwa

  • lotobaxer = to stultify
  • lotobaxwa = stultified
  • lotobxen = dehumanization
  • lotobxer = to dehumanize, to unperson
  • lotobxwa = dehumanized
  • lotobxyea = de-humanizing, dehumanizing
  • lotofuer = to strip, to undress
  • lotomxea = ruining
  • lotomxen = destruction, ruination, ruining
  • lotomxer = to destroy, to ruin
  • lotomxun = ruin
  • lotomxuni = ruins
  • lotomxut = destroyer, destructor, ruin-maker
  • lotomxwa = destroyed, ruined
  • lotomxyafwa = destructible
  • lotomxyea = destructive, ruinous
  • lotomxyean = destructiveness
  • lotomxyeay = destructively, ruinously
  • lotomxyefwan = destructibility
  • lotoobaxen = gender-nullification
  • lotoobaxer = to gender-nullify
  • lotoobaxwa = gender-nullified
  • lotoobxer = to unman
  • lotoomxen = dislodgement, dislodging, eviction
  • lotoomxer = to dislodge, to evict
  • lotoomxwa = dislodged, evicted
  • lotosyafxen = desensitization
  • lotosyafxer = to desensitize
  • lotosyafxwa = desensitized
  • lotrawa = ignored, snubbed
  • lotren = ignoring, snubbing
  • lotrer = to ignore, to snub
  • lotruar = mask
  • lotruea = masking
  • lotruen = masking
  • lotruer = to mask
  • lotruus = masker
  • lotruwa = masked
  • lotruyafwa = maskable
  • lotruyofwa = nonmaskable
  • lotto ifek = lotto
  • lotupxen = ouster
  • lotupxer = to oust from the membership
  • lotuxer = to unteach
  • lotuyaber = to unhand
  • lotwa = disregarded
  • lotyenxer = to deskill
  • lotyodikxen = depopulation
  • lotyodikxer = to depopulate
  • lotyodikxwa = depopulated
  • lotyodxer = to unpeople
  • lougarer = to unbrake
  • loupdier = to disinvite
  • loupdiwa = disinvited
  • loupdiwat = disinvited person
  • loutfiyz = indignity
  • loutflizuwa = undignified
  • louzunyanxen = unchaining
  • louzunyanxer = to unchain
  • louzunyanxwa = unchained
  • louzyuber = to unspool
  • louzyufsen = unraveling
  • lovabiea = renouncing
  • lovabien = rejection, relinquishing, relinquishment, renouncement, renouncing, repudiating, repudiation
  • lovabier = to disaffirm, to reject, to relinquish, to renounce, to repudiate
  • lovabiut = rejector, repudiator
  • lovabiwa = rejected, relinquished, renounced, repudiated
  • lovabiwas = refuse, reject
  • lovad = disapproval
  • lovadea = disapproving, forsaking
  • lovadeay = disapprovingly
  • lovadeben = de-authorization
  • lovadeber = to de-authorize
  • lovadebwa = de-authorized
  • lovadelen = apostasy
  • lovadeler = to apostatize
  • lovadelut = apostate
  • lovaden = contesting, forsaking, renunciation
  • lovader = to contest, to disapprove of, to forsake, to renounce
  • lovadwa = contested, disapproved, forsaken, renounced, unvouched

lovadyafwa -- lovyidxen

  • lovadyafwa = contestable
  • lovadyafwau = contestably
  • lovadyofwa = incontestable
  • lovadyofwan = incontestability
  • lovadyofway = incontestably
  • lovakkuer = to put in danger
  • lovaktexea = mistrustful
  • lovaktexeay = mistrustfully
  • lovaktexen = mistrust, mistrusting
  • lovaktexer = to mistrust
  • lovaktexwa = mistrusted
  • lovakuea = imperiling
  • lovakuen = imperiling, imperilment, threatening
  • lovakuer = to imperil, to threaten
  • lovakuwa = imperiled, threatened
  • lovakuyea = threatening, threateningly
  • lovakxer = to make unsecure
  • lovakyujarwa = unseal
  • lovatex = disbelief
  • lovatexer = to disbelieve
  • lovatexut = disbeliever
  • lovatexwa = disbelieved
  • loviben = marring
  • loviber = to mar
  • lovibwa = detracted, marred
  • lovifxer = to flummox
  • lovixen = detracting, detraction, disfigurement, marring
  • lovixer = to detract, to disfigure, to mar
  • lovixwa = detracted, disfigured, marred
  • lovla = uncertain
  • lovladen = decertification
  • lovlader = to decertify
  • lovladwa = decertified
  • lovlan = uncertainty
  • lovokuen = rescue, rescuing, salvage, salvaging, saving
  • lovokuen yepet = rescue dog
  • lovokuer = to rescue, to salvage, to save
  • lovokuus = salvager
  • lovokuut = rescuer, salvager, saver, savior
  • lovokuwa = rescued, salvaged, saved
  • lovokuyafwa = salvageable
  • lovokuyofa = impossible to rescue, unsalvageable
  • lovokuyofwa = unrescuable
  • lovolzaxen = decolororization
  • lovolzaxer = to decolorize
  • lovolzaxwa = decolorized
  • lovolzuen = etiolation
  • lovoszyuk = daisywheel
  • lovudoomxen = de-slumming, gentrification
  • lovudoomxer = to de-slum, to gentrify
  • lovudoomxwa = de-slummed, gentrified
  • lovutyaxen = bowdlerization, bowdlerizing
  • lovutyaxer = to bowdlerize
  • lovutyaxwa = bowdlerized
  • lovyaaxa = hypocritical
  • lovyaaxan = hypocrisy
  • lovyaaxat = hypocrite
  • lovyaba = irregular
  • lovyaban = irregularity
  • lovyabay = irregularly
  • lovyaber = to decontrol
  • lovyabxen = deregulation
  • lovyabxer = to deregulate
  • lovyabxwa = deregulated
  • lovyandea = disavowing
  • lovyanden = disavowal, disavowing
  • lovyander = to disavow
  • lovyandwa = disavowed
  • lovyayekea = disproving
  • lovyayeken = disproving
  • lovyayeker = to disprove
  • lovyayekwa = disproved
  • lovyder = to obscure
  • lovyid = blur
  • lovyidin = obscurantism
  • lovyidinut = obscurantist
  • lovyidut = confuser, obscurer
  • lovyidway = confusedly, obscurely
  • lovyidxea = confusing
  • lovyidxen = blurring, obfuscation, obscuration, obscuring

lovyidxena -- loyangonxer

  • lovyidxena = obfuscatory
  • lovyidxer = to blur, to confuse, to obfuscate
  • lovyidxwa = blurred, confused, obscured
  • lovyifxwer = to unclear
  • lovyikxen = messing up
  • lovyikxer = to foul up, to mess up
  • lovyikxwa = messed up
  • lovyisaxen = confusion, muddling
  • lovyisaxer = to muddle
  • lovyisaxwa = muddled
  • lovyisaxyea = muddlesome
  • lovyixea = disfiguring
  • lovyizaxea = adulterant
  • lovyizaxen = adulterating, adulteration, clouding, defiling, deflowering, tainting
  • lovyizaxer = to addle, to adulterate, to cloud, to defile, to deflower, to taint
  • lovyizaxwa = addled, adulterated, clouded, defiled, deflowered, taited
  • lovyomtexuea = disillusioning
  • lovyomtexuen = disillusion, disillusionment
  • lovyomtexuwa = disillusioned
  • lovyotexuer = to undeceive
  • lovyumulxen = decontamination
  • lovyumulxer = to decontaminate
  • lovyumulxwa = decontaminated
  • loxaler = to pretermit
  • loxayaxwaxer = to decompile
  • loxen = cancelation, canceling, cancellation, liquidation, repealing, rescission, undoing
  • loxenaxen = de-activation
  • loxenaxer = to de-activate
  • loxenaxwa = de-activated
  • loxer geeksag = to break a tie
  • loxer jabexun = to cancel a reservation
  • loxer nasdraf = to cancel a check
  • loxer nyix = to cancel an order
  • loxer omep = to break an impasse
  • loxer = to break, to cancel, to liquidate, to nix, to repeal, to rescind, to undo
  • loxexut = destructor
  • loxobxen = disorganization
  • loxobxer = to break up, to disorganize
  • loxobxwa = disorganized
  • loxwa = canceled, repealed, undone
  • loxwa fyavyad = broken promise
  • loxyemxinut = abolitionist
  • loyabuzbwa = turned upside down
  • loyafonuea = disempowering
  • loyafonuen = disempowering, disempowerment
  • loyafonuer = to disempower
  • loyafonuwa = disempowered
  • loyafxea = dis-empowering, disabling
  • loyafxen = crippling, dis-empowerment, disablement, disabling, handicapping, incapacitation
  • loyafxer = to cripple, to dis-empower, to disable, to handicap, to incapacitate
  • loyafxwa = crippled, dis-empowered, disabled, handicapped, incapacitated
  • loyafxwat = cripple, disabled person, handicapped person with disabilities
  • loyafxwen = crippling, handicapping, incapacitation
  • loyanaren = disconnection, unlinking
  • loyanarer = to disconnect, to unlink
  • loyanarnadxen = unchaining
  • loyanarnadxer = to unchain
  • loyanarnadxwa = unchained
  • loyanarser = to come loose, to decouple, to get unchained
  • loyanarwa = disconnected, unlinked
  • loyanarwan = disconnectedness
  • loyanarxen = decoupling, uncoupling
  • loyanarxer = to decouple, to uncouple
  • loyanarxwa = decoupled, uncoupled
  • loyanaryanser = to become unchained
  • loyanaryanxen = unchaining, unfettering
  • loyanaryanxer = to unchain, to unfetter
  • loyanaryanxwa = unchained, unfettered
  • loyanasuen = de-funding
  • loyanasuer = to de-fund
  • loyanasuwa = de-funded
  • loyanbalen = decompression, decongestion, unpacking
  • loyanbaler = to decompress, to decongest, to unclamp, to unpack
  • loyanbalul = decongestant
  • loyanbalwa = decompressed, decongested, unpacked
  • loyanbaren = uncompacting
  • loyanbarer = to uncompact
  • loyanbarwa = uncompacted
  • loyanbexer = to unclasp
  • loyangonxer = to descramble

loyangounxen -- loyivxer

  • loyangounxen = disassembling, disassembly
  • loyangounxer = to disassemble
  • loyangounxwa = disassembled
  • loyangrunxer = to unharness
  • loyanifxer = to take out the stitches, to unstitch
  • loyanjwobxen = desynchronization
  • loyanjwobxer = to desynchronize
  • loyanjwobxwa = desynchronized
  • loyank = disjunct
  • loyankaren = unhinging
  • loyankarer = to unhinge
  • loyankarwa = unhinged
  • loyankxeay = disjunctively
  • loyankxen = disjunction
  • loyankxwa = disjoint
  • loyankxwan = disjointedness, disjointness
  • loyankxway = disjointedly, disjointly
  • loyankxyea = disjunctive
  • loyanlaxer = to de-combine
  • loyanser = to disjoin
  • loyanxea = disrupting
  • loyanxen = disassembling, disassembly, disjoining, disrupting, disruption
  • loyanxer = to disassemble, to disjoin, to disrupt, to interrupt, to unbrace
  • loyanxwa = disassembled, disjoined, disrupted
  • loyanxyea = disruptive, interruptive
  • loyanxyeay = disruptively
  • loyanzyuxen = unchaining, unshackling
  • loyanzyuxer = to unchain, to unshackle
  • loyanzyuxwa = unchained, unshackled
  • loyazaxen = deflation
  • loyazaxer = to deflate
  • loyazaxwa = deflated
  • loyebaler = to untuck
  • loyebdrawa = unregistered
  • loyebewer = to be spilled, to spill
  • loyebexer = to fail to contain, to spill
  • loyebtabxen = disembodiment
  • loyebtabxer = to disembody
  • loyebtabxwa = disembodied
  • loyef = exemption
  • loyefxea = disobliging
  • loyefxen = exempting
  • loyefxer = to dis-obligate, to disoblige
  • loyefxwa = exempt, exempted
  • loyeken = giving up
  • loyeker = to give up
  • loyelber = to ungrease
  • loyembea = displacing
  • loyemben = displacement, displacing
  • loyember = to displace, to splay
  • loyembwa = displaced
  • loyexnea = demotivating
  • loyexner = to demotivate
  • loyibnodxen = depolarization
  • loyibnodxer = to depolarize
  • loyifuer = to daunt
  • loyifuwa = daunted
  • loyifuyea = daunting
  • loyifuyeay = dauntingly
  • loyifuyus = disincentive
  • loyifxea = discouraging
  • loyifxeay = discouragingly
  • loyifxen = discouragement
  • loyifxer = to discountenance, to discourage
  • loyifxwa = discouraged
  • loyignaxer = to defuse
  • loyigxwa = unhardened
  • loyiklaxen = disentanglement, disentangling, unraveling
  • loyiklaxer = to disentangle
  • loyiklaxwa = disentangled, unraveled
  • loyiksonxen = resolution, unraveling
  • loyiksonxer = to resolve, to unravel
  • loyiksonxwa = resolved, uncomplicated
  • loyiksonxyafwa = resoluble
  • loyivaxen = disenfranchisement
  • loyivaxer = to disenfranchise
  • loyivaxwa = disenfranchised
  • loyivaxwat = disenfranchised person
  • loyivxen = disfranchisement
  • loyivxer = to disfranchise

loyix -- loyuzyuper

  • loyix = desuetude, disuse
  • loyixen = disposing of
  • loyixer = to dispose of, to disuse
  • loyixlawa = dismissed, fired, furloughed, laid off, sacked
  • loyixlen = dismissal, furlough, furloughing, laying off, retrenchment, sacking
  • loyixler av grajagan = to superannuate
  • loyixler = to dismiss, to fire, to furlough, to lay off, to retrench, to sack
  • loyixler yixlawat = to discharge an employee, dismiss an employee, fire an employee
  • loyixwa = disposed of, disused, obsolete
  • loyixwasea = obsolescent
  • loyixwasean = obsolescence
  • loyixwaser = to obsolesce
  • loyomsea = thawing
  • loyomxar = de-icer, deicer
  • loyomxen = de-icing, thawing
  • loyomxer = to de-ice, to deice, to thaw, to unfreeze
  • loyomxwa = de-iced, thawed
  • loyonnyanxen = desegregation
  • loyonnyanxer = to desegregate
  • loyonutxen = de-privatization
  • loyonutxer = to de-privatize
  • loyonutxwa = de-privatized
  • loyonxen = commixture
  • loyonxer = to commix
  • loyovdelea = absolving
  • loyovdelen = absolution, absolving
  • loyovdeler = to absolve
  • loyovdelwa = absolved
  • loyovden = acquittal, acquitting, exculpation, excuse, exoneration, pardoning
  • loyovder = to acquit, to exculpate, to excuse, to exonerate, to pardon
  • loyovdwa = acquitted, exculpated, excused, exonerated, pardoned
  • loyovxen = inculpation
  • loyovxer = to inculpate
  • loyovxwa = inculpated
  • loyovyafwa = exculpable, inculpable
  • loyoymxar = de-froster, defroster
  • loyoymxen = de-frosting, defrosting
  • loyoymxer = to de-frost, to defrost
  • loyoymxwa = de-frosted, defrosted
  • loyufsunuer = to remove a threat
  • loyujben = disclosure, revelation
  • loyujber = to disclose, to reveal
  • loyujblawa = unlocked
  • loyujblen = unlocking
  • loyujbler = to unlock
  • loyujbwa = disclosed, revealed
  • loyujbyea = revelatory
  • loyujfaxer = to clear of obstructions, to de-clutter
  • loyujseuxa = plosive
  • loyukomxer = to discomfit
  • loyuvaryanxen = unchaining, unfettering, unshackling
  • loyuvaryanxer = to unchain, to unfetter, to unshackle
  • loyuvaryanxwa = unchained, unfettered, unshackled
  • loyuvbexen = unbinding, unleashing
  • loyuvbexer = to let go, to unbind, to unleash
  • loyuvbexwa = unbound, unleashed
  • loyuvlaser = to become disengaged, to disengage oneself
  • loyuvlaxen = disengagement, disengaging
  • loyuvlaxer = to disengage
  • loyuvlaxwa = broken free, disengaged
  • loyuvratxen = emancipation
  • loyuvratxer = to emancipate
  • loyuvratxwa = emancipated
  • loyuvratxwat = emancipated slave
  • loyuvser = to loosen
  • loyuvxen = deliverance, delivery, loosing
  • loyuvxer = to deliver, to loosen, to unloose, to unloosen
  • loyuvxwa = loosed, loosened up
  • loyuxlutxen = manumission
  • loyuxlutxer = to manumit
  • loyuzbaren = decompression
  • loyuzbarer = to decompress
  • loyuzbarwa = decompressed
  • loyuzunyanxen = unchaining
  • loyuzunyanxer = to unchain
  • loyuzunyanxwa = unchained
  • loyuzyuben = uncoiling, unraveling
  • loyuzyuber = to uncoil, to unravel
  • loyuzyubwa = uncoiled, unraveled
  • loyuzyuper = to unravel

lozeb -- luvobyena

  • lozeb = disequilibrium
  • lozeber = to throw off balance
  • lozebwa = off kilter, thrown off balance
  • lozebxea = destabilizing
  • lozebxen = destabilization
  • lozebxer = to destabilize
  • lozebxwa = destabilized
  • lozemulxen = de-nuclearization
  • lozemulxer = to de-nuclearize
  • lozemulxwa = de-nuclearized, denuclearize
  • lozenben = de-concentration
  • lozenber = to de-concentrate
  • lozenbwa = de-concentrated
  • lozenxen = decentralization
  • lozenxer = to decentralize
  • lozenxwa = decentralized
  • lozepa = instable, precarious
  • lozepan = instability, precariousness
  • lozepay = instably, precariously
  • lozeptepa = mentally unstable
  • lozeptepan = mental instability
  • lozepxea = destabilizing
  • lozepxen = destabilation
  • lozepxer = to destabilize
  • lozepxwa = destabilized
  • lozexen = decentralization
  • lozexer = to decentralize
  • lozexwa = decentralized
  • lozeyber = to uncross
  • lozeypa = precarious
  • lozeypan = precariousness
  • lozeypay = precariously
  • lozyabuwa = undistributed
  • lozyamerxen = de-globalization
  • lozyamerxer = to de-globalize
  • lozyamerxwa = de-globalized
  • lozyemana = opaque
  • lozyemanan = opacity
  • lozyosea = slackening
  • lozyosen = slackening, slacking
  • lozyoxer = to slacken, to unshrink
  • lozyoxwa = slack, slackened, unshrunken
  • lozyoxwan = slackness
  • lozyoxway = slackly
  • lozyuben = unrolling
  • lozyuber = to unroll
  • lozyubrawa = unraveled
  • lozyubren = unraveling
  • lozyubrer = to unravel
  • lozyubwa = unrolled
  • lozyukarer = to unreel, to unspool
  • lozyupea = unrolling
  • lozyuper = to unroll
  • lozyuunagber = to dethrone
  • lozyuyker = to unreel, to unspool
  • lozyuyuzben = uncoiling, unrolling
  • lozyuyuzber = to uncoil, to unroll
  • lozyuyuzbwa = uncoiled, unrolled
  • luau = luau
  • lufa = loofah
  • lufab = grapefruit tree
  • lufeb = grapefruit
  • lufel = grapefruit juice
  • Luged = Ganda
  • Lugedaler = to speak Ganda
  • Lugedalut = Ganda speaker
  • Lugeder = to say in Ganda
  • luvebyena = carroty
  • luvel = carrot juice
  • luvelvolz = carotene
  • luvelza = carrot orange
  • luvoayan = reediness
  • luvob drilar = reed pen
  • luvob = reed, thatch
  • luvobaya = reedy
  • luvoben = thatching
  • luvober = to thatch
  • luvobika = reedy
  • luvobwa = thatched
  • luvobyena = reedy

luvoikan -- lyuvol

  • luvoikan = reediness
  • luvokeil = carrot soup
  • luvol = carrot
  • Luxud = Luxembourgish
  • Luxudaler = to speak Luxembourgish
  • Luxudalut = Luxembourgish speaker
  • Luxuder = to say in Luxembourgish
  • Luxum = Luxembourg
  • Luxuma = Luxembourgeois
  • Luxumat = Luxembourger, inhabitant of Luxembourg
  • luyepet = hairless dog
  • luyfab = shaddock
  • luyfeb = pomelo, shaddock
  • lyafab = mango tree
  • lyafeb = cantaloupe, mango
  • lyafel = mango juice
  • lyavol = artichoke
  • lyevol = rutabaga
  • lyeyepet = English toy spaniel
  • lyivol = parsnip
  • lyiyepet = Pekingese
  • lyodot = barbarian
  • lyodota = barbarian, barbarous
  • lyodotan = barbarity, barbarousness
  • lyodotin = barbarianism, barbarism
  • lyofab = lime tree, linden tree
  • lyofayb = guava
  • lyofeb = lime, pomelo
  • lyofebaya = limey, limy
  • lyofebika = limey, limy
  • lyofebmagxer = to calcine
  • lyofebmagxwas = calcine
  • lyofebyena = limey, limy
  • lyofeel = limeade
  • lyofeyb = guava
  • lyofulza = lime green
  • lyofulzayna = bright lime green
  • lyofulzoyna = dark lime green
  • lyovol = turnip
  • lyoyepet = Tiebetan breed dog
  • lyuvol = parsnip, taro